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2021-02-12 09:47 28540588 Anonymous (link-pumping.png 600x606 786kB)
1 min later 28540734 Anonymous
literally crabbing right now
4 min later 28540990 Anonymous
The beginning of the slide back down to $27.99
Make it stop
5 min later 28541067 Anonymous
6 min later 28541202 Anonymous
I think they tried to make it go back down below $30, but it went back up over it right away so I think $30 will be quite solid unless they dump BTC 5% down.
8 min later 28541403 Anonymous
and remember every time they try and do that it gets more and more expensive
13 min later 28541811 Anonymous
I was actually surprised by how it blew past $30 with almost no resistance the. Normally link has to fight and struggle with every dollar increase, facing several rejections first. And I assumed this would be even worse at a whole factor of 10
Maybe we're nearing the point where CZ can't keep a lid on it much longer.
16 min later 28542067 Anonymous
Like above anon said, it probably was too expensive to keep the suppression going. They have to let LINK go to higher levels so that there will be more potential sell pressure and then try the suppression again. It's currently getting harder and harder since everyone is expecting LINK to finally pop after everything else has gone 5x-10x in the past months.
17 min later 28542220 Anonymous (1613141112805.png 1689x833 143kB)
Earlier today, they tried one last time to dump it below $28, but the buy pressure was just too much.
19 min later 28542332 Anonymous
were you here yesterday?
$28 was denied like 15 times. Whales overplayed their hand a bit today but mark my words the suppression is still very real.
19 min later 28542347 Anonymous
anons posting multiple threads about the btc dumps made them stop
there are unironic sentiment bots on /biz/, never forget that. every post you make affects the market
22 min later 28542622 Anonymous
They are jews. They back off when they're found out. Just name these dirty kikes
23 min later 28542720 Anonymous
>anons posting multiple threads about the btc dumps made them stop
lol probably this.
23 min later 28542776 Anonymous (1611957275591.gif 200x250 2830kB)
so do I sell or hodl
24 min later 28542840 Anonymous
It's literally dumping
25 min later 28542933 Anonymous
>$27.99 is fud now
25 min later 28542968 Anonymous
put crypto in cold storage
check back in 5-10 years
26 min later 28543035 Anonymous
sell all you have right now crypto is fucking dead
28 min later 28543220 Anonymous
that and getting blown the fuck out about arbitrum shut them the fuck up for a spell. They need to get get new talking points so it'll probably be a few days.
28 min later 28543254 Anonymous
I know swingies get the rope, but I am thinking about putting my swing stack into Link. Is it about to break out of its crabbing? The time in the alt cycle seems right but the chart looks meh.
29 min later 28543319 Anonymous
>getting blown the fuck out about arbitrum
What did I miss?
30 min later 28543470 Anonymous
That's what I'm worried about
32 min later 28543617 Anonymous
nope we've gone through 4 fucking cycles now. It here to stay, have some cash on the side and buy the dip.
33 min later 28543764 Anonymous
they were spamming screenshots of a discussion in discord or telegram or something with ed felten where ed said that arbitrum fees for ethereum rollups with be paid in eth. So there argument was that arbitrum has nothing to do with chainlink.
However, they failed to mention that of course eth rollups will be paid in eth becuase that just makes sense and its convenient. The point is that arbitrum performs these rollups offchain, so when its time for final settlement they have to get validated by chainlink nodes in order to get back on ethereum, thereby baking in a consistent market for chainlink jobs (which have to be paid in chainlink) for every single ethereum transaction that wants these cost saving measures.
33 min later 28543768 Anonymous
Can you explain why people would want to keep the price of a crypto down? As far as I know, there aren't any negative bets in crypto. You can't short it. You can't buy puts on it. You can't sell calls, because options don't exist for the underlying asset. What motive would anyone have to suppress the price of link by selling their link?
Not trying to FUD you here, I've got a small bag of link and I hope it moons, but I see this sentiment expressed in all the threads on /biz/: STONK/COIN WENT DOWN, SHILLS MUST be SUPPRESS, and it makes no sense to me in coin threads.
