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2021-02-14 05:45 28663943 Anonymous Anyone else here get rid of people? (1611737377449.png 557x589 46kB)
Ever since I started investing a year ago i've been getting rid of people in my life who I realized have a scarcity mentality or just follow whatever is considered good by mainstream standards. That and they are just financially retarded which infuriates me to no end. Keep telling a dude I used to be friends with about investing in crypto. While ive made massive gains he just says im lucky or that they can't afford to do that. bro just put in 1k, it's worth it >nono, I like to play it safe, ill keep it in my saving account. thats fine, why don't we set you up with a webroker and we can put that money into some safe boomer etfs? >noo I like to have it there for when I need it, its fine in a tfsa, I earn some interest on it. I don't have the same income you do to invest. This coming from the faggot who is willing to pay 50% of his income on rent, only go to the expensive grocery stores and never looks for deals, buys brand new apple shit, and just started those foodbox programs that cost over 100$ a month. >Yea well I like good quality stuff, and I like to take care of myself. Then goes on to complain how unfair life is and how difficult it is to save for anything. Blames billionaires for causing his poverty. Fuck this shit, and fuck these people. ID rather be alone than deal another day with this poorfag mentality.

3 min later 28664100 Anonymous
>>28663943 based. I am in the process of doing the same

4 min later 28664176 Anonymous (BCDB648F-5347-4256-8400-2EF0F10EC0B2.jpg 238x250 16kB)
>>28663943 Yeah I only associate with people who have big goals and are working towards them. I had to cut out most old friends and replace them with new ones because when you get successful and they stay shit, they will become haters. Best thing to do is keep achieving more and let your success be known, at worst it drives your haters crazy at best it makes them improve themselves.

5 min later 28664221 Anonymous
>>28663943 kek, have more stories anon? i keep telling a poorfag fren of mine that if he didn't buy the macbook he would have had 20k from buying parsiq he literally had 50 bucks in crypto and wants to pull them out, now it's 200 or some shit

7 min later 28664343 Anonymous
>>28664176 how do you get new friends as an adult? i only have 2 friends and i met one when i was in kindergarden and the other in the third grade. they're both retards now and one of them is a libtard satanist but i dont have anyone else to talk to

7 min later 28664348 Anonymous
>>28664176 Tbh i don't even care if what they strive for does not provide much profit or any. Just those who don't blame everyone for the issues in their life and see abundance in their time.

9 min later 28664493 Anonymous
>>28664221 Lmao same friend I tried to convince him that he does not need a macbook or apple to do his music editing shit and he gives me this complete fucking lie that "Apple is the standard and it is how you get the best quality". I know a dude who could build him a computer dedicated for producing music that would cost a fraction of the cost of his shitbook. Ffs you can get same quality or better quality stuff for cheaper.

10 min later 28664526 Anonymous
>>28663943 why do you care what other people do financially though? it’s unbased to blame others and complain but at the same time you move outside the normie sphere and without them looking into it they just think you’re into niche shit and are letting you be.

12 min later 28664610 Anonymous
>>28663943 Based...I did get rid of almost all people, I'm done of listening to their BS and "crying" that everything is rigged against them.(wage-cuck mentality) I invested all that wasted time with them to myself, and it paid off, going from 4 figs net worth to soon hitting 7 figs, it took me roughly 1-2 years. Everything I do is focused around me, and I don't wage-cuck anymore ;)

12 min later 28664622 Anonymous
>>28664343 Not easy dude, my only friend is my gf who has given me a loan when I needed it and never cared if I made money or was dirt poor. Besides that I guess just find an interest and find dudes who enjoy the same. Can be hard considering me be a hardcore libertarian with austrian econ beliefs is so contrast to what most believe in.

