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2021-02-12 12:28 28495777 Anonymous /DOGE/ Dance Thread Edition (__inubashiri_momiji_touhou_drawn_by_maitora__724c7cc8c61a0a8820e7d6867bbdb421.gif 350x343 443kB)
>Current value in USD https://dogevalue.com/ >Current value in sats https://www.binance.com/en/trade/DO GE_BTC >Does Dogecoin have an infinite supply? https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/c omments/8dcoa8/dogecoin_does_not_ha ve_an_inflationary_model_we/ • NEWS: >MasterCard will accept crypto https://markets.businessinsider.com /currencies/news/mastercard-allow-c ryptocurrencies-use-payments-networ k-2021-2-1030071595 >Tesla just bought $1.5b worth of BTC. https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archive s/edgar/data/1318605/00015645902100 4599/tsla-10k_20201231.htm >KuCoin soon to adopt DOGE https://twitter.com/KuCoinModerator /status/1356518137236086784 >Crunchyroll accepts DOGE https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/c omments/lb8wme/its_true_you_can_now _pay_for_crunchyroll_with_doge/ >PornHub and Chaturbate accepts DOGE https://www.unilad.co.uk/technology /pornhub-now-accepting-dogecoin-aft er-card-payment-ban/ >Dogecoin will be added to the Flare Network soon. https://ambcrypto.com/flare-network s-to-integrate-doge-ahead-of-mainne t-launch/ • EXCHANGES Binance Binance.us Bittrex Kraken Probit Poloniex Uphold Exodus • WALLETS Dogecoin Wallet (Android) Exodus Wallet (Android/iPhone/PC) Ledger Trezor https://dogecoin.com/getting-starte d/ • FINE ESTABLISHMENTS ACCEPTING DOGECOIN https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/doge / >Crunchyroll https://www.crunchyroll.com >PornHub https://www.pornhub.com >Chaturbate https://www.chaturbate.com >Kronos Advanced Technologies https://twitter.com/KronosATI/statu s/1356287308278845440 >4chan autist fund DP4SrKX2xETSK9cUzCq6W8Hg7ZeHA71GNy • ENDORSEMENTS >Elon Musk https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status /1357241340313141249 >Snoop Doge https://twitter.com/SnoopDogg/statu s/1358141965930426368 >Mia Khalifa https://twitter.com/miakhalifa/stat us/1358224774887952384 >Gene Simmons https://twitter.com/genesimmons/sta tus/1357873901758390272 >Kevin Jonas https://twitter.com/kevinjonas/stat us/1358221690216546311 Previous Bread: >>28483855

1 min later 28495855 Anonymous
No Doge in the picture. Baker is a faggot.

2 min later 28495893 Anonymous
>>28495855 It is doge, nigga, is shiba. Is dancing waifu shiba that awoos and grants great trips. So eat a cock.

2 min later 28495909 Anonymous (1512177425162.jpg 438x437 20kB)
0.069 incoming........ shit is recovering at warp speed

2 min later 28495920 Anonymous
>>28495893 this aint no $SHIB hood nigga we DOGE outchea bitch ass OP faggot ass mufugga

3 min later 28495941 Anonymous (EtYrUVcXcAAtEwN.png 1824x695 66kB)
>>28495777 And a reminder of /pol/ack's Qanon-esque post about a grand crypto conspiracy.

6 min later 28496060 Anonymous
>>28495893 Degenerate weebs are first to get the rope

6 min later 28496064 Anonymous (CLKDfU0.jpg 500x500 37kB)
>>28495920 LMAO u retarded? Doge mascot dog is a shiba. Shiba niggas tried to copy it to make a copy-coin and failed. Momiji is from 2hus and was used previously. Please suck dick, nigga. Since you're either a street shitting pajeet or some newfag purist, you can make the next thread with this icon.

7 min later 28496128 Anonymous (1371170154011.jpg 500x375 43kB)

7 min later 28496132 Anonymous (5Ffs2HY.png 1000x1000 431kB)
>>28496060 you sound like a dog fucker. Don't fuck dogs or doge, animal fucker.

7 min later 28496143 Anonymous (29B5E06C-3AF1-4959-8523-F90FAE10897C.jpg 1242x265 103kB)
Small eu company tweeted this

8 min later 28496189 Anonymous
>>28496128 Ignore the upset whales, anon, and the kikes who can't manipulate the coin :D >>28496143 Noice

13 min later 28496421 Anonymous
>>28495855 >>28495920 >>28496060 Whales that sold, ignore

14 min later 28496472 Anonymous
>>28496421 God i wish i were a whale. Wouldnt have to be meming on 4chan

17 min later 28496604 Anonymous
>>28496472 Get a job Get on a budget Stop spending on bs Buy some crypto every month

24 min later 28496920 Anonymous (Crop.png 693x230 47kB)
The best way to make Doge rise in value is by spending it, not by holding it. If you aren't spending it, you aren't doing your part.

26 min later 28497002 Anonymous
>>28495777 Awooooooooooo~ Checked

27 min later 28497055 Anonymous
>>28496920 I don't need a Pornhub Premium account and there is nothing else to buy with doge atm.

28 min later 28497098 Anonymous
>>28496920 >The best way to make Doge rise in value is by spending it, not by holding it. Wrong. Neither spending, nor holding will raise its value. What will raise its value is getting new people to dump all of their savings into buying dogecoin. Then you need to use cult like tactics to shame people from ever selling to help keep the price high. Of course you can sell, so you make a profit.

41 min later 28497754 Anonymous
>>28496920 >>28497055 If anon means helping commission artists or services, then yes, I can see spending. Outside of that, no, hold. Unless it's person to person, fucking hold. >>28497098 <Kike alert>

45 min later 28497912 Anonymous
I'm not even going to lie. OP here and I want you fucks to be successful. We're all mostly poorfags that just got into crypto or missed on gains. For Once I had an extra 100 laying around. Bought doge, and some others. Watching the numbers increase, albeit slowly, is really doing good for my self esteem, mood, and overall health. I've become more aware of my spending habits and haven't really felt like offing myself lately. Will I be depressed if numbers go down? Nope. Not a lot of money put in. I'll simply hold out for the future and hope for the best. Good luck and God Bless, anons. You all deserve the best. :D

45 min later 28497914 Anonymous
Guys when is the next dump

46 min later 28498006 Anonymous
>>28497914 Whenever the americans wake up again and decide to take a giant red dump on the chart.

