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2021-02-12 06:23 28522378 Anonymous (1589833313713.jpg 153x127 15kB)
>already in orange territory uh guys????????????

0 min later 28522443 Anonymous
>>28522378 save your breath the euphoria is kicking in

1 min later 28522512 Anonymous
That means we've got another month or two before BTC hits ATH and the real altseason begins. Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about what the price of GRT will be once it starts.

2 min later 28522587 Anonymous
>>28522378 We are only about half of the way to the end. September.

3 min later 28522679 Anonymous
>>28522443 >>28522512 I NEED MORE TIME!!!!!!!! >>28522587 dude it's gonna be like march/april when it should have been august/nov

3 min later 28522706 Anonymous

4 min later 28522831 Anonymous
>>28522378 100k top if it peaks in a month or two

9 min later 28523233 Anonymous
>>28522512 Given that GRT's tokenomics is never ending dumping on holders, I doubt it will ever go to 5 dollars. Think more like XRP, which is lucky if it gets to a dollar.

10 min later 28523326 Anonymous
>>28522378 $17k within 2-4 weeks.

20 min later 28524304 Anonymous
>>28522706 Parsiq.

22 min later 28524521 Anonymous
>>28523233 Stakers literally cannot sell

24 min later 28524734 Anonymous
>>28523326 then dump to 3k again

25 min later 28524813 Anonymous
Get that gay flag out of here! This is a christian board.

30 min later 28525209 Anonymous
>>28522512 Been in wrong coins if you don't thing we're already in it.

31 min later 28525372 Anonymous
someone link me the tool/chart you use for this?

43 min later 28526489 Anonymous
>>28522679 I think it’ll be more like July/August, but yes, we’re moving a lot faster than normal. I think that there’s a chance we see a double top like 2013, but idk if I have the balls to find out desu.

53 min later 28527365 Anonymous
>>28522443 This is eurphoria

55 min later 28527570 Anonymous
>>28525209 +200% gains for some alts happens before literally every altseason. It's people starting to position themselves and betting on which crypto they believe will make it into the top 10. BTC printed a new ATH yesterday. We're not in altseason.

56 min later 28527674 Anonymous
>>28522706 I'm half BTC half LTC right now. Can't predict the future, but those are the two safest bets (especially after ETH already mooned)

58 min later 28527784 Anonymous (flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg 750x1000 52kB)
>>28523233 I looked hard at token dist, wallets in top 1000 etc and came to exact same conclusion. I bought at .30 and was out at .85. I am dying inside bow a bit, whatever manipulation is causing this pump seems totally fake. Its exactly like links breakout though which was also completely nonsensical. I dont get it....

59 min later 28527936 Anonymous
>>28527674 Eth needs to get to .1 btc anon, it has a long way up to go, or btc has a massive fall...

1 hours later 28528055 Anonymous
>>28527936 I predict the latter

1 hours later 28528250 Anonymous
>>28527936 I predict the former

1 hours later 28528294 Anonymous
>>28522378 it says it's arbitrary, don't trust that shit politics matter more than numbers. Covid took accelerated crypto into the xenosphere. Unstoppable force.

1 hours later 28528426 Anonymous
>>28527936 That's only a 2.5-3x to its previous ATH. LTC is a 5-6x from its previous ATH, and a 2.5x just to get back to its 200 week average

1 hours later 28528468 Anonymous (1597826738497.jpg 1395x648 251kB)

1 hours later 28528529 Anonymous
>>28522378 Is that a faggot MA?

1 hours later 28528561 Anonymous (1592008872637.jpg 1079x1286 345kB)
reminder that even twitter roasties know

1 hours later 28528655 Anonymous
>>28528468 So we're not even halfway there?

1 hours later 28528710 Anonymous
>>28528468 What the fuck is this? Am I supposed to be able to know what this means? RHODL?

1 hours later 28528711 Anonymous
>>28528561 N

1 hours later 28528806 Anonymous
>>28522512 if in one month, BTC will peak 175k if in two months, BTC will peak at 185k, kek

1 hours later 28529025 Anonymous
>>28528710 google it out next time, retard: https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/cha rts/rhodl-ratio/ it's the only indicator you need to follow.

