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2021-02-12 02:56 28504063 Anonymous REN TO TEN GENERAL: NORM MACDONALD EDITION (668031B4-5163-49B6-A85D-A4F27779B9EF.jpg 750x778 275kB)
1 min later 28504134 Anonymous
3 min later 28504326 Anonymous
6 min later 28504538 Anonymous
Crazy how norm adopted Ren before most of Ethereum developers lol
17 min later 28505391 Anonymous
Filecoin is about to be added to Sushiswap’s Onsen with renFIL
Things are moving!
18 min later 28505463 Anonymous
Norm is a high IQ schizoid so of course he loves cryptocurrency
19 min later 28505537 Anonymous
Holy shit it's all real
22 min later 28505791 Anonymous
He had a lower entry point than 99% of the crypto community lol dude is legit
24 min later 28505893 Anonymous
His takes are actually legit. Most of his portfolio is btc and eth. Told someone he was skeptical of cardano and that he holds Ren because he likes investing in defi infrastructure
24 min later 28505950 Anonymous
29 min later 28506309 Anonymous
There will be other lending protocols. Compound/cream/bZx/mainframe/makerd ao etc. these protocols aren’t that novel. Cdps were just offered to rich people before crypto.
There is only one actually decentralized custodian with secure multi party computation and that is RenVM
31 min later 28506442 Anonymous
Stani is just a beast at marketing and networking. Dude goes off at those eth Denver etc. events. DYOR but I think Ren has the biggest opportunity to grow right now
31 min later 28506470 Anonymous
Wait are you saying that if I follow NORM MACDONALD in his Crypto advice, I'll become wealthy?
Wtf this is the best fucking timeline.
33 min later 28506608 Anonymous (norm link.png 592x381 25kB)
wtf bros, it's happening
34 min later 28506681 Anonymous
will i be able to delegate my 2k ren to other darknodes?
35 min later 28506804 Anonymous
Slow than all at once
35 min later 28506843 Anonymous
I love Norm, but I can’t help but see his degenerate gambler side leading his crypto decisions.
37 min later 28507008 Anonymous (7991B6AC-238B-4C06-AB50-2236265A0D9C.jpg 750x1030 398kB)
It’s in the works right now apparently.
On a separate note they are talking about those without a darknode being able to put their Ren in an underwriting pool to earn fees
38 min later 28507041 Anonymous
Was thinking the other day about Norm/Crypto.
I think he thinks day trading is round ball sports betting.
38 min later 28507048 Anonymous
Pooling is coming soon from third party I have been told - so no reason to commit 100k REN in one go.
38 min later 28507054 Anonymous
two completely different things that are collaborative rather than competitive
39 min later 28507110 Anonymous
He’s actually not degening. He said his portfolio is mostly btc and eth
39 min later 28507112 Anonymous
Ever heard of cream or asko kid heh nothing personal.
Ren on the other hand has no rivals so far.
39 min later 28507118 Anonymous
okay, what is REN about and do I just go all in because of this epic prankster?
40 min later 28507236 Anonymous
>it’s real
Holy shit. I’ve always known Norm was the best comedian.
41 min later 28507270 Anonymous
nice thanks for the info ser
41 min later 28507298 Anonymous
Bitconnect Airlines? Reminds me of that terrible tragedy
42 min later 28507387 Anonymous
>it’s all real
I fucking love norm Jesus Christ
42 min later 28507403 Anonymous
He's also a gambler.
43 min later 28507428 Anonymous
Aave just proves how young the space is and how susceptible they are top marketing and good ux. Compound actually has better connections with their chicago committee of advisors. They didn’t create flash loans. Dydx was the first to make those big(another protocol invented them) cream actually offers more assets.
Stani is just a beast at marketing. Dude lit up eth Denver and knew to latch onto chainlink early to get link marines on board. I like aave but I think other coins are more primed for takeoff
43 min later 28507455 Anonymous (NORM.jpg 529x246 9kB)
43 min later 28507507 Anonymous
pls bro buy compound it's actually way better bro
yeah not a big fan of getting dumped on by vcs
44 min later 28507565 Anonymous
Literally who
45 min later 28507673 Anonymous
It connects all blockchains. Creates a bridge where you can mint bitcoin,zcash,dogecoin,Filecoin,pol kadot(in the future) on Ethereum and burn back to the original chain. It’s a decentralized custodian, so the opposite of wrapped bitcoin. They actually helped wrapped bitcoin develop in the beginning and got burned by them taking all the early synergies in the space. I think Rens time has come but who knows
47 min later 28507754 Anonymous
norm pontificating about crypto is katy Perry’s crypto nails. clear sell sign. you’ve been warned.
