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2021-02-12 02:14 28459265 Anonymous (65CB6523-02D8-4258-BD3A-6C2F5384CF6A.png 1200x1200 45kB)
I cannot wait to unload this literal dogshit. What an absolute shitshow holding this disaster of a ""coin"" has been. It is impossible to imagine a gayer experience. Watching this turd struggle to maintain 1800 makes me feel a level of disgust I never thought possible. I don’t care about the gains anymore. The greatest reward will be never seeing that faggot piece of shit icon in my portfolio; that is beyond priceless.

2 min later 28459412 Anonymous
>>28459265 Are you a literal retard?

3 min later 28459548 Anonymous
Fukin newfangled fudder.

4 min later 28459612 Anonymous
>>28459265 Should have bought more and staked it pleb

4 min later 28459615 Anonymous
keep fudding nigger

4 min later 28459630 Anonymous
Is he right? >>>/pol/307689036 >>>/pol/307687685 >>>/pol/307686684

6 min later 28459715 Anonymous
It is being outperformed by literally every other coin in the top 25. It is complete and utter shit. My life will be infinitely better once I sell it.

6 min later 28459769 Anonymous
>>28459265 Imagine being this new. Go buy tron dumbass... this dude probably bought Ada last week and babbys first pump convinced him he’s a genius and eth is no longer relevant

6 min later 28459774 Anonymous
>>28459715 eth is great your life is utter shit

7 min later 28459815 Anonymous
>>28459612 Stake it and earn nothing. So many other PoS you could stake for real gains. >>28459265 $10k EOY at best. When they force everyone into PoS there will be a big sell off. Who knows if the price will be able to recoup then. Good luck with ETH, I'm all in ALGO

9 min later 28459944 Anonymous
>>28459769 I own both Ada and eth. My Ada is nice but my eth will change my life on this run.

9 min later 28459997 Anonymous
>>28459630 no, he’s stupid as fuck, so is every other faggot on /pol/. fuck off and go back.

10 min later 28460024 Anonymous (010FE2C9-5B81-4143-BD7A-2D890AA32A80.jpg 300x300 6kB)
Words cannot describe how much I hate this bloated excuse of a cryptocurrency. I would gladly flush it down the AVAX toilet the moment their network is back.

11 min later 28460080 Anonymous
>>28459265 You haven't sold yet? retard

11 min later 28460091 Anonymous
>>28459265 eth will never break $2500. the gas is too damn high. its fucking criminal how expensive it is to convert, move, or sell this piece of shit

11 min later 28460101 Anonymous
Ada bag holders hitting on ETH

17 min later 28460580 Anonymous (3DBD2244-D7FE-4882-AF35-3CA087133696.jpg 1125x1335 868kB)
Fuck this pastel colored abortion and the pedo skeleton that created it.

19 min later 28460694 Anonymous
>>28459630 Yes, but we still have decades before the collapse, buy gold and shiny things after you make it in crypto, if you want to hold crpyto for 100+ years you are retarded

21 min later 28460836 Anonymous
>>28459265 $8000 by nov

21 min later 28460844 Anonymous
>>28460694 yes because you definitely know what will happen in 100 years and muh shiny boomer rocks will come and rescue me. get fucked faggot peter schiff is a dumb fuck

23 min later 28460989 Anonymous (7936905134_61fa20b066_h-640x400.jpg 640x400 89kB)
>>28460844 >big solar storm >electricity is fucked for the next decade >virtual anime tokens are obliterated out of existence >gold owners become warlords, btc holders get the rope This happens every 200 years nigger

23 min later 28461004 Anonymous
>>28460024 honestly, why do you use it? why do you use uniswap? just to speculate on shitcoins. that's the only utility

25 min later 28461181 Anonymous
>>28459265 Kek, it doesn't matter how loud you screech poorfag, ETH is king. Practically all of DeFi needs ETH, it fuels everything, including most of the shitcoins you hold.

26 min later 28461221 Anonymous (2003DBA4-D10C-441A-BB32-953DA69205BC.jpg 512x512 58kB)
>>28461004 It holds me hostage.