48 min later 28498068 Anonymous
>>28497914 see >>28498006 However what anon failed to mention is that these are whales or kikes, possibly a corporation or two. Don't panic though, accumulate mass VIA buying the dip and holding more for yourself so your future is brighter. :D

49 min later 28498128 Anonymous
It seems quieter and quieter in those thread. What happens Doge army? Haven't you memed enough yet?

50 min later 28498187 Anonymous
>>28497090 Wtf is this shit? Some kind of pajeet scam?

50 min later 28498201 Anonymous
>>28498128 lmao fuck off nigger, most people work and have jobs. This time is usually quiet due to the Ameri-centric setup of 4chins. More anons will come, threads will be made, and people will hype it up.

50 min later 28498225 Anonymous
>>28498128 You know how I know you're a pajeet? That fucking atrocious spelling

52 min later 28498292 Anonymous
>>28498187 block, report and ignore it, anon. Who knows what fuckery it is.

52 min later 28498307 Anonymous
>>28498201 >most people work and have jobs. ngmi

53 min later 28498373 Anonymous
>>28498307 lmao pajeet can't even a job lmao fucking neet leech needs more of mommy's curry and cow piss. Use the toilet, pajeet. :D

53 min later 28498382 Anonymous (1612869885769.jpg 300x400 89kB)
>>28495777 shits gong to moon this weekend i can feel it

53 min later 28498398 Anonymous
What happened yesterday anyway? I held but I’m just curious

53 min later 28498405 Anonymous
>>28498068 Well I only want the dump because I had a nice low .055 average but I'm an idiot that panicked last night and I'm trying to go back in even if it's at somewhere around 0.62

55 min later 28498500 Anonymous
>>28498398 If I'm the believe an anon, a corpo bought up coins at an extreme low ages ago for some biz. Did a tactical sell so they can shill BTC and some shitty pajeet scam coin after it dropped. Net was loaded with obvious shills trying to trash doge. Ignore whales and kikes Buy and hold

55 min later 28498514 Anonymous
>>28498225 Or maybe english is my 4th language. But hey, continue your job believing in doge, I make money out of you. Feelsgoodman.jpg

57 min later 28498587 Anonymous
>>28498514 LMAO sore whale sold off and is mad he can't run with a profit as diamond hands wait and hold to make bigger profits. Green isn't your color, Rajeesh.

57 min later 28498599 Anonymous (gelt explosions.jpg 1280x1707 700kB)
Welcome to the downtrend gentlemen. I will not lie to you, the chances of gains right now are small Some may even turn against your friends as weak paperhands But you have my word that I will use my kike sorcery to ensure your wallets are given unto the Leviathan's own. This is the greatest reward, more than even green candles For the fate of your memes is an eternal concern

59 min later 28498687 Anonymous
>>28498398 Elon tweeted which caused people, or bots programmed to read his twitter to buy. This raised the price too high and then people started selling. Then the price continued to drop all the way to $0.0608.

1 hours later 28498756 Anonymous
>>28498599 No downturns, only momentary dips. The rise is now, faggot. >>28498687 Nah, it was a corpo whale trying to cause a crash to buy at a down.

1 hours later 28498787 Anonymous
>>28498514 >English >4th language lol how do you learn 3 before you even think of picking up English? Its practically the lingua franca of the world

1 hours later 28498842 Anonymous
>>28498787 Because it's a google translate Pajeet, of course, anon!

1 hours later 28498925 Anonymous (1605850895419.gif 600x440 1565kB)
>Doge is in .0666

1 hours later 28498927 Anonymous
Bump for the bread

1 hours later 28498946 Anonymous (red.png 737x236 13kB)
> Clock is now red nothing else to report

1 hours later 28498988 Anonymous
>>28498756 Mate...this ain't momentary. Don't dig your head in the sand. We've got our backs to the wall right now and we have all day. Its not a crash but it is something to keep a fucking eye on.

1 hours later 28499036 Anonymous (B38E38C2-DABA-4C4C-9C99-4F2537BC7F49.jpg 596x604 70kB)
Burgers woke up

1 hours later 28499063 Anonymous
>>28498946 What is that?

1 hours later 28499065 Anonymous
>>28498946 The fuck is this shit >>28498988 Anon stop fudding

1 hours later 28499072 Anonymous
>>28498756 >Nah, it was a corpo whale trying to cause a crash to buy at a down. You have no proof of this and are just making it up to suit whatever story you want to tell or tell yourself. The ride down to $0.0608 took about 19 hours.

1 hours later 28499073 Anonymous
>>28498946 What is this anon tell us

1 hours later 28499123 Anonymous
>>28499072 Lmao and it's back up You a corpo whale anon

1 hours later 28499157 Anonymous
C'mon dump I want to get back in but not at this price

1 hours later 28499207 Anonymous (pupper is not amused.jpg 768x620 345kB)
>>28499065 >Anon stop fudding Facing facts is not fudding. I want to be wrong. I pray that I'm wrong. But I'm not going to start throwing out the 'this is fine dude trust me' shit that just hurts more than it helps. We are not fucking reddit. I refuse to treat anyone in this thread like those coddled children.

1 hours later 28499280 Anonymous (1BF2FB22-70D4-43AB-B5E4-EEB3371CE2E8.jpg 960x537 76kB)
Reminder: It was at 4.5 this time last week. Quit being such fucking softies.

1 hours later 28499297 Anonymous
>>28497090 >christmas

1 hours later 28499298 Anonymous
>>28499207 Anon, it dipped very slightly lmao Some whale had a sell order, it dumped. Liquidity is that happened. Now it rises. Calm thy tits

1 hours later 28499304 Anonymous
>>28499073 It is a website of some random person. It is probably nothing more than a rick roll. >>28499123 >back up Not even half way.

