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2021-02-12 01:17 28498084 Anonymous How is this allowed? (grt.png 319x260 18kB)

1 min later 28498149 Anonymous
Thanks just bought 10k

1 min later 28498162 Anonymous (file.png 1116x598 929kB)
>>28498084 just buy PRQ

3 min later 28498255 Anonymous
>>28498084 GRT is the Epstein of pedos. What Epstein did to kids, GRT does for blockchain. That's why it's allowed

3 min later 28498272 Anonymous
>>28498084 >why does token with actual usecase go up?

4 min later 28498328 Anonymous
>how? One sec lemme graph it for you real quick

4 min later 28498350 Anonymous
this is gonna create a new wave of XRP-style cultists

6 min later 28498453 Anonymous
I sold all my GRT for more Parsiq a month ago and it has been demoralizing as fuck watching this pump while I continue to crab. Once the time machine is live I'm going back to make sure I never fucking invested in this shit

7 min later 28498533 Anonymous (1613035223148.jpg 3072x3072 1251kB)
>>28498328 based and graphpilled

8 min later 28498573 Anonymous
What’s the return on delegation?

10 min later 28498652 It's over. (It's over..png 1426x309 10kB)
>>28498453 It's over.

11 min later 28498723 Anonymous
>>28498453 I wanted to sell at $1 but im delegating. Saved by the del

12 min later 28498808 Anonymous
>>28498723 What’s the return on delegating?

12 min later 28498839 Anonymous
>>28498084 I read it as The Great because it already 5x my initial investment

13 min later 28498878 Anonymous (1500030283150.png 472x468 73kB)
>>28498453 kek, imagine holding JUST A WALLET instead of the google of blockchain. t. prq bagholder

13 min later 28498885 Anonymous
>>28498808 At 10k it was 5 grt per day.

13 min later 28498894 Anonymous (1510187500801.jpg 785x757 203kB)
>>28498255 stop posting this fucking cringe ass bullshit, kill yourself faggot

14 min later 28498928 Anonymous
>>28498839 Get ready for another 300% anon wagmi

15 min later 28498976 Anonymous
>>28498885 Will that stay stable or will it go down Bc the price is going up?

16 min later 28499022 Anonymous
>>28498808 About 14% APY on established indexers.

16 min later 28499055 Anonymous
Fuck those sell walls at 2.80, 2.85, 2.90, 2.95, and so on are fucking the worst.

17 min later 28499071 Anonymous
>>28498453 you could buy grt at $3 and you'll still make 10x

17 min later 28499093 Anonymous
>>28499022 Are there some indexers that are paying significantly more? Maybe they perform more complex indexing tasks?

17 min later 28499114 Anonymous
>>28498894 >that pic and abuse made me lol

18 min later 28499162 Anonymous
>>28498976 Doesnt look tied to price but how much is delegated to the indexer and his cut of fees.

19 min later 28499180 Anonymous
>>28499093 Yeah. But the only one I've seen consistently at the top this past month as been hashquark. The rest fall off eventually.

20 min later 28499238 Anonymous
Up 700% on GRT Hoping to sell if it reaches 5 and swing, I see the floor at 1.3ish now To my GRTchads, long term GRT can easily get to $10 or $15, at ETHs current market cap. Agree?

20 min later 28499257 Anonymous
>>28499180 Can you move your GRT around or if you withdraw from one to go to another is locked out for 30 days?

21 min later 28499291 Anonymous
>>28498533 Yo, this pic is the fuckin truth. I only have a lil measly 130,000 graphies. But I’m already at 10x my initial investment and currently sitting on a nice chunk of change. I wish I didn’t have to declare this on my taxes. But that anons post yesterday scared me straight. However, started looking for a house this week, and suddenly our budget grew quite significantly. GRT Is the token for the future, and it is showing all of the doubters the rope.

22 min later 28499379 Anonymous (11E495A9-7491-4C2E-8464-7AE2501452C2.png 750x1334 156kB)
>>28498453 Exactly what anon said. Buy @ $3 and hold until it hits $30. This shit isn’t going anywhere. Except to the fucking moon!

22 min later 28499386 Anonymous
>>28499291 What was the post yesterday, need some fud

23 min later 28499440 Anonymous
>>28499291 What was the post. That you taxed on indexing returns??

24 min later 28499448 Anonymous
>>28499055 I just set a 13,000 token sell wall at $30.00, boy I can not wait for that to be filled.

24 min later 28499462 Anonymous
>>28499238 I would redo your math

25 min later 28499514 Anonymous
>>28499257 It’s frozen for 28 days as a deterrence from moving from one indexer to another to another.

25 min later 28499545 Anonymous (file.png 757x761 1174kB)
>>28498533 fixed it for you lmoa

26 min later 28499561 Anonymous
>>28499514 That ducking blows. They can’t change the agreed upon fee though right.

26 min later 28499576 Anonymous
Bought at 2.89, looking forward to the ride guys. Guys?

26 min later 28499582 Anonymous
>Tfw I unironically thought this was a pajeet scam. Please /biz/ next time don't shill coins like a pajeet would, it confuses me

26 min later 28499587 Anonymous
>>28498162 I bought both and GRT is leadimg by a 3x.

27 min later 28499648 Anonymous
API3 when?

29 min later 28499709 Anonymous
>>28499582 i fell into the same trap. it was the same pattern as for RBC, BAO, LCX. popped up out of nowhere, filling biz with 20 threads at any given time. no FUD, just endless shilling.

31 min later 28499805 Anonymous
>>28499709 What about, dumping a gorgillian token fud?

31 min later 28499816 Anonymous
>>28498255 >kids >15 year olds Pick Juan

32 min later 28499856 Anonymous
>>28499576 Go to sleep

33 min later 28499900 Anonymous
>>28499386 >>28499440 Didn’t save it, really wasn’t worth saving. No it was just a general post saying that he’s a felon because he didn’t pay his crypto taxes, that he was going to prison for five years and the worst feeling was that his family is disappointed in him kek didn’t give any specifics; was very poorly written and was a one post by this Id post... I’m just kidding about that, I’m never selling, and neither should y’all. And if you wanna do your taxes correctly, well that’s up to you. That guys post yesterday didn’t change my opinion one bit.

33 min later 28499922 Anonymous
The indexer can’t change the fees on you right. If it says 14% that’s an agreement?

34 min later 28499942 Anonymous
>>28499709 Bao did a 13000% moon mission, how the fuck did you not get free eth gains out of that?