34 min later 28543865 Anonymous
You don't sell link
You either buy more or rope. Your choice.
35 min later 28543939 Anonymous
you are a special kind of retard. the kind who thinks he is smart and doesn't want to face the reality of his retardation.
35 min later 28543950 Anonymous
>You can't short it
Spotted the fucking newfag, gtfo.
36 min later 28544024 Anonymous
Lol yeah I've seen this fud last week or so.
37 min later 28544143 Anonymous
it might even be eth maxis doing it. When you think about it, eth node operators are going to get btfo by arbitrum and chainlink taking the lions share of their earnings.
38 min later 28544228 Anonymous
>it might even be eth maxis doing it.
Brother, it might very well have been Vitalik himself.
Dude can't stop seething his eyeballs out about Link, three years and counting.
41 min later 28544507 Anonymous (Vitalika.jpg 800x450 39kB)
i'm actually worried he'll chop his dick off and transition because of all the Vitalika memes. We have far too much influence.
41 min later 28544509 Anonymous
47 min later 28544988 Anonymous
If you can short it, do you have any evidence that shorting is happening? That data should be available to everyone just by the nature of the currency.
48 min later 28545147 Anonymous
In future, anon, don't talk like a smug retard while also being an absolute fucking retard.
48 min later 28545169 Anonymous
you sound like a discord fag doing damage control
50 min later 28545265 Anonymous (1571424855805.jpg 411x418 44kB)
50 min later 28545279 Anonymous
When ghostchains are jumping 30% in a day yeah I'm a little disappointed anon
50 min later 28545333 Anonymous
Just asking for data man. LIke I said, I'm a believer in chainlink, just not the schizo theories about shills on an obscure austrailian dirt farming forum.
51 min later 28545453 Anonymous (1613105144382.png 750x563 766kB)
vitalika is so pretty
she is a real woman
52 min later 28545551 Anonymous
53 min later 28545614 Anonymous
you just made a post where you disputed that short positions exist for crypto. This means you're either way too dumb to post here, or you're a malicious shill.
Never attribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice.
53 min later 28545615 Anonymous
Literally google "Chainlink margin trading". There's your data.
55 min later 28545825 Anonymous
3 years ago I had $4k now I have 6 figures. I love you biz.
57 min later 28545970 Anonymous
Okay, I just did.
>Chainlink margin trading is a crypto trading strategy whereby you pledge your Chainlink (LINK) tokens as collateral to borrow additional funds to purchase more LINK tokens. This trading strategy is highly useful if you are extremely bullish on Chainlink in the short term but lack the funds to purchase additional LINK tokens.
If you buy chainlink on margin, and the price goes down, you get fucked. Nobody who is trading chainlink on margin would want it to go down.
1 hours later 28546358 Anonymous
This has the same ring as the people who still think melvin capital is shorting GME. Delusional. Chainlink is still a good bet though.
1 hours later 28546568 Anonymous
pay attention to this:
These are the current talking points for paid shills. Act like you don't understand basic things, then compare link investors to reddit/wsb/xrp delusions.
1 hours later 28546914 Anonymous
I am literally saying chainlink is a good bet. Just that there isn't some shadowy conspiracy trying to force the price down. People take profits all the time. I guess not being delusional is enough of a characteristic to make you think I'm part of that imaginary shadowy cabal.
Since anything I say other than "chainlink 1000$ eoy, melvin shills will lose" will apparently make you think I'm a shill, I'll just give up, and silently enjoy the rise in price carried by your delusions.
1 hours later 28547855 Anonymous
Midwit nigger fuck off
1 hours later 28548115 Anonymous
1 hours later 28548176 Anonymous
1 hours later 28548208 Anonymous (green 6.png 480x480 374kB)
1 hours later 28548220 Anonymous (the link feeling.png 1191x826 529kB)
1 hours later 28548251 Anonymous
1 hours later 28548283 Anonymous
1 hours later 28548292 Anonymous (1601661523007.jpg 682x682 65kB)
We ain't stopping, boys!
