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2021-02-13 01:33 28599121 Anonymous (redditor.jpg 828x1092 635kB)
Today we remember him

0 min later 28599141 Anonymous
why do niggers do this?

1 min later 28599167 Anonymous
how much is the car worth now ?

1 min later 28599169 Anonymous
>>28599121 Always find this funny. Faggots sell their 50-100k portfolio and buy an expensive car... then immediately get back to wage slaving

1 min later 28599179 Anonymous
>>28599121 I remember seeing this when it first happened. What was BTC price at the time?

2 min later 28599206 Anonymous
>>28599121 >Dream car Hahaha, 70mph is 70mph.

2 min later 28599211 Anonymous
>>28599141 Because they are retarded. They are mindless consooomer and only make money to consooooom larger. Good goys, good goys. Learn from their mistakes.

2 min later 28599218 Anonymous
>a fucking audi why

2 min later 28599224 Anonymous
>>28599179 It was like 8-9k

2 min later 28599227 Anonymous
>>28599141 NPC mind cannot project into the future. Live only for the short term.

3 min later 28599252 Anonymous (F3B2821C-C33B-48E2-87E1-A509F7263F5A.jpg 450x512 42kB)
>>28599169 Lesson: Don’t be that guy.

3 min later 28599256 Anonymous
>>28599206 >he sticks to the speed limit Ngmi

3 min later 28599275 Anonymous
>>28599224 Ahahahaa! He could ahve bought 5 of these if he sold now.

4 min later 28599291 Anonymous
is that the rs7?

5 min later 28599327 Anonymous
>>28599121 he surely killed himself weeks ago

5 min later 28599334 Anonymous (bvt1vy99yuj51.png 766x517 121kB)
>>28599121 he will sell the car at the top and fomo back in. then he will ride it all the way down and sell the bottom.

6 min later 28599379 Anonymous
>>28599256 >paying speeding tickets and endangering other people when you are an adult

7 min later 28599413 Anonymous
>>28599167 he bought the car at $10k btc so and it's half the value now so basically the car is worth as if he sold btc at 5k

7 min later 28599417 Anonymous
>>28599379 that's not what he said

8 min later 28599433 Anonymous
>>28599291 RS3. He could've bought an RS7 now kek >>28599275 He prolly hates the car now. What a putz

8 min later 28599446 Anonymous
>>28599379 Speeding causes a low amount of crashes. Everyone speeds. No one actually goes 70 on the motorway for example as its completely safe and arguably in many cases safer to be doing faster than that

8 min later 28599447 Anonymous
>>28599121 it sucks that there's no time stamp on that pic

9 min later 28599475 Anonymous
>>28599417 >>28599379 >>28599256 >>28599206 germany so no speed limit but still >>28599291 RS3 lmao, so sad

9 min later 28599496 Anonymous
>>28599413 What a strange way of answering the question

9 min later 28599508 Anonymous
>>28599413 yikes on top of gas, insurance, tax and tüv

10 min later 28599511 Anonymous
>>28599379 This faggot probably wears a mask alone in his car.

10 min later 28599547 Anonymous
>>28599167 Well this was at 10k BTC. So assuming that costs ~50k (and assuming he bought new) then that effectively means he paid $235k for his car.

11 min later 28599579 Anonymous
>>28599379 idk that sounds pretty based to me...

11 min later 28599593 Anonymous
>>28599121 >Trading a deflationary asset for a depreciating asset NGMI. If I ever sell crypto it will be for land or boomer rocks to lock up wealth.

12 min later 28599632 Anonymous
>>28599511 cope you, man-child, maybe if you didn't pay speeding fees you'd have more money to invest in crypto

13 min later 28599651 Anonymous (goldanon.png 1792x364 167kB)
>>28599121 and also goldanon who sold at 10k just before the big run started. because of a peter shiff video. pic related. some say he still wanders /biz/ and tries to make people sell to cope with his mistake.

13 min later 28599667 Anonymous
>>28599121 Should have gotten RS6/RS7

13 min later 28599672 Anonymous
>>28599121 >wasting your gains on a fucking car I seriously hope none of you guys do this

13 min later 28599678 Anonymous
>>28599121 retarded move

14 min later 28599696 Anonymous
>>28599433 I remember when this post was first spread around back around april or may. Everyone was laughing and pointing out the fact that we were soon entering a post-halving golden bull run. Feels so good being right. >>28599206 This. Cars aren't cool and they're more or less all the same exact shit. I don't care about a car beyond its utility to get me from point A to point B. And even that matters a lot less if you're able to make it during the crypto bull run, since what people use their cars for 90% of the time is commuting to their wage cages

14 min later 28599699 Anonymous
>>28599547 that's one way to look at it but he could've bought those coins for $10 total and at the end of the day he got his dream car for 10 bucks even if BTC skyrockets to $1MM

14 min later 28599712 Anonymous
>>28599496 it's an autistic way but i understand what he's saying

15 min later 28599767 Anonymous
>>28599651 That's definitely a troll. I can tell, having seen quite a few trolls in my time.