1 hours later 28499324 Anonymous
>>28498946 >hosted in the netherlands Just some random whale announcing his market crashing dump because he just MUST SHITE really fucking badly

1 hours later 28499368 Anonymous
>>28499298 And I fucking hope you're right. Screencap me when you're proven correct and I'll readily admit I was gay and retarded.

1 hours later 28499375 Anonymous (IMG_20210212_155040.jpg 1080x2191 887kB)
Daily reminder that Reddit unironically knows more than /biz/

1 hours later 28499400 Anonymous
>>28499065 >>28499073 Hold on I'll compile something to a copypasta

1 hours later 28499434 Anonymous
>>28498946 >lighttpd/1.4.53 >CVE-2019-11072 any bad boy here wanting to try his luck?

1 hours later 28499469 Anonymous
>>28499375 >those fucking emotes and edits Holy shit the stereotype about them are true. Thanks for the cancer anon. It was informative, but its still shortening my life span.

1 hours later 28499541 Anonymous
>>28499368 See >>28499375

1 hours later 28499571 Anonymous
>>28499375 Imagine unironically trying to convince people that dogecoin is a good investment.

1 hours later 28499575 Anonymous
>>28499375 Dunning Kruger effect.

1 hours later 28499580 Anonymous
>>28499375 Anyone with half a brain can figure out the whales are jewing the price to make money. I for one am acting like those little fish that stick to sharks for food and protection.

1 hours later 28499960 Anonymous (idiocracy-doctor-visit.jpg 1200x644 82kB)
>>28499375 >well thought out >has proofs >talks like a fag Opinion discarded lol

1 hours later 28500036 Anonymous
>>28499375 How the fuck am I supposed to b) if all these cunts never let it dip

1 hours later 28500052 Anonymous (dogesilvia.jpg 1024x768 258kB)
>>28499063 >>28499065 >Yesterday 11th of Feb anons decoded a transaction to the leviathan's account leading to the adress >Clock is counting down to 2021-02-15 05:42 NY time >There is a hidden image of the original doge in the page >Netherlands adress you can buy/ borrow >In the code there was an address to a donation site to amuriburger's kids heart health shit >www2.heart.org/site/TR?px=21022697 &fr_id=5547&pg=personal >Today the clock turned red It could be a really elaborate troll, since anyone can send doges to that account. I'm keeping my tinfoil hat on.

1 hours later 28500161 Anonymous
imma wait for the weekend boost and drop my entire bag, i am tired of this shit, when it crashes back to half later i will buy back the doge i have now and keep the rest as profit and just stop watching this trainwreck constantly i'm so tired and pink...

1 hours later 28500181 Anonymous
Thought it was supposed to go up yesterday? What happened?

1 hours later 28500241 Anonymous
>>28499580 the problem is that the whales are getting too greedy and are creating dips too large, they keep the price so low that normies will get bored and dump their bags and then the coin will flatline and whales will be left with worthless bags

1 hours later 28500268 Anonymous
>>28500181 Whales happened

1 hours later 28500321 Anonymous
>>28500268 So is it kill?

1 hours later 28500410 Anonymous
>>28500321 Nah just a long hold

1 hours later 28500506 Anonymous
>>28500052 I still don’t know what that means but I’m holding anyway

1 hours later 28500619 Anonymous
can someone please explaina retard who put 500 EUR into this why 2 weeks ago the rollecoaster ride lately

1 hours later 28500682 Anonymous (20210212_130458.jpg 808x1306 181kB)

1 hours later 28500721 Anonymous
>>28500506 >>28500052 i am really tired of having to repeat this in every thread because low iq retards keep posting this timer shit but it is just a low effort troll ANYONE even you can send any amount of doge to the leviathan wallet, the account who sent the doge with the ip address only has like 150 doge in it, it's just some bored neckbeard this would only be a message from the leviathan if it was ongoing transaction since only wallet owner can make those, but dozens of people send random doges to the leviathan wallet every day in fact even i did it, this one time i sent a binary code that spelt "tfwnogf" into his wallet i have no idea why these absolute no brain retards keep going about this timer

1 hours later 28500794 Anonymous
>>28500721 >ongoing *outgoing

1 hours later 28500806 Anonymous

1 hours later 28501104 Anonymous
>>28500161 Lmao ur I'd color fag

1 hours later 28501230 Anonymous
this coin is such a fucking rollercoaster fiesta

1 hours later 28501289 Anonymous
Guys, it's really that simple. this coin was worth nothing, and is now gaining traction, and recognition. all of this comes at a price: whales pump and dump early on, buying absurd amounts of coins. Also, I don't know how relevant mining is, so this is the only way these big, rich men can make money. you have to hold on, and it may last for months, but in the end all this will cease: at that point, if you do things right, the price will have gone up and the moment will begin when the little thrifty ant can save lots of nice pennies

1 hours later 28501471 Anonymous
Welp, it's official. I am now FINANCIALLY FUCKING RUINED

1 hours later 28501497 Anonymous
>>28500721 Damn I was wondering what that meant and now I read it right

1 hours later 28501678 Anonymous
>>28501289 Retard. I'm screencapping all the Doge posts like this so i can post them in 1 week to laugh at you guys. Doge was a shitcoin. Doge will forever be a shitcoin. You guys are worse than GME cucks. Fucking cult.

1 hours later 28501781 Anonymous
>>28501678 and then what? remind me of how I ruined my whole life investing 300 EUR into a meme crypto? it's not like I can't sleep at night bro lmao

1 hours later 28501831 Anonymous
>>28501678 Why are you here?

1 hours later 28501979 Anonymous
>>28498787 Because my country has 3 national language.

1 hours later 28502098 Anonymous
>>28501678 a shitcoin thats sitting in the top 20 and has been outperforming almost all of them

1 hours later 28502105 Anonymous
When do I start buying doge again?

2 hours later 28502302 Anonymous
>>28500619 Because of Elon's tweet. At least you learn something from this.

2 hours later 28502317 Anonymous (b1ccq1log2f51.jpg 623x348 25kB)
dogebros, i don't feel so good...

2 hours later 28502441 Anonymous
>>28501831 Because he sold obviously. Who wouldn't?

2 hours later 28502489 Anonymous
>>28502302 so, can't Elon messing around with Twitter be seen as inside trading?

