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2021-02-13 11:16 28593342 Anonymous /biz/ how literally retarded do you have to be not to see that its a bubble? (pop.png 720x963 69kB)
1 min later 28593397 Anonymous
How retarded do you have to be to not use log scale
1 min later 28593401 Anonymous
2 min later 28593430 Anonymous
t. Salty Johnny Come Lately
2 min later 28593431 Anonymous
dude, no way
2 min later 28593434 Anonymous
2 min later 28593456 Anonymous
it just hurts to have tethered when eth was 700
2 min later 28593464 Anonymous
3 min later 28593469 Anonymous
What, it went UP? Omg yeah now I really regret investing in it.
3 min later 28593501 Anonymous
Cannot wait for bitcoin to get btfo and link to tank the crypto market defi only one that flys
4 min later 28593536 Anonymous
Based, bought 100 BTC more
7 min later 28593650 Anonymous
Everyone knows. Its a there will be a bigger sucker mentality. Another collapse soon.
8 min later 28593695 Anonymous
>I can’t wait for house prices to crash so I can buy a huge cheap house off some idiot who fomo’d in
>I can’t wait for Bitcoin to crash so I can buy a huge stack of Bitcoin off some idiot who fomo’d in
Yes, I’m sure you’re the only one thinking that, you will sure have 0 competition for buying these assets, you’re 100 steps ahead of everyone else, nobody else is thinking the same thing as you. You’re so high IQ. Nobody else has your strategy, your play will surely work.
9 min later 28593736 Anonymous
everyone knows its a bubble dumbass. people are betting on it going way higher than it is now. google s2f and rhodl. and use log scale next time
9 min later 28593738 Anonymous
No one is selling you retard
Look at buy/sell orders, BTC buyers outnumber sellers 5-1
9 min later 28593755 Anonymous
Defi is the same jewy bank shit but on the internet. Crypto has changed and not for the better.
13 min later 28593915 Anonymous (113469744.png 995x473 109kB)
bubbles are round shaped
13 min later 28593927 Anonymous
buy vechain
14 min later 28593955 Anonymous
It's called a bullrun and we're all aware
17 min later 28594086 Anonymous
It is but chances are it will go much higher before popping
18 min later 28594125 Anonymous
>August 2017
Does that mean 4 months before we pop?
19 min later 28594155 Anonymous
this time it’s different
22 min later 28594284 Anonymous
>the world is the same place as it was in 2017
Except we have more money printed in 2020 than ever before, and we’ll be doing that again every year for the next 5-10 years
Except we have 0% interest rates now with them locked at 0% until 2025 at least
People are looking for assets to put their fiat in
Yes, the only harsh reality here is a bunch of the general population is going to be priced out of ever owning any assets
24 min later 28594399 Anonymous
If bitcoin were to crash what coin would thrive?
Looking back at 2017/18 i cant find anything that didn't go down with BTC
25 min later 28594450 Anonymous
I cashed out to a greater fool today. Bitcoin and ETH are destined to deflate.
28 min later 28594558 Anonymous
the fact that normies and companies start falling for get rich quick scams really tells me that the economy isn't doing that well
29 min later 28594598 Anonymous
30 min later 28594631 Anonymous
>he still thinks btc is a get rich quick scheme
Lol no wonder you think it’s a bubble, you don’t even understand it
31 min later 28594679 Anonymous
Retard you just made a huge mistake if you aren’t just LARPing in trying to get people to sell
32 min later 28594738 Anonymous
a durability of a man
32 min later 28594758 Anonymous
Based and truth pilled
33 min later 28594784 Anonymous
zoom out faggot
33 min later 28594791 Anonymous
originally it was created with the purpose of being a currency, but the only people who used it as such were druggies, since it failed to scale the next narrative created by whales to promote it was that it's a store of value and digital gold even though it was never intented that way by satoshi himself
34 min later 28594821 Anonymous
it's crossed the threshold from 'bubble' to power balance
this isn't 2017 retail paper hands shit, institutions are now racing to get in
35 min later 28594852 Anonymous
came to post this, fuck you
35 min later 28594853 Anonymous
How retarded do you have to be not to see mass adoption.
