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2021-02-11 10:52 28442403 Anonymous Using Brave for BATs (bravebat.jpg 700x500 57kB)
Is it worth it?

0 min later 28442478 Anonymous
>>28442403 Yea. It's literally free money to shitpost and now BAT has freed itself from the eternal price resistance so you'll get paid more.

0 min later 28442491 Anonymous
duh, you should have been doing this for a long time now its a great browser anyway, just as fast as chrome without any of the horseshit

0 min later 28442496 Anonymous
its an alright browser, been using it for a month and im sitting on three bucks now. might as well.

1 min later 28442593 Anonymous
My friend told me it's a botnet

2 min later 28442630 Anonymous (1562114886269.png 612x491 24kB)
>>28442403 Wait what? Explain to a smoothbrain

3 min later 28442677 Anonymous
Yeah its great There is one dude on /g/ who will freak out for a week straight if you try mentioning it there though. Thats more entertaining than watching BAT price.

6 min later 28442938 Anonymous
>>28442403 Explain

7 min later 28443032 Anonymous
>>28442403 You should use Brave regardless.

8 min later 28443107 Anonymous (pcredpilled.png 661x510 67kB)
How much is it worth it to have your evey online activity tracked, recorded, analysed and stored forever?

8 min later 28443129 Anonymous
>>28442403 Yes, it is worth it. Make sure to switch off automated tipping though. I discovered I was giving free BAT to Destiny while hate watching him on youtube.

9 min later 28443175 Anonymous
>>28442403 Brave itself sounds fine, but doing it for the BAT sounds retarded.

10 min later 28443283 Anonymous
>>28443107 It does not track anything, it pays you to voluntarily view an advert. You will get ZERO bat if you do not click on the adds

11 min later 28443380 Anonymous
>>28443283 >It does not track anything So, it just randomly shows an advert for any old product? Absolute bullshit, and I haven't even visited their fucking website to know it.

12 min later 28443463 Anonymous
>>28442593 probably a /g/ schizo it's the best you'll get as a plug n play but fucking with about:config in firefox or ungoogled chromium is better for privacy

12 min later 28443466 Anonymous
>>28442478 Lies. You will earn less BAT if the price raises.

13 min later 28443569 Anonymous
>>28443380 Yeah, it does not force you to look at the advert though and even if you do click on the add you can exit it immediately and still earn BAT.

14 min later 28443654 Anonymous (129056474_3488145184615545_1242759511963176712_n.webm 640x1136 1799kB)
>>28442593 You should stop being friends with retards and Mozilla trannies. >>28443283 >You will get ZERO bat if you do not click on the adds You don't have to click or interact with the notification in any way to earn rewards. You can dismiss them .01 seconds after they pop up and you've earned the rewards for it.

15 min later 28443720 Anonymous
>>28442403 For me, it's the BRAVE BROWSER®. The best internet browser. I even download the BRAVE BROWSER@ on my phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop because the BRAVE BROWSER® DEVELOPMENT TEAM is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for 3 ads to be blocked and they blocked three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly BRAVE® worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the BRAVE BROWSER® greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS blocks every ad, cookie, and tracker. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere with my BRAVE BROWSER®, I use it at least 7 times a week for my daily browsing needs which include work, pornography, school, and stalking my whore ex wife on facebook. I even use my BRAVE BROWSER® to browse Read It®, it's amazing! What a great BRAVE BROWSER®.

15 min later 28443738 Anonymous
>>28442403 It is literally Chrome, but with free coinerinos. Why not?

