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2021-02-12 05:21 28472574 Anonymous Age/net worth thread (5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png 1092x1037 27kB)
I'll start
I feel like I'm doing ass
2 min later 28472710 Anonymous
>29 yo
>13k net worth
You’re doing great anon.
2 min later 28472749 Anonymous
You came here for pats on the back didnt you
3 min later 28472794 Anonymous
3 min later 28472840 Anonymous
>$550k AUD (95% BTC)
I was $150k AUD this time last year. Don’t waste altseason anon.
4 min later 28472885 Anonymous
4 min later 28472916 Anonymous
Early 30s. ~$500k.
5 min later 28472939 Anonymous (484D03C5-5029-4DD1-BB6A-C281885E5BC0.png 828x1792 681kB)
> 990k net worth
>6 figure hell
Im going to an hero from the balcony of my downtown high rise condo. Might use my Tom Ford belt as a noose.
5 min later 28472945 Anonymous
26/~30k after student debt
6 min later 28473021 Anonymous (B52B5B83-D565-4C2E-9DA3-8FA3B601DDDE.jpg 1000x1000 233kB)
>0 net worth
>no assets
6 min later 28473027 Anonymous (Moolah.jpg 1635x492 34kB)
24 $500k NW now counting all assets. mainly in crypto.
Was born poor and not handed a silver spoon.
7 min later 28473051 Anonymous
You're so close
7 min later 28473079 Anonymous
Holyfuck you retards need to get over yourself. I had $0 at 25. Now 1.5M at 30. Stop being such a cuck
7 min later 28473096 Anonymous
We have the same stats anon. We're doing fine. We're gonna make it.
7 min later 28473107 Anonymous
34 years old/1.85-1.9M
810k in crypto/265k boomer stocks/65-70k liquid/rest in real estate. Built a big house last year and own three other shitholes I rent out to poors. I didn’t have shit until I was 29 or so. Don’t be stupid and work to make your initial nut, then invest wisely.
9 min later 28473246 Anonymous
before you do can you give me a dollar of bitcoin, I reckon if I do this with every suicidal person I can make bank
10 min later 28473278 Anonymous
Literally me. I might rope myself this weekend. It looks pretty over from my end.
10 min later 28473299 Anonymous
22/ 35K in November... 560K now flipping alts
11 min later 28473314 Anonymous
>$750K CAD in TFSA
>$350K CAD in unregistered account
>$76K CAD in BTC
Thank god I didnt fall for the University meme.
11 min later 28473344 Anonymous
>25, 43K
11 min later 28473356 Anonymous
I want to die every day.
12 min later 28473401 Anonymous
29, $1.2m
Seriously? Like literally most people here didn't buy btc or eth back in mar 2020 when it's $3k per btc and $200 for eth.
Why do you guys like struggling and taking the long way? Like it was 2020, not 2011. Btc went mainstream at 2017, yet you all decided it's not a good idea.
13 min later 28473462 Anonymous
You’re doing fine, but if I tell you that you’ll get comfortable and start shitting the bed with your finances, so I’m going to tell you that you’re doing horrible you fucking faggot.
14 min later 28473522 Anonymous
That gives me some hope thanks anon
Russian poorfag 500$/25
15 min later 28473589 Anonymous
30k in 401k
55k in crypto
12k in savings and stocks
16 min later 28473658 Anonymous
17k in student loans :(
17 min later 28473729 Anonymous
>Am I doing this right?
$7,000 in cash
$500 in stocks/crypto
$2k in gpus
$45k in student loan debt
17 min later 28473743 Anonymous
do you guys count your assets in these calculations
19 min later 28473832 Anonymous
Only if its a house
19 min later 28473864 Anonymous (pinkwageslave.jpg 920x827 45kB)
21, 15k
20 min later 28473872 Anonymous
nope. why would you have 'that much' cash when you have virtually zero coinage?
20 min later 28473898 Anonymous
Someone post the chart
20 min later 28473912 Anonymous (1612752172696.jpg 618x597 65kB)
>durr hurr I'm a literal fucking baby and I only have 13 thousand dollars guys
21 min later 28473974 Anonymous
literally just wage for a month or 2 and uve made it
22 min later 28473992 Anonymous
no but I do have alot of pokemon cards from the early 2000's. Are gold star cards worth anything
22 min later 28474040 Anonymous
24 and a milli
28 min later 28474433 Anonymous
40, 10K
29 min later 28474471 Anonymous
39, 11k
31 min later 28474643 Anonymous (1612855379470.jpg 528x424 21kB)
>durr hurr I have 990k I'm seriously in hell guys
35 min later 28474913 Anonymous
>put $270 in GRT when it was at .30c, so around 900, now around 2.2k
>started with $900 in jew market, now around $4k worth in stocks within two months
>zero debt
Kill me
36 min later 28474971 Anonymous
38 min later 28475099 Anonymous (1514977862507.jpg 585x668 49kB)
Thanks anon. Didn't actually expect praise for such a low number, but it means a lot cus I got fired from my job a few months back and slowly went broke due to mismanagement. Got back on my feet though, this was a lead for me.