1 hours later 28529415 Anonymous
>>28528561 this is what wories me. I've been working on my exit plan for a few days couple of months ago and came to a conclusion, that aug-oct 2021 would be the perfect time to exit. and now I can see normies on Twitter telling exactly the same thing... fuck off.

1 hours later 28529456 Anonymous
>>28524734 I wish

1 hours later 28529706 Anonymous
>>28525372 Bitcoin rainbow chart. Also check out Alt index and also the stock to flow model

1 hours later 28529764 Anonymous
>>28523326 I begrundgingly admit that the current potential non black swan bottom is 16.5k, kek

1 hours later 28529835 Anonymous
>>28527936 Price of BTC is prob slightly inflated due to the TSLA buy in

1 hours later 28529929 Anonymous (300956A2-A75D-4D1F-8A08-E38223A423C8.jpg 640x619 75kB)
>>28522587 This we’re in the middle of the bull market. If you haven’t deployed your capital, you’re running out of time to catch the next big wave.

1 hours later 28529976 Anonymous (1611939226912.jpg 666x595 44kB)
Why are so many of you expecting this bullrun to end sooner than the other ones? Last ones were Q4 not Q2/Q3. BTC has only 2xed so far. If you cash out too soon, you will miss out on most of the moon mission. Nothing has gone parabolic yet besides some lowcap shitcoins here and there

1 hours later 28530003 Anonymous
>>28522706 Smaller projects that will get people hyped. LINA, POND, ALBT and smaller DOT projects like chainx and ring.

1 hours later 28530158 Anonymous
>>28529976 The people who are expecting it to end early almost always provide no data to backup their argument. Literally burnt out stoner YouTuber reasoning.

1 hours later 28530329 Anonymous
>>28528468 But this chart was created in 2020, how does it have data back to 2012?

1 hours later 28530487 Anonymous
>>28530329 because every btc transaction is visible on public ledger and can be analysed. that's the whole point of decentralisation

1 hours later 28530715 Anonymous
>>28523233 isnt this what sergy does with link? nofud

1 hours later 28530727 Anonymous
>>28530329 Fucking what? How do we have records dating back to 2012? Think!

1 hours later 28530970 Anonymous
>>28524813 Actually the rainbow is a biblical symbol that faggots have perverted. we should be taking it back.

1 hours later 28531008 Anonymous (9QQUUDu[1].png 609x561 254kB)
>>28528561 This roastie is based

1 hours later 28531145 Anonymous
>>28530487 having a public ledger is not the point of decentralization anon

1 hours later 28531226 Anonymous
>>28531008 Something tells me that if I scroll through her twitter I'll find a bunch of >we wuz feminists and faggots n sheeeeaat tweets

1 hours later 28531276 Anonymous
>>28529415 So move it forward a couple months? This is what worries me about the rainbow chart and rhodl etc. Feels like everyone is watching this shit now so it will be frontrun a couple months

1 hours later 28531299 Anonymous
>>28531008 yeah and her advice on that tweet reply was pretty solid kek

1 hours later 28531484 Anonymous (pHhoK8a[1].png 612x578 381kB)
>>28531226 She's also shilling EWT, some rank 100 coin

1 hours later 28531544 Anonymous
>>28522512 13% circulating supply. Why would you get hard knowing that the price can't increase because you will constantly get dumped on? Are you one of those findom slaves that loves losing money?

1 hours later 28531592 Anonymous
>>28531276 You are surrounded by people who are following these charts, don't worry. There are a tonne of newbies who have no clue, they are me from 4 years ago. My friend group chat has recently got into crypto, I talk sense to them, but they are all moonkids expecting to be millionaires by next year, chasing doge pumps and buying at the top of 75% increases. These are the guys that will be paying our exit in a few months

1 hours later 28531749 Anonymous
>>28529415 >this is what wories me. I've been working on my exit plan for a few days couple of months ago and came to a conclusion, that aug-oct 2021 would be the perfect time to exit. what's your exit plan? ladder sells across that period instead of a price target or trying to time it, leave a % in blue chips?

1 hours later 28531811 Anonymous
>>28528561 of course they know retard everyone born after 1987 has been fucked by inflation, bitcoin is a monetary revolution to force politicians to restore the real way of meassuring inflation and remove all the commie compliance regulations.

1 hours later 28531885 Anonymous
this time is different

1 hours later 28531951 Anonymous
>>28522706 I will post this once until next week: HBAR

1.526 0.115