34 min later 28499947 Anonymous
I bought earlier but only a little, is it too late to pick up more? Fucking hate being poor

34 min later 28499972 Anonymous
>>28499900 I’m sure it was fud.

35 min later 28500014 Anonymous
>>28499947 Set a stop loss if you do I mean it is up 10x now in a month so be careful.

36 min later 28500046 Anonymous
>>28499561 Oh no they can. Whenever apparently. That’s why you try to find an established indexer who’s not known for doing that. And most of those are already full. However, do some research and find one, There are still a bunch out there. I found one easy enough and I’m an oldfag who’s totally new to this shit.

36 min later 28500068 Anonymous
>>28498808 many are undelegating to sell in 28 days. My rewards went from 4 to 12.

37 min later 28500105 Anonymous
>>28499900 the government is more interested in getting your money than putting you in club fed, even the celebs who turn out to be tax dodgers only do a few years MAX. its just FUD

37 min later 28500111 Anonymous
>>28500046 Seemed like a lot of them weren’t full but how the heck do you determine who is reputable??

38 min later 28500162 Anonymous
>>28500068 It went up 3x? So 10k meant you returned 12 grt a day?

40 min later 28500240 Anonymous
>>28499972 Oh ya, just basically telling people to make sure to do their taxes correctly or they could end up going to prison like himself. Haha it was obviously fud but it stuck with me because of how much I laughed at it. Said they instantly threw him a prison sentence instead of trying to get the money he didn’t pay back etc. like I said poorly written no facts nothing. But god I remember laughing so hard I woke up my kid kek

40 min later 28500243 Anonymous
>>28498162 >has already been happened strong sell signal lmao

40 min later 28500280 Anonymous
Being an indexed btw must be a fucking lucrative as fuck thing to do I presume?

41 min later 28500328 Anonymous
>>28500162 some of the delegators pulled out. fewer delegators in a good indexer gives more rewards.

42 min later 28500378 Anonymous
>>28500328 That’s pretty money. So how to figure out who the reputable indexers are so they don’t fuck you?

42 min later 28500392 Anonymous
>>28500111 Yeah, a lot have undelegated to hop into the money train here. I have a feeling this price will be up here for a month max, then all the whales who have delegated and unthawed their graphies will be unloading on the market. Reason why the price is so high right now is because so many are delegated and staked etc. once they are in the marketplace the amount of tokens being sold will instantly drive down the price unfortunately

44 min later 28500475 Anonymous
Tbh pretty excited to stake my grt. I have 30k should have got more initially but I think more will fomo in as they realize what they’re missing out on. I suspect the same thing will happen with Link once staking announced.

45 min later 28500544 Anonymous
I have 25 grt and made a 25 dollar profit

45 min later 28500548 Anonymous
>>28500392 Makes sense but why, why take out such a big portion if you’re making good returns. Will the number of tasks go down as time goes on or only go up?

45 min later 28500551 Anonymous
>>28500328 >>28500378 I’ve wanted to delegate for the longest time but when I went to do so the graph website told me gas fees were only $5 and then my wallet told me it was $75 for the movement. Shit since the indexes are losing their whales I might delegate my 10k and get 12 freebies a day. That’s 4,380 grt a year, at $3 a pop that’s 13kish. That’s good money for sittin on your ass.

46 min later 28500574 Anonymous
>>28500378 the big indexers all have names. If you look up the name, you can see they are big VC or crypto investment firms. I'm mostly in ryabina-01 and figment.

46 min later 28500601 Anonymous
imagine buying this token right now

46 min later 28500604 Anonymous
You're right. It should be $10 already

47 min later 28500643 Anonymous
>>28500551 It won’t be 3 for long. Has the chance of being significantly higher

48 min later 28500668 Anonymous
>>28500475 Dude I’m so blown I didn’t get more when it was cheap. I bought 10k before it hit .4 and then I thought I was contempt with that much. Now I realize I could’ve easily bought 50-100k worth and it wouldn’t have financially ruined us if it tanked so I’m still so mad at myself and my wife for Fuding me into not doing so. But congrats on your stack. I’m sure that looks wonderful in your portfolio fren. But get that into making you money, that’s a nice little paycheck every month from your rewards

48 min later 28500680 Anonymous
>>28498084 >expecting this coin to moon and earning 14% to boot come on now

48 min later 28500733 Anonymous
>>28500601 I don’t see the loss proposition. Delegate and stake and make returns. Everyone wants to do that hence the fomo. But they aren’t going to be selling. Massive buy pressure.

49 min later 28500745 Anonymous
>>28498084 Oh no not 64% during a bullrun. KYS

49 min later 28500752 Anonymous
>>28500551 It cost me $142 to delegate 10,000

49 min later 28500780 Anonymous
>>28500548 Idk, I’m also not the type of person who would swing a coin ever. I have tried a couple of times with other tokens and have gotten burnt doing so. I learned my lesson and between stocks and this my hands are diamond as fuck. Couldn’t tell ya bud

49 min later 28500787 Anonymous (13545623.jpg 258x245 12kB)
>>28499180 You realise they POI 0x0'd all their rewards (TLDR - fucked up completely) and lost all rewards for the past month or two, right? Their high APY was only a projection based on allocations. The actual payout was zero, all funds were burnt. KEK

50 min later 28500810 Anonymous
>>28500733 biggest noobtrap in crypto it always ends up the same

50 min later 28500847 Anonymous
>>28500668 Well I have 1.3M in link so it’s not amazing but I really want to stake some shit. Don’t hate on your wife 10k is a good stack just be patient. I’ve never spoken to my wife about crypto btw it would be way too much dissonance.

50 min later 28500857 Anonymous
>>28498255 Something like this, I sense serious Jewish manipulation going on. There’s no way a coin with trillions of supply and it’s only use function is delegating should be worth this much.

51 min later 28500894 Anonymous
>>28500787 Oh also, this is the same thing that happened to P2P, which is why they're currently donating all their rewards to their delegators. Muh big name validators aren't always as competent as you think.

51 min later 28500897 Anonymous

51 min later 28500910 Anonymous (5BE24ED0-77A8-4F28-B8A1-D817D8432302.jpg 1432x1100 149kB)
Last month I had it pegged at $12 EOY. At this rate it might hit $20. But how about long term? Where do we go years from now? >t. 1.2k stacklet

51 min later 28500926 Anonymous
>>28500810 Ya this is fair. The difference here is this is actually doing real work compared to the shit other cryptos do. But we’ll see I set a stop loss at 2.3 so I don’t get too fucked.