16 min later 28599772 Anonymous
>>28599651 goldfags on /biz/ are so annoying. I don't see anything wrong with hodling precious metals, but so many of them are salty nocoiners who spend more of their time fudding crypto than anything else because they're butthurt that a riskier more volatile asset is making better gains.

17 min later 28599815 Anonymous
>>28599767 no I think he did actually solded. it felt like 10k was gonna break down at that point so. He might have thought Bitcoin wasn't gonna be adopted.

17 min later 28599821 Anonymous
>>28599121 i remember the guy that upload a screenshot 3 months ago selling LINK under $10

17 min later 28599834 Anonymous
>>28599651 it's stupid when we look at it half a year later but he at least he got gold with it. there's less rewards there, but also less risk

18 min later 28599852 Anonymous
>>28599696 >This. Cars aren't cool and they're more or less all the same exact shit. Some people are still stuck in the 1970s with their vroom vroom mentality. There's nothing cool about new cars that aren't high performance exotics. Manufacturers have turned them into appliances and so I feel about as affectionate towards my car as I do for my toaster.

19 min later 28599900 Anonymous
>>28599821 pretty much every crpyto outperformed LINK in that time

20 min later 28599937 Anonymous
>>28599696 >Cars aren't cool and they're more or less all the same exact shit Not sure about this. I love different cars (mainly old Landrovers that are quite cheap anyway) and they're interesting to me. Yes I have a Japanese shitbox to get me from a to b but that's not always interesting to me. With that said, my cars appreciate in value and the car in OP's pic clearly won't. I'd feel sick selling a long-term appreciating asset for something that will depreciate so quickly. He could have sold some of his stack for an older model at least.

20 min later 28599945 Anonymous
>>28599852 NGL I bought out a hot BMW420 after the 2017 cycle cuz my old beater broke down. it was a very nice car and I got some nice compliments for it. but in the end it didn't really matter at all. Cars aren't cool anymore. No one cares if you don't have a car. Its almost as if not having a car is cool now.

20 min later 28599948 Anonymous
>>28599632 >Get speeding ticket >Take it to court >Officer doesn't show up >Get your money back I haven't gotten a ticket in 10 years. Continue with your mask wearing cuck.

21 min later 28599985 Anonymous
>>28599379 I literally always do 80 on a 65mph zone, passing speed traps, having never been pulled over.

21 min later 28600003 Anonymous
>>28599900 LINK was the only coin to perform for the past 4 years. Who cares about these short term goals if you didn't get 5,000% gainz.

22 min later 28600023 Anonymous (936B3E81-FC15-41FC-B78D-83D10A2A75FA.png 679x516 238kB)
>>28599433 >putz I smell bagel

22 min later 28600040 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-135254__01.jpg 1034x441 88kB)
He's posting videos of him coping

22 min later 28600053 Anonymous (fag.png 581x526 165kB)
>>28599121 NGMI

22 min later 28600060 Anonymous
>>28599379 Reminder that the only reason the speed limit (in the UK at least) is 70 is because when motorways were introduced, the limit was measured against the top speed of the most popular car at the time (Ford Popular). Now your garden variety hatchback can hit 100 without feeling like the panels are peeling away from each other

23 min later 28600100 Anonymous (Unbenannt.png 640x148 11kB)
>>28599121 That guy not only sold all his BTC to buy a car but also bought into the WIRECARD scam kek

23 min later 28600102 Anonymous
>I SPEED WHEN I DRIVE >HEHE SO FUN Have fun when you encounter spics who have no license, no registration, no insurance, and no word for snow in their monkey language on the roads. Have fun when you encounter the cop that wants to prove he is not racist by treating you exactly like a nigger. You dumb blue collar fucks should stop acting like it is the 60’s-70’s sometime soon.

