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2021-02-13 07:41 28621257 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #701 (1609540610781.png 481x520 33kB)
previously on XSG: >>28604528
Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/stat us/1355212298814693380
>Lawyer Explains:
https://www.youtube.com/c/LegalBrie fs/videos
>Flare/Spark Overview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChM GCtuibsA
>Flare Finance Intro:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7 UN3RboLM
>Flare Finance FAQ:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9R s_DyuAq8
>Flare Finance Website:
>Flare Finance GitHub:
>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XRP Richlist:
https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats#p ercentage
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>Insiders Threads:
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991
>The Myth of Market Cap:
http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2
https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1
https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
0 min later 28621319 Anonymous
2 min later 28621420 Anonymous
In isolation I’d agree.
Looking at the big picture, no.
2 min later 28621450 Anonymous (1612221663910.jpg 1080x1350 465kB)
these nigger ass bags are so heavy.
fucking moon already faggot coin
2 min later 28621453 Anonymous (hodl.png 311x306 16kB)
3 min later 28621544 Anonymous (oooooooo.jpg 680x780 42kB)
4 min later 28621574 Anonymous
The quality of /xsg/ is indirectly correlating with the XRP price (r = -1).
5 min later 28621640 Anonymous (.61stablecoin.png 231x218 6kB)
5 min later 28621647 Anonymous
I think we're going to know if this is hit or miss by the end of the year. Maybe even summer.
5 min later 28621654 Anonymous
$6 on monday.
5 min later 28621675 Anonymous
6 min later 28621720 Anonymous
So guys what's happening on Monday, are we ready to go to $3?
6 min later 28621734 Anonymous (For Posting On The 13th of February.png 501x156 57kB)
Well, well, well, prophecyfag. Will you look at the date? Will you look at the date.
7 min later 28621780 Anonymous
We shall see, but we must hold. 35k lads. Don't forget it.
7 min later 28621785 Anonymous
says these digits
7 min later 28621788 Anonymous
He has fucking glasses why is he looking at cereal so close?
7 min later 28621819 Anonymous (C55938E6-9A28-4EC6-8473-744780871699.jpg 211x239 17kB)
No more larpers or meme dates, niggers
8 min later 28621834 Anonymous
Well well well. FUD squad in full force today, I see. Bet they sold the dip at 58c kek.
8 min later 28621840 Anonymous (.62stablecoin.png 221x208 14kB)
8 min later 28621844 Anonymous
didn't the patent get awarded yesterday?
8 min later 28621863 Anonymous (2343213423421.jpg 480x360 13kB)
Nice file name cynical faggot
10 min later 28621960 Anonymous (tumblr_nlj1z4Fban1qbzoizo1_540.jpg 512x332 19kB)
wow you sure showed that random anon from 2 weeks ago
10 min later 28621962 Anonymous (234235252.gif 500x246 2027kB)
10 min later 28621964 Anonymous (Capture.png 623x967 123kB)
We should be hanging them whenever they show up, but needy """skitzos""" keep crying for their shit, false hopium.
Is the switch flipped? Let's check the price. Nope. No switch. No goalposts, faggeti.
Fuck larpers, fuck prophcyfags, fuck memedaters.
10 min later 28621988 Anonymous
Funny, that girl in reality is like a 4/10 with tattoos and degeneracy
10 min later 28622005 Anonymous
Don't care, still holding.
10 min later 28622024 Anonymous (1612375332910.jpg 640x960 63kB)
imma get a partner like this post moon.
11 min later 28622059 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-055103_Gallery.jpg 694x322 94kB)
12 min later 28622154 Anonymous
Can't see anything else when that 10/10 ass is sitting on your face
12 min later 28622161 Anonymous
yeah but technically isn't the patent basically the switch. guarantees that the blockchain for U.S. banks, derivatives, stocks, the housing market, etc. for 17 years is on the XRPL and any country that wants to trade with the U.S. will also be there.
12 min later 28622172 Anonymous
The SEC knows the true potential and value of xrp. You know pyramid schemes, they market aggressively and everyone joins in because all who join can only benefit from recruiting more people. The true potential of xrp cannot be made known to all while its so cheap. Xrp is a threat to the elite while its so cheap. The elite are filling up their bags. Once xrp reaches its true value, the elite smile. If everyone bought xrp at these prices, come the time when xrp reaches its true value the elite won’t be so elite anymore. It’s all about money and power. They don’t care about the other coins because they know they are not as valuable as xrp. The government will try and shut anything down which the and the elite cannot benefit from. Keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Some may cry conspiracy but look at the world we live in today. Ripple and the xrp army will continue to fight. I will say this : if you are scared or feel xrp won’t get anywhere then sell. Diversion and scare tactics. Distractions. Keep focused. Keep strong.
13 min later 28622228 Anonymous
Sorry FUD squad, never selling. I bought this shit at 10c.
13 min later 28622245 Anonymous (1612990267172s.jpg 218x228 5kB)
thats a man
14 min later 28622279 Anonymous
>yeah, but goalposts
14 min later 28622313 Anonymous
SEC lawsuit is gonna be settled, reason why FUD squad is out today.
14 min later 28622318 Anonymous
14 min later 28622322 Anonymous (46574356465123lg.jpg 573x531 25kB)
>He knows
14 min later 28622327 Anonymous
He just said no goalposting and I’m inclined to agree, if that was “flip switch”, we all might as well sell at $2-3
15 min later 28622347 Anonymous (4D834D42-A2B0-4A90-8F15-80B2A058C116.jpg 250x250 6kB)
Look, Feds just flipped the switch (flipped, flipped)
I don't know no other token doin this
Bitcoin bout to drop (ayy, hit the floor)
Now they wanna hold me since I hit the top
Ain't no shitcoin, this a topstock, shit don't ever stop
This the bag that got the shills hot, shills get super hot
Give me my rocket (give me my rocket)
Took a moontrip like I'm Boba Fett
Bitch, I move through borders off of Ripplenet
Secured IMF and I ain't break a sweat
Priced you out, I'm gone (Outta there, I'm gone)
How it go from 30 cents to 2k, I held on
Holdin on my bags (holdin on my bags)
Linkies postin FUD because they scared to back
Got these linkies shook ayy (got these linkies shook)
Put the world on blockchain, cases by the book, ayy
I'm a big dealer, I got 4 figures
I got DeFi but I'm still a bank killa
I'm a swing thriller, I'm a big winner
I'm a schizo-ass iron hand coin shiller
Something wrong with em, blocked me on twitter
I'm a bill printer, season Gorilla
So it goes how it goes
I ain't got no more to explain if you know, then you know
15 min later 28622363 Anonymous (1610274025387.jpg 750x834 268kB)
well if they wear latex and look like that idc
15 min later 28622364 Anonymous (CSb0YhN6.png 512x512 450kB)
Hey guys
Chris Larsen here
Just hold
We got this
15 min later 28622394 Anonymous
Do people keep parroting this bc of that lawyer’s video?