15 min later 28443790 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1484x895 208kB)
>>28443569 This shit is fucking malware

16 min later 28443815 Anonymous
>>28443654 where the fuck is that >>28443720 he's here guys, only took 15 mins from start of thread lol

16 min later 28443831 Anonymous
>>28443654 see >>28443569

17 min later 28443938 Anonymous
>>28443283 This is wrong, you get paid regardless of clicking or not

18 min later 28444046 Anonymous
>>28443790 Stay poor then and use jewgle chrome you fucking retard

18 min later 28444062 Anonymous
>>28443790 They have less than two dozen advertisers though so none of that shit matters. You get the same ten adds every day on repeat. They are just selling clicks basically and unless they get more advertisers BAT will fail

20 min later 28444155 Anonymous
>>28443938 Not in my experience. I clicked every add the first month I had it and never clicked after that. I definitely did not get BAT the few weeks that I ignored the adds

21 min later 28444305 Anonymous
>>28442403 I recently enabled brave rewards and have already gotten 1 dollar(not alot, but as a neet, it's nice to see)), whish I started using it when I first started using brave years ago, also wish I didn't abandon brave for firefox a couple years ago, swtiched back after the whole banning isn't enough article by firefox and wish I never switched to firefox and instead earned free money.

21 min later 28444338 Anonymous
Brave is a great browser with or without the BAT. I have about $300 in BAT just from using Brave for a year or so. Judging from how many of you are playing with a few hundred dollars here trying to hit it big in crypto why not just use the fucking browser.?

23 min later 28444457 Anonymous
>>28444062 Totally baseless statement get fucked.

23 min later 28444515 Anonymous (lolfirefox.png 1911x1015 771kB)
You should have been using it this whole time. You wont have enough time to accumulate this much though so you will have to market buy a chunk.

25 min later 28444666 Anonymous
90000 bat bros

25 min later 28444696 Anonymous (123822382_167488035016577_4239406479686830212_n.jpg 1080x1350 280kB)
>>28444155 You get the same amount of BAT earned if you ignore every ad notification or you click on every single one and advertised site for hours. >>28443815 Pond in LA.

26 min later 28444757 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1349x557 130kB)
>>28444046 Keep selling every bit of info about yourself for fucking $2 a month.

27 min later 28444843 Anonymous
>>28442593 unless he gave you a nettop with ARIN registrations for the ip addresses he's a parroting retard who will only ever work help desk

28 min later 28444913 Anonymous
>>28443466 It's free money either way you fucking retard

28 min later 28444922 Anonymous (142091678_421473669095415_7412196503531891164_n.jpg 1080x1335 127kB)
>>28444062 The US has 91 active ad campaigns alone. You get the same ads because you don't diversify your browsing enough to get new ad categories. If you're doing nothing but shitposting on /biz/, fapping on the hub, and looking at exchanges all day, then you'll get the same several ads. It's almost like you've been in this thread just spewing bullshit when you know fuck all about anything.

28 min later 28444950 Anonymous
I think it is best to just buy it but I guess if the price keeps going up and you want to use their fucked up weird browser wallet or whatever the fuck it is then knock yourself out

29 min later 28444972 Anonymous
>>28444757 Someone doesn't know how the program works.

29 min later 28444988 Anonymous
>>28444913 Post picture of nose plz

29 min later 28445023 Anonymous (BAT advertisers.jpg 1292x1126 120kB)
>>28444457 >>28444457 Proof?

30 min later 28445092 Anonymous
>>28444913 >Be wrong >Call the person who corrects you a faggot Congrats anon. I'm sure you are rich.

30 min later 28445162 Anonymous (1609300302437.png 237x296 126kB)
>>28444757 >he thinks Firefox doesn't do the exact same shit my sides

32 min later 28445253 Anonymous
>>28444757 >basedfox DAE LE PUNCH NAZIS?????

32 min later 28445271 Anonymous
>>28445162 It doesn't.

32 min later 28445309 Anonymous
>>28442403 I mean its free money but it's not a lot, I got 4.6 BAT last month (like $2.70). if you're already using chrome I dont see a reason not to switch, it's actually faster than chrome in my experience.

32 min later 28445315 Anonymous
>>28445023 How can someone be so fucking retarded? Scroll down >https://brave.com/transparency/ You have the shittiest FUD I've seen in some time. Impressive

33 min later 28445437 Anonymous (FUD MASTER.jpg 3596x2395 970kB)
>>28445315 kek

35 min later 28445576 Anonymous
>youtube background play on app Simple as!

