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2021-02-12 12:50 28452575 Anonymous Confess, anon (hevybags(1).webm 232x232 84kB)
What is the heaviest, saddest bag you carry? The older, the better.
3 min later 28452860 Anonymous
4 min later 28452975 Anonymous
5 kilos of silver bought at $42 in like 2012
4 min later 28452991 Anonymous
6 min later 28453123 Anonymous
Link. Opportunity cost is enormous
11 min later 28453464 Anonymous
ACT baby. One of my only really devastating losses. Made money buying the bottom and doubled down on the top like a retard and now it's worthless
It's some multichain platform that promised dope ass airdrops for every baby chain that was developed on their network (I think like Ardor but the chinese ripoff version)
12 min later 28453505 Anonymous
15 shares $3.20 of sundial I bought this morning that I thought I could flip at $4.20. Just gonna set the sell limit to $3.50 and forget about them
12 min later 28453549 Anonymous
Same here, no regrets. Already made back my losses with shitcoins.
13 min later 28453632 Anonymous
Decentraland and Dragoncoin
> mfw bought both at the top
15 min later 28453812 Anonymous
I was seeing constant 3xs on here in Dec/Jan so I finally wanted to get in on it. It dumped almost immediately so it's not even worth the gas it would take to get out of my wallet. That caused me to not buy Rubic at 1c thinking it would be a repeat since the exact same shilling happened with Rubic as LCX... but Rubic caught on. probably because the memes were better. green glowy cube >>>> pepes on boats
16 min later 28453878 Anonymous
avax reminds me a lot of this shit
17 min later 28453931 Anonymous
>What is the heaviest, saddest bag you carry?
Probably my American citizenship desu
17 min later 28453952 Anonymous
>heaviest, saddest bag you carry
18 min later 28453983 Anonymous
it couldn't possibly have anything to do with this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POG 68-SXIsY
19 min later 28454032 Anonymous
19 min later 28454080 Anonymous
18k worth of XXII that I bought at the peak in 2017. Over the years I averaged down, from like 3.17 to about a dollar. This thing shot up to over 4 bucks yesterday and I dumped the biggest fucking load. God, it felt so good.
20 min later 28454122 Anonymous
I bought a hundred bucks worth of hoge
21 min later 28454165 Anonymous
I figured I could turn it for a quick 2x or 3x at least. It dumped so fast I didn't even have a chance.
21 min later 28454203 Anonymous
Seems a little early to call it dead but yeah certainly doesn't look good.
21 min later 28454226 Anonymous
It WAS XRP but its pumped back to a decent level respective to what I paid.
21 min later 28454228 Anonymous
DeepBrain Chain
22 min later 28454286 Anonymous
Delete this
22 min later 28454290 Anonymous
23 min later 28454341 Anonymous (EQL coin.jpg 250x250 4kB)
Its the reason ive been too scared to buy any coin since. Crushed my confidence in my ability to not buy shitcoins
Still havent sold, no point now
25 min later 28454471 Anonymous
im bag holding weed stonks right now
25 min later 28454473 Anonymous (06706474-B6CC-449A-A1D2-1257A166BAFE.gif 220x273 169kB)
Its gonna take months to go back up to break even. I’m never falling for Shills again
25 min later 28454516 Anonymous
26 min later 28454579 Anonymous
My fucking useless kid. Still living under my roof and 'finding himself'.
26 min later 28454621 Anonymous
How do you make money on shit coins? The transaction fees on coinbase are cancer
28 min later 28454780 Anonymous
solarite, kassiahotel
34 min later 28455241 Anonymous (D9B717D0-87FE-408A-AA79-A3AE305316F1.png 531x534 566kB)
>your genes
>your total control of the environment
>comes out bad
It’s you.
35 min later 28455310 Anonymous
ETHORSE. Devs finally said they are breaking. May reform end of year if gas changes.
36 min later 28455454 Anonymous
36 min later 28455456 Anonymous
sold 500k doge for 700 ark
36 min later 28455457 Anonymous
Gold. Didn't lose much on it and will always hold it but it kind of ruined my perception of shiny rocks forever
38 min later 28455547 Anonymous
Phoenixcoin from 2012. Used to cpu mine it to keep my room warm and it earned me about 50 cents a day. Don't think I'll ever sell them because I was living at home then and cost nothing to mine. They're more of a novelty keepsake at this point.