16 min later 28622415 Anonymous (1610885355754.gif 600x375 3282kB)
desu if it hit $35 i'd be over the moon. even $3.50 would be life-changing for me at this point. idk where this $35k number is coming from (that guy's video didn't strike me as particularly persuasive) but the way all the twitter personalities jumped on it and now it's in /xsg/ seems dumb and fake. a jump to ATH or above following news about the SEC suit in the next week or two seems possible though.
16 min later 28622426 Anonymous (D9DDEB33-0A25-4C8E-A125-375BB6384B8A.png 1002x1503 3098kB)
Brad G took the business and ran it for me
I let David take the blockchain, said 'unjam it for me'
Gave a mil to all the holders in my category
I'm the best thing out, call me The Standard homie
(New standard out here)
Paid, then got paid again
SWIFT had a moment but it came and went
(They don't love you no more)
You don't wanna pay with them
They wont try to settle till like 8am
Holdin PNK until they can afford a Link
XRP bros cut em in on anything
And you know bout Babacugs Schizo, damn
He just dropped a hint, I hit the retweet, damn
Either hand is the upper hand
Got Bearableguy123s instagram
This shit ain't for paper hands
Timeline look like cryptograms
Plans so big, more like prophecies, for real
They been FUDing me but I'm resiliant, for real
Hold my bags in public. Future millions, for real
And I trust the plan, we saving children, for reaaaaaaal
And don't think I'll take it back
Money for my patience, man that hardly break my back
Trezor wallet beta signs off everything I track
Holdin all the profit, man I'm never payin tax
A big part of me relax
Everytime the market crash I reup on my racks
I see all the gains the other coins got on they laps
Fuck they chasin trends a nigga like me chasin facts
16 min later 28622435 Anonymous
Pure Schizo
17 min later 28622491 Anonymous
it's subtle, that ain't goalposting. im just saying hell of a coincidence that Ripple get's that patent that locks them in for 17 years of being the only ODL that banks can use.
17 min later 28622493 Anonymous
18 min later 28622578 Anonymous
Most likely yes, I mean I think he knows better about lawsuits than the average joe...Unless you're sleeping with the SEC chairman or Brad, no one really knows wtf is happening lol, its all speculation at this point
18 min later 28622612 Anonymous
19 min later 28622661 Anonymous
Does anybody know if my funds are save when I escrow them? Or can something happen where I could lose my money?
20 min later 28622704 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-115548.png 720x1440 220kB)
>he sold
20 min later 28622707 Anonymous
Nah, some people just know information other people don't know but won't share. Such is life.
20 min later 28622738 Anonymous
makes no sense lad why would the sec sue xrp if they want retail out? if they 'know' the true potential for xrp, then they would 'know' that their claims are fruitless about xrp being a security. why would they make a lawsuit knowing they are going to lose and just throw xrp into the headlines for everyone to pack their bags. they would have been better doing nothing if they wanted few people in as possible
20 min later 28622761 Anonymous (CHAjx4x.jpg 750x1000 73kB)
Need help frens. Can't transfer by IOU, they're going to steal them aren't they? My stack is all on XUMM but would hurt to lose 240 xerps
21 min later 28622785 Anonymous
10/10 post. for me it's the x shaved in his hair
sharpie in pooper for proof
good god man. you're on a roll
21 min later 28622827 Anonymous
Stupid 61 cent stable coin.
21 min later 28622829 Anonymous
cause Jay Clayton wanted to buy in at a cheaper price. that's why he started the suit then dipped the next day lmao.
22 min later 28622890 Anonymous
>for everyone to pack their bags
I dont think you understand, a lot of people sold and the overall sentiment in the Crypto world is "XRP is a shitcoin, centralized scam" sounds like it worked if you ask me, the only ones holding right now are true believers in the tech/company or whatever or smart traders that took the opportunity to buy <0.30. Everyone else is busy flipping alts
22 min later 28622903 Anonymous (Marketcap.png 1428x620 32kB)
If XRP had BTC's marketcap right now, it would be worth $19.20. So if we shoot up to $10-20 we'll surely take #1 as BTC crashes.
23 min later 28622922 Anonymous (1609846220340.jpg 1107x733 955kB)
great chart- it helps me understand things that previously were unclear. you are clearly a professional
25 min later 28623081 Anonymous
It's not about retail, it's about regulatory clarity. Schwartz said that himself. The thing that will keep retail out once it's established is the account base reserve requirement.
26 min later 28623147 Anonymous (1611986855517-1.jpg 1635x932 125kB)
You realize the sec still needs to clarify their shit and US exchanges nees to open up, right? Then Flare needs to open the mainnet and all of these huge financial markets mentioned in the patent will need time to implement this technology. There will most likely be a big surge, but thinking this will max out overnight is naive. This is world changing stuff.
27 min later 28623167 Anonymous
What the fuck does that mean
28 min later 28623237 Anonymous (1609736873160.jpg 1600x861 164kB)
your point is well taken, and i think an initial price target of around $10-20 is likely as ODL gets rolled out, but it's worth remembering that XRP has its sights set much higher than BTC's marketcap:
https://dailyhodl.com/2020/11/07/fi nancial-giant-sbi-to-test-xrp-in-6- 6-trillion-foreign-exchange-market/
cross-border payments/remittances, forex trades, inter-and-intra-bank transfers, Ripple is positioned to make all of these markets faster, cheaper and more secure- and XRP is the key to it all.
meanwhile, Tether has begun printing $1 billion at a time. it's like they know the deadline is approaching and they're trying to get as much out as possible before the door closes.
28 min later 28623243 Anonymous
>$40,000 to open a wallet, sir. Oh, you don't have that? Sorry, sir. Sir?
28 min later 28623253 Anonymous (F837EAC8-D165-4BAB-AE16-181BF471B73E.png 500x395 36kB)
Better get while the getting's good and get ready to dump those bags now ripplefags...
Prices are never gonna be so good for yall.
Your shitcoin is going to zero and the SEC is going to skullfuck its corpse.
Even "Legal Briefs" is dumping his shit.
I did some research on your shitcoin and HOLY FUCK is that the dumbest crypto play right now.
The technology is super drivel as well.
28 min later 28623259 Anonymous
so now that we've established that this will take a minimum of two years to resolve, why are you still holding xrp bags?
29 min later 28623309 Anonymous (amid evil anon darkness.jpg 1920x1080 485kB)
Off topic
What are my schizofrens playing while waiting for moon? I need new single player games. I already completed these in the last few months:
>Amid Evil
I also have Darkwood here, but too spoopy, I'm thinking about downloading Guacameele 2.
29 min later 28623336 Anonymous
>he doesn't SEE
i like that graphic very very much
29 min later 28623337 Anonymous
Who established this
29 min later 28623338 Anonymous
Where was that established at?
