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2021-02-12 10:14 28543114 Anonymous (stp.png 720x482 58kB)
Where are we at? I'm thinking delusion

1 min later 28543283 Anonymous
>>28543114 I say we're either just before or just after "New Paradigm!!!".

2 min later 28543396 Anonymous
>>28543114 somewhere around enthusiasm t. been in this shit since 2016

3 min later 28543458 Anonymous
>>28543396 we've seen media attention already t. been in this shit since 2012

4 min later 28543555 Anonymous
>>28543114 we're slowly creeping over the edge of a cliff freefall soon

5 min later 28543640 Anonymous
>>28543114 Media enthusiasm edging on greed

5 min later 28543694 Anonymous
>>28543458 first sell-off t. satoshi

6 min later 28543782 Anonymous
>>28543396 yeah it really hit peak media attention in recent months, creeping through the enthusiasm phase

6 min later 28543794 Anonymous
>>28543555 https://youtu.be/q-Fp7SHMq04?t=154

9 min later 28544058 Anonymous (1612850110335.jpg 709x546 286kB)

10 min later 28544181 Anonymous
>>28543694 You are the only one who is correct. Fucking biz can’t read a logarithmic chart

11 min later 28544235 Anonymous
>>28544181 we know. doesn't mean we can't shake some undesirables out

14 min later 28544535 Anonymous
>>28543396 So you don't think all the celebs, normies, and blacks puts us past public?

18 min later 28544831 Anonymous
i think we are first sell off. But the the sell off will be long. Im comparing it with 93-94 when the techstock artificially was crashed by the institution. so they could load up for 2 years and sell it during dotcom.

19 min later 28544945 Anonymous
>>28544831 see >>28544535

19 min later 28544948 Anonymous
>>28544831 what if we shake out the institutions

20 min later 28545079 Anonymous
i'd say denial. sell while you can!

21 min later 28545126 Anonymous
>>28543114 Unironically this time we are currently at the middle/end of the institutional investors phase.

21 min later 28545143 Anonymous (Screenshot_1.png 1500x638 123kB)
>>28543640 If we're just judging by the chart alone, then realistically the BTCUSD pattern most closely matches to the "Media Attention" phase.

22 min later 28545223 Anonymous
>>28545143 how about the ADA/USD chart?

22 min later 28545245 Anonymous (2CC487F2-B1E2-46A9-8101-3C11F6A44F29.jpg 738x1158 83kB)
Lol, not at mania yet Think about it like this, if it crashed back to $10,000 now, would that warrant a 2-3 year bear market? No it wouldn’t. When mania is over, people have to be completely sick of hearing about crypto and BTC again for at least 2 years. Right now the hype is definitely there, but it’s only just getting interesting. Anyone who has seen and felt the price action and worldwide frenzy that mania brings knows this is not a cycle top

22 min later 28545276 Anonymous
>>28543114 Take off

25 min later 28545518 Anonymous
>>28545223 Honestly it doesn't match up with the pattern at all. I don't think you can use this chart predictively for ADAUSD.

28 min later 28545861 Anonymous
>>28545223 If I were really to stretch, you could say first sell off/bear trap was in august, and we skipped media attention and enthusiasm and blew straight up to greed. It's pretty similar for all alts that have done well this run so far.

30 min later 28545985 Anonymous (wearly.png 582x310 106kB)
>institutional money is in >we are still early >take off

30 min later 28546011 Anonymous
>>28543694 i think we're coming out of the bear trap

30 min later 28546038 Anonymous
ADA is really going to depend on whether their Smart Contracts / Native Assets actually outperform ETH as much as they hope, as well as garnering the developer base needed to support them. If that happens then they invalidate the chart completely.

31 min later 28546082 Anonymous
>>28543114 Crypto is still so small. As long as adoption keeps picking up I don't see a market-wide crash on the same scale as 2017. Percents haven't moved nearly as much yet as they did then either. That was mostly just maniac fomo into still useless tech. As long as your holdings aren't all in DOGE you'll be fine.

