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2021-02-11 11:20 28444905 holder All in Monero now ? (monero.png 300x299 9kB)
I like the project and the coin is getting hight

1 min later 28445031 Anonymous
Best coin for longterm.

1 min later 28445057 holder
I already bough a big bag of it

5 min later 28445397 holder
all in complete I'm can sleep better when all my fiat is spent, rather than waiting to buy, it's ok if it crash no regrets

6 min later 28445539 Anonymous
Great long-term hold, shite short-term hold. Hope you enjoy crabbing.

8 min later 28445704 Anonymous
>>28445539 Volatility makes me gassy so yes I do enjoy crabbing.

12 min later 28446007 Anonymous
>>28444905 When you are tired of gambling, you go all-in Monero.

16 min later 28446344 Anonymous
Only coin besides Bitcoin with current irl use rather than speculation

29 min later 28447540 Anonymous
I also just bought some funnily enough.

32 min later 28447759 Anonymous
>>28445397 >>28446007 Based, Im all in

33 min later 28447836 Anonymous
>>28444905 whats the make it stack?

34 min later 28447911 Anonymous
>>28446344 Few understand this

34 min later 28447927 Anonymous
>>28444905 keep buying moneroCHADs. remember to take coins off exchange!!!

34 min later 28447953 Anonymous
>>28447836 Unknown But actually 50

35 min later 28448071 Anonymous (monero holder.png 850x400 271kB)
>>28447927 >remember to take coins off exchange!!! explain why

38 min later 28448302 Anonymous
>>28446344 >ETH doesnt have an IRL use

41 min later 28448587 Anonymous
>>28448071 Not in your personal wallet, not really your coin.

41 min later 28448607 Anonymous
>>28448302 You're right, ETH does have an IRL use. It's used to transfer money from the West to Chinese farmers via gas fees.

43 min later 28448725 Anonymous
>>28448071 duckduckgo Mt. Gox

45 min later 28448976 Anonymous
>>28448302 Ripple, Stellar and some random small projects like LTO are actually used by businesses in a non-experimental fashion. While ETH projects always seem very focussed on the ETH community. Monero on the other hand is what Bitcoin is supposed to be. And has a genuine economy behind it. It's also the favorite coin of a lot of people, but because it's such a crab it's undervalued. After all, people are looking for quick gains.

45 min later 28448978 Anonymous
>>28448071 not you keys, not your coins. also after some had trouble withdrawing xmr, there been some suspicion that some exchanges are naked shorting xmr

47 min later 28449166 Anonymous
>>28444905 I used to mine XMR back in the day. I really love this coin. I saw BTC, ETH, and XMR as the titans of sorts so it's weird to see it go nowhere by comparison, especially since it's the only one of the three that's actually retained its functional utility as a cryptocurrency. As of a couple weeks ago I am no longer holding any XMR. Feels bad man, but I don't wanna ruin my gains potential this whole run. When the bear comes out and crabs around I'll probably move some stablecoin into a little XMR stack to make some purchases under the radar and hold some just out of respect for the unappreciated champ.

51 min later 28449437 Anonymous
>>28444905 was holding this coin since its release but sold it a while ago. i dont know if its still worth holding. most people apperently dont think it is.

54 min later 28449737 Anonymous (AlteringSeriousJokeCurrencyQR.jpg 720x562 167kB)

1 hours later 28450165 Anonymous
>>28449166 You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to cash out of BTC and other ATH coins into undervalued coins. Not wait until it has crashed to go into the (now higher valued) coins you always believed in. You are literally saying buy high sell low.

1 hours later 28450260 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210105-114607.jpg 1080x1202 256kB)
>>28444905 reminder. iykyk

1 hours later 28450542 Anonymous
>>28450260 Don't know what this is supposed to be

1 hours later 28450615 Anonymous
>>28448302 it doesn't, dapps/smart contracts/web 3.0 are just buzzwords to convince dimwits like yourself to buy someone's 100000x'd bags. It's not decentralized since there's still a huge amount of trust in the code and devs. So there's no point when centralized apps and databases already exist.

1 hours later 28450737 Anonymous
>>28450542 it's the same BTC rainbow chart, xmr was just 4 years late to the game. what happened to the price after the previous ATH was broken?