1 hours later 28548322 Anonymous
fuck you OP made me check, it's over.
1 hours later 28548393 Anonymous
This is it, we're all gonna make it.
1 hours later 28548439 Anonymous
1 hours later 28548515 Anonymous
its over
1 hours later 28548625 Anonymous (pepethefrogplushie(soldout).jpg 1000x1000 84kB)
literally dumping rn, we cant mathematically sustain over $30 i suggest you sell now
1 hours later 28548640 Anonymous
If you're not in, get in.
What more proof do you need that we're going to #3 soon, forget your regret for selling/not buying, you'll only regret it more for continuing to miss out
1 hours later 28548649 Anonymous (1596495615304.jpg 495x386 181kB)
$31 broken
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyb Qal2cKIQ
1 hours later 28548650 Anonymous
I SOLD AT 30.10 thinking it would correct a little and now it's at 31 WHY DOES IT ONLY MOON WHEN I DECIDE TO DO SOMETHING FUCKING SHITHOUSE
1 hours later 28548721 Anonymous
its literally $31
1 hours later 28548730 Anonymous
LINK, RSR and RLC are all poomping. I'm so glad I only buy memes
1 hours later 28548841 Anonymous (1612236700784.jpg 582x676 51kB)
I feel it my quacking little nuts
1 hours later 28548960 Anonymous
This, it's getting more and more expensive to try to pull this shit
1 hours later 28549022 Anonymous (Moonwalker.png 1000x1369 1143kB)
1 hours later 28549027 Anonymous
>31$ accepted
1 hours later 28549093 Anonymous (linkie.png 867x711 546kB)
1 hours later 28549094 Anonymous
the entire market is pumping and its not even close to pumping the hardest. who gives a fuck
1 hours later 28549098 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549116 Anonymous
What does sergey have to gain from dumping 500k every friday? How would anyone benefit from price suppression of LINK? I'm not denying it's happening. I just don't understand the motives behind it.
1 hours later 28549140 Anonymous (SmugSergey.png 638x638 372kB)
1 hours later 28549158 Anonymous (1436293319886.jpg 195x195 7kB)
50$ eow is fud
1 hours later 28549259 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549279 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549299 Anonymous
can anyone post SN=SN schizo pic with estonia etc.?
1 hours later 28549301 Anonymous (1571809377133.png 464x640 371kB)
>who gives a fuck
everyone who is ALL IN since it cost dimes
1 hours later 28549431 Anonymous
Old threads of OG marines cope-congratulating thenselves for selling near $20 coming to mind. Bye losers.
Grats to any oldschool holders still holding.
1 hours later 28549433 Anonymous (1612993994834.jpg 851x967 169kB)
I will start, 100$
1 hours later 28549474 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549547 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549561 Anonymous
Why are moonbois this retarded
1 hours later 28549598 Anonymous (1612400286721.jpg 1200x1200 144kB)
1 hours later 28549624 Anonymous
>t block 478
1 hours later 28549625 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549650 Anonymous
There will be new deepbrain bagholders, don't become one of them
1 hours later 28549684 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549693 Anonymous
Thanks, my autism will be rewarded
1 hours later 28549747 Anonymous
Buy rope with the profit you made.
1 hours later 28549793 Anonymous (1607400158898.jpg 640x632 196kB)
Remember frens, slow and steady wins the race.
1 hours later 28549803 Anonymous
Go back to plebbit
1 hours later 28549831 Anonymous (StrongHodl.jpg 770x1080 1006kB)
1 hours later 28549833 Anonymous
kys poop id faggot
1 hours later 28549837 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549852 Anonymous
Wht do dubs do? EOM?