2 hours later 28502572 Anonymous
>all these paperhands I think Imma buy more

2 hours later 28502697 Anonymous (images (3).png 577x531 22kB)

2 hours later 28502814 Anonymous
>>28502489 So what?

2 hours later 28502828 Anonymous
>>28502697 explain he has the power of shifting the market with 140 digits he just need to tell some people beferehand, and bam

2 hours later 28502877 Anonymous
>>28500052 the script is just BS after countown is over, it writes "Too late" stop: function() { console.log("Too late.") } they might also change it to sth else as time approaches, but so far seems like pajeetery

2 hours later 28502890 Anonymous
>>28502572 The paperhands sold a long time ago, you don't understand whales put some sell wall here and there? It won't ever go up, you could buy for 1m...

2 hours later 28502913 Anonymous
>>28502814 isn't it like illegal or something dude I don't know I'm not a lawman

2 hours later 28502953 Anonymous
>>28502877 If this is real I'll piss myself, I promise.

2 hours later 28503030 Anonymous
>>28502913 Laws about cryptos are pretty weak. Even if that was illegal I don't see what's your point.

2 hours later 28503055 Anonymous
so guys, considering the actual trend what would be some intelligent sell/buy stop points? because at this time, we need to get in line with the whales and follow the tide right now I'm doing this >sell at 0.06750 EUR >buy at 0.05

2 hours later 28503094 Anonymous
>>28501678 None of of the current coins, except XRP if it's absolutely censorship resistant (can't arse to read up if it's truly decentralized or not, have seen conflicting shit) is in any state to fulfill any meaningful service for mankind, Bitcoin is a giant furnace that has to constantly burn enough coal to power a large country to remain useful, just so it can store value for the wealthiest? It's all a fucking sick joke.

2 hours later 28503131 Anonymous
>>28503030 he could have a "inner circle" of whale investors to whom tells beforehand when/how he's gonna tweet, de facto crashing the market every time

2 hours later 28503272 Anonymous
>>28502913 To the best of my knowledge it doesn't apply to crypto my guy

2 hours later 28503335 Anonymous (didnt.gif 270x214 1060kB)
>>28499375 Didn't fuckin read lol

2 hours later 28503688 Anonymous
>>28499580 It has 1,1m plebbitors, momentum and musk tweeting it. You have to be retarded to assume whales dont want a piece of it. Once the suppression is over it is a money printer

2 hours later 28503695 Anonymous
>>28502913 Currently the world's richest man and co-founder of PayPal. Laws do not apply to him. Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth anon.

2 hours later 28503702 Anonymous
>>28501471 >FINANCIALLY FUCKING RUINED Coz a meme coin went down by 6%? I am not sure what life decisions have you made to get to this result, but I think you should clearly re-evaluate your life and your approach to it.

2 hours later 28503767 Anonymous
>>28503055 If you knew anything about cryptos you would know you're part of the problem. I hope you're trolling.

2 hours later 28504417 Anonymous (yotsuba feels.png 700x630 87kB)
Should I pull out or stay?

2 hours later 28504460 Anonymous
>>28503767 I'm swing trading bitch, I satrted with 2k coins now I'm at 13k just shut the hell up man

2 hours later 28504490 Anonymous
>>28495777 It's over lads We done for Even the threads are dead as all fuck I'm abandoning ship and converting all my coins in eth, this is goodbye

2 hours later 28504550 Anonymous
Hey I just wanna thank the paper hand faggots who dropped DOGE to 218 satoshi during the night I was about to close my gap and reach 2k Doge

2 hours later 28504743 Anonymous
>>28504490 no stay, I will be your girlfriend

2 hours later 28504817 Anonymous (1612694220563.jpg 300x290 10kB)
>>28504417 if you stay there will be trouble if you pull it will be double

2 hours later 28504961 Anonymous
>>28497912 You gonna make it, fren.

2 hours later 28505117 Anonymous

2 hours later 28505155 Anonymous
>>28497912 We're gonna make it. The question isn't "if" but "when".

2 hours later 28505223 Anonymous
Fuck the haters boys hold onto them bags nigggggaaaaa trust the doge

2 hours later 28505348 Anonymous (1612578939910.jpg 1024x746 87kB)
>>28504417 pull out daddy

2 hours later 28505460 Anonymous

2 hours later 28505612 Anonymous (5da08edbd2f17_pfo2nzhth8q21__700.jpg 700x701 28kB)
Checkem Fuck sanjay & pajeet

2 hours later 28505655 Anonymous
>>28503702 It's a meme, ya DIP

2 hours later 28505843 Anonymous
Alright, so how many knock-off coins have there been in which pajeets tried to force a P&D? So far, SHIBE, AKIBA, HOGE, am I missing any? In any case, isn't imitation the greatest form of flattery?

2 hours later 28505855 Anonymous (3462438cf827bd0edb57f9091ec2c500.png 2894x4093 2200kB)

2 hours later 28505945 Anonymous
>>28505843 HUSKY?

2 hours later 28505988 Anonymous
Friendly reminder you can stake DOGE on Probit now https://www.probit.com/r/1124349

2 hours later 28506061 Anonymous (1509962714513.jpg 617x606 82kB)
>>28495777 checked >mfw sold some DOGE profits for GRT, both are pumping so fucking comfy right now bros

2 hours later 28506306 Anonymous
>>28505843 they are trying hard to figure out a name for the next one dips on dogocoin also checked'd

2 hours later 28506332 Anonymous
>finally up 2 sats, goes down few mins later Lmao absolute fucking state of these doge simps

3 hours later 28506529 Anonymous
>>28506306 >$LOGE >le perro caca coin

3 hours later 28506610 Anonymous
>>28506306 Sir please sir, understand!!

3 hours later 28506654 Anonymous (akfdjalkf.png 921x513 36kB)
hey im totally new to crypto, but how is investing in DOGE all that different from investing in BTC? They seem to mostly follow each other. Also, why do they sometimes not follow one another? eg, from Feb 8th on, DOGE has been slightly outperforming BTC?

3 hours later 28506708 Anonymous (165468746877.jpg 240x240 3kB)
Oh fuck I'm DJ Torecd now.

