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2021-02-13 10:14 28590755 Anonymous (EE4D13D1-D673-4F20-BE68-797CA1BFDF7F.jpg 1124x1413 177kB)
Show me your bags, anon.
0 min later 28590793 Anonymous
Uhhhh based
1 min later 28590812 Anonymous (2021-02-13 01_15_40.png 110x38 1kB)
we're all gonna make it
2 min later 28590850 Anonymous (4F59718C-3DF2-444E-9FE9-F24E2AD4A656.jpg 1284x1767 628kB)
Can’t sell link because drns
Can’t sell GRT because 28 days undelegating
Can’t sell BNT because I lose my rewards multiplier.
Feeling kind of locked in here. Permabull whether I like it or not.
7 min later 28591074 Anonymous
8 min later 28591112 Anonymous
I remember back in 2018 when people were telling me 5k was a suicide stack and 10k was make it for LINK I worked so many hours to try and build my stack because of it lmao
11 min later 28591255 Anonymous
based arbitrum related alt holder. this is exactly why im not adding liq to bancor right now.
15 min later 28591447 Anonymous
Nice catch, don't know anyone else paying close enough attention to Offchain Labs to pick up MCDex at the moment. But why aren't you adding liq to Bancor?
21 min later 28591679 Anonymous (887516EE-1A7E-4341-9F0A-5E114C930F04.jpg 1125x1557 471kB)
Hopefuly Links just getting started
25 min later 28591839 Anonymous (CC830544-D2F4-428E-A554-0C10876525D8.png 828x1792 484kB)
Will I make it?
25 min later 28591841 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-225046_Blockfolio.jpg 810x2906 565kB)
Stuck in 6 figure hell. Tell me guys will I be able to get out of this?
26 min later 28591874 Anonymous
After the 2018 crash I had a same $ in crypto as you. Now my folio is right above yours
28 min later 28591947 Anonymous
no thanks FBI ill tell you about my bags tho
3.7 btc
20k link
50 dexg
im hoping to make it for real this run
29 min later 28591959 Anonymous
damn nice one anon
grats on your success
29 min later 28591974 Anonymous
I still have some fucking funfair just in remembrance of being a retard so I don't forget
29 min later 28591994 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-044317.png 720x470 56kB)
I need to triple
30 min later 28592017 Anonymous
that's a lot of coins anon.
46 min later 28592714 Anonymous
I would rather an egg in all baskets vs all eggs in one basket.
47 min later 28592770 Anonymous
>if I had bought the digital dogshit dip in december I could have had like 13k RLC
49 min later 28592826 Anonymous (1611863886798.png 800x1000 571kB)
>the mechanics of the market are forcing you to hold until link is 60 and GRT is 6
52 min later 28592971 Anonymous (pp.png 1305x1185 178kB)
I've invested about 7k my own money.
1 hours later 28593272 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-021410906.jpg 1080x2340 378kB)
Please help.
1 hours later 28593277 Anonymous (image0 (1).jpg 2048x780 241kB)
This'll be 100k in a few months.
1 hours later 28593356 Anonymous
do you fags actually use blockfolio for buying and selling these meme tokens? lmao nerds
1 hours later 28593446 Anonymous (retard (2).jpg 125x100 2kB)
Link schizo you don't deserve to see my sack especially when holding no apollo retard
1 hours later 28593801 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-102505.jpg 1440x3120 685kB)
Have put a total of £9k in, started mid Dec.
>rate me boys
1 hours later 28593860 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-052539.png 864x1776 83kB)
Not selling.
1 hours later 28593908 Anonymous (ED3CCFBA-A2BC-42B3-873D-BC94CD39CC1A.jpg 828x1013 295kB)
Will I make it?
1 hours later 28593923 Anonymous (57EA2CCB-A181-488C-B5B7-48EE8C246FDB.png 1170x2532 696kB)
1 hours later 28593949 Anonymous
>13 ETH
1 hours later 28594002 Anonymous
Go all in on LINK you can still make it
1 hours later 28594003 Anonymous (current_val.png 683x827 102kB)
End my misery please...
1 hours later 28594009 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-102949_Delta.jpg 972x2369 488kB)
1 hours later 28594083 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-053256_Coinbase.jpg 1079x1516 295kB)
1 hours later 28594206 Anonymous
>can't buy pubic
>can't buy grt
>can't buy dot
>can't buy reef
>can't buy fantom
what the fuck do i even buy
1 hours later 28594234 Anonymous
Did you just get into crypto like last week?
1 hours later 28594274 Anonymous
I only own Bitcoin, Monero and LTO.
1 hours later 28594366 Anonymous
is there a reliable portfolio app that also connects to wallets like ledger or trezor so you can collect the data into one place? im on blockfolio but i cant get na accurate picture this way
.t 2019 newfag
1 hours later 28594386 Anonymous
75%, 12,5%, 12,5%.
1 hours later 28594389 Anonymous
>have more GRT than me
Fuck you
1 hours later 28594680 Anonymous
I won't make it this bullrun, fug
1 hours later 28594848 Anonymous
Ledger app does that.