Do you realize how many people have made millions or hundred of thousands on Tesla stock?
Their owner has tweeted constantly about crypto. Mastercard, visa, paypal. Coinbase is no longer a niche name in itself.
35 min later 28594862 Anonymous (1611855047220.jpg 690x720 78kB)
>the thing everyone knows is a bubble is a bubble
The point is taking profits before the bubble pops you gay faggot.
36 min later 28594899 Anonymous
the entire global economy is a bubble and I'm betting on crypto collapsing less than stocks and the USD
37 min later 28594949 Anonymous
Seems like organic growth to me.
39 min later 28595031 Anonymous
this. retards are mad they got priced out. paypal opened the floodgates to the public and its going to stay like that.
39 min later 28595033 Anonymous
Everything you said is bullshit
Your fud doesn’t work anymore cunt
You’re not buying Bitcoin cheap ever again
41 min later 28595113 Anonymous
Use log scale
https://bankingyourself.com/will-bi tcoin-crash-again/
42 min later 28595160 Anonymous
read the white paper and tell me how i'm wrong mongoloid
44 min later 28595216 Anonymous
good bye fool
46 min later 28595294 Anonymous
51 min later 28595512 Anonymous
>What is lightning network
https://twitter.com/jackmallers/sta tus/1346866335536582656?lang=en
Literally released 1 month ago, we just wait for adoption now.
>LiGhTnInG nEtWoRk iZz dEaD
52 min later 28595560 Anonymous
/biz/ is the most esoteric board on 4chan, even more so than /x/
53 min later 28595580 Anonymous
54 min later 28595647 Anonymous
>it just hurts to have tethered when eth was 700
mistake #1: you sold crypto
mistake #2: you didn't stake your tether for 160% APY
58 min later 28595802 Anonymous
>but muh decentralization
>but muh no third parties
so what's the point
58 min later 28595831 Anonymous (diam.png 1434x584 112kB)
They'll all cycle down with it, just some will get the Req -95% treatment, some will roll with Btc such as Eth. Anyone who says 'Link' or 'Uni' or anything else is braindead and a shill.
59 min later 28595857 Anonymous
Nonsense, non of that satanic stuff you hear? We do economics here, we are civilized /biz/ness men.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz- PtEJEaqY
1 hours later 28595932 Anonymous (C69F1871-87C3-46D3-AB68-934C7C948B26.jpg 738x1158 83kB)
You had 10 years
1 hours later 28595943 Anonymous
It is a bubble.
And yet, we are at the beginning of a new paradigm.
We'll crash back down to 20k.
To 30k maybe.
Then we'll continue to rise.
Do what you like anon, there's no point in being retarded.
1 hours later 28595990 Anonymous
people been screaming its a bubble in 2017 from $2k
1 hours later 28595994 Anonymous
The fire rises
1 hours later 28596629 Anonymous
biz seems to be fully behind the housing market crashing. you see posts all the time gloating about how they are going to make boomers cry when they buy their mansions for pennies any day now. but bitcoin goes up forever.
it's ALMOST as if biz has no real insight on either market and is simply wishing for particular things to happen in each that would benefit them...
1 hours later 28596988 Anonymous
1 hours later 28597042 Anonymous
1 hours later 28597138 Anonymous
1 hours later 28597216 Anonymous
this, make money while you can. take profits, be ready for a big correction
1 hours later 28597298 Anonymous
1 hours later 28597476 Anonymous
Just gonna leave this here...
https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bi tcoin-rainbow-chart/
1 hours later 28597565 Anonymous
>HURR bitcoin bubble chart
How dumb do you have to be?