I say EOW $150
1 hours later 28549892 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549926 Anonymous
1 hours later 28549944 Anonymous
no. 2$
1 hours later 28549992 Anonymous
$ 69
1 hours later 28550049 Anonymous
100 Big Macs
1 hours later 28550074 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550078 Anonymous
50% fluctuation in 50 days, kek willing
1 hours later 28550086 Anonymous
$1240.32 eoy
1 hours later 28550090 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550101 Anonymous
This post is genuinely embarrassing
1 hours later 28550197 Anonymous
Its barely holding $31. Dump incoming
1 hours later 28550294 Anonymous
$1k EOY
1 hours later 28550337 Anonymous (1612741098762.jpg 242x520 22kB)
1 hours later 28550422 Anonymous
so fucking close, fuck
guess we're going straight back to 26
1 hours later 28550446 Anonymous (1603036290800.jpg 2128x3896 2072kB)
1 hours later 28550471 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550504 Anonymous (bridge.jpg 1000x982 65kB)
1 hours later 28550528 Anonymous
You are the retard from the other thread earlier today. Just give it a rest man.
1 hours later 28550648 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550712 Anonymous
The redditers are gone, fuck off
1 hours later 28550747 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550798 Anonymous
Never sold a link, won't sell before 500 where I will cash out my initial investment of exactly 2 link.
1 hours later 28550864 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550869 Anonymous
1 hours later 28550918 Anonymous
Computation is still done by eth unless it's side chains as far I understand it
1 hours later 28550922 Anonymous
You’re not a shill you’re just an annoying midwit faggot who needs to go back to plebbit
1 hours later 28550955 Anonymous
I wanna buy, should I wait for a dip and get some once it reaches $30.5?
1 hours later 28550970 Anonymous
Average buy around 30 cents. I’ve never sold.
1 hours later 28551006 Anonymous (FAF83D21-F518-4D72-90A2-90F1E0C58812.png 462x438 254kB)
1 hours later 28551008 Anonymous
you're never gonna successfully buy the bottom, just buy and hold
1 hours later 28551018 Anonymous (stinky.jpg 576x432 46kB)
1 hours later 28551069 Anonymous
saved but will never repost. thanks
1 hours later 28551096 Anonymous
1 hours later 28551104 Anonymous
What's a realistic EOY for this think? I read some articles a week ago saying $40 is possible by mid 2022 or something but this looks like it will reach $45 by EOY.
1 hours later 28551291 Anonymous
1 hours later 28551330 Anonymous
Sergey you fat peace of shit how many bigmacs do you need to make it
1 hours later 28551348 Anonymous
Within the next two weeks: $65
1 hours later 28551350 Anonymous
$100 is conservative for eoy. Depends entirely on the link team and how link is integrated this year. Could be a lot higher
Grand scheme speaking 1k is fud
1 hours later 28551420 Anonymous
1 hours later 28551422 Anonymous
Given the institutional money flowing into BTC right now poomping the rest of the market I'm extremely optimistic. Wouldn't be shocked at 50+ EOY, though obviously no way to know for sure.
1 hours later 28551472 Anonymous
I just hope my LTC stack doubles before LINK does so I can go all in
1 hours later 28551490 Anonymous
doesn't seem that integrations and shit matters, just look at adas spot
2 hours later 28551565 Anonymous
2 hours later 28551640 Anonymous
$743, but that's for next week (20/2). It's already Friday/Saturday, you can't just go around making predictions for this week like that.
2 hours later 28551739 Anonymous (1608233969889.jpg 1512x2016 1021kB)
2 hours later 28551859 Anonymous (1612325577110.jpg 720x599 29kB)
Don't tell me what I can or cannot do. This weekend is when link finally takes it's place as the top1 coin.
2 hours later 28551905 Anonymous (1432775123284.jpg 339x664 130kB)
EOW $35
EOM $35
End of this bullrun $145 (i also know when this bullrun will end but that will remain a secret)
2 hours later 28551911 Anonymous
2 hours later 28552084 Anonymous (1610457229047.png 657x527 59kB)
Will you tell me for 0.23 link?
2 hours later 28552187 Anonymous
how many LINKS should i hold to make it ?
2 hours later 28552247 Anonymous
2 hours later 28552471 Anonymous
1000 is now make it stack
2 hours later 28552537 Anonymous
Lets gooooooooo!!!