1 hours later 28594874 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-125136_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2280 451kB)
Enjoy you shitcoins
1 hours later 28594910 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-115218.jpg 1080x2340 504kB)
What do you think op?
1 hours later 28595218 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213_115926.jpg 1080x2019 222kB)
Next week I'll be rich
1 hours later 28595250 Anonymous
1 hours later 28595300 Anonymous (3ADE7EF2-B39D-4EE3-9424-91DB3CDE1EAE.png 1170x2532 493kB)
1 hours later 28595303 Anonymous
1 hours later 28595452 Anonymous
That portfolio should had been me at the end of the summer.
1 hours later 28595502 Anonymous
What magical website is this anon?
1 hours later 28595752 Anonymous
Fuck yeah. Boeing IBM running nodes on it. Google conference on the 17th. Get in here boyzzz!!
2 hours later 28596084 Anonymous
2 hours later 28596820 Anonymous (unknown (3).png 356x93 4kB)
i got a lot of strudels
2 hours later 28597462 Anonymous (CCA05BB1-B33C-4921-B6CF-B38A4BDE8381.jpg 750x1164 354kB)
$1M soon
2 hours later 28597558 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-13-07-54-46-920_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg 1080x2340 453kB)
Cake run has been nuts. In since 50 cents.
2 hours later 28597648 Anonymous
nice. wagmi
2 hours later 28597676 Anonymous
Sell 50% for BNT
2 hours later 28597786 Anonymous
congrats on the DIA, not so many holders here
2 hours later 28598056 Anonymous (8BD83C12-0942-4373-83CC-EF409B707EB0.png 1125x2436 430kB)
>have 3 grand available ~7 hours ago
>planned to go BTC, but did the needful
>put one on LTC, one on 0x, one LINK
>all down 2% within 5 minutes
Who else /cursedhands/ here?
Don’t even talk to me about Doge, I still believe in my heart that Elon is secretly putting in the legwork to get a coinbase listing.
2 hours later 28598184 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-065543.png 1080x2160 120kB)
2 hours later 28598188 Anonymous
Based ALEPH holder
2 hours later 28598268 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-231140.png 1440x2560 457kB)
2 hours later 28598285 Anonymous
Thats based folio fren.
3 hours later 28598404 Anonymous (5D6D1391-BBA0-4B14-9A79-8FEF2540D246.jpg 750x878 285kB)
How fucked am I?
3 hours later 28598729 Anonymous
Cake can go a lot higher from here, gratz on the gainz
3 hours later 28599233 Anonymous
3 hours later 28599775 Anonymous
3 hours later 28599783 Anonymous
3 hours later 28599799 Anonymous
Try again, gmi
3 hours later 28599989 Anonymous
Nice try fbi
3 hours later 28600738 Anonymous
red pill me on RLC. Should i dive in?
4 hours later 28601190 Anonymous (1611427443758.jpg 1024x1001 59kB)
>tfw im too late to get into any of this
4 hours later 28602064 Anonymous
Based esrdl holder
4 hours later 28602182 Anonymous (coinstats.png 1248x480 53kB)
wow you guys are fucking insane, I started with 200$ in January 1st 2021 and I almost 10x my money, are these good to hold? Thinking of selling 75% of my ADA when GRT dumps into GRT.
4 hours later 28602313 Anonymous
Or maybe into Hedera, I hear really good things but is it a meme?
4 hours later 28602462 Anonymous
>Can’t sell BNT because I lose my rewards multiplier.
Same, i have a little more than half as much as you and the rewards are dumb.
4 hours later 28602576 Anonymous
Nice portfolio dude, im a retard that could of had 300k LINK during the last bullrun, RLC is the next thing which I hold too, yagmi.
4 hours later 28602696 Anonymous
8000 RBC
3000ish REEF
300 ADA
4 hours later 28602717 Anonymous
Better stack more iota before liftoff
4 hours later 28602813 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-075419.png 720x1440 133kB)
New fren here. Will I make it?
4 hours later 28602857 Anonymous (AF1AA00A-9D4F-4F42-AAFB-93D869694763.png 1242x2208 807kB)
Haven’t really made a successful trade besides rubic
Kinda feeling down and hopeless but will keep on trucking
4 hours later 28603186 Anonymous (grt.jpg 720x1280 63kB)
lets see if my poor retarded ass can make it
4 hours later 28603634 Anonymous
what app is this
4 hours later 28603636 Anonymous
This may be the single most based portfolio I've ever seen. Without a doubt making it.
4 hours later 28603715 Anonymous
You will be eternally... comfy
4 hours later 28603724 Anonymous
half mil in crypto
stfu faggot
4 hours later 28603770 Anonymous (20210213_151220.jpg 705x1254 130kB)
Newfriend here, please be polite
5 hours later 28603892 Anonymous
Relax faggot 2% is nothing
5 hours later 28603938 Anonymous
$10 ETH. gonna make it, how does $20 EOY sound?