12 min later 28664643 Anonymous
>>28664343 That's 2 more than me Ever since I started thinking for myself and becoming successful, all these faggot friends just suddenly decided to ignore me. Oh well! https://youtu.be/yaWhikqH6RU

13 min later 28664667 Anonymous
>>28663943 I wouldn't say I've gotten rid of people, but I have noticed I've started ghosting a few people in my life that aren't the most positive people. I mean, if out of the blue, one of them wants to hang out, I will, but I'll find excuses to keep it brief if they start to be a drag on my mood. One thing I will never do is tell anyone I know about my cryptos and other investments. If I reach "make it" levels, I'm going to try to be low key about it, but anyone coming to me with their hands out are going to get dropped like a bad habit.

14 min later 28664779 Anonymous
>>28664493 my guy said he needed the macbook for work when i told him he could he a gaming pc with not even half the money i was seething on /g/ and people said "he needs to work stop trying to get him to play games he wants to build a business" 7 month later he didn't even install photoshop or whatever he needs keeps telling me to crack it for him but just say "it's a mac i can't do anything" now he thinks about buying a pc because he keeps seeing me and a buddy play normies are not human anon..

15 min later 28664785 Anonymous
>>28664526 Because they use their beliefs and poor financial understanding to change policies, laws, and dictate what others can do. my friends suffer needlessly and continue to tell me about it. Wtf do I do? tell them there there? na man, i tell them how to get out. If your someone who is passionate about fitness and you see your good friends are fuck fucks who complain about heart issues why the fuck would you not want to help them by telling them the truth and offering to help?

15 min later 28664792 Anonymous
>>28663943 you do need a social circle anon so i wouldnt write people off completely. instead, focus on your principles and priorities in life and put those first when it comes to relationships with other people. and dont expect each one of them to line up with every single one of your beliefs. you may find someone who shares your same views on the importance of being smart with money but may like shitty movies or something. and thats okay, different people in our lives serve different purposes. just keep looking, you cant be a solitary loner with just us autists to keep you company.

16 min later 28664850 Anonymous
>>28663943 So what happens when crypto crashes and you dont sell and you go back to being a poorfag and all the other poorfags hate you for being a bridge burning faggot?

16 min later 28664903 Anonymous
>>28664779 Fucking idiots that don't understand a gaming PC will run any business app or production software like a champ. I hate normies so much some times.

17 min later 28664942 Anonymous
>>28664622 How'd you manage to get a gf with no friends? How old are you? I have few friends and feel any girl will just lose interest in me when they find out I'm not a high status social butterfly with tons of ''friends''.

18 min later 28664982 Anonymous (pasta13.png 1759x478 177kB)

18 min later 28664987 Anonymous (E8887FDF-F359-48E9-BFC6-060053829789.jpg 828x564 348kB)
>>28664343 Hobbies, sports,networking events, men’s self improvement groups, social media(huge, good IG is the new business card) etc For example: MMA gym, car shows, private parties, concerts. Un ironically a pickup artist group because cold approaching women sharpens up your social skills and confidence like nothing else. Have a very small circle of real friends but aim for an abundance of positive people you can do fun shit with and just keep them at a surface level. >>28664348 Man thing is 99% of people are this way, If you are born in America and complain about money you are a loser. Im an immigrant and on my way to own my first franchise and ive been broke having to sell my clothes. The system is designed to take you to the top if you surround yourself with the right people and are not stupid with your finances.

18 min later 28665028 Anonymous
>>28664982 tl;dr

19 min later 28665062 Anonymous
>>28664792 True but why would he fill it with people he find negative in my life. I feel better without these people, and im not against making new friends. Just means now i have the room for others that i click with better.

19 min later 28665087 Anonymous
>>28665028 checked.

19 min later 28665096 Anonymous
>>28664903 told him this and then he said "alright but i need something portable" kek those people always have a cope up their sleeves

20 min later 28665112 Anonymous
>>28664942 >and feel any girl will just lose interest in me when they find out stop self defeating yourself from trying nigger.