53 min later 28500992 Anonymous
>>28500787 Can delegators here confirm that they did get paid out for their delegation stake

53 min later 28501007 Anonymous
>>28500910 pieck is cute, CUTE!

54 min later 28501068 Anonymous
what in the holy fuck does delegating even mean in the crypto world? im new here and can't seem to figure out what the hell it means

54 min later 28501115 Anonymous
>>28501068 Go to their website it’s pretty good. Dyor newb

55 min later 28501148 Anonymous
>>28500162 just checked again. I got 16 GRT since yesterday. I had 308, now 324. People are pulling out. Watch out in 28 days. May be a good chance to buy more. I bet I will have 600 more by the end of the month. I made up my mind to park it for 2 years.

57 min later 28501264 Anonymous
>>28501068 It means you can loan your coins to the people that actually use it for its intended use.

58 min later 28501346 Anonymous
>>28498573 Varies between indexers, but I've seen as high as about 31% APY which is fucking insane honestly

59 min later 28501372 Anonymous
>>28500752 are fees relative? i only have about 300 but want to delegate anyway cus free money also anyone used indexers with 0% rewards and fees? seems too good to be true, although theres little room left to join so i guess thatll affect the cut

59 min later 28501380 Anonymous
>>28501148 And you have a 10K stack? People may be pulling out but let’s be real it’s not like they’ll all dump at the exact same moment right

59 min later 28501414 Anonymous
Please be realistic. Can this coin hit 100 dollars ?

1 hours later 28501425 Anonymous
>>28501264 wow that sounds like a bad idea why would i want to do this?

1 hours later 28501480 Anonymous
>>28501346 How are you choosing your indexer; would suck for them to say 30% then suddenly they change it and youre locked for 30 days or some shit.

1 hours later 28501503 Anonymous
$5 EOD. Coinbase normies with GME money love the "Google of the Blockchain"

1 hours later 28501507 Anonymous
>>28501414 yes, im a complete amateur tho, and in what time frame?

1 hours later 28501535 Anonymous
>>28501425 How does 14% sound?

1 hours later 28501542 Anonymous
>>28501425 Dyor fag that’s such a shit question.

1 hours later 28501564 Anonymous
>>28501480 wouldnt that count as "malicious" thereby getting the indexers amount of grt slashed? also i dont know if thats possible, but again, i know little

1 hours later 28501598 Anonymous
>>28501507 This is my second coin after doge. So im hyped. I resd somewhere this coin could reach 100 usd. But i dont know when

1 hours later 28501607 Anonymous (7901D735-1DEF-4259-B892-025BEED1CA93.jpg 200x169 7kB)
>>28498162 >why I chose PRQ over GRT

1 hours later 28501609 Anonymous
>>28501564 Sounds like that’s why it’s on you to find a reputable indexer.

1 hours later 28501635 Anonymous
>>28501425 compound interest my man

1 hours later 28501642 Anonymous
Is this another pump and dump or is this a legitimately good coin with long term potential? I just dumped $50 in a month ago and it's gone up 4x but idk if I should sell or not. I already took out my initial investment so I can't lose, but I'd hate to see it go back down to $0.50

1 hours later 28501651 Anonymous
So basically stakers are pulling out and selling. It's over mates

1 hours later 28501712 Anonymous
>>28501414 >>28501598 100 is a ridiculous number, at that price it would be basically as big as ETH, it won't happen for a long time

1 hours later 28501721 Anonymous
>>28501425 Because they pay you in GRT monthly.

1 hours later 28501728 Anonymous
The rewarded GRT as the price gets higher is less right? Like the indexers arent suddenly charging the api developers who query a lot more??

1 hours later 28501740 Anonymous
>>28501642 It has long term potential but a huge market cap plus the variable of the stinkers delegating which ties up supply.

1 hours later 28501747 Anonymous
>>28501372 the fees are ridiculous with eth lately. I tried to move 100 USDT between exchanges and it was going to cost $30. I think it's more for a larger amount, but I could be wrong. I am new to this.

1 hours later 28501911 Anonymous
>>28501642 Bro you're really talking about $150

1 hours later 28501914 Anonymous
>>28501651 Stakers can't pull out and sell, the coins are locked for 28 days after they "pull out". So even if they did that, you have about 24-25 more days before any delegator could put their stack on an exchange chasing the profit

1 hours later 28501946 Anonymous
>>28501747 I think gas fees are flat rate, but they get a lot worse. Over $100 is not uncommon now.

1 hours later 28501976 Anonymous (Capture.jpg 1327x69 12kB)
>>28501609 right, i dont really get tho if im supposed to synthesize that from looking at the graph website or from elsewhere this indexer in pic related for example looks very good to me, albeit the availability is already high, but where can i go from here to verify if theyre a good indexer? >>28501747 ye i wish i understood the fees more, as far as i understand it its relative to demand tho, so at least theres that

1 hours later 28501977 Anonymous
>>28501914 It started mooning this month. I guess the beginning of March it will dump hard.

1 hours later 28502027 Anonymous
>>28501914 is it 28 days after pullout or 28 days after initiating?

1 hours later 28502040 Anonymous
>>28501380 they will all dump in 28 days on the same day. At least the dumps are very predictable. Should be 10th of March or so. Good chance to buy more if it's $2 or so.

1 hours later 28502131 Anonymous
>>28501712 $3-5 EOY was the bet a few days ago and here we are knocking on $3 this morning. The John Locke of plane crash survivors. Don't tell it what it can't do.

1 hours later 28502194 Anonymous
>>28501911 Haha people gotta start somewhere but ya $150 haha

1 hours later 28502204 Anonymous
>>28502027 Pull out. It's meant to mitigate this exact scenario.

1 hours later 28502285 Anonymous
>>28501414 one trillion mc? yea maybe not.

1 hours later 28502450 Anonymous
>>28502204 Like everything it’s good to have 2 stacks the stack you dump for the pumps and the stack you delegate with. I have 30k but I want to delegate it all. I guess if you’re in for the long run it’s ok just hold and keep getting your delegation returns. In 28 days who knows maybe it’s $5 or $6 then dumps backs to 2 or 3 that’s ok. Hopefuly doesn’t dump to fucking less than 1 tho

1 hours later 28502504 Anonymous
>>28499238 You worded it like 15$ would equal ETH mcap. But yes, you are right.

1 hours later 28502511 Anonymous
>>28501712 Most of the coins are staked and it's hard to pull them out to dump. $100 is reachable, even if it takes a couple years. But I'm fairly sure in 5 years we will reach that and beyond, especially if the ecosystem matures and build on the graph and enough coins are burned. We'll get there eventually.