47 min later 28507764 Anonymous
i don't think it's actually decentralized yet, at least that was the big controversy for a long time
47 min later 28507765 Anonymous
Norm is unfathomably based.
47 min later 28507770 Anonymous
go back.
48 min later 28507874 Anonymous
https://twitter.com/DefiWhiskey/sta tus/1359008481358053376
48 min later 28507900 Anonymous (GRUGFUCKIN FURIOUS AT ROCK MARKET.png 1202x1200 210kB)
ur a fukken idiot
48 min later 28507905 Anonymous
Solid answer. I appreciate it.
49 min later 28507957 Anonymous
Norm used to be a Harvard Grad lawyer before he turned to comedy. Not the same
49 min later 28507985 Anonymous
A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, moth?”
The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Vitalki Buterin, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Vitalki Buterin knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to my phone in my bed that’s on my arm. To look at coins that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Charles Hoskinivitz, he fell in the…in the cold of 2017. The cold took him down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Sergey Nazarov, I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting red underneath me. I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?”
And the moth says, “‘Cause the light was on.
51 min later 28508069 Anonymous
Norm's been in crypto since 2018 or 19 I think, he didn't just show up this bullrun
51 min later 28508073 Anonymous
and he literally says he studied for 8 hours a day for months on end, plus he bought a darknode while you were fomoing into /biz/ pnds
52 min later 28508215 Anonymous
trust me I’m a permabull but I’ve weathered some winters in crypto. take some profits.
53 min later 28508312 Anonymous (0B482EA9-9CF1-4030-918C-C995760BB70C.jpg 750x1008 356kB)
None of these protocols are as decentralized as they claim. Somehow lending protocols get a pass with GoVeRnAnCE. Synthetix literally reversed transactions like a year ago and no one gave a fuck. Decentralization is a meme to most of these teams and just used for marketing. Ren is actually decentralizing with darknodes and they are building weirh asylo. With Asylo even if someone owns most of the nodes(which won’t ever happen lol) they couldn’t drain the network.This shit is far more advanced than what most of these teams of grown up script kids can build.
Loong wang is actually a fucking genius, and him teaming up with SBF and alameda is the biggest collaboration in crypto, ever.
54 min later 28508390 Anonymous
I can't believe it Norm is probably my favorite living comedian
54 min later 28508412 Anonymous
he is not smart tho, he is a retard. Yall just suck his cock because you suck yourself
57 min later 28508578 Anonymous (B4A019DF-A844-46FF-B6A2-D245BAA02C5E.jpg 750x524 233kB)
I will never understand how this tweet didn’t send Ren to ten. SBF& alameda and the Ren team is the biggest merger crypto has ever seen. SBF is a legit billionaire savant
57 min later 28508645 Anonymous
normies dont care about good tech they just want to see funni dog coin go big :DD
58 min later 28508680 Anonymous
Cmon man, you don’t like norm?!
58 min later 28508703 Anonymous
>Loong wang
Fuck me, the guys dick is so big he needs 2 o's? I'm in for real now.
59 min later 28508755 Anonymous (A75FAD6E-D77E-4902-821F-DBB9E413CDFF.jpg 682x767 73kB)
59 min later 28508763 Anonymous
Why do you have to shit talk SNX to shill your bags? We literally collaborate with REN you fucking dicksucker
59 min later 28508811 Anonymous
True. I think he found a good place in crypto from it all. On the surface he seems to be a lot more sensible about it.
1 hours later 28508926 Anonymous
What??? No he wasn't.
1 hours later 28508993 Anonymous
i don't think that's true
1 hours later 28509142 Anonymous (picklenorm.jpg 776x198 33kB)
Well, I guess old habits die hard
1 hours later 28509174 Anonymous
The guy essentially won Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. That doesn't make him VonNeumann but he's smarter than you, for sure.
1 hours later 28509244 Anonymous
1 hours later 28509279 Anonymous
I like SNX sorry just trying to prove a point lol I actually subscribe to what Kain believes(a16z’s Philosophy) you start centralized and slowly decentralize. So many idealistic protocols never gained adoption because they tried to start as decentralized as possible and couldn’t move fast and ship code
1 hours later 28509403 Anonymous (1E39C26A-4B7C-4F62-BB99-044628CA6B42.jpg 1280x720 205kB)
/biz/ never memeing loong wang is actually offensive
1 hours later 28509674 Anonymous
We’re all gambling lol have of these coins are named after food
1 hours later 28510066 Anonymous
That would have been a much better thing to say, and it's the truth about REN. Decentralized governance leads to stagnation. But centralization leads to regulatory capture. It's a tough balancing act, but at this point it's mostly immatierial when people are still aping into Cardano and shit.