23 min later 28600108 Anonymous
>>28599948 Haha, you live in a nice place. Here it's >get speeding ticket >take it to court >cop doesn't show up >judge rules in favor of the police officer anyway and fines you extra >you now have to pay 10k$ for the court fees on top of your 100$ ticket >you also didn't pay the ticket on time so you are fined an extra 200$ for being late on the ticket

25 min later 28600153 Anonymous
>>28599167 Sticker price for this year was about 90k. You can find the same RS6 now for about $60k. Audi's are retirement money.

25 min later 28600185 Anonymous
>>28600023 don't kill me nazi frog >>28599696 >Cars aren't cool Agreed. I have close to 2m in crypto and am still driving my VW ute that I bought in 2016 kek

27 min later 28600277 Anonymous
Did some quick calcs That post appeared on the 28th Aug, BTC was 11537 then Assuming the car was around $35k (a guess) it cost him a little over 3 BTC which is now worth $142.5k (at $47k)

27 min later 28600287 Anonymous
>>28599900 He sold $930K stack to exit from crypto not for rebuy another asset.

27 min later 28600291 Anonymous (1605519599467.gif 200x284 2372kB)
>>28599121 I gave up on euros long time ago. Thank God I left that delusional place. People legit going to supermarkets with 15 euros and fighting over fuel prices and the price of cigarettes while blaming everyone else for their problems. Euros are the biggest wewuzkangs and fail to accept that. They get supersalty if you don't fit their narrative. Your average euro doesn't even have 5k saved up.

27 min later 28600293 Anonymous
>>28599433 >putz Teach me some more Hebrew, you filthy kike

27 min later 28600295 Anonymous
>>28599446 >Speeding causes a low amount of crashes Absolute bullshit >Everyone speeds No, you speed because you are a bad driver >No one actually goes 70 on the motorway for example as its completely safe and arguably in many cases safer to be doing faster than that It's unfortunate that you are unable to recognise your own poor driving skills and choose to endanger others. I hope that your licence is revoked soon, before you can kill anyone.

28 min later 28600307 Anonymous
>>28600185 kike

28 min later 28600331 Anonymous
>>28599121 >Paper handed faggots. the typical plebbitor.

29 min later 28600354 Anonymous
>>28599121 He's doing ASMR in his car https://www.reddit.com/user/G99SEMA N

29 min later 28600369 Anonymous
>>28600277 if it was second hand if new it would have been around $56k or 4.85 BTC at the time which is now $228K

30 min later 28600391 Anonymous
>>28600100 >WIRECARD >ticker: WCAGY >CAGY wagie wagie we took your money now time for cagy

30 min later 28600403 Anonymous
>>28600295 The last time I got it was by an undocumented spic with no license. The dumb spic couldn’t even speak english so its daughter had to showup and translate. Then the nigger cop gave me a ticket for only having a digital version of my insurance, not a paper one. Fuck niggers Fuck spics

31 min later 28600422 Anonymous
>>28599672 My cousin spent at least half of his BTC gains on an omega james bond watch. I like watched too but what the fuck buy a seiko

31 min later 28600439 Anonymous
>>28600403 Wow what a progressive officer. He didn't see race.

31 min later 28600451 Anonymous
>>28600108 Where the fuck is that?

32 min later 28600474 Anonymous
>>28599121 Could have bought an RS6 if he held

32 min later 28600505 Anonymous (sneed bathroom.png 801x814 350kB)
>>28599937 If you derive intrinsic value from a car, then more power to you. Personally I have my dad's first car (a 1969 challenger) in the garage. It's beat to shit and needs work, but I'd love to fix the thing up as a hobby However, we all know that 95% of the reason people choose "luxury" or "high end" fancy german cars over cost efficient jap shitboxes is because they think it impresses people. But it really fucking doesn't. A car is a car and all modern cars are basically the same shit, +/- frivolous things like leather vs cloth seats or built-in GPS. You're really not impressing anyone with a BMW or Audi. Not when they're all the same anyway, and not when every poorfag just live beyond their means and buys the car on credit anyway.

33 min later 28600514 Anonymous
>>28600422 Or buy a fake off something like puretimewatch.io.

35 min later 28600605 Anonymous
>>28599945 >it was a very nice car and I got some nice compliments for it. I’ve got a good friend who comes from a rich family and they all lease mercedes. He recently switched out for a new one and it’s super gaudy and flashy. He kept bragging that the ethot restaurant server was complimenting his car. IMO car compliments are just about the gayest compliments out there. It’s basically just “I have money yes”

35 min later 28600627 Anonymous
>>28600102 >He's never gone a buck 40 down deserted back roads where a deer jumping out could fucking kill you You will never know life if you are afraid of death.