1 hours later 28502562 Anonymous
>>28501651 They won't be able to for another 28 days It can continue to pump

1 hours later 28502575 Anonymous
>>28502285 They said the same about BTC anon. Look where we are, and it's only going to grow more and more. One trillion is reachable if you consider a 5 trillion mcap BTC.

1 hours later 28502584 Anonymous
>>28502511 Are there really enough jobs by api developers for these indexers to be working every day of the year or something.

1 hours later 28502590 Anonymous
>>28498084 to make me rich

1 hours later 28502650 Anonymous
>>28502584 ...what? Sorry anon, I don't understand.

1 hours later 28502706 Anonymous
>>28502650 The indexers are performing jobs indexing to make the data easier to use. Are there that many jobs to be done?

1 hours later 28502707 Anonymous
>>28498350 This. I like the graph but this niggers be buyin tops and the wonder why they don’t make money

1 hours later 28502714 Anonymous
>>28502040 March 1 you nigger

1 hours later 28502766 Anonymous
>>28502714 Why is everyone so confident of the exact date, people just waiting to be the first out to get out on top

1 hours later 28502769 Anonymous
>>28502706 Are you kidding me? There's going to be a fucking massive amount of API to be developed. A whole fucking internet is going to be built on it.

1 hours later 28502824 Anonymous
>>28502450 If it does go to $1, I'll be there to buy all of it. Too much potential for passive income. The project is solid and the biggest bet in the decentralized space out there. If GRT fails, it would not bode well for defi, and I don't see that happening outside of some regulation event in the US or something.

1 hours later 28502861 Anonymous
>>28499582 You literally have to do your own research. I feel for the same thing on link and missed my chance to buy literally 10s of thousands of link. Ended up with only 500 that I sold to get into GRT. Zero regrets there.

1 hours later 28502867 Anonymous
>>28502511 For how long are coins staked? How does the burn rate work?

1 hours later 28502914 Anonymous
>>28498084 That’s just us white people. We do what we want to do >>28502766 Piss off to reddit

1 hours later 28502933 Anonymous
>>28502824 Is say link is the most solid bet but yes this seems fairly similar. And yes if it dumped to 1 I’ll buy it up. I have 30k but my basis is like 1.5

1 hours later 28502996 Anonymous (1592601090318.jpg 1908x1080 303kB)
>was gonna put another £300 on graph last week when it was 60p >it's £2.00 now

1 hours later 28503012 Anonymous
>>28502769 The actual take-off event will be when the first reputable decentralized social network starts up. That will be the day GRT transcends money entirely.

1 hours later 28503033 Anonymous
>>28498084 By your logic BTC should never be allowed to be the price it is, cope more. ngmi

1 hours later 28503056 Anonymous
>>28502861 Agree it always comes down to this. I did that in 2017 with link and I have 50k link thankfully. I just bought GRT for kicks at 30 cents for 10k GRT but I didn’t research. As soon as I did I aped I. 60k usd more at 2.4 Bc I didn’t want to miss out. Have to dyor to make it

1 hours later 28503097 Anonymous
>>28501728 Fair question

1 hours later 28503108 Anonymous
>>28501712 Think about it. The 28 day lock period will allow a predictable pump and dump every month. What happened yesterday is going to happen once a month for a year. It's a very clever plan. Going higher each time, with more rewards every month after it is staked. Swingies will be jizzing their pants once a month. There will be GRT countdown threads on /biz/. The pumps will be more insane each time, with a higher price each time after the initial dip. The subgraphs are not added yet. Even more rewards and a higher price. This is easily going to 100. Everyone will want a piece of this.

1 hours later 28503146 Anonymous
>>28500544 190 graphlet here. Made 500 bucks though

1 hours later 28503152 Anonymous (EFDA857D-59C4-43ED-B9B5-B5006B261A18.jpg 341x239 25kB)
>>28499816 >15 in a white country >15 in a place like niggeragua do you belong to the latter?

1 hours later 28503209 Anonymous
gah fuck im such a retard scraped together a paltry sum of eth to delegate- insufficient funds- half my eth has been eaten fuck! to newfags like myself, dont skimp on the eth before delegating... have $100 worth at least -.- fml

1 hours later 28503210 Anonymous
>>28502285 how does that math work? asking so i don't have to keep asking top price predictions and whatnot

1 hours later 28503228 Anonymous (1612584613409.jpg 480x480 50kB)
>>28498255 Based. Just bought more kids, I mean, GRT.

1 hours later 28503239 Anonymous
>>28503108 This fomo is what will happen to link if they can get the staking fucking going. Interesting tho Bc the price per link is so much more expensive they probably won’t have to do the same 28 lock out.

1 hours later 28503245 Anonymous
>>28498272 its usecase requires it to be cheaper, anyone who doesnt sell at these prices is a muppet. .75-$1 should be off season price

1 hours later 28503320 Anonymous
>>28498084 It should be illegal, anyone making money on something I didn't buy... IT'S NOT FAIR!!

1 hours later 28503328 Anonymous
I really don’t know how more people aren’t buying more of this w the rewards potential.

1 hours later 28503346 Anonymous (1610903113447.png 710x653 298kB)
>>28498453 Topkek. Sorry for your loss, anon.

1 hours later 28503404 Anonymous
>>28503245 Why it can be subdivided no?

1 hours later 28503406 Anonymous
Can someone kindly explain the purpose of grt to me? What’s it actually meant to do, keeps being propped up as the next link

1 hours later 28503472 Anonymous
>>28503406 It's the reverse link.

1 hours later 28503509 Anonymous
>>28503406 pajeet shitcoin like every other being shilled on /biz, you're already late anon

1 hours later 28503519 Anonymous
>>28502285 ...that doesnt seem too unreal though if its as 'blockchain-agnostic' as it is said to be.. crypto is seeing a wave of adoption recently too and in general is way more mature and useable than it was 3 years ago, let alone 10, what about in 10 years from now? crypto is potentially like the boom of computer technology, it has plateaued now, but was accelerating year on year for nearly 50 years (if not more if you count the very first 'sorting machine' computers)

1 hours later 28503526 Anonymous
>>28501911 how does $40 per coin token sound?

1 hours later 28503612 Anonymous (1779149_219125184962198_1047966155_n.jpg 500x353 43kB)
>>28502996 >sold all my GRT when it was crabbing @ 41c to buy into the GME hype (was thinking i had time to rebuy) >it started mooning the next day or something >bought back at an average of 2.3

1 hours later 28503620 Anonymous (10kfud.png 1335x195 61kB)
>>28502285 this will be a top3 coin and absolutely hit a trillion mc. screencap this and learn to read a white paper.