2 hours later 28552814 Anonymous
Bitcoin and all crypto will now crash hard, they will not let chainlink go higher. They want it to go back down to 20 or 17
2 hours later 28552865 Anonymous
How do you know?
2 hours later 28552880 Anonymous
2 hours later 28552888 Anonymous
Cope harder bobo
2 hours later 28552905 Anonymous
either 50, or 14
2 hours later 28552939 Anonymous
2 hours later 28552962 Anonymous
It would warm my heart if some true blue linkmarine died in poverty at the ripe ol age of 102 with a $250M stack and his last act on earth was to eat the crusty ol sticky note with his private key on it to keep his unworthy descendants from cashing it out. Held to the last!
2 hours later 28553009 Anonymous
I have link, Im just being rational in an irrational market, therefore my linky stay stinky $1000 eoy
2 hours later 28553021 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553023 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553024 Anonymous
Lmaooo faggots like you have been telling me this since i bought btc at 800.
2 hours later 28553107 Anonymous
Well of course its not going away, they are just gonna pop the bubble and accumulate more. Next bullrun will push the price to 100, and it might be too expensive to keep suppressing the price. Here's hoping!
2 hours later 28553132 Anonymous
>$20 link is fud
we’ve come a long ways from 50c fud
2 hours later 28553162 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553223 Anonymous
are you retards not reading what I am saying? The people who have been suppressing the price for the past few years. my linky stay stinky you fucking faggots holy fucking shit you guys think I'm anti link????
2 hours later 28553250 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553279 Anonymous (30a0ec28536a6033c6d0baa1b2c511a8.jpg 1300x866 74kB)
>Serves 'em right
I'd watch the film
2 hours later 28553366 Anonymous
>next bullrun will push LINK to $100
Dude it's going there this bullrun, next time we are hitting $1,000.
2 hours later 28553373 Anonymous (Boiler-Room.jpg 704x395 194kB)
Keeping the price down=selling
Selling=taking profits
Profits=why we're here
Jeez has anyone showed this kid where the bathroom is?
2 hours later 28553384 Anonymous
$120 EOY
2 hours later 28553400 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553465 Anonymous (1605894089367.jpg 1171x936 89kB)
2 hours later 28553497 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553546 Anonymous
>1 post by this id
2 hours later 28553571 Anonymous
How do they work?
2 hours later 28553607 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553627 Anonymous
dangerously based
2 hours later 28553707 Anonymous
2 hours later 28553762 Anonymous (E556489A-294C-4605-B1E4-BAF80F962C9D.png 498x488 91kB)
I'm so excited my dudes. We're gonna be fucking rich
2 hours later 28553767 Anonymous
Now that's what you call a Triple Double. Checked. $100->Then $1000
2 hours later 28553782 Anonymous (download.png 1446x860 49kB)
about $55.00 USD
2 hours later 28553828 Anonymous
1000 EOM.
2 hours later 28553889 Anonymous
yeah I thought so as well, then dump right back to 30
2 hours later 28553903 Anonymous (1456960098829.jpg 500x560 120kB)
>Maybe we're nearing the point where CZ can't keep a lid on it much longer.
I just got a nervous feeling in my gut. Like strapping into a seat before liftoff.
2 hours later 28554000 Anonymous
Here is the second post faggot schizophrenic.
Cope harder bobo.
2 hours later 28554004 Anonymous
>selling link
you're playing a dangerous game
2 hours later 28554035 Anonymous (OIP.Hut-pWF0aehVN7fcQn9WVgHaHR.jpg 495x486 52kB)
>every post you make affects the market
Fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck fiat and fuck jannies.
2 hours later 28554099 Anonymous
How it’s rational that it’s going to go back to 20 17 when there is no evidence for this??
2 hours later 28554157 Anonymous
2 hours later 28554158 Anonymous
Damn I got btfo by so many fucking digits, I have no idea if I am still correct. I just have a feeling.
