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2021-02-12 08:35 28534160 Anonymous Poorfolio thread (SmartSelect_20210212-143359_Blockfolio.jpg 1355x1386 272kB)
Just keep trucking almost out of 6figure hell. Soon my suicidal tendencies will fade away as I emerge a new man in 7 figure heaven
1 min later 28534238 Anonymous
> Link
Have fun with your 7 figs in 2022
1 min later 28534322 Anonymous (sergey smalls.jpg 1114x1156 1772kB)
More like tonight
2 min later 28534359 Anonymous
I read that as "suicidal tendies"
4 min later 28534536 Anonymous
You’re going to be rich as fuck
7 min later 28534769 Anonymous
Broke through 7 fig a few weeks back. Im more scared now than when i was at your level. This is not heaven...i get its obviously objectively better but now its enough to REALLY matter and loosing it now would be terrible....
8 min later 28534831 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-134124.jpg 1440x2190 209kB)
My wallet :DDDDDD
8 min later 28534879 Anonymous (th.jpg 180x174 8kB)
>that image
9 min later 28534935 Anonymous
Cool. Now swipe left for your actual poorfag portfolio.
10 min later 28535003 Anonymous
I’m telling you 7 figure territory is even worse
11 min later 28535084 Anonymous (6674710B-ADF1-41D9-884A-17AA9F043211.jpg 640x533 60kB)
Began with 2.8k couple weeks ago, been hodling RSR and flipping shitcoins to make the Bancy stack. Am I gonna make it?
Also have another €600 to invest, any good tips?
12 min later 28535196 Anonymous
$650k here, the $500k hump was brutal and still close enough to drag me back, but I believe we will make it!
13 min later 28535246 Anonymous (1598900129533.jpg 1024x711 54kB)
I JUST entered 6 figure hell.... I'm not getting out am I?
13 min later 28535309 Anonymous
Don't fuck this up.
15 min later 28535453 Anonymous
larp harder faggot
15 min later 28535503 Anonymous
I have done jack shit. Too many shilled coins and too many coins that have already mooned. How do I grab a coin when it seems bag holding in imminent. Just tell me what to do with my USDT...I'm missing out on this cycle.
16 min later 28535544 Anonymous (EDAE45F8-2A43-4E8E-A78A-18F81DCF92A6.png 1284x2778 1248kB)
When will I make it out of this hell hole
17 min later 28535615 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212.png 1413x1510 104kB)
Forgot pic
18 min later 28535702 Anonymous
Literally just take whatever money you have and distribute it equally between the 3 coins shown in OP and then don't move, just add more fiat to it from now until Hyperinflation makes the Fed obsolete.
19 min later 28535813 Anonymous (15D708B2-878E-4BF6-ABF8-3DAB1CE5B1D3.jpg 1242x1490 485kB)
Noob here. Does this folio make any sense?
19 min later 28535853 Anonymous (1A550443-579E-49DF-AF18-D1129E98D2A8.png 1242x2688 919kB)
I just want to make it to 7fig bros...
21 min later 28536015 Anonymous
Get rid of all that garbage and buy link
Da fk
22 min later 28536105 Anonymous
Seriously can any experienced fags help me out?
24 min later 28536256 Anonymous
Too small of capital, no offense. Just keep dollar cost averaging for now. Don’t spread to thin with a portfolio that size.
25 min later 28536339 Anonymous
did you learn on skillshare?
26 min later 28536416 Anonymous
I'm more into low cap altcoin quick gains that I can reinvest. Those will do well, but not relative to mooning alt coins in the same period of time.
26 min later 28536443 Anonymous
Sell shitcoins into BTC (this alone gets you to 1m but this is the low 7figs limbo). You want mid 7figts at least to make it, so at 100k BTC you short the front future (leverage x1). This will get you to about 1.1m in 3 months, and BTC will start going down. Short then again the longest maturity future (not the fcking perpetual) x3 leverage (max) and ouila, you made it. Congrats
27 min later 28536477 Anonymous
Looks like you bought the front page of the catalog this week. Just hold 2 coins max and a small stack of ETH for transaction costs.
27 min later 28536485 Anonymous (IMG_3309.jpg 750x979 277kB)
give it to me str8 bros will I make it to 7 figs
27 min later 28536506 Anonymous
IDK what happened...
28 min later 28536577 Anonymous
Fck this was addressed to the guy with a 500k ptf not the poorfag, sry.
Poorfag, you can't 7 figs unless you gamble, sorry to tell you this.
29 min later 28536661 Anonymous
29 min later 28536735 Anonymous (paypalcrypto2021.png 1122x1331 168kB)
Bitcoin has exploded, Ethereum is quickly and consistently climbing. Litecoin hasn't even hit its previous ATH yet, and neither has Bitcoin Cash.
30 min later 28536764 Anonymous
guys im new any suggestion for a good portfolio ?
31 min later 28536860 Anonymous
>not even 10,000 BTC
you cant make this shit up, dumb poorfag
32 min later 28536940 Anonymous
It's not bad, but it's slow-growth
I mean, you'll hit 150k in 10 years, but that's not satisfactory (or maybe it is)
33 min later 28537041 Anonymous
I hold:
50% BTC
30% ETH
If you want to take a risky gamble, get LTC and BCH, the reason is my previous post.
The rest of your %, a few random crapshoots... I just sold my GRT, I have ADA SNX and DOGE lol.
34 min later 28537188 Anonymous
dont listen to >>28536735 this is really shitty advice
paypal has been months ago and is well priced in at this point. LTC is simply dead because it has no use case and BCH always has been a meme.
this cycle is all about Defi, and its crash will people realizing ETH gas fees aren't sustainable. either go into ETH and pray for 2.0 or look into alternative chains, especially BSC and AVAX.