>show chart of dollars printed by fed this past year
>show chart of real estate values skyrocketing during pandemic
>show chart of big tech corporate profit margins past 3 years
>show chart of unemployment rates and business closures during pandemic
>show chart of people reporting depression symptoms
>show chart of the stock market past 3 years
Guess what fuckface? EVERYTHING is in a bubble right now. Bitcoin isn't likely to crash until the entire life bubble pops because we live in a fucking clown world right now where money isn't real. There's no reason for crypto to pop before these other bubbles
Once the stock market bubble begins to pop, and true despair begins to creep in, then crypto will follow suit. Until then, the crypto asset class in general makes a lot more sense to hold onto then stocks since the weakness of fiat is on clear display
1 hours later 28597704 Anonymous
enjoy missing out on the final bullrun
1 hours later 28597735 Anonymous (GME.jpg 1280x720 46kB)
Dump it.
1 hours later 28597984 Anonymous
Stay poor because you'd rather let the chosenites collect fees instead of you
1 hours later 28597998 Anonymous
we did it redit
1 hours later 28598023 Anonymous
Because T H I S T I M E I S D I F F E R E N T .
1 hours later 28598089 Anonymous
Wow retard alert
1 hours later 28598117 Anonymous
Explain the logarithmic function
1 hours later 28598181 Anonymous (villager.png 272x221 120kB)
>its a bubble
1 hours later 28598189 Anonymous
1 hours later 28598211 Anonymous
number go up, but 0-1 is as big than 1-10, so now number go up not as much as it went up last time it went up
you fucking caveman
1 hours later 28598232 Anonymous
We know it’s a bubble you retard it doesn’t stop us from making money.
1 hours later 28598239 Lefty bizboi
Btc will crash to below 10k
1 hours later 28598256 Anonymous
Everyone knows it's worthless, everyone wants to dump bags on someone else at the top.
1 hours later 28598266 Anonymous
It makes exponential growth look linear, which helps retards who don't understand basic economics pretend that it's not a bubble.
1 hours later 28598278 Anonymous
>Explain the logarithmic function
>explain the linear funciton
>what is a chart?
>what is volume?
>what is liquidity
>explain to me pls what these basic definitions are and how should I interpret them
Use the Google search engine and then you can come to your own conclusions you lazy fuck.
1 hours later 28598386 Anonymous (DKY4HDCXkAEod-I.jpg 921x921 109kB)
Iz it still worf it?
Shall we dump it?
2 hours later 28598760 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-13-13-17-59-894_com.android.chrome.jpg 1200x1245 184kB)
Not yet, it will be a bubble when it gets over 300k next month, pic related.
2 hours later 28598828 Anonymous
Now the real question is, how do you detect the bubble is starting to pop?
2 hours later 28598856 Anonymous
you see how the pumps are weakening at the bottom of your own chart
2 hours later 28598941 Anonymous
Ffs it’s a pause in the mania you retards. You’re only freaking out because you owned a ton of shitcoins.
My eth, snx and Ada portfolio sure ain’t looking too bad right now.
Sold my reef, 1inch atom and dot before this shitshow
2 hours later 28598991 Anonymous
What happened when it hit 20k? Major dump.
40k? Major dump
50k? Avalanche
2 hours later 28599089 Anonymous
>BTC buyers outnumber sellers 5-1
2 hours later 28599210 Anonymous
I'll be selling in july/august
2 hours later 28599382 Anonymous
There were a few gainers. Initially ETH, then XRP, then EOS hype and eventually LINK. There were a few altcoins that kept moving here and there, ostly large caps , ie lisk, bat,zrx etc.
2 hours later 28599419 Anonymous
explain to me how log scale is not financial escapism
2 hours later 28599428 Anonymous
so when corona is a non-issue in the developed world, the economy is completely re-opened, fears of inflation have eased, and crypto is down over 50%?