36 min later 28445698 Anonymous
>>28443107 Based prince charles

37 min later 28445728 Anonymous
How long does it take to create a fucking wallet? It says creating wallet but nothing ever happens.

39 min later 28445869 Anonymous
>>28445728 What you mean?

39 min later 28445875 Anonymous (BatEarnings.png 560x260 79kB)
This is just from a year, maybe a little longer. Idk it's pretty nice, even if all it does it take $5 off my internet bill a month

39 min later 28445904 Anonymous
Most of the retards don't realize BAT has a legitimate chance to upend the internet ad industry, which basically makes the internet (in its current form) fucking possible. Looks at how much shitty tech stocks and crypto are valued at and think for your fucking self how potentially valuable BAT is.

39 min later 28445948 Anonymous
I wouldn't really recommend it, I think it sounds better on paper than it is in reality

42 min later 28446150 Anonymous
BAT has cost me so much. I split investments between BAT and Link. Anyone here have some old bat memes with the giant in the team pic?

43 min later 28446301 Anonymous
>>28446150 I also held LINK and BAT when they were the same price... I am regret. But BAT has more actual potential than LINk ever did so...I sheepishly still believe

45 min later 28446412 Anonymous (DENTchad.png 987x944 95kB)
I was going to invest in BAT last week, but I put it into DENT instead.

48 min later 28446644 Anonymous
>>28446412 Not even a cent.

49 min later 28446739 Anonymous
>>28446644 Exactly, I'm still buying.

49 min later 28446760 Anonymous
still using firefox, don't feel like contributing to the chromium monopoly

51 min later 28446951 Anonymous
>>28442403 Using Brave in general is such a pleasant experience, I use it all the time (on mobile even exclusively). Though I never bothered with the BAT function, as I prefer no ads at all. I might start, though, as it's probably another way to support the dev team.

53 min later 28447128 Anonymous
>>28446951 It just sends you notifications and you can limit how often it sends them per day.

53 min later 28447135 Anonymous (1607654433812.jpg 540x771 118kB)
The only good thing about Brave is that guy who funds organizations that protest against sodomites corrupting the religous ceremony of marriage.

1 hours later 28448102 Anonymous
I've never seen a BAT ad notification. I always just see ads when I open new tabs.

1 hours later 28448695 Anonymous
>>28448102 Maybe you have them disabled in the settings of Brave or your operating system.

1 hours later 28450288 Anonymous
>>28442403 Anyone ever noticed that the lion looks Asian?

1 hours later 28450920 Anonymous (batgeorge.jpg 600x450 54kB)
>>28442403 Buy BAT

1 hours later 28451908 Anonymous
>>28447135 That was why I switched to BAT. I felt bad for him and was pissed at faggot firefox.

1 hours later 28452363 Anonymous
>>28450920 Got a 10k stack. That's all I can manage right now.

2 hours later 28452806 Anonymous
>>28452363 you got suicide stack. you'll be happy when you got $400k fiat sitting in your wallet gl sir

2 hours later 28453899 Anonymous
>>28452806 Whoa. My mortgage might get payed off early then.

2 hours later 28454768 Anonymous
>>28443380 It shows a notification on the corner of the screen. The browser matches you to an ad on a list on the client side. Brave never gets your info.

2 hours later 28455668 Anonymous
I got over 100usd worth of bat by just using it for a year in phone and pc (At the begin they sent some bats as gift i think)

2 hours later 28455757 Anonymous
No because you can’t actually withdraw them

2 hours later 28455833 Anonymous
>>28442403 Yes, its a crazy good browser as well lets you import your chrome bookmarks too also free fucking money

2 hours later 28455896 Anonymous
>>28442403 I don't use browsers that track me.

2 hours later 28456114 Anonymous
>>28455896 Doesn’t track you. Retard fud.

2 hours later 28456448 Anonymous
>>28456114 Then why the hell does it use telemetry and still make requests the reward domains even if you choose to opt-out? https://spyware.neocities.org/artic les/brave.html >But they delete your data soon after! Yea like I trust them for a fucking second with that. Ungoogled Chorium, Hardened Firefox, or Icecat are your options if you actually give a single shit about your opsec. I don't care if you use Brave to get BATs, but you're delusional if you think it's secure.