31 min later 28546119 Anonymous
>>28543114 We are going to the first sell off at 50k unironically. That chart will be the next 5 years

32 min later 28546184 Anonymous
>>28543114 take off, IYKYK

33 min later 28546250 Anonymous
>>28546082 >>28546119 >>28546184 yeah delusion confirmed, thanks

34 min later 28546329 Anonymous
>>28546250 Yep, bear delusion

34 min later 28546366 Anonymous (12A65D0A-6F8D-407E-B660-3E78B0213F65.jpg 1694x1311 371kB)

34 min later 28546377 Anonymous
>>28543396 Agreed

34 min later 28546390 Anonymous
>>28546329 no worries i know now, thanks

35 min later 28546444 Anonymous
>>28543694 this actually scares me more than delusion. t. 2016

36 min later 28546549 Anonymous
We were heading for fear after that double top, but Elon took us back and we're 100% hitting enthusiasm now. Fits with all the macro models as well. Bobos should have switched sides after the Tesla buy.

37 min later 28546616 Anonymous
>>28546549 how does elon not come after the "public"?

37 min later 28546640 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-13 at 08.49.18.png 1366x768 93kB)
Is this rational? I'm thinking that when the graphs all show the BTC is pretty much at peak, then whales will dump because they believe in the predictive powers of the graphs. This dump could cause the new normies to panic sell and the alt coins to plummet.

38 min later 28546716 Anonymous
>>28546616 he is public sorry

39 min later 28546853 Anonymous
>>28546616 >>28546716 bear confirmed retarded? you picked the wrong side of history

40 min later 28546897 Anonymous
>>28546853 what?

41 min later 28547016 Anonymous
>>28543114 >>28543114 Boys its not so hard to tell. We ve got the Media attention for a while. We are somewhere about enthusiasm. With Public currently coming in thanks to Elon and co. Bitcoin will go x2 From here. Only thing that bothers me that the Sell off was very late this time which could accur that we its going to be way higher this time. But we got till April i guess until its comes to NEW PARADIGM, Reutrn no Normal one month later. Im just trying to get as much as possible from my Altcoins before everything is going down to despair

43 min later 28547207 Anonymous
>>28546640 I don't really agree with your pattern recognition. If BTC were to follow the pattern on this chart, you should recognize that once it goes above the 350DMAx2 like that, it has a massive run up before coming back down.

43 min later 28547234 Anonymous
>>28546038 But if BTC dumps then, sadly, ADA will dump too

44 min later 28547266 Anonymous
>>28546390 I will laugh in 5 years same as I laughed when you told me to sell at 12k

44 min later 28547284 Anonymous
my linkies stay stinky!

44 min later 28547308 Anonymous
>>28543114 >Where are we at? I'm thinking delusion bobotards certainly are. And all because they were so stupid to sell their bitcoin early and are now PRICED OUT FOREVER SAND EVER

45 min later 28547349 Anonymous
>>28547266 yes it's delusion i already know, thanks

45 min later 28547402 Anonymous
>>28543114 enthusiam. bull run ends in 2022

49 min later 28547797 Anonymous
>>28543114 Look at the one year chart for BTC. It's easy to tell. We're in the media attention/enthusiasm phase. Although quite frankly until we have BTC tickers running 24/7 like they were in 2017 I'm not sure we're at media attention. IMO crypto is different. media attention belongs after 'enthusiasm.'

51 min later 28548027 Anonymous
>>28543458 >>28545245 Listen to these guys. The fucking TOTAL crypto market is estimated at $1.5 trillion. That's still 700 billion less than the market cap of Apple. And that's just 1 stock. Some of you have no idea how much money there's going around, and more is being printed at ridiculous rates. With crypto, there's very few barriers to entry and huge network effects... Hold on to your tits, we're still around enthusiasm.

55 min later 28548348 Anonymous
>>28548027 This. I fully expect ETH to hit 4k+ and BTC 100k+ this bull run. We still have at least a few months of this left unless things really start picking up faster.

56 min later 28548401 Anonymous
>>28543114 I mean technically we are still in the institutional investors stage since companies like Tesla and others are just now coming into the market whereas the vast majority of the public has no exposure to crypto yet. That may change with coming ETFs and such but as of right now only a very small percentage has meaningfull exposure to crypto if at all.

1 hours later 28548806 Anonymous
>>28547349 Elaborate My average is $5800. Saying BTC would go to 49k was delusion back then too.

1 hours later 28548922 Anonymous
>>28548806 nobody knows what the top will be but at 5800 you're pretty comfy and can just sit it out and watch what happens and still have good gains

1 hours later 28549152 Anonymous
>>28543114 >Delusion Nailed it Or as I like to call it: Nigger brain

1 hours later 28549382 Anonymous
>>28544181 For crypto, yes agreed. For legacy markets we’re delusional. I am about to long the SQQQ here soon

1 hours later 28549820 Anonymous
>>28546038 Nobody fucking asked you about ADA faggot. Go make your own gay thread nigger.