29 min later 28623354 Anonymous (1612675714404.jpg 360x354 24kB)
30 min later 28623363 Anonymous
Minecraft, unironically.
30 min later 28623391 Anonymous
escape from tarkov, but it requires too much testosterone to play and we all know xerp niggas aint got the juice
30 min later 28623420 Anonymous
Quit playing video games and go outside
30 min later 28623424 Anonymous
because 2k eoy
30 min later 28623432 Anonymous
I mean the patent sealed the deal and gave us 100% certainty the way i see it.
We already made it schizos
Right? Or am i just overly optimistic
31 min later 28623472 Anonymous
my minecraft account got stolen I have no idea how to retrieve it. Ive sent a password reset email to every single one of my emails and no email sows up. how do i get my minecraft account back????
31 min later 28623492 Anonymous
that is the most piss-poor attempt at manufacturing consensus i have ever seen, good lord man pull yourself together. at least throw a straw man in there or something.
31 min later 28623503 Anonymous (1612915148996.png 600x473 617kB)
Yeah, as soon as we take #1, the path to 4 and 5 digits will be a breeze
32 min later 28623539 Anonymous (AAE4BD55-E8E2-4558-A250-4DDAA499B2B1.jpg 851x813 86kB)
>bideo gaym
32 min later 28623545 Anonymous
>so now that we've established that this will take a minimum of two years to resolve
You're really bad at this, faggot.
34 min later 28623624 Anonymous (Insurgency 2014.jpg 2749x1547 411kB)
I played Insurgency for years, pretty good testosterone game too, but now I want single player games.
I live in a overpopulated concrete jungle, there's nothing to do outside, fuck this gay ass clown world w/ masks and a joke virus anyway.
34 min later 28623636 Anonymous (bobro23.jpg 400x333 71kB)
darn it!
34 min later 28623644 Anonymous
It closed the 4h over a line of support after dipping. Still above the kumo and trending upward overall.
34 min later 28623678 Anonymous
imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it
35 min later 28623693 Anonymous
Hades, Supergiant is based
36 min later 28623759 Anonymous
>i sold
36 min later 28623786 Anonymous
And a vaccine so safe, you have to be rapped into getting it https://twitter.com/NYGovCuomo/stat us/1359932964726059010
39 min later 28623951 Anonymous (1609988712101.jpg 1080x1828 198kB)
5 digits!? i don't know about that. it would be nice, i guess, but i'm not going to hold my breath. i could see 2 digits for sure, 3 digits if XRP gets official adoption, maybe 4 digits if it becomes the official bridge between CBDCs as announced by the BIS or IMF or a consortium of central banks or something, but i'm not sure what would drive the price to 5 digits per token, when 100,000,000,000 tokens exist.
the glitch in pic related says 337 trillion- divide that by 100 billion and you get $3370. not exactly the most reliable source and its pretty fuzzy math, but i'm just saying- for it to reach 10,000 per XRP it would have to have a marketcap of over 1 quadrillion dollars.
you guys wouldn't be happy with a 10x or a 100x? don't be greedy, sheesh.
39 min later 28623952 Anonymous
Just out of curiosity, since Im pretty new to all this.
Lets say XRP hits 100 and stays there for like a week. How would anyone go by selling lets say 5000 zerpies? Do you swap them for BTC? Do you sell them to any of the sketchy platforms like coinbase?
39 min later 28623960 Anonymous (4B257AF2-8FF7-47D2-9C6F-8BF23E6605AD.jpg 992x1389 238kB)
I don’t really give a fuck. I’m only 3 years old.
40 min later 28624032 Anonymous (0473_-_jLpcAiV.png 984x722 167kB)
oh god $300 xrp
42 min later 28624149 Anonymous
https://www.tiktok.com/@lollylizard /video/6914492177783557381?is_copy_ url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_devi ce=pc&sender_web_id=692477207667977 5749
43 min later 28624236 Anonymous
No, we want all the money.
43 min later 28624260 Anonymous
dump it
43 min later 28624261 Anonymous (nope.jpg 250x250 13kB)
43 min later 28624274 Anonymous
You come in here, disrespecting our posters, and expect us to roll over? Hah! Pitiful. Go back to xrpchat...silly little bear
44 min later 28624303 Anonymous
NY fag here. ummm how i get more?!?!
44 min later 28624311 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5E S6jJ7zOA
44 min later 28624336 Anonymous (1492032927992.png 200x298 104kB)
KEK I know lad
45 min later 28624355 Anonymous (1610840853379.jpg 1536x846 237kB)
hmmmmmm yeah im not clicking that chief. "lolly lizard," what the fuck
45 min later 28624380 Anonymous
Stop it david
46 min later 28624426 Anonymous
Guy wrote the book on covid pandemic response
46 min later 28624459 Anonymous (c_XRPUSD-38.png 800x600 43kB)
A weekly close at about .623+ would be bullish.
46 min later 28624469 Anonymous
wow did that loli die?
47 min later 28624499 Anonymous
the easiest way is to use exodus' in-wallet swap/exchange thing, but it's kind of expensive. the cheaper way would be to make a XUMM wallet and use Bitstamp dollar IOUs to trade directly on the XRP ledger's decentralized exchange. if you don't recognize what the words in the last sentence mean, you should probably just download Exodus wallet and swap other crypto for XRP in there.
48 min later 28624585 Anonymous
That was a good read. I believe it was titled "Fuck Your Old Ass Grandma!" by Governor Cuomo
49 min later 28624641 Anonymous
we are NOT making it schizos, it's official
51 min later 28624787 Anonymous (justedbobo.jpg 509x480 31kB)
ill get you one day
51 min later 28624813 Anonymous
Thx 4 info anon just unloaded my whole stack!
51 min later 28624834 Anonymous
it's sell ... over bros
52 min later 28624866 Anonymous (1612998870159.jpg 474x284 36kB)
Regardless, I will continue to hold most of my XRP after we reach 4 digits. What's the point of changing it to USD, etc and owing taxes
53 min later 28624934 Anonymous
G-g-guys? Look what greg says and have a look on the calendar
53 min later 28624952 Anonymous (file.png 973x54 10kB)
53 min later 28624969 Anonymous
Now you are thinking like a Rothschild. Just hold it and use it as collateral for loans.
54 min later 28625029 Anonymous
damn son Chad Garlichouse looks like THAT?
54 min later 28625055 Anonymous
I find Changelly has better rates than Exodus, and is basically no hassle, but also the IOU method has like no fees at all
55 min later 28625125 Anonymous
Y’all? You did some research?
Umm what kind of research faggot? Did you ask your retarded 12 year old cousin what she thought of ripple while You were smoking meth and fucking her ass?
Fuck off back to Georgia you fucking Hick.
55 min later 28625137 Anonymous
Count Wopula there needs to get some sunlight, holy shit
57 min later 28625225 Anonymous
The tech is super drivel? Fucking chink Shill detected! English people don’t say y’all and rednecks don’t use the word drivel.