37 min later 28600694 Anonymous
>>28600474 He could have bought a nice condo with that money man

37 min later 28600735 Anonymous
>>28600422 You can literally buy a chinese knock-off of those watches that function and look exactly the same and no one would tell the difference.

38 min later 28600751 Anonymous (Alfa-Romeo-33-Stradale-137600.jpg 1024x683 292kB)
This is the only car I would be willing to cash out my crypto for.

39 min later 28600779 Anonymous
>>28600694 I know right. I genuinely upsets me how wasteful this kid was.

40 min later 28600850 Anonymous
And people wonder why business fomo'ing into a deflationary asset is considered a bad thing. Have fun with no industry or investment.

40 min later 28600851 Anonymous
>>28600422 >>28600040 Man this is sad

40 min later 28600880 Anonymous
>>28600751 based and unironically good taste in cars pilled

42 min later 28600934 Anonymous
>>28600514 I’m personally not a fan of rep time but respect the money saving efforts. IMO you should only spend 4,000 on a watch if it’s a drop in the bucket for your bank account

44 min later 28601029 Anonymous
>>28600735 True but then you’re caught spending 500 on a fake watch all for the brand name, IMO it’s somehow worse than actually spending thousands on a rolex. For the same price as a rep time you can get an outstanding seiko that would last you for life, or a Tissot or Hamilton etc

45 min later 28601077 Anonymous
>>28600040 >Comments (0) HAHAHA

45 min later 28601084 Anonymous
>>28600627 >unironically thinks he knows what life is because he's an adrenaline junky >unironically thinks his careless behaviour to get a short-term adrenaline hit makes him immune to fear >Justify your careless behaviour with shit like this. Your use of words gives insight into the most self-deceiving mental apparatus.

45 min later 28601090 Anonymous
>>28601029 who needs watches anyway if you have a smartphone?

45 min later 28601124 Anonymous
>>28601090 people with taste

46 min later 28601146 Anonymous
>>28601029 >you’re caught Literally no one will catch you unless you encounter some kind of watch autist irl, which most normies aren't. I've been doing this for almost a decade. Haven't been called out once.

47 min later 28601198 Anonymous
>>28599291 Looks like an rs3, the shitiest of all, why didn't he go for a rs6, fucking moron

47 min later 28601202 Anonymous
>>28601090 Watches are actually good if you don't want to be an addict to your phone, you fucking monkey.

48 min later 28601239 Anonymous
>>28600751 fucking stunning good taste anon

48 min later 28601240 Anonymous
>>28601090 Kind of hard to rebut that yea. I personally like to be able to check the time without looking at blue light, and of course there’s a whole world of design and fashion to watches if you’re willing to become a watchfag

48 min later 28601244 Anonymous
>>28600751 2015: "Alfa's Head of North America estimated the current market value of the 33 Stradale at "well over $10 million" Perfect low time preference choice anon.

48 min later 28601248 Anonymous
>>28601124 Watches are fucking gay dude.

48 min later 28601255 Anonymous
>>28600451 reddit

48 min later 28601286 Anonymous
>>28601248 zoom zoom

49 min later 28601297 Anonymous
There’s NOTHING more cucked than buying an expensive car. NOTHING. Letting your gf lose her virginity to some black guy is even less cucked. Literally the worst purchase you could make. Everyone I know who owns an expensive car is an insecure little freak. Unless your income is astronomical you should not be buying cars like this. I’m not surprised to see some Redditor spend all his BTC on one. I’m sure he’s slapped it with “WEAR A MASK” and “IM WITH JOE” stickers too. Genuinely hope he crashes the car and the following day BTC hits 100k.

49 min later 28601300 Anonymous
>>28599121 I knew some guy who cashed out after bitcoin hit 1$. He bought them in the thousands when they were like a few cents each. I can only imagine the JUST when he thinks of the high end gaming rig he bought with it for about 2500$.

49 min later 28601304 Anonymous
>>28601146 Yea but most normies don’t notice or look at your watch anyway. However even if you get “caught” with one and it’s a good replica, a watchfag may compliment you on how good of a replica it is, even if he’s calling you a faggot at the same time

49 min later 28601306 Anonymous
>>28601202 >doesn’t know time >asks someone or looks around for a clock If I’m outdoors I’m just going to use a cheap Casio to know the time if it’s really that important. Expensive watches are for fags

49 min later 28601311 Anonymous
>>28601124 >>28601202 I check my stock protfolio and coins every hour or so on my smartphone anyway so for what do I need a gay watch?