1 hours later 28550102 Anonymous (top2.png 811x658 470kB)
>>28546329 >Yep, bear delusion

1 hours later 28550233 Anonymous
>>28549382 You want SRTY. Small caps are out of control. Large cap tech is relatively fair value

1 hours later 28550271 Anonymous
>>28545276 Nah Dimb Brian >>28545518 >>28545518

1 hours later 28550327 Anonymous
>>28543114 right behind the first sell off that will happen in March

1 hours later 28550389 Anonymous
right at the bottom of greed

1 hours later 28550500 Anonymous (pepe.jpg 1140x712 62kB)
>>28548027 delusional

1 hours later 28550551 Anonymous
Take off

1 hours later 28550698 Anonymous
>>28543114 This is a suckers rally

1 hours later 28550723 Anonymous
>>28543114 We are early as fuck. We only close to 3x. It will probably at least 8x, maybe even higher with instituions buying.

1 hours later 28550866 Anonymous
>>28543114 I'm in the denial phase of being in the enthusiasm phase. I'm starting to get random acquaintances asking me about mining and shit. Media attention is happening thanks to random celebs and Elon. I'm already feeling the mania. My portfolio doubled in january and is en route to doubling AGAIN this month.

1 hours later 28551127 Anonymous
>>28543114 Objectively we're after the first sell-off, at the very beginning stages of media attention, what with people talking about Tesla buying BTC and so on. This also lines up with the 4 year halving cycle and stock-to-flow modeling that would put the top some time in Q4 this year.

1 hours later 28551149 Anonymous
>>28550866 Normies on FB posting about Dogecoin, all the normie FB groups I'm in have more noobs asking nonsense questions. In march people are going to realize that BTC is up 10x-15x from where it dropped to from the covid crash last year and start fomoing in like crazy.

1 hours later 28551238 Anonymous
>>28543114 For this cycle we're somewhere around media attention / enthusiasm. For crypto as whole, assuming defi and blockchain as a whole captures entire sectors and chunks of GDP? We're only just exiting stealth phase.

1 hours later 28551338 Anonymous (1612923784193.jpg 1808x2048 458kB)
I'll let you mongrels in on a little secret. The institutional money is in, they have been in for a while. Elon Musk shilling this thing is the big setup, he's not your guy, don't believe that for a second. The trap was set this week and I wouldn't wait around for it to be sprung.

1 hours later 28551358 Anonymous
Late stage of greed.

1 hours later 28551449 Anonymous
>>28551338 gooood morning, Tel Aviv!

1 hours later 28551457 Anonymous (1610929408451.jpg 1600x1382 157kB)
>>28550500 or just enthusiastic?

1 hours later 28551551 Anonymous (0BEFF6EB-7DED-4F35-BF12-944593C6DE03.jpg 1242x1485 313kB)
I think 50k may be the top

1 hours later 28551726 Anonymous
>>28551338 it was an SEC filing, faggot. You think Elon decided to buy 1.5 billion at the top as a practical joke if this was all part of a planned dump?

1 hours later 28551747 Anonymous
>>28548027 Apple is actually a real fucking company that brings in billions in revenue

1 hours later 28551836 Anonymous
>>28551551 >linear chart you see that little blip at 2014? That was the peak from 2 market cycles back. That's what 2017 is going to look like once we've peaked this cycle. You're oblivious if you think the cycle peak is going to be a mere 2.5x from the last peak.

1 hours later 28551932 Anonymous
>>28551726 Where did I say he bought the top? But suit yourself. It's not my problem.

1 hours later 28552103 Anonymous
>>28551747 bitcoin is the real bits on your computer chip that transact trillions of dollars everyday.

1 hours later 28552208 Anonymous
>>28543114 >le epic meme chart xd

1 hours later 28552239 Anonymous
Nope we're about to hit first sell off.

1 hours later 28552305 Anonymous
>>28552208 bonjour, ça va?

1 hours later 28552414 Anonymous
>>28551836 I’m just playing it safe. The market doesn’t calculate things in multiples. A 2x from the mcap at the beginning of this cycle is much higher in raw dollars than last cycle. Not saying I’m gonna pull out but prbly not gonna be doing anymore buying for the foreseeable future.