38 min later 28455553 Anonymous
Coinbase Pro for noobs. Binance for noobs. Metamask for noob - intermediate.
39 min later 28455662 Anonymous
Would you do a deal for 50,000 USD? Thats above spot!
41 min later 28455816 Anonymous
Siacoin for 4 years, don't think I've ever been in the black with it, even for 1 hour
41 min later 28455849 Anonymous
41 min later 28455870 Anonymous
Accurate yet based.
Also, FUD I.D...
44 min later 28456105 Anonymous
yep thats how i go full retard, buy the bottom ride to the top double down and get rekt
45 min later 28456158 Anonymous
My wife for the past 10 years
47 min later 28456292 Anonymous
RIP Barnes
Who the fuck buys a TBM and flies it themselves if they aren’t a professional pilot
49 min later 28456441 Anonymous
>t. civil society
50 min later 28456489 Anonymous
At least the hard drives I bought to mine it are filled up with nightcore videos now, courtesy of youtube-dl.
50 min later 28456524 Anonymous
primecoin, if I had just kept the btc I pumped into that shit I would be rich. Though cryptsy going tits up would have been a bit more annoying if any of the coins I had there had any value.
51 min later 28456566 Anonymous
shopping weedstocks yesterday and still holding
51 min later 28456599 Anonymous
52 min later 28456661 Anonymous
AQB options. Two days old.
52 min later 28456698 Anonymous
Tens of thousands of them
Fortunately it was all mining
Should've seen it coming
53 min later 28456715 Anonymous
I'm in on that one too... How do I always pick the unpopular shit? Need to stop looking at real value/innovation and just pick by meme potential.
53 min later 28456720 Anonymous
DGB since 2017
53 min later 28456755 Anonymous
I sold 3 21 puts on Blackberry.
And now my broker wants me to sit through their horrible hold music just to sell covered calls on it because it was one of those companies that got WSB'd.
53 min later 28456769 Anonymous
WTF coin
54 min later 28456836 Anonymous
7.4 billion of Shiba Token bought after pump
54 min later 28456847 Anonymous
> Put 3 grand into antshares
> It got delisted the next day
I never recovered.
54 min later 28456872 Anonymous
>no one remembers fun fair
56 min later 28456972 Anonymous
on the bright side, its up like 300% today
57 min later 28457062 Anonymous
He was pretty much a normie until he went away to college. We should've pushed him towards community college. At the very least I would've payed a lot less for his bullshit liberal arts degree
He's unironically been trying to hustle Pokemon cards on ebay. Poorly.
57 min later 28457063 Anonymous
Spkl and boobs
57 min later 28457085 Anonymous
HMNY. Lost over $1k early on in my investments so that really sucked. I’ve learned to be smarter and bounce back pretty well.
>$35k portfolio now.
57 min later 28457092 Anonymous
Still have some BCH lying around from like 2018. Not sure how to get rid of it since I went away from crypto for a while and apparently it's hard to trade with the fork and all.
57 min later 28457104 Anonymous
The only time in your life you ever held boobs and it was disappointing
58 min later 28457126 Anonymous
58 min later 28457142 Anonymous
50 shares of AMC :(
Had plenty of chances to sell too. I'm holding until later this year once covid bs is over and can hopefully break even.
58 min later 28457143 Anonymous
The bags under my eyes from not making it
58 min later 28457159 Anonymous
That's just a wallet
59 min later 28457213 Anonymous
I sold all my AMC and lost about $100 but put it all into GRT and made it all back
1 hours later 28457303 Anonymous
If you still have them just make your money back selling options
Retards are still buying this stock
1 hours later 28457416 Anonymous
This is sad. Plz leave her or let someone else treat her how she deserves
1 hours later 28457776 Anonymous
1 hours later 28457777 Anonymous
I had 20,000 Telcoin in my wallet since who knows how long that were worth like $3 and then suddenly I saw it getting shilled here out of the blue. It started pumping and I had like $80 but gas fees were nuts so I didn't sell it. By the time I got around to it, it had dumped back to like .0026 and I had only like $40 so I was like whatever. And then I just looked at something in my wallet and it's back to almost $80 worth. I guess that's not really sad, just kind of weird and confusing. I always thought it sounded like a good idea for a product and I think I originally paid like $20 or $30 for a whole shitload of them. So idk maybe I'll just hold it and see what happens?