1 hours later 28503721 Anonymous
>>28503108 will it dip or stay steady before it pumps again?

1 hours later 28503774 Anonymous
>>28503245 What is this FUD even fucking based on lmfao

1 hours later 28503839 Anonymous
>>28498084 >india ban crypto >all privacy coin are up >grt volume suddenly massive pump connect the dot

1 hours later 28503908 Anonymous
I moved my profits into PRQ. I swear moving back and forth between these 2 coins is the easiest gains of my life.

1 hours later 28503913 Anonymous
>>28498533 Literally me

1 hours later 28503994 Anonymous
>>28499922 No they absolutely can. You gotta keep up with that shit. It was designed that way intentionally so delegates keep indexers on their toes so they don't pull any shady shit. If an indexer fucks you pull your shit out.

1 hours later 28504082 Anonymous
I sold my 5k stack at 1.90 fuck my ass

1 hours later 28504364 Anonymous
Guys it can't keep going up like this right? I'm tempted to not even sell. If this goes up to $25 EOY like people are saying.....I can buy a condo....a new car....fully furnish the condo with nice things.....get a top of the line gaming PC....and just work a shitty warehouse job for my day to day. I'll have made it with a mere $100k.

1 hours later 28504382 Anonymous
will GRT go back to cents? thinking about buying 1ks worth and wait till it drops to spend the rest

1 hours later 28504387 Anonymous (OIP.n1NSMG_tY7KUGAJ1YrjcXAHaFj.jpg 474x355 35kB)
>>28503406 It's a pay to play token. Like when you used to go to the arcade and give the arcade guy real money and he would give you tokens so you could play Mortal Kombat. It's just like that except you have to pay to query the blockchain. That's why people refer to it as being like google. Imagine if you had to pay a tiny amount to do a search on google. The Graph currently has no competition. This is like buying ETH for $3. If you don't get some now, you will be at Home Depot picking out what kind of rope you want to use in a year.

1 hours later 28504891 Anonymous
>>28504364 >you made it but still work a shit warehouse job No you tard, youll have made it when you are working for no one but yourself

1 hours later 28505019 Anonymous
>>28502131 john locke ded bro, ben killed him

1 hours later 28505034 Anonymous
>>28504364 This is how you know you’re about to get fucked. These exact feelings right here. Mark my words.

1 hours later 28505076 Anonymous
>>28504891 Gonna be honest, the only way I can see that happening is if I hold this coin for half a decade and it reaches ETH heights. Which I would totally do if that's feasible, but we don't know the future.

1 hours later 28505202 Anonymous
>>28505076 It’s not going to etc heights it’s already 3B. But you should buy more on the dips

1 hours later 28505207 Anonymous
>>28503721 we will see what happens in March. It will be first time for the cycle to begin. It's going to be very profitable for all.

1 hours later 28505266 Anonymous
>>28505034 >the market responds to feelings Yikes man. Not too late to buy faggot

1 hours later 28505279 Anonymous
>>28498162 Nice try, pajeet, just bought more grt

1 hours later 28505321 Anonymous (1613065205308.gif 498x280 2466kB)
About to put 7K in this shit for a year. Is this shit the new chinklink?

1 hours later 28505324 Anonymous
>>28504364 try $100, try $1000 in a few years.

1 hours later 28505338 Anonymous
>>28505076 Stay strong that’s how. I’m holding this coin until it pays me enough to where I can live anywhere I want, own a nice car and house and make money in the way I desire. Stay strong friend, we will make it

1 hours later 28505356 Anonymous
>>28505266 No I’m just talking about him specifically. Don’t worry I bought 60k usd more worth yesterday

1 hours later 28505448 Anonymous
ok this time i rly dont get whats going on, many people on /biz was shilling me grt on /biz like month ago, why the fuck this shitcoin pumping pls explain me, another p&d?

1 hours later 28505596 Anonymous
>>28505448 Nope not this time dawg. This one is legit hey in

2 hours later 28505886 Anonymous
>>28505321 Look at the chart, then reconsider. I got in at around $0.60 and I stopped adding to my stack around $2 for good reason.

2 hours later 28505954 Anonymous
>>28505448 A broken clock is right twice a day. The first time was link, the second is grt. DYOR, it's a legit project.

2 hours later 28506127 Anonymous
>>28505954 Ya doesn’t matter how you’re right just makes sense to get on this and delegate the fuck out of it

2 hours later 28506164 Anonymous
so annoyed for not buying in last weekend when I was too busy trying to figure out uniswap shit staked my 2k stack anyway - see you in 5 years

2 hours later 28506768 Anonymous
>>28498084 Give it to me straight lads how high is this going? I got in at 17¢ and only put down $100 worth. Was sick with corona at the time and wasn’t thinking straight now I fuxking hate myself for not putting in 10k or even 5K. Right now I’m sitting on about a 20x from my initial. Not bad but should I get off at 100x ($17) or near-ish $17?

2 hours later 28507114 Anonymous
>>28506164 1000 is a make it stack

2 hours later 28507210 Anonymous
>>28499386 What's fud? t. Dark skinned and robbing

2 hours later 28507227 Anonymous
>>28507114 so these people with 10 - 100k are now in the realm of ungodly amounts of money? I just can't find it in me to believe it

2 hours later 28507262 Anonymous
>>28506768 No one fucking knows. I bought this with the intention of holding for 3 years+ and didn't expect it to hit 3 until eoy

2 hours later 28507381 Anonymous
>>28505266 How fucking retarded are you Of course the market responds to feelings How the fuck do you not know that Heard of FOMO? FUD? If anything the market fucking overreacts

2 hours later 28507769 Anonymous
>>28507114 10k GRT = ungodly amounts of money. LMFAO the sad thing is you're being sincere aren't you?

2 hours later 28507825 Anonymous
>>28507227 Why would the Rothschilds and Forbes be interested in some altcoin? Imagine buying Alphabet stock before the internet existed.

2 hours later 28507847 Anonymous
>>28507227 ^ meant for this poor sorry, you're also poor too though previously tagged "1k is a make it stack" poor anon

2 hours later 28507881 Anonymous
>>28507769 see you in a year...

2 hours later 28508051 Anonymous (1612091346057.png 1000x672 598kB)
I member the GRT threads from early jan, alot of those guys had 100k+ stacks

2 hours later 28508076 Anonymous
Bro it doomped

2 hours later 28508109 Anonymous
Ahhh I only got 2k at 72 cents. Bros I'm not gonna make it.