41 min later 28475284 Anonymous
It's just a term dumbfuck. The reason you're here is because you want more money since you're not satisfied with what you have. Therefore you're still in hell. It can be 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 digit hell. Once you stop posting on /biz/ you're finally out of hell.
41 min later 28475299 Anonymous
>$14500 in stocks
>$600 in my new 401K
>$9000 in crypto
>$6500 in the bank
$25,000 student loan debt
$4,000 automobile debt
I hate my life.
42 min later 28475351 Anonymous
kek I got fired too cuz I sold my friends cigs without carding them. Fuck minimum wage though I'm making more in crypto
42 min later 28475365 Anonymous
gold star torchic in a PSA 10 recently sold for $25k
43 min later 28475429 Anonymous
Anyone with decent amount of money in their early 20s is pretty damn good. Late 20s and above. Anything below $50k is embarrassing. A typical job pays about $60k, so you basically have bigger problems at that point.
45 min later 28475512 Anonymous
damn, I got a gold star jolteon in great condition. I'll look into it. Also a shitload of old school ex cards
47 min later 28475656 Anonymous
30 yo
50k crypto
25k stonks
100k equity on a house
49 min later 28475840 Anonymous
Do you live in a major city? If not then that's your answer. I work for the government, and starting is $58k before tax.
51 min later 28475933 Anonymous
56 min later 28476299 Anonymous
34 / 300k (half 401k)
57 min later 28476354 Anonymous
That's why I bought the graphics cards. I'm earning crypto without dropping all my cash into the market. Plus they'll be easy to sell when it's not profitable (at a loss probably). I'm easing into things so I don't loose too much money if things go South.
59 min later 28476458 Anonymous (47768.jpg 1327x1156 354kB)
Oh it's just a term? My mistake I thought we were discussing the actual biblical hell
1 hours later 28476634 Anonymous
2m at 29
making a metric ton of money at a faang tier company.
I've spent hundreds of thousands on the dumbest shit, but investing in crypto keeps my net worth high.
1 hours later 28476735 Anonymous
21, 42k AUD. (Not including uni fees since it's indexed for inflation).
1 hours later 28476922 Anonymous
It might as well be since you're still posting here. You're never going to be out of hell until you're satisfied.
1 hours later 28477204 Anonymous
most of it from my inheritance. i miss my dad a lot, most days i don't even want to be happy because he isn't around to experience it with me anymore.
fucking hurts, i would give it all back to get him for another few years.
1 hours later 28477332 Anonymous
120k USD (unironically was half this a week ago kek)
1 hours later 28477364 Anonymous
Sorry for your loss anon I too love my dad a lot. Guy saved my ass many times.
1 hours later 28477841 Anonymous (1613108486708.jpg 455x837 79kB)
6k in savings
400 in various shitcoins
1 hours later 28477879 Anonymous
3k @ 25 not counting 15k in crypto (shithole poorfag)
1 hours later 28478013 Anonymous (1613092696067.jpg 750x491 217kB)
I wish I wasnt a fucking student and actually had money during the bear market. I'm more than 20x this year but only managed to skrape together ~1.5k the last three years
1 hours later 28478051 Anonymous
40, $40k in crypto... but my net worth is probably $600k. In-house counsel, getting paid—and I got a pension.
1 hours later 28478069 Anonymous (lloh47t7iyf61.jpg 640x663 69kB)
600 in stocks
2k crypto
1.5k bank
Have a paid off car courtesy of my parents and a place.to live.
Just got my Comp Sci associates back in May and looking at finishing up a BA in Information System I started 15 years back. Just need 30 credit hours out of state, so 34k. Working on A+ cert and internship hunting. Getting $598 every two weeks post tax from unemployment.
Bonus long-term upside: Cute, low maintenance gf with 3k in college debt and 20k+ in the bank. Doesn't ask for much, we need out, and she told me last week 2d is better than 3d. Also enjoys her alone time like I do.
Long term downside: Girl from 5 years ago asked about BTC recently due to it going up. Realized the 3k I spent on our trip could have turned into 240k.
Also realized that in 2017, coworker poked fun at me for mentioning BTC in 2013 and not buying some then.
Now I DCA.
1 hours later 28478144 Anonymous
born poor but i go to a good school so i got a shot at clawing my way out
1 hours later 28478321 Anonymous (411-4118058_apu-apustaja-hug-hd-png-download.png 860x499 86kB)
Sorry to hear anon. I dont have a dad but im sure losing any other family member that you're close to is just as bad. Hope you find happiness
1 hours later 28478357 Anonymous
Are you me? I think we are doing pretty good anon.
1 hours later 28478364 Anonymous
Don't think like that anon. You would've sold btc earlier the moment you see it being "high"
Yeah, low maintenance, cute gf are the best especially if they're also make good income.
You mean $598 a week on unemployment, right anon?
1 hours later 28478548 Anonymous
1.6m in crypto (80% btc 20%staking alt projects I believe in)
Bought in btc at 16 with every paycheck because of firm faith. Noone knows and I'll leach as long as I can off parents.
1 hours later 28478564 Anonymous
Tbh once you make it you can buy a fucking farm and sell to EU for retard money
1 hours later 28478570 Anonymous
Nice. How much is your in-house counsel gig paying/what market? Looking to move in-house from biglaw.
