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2021-02-14 01:14 28646511 Anonymous 34.22 (sweat.jpg 218x218 8kB)
Bros... do I take profits...
got a 14k stack that I bought for 6000$
it's now worth half a million
The drop from 20$ to 7$ was extremely painful but I held through it. But this is life-changing money. Together with my other crypto and stocks I'm stilling at 800,00$ net worth.
I don't know what to do. Who else is in this spot, what do you think the play is....
1 min later 28646571 Anonymous
I don't think it's gonna crash bruh
1 min later 28646595 Anonymous
If you need the money go for it
1 min later 28646613 Anonymous
If you feel this way then sell.
If you want financial freedom keep buying.
1 min later 28646628 Anonymous
Just take the money you retard and then diversify your investment afterwards
2 min later 28646654 Anonymous
what would you do with that money then?
just let it sit around?
i'd probably use a part of it to diversify to reduce risk or buy apartment / house
but i'd definitly keep a decent stack
3 min later 28646747 Anonymous
Hold it. If the market crashes (You'll know) and LINK is above 30, sell. Otherwise continue hodling. We may hit 40 bux this month. Some other anon cashed out a million neetbux of chainlink the other day. Hands are getting weak, our brothers are falling off the rocket, but with golden parachutes.
Do you jump off and land on Tahiti beach or do you cling for the chance of a 100usd LINK? Choices. Choices, choices, choices.
3 min later 28646781 Anonymous
You don’t need half a million to have a fantastic year. Rip out 1/4 have a little fun with it then when the year is up you can decide what to do with your millions
4 min later 28646818 Anonymous
ur delusional if u think link ISNT going to at least 100$ this year.
i bought in late at 10$ like a tard and my only regret is not buying more
5 min later 28646893 Anonymous
Sell some, keep some. It's always a good idea to liquidate some, but not all, of your position. You might lose out on some profits but its a worthwhile exchange if the value crashes hard. Sell at least enough to cover your initial buy in
5 min later 28646907 Anonymous
Take some gains out of it and keep the rest
Dont gamble it all now that you made it
6 min later 28646962 Anonymous
you could sell 4000 LINK, enjoy your gains, then hold on to a 10K suicide stack
6 min later 28646984 Anonymous (download (3).jpg 474x223 9kB)
>You have ONE job, you pull profits
7 min later 28647004 Anonymous
Sell half to usdt than cash out half of your usdt and the other half keep it for big dips , than wait another big bull run and cash everything out
7 min later 28647049 Anonymous
I bought in 15 cents. I've only got 10k link but it's life changing. Keep your practicality pants on though, we all thought crypto was going to keep mooning in 2018, had to wait two years through the shitposting and butthurt to get back to a chance. Just be cautious, or your money will be sitting in LINK for another two years before you can see a new ATH. My friend sold his XRP at a 2.4, got out and was happy for the last few years and recently bought back in. I hodled through the shit, it wasn't really worth it.
8 min later 28647089 Anonymous (1607840875467.jpg 945x825 145kB)
8 min later 28647132 Anonymous
Just take out like $30k, consider this your yearly salary and live off that
9 min later 28647159 Anonymous
Man up you pussy, my stack just passed $6mil & I'm not selling anything until at least $200, may be more. Unless it's life or death, you don't need the money that badly now. Just wait
9 min later 28647172 Anonymous
Take enough to pay all debts or for a house downpayment in a year when we are finally starting to recover from the capitulation
10 min later 28647233 Anonymous
cash out now and enjoy gains. Buy back in after the crash.
10 min later 28647295 Anonymous
Cash out some or all of it, consider rebuying if it drops. Despite all the didn't read never selling shit, there is nothing wrong with taking profits.
11 min later 28647352 Anonymous
12 min later 28647370 Anonymous
arguably the 6mm crash to 1MM crash is better than 600k to 100k
13 min later 28647448 Anonymous
leave a 4k moonbag
13 min later 28647460 Anonymous
It's gonna go back up dufus. Are we still at $7?
14 min later 28647527 Anonymous (Linkies_Awake1.png 1690x2490 3856kB)
18 min later 28647785 Anonymous
Sell 1000 if you feel so conflicted
19 min later 28647826 Anonymous
Sell half retard
19 min later 28647838 Anonymous
- take what you need
- diversify
- control some with layers stop losses
- Hodlestake the rest
Have fun staying richer.
20 min later 28647933 Anonymous
At least use it as collateral for loans to get in on this market. With like 4k linkies you can borrow with a very comfortable margin and get some
21 min later 28647994 Anonymous
if you stacked all 14,000 LINKies would it touch the moon?
then don't sell.
24 min later 28648152 Anonymous (1613134587577.jpg 743x800 264kB)
Just sell 10%. I put a stop for 10% of mine at 30 and covers my whole. Basis plus a tidy sum and now. I'm cometelt content for crash or continuation.
24 min later 28648179 Anonymous
I wouldn't get anything out before steaking. Thats like selling before mainnet.
25 min later 28648295 Anonymous
If you're so fucking scared cash out and reinvest into safe ETF's and Index funds.
By the time you're ready to retire that nest egg will be massive.