1 hours later 28458289 Anonymous
You and many others. Still not a bad buy, if not for you then for your kids.
1 hours later 28458313 Anonymous (0.png 460x360 306kB)
I dropped 10k at the top on McScam
They are extra heavy
I'm McRuined
1 hours later 28458346 Anonymous
Telcoin is getting attention. Hold. 55k stacklet here
1 hours later 28458486 Anonymous
It's grown on me the last week or so. It's like a surprise dollar amount every time I open up my wallet, which is kind of fun.
1 hours later 28458573 Anonymous
I lucked out yesterday with the pump. I was still holding 40k shares of it but I was able to dump them yesterday for a tiny profit.
1 hours later 28458614 Anonymous
I have about 210k shares of CGRA @ .0073
I bought it around this price, but it's crabbed for years. When it last hit near 3 cents, I was in Ghana on mission with my family.
1 hours later 28458635 Anonymous
nano lmaoo
1 hours later 28458829 Anonymous
AMB and Modum. Can't even sell Modum kek
1 hours later 28458941 Anonymous
>Ghana on mission
jesus fucking christ.
1 hours later 28458951 Anonymous
Justin Chong?
1 hours later 28459021 Anonymous
How is it even possible to fall to such obvious scam/joke? I bet you are just larping.
1 hours later 28459087 Anonymous
Deep Brain Chain from 2017. Fuckers even admitted their exit scam. Still holding 50,000 of the pieces of shit
1 hours later 28459137 Anonymous
>not kicking him out at 18
you're fucking useless. grow a spine faggot.
1 hours later 28459177 Anonymous (sonoffice.png 865x487 386kB)
SONM, kill me. Had REQ too but luckily I was able to offload it on a DEX even at a 99% lost. SONM I can't even trade
1 hours later 28459198 Anonymous
CAT (BitClave)
1 hours later 28459247 Anonymous
1 hours later 28459557 Anonymous (3970982E-0862-4D5A-A6D7-7CC53E6A5957.png 205x246 4kB)
I’m waiting for BTC to go down
1 hours later 28460030 Anonymous (seriouslylivecoin.jpg 306x306 20kB)
Centric (CNS). I take it as a solid, kinda cheap lesson on shitcoin economics.
1 hours later 28460108 Anonymous (588.png 200x200 3kB)
1 hours later 28460264 Anonymous
>making a normie kid
Again, a you problem.
1 hours later 28460396 Anonymous
True. It’s too bad I lost it all in that boating accident.
1 hours later 28460675 Anonymous
fuck, this. I once had $10k in REQ. I don't even want to know how much it is now. Probably $10 or so.
1 hours later 28460677 爆発 (pit viper groyper.png 300x300 74kB)
>tfw no bags because i cut my losses
>tfw 300% up already in 2021
One day I will make a trade that will take my raw noob ass down to fucking zero but I'm having a good time for now
1 hours later 28460798 Anonymous
I actually have never made a really bad trade. Sure I sold many things too early and too late, but I always made a good profit.
1 hours later 28460853 Anonymous
My mother
1 hours later 28460906 Girth Brooks
ZCL. I put about $5000 into that piece of shit because I fell for the BTCP meme. Average coin cost for me was $130, I’m pretty sure I threw the paper wallet out because I was so pissed
1 hours later 28460936 Anonymous (13UNW357.jpg 900x560 82kB)
6 shares of AMC at $15
1 hours later 28460995 Anonymous
$MAN Matrix AI Netowrk. 8000 of them
1 hours later 28461014 Anonymous (4862BDB6-F375-4932-B008-58E0DDE3A6F0.png 1200x1200 45kB)
This monstrosity of a shitcoin.
1 hours later 28461050 Anonymous
Whoever that anon was that is still holding DENTACOIN, it's definitely them.
1 hours later 28461055 Anonymous (283C691C-51B7-4868-AF60-B36542ACD31A.jpg 720x960 159kB)
>not sending him to the military immediately after HS for free college
Ngmi senpai
1 hours later 28461057 Anonymous
I bought into an ico in 2017. Still haven't received the tokens. The pool I was in just got the tokens recently but all aggreed to hold off distribution till gas prices chill out. Apparently its a complex smart contract so gas fees are even worse..