Fucking Chink, kill yourself!
57 min later 28625239 Anonymous
you want him to die or what?
57 min later 28625257 Anonymous
XRP is not for individuals. It is for institutions. Individuals will be issued a digital wallet by the fed and they will get stablecoins to use for thwir every day purchases.
57 min later 28625263 Anonymous
Ny doesnt support exo or chagelly... my state is a fuckin joke... what is the iou method?
58 min later 28625326 Anonymous
Dont engage the shitskins, it just makes them want to come back
59 min later 28625387 Anonymous
so it is a security then? ok, selling my bags
59 min later 28625388 Anonymous (1612257626288.jpg 1920x1080 177kB)
hey man- not all meth-using incest enthusiasts are bad people. please watch your language and check your privilege; this is a safe space.
i haven't even checked out Changelly, it looks cool though! yeah Exodus' fees are ridiculous.
59 min later 28625424 Anonymous
Dude are you beyond stupid? You have no concept of the global economy or what is coming.
Think of it this way dumb ass, the Internet created Trillions of dollars of new wealth and made people multi-billionaires.
What the fuck do you think a tech that has space based applications is going to do.
And XRP is that standard.
Your stupidity is frightening.
1 hours later 28625448 Anonymous
I’m a NYer, I promise Changelly works
Do you have a smart phone? The app is great, and they only fuck you out of a relatively small amount
1 hours later 28625463 Anonymous
It depends on the supply too. That image was using lower supply and the supply in the future will likely be larger.
1 hours later 28625497 Anonymous
No it’s not, don’t listen to this faggit.
The UK and Japan DO NOT consider this a security.
And it’s not.
1 hours later 28625519 Anonymous (1ba8b6cc848655785c92c51f8d37b8bb1d56e3b2.jpg 1033x582 352kB)
XRP wil hit $10 come summer. $100 by year end.
Because I believe and you should too anon
1 hours later 28625564 Anonymous
1. make a Bitstamp account
2. send $$$ or crypto to Bitstamp and exchange it for dollar IOUs (basically representations of USD)
3. make a XUMM account, fund it with at least 20 XRP and spend the extra 5 XRP so it can custody USD
4. use XUMM's in-app exchange feature to trade your USD IOU's for XRP for damn near free because the XRP Ledger is fucking futuristic tech and David Schwartz's brain is a quantum computer
1 hours later 28625577 Anonymous (howdy_partner.jpg 768x1024 338kB)
The word partner is always a giveway...
1 hours later 28625629 Anonymous
This is actually unironically the projection i have in my head, based purely on my autism
1 hours later 28625652 Anonymous
Anon this nigga is trolling I'm p sure its someone who just outlined how itll hit 5 figures while trolling yah. Its prolly ds
1 hours later 28625663 Anonymous
which could be USDC running on Stellar.
1 hours later 28625718 Anonymous
a real autist wouldnt buy XRP
1 hours later 28625739 Anonymous
okay il try the app. was just on browser b4
1 hours later 28625748 Anonymous
Sounds annoying, might as well just get a Ledger and transact on the XRPL directly using xrptoolkit
1 hours later 28625752 Anonymous (1611771614521.jpg 1123x739 89kB)
say that to my face and i'd make love to every hole in your skull- and you'd Love it. it would be the purest form of pleasure you'd ever experience in your pitiful life. for the rest of your days you'd be walking around with nostrils all stretched out, two eyepatches, with the biggest grin on your face. so be careful what you say to me punk, or i'll fuck your nose and use your eyeballs as lube
1 hours later 28625762 Anonymous (A727854D-DD83-44E1-AFE3-21D76432B505.jpg 396x382 41kB)
Fuck off liberal pussy.
1 hours later 28625816 Anonymous
Good catch, fren. I’ve seen some schizoposting about Greg being a mason and he’s usually pretty spot on with some of his calls.
1 hours later 28625827 Anonymous
Who let the reddit SJW faggot on this board
1 hours later 28625843 Anonymous
Itd be nice if xlm holders got a usdc airdrop.
1 hours later 28625848 Anonymous
contact mojang m8
1 hours later 28625855 Anonymous (1612051095088.webm 320x568 2625kB)
Afraid of a little pussy schizos?
1 hours later 28625856 Anonymous (1612388514627.webm 500x889 3063kB)
I think XRP will be adopted for the Japan Olympics. Japan is ready and want this.
1 hours later 28625895 Anonymous (1600811112821.jpg 629x513 64kB)
is this b8? Are you medicated? list your meds.
1 hours later 28625908 Anonymous
Ooo so edgy faggot.
Go back to jerking off to tranny porn pussy.
You arnt hard and stop trying to act this way. You are a fucking neckbeard
1 hours later 28625918 Anonymous
nigga i didnt evenn know red dead online was a stand alone game and theyre giving it away for $5!!!!!
1 hours later 28625923 Anonymous
The rest
1 hours later 28625982 Anonymous
Based drakeposter
1 hours later 28625997 Anonymous
It's nice watching two anons have multiple newfags replying to multiple baitposts then doing laps around them. Super cozy
1 hours later 28626006 Anonymous
Anon, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever..
1 hours later 28626043 Anonymous
it probably hasn't cleared bitstamps settlement if you sent USD IOU. I know it sucks when you are used to no delay with transferring XRP. could take up to 7 biz days
1 hours later 28626046 Anonymous
Will there be another general on /biz/ that stayed for this long?
I'm proud of you schizos for sticking together.
1 hours later 28626054 Lochness Monster
Tree fiddy by next week
1 hours later 28626077 Anonymous (dc3ok20-3151b1dc-8f68-459f-8ef7-a7c8e1af29ab.png 626x1155 209kB)
>https://www.tiktok.com/@lollylizar d
1 hours later 28626091 Anonymous
1 hours later 28626125 Anonymous
Its actually not as annoying as it sounds those steps are relatively quick. Its literally deposit usd to bitstamp > withdraw to xumm wallet > exchange for xrp. The end.
1 hours later 28626138 Anonymous (1611987298072.jpg 600x680 100kB)
Both candidates are 40 years past their used by dates and are both sock puppets/public liaison officers for the true money printing puppet masters who control the hive mind through the media/web using watered down hermetic teachings (Perversion of emotions)
Since the right has been the public liaison officers in power they have exposed a global network of evil disgusting filthy pedo cunts doing unspeakable things to children all around the world (THE LEFT POLITICIANS ALLOWED THIS AND ACTIVELY KEPT IT HIDDEN) These low vibration demonic scum trash beings are also linked to the same people and leaders who in the last few decades have killed tens of millions around the world through created wars for "humanitarian reasons" while setting up permanent military bases in foreign country's to control the oil and poppy fields $$$
At least the current administration has a piece of gods light in their heart to stop the expansion of war and child abuse
~Brain damage would explain a vote to the left as it would allow all the governments shady shit to go back underground and millions more will die in created wars for profit
At this point in the mouse utopia I think it might even be too late to save the people on the left because the hermetic parasitic mind virus and 24/7 propaganda has them almost %100 mind controlled and incapable of questioning the created walls of their reality by their human masters who want to play god.