35 min later 28537225 Anonymous (southronclear.png 700x700 97kB)
I'm in on LTC some. I'm bullish on it and know about paypal.
What do you make of suggestions to do low cap shitcoins for quick gains when funds are this low? Plenty of people would say your calls are too safe and won't deliver max profit. I don't know anything, so I can't say. I know some people REALLY multiply their stack that way.
36 min later 28537336 Anonymous
What app is this?
37 min later 28537393 Anonymous
Thanks. FTM is just pumping this week so I was in it for the short term. Cashed out of GRT and put my gains in it. Planning on selling it soon as well ETH and splitting most of capital between ALGO and DCA into HBAR and leave some in REN. 3 or 4 midcap steadily growing altcoins isn’t too diversified is it? When alts crash I was going to all in ETH as that’s where the gains usually flow post-alt season I think.
Actually I gambled to get here even (HOGE). I started with half this capital. Thing is I’ll be happy to reach five figure hell not really aiming for 7 yet lol so I’m thinking to cool it with the uniswap degeneracy..
38 min later 28537463 Anonymous
Good luck.
38 min later 28537466 Anonymous
kys nigger
39 min later 28537570 Anonymous
>150k in 10 years
Well the HBAR and ALGO schizos seem to think they’re onto the next LINK respectively but if not then I see what you mean.
39 min later 28537585 Anonymous
>What do you make of suggestions to do low cap shitcoins for quick gains when funds are this low?
Risky as fuck, I've profited a lot from it and lost a lot from it. I'm not a "pro" by any means. Go for it if you wanna.
40 min later 28537608 Anonymous
trade your PNK for REEF and maybe yes
40 min later 28537625 Anonymous
you as well mate, didnt want to offend but LTC is basically DOGE without proper marketing at this point. I don't understand why people are recommending it when even Peercoin is more practically relevant nowadays.
40 min later 28537630 Anonymous
there’s no end to the meme’s fucking hilarious
40 min later 28537675 Anonymous
So much DeFi is already mooning. I'm sure the right DeFi coins still have room to go up, but it's hard to look at that verticle line and feel good about buying at this point. I've looked at so many coins....
41 min later 28537723 Anonymous
with that PNK stack anything is possible anon
41 min later 28537773 Anonymous
You are correct, I think there's potential though. We'll see!
43 min later 28537882 Anonymous
thanks bro. I'm a big believer in the fundamentals this coin has to offer. This bull run has sucked obviously (though RSR has been killing it), but I think whenever we correct from the clown market this will moon. Easy top 50 coin.
not just yet
43 min later 28537951 Anonymous
>LTC has no usecase
It's bitcoin but faster and with less abhorrent fees, retard
45 min later 28538137 Anonymous
So are thousands of other coins. DOGE is literally a Litecoin fork.
47 min later 28538272 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-122059.png 1440x3040 137kB)
2.8cad to 7.2 in last month.
What should I dump this tether into?
47 min later 28538277 Anonymous
Can I do this on Bybit. I don’t trade a whole lot but generally mess around on cross margin with a very small portion of my portfolio to add more btc. To be honest I’m too afraid to probably short until I’m sure we are in the bear market. Thanks for the advice tho, I’ll look into it more
47 min later 28538340 Anonymous (folio.png 1519x1139 122kB)
New folio. What do you guys think?
47 min later 28538361 Anonymous
LTC is a fucking shitcoin
48 min later 28538425 Anonymous (Capture.png 1372x778 81kB)
Would be at 25k now if I weren't playing with uniswap shitcoins, started with 10k
50 min later 28538631 Anonymous
53 min later 28538907 Anonymous (0BAD03A3-DB73-4149-B68D-03906D99CE1D.jpg 750x1152 192kB)
I’m spread too thin aren’t I? About 5700 total
57 min later 28539278 Anonymous
1 hours later 28539494 Anonymous
Any advice?
1 hours later 28539671 Anonymous
Flip shitcoins
1 hours later 28539697 Anonymous (gs2.png 657x804 120kB)
Up nearly 50% from when I started on crypto a week ago.
Starting capital was 22K.
I know I'm overdiversified, but everyhting is doing number rn so I don't wanna liquidate anything.
1 hours later 28539776 Anonymous
I don’t have the stomach for that. I just buy and hold to make taxes simple currently
1 hours later 28539777 Anonymous
>be me
>I want to invest seriously
>Earning AZ minimum wage
>Can't afford to spend more than 80 USD a month because rent and food
>Still not giving up because I promised my grandparents I'd make 7 figures before they're 80
>They're 78
>Current wallet value: $192.78
I know there isn't much I can do but it's still making me fucking depressed seeing all of you successful mfs. I wish you anons the best in your spendings of glorious coin.
1 hours later 28539875 Anonymous
I invest like 1500 a month and even I know I’m not making it
1 hours later 28539886 Anonymous
By the way when I say up nearly 50%, 10K of that capital was invested yesterday, capital was 12K a week ago when I bought most of it, about 6k is still in fiat.
1 hours later 28539968 Anonymous
Nice :ddd
1 hours later 28540079 Anonymous
You’ll never make it with that little eth.
1 hours later 28540153 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-153914~2.png 1440x1621 154kB)
Cryptonoob here. How much should I realistically expect to have EOY?
1 hours later 28540185 Anonymous
holy shit kek
1 hours later 28540286 Anonymous
Around 15k if you keep the ptf.
1 hours later 28540329 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-143123_Coinbase.jpg 1080x2400 454kB)
Any advice bros?
1 hours later 28540333 Anonymous
Half of that when bobo hits.
1 hours later 28540406 Anonymous (1612991379933.jpg 1154x866 476kB)
> 1 LTC
1 hours later 28540816 Anonymous
22.246 0.107