2 hours later 28554168 Anonymous (1596912896990.gif 480x360 3283kB)
>pic related
Teeeen EOY
2 hours later 28554503 Anonymous
bro look at all the digits that hit me. like 4 or 5 plus the triple. Fuck it, link to $10,000 eoy, I will never doubt chainlink again
2 hours later 28554522 Anonymous
2 hours later 28554641 Anonymous
If BTC gets chest pain, it will be a 30-40% drop before we resume this year. If BTC has a full on heart attack, a 70%-80% drop is not out of the question. When Lindsay Lohan, Norm McDonald, Snoop Dog, and other complete wankers are talking crypto, thinking the big suck is about to hit is not all that irrational.
2 hours later 28554656 Anonymous
Thats a good thing. Crypto sales are always a way for everyone to accumulate more
2 hours later 28554729 Anonymous
Lol some of us arent desperate for (you)’s, faggot.
2 hours later 28554730 Anonymous
Thats what Im fucking saying but all these retards are thinking im fuding link.
2 hours later 28554795 Anonymous
You responded to the same person, me
2 hours later 28554798 Anonymous
2 hours later 28554799 Anonymous
>triple top
bros... im scared
2 hours later 28554902 Anonymous
2 hours later 28554944 Anonymous (pleasedobama.jpg 299x298 11kB)
>mfw im a poorfag with 1.1k link
Am I going to make it? I want to buy property so I need $100+ per link at least...
2 hours later 28554953 Anonymous
no, you are pajeet.
2 hours later 28554958 Anonymous (109f23940fb08898c127c56347a7f86f15f31b6c107bb2717c23fe6cbcbf1179.jpg 316x401 24kB)
>Link goes up: Net worth goes up
>Link goes down: Buy link on sale
It's a strange game, it seems the only way to lose is not to play.
2 hours later 28554960 Anonymous (de281613a39e8021b712d33c6e2e5ff1.jpg 481x500 93kB)
2 hours later 28554995 Anonymous
>Next bullrun will push the price to 100,
Most marines consider this FUD. If you can't even get to100 this bull run, do you even crypto? That's a 3.5x.
2 hours later 28555013 Anonymous
shit bros that resistance at 66k sats is fucking rediculous
2 hours later 28555045 Anonymous (1587192584579.jpg 991x695 115kB)
2 hours later 28555095 Anonymous (1610255251387.jpg 675x900 80kB)
2 hours later 28555126 Anonymous (181F678A-062C-434D-AB24-8C5D8A474EA8.gif 753x184 61kB)
The new FUD is $29.00
Feels so fucking good man
2 hours later 28555212 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555223 Anonymous (1612748848758.jpg 224x250 4kB)
Would be 4 grand for me....
Good idea Im doing this
2 hours later 28555257 Anonymous
Mine is worth 7 grand. Never thought I’d get this far
2 hours later 28555277 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555285 Anonymous
holy fucking shit, people making sense in here. I can tell that those faggots were not around for the original crashes
2 hours later 28555347 Anonymous
go home reddit tranny
2 hours later 28555357 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555371 Anonymous
Is it finally happening? So many fucking digits in this thread. Chaos
2 hours later 28555427 Anonymous
bros.... i told you...
2 hours later 28555458 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff0 2mApjDbE
2 hours later 28555478 Anonymous
Everyone that has called us a crab coin or a stable coin will rope
2 hours later 28555541 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555550 Anonymous (1611107541222.gif 326x326 261kB)
Just hodl Defi hasnt even been born yet still in infancy...1000 dollars per link is FUD
2 hours later 28555604 Anonymous
I just dont understand how people will swing trade, but also not just invest several grand and sit on it for years. If they had invested in chainlink and just walked away, they would have seen how chainlink is a very clear stable coin. BUT our coin value increases rapidly for a month once every bit.
2 hours later 28555619 Anonymous (oTkMrIR.png 895x712 67kB)
2 hours later 28555632 Anonymous
below 10 EOM
2 hours later 28555639 Anonymous
When Bobo comes to rape this new money it will be a thing to see.
2 hours later 28555640 Anonymous
I mean 4 linkies not for grand
2 hours later 28555703 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555761 Anonymous
I genuinely don't think that you have reading comprehension, or the ability to see the viewpoint of others.