Token CRNC
Current media
And SDXT from 2017 as well
1 hours later 28461112 Anonymous
oh, one of those. Every friend I've lost, I've lost to liberal dipshit echo chamber schools.
I'm not even into politics, I just can't stand when people make it their fucking identity
1 hours later 28461240 Anonymous
Well that ship sailed. I was trying to be nice and help him get on his feet and get started in life. In hindsight that would have been better for all of us. All he does is eat my food, bitch, and wear a crater in my couch.
What do I do /biz/ards?
1 hours later 28461286 Anonymous
1 hours later 28461317 Anonymous
PIP his ass.
1 hours later 28461353 Anonymous
BRDG so much BRDG.
1 hours later 28461457 Anonymous
Mad network
1 hours later 28461465 Anonymous
Yeah. It makes me sick to think about how he used to be.
Checked. This would have been the big brain play but I had no idea. I thought he was going to be an engineer or at least something productive. Fuck. At least something. Future used to be so bright
1 hours later 28461486 Anonymous
1 hours later 28461534 Anonymous
kek I remember the shills saying it's used by the US Army or some shit
1 hours later 28461585 Anonymous
all around when btc bubble crashed hard.
Oh I also had nano, raiblocks, and they were stuck on mercatox. Got up to 32 dollars I said fuck it lets get more, threw 1000 bucks at it and by the time I was able to move the nano out of mercatox it was like a dollar lol
Took a long break from Shitcoins after all that....
1 hours later 28461615 Anonymous
Get your old crusty ass off this board
1 hours later 28461887 Anonymous
I had shitcoins on cryptopia. I didn't bother trying to get them back.
2 hours later 28461974 Anonymous (5cd.png 644x745 340kB)
2 hours later 28462032 Anonymous
2 hours later 28462161 Anonymous
2 hours later 28462185 Anonymous
cro in staking, was mco and got boned to the tune of 70% after they stopped supporting their own token. its on its way up but is repeatedly raped when it goes up too fast. its a usefull token but really staking it for 10% annually is bullshit when all it does is bleed.
2 hours later 28462796 Anonymous (369796379265.jpg 400x662 66kB)
I was a victim of McScam as well
I feel your pain
It's ok
2 hours later 28462876 Anonymous
BSV, don't laugh. I thought it was the real vision.
2 hours later 28463021 Anonymous
>50,000 USD
that's 10x spot. money up front first :)
2 hours later 28463194 Anonymous (giant-jansport-backpack-thumb.jpg 440x410 31kB)
>What is the heaviest, saddest bag you carry?
I bought a factory sealed set of mint Topps baseball cards for $25 in 1991. Now worth $15 on ebay.
2 hours later 28463381 Anonymous
thankfully it wasn't too much, most of it was in gas fees which is retarded, the worst part was that i traded my GRT for it
but i bought back into grt yesterday so im back on the train
2 hours later 28463466 Anonymous
>fees are insane
If you cant handle a couple of bucks then crypto isnt for you.
I am a poorfag and in under a month turned 500$ into 2k from shitcoins.
2 hours later 28463602 Anonymous
Literally just fuck him in the butt, he won’t ask you for shit after you fill up his hole with your grandchildren
2 hours later 28463937 Anonymous (1612952582386.jpg 819x1024 190kB)
I made 10x on hoge in one day. And price is back where i started and planning to do it again
2 hours later 28464065 Anonymous
kek same
2 hours later 28465171 Anonymous
I bought 2,000,000 of a scam called DomainToken in 2017/2018. Turned out it was run by a convicted felon for fraud named James Drake.
He kept promising the world, all these amazing partnerships etc, until it slowly unraveled. I’m still holding that bag and it makes me upset every time I see.
2 hours later 28465385 Anonymous
I held that for so long. Sold for crypto last year. I went to their facility actually have friends that live next door,
2 hours later 28465419 Anonymous
How much do I have to invest to make it worth it? Like, 500-1k? The fee is on both ends too
2 hours later 28465422 Anonymous
2 hours later 28465665 Anonymous
I made thousands doing this. And I wasn’t some huge pOkemon fan, I just figured out a niche that was super profitable
2 hours later 28465743 Anonymous
Ooof I bought that too. Lost $2k
2 hours later 28465771 Anonymous
pajeet hands typed this
2 hours later 28465848 Anonymous
Lol you got abused
2 hours later 28466057 Anonymous
GME 4 @ $250
AMC 60 @ $15
Some shit that was being pumped last year called QQQF
And one shitty stablecoin called chainlink
2 hours later 28466086 Anonymous
Unfederalreserve have like 300k
2 hours later 28466237 Anonymous
lmaoing at your pleb lives
Lost $5k on female health company
Still down $8k bag holding weed stonks from 2017
Lost $9k on gme
I’ve lost and gained $50k in a week on shitcoins
3 hours later 28466389 Anonymous
Use it to swap dumby. Otherwise youre paying massive fees on uniswap.