1 hours later 28451416 Anonymous
>>28448302 I’ve been following eth since the beginning and it still feels like a giant crypto beta test. Its most effective use so far has been to fuel a ton of speculation-based tokens. Maybe that will mean something eventually but the mission remains unclear to me. The current network issues are also non trivial to fix despite all the talk of l2 (another thing they have been talking about for years).

1 hours later 28451710 Anonymous
>>28446344 yes anon monero is not for crypto specualators

1 hours later 28452012 Anonymous
>>28444905 Monero is a completed version of bitcoin. The aim of BTC was to be a peer-to-peer cash free from centralized, government control and inflation. Bitcoin had it's time, but the authorities have caught up.

1 hours later 28452024 Anonymous
>>28451416 to be fair though stablecoins are pretty useful

1 hours later 28452076 Anonymous (file.png 1200x1200 365kB)
>>28444905 Please keep purchasing and using this coin.

1 hours later 28452215 Anonymous
>>28452076 I will along with Tornado's service. I have no doubt you will be able to crack it soon with your shitty bounty offered to leet hackers a year ago :^)

1 hours later 28452399 Anonymous
>>28452076 Me and everyone dabbing on tax collectors by holding monero

1 hours later 28453677 Anonymous
fuck bros, i did it, i'm finally all in on monero. now i can rest easy and put the charts away.

1 hours later 28453997 Anonymous
>>28452024 Yeah true

1 hours later 28454349 Anonymous
I don't like Monero because its actually used in the darknet markets. Meaning its a zero sum game. People buy/trade and then its sold. Speculatively its useless.

2 hours later 28454983 Anonymous
>>28454349 xmr actually is what noobs think btc is

2 hours later 28455036 Anonymous
>>28454349 Until people realize that it's in the same position bitcoin was 6 years ago, except it's superior in every way as a fungible store of wealth. If you want a "digital gold", one that is easily kept secret from governments/thieves/relatives/etc is superior in every way.

2 hours later 28455275 Anonymous
>>28455036 Its just going to be dumped down by darknet vendors for BTC. Its seriously not a good pick, know your market. There is a reason its so stable.

2 hours later 28455481 Anonymous
2 0 0 0 0

2 hours later 28455768 Anonymous
>>28455275 Ah yes. WhiteHouse will send over all their XMR (10000's) to some random exchange and switch it all over to BTC. Having the risk of losing it then proceed to waste 10000's in fees just so they can have BTC. And for it to be flagged suspicious by ChainAnalyses and blacklisted so they are stuck having to wait for atomic swaps which go wrong. Sounds like a great plan! Also businesses don't fucking gamble moron. We will see more price movement from XMR for sure once atomic swaps arrive. A huge price increase potentially.

2 hours later 28455814 Anonymous
>>28455275 Why the fuck would criminals selling drugs on the darknet want to trade their secret, untraceable currency for a fully public one? If they want to get cash they can easily go straight to fiat. Anyway, it's not just darknet stoners. Cartels have been using BTC to transfer funds, which we know about due to the guys who have been caught in the process. Sooner or later they're going to wise up to XMR, and it only takes a tiny amount of hidden, illegal money to send it to the moon. There are so many real world use cases for a private, untraceable currency past illegal ones. Even governments are going to get in on this shit. The U.S. is going to be funding terrorists via XMR.

2 hours later 28455862 Anonymous
remember back in 2018 every monero poster posted pictures of that girl walking around a city wearing a monero snapback? i was 100% convinced it was a scam because of that marketing campaign. havent seen it since

2 hours later 28457077 Anonymous
>>28447953 Thing is when you buy monero you don't keep it as you can actually spend it. For example you can pay for a VPS to run a tor node or a VPN. Too bad we can't buy more things like email or a 4chan pass.

2 hours later 28457166 Anonymous
Damn XMR just broke 200 resistance. Shorts are getting royaly fucked. Fuck them shorting faggots.

2 hours later 28457190 Anonymous

2 hours later 28457932 Anonymous
>>28444905 i like the stock

2 hours later 28458039 Anonymous
>>28457166 hell yeah. musk tweet at 420 next. he better accept monero for those teslas

17.434 0.100