Remember the people in the shadows will keep your minds busy by arguing over stupid shit to drain your energy and stay hidden while farming you and harvesting you like animals.Civil conflict gives the scum shadow people a free pass to create the walls of your reality through inhuman and ungodly laws of control
Money runs the world and people kill for it. The people at the top print it like unrolling a roll of shit paper as it means nothing to them. Their pleasure is human farming and extortion of the pure soul
Left/right will soon unite. We are one
1 hours later 28626150 Anonymous
She looks like Greta if her parents weren't pissheads.
1 hours later 28626257 Anonymous (1612897867990.png 442x442 470kB)
Trump is the most based and you will never be a real woman
1 hours later 28626260 Anonymous
To the old time smokers in here, what's the most manly brand of cigs of your choice? What's the 12 pack you're going to open once it moons? Could even be cigars too.
1 hours later 28626314 Anonymous
Marlboro reds
1 hours later 28626326 Anonymous
What happened to the Kendra hill link?
1 hours later 28626360 Anonymous (tenor (6).gif 498x281 1483kB)
lucky strikes
no filter
cocoa powder for added flavor
1 hours later 28626379 Anonymous (E0D06631-B985-4654-8952-BC93952565F2.jpg 640x597 59kB)
>not cigars
1 hours later 28626396 Anonymous
>free money
1 hours later 28626458 Anonymous
Just had one of those not less than 5 minutes ago, which is what prompted my post. Patrician choice, what other patricians choice do posters here like to enjoy? I might buy some from online smoke shops
1 hours later 28626512 Anonymous
Will it into existence anon. Were gonna make it
Sorry anon. Your not gonna make it with an attitude like that.
1 hours later 28626518 135000XRP
Oldschoolin it with Diablo 3
1 hours later 28626526 Anonymous
lol who is this h00r and is this some kinda commie prank show?
putin really didn't like that at the end
1 hours later 28626545 fren
you really going to bash prophecy fags? the november 20th pump was predicted to the hour. the new moon timing on the east cost to be exact.
1 hours later 28626562 Anonymous
yes on app now. did u use a fake address or something?
1 hours later 28626569 Anonymous
Flare drop(s) are free money
I want usdc free money bc itd stake into my stellar xlm bag to buy myself more xlm. Then I'd use the interest to buy more different assets for even more free money.
I want more free money to get more free money. That was the whole point of my comment. Does that make sense?
1 hours later 28626609 Anonymous (1611479741581.jpg 2892x2809 3852kB)
You must understand that the Masons are simply a descendant and a recent generation of a long line of occult societies who have guarded ancient Egyptian knowledge from the days of Atlantis so this knowledge may be guarded and used for the sake of preserving these cures and blessings for humanity sake.
Why do you think Masonic rituals involve dressing up and paying homage to Egypt? Or why the occult world is fascinated by Egypt?
The reason is because the Masons are a fairly modern incarnation of their forebears. The Masons base their esoteric doctrine off on the Templars and Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians in turn base their doctrine off the Templars aswel who in turn, they the Templars, base their doctrine off on medieval Alchemic manuscripts and these manuscripts can trace their origin back to Greece who in turn can trace all of the secret societies like the Pythagoreans, Eleusinian Mysteries and the like dominantly from Egypt. There are outside influnces like Persian and Sanatana Dharmic (hindu) but Herodotus states that Greece can find the origin for its religion, IE rituals and philosophy, back in ancient Egypt. It was common knowledge he stated that Greece has a direct historical connection with Egypt.
So Qabalah for example is an old Egyptian doctrine and teaching which is a a contemporary to Hermetism. They are like PB and jely they are made for one another because they come from the same school of philosophy.
But why are they evil? Because the jew overtime began infiltrating all institutions including the Masons and because those lodges were decentralize they picked them off one by one. By the time Albert Pike came around with his globalism I think we can safely say that there was no going back for the Masons. I think maybe some lodges are uncorrupted but that would be rare. By the 1800s it was GAME OVER for the old Masonic ways.
1 hours later 28626615 fren (1612759456470.png 600x507 95kB)
1 hours later 28626623 Anonymous (LS.jpg 300x354 41kB)
Oh good one, only had them once while vacationing with my family a long time ago, one of the most visually attractive brands in my humble opinion.
1 hours later 28626627 Anonymous
TUMS, alka-seltzer, Vitamin-D supplements, hydralyte, ... the list goes on
1 hours later 28626628 Anonymous
Surprisingly she posted 8 days ago; she says now is the time to have patience (in the comments)
https://steemit.com/whatnow/@kendra hill/2qwxma
1 hours later 28626673 Anonymous
I think I'd enjoy a Cuban while playing putt putt
1 hours later 28626731 Anonymous
Light blue American Spirits because I'm a hipster faggot.
1 hours later 28626777 Anonymous (crycryapupoop.jpg 619x453 28kB)
> you will never hab russian gril jump on you
1 hours later 28626783 Anonymous (67315623_2397205157188723_2831248871089242112_n.jpg 611x598 95kB)
>Look her up
>She's married to a tribesman
1 hours later 28626798 Anonymous
I didn’t, weird it just lets me, no account, make an exchange and do it and it sends right to my wallet
Starting to make me nervous about it though, time to make a bitstamp
1 hours later 28626800 Anonymous
Nah, I think it will run on ALGO. The US will want a quantum resistant stablecoin.
1 hours later 28626804 Anonymous (1611479929849.jpg 2465x2258 3997kB)
Fresh off the boat, from SMG, heh kid? I remember when I was just like you. Braindead.. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this schizo sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long in XSG by saying stupid jokes that every little biztard could meme. None of that here. You don't meme. You don't trade. This ain't SMG, kid. This is XSG. We have REAL intellectual discussion here, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to PMG, you goldbuggn' son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here..
1 hours later 28626846 Anonymous
Hoping blizz announces Diablo 2 remastered or some Diablo 4 progress this month. I love Diablo but I’ve put thousands of hours into 3 and can’t get myself to start back up again
1 hours later 28626892 Anonymous
but for real, pipe tobacco
>buttered rum virginia burley
also i got cancer (all gone now) lol
godspeed. hope none of you blacklungs are predisposed to lung, throat, or oral cancers
1 hours later 28626903 Anonymous
I will be blowing dicks
1 hours later 28626906 Anonymous (choiceschoices.jpg 375x270 26kB)
>Light blue American Spirits
Nice, anything from this list that you'll recommend?
1 hours later 28626932 Anonymous
ya it asks all my info billing adress all that... and then wont support it. new york not even an option.
