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2021-02-11 06:55 28419796 Anonymous XLM (stellar-lumens.jpg 1200x676 33kB)
When will it hit $1k?
1 min later 28419934 Anonymous
$1 eom
2 min later 28420029 Anonymous
All I know is, new ath is coming, and it's going to be big
2 min later 28420083 Anonymous
13 min later 28421132 Anonymous
Anyone who doesn't understand the gravity of the partnership with IBM doesn't deserve XLM
14 min later 28421248 Anonymous
Imagine thinking IBM is still a relevant company.
17 min later 28421495 Anonymous
XLM 1$ is EO10Y
10 years to the $$$$$
17 min later 28421501 Anonymous (qibm.jpg 973x571 119kB)
You'll understand soon. This is bigger than XLM-XRP
19 min later 28421626 Anonymous
I would be the first person to say IBM has been shit for the past 30 years, my father worked for them and I almost accepted their offer, but they are a huge name brand and still control the workings of major financial institutions and companies. The most important thing for crypto, especially something like XLM, is having big name brands behind it.
26 min later 28422368 Anonymous (1605225677819.png 600x652 236kB)
Preparing for a pump of a lifetime.
28 min later 28422565 Anonymous
29 min later 28422672 Anonymous
Imagine being so retarded that you can't into IBM being one of the largest transaction and banking hardware companies in the world
DYOR before you spout off, brainlet faggot
32 min later 28422952 Anonymous
the absolute state of cope. imagine still holding the worst performing coin in the golden bull run. sold it all last week, made 3x since and never looked back
33 min later 28423081 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-132656_Firefox.jpg 1064x1904 405kB)
Looks like the slope on the sell side has finally flattened out. This is going to be interesting.
34 min later 28423154 Anonymous
Oh yes
Moon baby moon
36 min later 28423302 Anonymous
>the worst performing coin
thx for the laff
36 min later 28423353 Anonymous
37 min later 28423473 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-113227_Binance.jpg 1079x1346 346kB)
40 min later 28423709 Anonymous
Charts like this indicate that we could break $1 within 48 hours.
42 min later 28423902 Anonymous
>made 3x last week
>could have made >6x
42 min later 28423968 Anonymous
I have $5k in VTHO and $5k in VeChain, should I sell them for xlm?
43 min later 28424015 Anonymous
45 min later 28424257 Anonymous
When will you guys sell?
47 min later 28424483 Anonymous
If I were you, I'd just pull $1k from each into XLM.
XLM is my stable hold.
I've got 2m VTHO and I'm gonna pull out of that soon and into XLM
48 min later 28424603 Anonymous
When I'm 35 and I need to sell a quick 50 XLM to buy another car
49 min later 28424613 Anonymous
I’ve been in crypto long enough to know that this is actually bearish
52 min later 28424927 Anonymous
Damn anon that's crazy, but a quick Ctl+F doesn't show any results for anyone who fucking asked.
53 min later 28425059 Anonymous
I've been trading crypto since before the first silk road bust and I have to say this chart is sexy enough to get people to start making risky moves. The hunt for that euphoric high never goes away. Trading back in the unregulated days was more of a rush, but I'm starting to feel the energy again right now.
Might be time to take another ride to the moon just for old times sake.
55 min later 28425223 Anonymous
10k bag
56 min later 28425332 Anonymous
57 min later 28425379 Anonymous (1605921790037.jpg 1024x1024 138kB)
>diet XRP
58 min later 28425459 Anonymous
Not without establishing a trend reversal signal it isn't. It just looks like low liquidity within the visible price range to me...
59 min later 28425584 Anonymous
5.3k stacklet reporting in
1 hours later 28425617 Anonymous
If it hit $100 I would flip the fuck out. I had over 100K stack and sold it when it was at .06 range for some shit coins that I lost my ass on.
1 hours later 28426074 Anonymous (EA2E62F5-B493-48B6-9CE3-2CD674474275.jpg 1088x180 64kB)
I’m all in. This is the most money I’ve ever had at one time in my life.
1 hours later 28426133 Anonymous
I feel bad for the people who built this little sell wall at .50... Hopefully they aren't planning on buying back in for less than that. Lol
1 hours later 28426285 Anonymous
Fucking never. Best decision I ever made was trading my 40k stack for GRT below .80
1 hours later 28426515 Anonymous
What do you think it will go to?
1 hours later 28426606 Anonymous
it'll move when xrp does. if xrp gets the smackdown from the sec then it'll hit 2x or more xrp price
1 hours later 28426613 Anonymous
Do you realize how small the crypto market is compared to how large it will become? Forex is the legacy version of XLM, and if you don't see how this could actually go to $1,000 then you either aren't into math, or don't believe there's a future use case for a Forex market.
1 hours later 28427030 Anonymous
Bought 1000 at .30, imm make some money.
1 hours later 28427579 Anonymous
If Stellar had the entirety of the Forex market, each lumen would be about $13200
1 hours later 28427953 Anonymous
No idea. Whatifcoinmarketcap.com
Hopefully USDC and remittances pick up
1 hours later 28428412 Anonymous
How dumb would I be to put 55 ETH into XLM with 3x leverage?
1 hours later 28428556 Anonymous
>using USD chart
kek ngmi retards
1 hours later 28428584 Anonymous
That would make the transaction fee 13.2 cents. I know nothing about forex. What are the fees like in the traditional system?
1 hours later 28428699 Anonymous
Bulking up
1 hours later 28428729 Anonymous
No. It can be voted to reduce the percentage of a lumen used in a single transaction.
I'm unaware what the fees are traditionally
1 hours later 28428856 Anonymous
Same bro wagmi.
1 hours later 28430084 Anonymous
1 hours later 28430235 Anonymous
>full on globohomo great reset coin
>diversity is our strength mantra
>first hilal muslim coin
I wonder whatever could happen to this shitcoin
1 hours later 28430356 Anonymous
It's gonna get blown up like an Afghani goat's asshole
1 hours later 28430599 Anonymous
"Afghan goat" would be the right way to say that I think.
1 hours later 28430844 Anonymous
I'm poor. Had 75.00 worth, just added another, just gonna hold in hopes a huge return in years to come.
1.119 0.057