2 hours later 28599466 Anonymous
>so when corona is a non-issue in the developed world
...nobody tell him
2 hours later 28599487 Anonymous
how is the rise in price calculated on the stf model?
2 hours later 28599572 Anonymous
How retarded do you have to be to complain about easy profit?
2 hours later 28599635 Anonymous
by summer corona will be completely irrelevant in developed countries. there will be regular boosters each year, and people will still be encouraged to wear masks indoors in crowded spaces because of the obvious health benefits that asian countries have been smart enough to realize for years. that's it.
2 hours later 28599723 Anonymous
Bitcoins momentum has been dying since Tuesday. Barely any investors in the past month. Despite the recent pumps from Elon there was way more people investing during October and December last year, which is what kept it pumped up. Now there is little to no momentum and the strength is on its way down, that's why it's going sideways. Dump coming.
2 hours later 28599802 Anonymous
>Barely any investors in the past month.
you retard
2 hours later 28599809 Anonymous
2 hours later 28599899 Anonymous
You might want to sell before the truth hurts even more
2 hours later 28599907 Anonymous (SminimPepe.jpg 2000x2000 1230kB)
OP sold his BTC @ 10K correction...
now he just likes to watch like a little cuck
2 hours later 28599947 Anonymous
your mom is a bubble inflating because of negro sperm in her pussy
2 hours later 28599950 Anonymous
what a fucking retard.
2 hours later 28600511 Anonymous
Obvious, the peaks are instabilities, and ofc at 1000$ btc was way more fragile than now
2 hours later 28600556 Anonymous
No fucking clue but I trust it to take me off 6 figures hell
2 hours later 28600564 Anonymous
No Coiner: The Post
2 hours later 28600588 Anonymous
>his chart isn't in log
2 hours later 28600748 Anonymous (1.png 1223x594 76kB)
what's this pattern called?
2 hours later 28600792 Anonymous (15644657657.png 1474x512 57kB)
>TFW there are people who think this is the top
2 hours later 28600952 Anonymous
Dumb answer
Dumb answer
Correct answer
3 hours later 28601064 Anonymous (1423797993954.png 622x674 269kB)
>buy coin
>defend the top until death
3 hours later 28601176 Anonymous (Sem título.jpg 1223x601 125kB)
3 hours later 28601220 Anonymous
It’ll go down eventually. But we aren’t at the top yet.
3 hours later 28601225 Anonymous (hgcj.jpg 956x627 58kB)
>/biz/ how literally retarded do you have to be not to see that its a bubble?
One year from now Bobos will rope themselves. You had the opportunity to make it, but you were too much of a coward to hold. Just like the retarded faggots who sold between $2k and $6k in early 2017.
3 hours later 28601246 Anonymous
you say that like it's a bad thing. bubbles are incredibly profitable anon. its where generational wealth is built
3 hours later 28601367 Anonymous (1609983298119.png 625x605 64kB)
>it's a bubble
3 hours later 28601440 Anonymous
i don't see it as a bubble, but a potential point at which you could sell to buy back in within 3 months, not that it really matters much
i want to maximize my BTC
i don't care if it goes to 2K or 500k in the short term. i want to maximize how much i have
3 hours later 28601648 Anonymous
Think about it
3 hours later 28601699 Anonymous
>by summer corona will be completely irrelevant in developed countries.
Wrong, the covid1984 measures will be prolonged and worsened arbitrarily by all jew-controlled governments until all non-multinational-giant-companies are ruined and can be bought for a dime by corporate jews and banks.
3 hours later 28601744 Anonymous
>Forever priced out of owning a full bitcoin because you were stupid enough to sell at 10k.
lol butthurt retard
3 hours later 28601757 Anonymous (1612280999074.jpg 276x183 5kB)
wow anon you're right, nobody is talking about this
3 hours later 28601784 Anonymous
you had 12 years OP
3 hours later 28601796 Anonymous
You know how order books work right?