1 hours later 28552536 Anonymous
>>28551836 First peak was x200, next peak x20. If we crash at 50k would noz be out of the unordinary. The volatility is going down as the market grows, this is for the tops and the crashes. Maybe we already are topping atm and will only crash -50\-60%

1 hours later 28552551 Anonymous
>>28550233 >SRTY Fuck it, SDOW too I’ll buy all the inverses it’s all coming down hard

1 hours later 28552781 Anonymous
>>28552305 Bien et vous?

1 hours later 28552885 Anonymous
>>28543114 Anywhere from Enthusiasm to "New Paradigm"!!!. Seriously hard to tell. We'll probably know in a couple of months, at max 9 - 12 months.

1 hours later 28552985 Anonymous (eggman.jpg 729x956 122kB)
>largest companies in the world buying in >banks capitulating and offering crypto services We are no longer in market cycles. We are in Hyperbitcoinization. National fiat currency will become worthless, and there will be one true reserve currency of the world. Bitcoin. Only Bitcoin. I am not deluded.

1 hours later 28553086 Anonymous
>>28552414 nope, it takes as much as money to push up the price point. it's arguably easier as that bitcoin is hyper-scare so it's much less liquid as price get higher.

1 hours later 28553251 Anonymous (e27eb5ad7bf544c743c9ae849e77fe2d.jpg 944x806 63kB)
This board is full of midwits.

1 hours later 28553306 Anonymous
>>28543555 checked, boomer

1 hours later 28553383 Anonymous
>>28543396 aka this is your second bull cycle lmao

1 hours later 28553406 Anonymous
You've been posting this since November. Give it a rest.

1 hours later 28553443 Anonymous
>>28543114 this graph is old and only applies to market before 1970 stop being stupid

1 hours later 28553514 Anonymous
>>28543114 About to hit first sell off, but it’s gonna be a brutal -50% drop. We peak later in the year

2 hours later 28553778 Anonymous
>>28545985 Holy shit if dumb niggers have bought Bitcoin, you know the shoeshine boy theory is about to kick in

2 hours later 28553817 Anonymous
>>28551338 what do you mean anon? elaborate please? what trap?

2 hours later 28553995 Anonymous (1604813243489.jpg 299x169 5kB)

2 hours later 28554961 Anonymous
>>28549820 >>28545223 Actually I WAS asked. Jesus christ, relax.

2 hours later 28555104 Anonymous (075d08988c64ddf48b3cfcf0f1571caed36be194db1039b7fec106f48ab19c2e.jpg 1300x1051 119kB)

2 hours later 28555372 Anonymous
>>28543114 We in Enthusiasm

2 hours later 28555549 Anonymous
Pi Cycle Indicator would say we're at delusion, hasn't failed yet

2 hours later 28556349 Anonymous
>>28552985 Goverment control the military and the police, they get to decide what's worthless and what isn't if they really want.

2 hours later 28556775 Anonymous
>>28543114 gotta be greed and enthusiasm reading all the comments everywhere on the internet and stuff from normies. prepare for an epic crash when interest rates skyrocket

2 hours later 28557243 Anonymous
>>28553251 >posted from my iPhone

2 hours later 28558046 Anonymous
>>28556775 First sell off. Shake out the weak reboot for mania

3 hours later 28558797 Anonymous
Media attention.

3 hours later 28558828 Anonymous (1606052408548.jpg 1440x1080 636kB)
>>28543694 WAGMI

3 hours later 28559564 Anonymous
>>28543396 This

3 hours later 28559788 Anonymous
>>28545245 >>28548027 Completely agreed. This ride will get fucking wild beyond imagination in the coming months, we haven't seen anything yet. 0.1% chance that the new ATH is only 2,5x old ATH. I expect something between 100k and 300k for BTC, if I had to guess I'd go with 150k >>28545985 What makes me even more bullish is that it's always the same pic of the same three useless niggers being used as fud

3 hours later 28559822 Anonymous
>>28543114 Between first selloff and media attention

3 hours later 28559912 Anonymous
>>28543396 So you are a newfag

3 hours later 28560123 Anonymous
End of Media Attention and at the beginning of Enthusiasm. How long will the bull run go? Until September 2021 and we will reach 250k. The summer is usually positive for the crypto market and September is usually a sell-off month where prices will drop until November, where we will reach then "Return to Normal" and the big crash on End of December or January 2022.

2.730 0.105