20 min later 28665136 Anonymous
>>28665028 1 satoshi = $1,000,000

21 min later 28665202 Anonymous
>>28665096 Lmao a fucking lenovo thinkpad will do fine. Wtf does he plan on doing? Goig to the coffee shop to look good?

22 min later 28665225 Anonymous
>>28664792 Good advice

23 min later 28665291 Anonymous
>>28665112 I don't care enough to try really. But that's what I think has happened. Any time I've talked to a girl and almost had it go somewhere she finds out I'm a loser and my life is boring compared to high status social butterfly normie types that are constantly doing shit.

24 min later 28665350 Anonymous
>>28665136 Yeah i remember some of you said that 3 years ago when you bought near the top and lost all your money. I saw similar threads gloating about your poorfag friends too. Wonder what happened when those guys lost 90 percent of your money on XRP? Im sure their friends were happy to take them back into the fold. You guys will surely learn a hard lesson about life if regularly act like this around your social circles and families

25 min later 28665405 Anonymous
>>28663943 ive done the same thing. become a huge asshole and cut everyone out. no one listened to me about link, and they are all salty now anyways.

25 min later 28665420 Anonymous
>>28664942 Im 26, i am good looking and I got very lucky I met this girl through tinder. She saw how much I loved my cat and gave me her number. She likes me because I am not afraid of speaking my mind, that i go out of my way to help people and that I enjoy everything I do no matter how shitty. I still work as a psw and I love it lol.

27 min later 28665544 Anonymous
>>28665291 You need to understand that high status social butterfly people are usually not created in vacuums.yes there’s exceptions but for most people Its a journey takes time and dedication that normies can’t put in because they are comfortable waging and enjoying small dopamine hits. Oh and your normie circles will hate you for your success because it holds a mirror up to their mediocrity. You only have this life and you can die any moment, fuck it have huge goals and find out what you have to do and who you have to network with to get to them

27 min later 28665550 Anonymous
>>28665405 Still like to help people though, but i strickly follow that mantra of teaching others rather than just giving handouts. Ill spend hours and hours teaching someone blockchain or how to use a webroker to help them invest money.

28 min later 28665599 Anonymous (1607145854889.png 900x675 351kB)
I live with my brother and another roommate and they both make me want to kill myself. My brother's a retard that works at a Dollar General as a manager that only makes $13 an hour doing part time 6 days a week, and the other roommate is a bitter faggot that hates himself and constantly lashes out at everyone else and does nothing but talk in an angry monotone voice while belittling or ignoring me whenever I try saying anything to them. I want to move the fuck out of here and leave these faggots in the dust, but my brother's such a retard that he is still in debt from credit cards and doesn't have a license so I can't even leave his sorry ass or else he'd die. I keep telling him to get a license and he'll just say "bruh the DMV still hasn't gotten back to me" but he will ignore me or get pissy whenever I just tell him to fucking call them. I'm tired of having my home life just be a chore. I want to be able to leave my room and not grimace because some angsty faggot is moping in the living room stewing in his own self-hatred. I feel like a disappointed dad dealing with his two dogshit children, except I'm the youngest one here by years.

29 min later 28665654 Anonymous
>>28665420 Zoomer that recently turned 20 here. Must be the girls my age then. I hope it gets better but I somehow doubt the girls in my generation will ever mature. Just gotta find a unicorn like you then

30 min later 28665701 Anonymous
>>28665291 Your not a loser anon, the only person who can make you a loser is yourself. As cliche as it sounds, when you realize how actually retarded most people are, (especially those who believe they know best due to their education or position) the less you start caring what others think and just listen to what you believe to be best.

30 min later 28665718 Anonymous
>>28665550 Teaching someone how to fish instead of giving them fish is definitely the right approach but realize “you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink” applies to them too. Also Just saying if you help with for free they wont value your information, normies are just like that even if you could change their lives for the better

33 min later 28665842 Anonymous
>>28665544 I kind of noticed this, even without the money. The crypto hustle is a more recent thing for me but ever since the start of last year when I started pushing myself toward a certain goal that I have in life some people I thought were friends started to become haters.