26 min later 28648368 Anonymous
sell if you don't want to be a millionaire you lucky fish you got loads hodl the price easily going to 100 dollars this year I would bet a finger on it
29 min later 28648538 Anonymous
That noise though, end goal is you know it gonna keep rising if chainlink team fufills their destiny. At that point who cares if you didn’t time it perfectly.
29 min later 28648543 Anonymous
Don't worry. 100% of the market is diamond handed and none of the other holders would even consider taking profits before you.
32 min later 28648743 Anonymous
Just sell half?
34 min later 28648929 Anonymous
Don't fall these fags. Take out 400k and live your life...
35 min later 28648993 Anonymous
well, i have 30.5k link and i intend to sell 0.
37 min later 28649172 Anonymous
I don't understand these posts telling OP to sell a bunch without saying where to re-deploy the capital. You never hold a big stack of straight fiat. That's been true since we left the gold standard. I don't like having all of my eggs in one basket, either. If you feel you're overweight LINK, then I'd say to wait until the upward momemtum breaks on the weekly candle chart and then re-balance into other investments.
38 min later 28649242 Anonymous
sell this shit and say bye to sirgay forever
42 min later 28649559 Anonymous
excactly fiat are a token in themselves there a stable coin that's not actually stable with buying power
51 min later 28650257 Anonymous
1. We might not get staking this year
2. Every project dumped upon mainet
54 min later 28650474 Anonymous
what happens if sergey dies in a freak accident tomorrow? serious question
55 min later 28650536 Anonymous
Hold it
57 min later 28650667 Anonymous
Take the profits now you fucking retard
1 hours later 28651385 Anonymous
It's only life changing money if you pull tf back. You haven't made anything until you sell
1 hours later 28651990 Anonymous
$100 lulz
1 hours later 28652182 Anonymous
just set your stop loss limits so if it does crash, you dont lose everything
1 hours later 28652255 Anonymous
I would sell, deal with whatever immediate concerns you have in life, then diversify.
1 hours later 28652448 Anonymous
I have significantly more than you and I'm not selling. The fact you're even thinking about it right now tells me you should just sell and get it over with, because you're going to fold eventually and it'll always be too soon.
1 hours later 28652478 Anonymous
>But this is life-changing money. Together with my other crypto and stocks I'm stilling at 800,00$ net worth.
define life changing. that's enough to buy a house/apartment but you would still be required to wagecuck to maintain that lifestyle. I wouldn't sell until staking is released. do with your other coins what you want, but don't touch link. I'm in a similar position as you but I have a work contract that pays relatively well until december so I'm can deal with wagecucking until then
1 hours later 28652593 Anonymous
First, congrats man. Second, the point of making money is to enjoy it. If you're uncomfortable with all your money not being used then withdraw accordingly. Maybe like take half of it for you and leave the rest on crypto for future profits. You can't let greed blocks your way yo happiness.
1 hours later 28652770 Anonymous (Feels sad man.gif 640x640 423kB)
>I only have 519 LINK
1 hours later 28653839 Anonymous
This is the correct answer. Take out as much as you need to forget the part that you left in for while and come back to millions.
1 hours later 28653934 Anonymous (1612157758333.jpg 264x396 37kB)
>have ya' paid the 50% tax on your half a milly son?
1 hours later 28654068 Anonymous
Sell enough to buy a 50% down for a house hodl the rest
1 hours later 28654208 Anonymous
Just sell 4k and ride the rest. Treat yourself. Grats anon
2 hours later 28654837 Anonymous
This. Sell 4k and start using that money to consoom if you want to. If link moons you still got 10k. If we crash you can rebuy your 4k stack and keep the change.
2 hours later 28654894 Anonymous (4C122A97-86A5-48EB-8FC9-783E2F7FE9BF.gif 200x200 104kB)
I wouldn’t worry about it
2 hours later 28654944 Anonymous
Scale out of it like any investment. Take something you'll like having now (say, $140k, which after taxes might be $100k) then let the rest ride?
This isn't all or nothing
2 hours later 28654953 Anonymous
quit being such a gay bitch and hodl , you’re not even a millionaire yet
2 hours later 28655054 Anonymous
2 hours later 28655067 Anonymous
>life changing money
do you by chace live in a third world country? serious question
2 hours later 28655181 Anonymous
$100k is enough to not worry about losing a wagie job and allows you to make more risky moves with your career
2 hours later 28655228 Anonymous (1608850679393s.jpg 243x250 8kB)
This level of optimism makes me hard
2 hours later 28655255 Anonymous
Did you also buy GME at the peak?
2 hours later 28655371 Anonymous
yes you always take profits mong. learning to take profits is the difference between making it and not making it. if you are shy and fearing missing out just cash out half your stack and keep the other half for a potential moon shot
2 hours later 28655559 Anonymous
to be honest with $500k you can buy enough properties to love off of passive income, you'd easily get 5-10% ROI on that so it's at least 2k/month after taxes
if you own a house/apartment and don't pay rent that's pretty comfy even in jew york
2 hours later 28655681 Anonymous (ChillPNG.png 1482x731 70kB)
No, dude. there is more let in the tank. Go take a walk. There is way more left here. All dips will be bought and we are heading up. You will be fine. that stack will be closer to or over a million before the move is done. Might not go straight up, or go very fast, but this chart is correct. Chill fren.
1.548 0.108