2 hours later 28456968 Anonymous
>>28456448 Okay retard. You are probably a homo.

2 hours later 28457176 Anonymous
>>28456448 >use telemetry Do you even know what telemetry is? It is anonymous statistics on what features are currently being used. This allows the developers to get insight on what is actively being used. >still make requests the reward domains even if you choose to opt-out What is wrong with that? Are you afraid of wasting a tiny amount of bandwidth?

3 hours later 28457475 Anonymous
>>28457176 Anon the ideal amount of data I want to send to anyone about my habits is zero. Anything higher than that means you are not focused on privacy. I don't care if you do it to make money. Just don't pretend Brave cares about your privacy, because it doesn't.

3 hours later 28458561 Anonymous
>>28455757 Yes you can.

3 hours later 28459451 Anonymous
>>28457475 Then disable it? Brave is transparent with what analytics that they collect. Here is the list: https://github.com/brave/brave-brow ser/wiki/P3A

3 hours later 28460607 Anonymous (1603175005415.jpg 840x700 98kB)
Why the fuck am I not getting ads on my machine anymore but all my other machines do? This makes no sense!! THE TIME I WANT ADS I DON'T GET ANY!!

3 hours later 28460817 Anonymous
>>28443107 That happens anyway smart guy.

3 hours later 28461303 Anonymous
>>28456448 >spyware.neocities.org schizo site that says literally anything is spyware

3 hours later 28461857 Anonymous
>>28443380 >So, it just randomly shows an advert for any old product? >Absolute bullshit, and I haven't even visited their fucking website to know it. /g/ here, it works using a local neural network to target ads. You're tracked, but it's not uploaded. There are two other concerns with with Brave, but the ad system itself isn't one.

4 hours later 28462069 Anonymous
>>28461857 /g/ can suck a dick, I manage over 12000 endpoints and a WVD farm using Azure, Jamf, MEM and SCCM, and I say it's fucking malware.

4 hours later 28462304 Anonymous
>>28462069 >IT shit >just trust me lol. Well, it's open source there, buddy. Go find me it in the code. Or a wireshark dump.

4 hours later 28462376 Anonymous
https://digdeeper.neocities.org/gho st/browsers.html#brave

4 hours later 28462528 Anonymous
>>28442403 my BAT wallet is now at $60. started around this time last year. You're not going to make money on it, but it's a nice little bit of pocket change for just occasionally clicking an ad

4 hours later 28462636 Anonymous
I'm going to write a bot that clicks on these ads all day just to drive this shitty fucking coin and shittier browser down.

4 hours later 28462767 Anonymous
>>28442403 I have >600 BAT strictly from browser use but I've been using it for a long time and I believe the rewards are somewhat less now. Of course like all things crypto, the "too late" mentality ends up costing peoples vast sums years down the line. Man I remember stopping mining ETH cause the pace was "bullshit" but in todays terms I'm a fucking moron for thinking that.

4 hours later 28462873 Anonymous
>>28443720 hmmm would it not be TM instead of R? lawanons wya?

4 hours later 28463117 Anonymous
>>28446301 Imagine thinking BAT is bigger than LINK, particularly in 2021. You still just don't get it. Long time BAT fan here but luckily went all-in LINK after October 2018. Did cost me about 2k LINK though as split some fiat purchases.

4 hours later 28463191 Anonymous
>>28462767 Yeah some of those early rewards very nice. A long, long time ago now though.

4 hours later 28463206 Anonymous
>>28462873 You can use either after you've properly registered a trademark.

4 hours later 28463211 Anonymous
what are people's predictions on BAT? think it'll keep mooning?

4 hours later 28463285 Anonymous
>>28442403 heh no poorfag. paying me $20/mo in BAT to waste my precious time seeing ADVERTISING? fuck off. my time is more valuable than that and (Yours) is too.

4 hours later 28463288 Anonymous
>>28463206 Oh zang. ty anon

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