50 min later 28601361 Anonymous
>>28601248 hehe why would we spite our technocrats who gave us our screens!

50 min later 28601372 Anonymous
>>28599121 Jesus I really don't get the mindset of buying expensive things when you luck into a pile of money. I'm assuming this person has a normal income so they've effectively spent their entire savings on one luxury item, and then continue living at their normal level, but with one shiny thing. It's insane. You could travel the world for several years on that money without ever worrying about work. You could invest it further and turn it into a ridiculous amount, or even just leave it alone and accumulate far more, but instead they chose a fucking car.

51 min later 28601398 Anonymous
>>28600369 He's gonna hero EoY

51 min later 28601412 Anonymous
>>28601361 I don’t care for smart phones either.

51 min later 28601418 Anonymous (94F2C508-7381-4BCF-8862-59340A3A96BA.gif 365x230 384kB)
>>28599121 also bought my dreamcar but spent only 5% of my portfolio also bought a 70 inch tv and some other shit and a lot of gifts and sex toys for my free russian hot as fuck blonde gf

53 min later 28601481 Anonymous
>>28601412 Fair enough all I’m saying is watches can be a fun hobby if you like them, as all hobbies are. They become a need when your phone dies, besides that yea I guess you don’t need them

53 min later 28601516 Anonymous
>>28600295 yikes what a fucking faggot. you need to go back

54 min later 28601558 Anonymous
>>28600040 >driving around at 5am trying to convince himself that he made a good decision

55 min later 28601592 Anonymous
>>28601558 kek it is just too fucking funny

55 min later 28601627 Anonymous
>>28601418 how old is your gf? If she is close to 30 years old it was a bad investment since she will hit the wall soon

56 min later 28601630 Anonymous
>>28601481 Doesn't a hobby involve actually doing things? What's the hobby with a watch, getting really good at checking the time?

57 min later 28601704 Anonymous
This makes me happy

59 min later 28601805 Anonymous
>>28601630 I guess it’s fashion if you really wanna boil it down. Watch design can be really cool desu given the symmetry of the object

1 hours later 28601825 Anonymous
>>28601248 Tell me how I know you are a zoomer without telling me you are a zoomer.

1 hours later 28601860 Anonymous
>>28601630 if you are autistic, I suppose it can be considered a "hobby". But most people just them as accessories and jewelry.

1 hours later 28601884 Anonymous
>>28599651 At least he sold to invest in another asset. Depending on which gold miners he choose it wasnt a bad choice. But the most important, he dint sold to buy a stupid car man

1 hours later 28601922 Anonymous
>>28599218 Normalfags are retarded

1 hours later 28601960 Anonymous
>>28601627 his right hand is as old as himself

1 hours later 28601972 Anonymous
>>28600295 Post tits

1 hours later 28602012 Anonymous
>>28599121 I would never spend more than 3% of my net worth on a car

1 hours later 28602129 Anonymous
>>28599121 Buying a depreciating asset with an inflationary asset is stupid. If this guy sold all his BTC and went into stocks, yeah smart. Buying a re badged VW for a 4x loss is peak plebbit.

1 hours later 28602145 Anonymous (1570746995214.png 823x549 346kB)
>>28601516 You are the sort of driver that doesn't understand why the car you are tailgating is getting even slower the closer you get.

1 hours later 28602220 Anonymous (Mansory-Lamborghini-Aventador-S-7.jpg 1400x933 471kB)
>>28599121 Cars are some of the worst investments one can make. Saudi-tier brainlet "look at me"-tier purchase.

1 hours later 28602264 Anonymous
>>28601297 kek this

1 hours later 28602306 Anonymous
>>28599141 he is obviously German, no nigger in his right mind would have an Audi as a "dream car".

1 hours later 28603080 Anonymous (he is right you know.jpg 500x358 61kB)

1 hours later 28603248 Anonymous
>>28602220 >investments I wouldn’t even consider cars to be investments but liabilities. One day I’d like me a used Lexus SUV, that would be nice. For now my used CRV is doing just fine

1 hours later 28603511 Anonymous
>>28602145 You are the type of left lane driver that doesnt understand why the driver behind you is flashing his highbeams.

1 hours later 28603565 Anonymous
>>28603511 I do, it's because they're a fucking idiot. I pass the dashcam footage of drivers doing this to my local police force for prosecution.