1 hours later 28626934 Anonymous (65b.png 600x532 454kB)
>Guys just chilling on the subway. Waiting to go home to their girl
>disgusting whore jumps in their lap
>rightfully disgusted and pushes her away
>"Lol scared of pussy incels?"
Woman are a plague and will be a bane on you your entire life. Stop worshipping whores anon. Turn to god. Only Jesus will ever truly love you.
1 hours later 28627108 Anonymous
Stellar is quantum resistant. You can swap out your key-pair with an Ed25519 one at will.
1 hours later 28627209 Anonymous
Whenever this moons, what are you assholes going to do? I just want to live comfortably, with out being financially for the rest of my life, nice big affordable house, and travel.
1 hours later 28627225 Anonymous
Bad news. The usdc already announced it was on the stellar network as a stablecoin for bank payments
1 hours later 28627267 Anonymous (27a5a48249dd3ff9507c5fee8cf15165.gif 540x540 3282kB)
ive been here since XSG #1 nigger and ill be here long after the human race is gone from this floating rock in space
1 hours later 28627345 Anonymous
damn i was trying to make fun of what sjw retards sound like...i guess i did too good of a job.
jesus christ i'm 0/2. did you think i was actually doing the Navy Seal With 300 Confirmed Kills routine on an xrp discussion forum? i promise i won't fuck your nostrils anon and i am sorry for offending you
i legit can't tell if she's in high school or if i'm just getting old and all these girls look like pre-teens to me. are you guys actually interested in girls this young? you realize that spending time with them would be fucking torture, right? there would be no common frame of reference, their mannerisms would be annoying as fuck. if you're attracted to girls who are this young it's likely that you were stunted in your emotional growth somewhere along the line
depositing money to bitstamp can take a long time though. it's faster if you send other crypto to bitstamp and swap for IOUs
i smoke Camel Filters usually but the gas station near my house just started carrying Lucky Strikes so I've been smoking those.
as far as beer goes, I'm going to get a few growlers of nice beer from my local brewery. i've been putting all my beer money towards crypto for the last 6 months or so. they have a cherry marshmallow sour, a strawberry hazy IPA, and a cinnamon peanut butter stout that are all stupid good. probably get a nice bottle of whiskey (i've got my eye on the 4 Roses single barrel or a local distillery that's supposed to have a really good rye) and a fat steak. i haven't had a drink in like 2 months so these things will taste all the better; my plan is to break the fast when it hits $1
1 hours later 28627366 Anonymous
Do some traveling, art museums, visit a few temples, buy a home. Collect rare books, develop a book bindery
1 hours later 28627461 Anonymous
Really strange, did you try not signing up? It has the option to not sign up, for me
Quora says we’re not fucked legally if we do it at least? Fucking NY
1 hours later 28627470 Anonymous
Good thing I have both. So what purpose will ALGO have in the Interledger Protocol that gets posted here?
1 hours later 28627505 Anonymous
Funny thing, I might just live the great reset life style - - - own nothing, be happy
1 hours later 28627576 Anonymous
It's a part of it all. Sorta lube material for interest :). I'll probably move xlm profits into algo
1 hours later 28627597 Anonymous
Marlboro reds, Camel wides and Camel filterless, Dunhill.
1 hours later 28627607 Anonymous
Fuck man, I quit smoking 4 years ago and Spirits were all I smoked. Delicious, and they made a smoke break last 20 minutes kek.
The yellows are nice, too.
1 hours later 28627635 Anonymous
Fuck off glowie, all politicians left and right are scum.
1 hours later 28627692 Anonymous
BUY a home. Travel the world. Get my mom and gf whatever theyd like. Pay for my brother’s college so he won’t have to take out loans
1 hours later 28627693 Anonymous (1612055131106.png 1085x1085 851kB)
Should we take the Schwabpill?
1 hours later 28627707 Anonymous
cohiba cigarillos to roll blunts with. yellow pack
1 hours later 28627737 Anonymous (1610214427662.png 1744x788 519kB)
fancy fancy smokes would be 555s, Nat Shermans, or (my goal) a personal custom blend from a tobacconist who sends you cartons to order
deeply based post. the only thing i'd add (that you alluded to) is that the Templars got their alchemical knowledge from the Arabs- during the dark ages, while the church was trying to stomp out all heresy, Hermeticism thrived in the Islamic caliphates. People don't give the Islamic alchemists enough credit.
deeply based post though. you clearly know your shit and have studied broadly and deeply. any sources you'd recommend?
she's back!
1 hours later 28627808 Anonymous
did u exchange or buy with card? i think itll let me exchange im just nervous cuz ive never done it b4 and dont wanna fuck nothing up kinda boomerish when it comes to this lol but ya it asks for info when purchasing... i got a nice stack id just like more but i dont wanna fuck up my existing over this lol
1 hours later 28627870 Anonymous
It probably does work with a stable coin, but does anyone have any experience using the Bitstamp method, except with Coinbase?
Just want to know if it works, before I set up a new wallet and pay my xrp tax to David’s brain
1 hours later 28627975 Anonymous
Ohhhh, I see
I was buying coins first, and then sending them over to change into XRP - not just buying it off as an exchange. I’m sorry for the confusion, friend
You’re going to need to on-ramp your fiat (deposit your dollars) somewhere NY approved first
1 hours later 28628034 135000XRP
You’re spot on. The only question now is timing and if more shenanigans happen. XRP didn’t end up with a bullshit SEC lawsuit for our benefit.
1 hours later 28628103 Anonymous
okay cool i can do that have a buncha xlm on the wallet right now. ill give it a go fug it
1 hours later 28628111 Anonymous
looks like you accepted the demoralization psy op
1 hours later 28628117 Anonymous (file.png 300x168 71kB)
1 hours later 28628138 Anonymous
Coinbase will only let you withdraw to a bank account. Bitstamp gives the option to withdraw to a bank account or to issue USD IOUs directly to your XRPL account. The latter is what's important to trading on the dex.
1 hours later 28628150 Anonymous (1602462620344.jpg 715x542 82kB)
if you make a XUMM wallet it gives you the option of getting cash or BTC/ETH IOUs from Bitstamp and Gatehub. I don't think you can send IOUs from any other exchange
1 hours later 28628167 Anonymous
Bitstamp can add USD (NOT USDC) and BTC to the XRP ledger
Gatehub can add Euro, USD, BTC, ETH, BCH, Etherium Classic, Gold Gram, Dash, and REP.
1 hours later 28628185 Anonymous (20210213_121643.png 1174x560 894kB)
1 hours later 28628186 Anonymous
Setup a shell company and hire my long term girlfriend who's here on a work visa - no more shitty hospitality job for her and puts off marriage another year at the minimum for me
1 hours later 28628194 Anonymous
Checked. There will be no reason to "sell" at that point. Even looking at btc you can buy a house or a car with it now. There is no need to convert to USD.
1 hours later 28628273 Anonymous
Right, especially if Biden caps capital gains at $1 million a year.