3 hours later 28506766 Anonymous
>>28506654 Because they're two separate things with two different lives.

3 hours later 28506787 Anonymous (just end me.jpg 1471x720 50kB)
>I sold at the dip

3 hours later 28506862 Anonymous
>>28506787 >I sold stopped reading right there

3 hours later 28506960 Anonymous (big_thonk.png 1903x919 250kB)
Looks like it would take just about 30-50 million USD to get to ten cents. I don't see normies reaching this alone, especially with whales being whales. Although Elon announcing a big buy would crush through the ceiling.

3 hours later 28507084 Anonymous
>>28504460 Swinging Dogecoin oh god how retarded you must be...

3 hours later 28507104 Anonymous
>>28506654 It's all shit, unless there's actual revolutionary tech I guess, invest in Polkadot if you want something legit (or maybe that's a flaming piece of junk or a scam too idk). I'm putting my chips on Doge because by all conventional logic it shouldn't stand a chance at all in the crypto ecosystem.

3 hours later 28507170 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210212-093542_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 293kB)
No fucks given.

3 hours later 28507272 Anonymous (pump-it.jpg 500x500 130kB)

3 hours later 28507490 Anonymous (laughing rapist.jpg 1920x816 110kB)
>make gains >then fall even further down I have to laugh or I'll start getting pissed

3 hours later 28507535 Anonymous
>>28495777 Is this where idiots go to lose money?

3 hours later 28507631 Anonymous (1500591628167.jpg 640x640 70kB)
>>28507535 No, that would rather be your mom's address

3 hours later 28507892 Anonymous
>>28507631 Not losing money if the service is worth it. And that woman can suck you all the way to heaven and back

3 hours later 28507982 Anonymous
>>28507892 I can't tell honestly, last time I checked the queue was too long

3 hours later 28508373 Anonymous
>>28507982 your mom is worse than all the whales combined

3 hours later 28508515 Anonymous (1503861918803.jpg 640x515 37kB)
Bud's getting angery

3 hours later 28508655 Anonymous
>>28495777 That animu girl better not represent what I think she does.

3 hours later 28509022 Anonymous
>>28508655 I guess on average she represents awoovements

3 hours later 28509326 Anonymous
>>28496064 nigger

3 hours later 28509491 Anonymous
>>28509326 You can't say that, that's racist!!!

3 hours later 28509638 Anonymous
Felt cheeky this morning and went all in doge

3 hours later 28510338 Anonymous (1612189958211.gif 480x360 3876kB)
When is it gonna poomp you guys. Im getting anxious as fuck.

3 hours later 28510524 Anonymous
>>28510338 don't quit your burger flipping job just yet

3 hours later 28510777 Anonymous
last chance to get in before 1.00

3 hours later 28510832 Anonymous
>>28500036 Its 6 fucking cents right now. What the hell do you need a dip for? Fucking idiots always trying to be Jewish while ignoring the idea this coin is eventually going to be worth a full dollar or near it at some point.

3 hours later 28510881 Displaced Whaleship Sailor
>>28510777 Checked

3 hours later 28510955 Anonymous
>>28510777 No way...

>>28510777 checked

3 hours later 28510986 Anonymous (1508192357987.jpg 533x716 64kB)
>>28510777 Wew lad, those are some interesting numerals

3 hours later 28510987 Anonymous

3 hours later 28510994 Anonymous
>>28510338 Hurry up and sell already, I want 0.10

3 hours later 28511007 Anonymous
>>28495941 Makes sense. If you call the Fuders trannys they stop replying. Also the dumps seem like a discord coordinated attack.

3 hours later 28511049 Anonymous (1613081008325.png 469x410 312kB)
>>28506960 30-50 million is going to be nothing when Harmonychain ships out their dogecoin mining chips. >>28510777 Checked.

3 hours later 28511271 Anonymous
>>28510338 14th at 5:32 EST We have been over this anon

3 hours later 28511356 Anonymous
i knew $1 was impossible goal but i thought we could at least touch near 0.2.. looks like we won't get even anywhere near 0.1 ;_; shitsux

3 hours later 28511487 Anonymous
>>28499375 Many anons here have been saying this.

3 hours later 28511567 FUCK PAJEET (DOGE_WHALE.jpg 600x600 112kB)
These whale battles are getting old af

4 hours later 28511607 Anonymous
>>28511356 go back to plebbit you dumb ape brained nigger and go chimp out a bit over there

4 hours later 28511645 Anonymous
>>28511607 how does that copium taste fag?

4 hours later 28511689 Anonymous
>>28511356 literally go back fudsoy

4 hours later 28511733 Anonymous
>>28500052 I'm not putting any hopes on baby's first javascript. I am holding until late 2022/early 2023 for when Harmonychain does their thing.

4 hours later 28511743 Anonymous
>>28511645 You will never be a woman

4 hours later 28511758 Anonymous (1598558519940.jpg 640x559 43kB)
>>28511645 lol nigger

4 hours later 28511820 Anonymous (Harvest-Finance-Exploit-678x381.png 678x381 296kB)
FREE 450$ FARM AIRDROP! COINBASE LISTING SOON = IT WILL 4X AT LEAST!!! t(dot)me/FarmFinanceAirdropbot?star t=r0344773073

4 hours later 28511911 Anonymous (1612293295695.png 1080x1080 1836kB)
>>28511356 go back

4 hours later 28511959 Anonymous
>>28510777 Checked and NEVER GUNNA HAPPEN

4 hours later 28511985 Anonymous
>>28511820 I can't believe ads are allowed on /biz/.

4 hours later 28512010 Anonymous
>>28511689 >>28511743 >>28511758 okay trannies, give me ONE piece of evidence why the value would go up? the normie market is saturated at this point and it still keeps falling >i-it's just whales keeping it down even if that was the case why would they stop doing that and profiting from the dips? they will keep doing it until it crashes completely go ahead... i'll wait... you can't give me a single valid argument why the value would shoot up anywhere near even 0.1 because you are all fucking delusional >muh plebbit spacing nice argument pleb

4 hours later 28512037 Anonymous

4 hours later 28512112 Anonymous (1612025886291.jpg 776x572 43kB)
>>28512010 why dont you just sell and then get the fuck out of here.