1 hours later 28603719 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgg 8ON08CDA OH NO NO NO NO

1 hours later 28603743 Anonymous
>manager at work brags about his new BMW >have to smile and nod and act like it’s a cool purchase

1 hours later 28603979 Anonymous
>>28599945 >Its almost as if not having a car is cool now. kek this Everybody's all "ooh how do you do it, I could save so much money"

1 hours later 28604170 Anonymous
>>28599672 I’m gonna do this after I drive my reliable Toyota Camry into the ground. So 25ish years to keep acoomulating GRT

1 hours later 28604186 Anonymous
>>28603719 holy shit it just keeps getting worse

1 hours later 28604301 Anonymous
>>28599672 I used some of my gains to pay off my car and eliminate other debts

1 hours later 28604341 Anonymous
>>28600403 >>28600439 >retard gets a ticket for not having his papers No he just saw who the real spic was.

1 hours later 28604415 Anonymous
>>28600277 that car is like 70k€ in germany he definitely sold over 6 btc

1 hours later 28604569 Anonymous
>>28599446 >as its completely safe and arguably in many cases safer to be doing faster than that Why are shitty drivers always the ones saying and doing this shit?

1 hours later 28604691 Anonymous
>>28603719 He spent 5 btc on this? wow

1 hours later 28604742 Anonymous
>>28599696 >>This. Cars aren't cool and they're more or less all the same exact shit. I don't care about a car beyond its utility to get me from point A to point B. And even that matters a lot less if you're able to make it during the crypto bull run, since what people use their cars for 90% of the time is commuting to their wage cages >t. never driven a McLaren

1 hours later 28604804 Anonymous
>>28603743 I know that feel the norman mind is so fucking simple

2 hours later 28604839 Anonymous
>>28600185 >Agreed. I have close to 2m in crypto and am still driving my VW ute that I bought in 2016 kek You wouldn't spend a penny to take a piss would you, Mr. Noseberg.

2 hours later 28605008 Anonymous
>>28604839 not him but once I had to pee so hard when I was at the train station I spend 1€ to go to the toilet. I feld so bad about it.

2 hours later 28605014 Anonymous
>>28600735 >You can literally buy a chinese knock-off of those watches that function and look exactly the same and no one would tell the difference. Get your money up and buy the real thing you fucking peasant.

2 hours later 28605142 Anonymous
>>28605014 Fuck the (((Swiss)))

2 hours later 28605179 Anonymous (stoneface.jpg 1480x1080 495kB)
>>28599121 >buy something that loses 70% of its value within 2 years Ill never understand why subhumans care so much about a fucking car, it takes you from point A to point B, what the fuck else do you need to pay so much for? Its like buying a spoon made out of 24k gold or someshit when you work part time at walmart. If youre a millionaire, alright why not, but its 99% normalfags who do this.

2 hours later 28605266 Anonymous
>>28605008 In Britain, you can look at the departures board, find one at a platform which is boarding, and work out which one will give you five minutes time to jump on the train, have a slash, and then jump back off again without having to pay no cunt nothing before it leaves.

2 hours later 28605319 Anonymous (897082732b710fb9e4137fe0c3ce7ebd.png 675x572 80kB)
Why do they so desperately want to be ruled?

2 hours later 28605363 Anonymous
Im glad this thread popped up so I can get some advice. I need a car righty now but I only have 18k in crypto. Im jobless but I need it to pickup my brother from school. Should I take 5k out and buy some POS just so i have something or would it be better to just uber back and forth everyday so I dont touch the crypto?

2 hours later 28605378 Anonymous
>>28599475 >germany so no speed limit fucking retard

2 hours later 28605412 Anonymous
>>28599141 the Rothschild AMA said it best; You sad little children

2 hours later 28605497 Anonymous
Guys get some fucking perspective. Bitcoins run from 25k to now over 48k is about 100%. That's not fucking impressive when hydrogen, green and other meme stocks were doing 5x in a month. And it's your get caught up on the $5000 gain a day (you know you don't own a full coin) you forget that it's only 10%. Hold all you want. But paper gains can disappear if your dont take profit.

2 hours later 28605540 Anonymous
>>28605179 someone has to buy the car initially so you poorfags can inherit it 15 years later

2 hours later 28605553 Anonymous
>>28599169 I swear this is true by anecdotal experience; These are the majority, and these "people" only exist to pay their taxes and vote. I have not been proven wrong and it worries me

2 hours later 28605617 Anonymous
>>28605266 Fucking genius KEK. Never done this before.

2 hours later 28605718 Anonymous
My crypto is worth 8x my 2005 car. Am I doing it right??