2 hours later 28508178 Anonymous (krstyk.jpg 926x720 165kB)
>>28508076 you doomped

2 hours later 28508181 Anonymous
>>28507847 i am being sincere because is 10mm+ seriously not a life-changing amount of money to you? or are you just being a cuck

2 hours later 28508374 Anonymous
weekend is approaching and retail is starting to buy...i have a good feeling about this

2 hours later 28508673 Anonymous
>>28500668 >I’m still so mad at myself and my wife Why do you hate your wife? Sell her to me, I will pay 10 btc, but only if she is young and top heavy

2 hours later 28508739 Anonymous
>>28507114 No suicide is still 5k, Make it is 10k

2 hours later 28508923 Anonymous
honestly fuck the rubictards for overshadowing grt on here, i would've easily bought twice as much sub $1 otherwise

2 hours later 28509150 Anonymous
>>28502027 28 days after to pull out to mitigate rug pulling by whales. Extremely well designed coin.

2 hours later 28509355 Anonymous
>>28508181 In case you haven't noticed, crypto is going to be the biggest wealth transfer in the history of humanity. WW3 will be fought over crypto, but no shots will be fired. China and the West will fight this war with quantum computers. If we don't win this, the entire world will be slaves to China. Bitcoin will replace the petrodollar too.

2 hours later 28509400 Anonymous

2 hours later 28509553 Anonymous
Will this dip again to around $2?

2 hours later 28509715 Anonymous
>>28509355 what are you invested in anon? mostly btc?

2 hours later 28509720 Anonymous
>>28509553 The lowest it will ever see again is 2.3

2 hours later 28509871 Anonymous
>>28509355 i'm aware of that, just part of me struggles to comprehend anon users who spend their day posting shit memes amassing wealth to the tune of 10s or 100s of millions - or more maybe i'm wrong but my retard head wont let it compute. regardless, i'm in the game too, i already missed the early departure - so let's hope you're right

2 hours later 28509879 Anonymous
God, I just wanna make it. I wanna move out of my mom's house. I bought half of my graphies at $0.53 and the other half at $1.93. I JUST WANNA MAKE IT. I WANNA BUY MY OWN PLACE. IS A 4K STACK ENOUGH?

2 hours later 28509945 Anonymous (1594964412154.gif 225x320 2311kB)
>>28507227 We're the google now.

2 hours later 28509959 Anonymous (7.png 737x739 610kB)
>>28508923 bruh i almost felll for the rugbic meme but coinbase protected me with 8 day hold before i could send my eth. And then it doomped. based coinbase >>28509355 (((the West))) u mean the Rothschilds?

2 hours later 28510089 Anonymous
>>28509715 Bitcoin is the one. Most of what I make with the Graph will go into bitcoin. A smaller amount I will put into gold and of course some fiat.

2 hours later 28510181 Anonymous
>>28509959 >Rothschilds Of course

2 hours later 28510225 Anonymous
>>28509871 my friend, we are going to see the era of the trillionaire. Musk wants to be the first one.

2 hours later 28510420 Anonymous
>>28502194 bro fuck him 150 is 150 profit is profit I dumped 50 into it few days ago and already made back my ROI rest is pure profit now.

2 hours later 28510444 Anonymous
>>28510225 godspeed anon, how do i find you

3 hours later 28510689 Anonymous
>>28498255 I've been saying this for weeks now. It's the Epstein of blockchain.

3 hours later 28510699 Anonymous
>>28509959 People have different ideas about who the cabal is that controls the west. I do know that the easiest way to get rich is to create your own bank. Musk did this with PayPal. Jack Ma attempted this. With crypto, everyone owns their own bank.

3 hours later 28510750 Anonymous
>>28498162 Rent free

3 hours later 28510781 Anonymous (1534182201375.gif 480x336 1539kB)
>tfw i have 10k in expendable savings and thinking about throwing it all at grt i'm a 1.2k stacklet poorfag and bought in at .7 but its tempting

3 hours later 28511013 Anonymous (1360788241503.png 600x600 589kB)

3 hours later 28511101 Anonymous (32f.jpg 251x242 10kB)
>>28498894 >>28498255 top kek

3 hours later 28511111 Anonymous
>>28507227 >so these people with 10 - 100k are now in the realm of ungodly amounts of money? If they have hands strong enough to hold for years without taking massive amount of profits, yes. People with 10k-100k BTC would have ungodly amounts of money today if they held for years. It's certainly not easy, because not taking profits, especially if you are in the 100x and above range, is risky in its own right and borders the realm of insanity.

3 hours later 28511244 Anonymous
>>28511111 When it hits $10 I'm selling my stack

3 hours later 28511283 Anonymous
when do the devs/venture capitalists dump their 90% of the supply? not fudding, just wondering when to buy

3 hours later 28511292 Anonymous
Tfw I had 555,000 GRT but sold too early

3 hours later 28511329 Anonymous
please pump

3 hours later 28511416 Anonymous
>>28511244 Would you rather have a Ford in 1 year of a Ferrari in 5? Delayed gratification bro, you got this.

3 hours later 28511422 Anonymous
>>28511329 BTC is taking a shit rn, so no

3 hours later 28511534 Anonymous
Mark Cuban and Musk are from a different generation than people like Buffet. Why are they taking this seriously? You'll probably see a race to be the first trillionaire at some point. It will be all over the news like Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire.

3 hours later 28511628 Anonymous
>>28498084 GRT >the imagine of smellchain

3 hours later 28511727 Anonymous
>>28511416 I can always buy back in. This shit is hitting $10 this cycle.

3 hours later 28511764 Anonymous
>>28498894 kek

3 hours later 28511880 Anonymous
Guys imagine if some time in the next few years a social media platform is announced for web3 I want you to fucking imagine just how big this is going to be if that happens I want you to imagine that and then never even fucking dream of selling any time soon

3 hours later 28512250 Anonymous
>>28511880 *If a major social media platform switched to Web 3.0, anon

3 hours later 28512318 Anonymous
>>28502504 $20.39 GRT is equivalent to ETH at $1776.00 $2.70 GRT is equivalent to $27.00 LINK.

3 hours later 28512512 Anonymous (1421719357015.png 297x282 112kB)
Is it still worh it to buy more NOW or should I wait for a dip ?