Ren has pumped but the masses just aren't ready to understand it yet. Starting to feel actual good projects are going to underperform in this bull market.
1 hours later 28510697 Anonymous
As a massive Norm fan, I can't tell if he's just getting paid to shill some cryptos on Twitter
1 hours later 28510985 Anonymous
I think renFIL on Onsen will wake everyone up. Sushiswap/Ren/Filecoin are all working together to incentivize the pool. I bet it comes out with some crazy apy in a couple days
1 hours later 28511073 Anonymous
Based Sneed McDonald
1 hours later 28511083 Anonymous (RETARDALERT.gif 493x342 491kB)
yeah I'm sure Norm Macdonald is the guy REN would choose to pay to shill for them. Don't be a fucking idiot.
1 hours later 28511117 Anonymous
Yeah, always skate to the puck. You need adoption before even caring about full decentralization. Bitcoin distribution will never happen again.
1 hours later 28511210 Anonymous
I don't think he would do that. I also don't think he has the type of fanbase where it would be wotth paying him to do that. If I was going to go the Justin Sun route I would be paying Gary Vee type dudes to shill my shit. Or real A-listers
1 hours later 28511493 Anonymous
Norm doesn’t give a fuck about anything lol last person to do this
1 hours later 28511584 Anonymous
Right? Lol Ren team doesn’t even care about doing eth conventions. They obviously believe in their product and don’t give a fuck about huge marketing campaigns
1 hours later 28512129 Anonymous
1 hours later 28512340 Anonymous
Exactly. I don’t think there is a big overlap between comedy and crypto
1 hours later 28512997 Anonymous
1 hours later 28513392 Anonymous
Which crypto team has the most genius
1 hours later 28513720 Anonymous
Alameda which merged with the Ren team
1 hours later 28513802 Anonymous
1 hours later 28513815 Anonymous
Norm is probably the smartest living comedian
2 hours later 28513858 Anonymous
And then I says I says to him if you wanna be rich buy some cardano by god he didn't believe me and never made it
2 hours later 28514262 Anonymous
Just bought. What am I in for?
2 hours later 28514281 Anonymous
2 hours later 28514404 Anonymous
I love norm but the guy has basically bankrupted himself twice with gambling, and he's back to gambling so this'll probably be the 3rd
2 hours later 28514746 Anonymous
The smartest dead comedian? Hitler
2 hours later 28514767 Anonymous
A REN thread with 10+ replies? Is biz finally catching up on it?
2 hours later 28514807 Anonymous
Followed by a girthy presentation by CEO BIIG DICK
2 hours later 28515453 Anonymous
Someone redpill me on REN, i've got some spare fiat anyways
2 hours later 28515488 Anonymous
About time
2 hours later 28515628 Anonymous
He is basically a defi OG at this point as far as celebrities go. A darknode in the summer?!
2 hours later 28515716 Anonymous
they don't even do the same thing
you might as well be comparing AAVE with RuneScape
2 hours later 28516107 Anonymous
In the same space but that’s a fair point. I like both. Just think Ren was more ambitious in forging their own innovation. Compound was already doing wonders
2 hours later 28516246 Anonymous
Connects all blockchains. Mints doge,btc, zcash,Filecoin,Digibyte, (soon polkadot) on Ethereum. You can also burn their assets back to the original chain. Alameda(sbf and ftx) just merged with them
2 hours later 28516397 Anonymous
am i seriously about to put money in this because someone posted a norm thread where he talked about it
2 hours later 28516578 Anonymous
Would this solve the gas price for eth?
2 hours later 28517064 Anonymous
We're all degen gamblers here
2 hours later 28517300 Anonymous
A deeply closeted gay man
2 hours later 28517594 Anonymous
an old chunk of coal
I just bought myself in, can't go wrong with norm
2 hours later 28517661 Anonymous
What your thoughts about SNX? Does it have a good team like REN?
2 hours later 28517842 Anonymous
He also tweeted about Pickle and CryptoDog supported the idea... wtf is happening.
Btw if you like Norm you should really check out his book. It’s well written and funny as fuck.
2 hours later 28518197 Anonymous
im also wondering this, is snx a solid pick given its actual mcap or close to 4bn?
2 hours later 28518365 Anonymous
Their original plan was to create dark pools. Hiding orders so no front running. I think it’s still gonna happen
2 hours later 28518527 Anonymous
few books have made me laugh like Based On A True Story did
2.004 0.144