2 hours later 28605720 Anonymous
>>28604301 How do you do this without paying taxes? Do you wire it into your bank and pretend like nothing happened?

2 hours later 28605775 Anonymous
>>28605266 Youre not supposed to flush when the train is in station Its 2021 and we're still shitting on the tracks

2 hours later 28605777 Anonymous
>>28605266 toilets were closed on trains because of covid

2 hours later 28605932 Anonymous
>>28602220 >>28603080 >>28603248 How could anyone even think of a car as an investment? Ppl generally know they are just depreciating assets....

2 hours later 28605947 Anonymous
>>28605363 buy your brother a decend bycicle for 500 bucks and let him ride his bike.

2 hours later 28605979 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-13 Stock Audi RS3 POV Drive (with valve control).png 1630x412 1124kB)
>he thinks his car in interesting enough to warrant a YT channel AHAHAHAHAHAHA >>28605718 yes

2 hours later 28606037 Anonymous
>>28605378 what did you mean buy this?

2 hours later 28606072 Anonymous
>>28605979 he should have named his channel "CarCOPE" kek. I bet he regrets is even more after he reads all the new comments made on his bad choice.

2 hours later 28606084 Anonymous
>>28605378 what did he mean by this

2 hours later 28606113 Anonymous
>>28600422 based & seikopilled

2 hours later 28606117 Anonymous
>>28605947 its to cold in Illinois to bike. Nothings ever plowed and hes only 8. Also hes a bit disabled so he cant really do it even if he wanted to.

2 hours later 28606253 Anonymous
>>28606117 just buy a japanese shitbox for 3k, it will never cause you any problems if you buy from an old person cos they take care of it well

2 hours later 28606298 Anonymous
>>28605553 There is a limited amount of souls on Earth Anon, most people aren't real, they don't have complex thoughts

2 hours later 28606307 Anonymous
>>28606117 sucks to hear that man, school is important and he is your little brother so you have some responibilty. Why do you have to buy the car though? dont your family have a car or can give you some amount of money for that car. Anyway if its important for you brother than buy a used car. If you have any other assets you can sell then do that and try to keep as much crypto as possible.

2 hours later 28606324 Anonymous
>>28606253 I think ill just do that, My mom keeps nagging me to get a car and its getting on my nerves. With no job iv got nowhere to go besides pick him up so why waste my funds.

2 hours later 28606376 Anonymous
Fair enough if he had sold to put money towards a house or literally anything else, but nothing depreciates in value like a car. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

2 hours later 28606411 Anonymous
>>28605266 holy fucking based

2 hours later 28606433 Anonymous
>>28605932 If you buy limited production hypercars then they are an investment. Check the price history of Zondas

2 hours later 28606465 Anonymous
>>28599121 I have a quarter million dollars in crypto and the biggest thing I’m willing to spend it on is a new computer for $1200. You still have to live frugally even after you become rich or you will lose it all.

2 hours later 28606526 Anonymous
>>28600295 please tell me this is bait dude here's your (you); if you drive the speed limit on the highway you're a pussy who apparently has nothing better to do than wait to get where he's going

2 hours later 28606528 Anonymous
>>28606465 not to be a dick my guy, but that's already way too much to spend. You could build from parts and spend half that.

2 hours later 28606543 Anonymous
>>28606307 I guess I can give you a quick recap of our car situation. I had a car up until about 2 months ago when some dumb fat fuck turned left and I smashed into him totaling him. They only gave me 3k for it (2002 bmw 330ci STICKSHIFT) then last some fucking asian lady left turned into my mom and totaling her car. She bought a new one but I have no income so I cant just go out and buy a new car. Thankfully no one got to badly hurt from either accident so thats the important part.

2 hours later 28606755 Anonymous
>>28606307 >sell other assests I got almost nothing else worth anything >borrow money from family I guess I could but I just dont want to do that. I hate borrowing money let alone on something wasteful like a car. >Do we need it With the situation now basicly my mom dropps him off, comes to get me and i drop her off at work and come back home to get him. THEN i gotta go get her. Its really tedious and just wasteful on gas and time so it feels like it has to happen regardless.

2 hours later 28606770 Anonymous
>>28606528 It was a discounted prebuilt with an rtx 3070 and it was the only way to get that card. Otherwise the card alone is going for over $1000 right now. I could resell the parts for more than what I paid for it if I wanted.