2 hours later 28555809 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555851 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555869 Anonymous
rerrolling for 0
2 hours later 28555922 Anonymous
2 hours later 28555929 Anonymous
ironically /biz/ is the shadowy cabal that kept redditniggers like you out years ago when it was $0.2. now you have a 'small bag' and youre ngmi
2 hours later 28556006 Anonymous
rerolling for 0 I want to see you stinkies in pain
2 hours later 28556031 42 (B67B5875-D862-40AC-BB41-1A864C50070F.jpg 600x375 53kB)
2 hours later 28556121 Anonymous
youre such a faggot, which we already knew since you tryhard for rolling numerals. fucking FAGGOT
2 hours later 28556147 Anonymous
46 U S D
2 hours later 28556150 42 (F6695886-AF95-4960-B889-B9A1FA1D78FA.jpg 1000x1000 465kB)
3 hours later 28556185 Anonymous
again and one last time and if I fail I give up and you can moon in peace
3 hours later 28556245 Anonymous
3 hours later 28556256 Anonymous
I am a man of my word. Linkchads... I kneel
3 hours later 28556286 Anonymous
btfo fag
3 hours later 28556296 Anonymous
lol idk $47 maybe?
3 hours later 28556319 Anonymous
What's the BIG NEWS?
3 hours later 28556340 Anonymous
1000 EOW
3 hours later 28556382 Anonymous
How can chainlink be described as a stablecoin if it is up 740% in the last 12 months? What are you talking about, anon?
3 hours later 28556465 Anonymous
3 hours later 28556510 Anonymous
When you're blazed out of your mind 24/7 old news is new news.
3 hours later 28556547 Anonymous
how do I explain, it never dumps in the peace times. You can tell which longterm coins will moon based on which ones don't dip too much after each bubble bursts. Link was one of them.
3 hours later 28556623 Anonymous
3 hours later 28556628 Anonymous
3 hours later 28556634 Anonymous
I think you need to find out what a stablecoin is before dropping it randomly in sentences
3 hours later 28556659 Anonymous
why didnt you listen.........
3 hours later 28556690 Anonymous
Because retarded fudders like to troll or keep interest low to suppress the price. Look at the price over the last 3 months and it is just up up up. Rolling for $500 EOY
3 hours later 28556736 Anonymous (1613017590130.jpg 1000x1000 500kB)
3 hours later 28556818 Anonymous
Ok guys I am serious now. 44.23
3 hours later 28556964 Anonymous (1583247171621.jpg 700x597 70kB)
We just can't stop winning bros
3 hours later 28556993 Anonymous
3 hours later 28557024 Anonymous
ah cmon mate, how about a stable investment. dont be a fucking grammar fag
3 hours later 28557094 Anonymous
actually $46
3 hours later 28557146 Anonymous
3 hours later 28557171 Anonymous (6022672acca90200129b7264.jpg 700x525 157kB)
i just transferred all my coins to this and nothing is happening.
3 hours later 28557185 Anonymous
im thinking the same
3 hours later 28557203 Anonymous
216 on 2/16 lil nigga
3 hours later 28557340 Anonymous
After the difficult years and temptation to sell from other shit mooning around you, god bless you fuckin marines who held - you deserve this
3 hours later 28557367 42 (BF013F31-53A3-4522-ABC8-884B87A2BED9.jpg 946x2048 64kB)
fucking based
3 hours later 28557420 Anonymous
I’m thinking 278 is the magic number
3 hours later 28557500 Anonymous (1601924150802.jpg 360x360 22kB)
3 hours later 28557517 42 (9C1B3F84-3A01-49B5-B23A-E006B763FE79.jpg 1190x897 409kB)
3 hours later 28557549 Anonymous
If we get 1k eoy I will go on national television and start saying nigger multiple times until they cut me off air.
3 hours later 28557616 Anonymous
what does eoy mean?