3 hours later 28512605 Anonymous
>>28512512 Just DCA anon

3 hours later 28512669 Kayla (Screenshot_20210212-074221_Coinbase.jpg 1080x2280 322kB)
I bought at .50 cents Pretty happy not gonna lie. Gonna hold till I can cash out 300k. That's a house paid for, a 2022 corvette paid for, and a European and Japanese vacation.

3 hours later 28512672 Anonymous
>>28511880 >>28512250 what is the difference between web2.0 and web3?

3 hours later 28512677 Anonymous
>>28512512 get the fuck in now bro, last chance to buy under 3 USD

3 hours later 28513223 Anonymous
>>28512677 checkerooni! LETS GOOO!!!

3 hours later 28513273 Anonymous
Anyone here a delegate expert? I delegated one of my smaller stacks to a 1M indexer with good apy, but haven't made any rewards in the entire week since then, whereas my p2p stack gets paid daily. At what point do you realize you picked a bad indexer and just undelegate?

3 hours later 28513388 Anonymous
>>28511880 >imagine a facebook but without the extremely fuckhuge massive income of harvesting data from users Unless this new social media is literally paying users i don't see how it can happen, we're still several decades away from the average retard understanding how much their personal data is worth. You realise facebook makes most of their dough with ads that are targeted via this data, right?

3 hours later 28513912 Anonymous
>>28512669 u will never

3 hours later 28514027 Anonymous (Z.png 216x234 71kB)
>tfw 230 stacklet >Tfw I've got some Chainlink and nucypher as well >Sitting at £~620 overall >Tfw can't it anymore until payday next Friday Got in at 90p though so I'm happy already. I'm also convinced there will be a price correction before the end of next week. I'm gonna buy a 1k stack depending on price and start delegating. Feels extremely, extremely comfy right now to bh lads

3 hours later 28514118 Anonymous
>>28503245 I do believe GRT will crash like a bandicoot when the euphoria wears off, because its use case.

3 hours later 28514335 Anonymous
Fucking DIP you piece of shit i want to buy

3 hours later 28514389 Anonymous
>>28510699 checked. rip jack ma. miss that nigga

3 hours later 28514882 Anonymous
>>28514335 This is the dip dude

3 hours later 28515226 Anonymous
>>28513388 I'm confused about what you are saying. Are you saying a decentralized social media platform wouldn't be profitable because a centralized system in place wouldn't be taking the profits from data mining? If that is your claim I strongly disagree

3 hours later 28515320 Anonymous (1612385138846.gif 270x360 926kB)
>>28498084 Its a pump and dump. Honestly fuck crypto. Buy a real stock of a company that employs tens of thousands of Americans https://stocktwits.com/symbol/CLF Owning and controlling the vertical supply chain. From mining to making to production to distribution. They are doing a ton of mill-direct to end customers, and I’m pretty sure their next play is an M&A strategy on service centers. They are trimming a TON of over-head and competition from the market with the AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA M&A's both done last year... Merge, take supply off-line, support prices domestically.

3 hours later 28515495 Anonymous (530845288434b03099c827729df5ebc9.jpg 1080x1080 93kB)
>>28499545 prq buy signal right here bois

3 hours later 28515564 Anonymous
>>28515320 Fuck off boomer

3 hours later 28515674 Anonymous
>>28515320 And of course, he includes a Urusei Yatsura gif. Terrible fucking show.

3 hours later 28515678 Anonymous
>>28513273 Some delegators only report rewards weekly.

4 hours later 28515788 Anonymous
>>28513273 is there a guide for a complete noob on this? and what is the minimum to delegate? i am a poorfag with 1k stack

4 hours later 28515894 Anonymous
>>28499545 That's pretty good

4 hours later 28515938 Anonymous
Bought at $0.57 last month, already almost 5x my initial investment. Why is it pumping so much?

4 hours later 28515939 Anonymous
>>28512669 Are you aware that it's 2021 and not 2001?

4 hours later 28515998 Anonymous (65F29B2B-F169-465F-AFFC-63BBF35601CD.jpg 1468x828 244kB)
I just fomod 1300 into grt don’t disappoint me

4 hours later 28516179 Anonymous

4 hours later 28516208 Anonymous
>>28512669 Hey Kayla aren't you a tranny trip on lgbt

4 hours later 28516462 Anonymous
>>28516208 Yes, he has posted his bussy on here too.

4 hours later 28516598 Anonymous (1500494063856.jpg 388x388 39kB)
>>28514027 We both same, mine is 400 stacklet. We will make it bro

4 hours later 28516625 Anonymous
>>28516462 I prefer trannies to be poor so they think I'm more valuable

4 hours later 28516631 Anonymous
that dipwas eaten up like it was nothing! this is gonna paaaamp hard ths weekend

4 hours later 28516634 Anonymous (file.png 498x497 171kB)
>>28512672 Right now Web2 is a steaming pile of garbage. Everything is contained in giant, centralized websites that are completely closed off from everything else, with the website owner completely in control of everything on its servers. You go to Google in order to do Google stuff the way that Google intends you to do, whether you like it or not, you have no choice on the matter. You liked that feature? Too bad, now it's gone, because our internal tests found out that our conversion rate raised by 0.001% by removing it. And here, enjoy your new bloated, overdesigned UI with ads everywhere. No, you can't switch to the old one. Also, your data is actually Google's, so they can decide that they don't like you and just outright delete it, or sell it, or god knows whatever else. This applies to essentially every single website that you use, because the data resides on the website's servers, whose security and management is up to the website's owner, simply because up until now it wasn't possible to do otherwise. Enter Web3. Now data resides on the blockchain, and websites access and manage that data in a completely decentralized manner. Take Uniswap for example. If for any reason they decide to shut down their websites because the owner's voodoo advisor told him to shut it down or his mother would die in her sleep tonight, people would still be able to use it by simply hosting a Uniswap interface on another server. The data is still there, on the blockchain, completely secured. If you wanted you could also build your own website instead of using the official one. Up until now that simply wasn't possible. Yes, you could use their APIs, but even then you would be subject to the limitations imposed by the API providers. This is a complete paradigm shift from what we had up until now. It completely solves a lot of problems that we have been facing in the last decade because of the complete monopoly of Google, Facebook and the like. We're going to take back the web.