3 hours later 28601815 Anonymous (1613208562564.gif 600x338 3095kB)
> fiat goy cattle
> chad crypto aryan master race
3 hours later 28601863 Anonymous
It's not a bubble, it's actually holding because of TESLA.
3 hours later 28601923 Anonymous
3 hours later 28601942 Anonymous
Yes we would all guess that billionaire retard would take the money from his share holders and put it into Bitcoin.
BTC would't go over 40k if he hadn't done this extremely retarded move.
3 hours later 28601980 Anonymous
pretty much all wagecuking boomers right now
I'm on a facebook stonks/ gold/ finance group and all the boomers think that it's a ponzi, a bubble, a scam, kek
they're the ones that will FOMO into crypto too late, and they will provide the final push towards 200-300k probably
3 hours later 28602002 Anonymous
Number only go up sorry gaywad
3 hours later 28602013 Anonymous
that's december 2017
3 hours later 28602018 Anonymous
If there is a hole in the bubble it gon pop
3 hours later 28602105 Anonymous
this, fpbp
investments should always be looked at in the log scale, you don't ever care about the $ value anything rises, only the %.
3 hours later 28602115 Anonymous
go to logarithmic
understand halvings and the inherent value of bitcoin
look at previous marketcycles
yes, this is a bubble but i very much doubt that we're at the current cycles top yet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbZ 8zDpX2Mg
3 hours later 28602144 Anonymous
This, these fags will never make it
3 hours later 28602160 Anonymous
>overfitted model
lol. get fucked, non-STEM.
3 hours later 28602178 Anonymous
show me your (you)s
3 hours later 28602319 Anonymous
>BTC would't go over 40k
3 hours later 28602386 Anonymous
Log plots plots %change while linear plots absolute change. If accumulating use linear, if compounding use log.
3 hours later 28602447 Anonymous
what's your point do you have a fucking crystal ball or something
3 hours later 28602452 Anonymous (1610710405681s.jpg 201x250 5kB)
its funny because this boomer coin will crash but actual projects will remain
Keep holding your bags with r*ddit while bizraelis buy your life in a few year
3 hours later 28602554 Anonymous (a42f519ad455b7373c55860c0f179608.jpg 236x590 26kB)
>I couldn't have known it would go up
>It was this one singular event that I could not predict that caused it
You are at stage 3. Please, don't kill yourself when BTC inevitably reaches $140k. It's just money, and your life matters more.
3 hours later 28602596 Anonymous (linearfag.jpg 2152x1268 300kB)
don't post charts if you don't know how to use them.
3 hours later 28602599 Anonymous (1610735959096.jpg 750x689 413kB)
However please do kill yourself when boomercoin reaches 0 and you realise DeFi chads were right all along
3 hours later 28602603 Anonymous
he fell for the bubble meme... ngmi
3 hours later 28602663 Anonymous
This is great to legitimise the Lightning Network, but this is really only good for fiat > fiat. So won't do much for making Bitcoin mainstream. Basically, this would work exactly the same whether Bitcoin was $10 or $1 Million
3 hours later 28602734 Anonymous
zoom out
3 hours later 28603018 Anonymous
Sure Buddy
3 hours later 28603062 Anonymous
You don't. Smart people cash out early, sure you won't get as much as you would have if you sold the very top, but you'd have to be insanely lucky to do that. Better to take a +350% and miss out on a +500% than to get greedy and lose all your gains.
3 hours later 28603122 Anonymous
I bought the ICO and sold in august last year when it was ATH against BTC. Current LINK threads are filled with obvious black people and Qtards who migrated from /pol/, because they are drawn to cults. You are the bagholder.
3 hours later 28603153 Anonymous
it's a logarithm what are you talking about you fucking retard neck yoruself
3 hours later 28603213 Anonymous
You don't understand why log scale is most appropriate for finance, retard.