4 hours later 28512325 Anonymous
>>28512010 cause its elon tweets coin,and the normies will suck it up everytime while i ride their backs to screw them over in the end also plebbit spacing dumb ape nigger plus you're a tranny

4 hours later 28512364 Anonymous

4 hours later 28512414 Anonymous (kigdoge.jpg 1280x1240 179kB)
>>28512010 yellow shiba cute and timeless

4 hours later 28512445 Anonymous
>>28511733 >harmonychain does its thing Go on...

4 hours later 28512457 Anonymous
>>28512112 because my profit would me meaningless if i sold at this point i am not saying mooning is impossible just highly unlikely, i am not delusional, i am rational i fully realize holding my bag is high risk gambling at this point, while these other fags think $1 is 99% guaranteed to happen, i am merely pointing out their delusion

4 hours later 28512544 Anonymous
>>28512010 Reddit incarnate. You have to go back

4 hours later 28512694 Anonymous (1612422180461.png 450x464 467kB)
>>28512010 >>28512010 becuse the traps are set. and elon has pumped and will then proceed to dump bitcoin. causing a massive shift in the market. it might be this weekend. but it is an eventuality. when normies see that the money has moved 50% in the oppisite direction and they see where it went they will follow into it like a horde. every single one of these damn exchanges are going to get to get fucked for about a week and when the onslaught is finished. doge will be $5. hold if you want. no one is stopping you from selling. but this is what it looks like what elon is about to do. retards that dont see this coming are going to get fucked. but we were smarter than that and youll kick yourself in the ass for not listening to us and elon before. its just a waiting game now. if it goes to 1 cent i dont care. my position is so substantial that i will be in the green no matter the weather. selling at this point is dumb. buy and hold even if its a small position.

4 hours later 28512748 Anonymous
>>28512010 hi r/cryptocurrency how does it taste like that a irrelevant meme coin suddenly surpasses """"legit projects""""

4 hours later 28512818 Anonymous
>>28512010 Ain't gotta tell you shit lmao. It's my money not yours so either join in or fuck off.

4 hours later 28512979 Anonymous
>>28512445 They're a Norwegian company heavily investing in mining. They're focusing their next silicone chip product to specialize on dogecoin, then some litecoin chips. Their major draw being that the new computer chips should decrease power consumption by something like 500-600% when mining or performing dogecoin transactions. Making it a more environmentally friendly option compared to big competitors like... Bitmain. Big money with big bags are taking notice and starting to get involved with dogecoin. However, this isn't pointing towards short term big pumps imo, it looks more like it's going to have a steady increase much like bitcoin did. No, I don't think it'll ever hit anywhere near Bitcoin levels but I can see the $20-$40 range being possible in 5 years. The prototype should be done in early 2022, with mass production and shipping taking place in Q3 of 2022. https://e24.no/boers-og-finans/i/Vq Gqpd/harmonychain-vil-ta-dogecoin-d atabrikke-paa-boers-verdsettes-til- over-300-millioner

4 hours later 28513016 Anonymous
>>28512748 my bag if very large, it would make me incredibly EUPHORIC if its value shot up, in fact it would made me happier than any of you here because i would be loaded at the same time just because my bag is big it won't suddenly make a retard who is blind to evidence in front of him, which points to like i said, very high risk gambling at this point

4 hours later 28513039 Anonymous
>>28510777 Nigger

4 hours later 28513064 Anonymous
>>28512694 do you know why hes going to do this? to piss off the whole fucking crypto community for entertainment. do you know how fucking funny its going to be when all the boomercoin and linky faggots lose their hard earned postiions it will cause the goverment to then regulate crypto even further and take on adopting it as a national currency. the press behind this will not only 10x his investment in boomercoin, but it will make him even more famous and powerful. and he will kek with us. because i have been laughing the whole way. through every storm.

4 hours later 28513130 Anonymous
>>28513016 more than a million?

4 hours later 28513158 Anonymous
>>28512979 very interesting, will keep that in mind.

4 hours later 28513168 Anonymous
>>28513016 Post portfolio

4 hours later 28513190 Anonymous
>>28512694 again.. you think i don't want this to happen? of course i do, i have a bag too. it's just INCREDIBLY unlikely, so stop saying this like its a 100% guarantee he will do this, this is so unlikely it's bordering on crazy thinking

4 hours later 28513334 Anonymous (Capture.png 509x155 17kB)
>>28513190 ask yourself this question: how funny would it be if he did this?

4 hours later 28513380 Anonymous
>>28513130 no that big, just 300k (which i mined in 2013 and that is why i have no fear of losing any money) but if it ever got the $1 i would be life changing for me

4 hours later 28513471 Anonymous
>>28513380 it might not happen this year. the infrastructure is clearly not in place for such a hilarious stunt. but again that would make it even more hilarious.

4 hours later 28513484 Anonymous (Screenshot_27.png 355x294 214kB)
>>28513190 >it's just INCREDIBLY unlikely There's a reason why people have been calling it a clown world.

4 hours later 28513535 Anonymous
>>28513334 I really hope you aren't basing this theory on the tesla purchasing 2b worth of bitcoin are you? Because if you think that is the bitcoins he will turn into doge coins i can tell you that is 100% not happening because tesla is ran by a board of directors and they would never let musk do that. If he were to do it he would have to do it with his own money.

4 hours later 28513594 Anonymous
>>28513190 I swear I heard the very same drivel when ETH was $100 after the DaO hack and back when BTC was $2,500.00.

4 hours later 28513683 Anonymous
anyone here have more than a million? that's true make it size

4 hours later 28513729 Anonymous
>>28512010 Lmao, you've got 0 answers so far. Really shows the braindead GME like zombies in this thread.