26 min later 28461256 Anonymous
>>28459630 >muh illegal purpose If it works for illegal markets then it works for legitimate markets. Period. Criminals are not financing their lives with bitcoin. Thus there is a bridge to legitimate finance. And thus it is already integrated. Illegal use case proves the legal use case.

28 min later 28461382 Anonymous
>>28460989 Electricity didn't exist 200 years ago retard

30 min later 28461537 Anonymous
>>28461382 >Imagine being this historically illiterate, this is going to happen soon, just like a big pandemic happens every 100 years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carri ngton_Event

36 min later 28461927 Anonymous (quantumfull.jpg 1800x1200 953kB)
>>28460989 A millennium event, probably will happen again in 5,000 years. Sun's clock does not care about your lifespan. In 100 years we'll have transitioned to Quantum Computers and an EMF can do little damage to those circuits. Your Gold will make up the core of my Quantum Computer and I'll buy it from you with Internet Tokens.

37 min later 28461999 Anonymous
Wait until it goes proof of stake

37 min later 28462003 Anonymous
It makes me sick to the stomach knowing that this coin exists in my portfolio. I am going to go vomit as it shits the bed for the third time this week.

40 min later 28462296 Anonymous (1613016401401.png 219x230 9kB)
>>28461927 >Your Gold will make up the core of my Quantum Computer and I'll buy it from you with Internet Tokens. Based, hopefully we have resolved the jewish question by then

44 min later 28462578 Anonymous
>>28459630 I can't remember how far back this was when I was a /pol/tard and I made fun of btc holders after it crashed from $300 or something. I thought I was better than everyone else only to come crawling to /biz/ many years later to FOMO into crypto.

44 min later 28462585 Anonymous
>>28459630 >unless you're trying to make gains Literally what else is the purpose of money?

44 min later 28462617 Anonymous
All I'm saying is lemme hold it for you, it's time to cool off the ETH. Needs to be coddled by a pooranon.

45 min later 28462647 Anonymous
>>28462296 The jews by their own clock run out in about 100 years I think, something about being around for 6000 years. When literally nothing happens the belief system falls apart. Of course a century of Goy ownership in Crypto by then will remove them from the Financial System. I just want my Quantum Computer now! So I can mine XMR

45 min later 28462684 Anonymous
>>28459265 ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals. Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse. For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale. The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value

47 min later 28462829 Anonymous (1613016807308.jpg 708x480 37kB)
>>28462647 >I just want my Quantum Computer now! So I can mine XMR >mfw I have been mining with my shitty processor for a month, and I have made only $1 It hurts

47 min later 28462864 Anonymous
>>28462003 I have a solution for you fren, Bill E. Maize here with all your ETH problems. Simply put them into this wallet 0x07e6A929cd40311386147A776f55E3358 fbFDf0B And KABOOM no more ETH in your portfolio, all your problems solved in one switch action! *does a line*

48 min later 28462934 Anonymous
>>28462684 Eth is made by a stuttering pothead

50 min later 28463036 Anonymous
I’ve been holding ETH since $14.00

51 min later 28463138 Anonymous
>>28462934 a rich ass stuttering pothead.

52 min later 28463167 Anonymous (7rd0pyd34j831.jpg 640x797 82kB)
>>28459630 There have been events that have shown the US government to be a disgraceful organization devoid of a use case for anybody that's not head of a multinational or a hedge fund. These events haven't taken down the power grid though. You need to understand that sometimes powerful countries step down from the world stage and leave a chaotic mess in their wake. Cryptocurrencies, by virtue of not needing an army and a bunch of pedophiles in suits to ensure the validity of transactions, would be invaluable if a country were to dissolve. Can you imagine a time where you can't exactly trust the things that the government tells you? They're telling you that this or that happened this or that way and then suddenly, they tell you that they're the ones who ensure that your money is legal tender. Maybe they tell you that they're doing unlimited quantitative easing to make sure multinationals don't lose profits for their shareholders. Maybe you'd rather trust a cryptographic algorithm that the world can audit to tell you that the ledger hasn't been fucked with. Maybe you want a coin that, by definition, will not inflate. Also understand that bitcoin is 12 years old and is already a crusty, dusty coin. There is infrastructure that needs to be built and use cases that need to be established. Think about the difference between first discovering the double-helix shape of DNA versus the modern understanding of gene therapies/cancer screening/microbiology (e.g. the mRNA vaccine). Despite what /pol/ would tell you, projects happen that aren't the cyclical rise and fall of Rome.