3 hours later 28466457 Anonymous
I margin traded with all of these and lost 0.1 bitcoin in 2017
3 hours later 28466464 Anonymous
Exscudo - eon coin. Dropped $1k on it back in 2017. Cashed out finally at $500. Shit exchange they have only has like $2000 volume total and they pump up estimates of all their prices to make it look more valuable. All around shitty experience.
3 hours later 28466548 Anonymous
I bought $300k of MCDC
Now the coins are worth $0
I'm a fucking retard
3 hours later 28466550 Anonymous (Coins.jpg 1021x816 118kB)
3 hours later 28466608 Anonymous
it's not that i don't believe in the project it's just that it never got the trading volume for the dynamic burn to be useful.
3 hours later 28466651 Anonymous
uber eats delivery bag
3 hours later 28466675 Anonymous
I have a very rare bag, CND
3 hours later 28466831 Anonymous
3 hours later 28466856 Anonymous
I went all in on DOGE, so much that I'm whale tier now. But I never dumped only acoomed. Other whales dumped and now I'm at a life ruining loss.
So its a bag I'll hold even after my death
3 hours later 28466864 Anonymous
Also coinbase doesn't even support that many alt coins
3 hours later 28467432 Anonymous
damn, lost so much money and opportunity cost on these shitcoins, being an overdiversified peanits idiot..Could have had 20k link, instead I have 2,5k..
3 hours later 28467507 Anonymous
both -99% from 2017-18
3 hours later 28467676 Anonymous
I still have one of the NEOs I bought at $170
3 hours later 28467763 Anonymous
3 hours later 28467764 Anonymous
fucking SHIB. I bought 66b (66,000,000,000) fucking SHIB in the first 15 minutes of it being hsilled on here. That was for around 100USD at the time. It jumped to 300 then dumped back to 100 and I instantly sold then went to bed. The next morning I checked the price and saw that 66b was now worth 400. The next morning, it was worth fucking 5000$. I couldnt fucking believe it. When the price dropped I bought back like 4b for about 100$ and I'm holding this bag since then. Worth fucking 35$ atm. Fuck me.
At least I made some decent returns with GRT, RBC and NU lol
3 hours later 28467841 Anonymous
Electroneum from December 2017
3 hours later 28467892 Anonymous
it's not even too late to sell it wtf anon
3 hours later 28467959 Anonymous (1612829226659.jpg 1000x1000 126kB)
I dont have any sad bags because I went all in on Rubic at $0.09
SO many fucking unique posters ITT that I just know some of you retarded clueless money-losing faggots must be behind the insane amount of fud around RBC and now I know why, it's because you're bitter bagholding morons lol.
If you lose money in crypto you failed the IQ test.
3 hours later 28468036 Anonymous (i will shove this thing up my ass.jpg 275x183 6kB)
3 hours later 28468046 Anonymous
3 hours later 28468266 Anonymous
Could be worse. Even if it won't moon, silver is pretty and tangible and will always be worth something.
3 hours later 28468340 Anonymous
>That caused me to not buy Rubic at 1c thinking it would be a repeat since the exact same shilling
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
This guy and many others among you refuse to learn about a project based on the shilling on this board, you are so fucking short sighted, if you see a bad shill post about a coin you won't even research it, then you ape into another one without researching based on it having similar shill posts.
Worst of all you FUD these fucking coins without researching, based on the shill posts you see here.. entering some demented emotional coping mechanism doom-spiral where you feel like you actually hate the coin and have to try to fud it into failure.
Stop fucking basing your decisions on quality of shilling and start doing your own fucking research, how hard is it to take 30mins off 4chan to learn about a project?
3 hours later 28468408 Anonymous
No one told me not to margin trade random cryptos in 2017!