1 hours later 28628289 Anonymous
i did and they dont get back to me????? i have no idea how it got stolen
1 hours later 28628320 Anonymous
Never forget that gnosticism is a scientology-tier belief system
1 hours later 28628430 Anonymous
Wrong, gnostic means "knowledge" Gnosticism is "seeker of knowledge", everything else is a psyop.
1 hours later 28628476 Anonymous
1 hours later 28628665 Anonymous
Irenaeus disproved you 2000 years ago
1 hours later 28628782 Anonymous
Classic jew trick
1 hours later 28628808 Anonymous
Word, I’m trying to figure out how okay it is for us to do it, and the fine print of the terms of service seems to include the whole US and Japan for restricted countries? I don’t know, maybe I’m just paranoid, but it works
1 hours later 28628883 Anonymous
It's called generation Z and reality.
1 hours later 28628932 Anonymous
Imagine not knowing Sophia
1 hours later 28628970 Anonymous
Technically, "gnosis" means knowledge. "Gnostic" is an adjective. "Gnosticism" is a movement or a belief, not a description of a person.
1 hours later 28628972 Anonymous
Check em.
1 hours later 28628987 Anonymous
GOT IT did a small swap to test it out. shit is nerve-racking lol. very cool thanks fellow new york slave appreciated
1 hours later 28629055 Anonymous (1376522081146.gif 500x284 578kB)
guys I don't feel so good, I think I'm gonna sell.
1 hours later 28629067 Anonymous
Sounds the same as freemason illuminati bollocks.
1 hours later 28629070 Anonymous
You should move from there post-moon
1 hours later 28629136 Anonymous
Let's say we do hit $100 by the end of the bullrun (EOQ3), do you guys think we will stabilize or tank when the market inevitably tanks? Will it depend 100% on adoption? Could 100$ be enough for a fluid system? Would love to hear some opinions.
1 hours later 28629148 Anonymous
It is. All the same anti-God, anti-Christ bs
1 hours later 28629157 Anonymous
nice singles
1 hours later 28629158 Anonymous
already sold, this is hopeless...
1 hours later 28629208 Anonymous
what do you guys think about the theory that Jesus was a member of the Essenes, who were a gnostic sect
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essen es
so, Jesus' travels through the near and far east (where he picked up tenets of Buddhism, Manicheanism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism) and then combined them with certain Gnostic beliefs to create His teachings recorded in the New Testament
the Essenes sound pretty cool too. anti-Roman warrior guerrilla monks with neat blue robes
some people think that Irenaeus was a "heretic" himself and he knew that the only way he could record the details of Gnostic beliefs was to detail the arguments against them
1 hours later 28629216 Anonymous (1612764714516.jpg 332x332 16kB)
boss up on these kermits
boss up on these kermits
boss up on these kermits
boss up on these kermits
1 hours later 28629291 Anonymous
Retail price movement is completely irrelevant, whether it's a dollar or a hundred dollars. Adoption is all that matters for the actual moon to Titan.
1 hours later 28629336 Anonymous
Are you us? This truly is the last xsg
1 hours later 28629340 Anonymous (xsg.png 512x424 71kB)
1 hours later 28629349 Anonymous
what moon lol, delusional aren't we? reality is: sell while you still can get some value out of the token and move to projects >actually< earning you money...
1 hours later 28629356 Anonymous
$100 times 45 billion outstanding XRP gives you $4.5 trillion. I've heard ForEx markets need $1 trillion every 6 seconds. Now assume not everyone with XRP will be providing liquidity.
$100 isn't enough.
1 hours later 28629363 Anonymous
My morale is totally fine, im just not a sheep who falls for the wwe tier theatrics of politics. Obvious pitting the people against eachother while they laugh it up in Bohemian Grove together sacrificing and raping children.
1 hours later 28629377 Anonymous (A1B02030-8881-43D5-98E9-27C578A4DB5C.jpg 900x506 62kB)
I dont believe in anything that isnt in the book of God’s Holy word
1 hours later 28629518 Anonymous
>you really going to bash prophecy fags?
Yes, yes I am. The whole 2020 thing was a bust and when it was shown to be a bust they just goalposted to new sooper sekrit calendars. If we don't moon by EOM, then all their 2020 calendars are exhausted and all the prophecyshit will be just that: shit. You and your false prophets can fuck off.
1 hours later 28629542 Anonymous
I don’t usually let skitskins reply to me, but you didn’t know so it’s okay
1 hours later 28629706 Anonymous
1 hours later 28629710 Anonymous
Nothing to do with your fair point, really, but over half the world uses a "sooper sekrit" lunar calender, not it's not really sooper sekrit.
1 hours later 28629817 Anonymous
1st thing on my list. im not nyc or ne shit like that but the whole state is just a joke with taxes and everything.
2 hours later 28629898 Anonymous
the essenes weren't gnostic, and it would be against the essenes' very strong adherence to orthodoxy to "pick up tenets of ..."
They also wrote strange unatributed apocalypses that shouldn't be taken seriously, but could be interpereted as predictive of Christ's coming.
Also they were not "warrior guerrilla monks" as they were the most peaceful sect of semites in israel during roman occupation.
There is some good to be had of the essenes, but they are not a big part of Christian lineage, and are also hardly ever mentioned.
2 hours later 28629915 Anonymous
Secent vid, but what is a good alternative to cash when this all goes down? Besides crypto, what is really going to be able to weather the storm?
2 hours later 28630065 Anonymous
Food stuffs, water treatment, sanitation stuff. Books.
2 hours later 28630143 Anonymous
nah just fuddin you guys actually I'm not selling for at least another year.I am a bit shook by the SEC stuff and India forcing its population to stay poors, however.
What is the possibility something else gets worldwide adoption? Did I back the wrong horse? Should I have gone balls deep Stellar or Cardano or something?
I'm a mortgage and credit card and medical debt chained wage slave. Almost 40 years on this hell world, I just want to be free to live my life humbly before I die of cancer or stroke or whatever bullshit. I just want to help my community and not be a slave for however long the Creator deems I have on this Earth.
pls advise.
2 hours later 28630234 Anonymous (12088295_10207077857098456_4618022680829878200_n.jpg 401x480 27kB)
holy holy holy
Lord God Almighty
2 hours later 28630317 Anonymous
>they are not a big part of Christian lineage
John the baptist was an essene and he initiated Jesus
2 hours later 28630344 Anonymous
Praise Be Unto Him.
2 hours later 28630443 Anonymous
Never stop posting this
2 hours later 28630452 Anonymous
Research more. I believe in xrp 100% because of that.
2 hours later 28630558 Anonymous
Bro, you seen stressed, sell plz
2 hours later 28630580 Anonymous
Stellar is a sub contract of ripplenet. They have the odl patent. It's ok
2 hours later 28630768 Anonymous
Interesting. Do you not think the escrow would be used for liquidity?