52 min later 28463222 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpJ GZ9RHAvU Bill E. Maize can help!

57 min later 28463523 Anonymous
No new horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of holding ethereum.

57 min later 28463567 Anonymous
>>28463523 I mean it's gotta go up with ETH 2.0 right? It does seem odd it's stayed down this entire bullrun.

1 hours later 28463962 Anonymous
>>28462934 >not recognising the kind of autism that can change the world

1 hours later 28464001 Anonymous
>>28463567 I highly doubt it. It’s vaporware at this point. The timeline is vague to point of meaningless. You cannot assert, or assume, they’ll deliver anything of material value in the next decade. At least.

1 hours later 28464058 Anonymous
>>28462829 You might make more with RVN or BTG, especially as both prices rise this bullrun.

1 hours later 28464082 Anonymous
>>28464001 Poorfag here so take what I say with a grain of salt but why not just sell it right now and be done with it?

1 hours later 28464135 Anonymous
>>28461537 >The solar storm of 2012 was of similar magnitude, but it passed Earth's orbit without striking the planet, missing by nine days.[4] Whelp, I guess we dodged the bullet this time.

1 hours later 28464201 Anonymous
>>28460989 Why would people pay for shiny rocks if civilization is fucked and everyone is starving to death

1 hours later 28464234 Anonymous (1559335619003.jpg 1080x1527 662kB)
>>28459265 I only have 32 ETH for the meme, so I don't really have a major stake in it. But what exactly is going on, why are people here complaining about it? What happened? Just curious

1 hours later 28464442 Anonymous
>>28464082 I require adequate compensation for having to withstand the staggering embarrassment of the founder and meangingless screeching of the "community" for four long, disappointing years.

1 hours later 28464475 Anonymous
>>28464234 OP is a dumb nigger. My advice is to keep your meme stacklet.

1 hours later 28464501 Anonymous
>>28459265 Based

1 hours later 28464529 Anonymous (raw.gif 350x232 471kB)

1 hours later 28464543 Anonymous
>>28459265 I just keep a small amount for gas

1 hours later 28464551 Anonymous
>>28460580 cute AND full of SOUL.

1 hours later 28464571 Anonymous
>>28464442 Give you 11 Million shitcoins for em. Could be the deal of the century.

1 hours later 28464694 Anonymous
>>28460580 >ywn be a powerful cybermancer with a cute robodoge gf Why even live?

1 hours later 28464727 Anonymous
>>28462684 Wtf is this copypasta. Saw it subbed with avax yesterday.

1 hours later 28464765 Anonymous
>>28459265 This. Bought this in November for $300. This is just pathetic.

1 hours later 28465521 Anonymous
I laugh thinking about how many life savings worth of gas fees have been burnt by the queers who wrote the uniswap contract. Each line of code more retarded and less efficient than the last.

1 hours later 28465786 Anonymous
>>28459265 join me on binance smart chain. you only need to hold like $5 in binance bucks. Transactions are 5-20 cents lol. you can fuck up all you want and still make some money.

1 hours later 28465920 Anonymous
>>28459630 stay away from reddit and /pol/. it's a distraction used by jews to separate you from your rightful bag of financial wellbeing.

1 hours later 28466041 Anonymous (gdfgdggfgdg.png 261x213 131kB)

1 hours later 28466124 Anonymous
>>28466041 go back incel

1 hours later 28466227 Anonymous
>>28460580 Reminds me of work my Morpheus

1 hours later 28466370 Anonymous
>>28466124 God I know it's been like a week since I got laid....

1 hours later 28466751 Anonymous
>>28459265 well obviously you only held this for 1.5 weeks

3.261 0.129