3 hours later 28557648 42 (E8AC5286-4D2F-4035-9B09-C4956984E664.jpg 1039x1117 338kB)
stay poor
3 hours later 28557671 Anonymous
I will enjoy seeing you say nigger on tv in 2023. Wear a shirt saying my linky stay stinky
3 hours later 28557690 Anonymous
its the battle cry of a stinky linky
3 hours later 28557741 Anonymous (1568872021301.jpg 687x461 49kB)
3 hours later 28557744 42 (FAE4A0C8-83CD-4B5B-AF0F-AEB58F2E3238.gif 480x612 2110kB)
3 hours later 28557751 Anonymous
based. me 2
3 hours later 28557754 Anonymous
East of losing. Essentially, At a time when our coin is growing in value.
3 hours later 28557784 Anonymous (1610868287282.jpg 1280x720 407kB)
Based 42. What do you think of Schwab's new book?
3 hours later 28557949 Anonymous
This is how you know you're early. >>28557616
>what does eoy mean?
3 hours later 28558052 Anonymous
I hate Chainlink so much
3 hours later 28558063 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 71kB)
>stay poor
I'm already rich.
3 hours later 28558075 42 (9F825CD9-356F-41EB-BFC7-737DBA1F2FBE.jpg 1250x701 286kB)
it's a real page turner, he low key shits on central banks
also I agree with him about communism and capitalism being outdated and ill suited to address the problems of the present and the future
3 hours later 28558095 Anonymous
Embrace it, Anon.
3 hours later 28558161 42 (5F656B70-DBB2-4F4A-BF86-FACD2346BAF2.jpg 1170x1171 976kB)
dyor is not a meme, i can only point you in the right direction, i can't understand it for you
3 hours later 28558184 Anonymous (No-Soy.jpg 620x349 68kB)
4chan has a wordfilter on pic related, so he just swapped the first letter :^)
3 hours later 28558186 Anonymous
500 dollars
3 hours later 28558222 Anonymous
Sorry, fren, but it's gonna be a bad year for you. Link goes on any real run, you'll be able to hear the glee from space.
3 hours later 28558245 42 (C566224C-51D0-4CD5-BCE5-872DD2E0C58F.gif 520x293 3175kB)
that's a good show
3 hours later 28558248 Anonymous
3 hours later 28558362 Anonymous
3 hours later 28558378 Anonymous
so eoy = goy?
3 hours later 28558455 Anonymous
3 hours later 28558523 Anonymous (0011341573_20.jpg 500x611 66kB)
Noice, I just got it today. Look forward to reading it.
3 hours later 28558604 Anonymous
I want to kick you in your throat.
3 hours later 28558650 Anonymous
3 hours later 28558817 Anonymous
3 billion zimbabwe dollars
3 hours later 28558856 Anonymous
$81 USD
3 hours later 28558875 Anonymous
It stands for "En otro yacimiento". It's basically a meme made by spanish homosexuals back in 2008. It means it's a pump and dump but you are extremely early to dump on the retarded newfags because we can reach that top in like a month or sth.
3 hours later 28559001 Anonymous
full course of regular non seasonal MC Donald's menu
3 hours later 28559119 Anonymous
I know it, you know it, it’s $777. Strap in.
3 hours later 28559218 Capital B (EB0B8355-3740-440C-B86C-35AEABC28749.jpg 183x276 9kB)
Checked and bigmac-pilled
3 hours later 28559229 Anonymous
and once again, literally dumping right now
3 hours later 28559285 Anonymous (3140CF65-4F1E-4DF0-933E-9254ED0272B1.jpg 739x1600 62kB)
Btw ‘insider’ posted on Reddit the other day a la the Tesla insider but for link. Has since been removed. This is for this comfy thread.
3 hours later 28559374 Anonymous
May explain these sell walls being eaten up but who knows
3 hours later 28559475 Anonymous
unironically buying a bigmac LARGE meal tomorrow for my boy
3 hours later 28559489 Anonymous
88 billion zollars
3 hours later 28559546 Anonymous
This unironically. It's insanely overbought on the daily. Compare the difference with august. You're welcome.
3 hours later 28559686 Anonymous
2.550 0.256