2 hours later 28606833 Anonymous (052d985b1d6c9d880d31fc455d9f9bb4cda823f82e0d95e3adab11cc678debf0.jpg 640x632 157kB)
>>28605553 >>28606298 Crimethink detected.

2 hours later 28607689 Anonymous
at least he got something real instead of hoarding these imaginary shitcoins

3 hours later 28608288 Anonymous (R14kkDj.png 657x527 13kB)
>>28599121 when I make it I'll give 50% of my profits to mommy, because I love her and I respect everything she has done to me

3 hours later 28608537 Anonymous
>>28601481 if your phone dies you did some very wrong

3 hours later 28608614 Anonymous
>>28599141 I believe the formula is (low self esteem * overt narcissism) smartphone dopamine depletion^2

3 hours later 28609930 Anonymous
>>28605497 buying an Audi is not the same as taking profit you fucking dunce

3 hours later 28609959 Anonymous
>>28599121 >a fucking volkswagen

3 hours later 28610269 Anonymous
I'd just buy a used Hyundai or some shit if I needed a car it's not like it matters at all

3 hours later 28610347 Anonymous
>>28608288 She's just gonna spend it anon just pay her a monthly stipend that's the smart move. I admire your love for your mom though

3 hours later 28610386 Anonymous
>>28599141 Has appreciating asset Trades it for depreciating asset Wonders why we call him a nigger

3 hours later 28610929 Anonymous (6F25DAAA-8537-4663-83DD-0B117BF0F03B.jpg 1920x1080 406kB)

3 hours later 28611012 Anonymous
>>28601297 100% agree. And then they cant even handle the damn things and murder themselves and their friends.

3 hours later 28611096 Anonymous
>>28609930 Cashing out an insanely speculative position is taking profit. Youre as bad as those retarded who held gme and amc from 400s all the way back down. You will almost always be able to look back and see money you left on the table when you invest and trade.

3 hours later 28611182 Anonymous (sweet jp.gif 500x281 1017kB)
>>28600627 >sitting at a redlight at 3 am >dude pulls up next to me >revs up >I look at him >he looks at me >light goes green, immediately put it in gear and launch into second Going fast is fun as fuck

3 hours later 28611281 Anonymous
>>28599547 That car is much more than $50k new

3 hours later 28611315 Anonymous
>>28599511 I was just rear ended by one of these “people”

3 hours later 28611362 Anonymous
>>28600277 Dude I am not a car guy but even I can tell this pos is an RS3, they cost way more than that, especially in stinking petro dollars That car costs like 80k Euros, so 100k in USD

3 hours later 28611450 Anonymous
>>28605179 -t. poorfag that drives a Nissan Altima

3 hours later 28611539 Anonymous
>>28611096 >cashing out on an appreciating asset >using all of that cash to buy an immediately depreciating liability Where is the profit involved you mong

3 hours later 28611546 Anonymous
>>28600291 I have started investing like a year ago now, started to actually learn and apply myself and only in December I started buying bitcoin. Yet I am up 65% YoY on my inital. People are completely blind to the life changing opportunities that they are missing every single day. I am german, ans nobody gives a shit. I mean I despise the inner workings of capitalism, but if you dont invest and save money, youre an utter retard.

3 hours later 28611691 Anonymous
>>28599447 Anons here are saying he sold his btc at 10k each

3 hours later 28611693 Anonymous
>>28600295 You're so full of shit man.

3 hours later 28611721 Anonymous (willem-dafoe-the-lighthouse.jpg 1000x563 217kB)
>>28599121 Let it be a warning to all ye who tread here. Ye say Ye'll never sell. Many of ye might even believe it. But then one day youve a handfull of the devils coin burning a hole in your cockles and the dealership fills your gaze. YE TROON, YE DARE CALL YEERSELF A HODLER? YEER NOT GONNA HODL FOR 6 MONTHS. YEEEV THE HANDS OF A LASS AND A SOFT ONE AT THAT. Ill spy ye, in that new car, and Ill know yeev bags are gone.

3 hours later 28611730 Anonymous
>>28600751 >buy this >too tall to drive it

3 hours later 28611829 Anonymous (1499204069037.jpg 794x719 119kB)
>>28599121 .>buying a glorified Volkswagen

3 hours later 28611892 Anonymous
>>28611721 Kek.

3 hours later 28611902 Anonymous
>>28611730 I'll drive it with the door up

3 hours later 28611964 Anonymous (willem-dafoe-the-lighthouse_2.jpg 1000x563 101kB)
>>28599121 Now Im going to go masterbate with no lube thinking about fish.

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