And I don't care about your college degree, wagie. I'm a self-made multi-millionaire.
3 hours later 28603272 Anonymous
Is that your excuses for literally missing most of the gains on link ?
Are you retarded ?
You sold the best performing asset in 2020 half way through when it was far from done ?
You were never meant to make it
3 hours later 28603328 Anonymous (1613036204698.jpg 303x298 34kB)
Bitcoin is going to hit 100k wether you like it or not
HODL faggot
3 hours later 28603377 Anonymous
Eat shit, non-STEM. You don't need to pretend on an anonymous image board. Kek.
3 hours later 28603503 Anonymous
I should add that the last major bubble ('17) was around +2000% in a year, but with the amount of normies on board this time, it might not get that high this time before fomosexuals start panic selling. Alternatively, it might get even higher, you never really know until it's too late.
For comparison, the early '13 bubble peaked over +4000%, and the late '13 bubble peaked over +8000%.
3 hours later 28603518 Anonymous
3 hours later 28603563 Anonymous (linkbtc.jpg 1550x692 158kB)
Your retardation is astounding. But let me try to simplify it for your smooth brain.
If you had sold 50,000 LINK in august, you would have 80 BTC right now, with a USD value of $3,752,000.
If you had sold 50,000 LINK today, you would have 32,5 BTC right now, with a USD value of $1,524,000.
Current LINK holders being as dumb as you is the reason I wanted to get the fuck out of it as soon as it came close to $20.
3 hours later 28603580 Anonymous
Every non retard here knows that this bullrun will end and everything will crash, but we are not close to the top yet. Everyone believes in the stf model
3 hours later 28603608 Anonymous
>I just started trading starter pack
3 hours later 28603638 Anonymous
thing is, retards dont look at ALT/BTC but ALT/USDT for some reason...
3 hours later 28603663 Anonymous
What a loser
3 hours later 28603686 Anonymous (2021-02-13 16_10_17-Window.png 734x459 32kB)
What gains? Link is exactly where it was a year ago.
I'm all in link but it has only been bleeding for 6 months now.
3 hours later 28603820 Anonymous
You didn't consider taxes in your calculations. Sure you can get away with it for a few years but the amounts of money we are talking about will land you in a shitload of trouble eventually.
4 hours later 28603947 Anonymous
Smoothbrains trading sats like the boomerbrained low IQ they are when they hold DeFi's key
NGMI with this 2017 autistic mindset
Also nice r*dditspacing larping faggot, now go back
4 hours later 28603949 Anonymous
What the fuck are you talking about? Obviously making $3.7 million is better than $1.5 million, regardless of taxes. What the fuck has happened to this board? I'm out. My brain is melting.
4 hours later 28604090 Anonymous
capital gains tax would make that trade basically breakeven for someone who isn’t a poor faggit like you
4 hours later 28604153 Anonymous
Point out the part where I say that it would have been better not to sell for btc. You can't because it didn't happen you retard baboon.
4 hours later 28604168 Anonymous (036C46AF-7412-45D1-A9AA-182008E5D07C.png 1080x1680 2372kB)
>sold in august
>up 100%
Oh nononononoooo
4 hours later 28604343 Anonymous
you’re poor as fuck. That’s why you don’t understand. Maybe one day you will find out
4 hours later 28604373 Anonymous
>So then I told them it was a bubble about to pop any minute
>and they fell for it?
>LOL yes, all the way to 1 million
>stupid goyim
4 hours later 28604464 Anonymous
Where can you get 160% for tether?
4 hours later 28604538 Anonymous (HODL.jpg 1080x1080 366kB)
1 million 2030.
4 hours later 28605125 Anonymous
I did go to college for a STEM degree. The fact that you think going to college (which everyone does nowadays) somehow makes you superior shows that you most likely are a coping poorfag. And you don't understand why log-scale is most appropriate for investing. Stay poor.
3.511 0.214