1 hours later 28478580 Anonymous
21 about to reach 70k
1 hours later 28478641 Anonymous (1596711110732.jpg 600x484 26kB)
1 hours later 28478872 Anonymous
I'm 26 with 1.4k and this is the first time I've ever been on /biz/ I don't wanna be a fucking roofer living paycheck to paycheck anymore. I need to become financially free so I can pursue playing guitar full time. I hope you fucking guys are smarter than the rest of this site. Seems so
1 hours later 28478892 Anonymous
If you don't mind sharing your wisdom, what are some of the projects you believe in?
1 hours later 28479081 Anonymous
Thanks you, anon. Indeed, I mostly likely would have sold. Am now switching up to just DCA and let the market do it's thing.
Very true! It's the most healthy and stable relationship I've had. Our families get well. She's planning on using her company benefits to help pay for college (they pay out up to 40k) when they kick in later this year to move into a higher paying job.
Sadly no. Was not working for most of 2019 (what the state based the benefits on) to focus on college and mental health, so lowest tier unemployment benefits.
1 hours later 28479146 Anonymous
1 hours later 28479171 Anonymous
Forgot to add that I am stacking up cash in the bank so in case of a immediate financial need, I won't need to sell crypto.
1 hours later 28479199 Anonymous
What guitar do you have?
1 hours later 28479645 Anonymous
>23k CAD
I put all my money last year (7k) into mining rigs and been mining around 2 eth a month, also the hardware has doubled in value too.
1 hours later 28479991 Anonymous
Any plans to cash out BTC in part of in whole in the next 5-10 year?
2 hours later 28480571 Anonymous
>2.5 million.
Business, properties. Only 50k is crypto. Trying to pump up those numbers quicker
2 hours later 28480902 Anonymous
>1 mil
>600k crypto, rest boomer stocks or 401k/ira
2 hours later 28480982 Anonymous
I've made a lot of fuck ups in my life. Have a decent job at least as a real estate appraiser. Hope to be able to buy a house next year
2 hours later 28481031 Anonymous
Can I count my house as a part of my net worth if I'm still paying it off?
2 hours later 28481113 Anonymous
With passive income
2 hours later 28481117 Anonymous
2 hours later 28481203 Anonymous
I had $0 at 19
2 hours later 28481297 Anonymous
>$6900000000 net worth
2 hours later 28481325 Anonymous
>Stock portfolio - $230k
>Crypto porfolio - $110k
>Home Equity - $135k
>Silver/PMs - $5k
>401k - $330k
>Liquid money in checking/savings - $26k
Not great, but not bad either.
2 hours later 28481334 Anonymous
32 - 2.1 million.
Mostly real estate. About 250k in stocks and crypto.
2 hours later 28481397 Anonymous
World is unironically your oyster still. Dont rope till 40 if you have not made it desu.
2 hours later 28481469 Anonymous
You take the value, minus the balance of the loan. That is your equity value.
2 hours later 28481593 Anonymous
>7 GRT
>plus $537
2 hours later 28481705 Anonymous
It's okay for a thirdworlder like me
2 hours later 28481810 Anonymous
29, NW -130k. It’s over.
2 hours later 28481880 Anonymous
29, £300k house no mortgage, £80k in crypto, 5 figure hell
2 hours later 28481912 Anonymous
Just turned 23
40k net
2 hours later 28481931 Anonymous
2 hours later 28482001 Anonymous
31, 80k. Could be worse but I still feel shit
2 hours later 28482041 Anonymous
I don't even have enough money to make any in crypto. School takes up all my time too so I can't get a job.
2 hours later 28482068 Anonymous
2 hours later 28482438 Anonymous
2000 grt
2 hours later 28482446 Anonymous
To be honest, I'm kinda scared of the amount of taxes I'm gonna take up the ass. It's almost been a year though. So it won't be as rough.
2 hours later 28482580 Anonymous
Around $500
2 hours later 28482602 Anonymous
26/ 250k usd
>180k from working.
> 20k from stock growth,
> 50k from a 5k LINK investment in 2019.
Could definitely be worse, but i wish i'd gone deeper into crypto earlier. Been on biz since 2017 but thought it was too risky
2 hours later 28482650 Anonymous
2 hours later 28482680 Anonymous
im just holding ethereum at this point... i dont know where to go next. really bummed i didnt buy into grt last night
2 hours later 28482687 Anonymous
it's ok. ygmi
2 hours later 28482713 Anonymous
37 1.9 million, with 401k more like 2.5M
2 hours later 28482780 Anonymous
make a youtube channel. monetize your passion anon!
2 hours later 28482960 Anonymous (6EF72BAB-08CE-4AF3-97DD-99A0C8235A89.jpg 400x400 17kB)
I bought. Stocks. Instead.
2 hours later 28483086 Anonymous
it's over
2 hours later 28483134 Anonymous
>$175k net worth
feels decent desu
2 hours later 28483223 Anonymous
I don't identify by age. I identify by dHEDGE bag.
$100 000/DHT
3.591 0.179