4 hours later 28516707 Anonymous
>>28512669 fuck your stupid tripcode

4 hours later 28516843 Anonymous (1612736275392.png 774x803 114kB)
>>28498894 >the opposable thumbs of fingers >the blockchain of google >the double-decker of party favors >the backbone of defi >the google for web3 >the google of crypto >the API for APY >the lamborghini of ferrari >the yoo-hoo of chocolate drinks >the sasha grey of anal porn >the thai ladyboy of trannies >the starbucks of coffee >the katrina of hurricanes >the never of womanhood >the anal fissure of ass problems >the chicken of barnyard animals >the dyson of vacuums >the grey goose of vodka >the amazon of worker exploitation >the epstein of pedophiles >the pajeet scam of crypto >the corona of viruses >the peter north of cumshots >the gamestop of melvin capital >the george floyd of fetanyl overdoses >the Sam Hyde of mass shooters >the Dan Schneider of child actress footfags >the Auschwitz of leisure centres

4 hours later 28516988 Anonymous
Time in the market beats timing the market. Always remember that swinging will get you nowhere.

4 hours later 28517015 Anonymous
>>28500668 I had 27k and traded it away. I'm sorry GRT bros

4 hours later 28517025 Anonymous (5258F7F4-865D-4DAF-B538-512B799BB695.jpg 374x374 32kB)
I’m gonna kill myself. I only have 1k graph. I thought I’d have more time to accumulate before it hit $1, let alone $2. I’m gonna die in poverty.

4 hours later 28517037 Anonymous
>>28498084 GRT is going to $3 whether you like it or not. FOMO in now or forever be a cuck

4 hours later 28517048 Anonymous
>>28516634 So you’re telling me the companies with near +\- 1trillion market caps are going to roll over and give up their golden goose?

4 hours later 28517123 Anonymous
It's not worth buying now, is it bros? Shit sucks, wire transfer just went through.

4 hours later 28517258 Anonymous
>>28517037 nah many will cash out when asa it hits $3

4 hours later 28517306 Anonymous (lookathimgo.gif 450x506 3503kB)
>>28517123 When it's at $3.00 you'll be pic related

4 hours later 28517436 Anonymous
>>28517123 This the dip no joke

4 hours later 28517459 Anonymous
>>28517258 You're probably a redditor. 4chan doesn't just cash out to make a quick buck, faggot. Want proof? Check any of the link threads. Also, it skyrocketed past both $1 and $2.

4 hours later 28517463 Anonymous
>>28517048 Unironically, yes. Read Life After Google. https://youtu.be/cidZRD3NzHg

4 hours later 28517568 Anonymous
400 GRT poorfag will i make it?

4 hours later 28517584 Anonymous (1605013751424.jpg 466x587 48kB)
>tfw 800 stacklet Will I make it? I just need to be able to live a comfy midwest life...

4 hours later 28517660 Anonymous
>>28498084 I wish I hadn't delegated my entire stack. This would be the perfect point to safely get my principle + profit. Hopefully this holds for two more weeks so I can.

4 hours later 28517789 Anonymous (1611547697264.jpg 800x450 34kB)
>>28504082 sold my 4k stack at 1.09 I have extra rope if you need

4 hours later 28517824 Anonymous
>>28517123 it will never go below $2.5 again

4 hours later 28517849 Anonymous (1534416836082.jpg 766x517 43kB)
>>28516634 So Web3 is a concept for decentralized internet? Are there any current web3 browsers? How would we get the majority to use web3, since I doubt google would willingly lose their monopoly. I'd love to take the web back to the wild west days. Thanks for the info fren.

4 hours later 28517877 Anonymous
I bought at 2.8 What do

4 hours later 28517909 Anonymous
>>28517789 well I didn't buy any. better to have loved and lost than never loved at all

4 hours later 28518082 Anonymous (pepe-nodding-matrix-ascii.gif 425x400 1971kB)
>>28517048 Absolutely not. But things are in motion now, and they will either adapt or suffer the consequence of refusing to change. The decentralization movement literally cannot be stopped now. That's the beauty of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. >>28517849 Uniswap is Web3, anon. You're going to use Web3 and not even realize it happened. Because it already happened.

4 hours later 28518083 Anonymous
How to pick an indexer: 1. Go to https://graphscan.io/ 2. Sort by APY 3. Investigate indexer reputation 4. If its established and consistent delegate, if its not, move to the next My recommendation is to split your delegations between hashquark (high APY, therefore riskier, but has been running consistently since the beginning) and p2p (mid APY, established group).

4 hours later 28518165 Anonymous
>>28517584 youll be able to afford an old winchester, thats for shore

4 hours later 28518207 Anonymous (1609349809916.jpg 417x350 36kB)
>>28517909 I still profited 2k+ l but am now losing sleep waiting for the crash. please make fun of me i deserve it

4 hours later 28518308 Anonymous
>>28517849 Web3 can be used by a normal browser. IPFS already works. Web3 is more about the back-end of the web, making it decentralized and open rather than having big tech own everything. https://youtu.be/iTZ6WRnbs6A See my earlier comment about "Life After Google" by George Gilder.

4 hours later 28518379 Anonymous
>>28518207 then take your gains. Cash out half I dunno

4 hours later 28518399 Anonymous

4 hours later 28518468 Anonymous
>>28517025 sell and wait, it's going to dump and go back up guaranteed. just think, for a second anon.

4 hours later 28518516 Anonymous (1C7A89BE-E545-4EB6-A413-CAA7FE1F4251.png 719x600 501kB)
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GRT. The tech is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical blockchain most of the indexes will go over a typical retard's head. There's also Yaniv's jewish outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Talmudic literature, for instance. The graphites understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these delegations, to realize that they're not just pieces of the future- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike GRT truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the genius in Yaniv's existencial catchphrase "the google of blockchain" which itself is a cryptic reference to Sergey's epic Russian pump and dump. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tal's genius unfolds itself on their binance screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a GRT tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5k GRT of my own stack (preferably lower) beforehand.

4 hours later 28518627 Anonymous (93184EA3-DE95-4925-85CE-25D897BE8A90.jpg 640x619 21kB)
Stop dumping!

4 hours later 28518667 Anonymous
>>28517877 guys please i'm down 10% ;___;

4 hours later 28518677 Anonymous
>>28517459 Fuck you , Redditor and 4channers I am here for the tech.

4 hours later 28518721 Anonymous
>>28518379 Those are my gains dipshit, I would have had 8k gains if I didn't cash out at 1.0911 You wouldn't understand you shitcunt nocoiner

4 hours later 28519026 Anonymous
>>28507210 google

4 hours later 28519118 Anonymous
>>28518667 -15% AAAAAAAAAA

4 hours later 28519158 Anonymous
>>28518627 we are going sub 2 and I will buy some more

4 hours later 28519228 Anonymous
>>28515674 faggot

4 hours later 28519370 Anonymous
Sell your coins dump bottom over

4.446 0.398