4 hours later 28513732 Anonymous
>>28513190 just sell 50% if you're so scared that it won't go anywhere

4 hours later 28513956 Anonymous
>>28513594 i do not plan to dump my bag any time soon, if the value never goes up enough for me to sell i am ready to take my bag to my grave (not a problem since i mined my bag so no money lost). i simply refuse to be delusional about my chances of making it, i do not claim it's impossible, just unlikely >>28513732 i am not interested in shit profit, or scared of losing money, i am ready to hold forever, but not be delusional about my chances of making it as i keep repeating

4 hours later 28513973 Anonymous
>>28513683 I had 1.3 million in July... and sold it for .0045 USD

4 hours later 28513978 Anonymous
new bread: lemonparty.com

4 hours later 28513988 Anonymous
>>28513190 Musk has a plan for doge. Too many things have lined up for me to deny this anymore. What it is none of us know, and everyone is just speculating. But its fucking there.

4 hours later 28514034 Anonymous
>>28513729 its all speculative bullshit everything no one knows how much bitcoin is going to be worth in a year or more same with any other coin

4 hours later 28514094 Anonymous (1613036204689.jpg 303x298 34kB)
I bought myself a scalped ps5 with my doge earnings. Who else cashed out before the meme coin died?

4 hours later 28514174 Anonymous (1610573344947.jpg 480x360 11kB)

4 hours later 28514250 Anonymous
>>28514094 Once again, bro. Should have bought a PC.

4 hours later 28514379 Anonymous
>>28513956 The same exact drivel.

4 hours later 28514380 Anonymous (Dikr5LPXcAQ-EJs.jpg 750x744 27kB)
>>28514094 You post this in every thread. I hope the ghosts of the Chinese toddlers that assembled it haunt you in your sleep.

4 hours later 28514415 Anonymous
How much do I need to spend in order to mine 100 DOGE/day /biz/?

4 hours later 28514441 Anonymous
$SNDL falling knife here. go on to the best weed play currently $FLOOF mates, better margins, growth and valuation.

4 hours later 28514453 Anonymous (1613087957051.png 211x246 11kB)
>>28514094 >I wasted money buying a scalped PS5, and supported a scalper I don't care that you made money or whatever, but this is a weird flex anon. Never cuck to scalpers.

4 hours later 28514511 Anonymous (1612538791596.png 600x265 33kB)

4 hours later 28514749 FUCK PAJEET (ITS_POMPING.jpg 730x783 215kB)

4 hours later 28514770 Anonymous
>>28513956 C-can i mine dogecoins on my laptop Will it explode?

4 hours later 28514877 Anonymous
>>28514770 Yes. No.

4 hours later 28514925 Anonymous
I reckon dogecoin is Elon's choice for space currency

4 hours later 28514939 Anonymous
>>28514770 Yes you can mine Yes it will probably explode. The time where you could mine them in a laptop and turn out a profit was 6 years ago.

4 hours later 28514984 FUCK PAJEET (POMPMEANON.webm 640x800 2854kB)

4 hours later 28515006 Anonymous
Exit Doge Buy CLF https://stocktwits.com/symbol/CLF Owning and controlling the vertical supply chain. From mining to making to production to distribution. They are doing a ton of mill-direct to end customers, and I’m pretty sure their next play is an M&A strategy on service centers. They are trimming a TON of over-head and competition from the market with the AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA M&A's both done last year... Merge, take supply off-line, support prices domestically.

4 hours later 28515049 Anonymous
>>28514939 What if I join a pool

4 hours later 28515075 Anonymous
>>28515006 oh go fuck a cactus

4 hours later 28515077 Anonymous (1611854078841.jpg 512x512 38kB)
>>28513535 you are one retarded mother fucker. let me tell you why. 1. elon musk crashes multimillion dollar rockets into the fucking groundd at mock 5 speed because we wants to commercialize space travel. secoundly and most importantly, musk specifically has written into SEC release document that he may liquidate and reinvest in crypto. not only does this document allow him to legally do what i just prescribed it basically gives him explict permission to do so. $1.5b is litterally nothing to him and it would be hilarious to drain that shitty coin.

4 hours later 28515086 Anonymous
>>28514441 >>28515006 Thanks just bought more doge

4 hours later 28515171 Anonymous
>>28514984 Am I gay if I kept expecting a bulge to form and a cock to peak through the shorts?

4 hours later 28515207 FUCK PAJEET (PUMP_GOOD.jpg 473x350 42kB)

4 hours later 28515275 Anonymous
>>28514094 I cashed some out to play forex.

4 hours later 28515332 Anonymous
>>28515171 Yes

4 hours later 28515378 Anonymous (EtFwhOTXIAQE6Hd.jpg 1080x1346 232kB)
fuck it, I bought it; let's see where this goes.

4 hours later 28515415 Anonymous
>>28515332 :(

4 hours later 28515497 Anonymous (btcdoge.jpg 299x382 96kB)
no wonder the price ain't moving

4 hours later 28515551 Anonymous
ITT: shills saying that bitcoin is going to be the primary currency when it takes hours to process a transaction during high network traffic, and that ether will be the future platform when the dapps look like some diarrhea html code from 1997

4 hours later 28515608 Anonymous (1612970798309.gif 222x222 2333kB)
>>28515415 There are worse things than being gay for Doge, fren. Like just being gay

4 hours later 28515767 Anonymous
>>28515077 >dubs Is that you Elon?

4 hours later 28515776 Anonymous
Literally just bought 100k

4 hours later 28515861 Anonymous
>>28515497 It is moving, its just a nice steady climb instead of the fucking rollercoaster.

4 hours later 28515897 Anonymous (dumpit.jpg 400x400 20kB)
He bought?

4 hours later 28515921 Anonymous
poorfag here, getting a bit of money. Should I put a chunk in when it dips a little and hope that it really will skyrocket again?

4 hours later 28515981 Anonymous
>>28515767 elon probably does post here but he likely larps as a pajeet trying to get us to buy to clevenland cliffs.

4 hours later 28516014 Anonymous
>>28515776 buy another 100k pussy

4 hours later 28516091 Anonymous (file.png 319x175 7kB)
>>28515776 im not even mad. $1 pls.

4 hours later 28516122 Anonymous
>>28515921 buy now when its going up not when it's going down

4 hours later 28516227 Anonymous
>>28515921 Wait for the discord trannys to cause a dip tonight.