33 min later 28665847 Anonymous
>>28665654 Honestly brother it's hard, the girl im seeing is dealing with mental illness herself brought on by a fucked up childhood. But she is so self aware of it and of what she wants in life it makes it worth it. Most girls today are a littlefucked, most have that scarcity mentality. MY suggestion is to just do some hobbies and wait until you are older, snag the best 20 something girl you can find that you know will make you happy

35 min later 28665966 Anonymous
>>28665718 True, i suppose i have to let people figure this shit out on their own and just be there for them when they are ready. Guess a part of me knows i won't be apart of their life if they don't see it. Hard to let go man.

35 min later 28665973 Anonymous (1538792880117.webm 1280x720 2965kB)
>>28663943 Scarcity mentality and victim mentalities. I can't stand hardly anyone. If I wasn't a crypto NEET for 5 years I would've necked myself by now. My life is great now, all I do is play vidya, go to the gym, try different combinations of drugs I bought off the dark web. All I have for human interaction is a roommate I never talk to, a cute fuckbuddy I barely talk to 2x a month, and go to a family gathering 1-2x a year. Perfect. Listen to some Law of Attraction speakers like Abraham Hicks, Darryl Anka, Tony Robbins, or Joel Osteen as some mind bleach to get your depressing friends off of your mind.

37 min later 28666112 Anonymous
>>28665847 >>28665654 i wouldnt wait until you're older. that's what i did and now im 29 and all the girls my age have fucked like 10 dudes by now while i didnt do anything and waited to meet the right person. try to find a nice girl as soon as possible would be my advice

40 min later 28666234 Anonymous
>finished uni a few years ago >been meaning to purge facebook ever since because I don't care about randoms >never talk to these people, will never see 90% of them again >stop every time I'm about to purge because I'm a nostalgic bitch, even if they're complete randoms who I talked to twice over the entire course of the degree How do I stop being such a bitch? I want to go full minimalist and only focus on my gains

40 min later 28666249 Anonymous
>>28665842 You’re climbing a mountain anon, every now and then you’ll hear echoes from people below you that you can’t make it, but along the way you will find many people trying to get to the summit too, some further along than you who will help you on your way to the top. winners recognize winners, they don’t have the poverty mindset that makes losers crab.

40 min later 28666268 Anonymous
>>28665847 I have a hobby that I like (that isn't just vidya) and honestly I really don't even care enough to chase women. After finally losing my virginity and getting my heart broken the first time I really just feel so apathetic towards it. There's so many other people out there so why the fuck would anyone want to be with me anyway? I've got other shit to focus on

41 min later 28666315 Anonymous
>>28664785 Yeah this is the big one for me. I can't believe I have the same amount of votes as these people

42 min later 28666351 Anonymous
>>28664493 i’ve been making music for a decade and i’ve never touched a macbook. tell him to get a gaming laptop for 700 bucks and use the leftover money for the million hardware and software purchases he will inevitably be making as a DIY artist

45 min later 28666517 Anonymous
>>28665701 I'm definitely pretty disillusioned with other people already. I'm fine with myself but still feel like normies judge me as a loser. I know you found yourself a good one but it's definitely a pretty widely known thing that women see not having friends as a massive red flag.

53 min later 28667014 Anonymous
>>28666517 Never really did have friends dude, this happened before I met this girl. People think not having friends is not out of choice but out of something wrong with you. Nothing wrong with you anon, maybe you just don't like most people. Maybe your tired of having superficial relationships with neolib cucks. Let them judge you, let them wonder why that dude they think is a loser has 10x their networth who can at least express who he is rather than fitting in the box of approved personality society dictates.

1 hours later 28667707 Anonymous
>>28663943 I broke up with my girlfriend because she showed no excitement for the last year. Fuck all that. I'd rather be by myself for now. API3, take me to the woods.

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