2 hours later 28630770 Anonymous (1606162411513.png 764x492 331kB)
2 hours later 28630788 Anonymous
Tether has begun printing $1 billion at a time. it's like they know the deadline is approaching and they're trying to get as much out as possible before the door closes.
I heard this from a high quality source either /pol/ or a YT schizo, they are gonna print as much USDT as you can imagine to pay off american foreign debt with soon worthless currency. All debts paid, dollar crashes and the next day we got our flip.
2 hours later 28630993 Anonymous
>he initiated Jesus
Jesus initiates Jesus, and John is a witness. And John was (potentially) an essene only until he was a Christian
2 hours later 28631027 Anonymous
You backed the right horse, don't worry. Wait a week or two, you'll see
was there not a war in the Holy Land in the years before Jesus' birth that the Essenes took part in? I know they were vegetarian/vegan, but I thought they fought the Romans. also I'm pretty sure their Orthodoxy (in the modern sense, as in following the Old Testament word for word) is exaggerated in modern sources, because a) the Mandeans trace their lineage to the Essenes, which implies some overlap between Gnostic and Essene beliefs and b) I'm pretty sure there were subsets of the Essenes, like different sects, and at least one of them rejected the written Old Testament as fictional/lies
https://www.jstor.org/stable/246067 28
"Essenes took part in the 66-71 war against the Romans"
2 hours later 28631135 Anonymous
If you're talking a legit, only use it for forex markets XRP system, then no. Ripple has said they can't touch that XRP in escrow until it comes out.
If you're talking some sort of settlement where Ripple gives or sells the escrow to governments in order to do a great reset, then I guess anything's on the table. But then you're talking far more than just a ForEx use case. So either way, $100 won't be enough.
2 hours later 28631264 Anonymous (1600752368798.jpg 1024x917 84kB)
2 hours later 28631323 Anonymous
Don't worry fren, you are going to make it.
2 hours later 28631351 Anonymous (1605426330421.jpg 1222x3555 995kB)
also, much of our knowledge of gnosticism comes from the Nag Hammadi texts/Dead Sea Scrolls i.e. the Essene gospels...
2 hours later 28631400 Anonymous
going to Mexico to pick up at least 4 cartons of filtered lucky strikes
2 hours later 28631422 Anonymous
Then how much is enough?
2 hours later 28631679 Anonymous
500-10k depending on its gradual use cases.
2 hours later 28631699 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 53kB)
2 hours later 28631722 Anonymous (file.png 454x139 39kB)
did you see the rest? The essenes were by and large ascetic, monastic, and nonviolent. We know very little of their doctrine, but we do know this, given contemporary accounts such as Pliny's, or the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran
2 hours later 28631774 Anonymous
I enjoyed Legend of Grimrock, they have some steampunk game out too.
2 hours later 28631781 Anonymous (tumblr_c424abd44f44208cf55dc71511e59e34_abf5cb02_1280.jpg 1135x633 113kB)
When the price wicks off my swing stack buy order and reverses course.
2 hours later 28631788 Anonymous
How many drops would it need to have to reach 10k?
2 hours later 28631850 Anonymous
If you’re into platformers, I’d say Celeste.
If otherwise, can’t go wrong with Hotline Miami
2 hours later 28631858 Anonymous
Yeah basically whatever banks hold for ForEx now, they'll probably need 10% of that in XRP.
2 hours later 28631880 Anonymous
2 hours later 28631933 Anonymous
2 hours later 28631966 Anonymous
please someone give some hopium on the ODL patent, im running out
2 hours later 28631981 Anonymous
congrats youve been unbanned faggot.
2 hours later 28632102 Anonymous
https://xrpl.org/currency-formats.h tml
2 hours later 28632106 Anonymous
Starsector currently. Can't find a game more schizo than that.
2 hours later 28632120 Anonymous
Fuck, for some reason I can’t delete my posts. Figured it gave me a fresh Id, but it didn’t. Oh well, everything I say is performance art and in minecraft
2 hours later 28632172 Anonymous (09E10344-7FB5-427F-9CA5-E0F09AD0C752.jpg 202x182 12kB)
good bye
2 hours later 28632250 Anonymous
I'm also a NYer. Can confirm Changely doesn't work for NY. Dunno wtf you did to bypass it, maybe your IP address routes somewhere else? Coinmetro let's you buy though. That's what I use. Ironically you can't but XLM with USD (only with Euros) on their platform, which is what I originally wanted to get. So I got XRP instead.
2 hours later 28632492 Anonymous
FYI Trump has won his impeachment trial
2 hours later 28632586 Anonymous
definitely seems like a shill, fucking nigga scum
> do u think we are full bastards here?
>I bought bot ocean coins and wait for full project for dex trading release
smart boy knows what instruments to use for top trading
2 hours later 28632646 Anonymous
2 scoops
2 aquitals
2 hours later 28632712 Anonymous (891.jpg 640x640 66kB)
2 hours later 28632717 Anonymous
Because they are not going to lose in this case, they will most likely reach a settlement, like most cases do... Ripple will have to pay some fines to the SEC and they will agree on regulations and some business practices that needs to be changed within Ripple. Maybe the dumping of XRP to the retail market will stop, which is one of the things they are being sued for
2 hours later 28632726 Anonymous
We're closer than you guys think, I think. Things are going as planned and it will only be a couple more years now until the flip
2 hours later 28632808 Anonymous
Orange man good
2 hours later 28632861 Anonymous
>couple more years now until the flip
Naw dawg, this shit hole economy larp is gonna crash this year.
2 hours later 28632992 Anonymous
I truly believe by 2030 and a bit of luck we might be seeing 100$
2 hours later 28633060 Anonymous
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
2 hours later 28633117 Anonymous
Looking forward to next year's impeachment trail, where Trump is charged for not properly marking his golf scorecard
2 hours later 28633269 Anonymous
Yes that would be the price if XRP and BTC switched marketcaps. But for XRP to take over Bitcoins marketcap a lot of things will be different in the market. When XRP starts moving I think it can't be stopped at BTC market cap. If crypto gets heavily regulated a lot of shitcoins wont have free reign to operste as they do now, which I think will result in less coins on thr market and more liquidity sourced into more established coins like XLM, BTC, Eth and XRP. And tokens on the Flare Network if my assumptions are correct. Sum sumarum, by the time XRP reaches the market cap Bitcoin has today most shitcoins will have perished and those who make it will absorb much of the market. Also current Market Cap expectations is a meme if you consider the markets Ripple is aiming XRP for
2 hours later 28633298 Anonymous
Rolling for this
2 hours later 28633381 Anonymous
changelly will work for exchanges. not fro strait new purchases.
2 hours later 28633441 Anonymous
Just sold.
2 hours later 28633696 Anonymous
Years posting scumfuck.
2 hours later 28633902 Anonymous (1602953818155.png 563x408 419kB)
>$11,360 XRP
2 hours later 28634206 Anonymous
4.075 0.491