3 hours later 28468427 Anonymous
3 hours later 28468575 Anonymous
3 hours later 28468591 Anonymous (payfair scam.png 225x225 3kB)
23,772 Payfair
Couldn't sell even if I cared to, there's no volume on the only exchange it's on.
3 hours later 28468649 Anonymous
recently sold my npxs and req. icx bag i'm still holding got a lot lighter the past few days.
3 hours later 28468653 Anonymous (1612588635115.jpg 554x603 204kB)
>Asking biz for parental advice
3 hours later 28468674 Anonymous
BB -$338
NOK -$200
3 hours later 28468732 Anonymous
yeah, this is me too. fuck lcx. i'll have nightmares about missing on rbc if my other big bags don't pan out.
3 hours later 28468743 Anonymous
Sorry I should have specified losing money in crypto in 2021, I'm sure you pass the IQ test anon you've been here long enough.
3 hours later 28469084 Anonymous
from 2017 i still have:
ICX -86%
POWR -82%
ENG - 96%
DRG - 97%
DENT - 98%
luckily i also bought 1400 LINK which made it...
3 hours later 28469100 Anonymous
You can make money on baseball cards if you buy the right ones when they are prospects. My friend made a shitton on a some Tatis Jr. cards he bought
3 hours later 28469146 Anonymous
3 hours later 28469179 Anonymous
IVR -50% and IAG -20%
3 hours later 28469222 Anonymous
USO from when USO and JNUG were all the WSB autists were shilling.
It went down like an additional 300% after I bought the dip.
3 hours later 28469311 Anonymous
NXT at 2 dollars
later managed to averaged it to 26 cents
but sold it at 1.4 cents
3 hours later 28469507 Anonymous
I have 6k coss from ico. Held to $3 and back down to worthless.
3 hours later 28469552 Anonymous
Unironically BTC, bought the 49k breakout
3 hours later 28469609 Anonymous
3 hours later 28469714 Anonymous
mana is mooning and only going up faggot. I regret not buying a bag at .08
3 hours later 28469741 Anonymous
this is a bad mentality
lets say you buy a coin that's trading at 1 cent
1k can buy you 100k of that coin
if that coin reaches $1 that 1k is now worth 100k, if it reaches $10 that 1k is worth now 1 million dollars
now imagine you're a retard like me who spent over 1k on deposit fees alone, not even including fees for trading or withdrawals
pissing away money on fees is basically like letting yourself get robbed of future gains, coinbase is not even the best exchange in terms of fees so it's not like there aren't alternatives
3 hours later 28469793 Anonymous
But it mooned now. So you're good right?
3 hours later 28469801 Anonymous
Decentraland...oof I remember getting some of their coins then laying in bed thinking about the whole thing and realizing that this wasn't it chief. Went to bed and sold them later that morning for a loss.
3 hours later 28469967 Anonymous
Stop larping. No one is that retarded other than pajeets.
3 hours later 28469990 Anonymous
if you didnt raise and groom your child into being hardworking and disciplined then you have no right to be disappointed in them for being a loser
the fact that you're a middle aged man on biz is enough evidence that you yourself are a loser and likely a bad parent
3 hours later 28470001 Anonymous
3 hours later 28470103 Anonymous
3 hours later 28470120 Anonymous
I saw an ad on here about buying mcd coin I dunno some people might have been convinced
3 hours later 28470182 Anonymous
Why didn't you sell yesterday?
3 hours later 28470184 Anonymous
primecoin, golumn and dice
stuck in old wallets i don't care about
3 hours later 28470206 Anonymous
a bag of 1200 COSS
3 hours later 28470232 Anonymous
Fuck clutter, I cut losses and move bags into coins that have a chance
3 hours later 28470351 Anonymous
Oh yeah! Bought at the ICO at some odd exchange at the time!
3 hours later 28470356 Anonymous
porn token called bunnytoken
3 hours later 28470372 Anonymous
I like boob too. It was a nice set up
3 hours later 28470411 Anonymous
3 hours later 28470414 Anonymous
500k luigi coin
It got rug pulled though
4 hours later 28470488 Anonymous
Everest... The devs are scammers
4 hours later 28470552 Anonymous
4 hours later 28470617 Anonymous
Is it common for these shitcoins to have things that made it look legit then completely disappear off the map and say nothing for 2-3 years?
3.124 0.183