5 hours later 28603972 Anonymous
100% eth, have fun getting shit on
5 hours later 28604011 Anonymous
Just buy some link and eth itll probably do 2-3x in altseason
5 hours later 28604069 Anonymous
No. Pick 2 coins
5 hours later 28604484 Anonymous (folio2.png 1120x672 68kB)
Holding most of this until next year probably.
5 hours later 28604516 Anonymous
Weak ass bitches. Not one shitcoin in here.
If you're under 6 figures look at OPEN (openDAO) and Katalyo
5 hours later 28604520 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213_152648.jpg 1080x2145 276kB)
5 hours later 28604707 Anonymous (E09973A9-A671-40FE-B2F1-DDE86E5D058E.png 741x568 30kB)
Faggots laughed at me yesterday but I’m up $300 on my $500 poorfolio
5 hours later 28605023 Anonymous
Based. Looks like my portfolio if you take out everything except RSR
5 hours later 28605032 Anonymous
EU uses , instead of . retard
He only has about 400 USD
5 hours later 28605258 Anonymous
>3% pump adds a teachers annual salary
fucking love crypto
5 hours later 28605285 Anonymous (1603802654838.jpg 500x375 47kB)
What do I dump $5k into so I can quit my wagie job in 10 years boys? Xx
5 hours later 28605307 Anonymous
I'm embarrassed to show you my bags, OP.
5 hours later 28605423 Anonymous
what wallet/app are these?
5 hours later 28605572 Anonymous
now im a faggot it seems
5 hours later 28605692 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-154630_Delta.jpg 1080x2400 306kB)
put 100 linkies in grt when it was 0,70
5 hours later 28605838 Anonymous (23432.png 634x640 251kB)
yet another portfolio thread with absolutely no sign of XSN
5 hours later 28606095 Anonymous (IMG_2631.jpg 750x968 93kB)
Maybe one day i'll make it.
5 hours later 28606139 Anonymous (IMG_20210213_155814.jpg 1080x1031 178kB)
5 hours later 28606653 Anonymous (SLAV_MEME.jpg 526x760 42kB)
>all these single digit link poorfolios
I can't believe this actually happened. The memes were real. Next year we're actually going to see normies showing up with fractional values of chainlink lmao.
5 hours later 28606759 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-160758.png 496x728 99kB)
I think of running an aleph node and selling the rest for more Nex.
5 hours later 28606792 Anonymous (0B5F8EE3-A111-4207-8AE8-20B8941EA38B.jpg 702x1024 100kB)
Ditch the pnk and xrp
6 hours later 28607735 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-062354_Delta.jpg 1080x2220 449kB)
Everyday I feel more and more comfy.
6 hours later 28607932 Anonymous
You are absolutely gonna make it with that RSR stack, aleph another baller choice
6 hours later 28608160 Anonymous
10 years?? any altcoin that's not a scam or btc. 1 year? Fantom.
6 hours later 28608189 Anonymous
you are spread too thin for how poor you are. Unless those are just your bags, then my condolences.
6 hours later 28608452 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-163257.png 480x960 67kB)
What should I buy more of? Pls help
6 hours later 28608465 Anonymous
What app are you using?
6 hours later 28608595 Anonymous
What do you think?
6 hours later 28608720 Anonymous (portf.png 1061x359 17kB)
is it too late to get in on ADA and RSR?
6 hours later 28608861 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-11-00-04-32-846_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg 1080x2340 377kB)
6 hours later 28609759 Anonymous (coinbase-pro.png 1257x744 31kB)
poorfag coming through
7 hours later 28611104 Anonymous
7 hours later 28611131 Anonymous
looks like you're stuck in hell
7 hours later 28611736 Anonymous
damn son
7 hours later 28611807 Anonymous
DGB stack looks comfy
7 hours later 28612291 Anonymous
i'm now king of the linklets with my triple digit link
7 hours later 28612348 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-113149.png 1440x2880 274kB)
Pls rate
7 hours later 28612374 Anonymous
thanks for the hope anon.
Im in the military and currently pumping every penny i have into crypto, i just wanna retire to a comfy farm and smoke DMT all day?
Any good 10x coins in the near future?
7 hours later 28612594 Anonymous (IMG_20210213_165655.jpg 1080x1058 138kB)
should i invest all my money in only one coin right? Poorfag here
7 hours later 28612660 Anonymous (0B8FED44-0713-4EBF-897A-56DFF7D04168.png 828x1792 306kB)
Hoping i make it this run
7 hours later 28612778 Anonymous
Depends on what you want. If you want a comfy 3-5x your doing things right atm. If you want 10x+, aim for a lower mcap coin with good potential
7 hours later 28613333 Anonymous
Newfag here, which app is that?
7 hours later 28613557 Anonymous
where can i buy VIDT and LTO on? Binance?
i use coinbassproshop
7 hours later 28613875 Anonymous (12BF81B1-3316-4E12-896B-BC25F1BF2893.jpg 827x1689 206kB)
Started accumulating around august 2020, was at 100k at the beginning of this month. I can’t believe how fast my portfolio is growing right now. These are my biggest holdings also have small amounts invested in other coins which are scrolled out of view
1.687 0.113