4 hours later 28516230 FUCK PAJEET (DOGE_ITS_ALL_DOGE.jpg 1972x1080 130kB)
There are faggots deliberately trying to keep this coin down and its sad af

4 hours later 28516314 Anonymous
>>28515981 >>28515897 >Elon Bog posting

4 hours later 28516465 Anonymous
>>28514770 you are about 7 years too late to mine on your pc today you would need a special mining rig and the profits would be near nonexistent

4 hours later 28516473 Anonymous
Hey guys.

4 hours later 28516533 Anonymous
>>28516314 no i am not elon,he couldn't be posting right now as i am working very hard

4 hours later 28516589 Anonymous
>>28511049 >30-50 million is going to be nothing when Harmonychain ships out their dogecoin mining chips. I don't follow. ASIC scrypt mining has been around for years and it sounds like all they're doing is making another one at 5X efficiency at best. The only thing I see happening is that the new ASICs all end up in some chinese mining farm, so it's not immediately clear if the price would hurt or gain from it.

4 hours later 28516685 Anonymous
>>28514770 https://whattomine.com/gpus unless you have one of the gpus you're not going to get very far let alone make a lot of money

4 hours later 28516704 Anonymous (1514898739236.jpg 900x1200 178kB)
>>28516473 sup

4 hours later 28516819 Anonymous
>>28516465 >>28516685 How about this >>28515049

5 hours later 28516923 Anonymous
>>28516533 Elon post cock pic and we will rate it

5 hours later 28517049 Anonymous
>>28516923 Weird faggot

5 hours later 28517097 Anonymous
>>28516819 a pool only gives you access to the blockchain you still have to mine everything yourself

5 hours later 28517170 Anonymous (1612872321424.png 535x396 256kB)
>>28516091 https://rumble.com/vbh0o3-episode-7 -at-and-t.html I bought a bunch at .080 Diamond Hands

5 hours later 28517224 FUCK PAJEET
>>28516923 >shaped like a rocket with a doge head on it

5 hours later 28517250 Anonymous
>>28516465 this is one of the reasons why precisely this coin is perfect for this stunt. unfucking minable. it would cuck all these mining jocky faggots that make money by consuming massive amounts of electricty and it completely cucks those giant chinese mining warehouses. >>28512694

5 hours later 28517310 Anonymous
>>28516923 Its probably got a chip in it that makes it glow or something.

5 hours later 28517316 Anonymous
at least elon isn't a tranny. can't be said for many other world leaders.

5 hours later 28517321 Anonymous (1646848.jpg 1920x1200 130kB)

5 hours later 28517359 Anonymous
>>28515049 the only thing pools do is they ensure more frequent smaller payments rather than one big payout once in an eternity doesn't change the fact your payouts will be near zero

5 hours later 28517408 Anonymous
>>28517321 niec

5 hours later 28517433 Anonymous
>>28517097 Being a poorfag sucks

5 hours later 28517471 Anonymous
>>28517250 that is the same case in every coin.. the moment it gets popular people start mining it and mining with normal home pc become unviable, this is not exclusive to doge

5 hours later 28517505 Anonymous
>>28517359 He's asking about his computer combusting.

5 hours later 28517586 Anonymous (peep43.jpg 900x900 78kB)

5 hours later 28517609 Anonymous
to the fagot who wanted a reason why doge is viable. look at the current stonk market. we need to pump trillions of dollars in it to make it go in our clown world configuration. that doesn't work with coins that have limited supply. markets need inflation of currency to be healthy. check mate faggot.

5 hours later 28517734 Anonymous
>>28517586 one thing more in common with fiat!

5 hours later 28517738 Anonymous
>>28517586 etherium.

5 hours later 28517873 Anonymous
>>28517609 Nobody wants a depreciating asset, everyone wants to invest in an appreciating asset.

5 hours later 28517932 Anonymous (1612890774050.jpg 860x664 43kB)

5 hours later 28518011 Anonymous
>>28497912 Youre making it my man. Keep it up.

5 hours later 28518055 Anonymous
>>28517873 smooth brain

5 hours later 28518066 Anonymous
>>28516091 oh noo noo noo swing your DCA down

5 hours later 28518078 Anonymous
>>28517471 how much of a mining set up would you theoretically need to turn profit out of doge even if it was at $1? its rather large. very large. massive even. the amount you would need would need at that scale would be so massive you couldnt do it.

5 hours later 28518209 Anonymous
>>28518078 you wouldn't be mining doge in that case, to profit you would mine some other coin and exchange for doge

5 hours later 28518313 Anonymous
Dear whale, If you're reading this. Please stop selling. I'll suck your dick for an eternity.

5 hours later 28518356 Anonymous
i hate being poor lads

5 hours later 28518361 Anonymous
>Bought at 8.5 cents IM NOT FUCKING SELLING!!!!!!!

5 hours later 28518389 Anonymous
>>28518055 Would you be invested in Crypto if it weren't increasing in price? You silly goy

5 hours later 28518422 Anonymous
>>28518313 weirdly gay but ok

5 hours later 28518525 Anonymous
>>28518389 did you even read my original comment. your responses are not following my original logic.

5 hours later 28518528 Anonymous
>>28517586 if you mined 5Billion Doge coin a year, it still wouldnt be able to keep up with the rate of inflation.

5 hours later 28518554 Anonymous
>>28518361 >8.5 nigga...

5 hours later 28518572 Anonymous (14925701_682217108607637_144802518321006277_n.png 400x271 59kB)

5 hours later 28518597 Anonymous
>>28518313 Not a whale but that sounds like a good deal sheeeeeeeeet I'm in nigger

5 hours later 28518624 FUCK PAJEET
>>28518313 The wall setup ahead is insane. Almost double the orders

5 hours later 28518636 Anonymous
>>28518209 that is allowed. never said that wasnt something possible. does this make the minable coin preferable to miners? well, miners yes. but that alone does not decide the future of a coin.

5 hours later 28518730 Anonymous
>>28518361 truly an inspiration to us all,keep buying high and selling low nigger

5 hours later 28518749 Anonymous

5 hours later 28519185 Anonymous
>>28497912 Good job anon. Wish the best for you.

5 hours later 28519207 Anonymous
Next Bread: >>28519176

3.269 0.236