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2021-02-11 06:53 28419588 Anonymous $3.00 WAITING ROOM (GRT-Sale-and-Distribution-desktop~4.jpg 1182x1212 234kB)
I'm a take a nap. Catch you at 3.

0 min later 28419654 Anonymous
>>28419588 Thread theme: https://youtu.be/8DyziWtkfBw

0 min later 28419655 Anonymous
what are you wearing?

2 min later 28419804 Anonymous
I took profits at $2.05. Got in at $.28. I'm still sitting on a 5k stack but this price action is scaring me. I have been here before with other coins and regretted not taking profits

2 min later 28419819 Anonymous
>>28419655 Naked in a robe :)

3 min later 28419969 Anonymous
>>28419804 Can't blame ya. I did the same thing with link at $4. Had like 10000 of them from $1, sold at 4. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

4 min later 28420057 Anonymous (1613062528910.png 4106x2048 1267kB)
>>28419804 probably smart. the rothchild investments news might send this over the edge today though

5 min later 28420165 Anonymous

7 min later 28420296 Anonymous (longface.png 894x773 49kB)
>>28419804 >$2.10 just got accepted

7 min later 28420310 Anonymous (niko.jpg 221x215 5kB)
>>28420165 >CVC How embarrassing. I'm sorry.

7 min later 28420329 Anonymous
>>28419804 I bought in at $1 and made my first 2x as a poorfag sold half to get back my initial investment made $242 pretty comfy, but I'm still learning

7 min later 28420353 Anonymous
>>28419588 Reminder that this is your last chance to buyed at 2.10

8 min later 28420404 Anonymous
>>28419804 ngmi

9 min later 28420470 Anonymous
>>28420057 What am I looking at? They bought into GRT?

9 min later 28420481 Anonymous
>>28420296 It might end up being the wrong move but I still have a big enough stack that I won't be killing myself if it goes to $10+

9 min later 28420502 Anonymous (1610224599653.jpg 1171x1598 128kB)
100 GRT at $1.65 my first crypto purchase, feels good frens

9 min later 28420541 Anonymous
>>28419588 how is this real wtf is happening

10 min later 28420552 Anonymous
>>28419588 Checked $3? Fud more like $10

10 min later 28420571 Anonymous

10 min later 28420643 Anonymous
>tfw in the 10k club now

10 min later 28420658 Anonymous
If you’re selling and not delegating for free fucking money you’re an idiot

11 min later 28420685 Anonymous
>>28420470 yeah. i made that image. glad to see its spreading. heres the source >https://dcg.co/portfolio/ >https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rot hschild-investment-adds-grayscale-b itcoin-222716944.html

11 min later 28420695 Anonymous
3.7k stack at 1.22 each. How much will I make eoy?

11 min later 28420735 Anonymous
>>28420470 the bullrun is just starting, fren. let's fucking goooooooo

11 min later 28420738 Anonymous
>>28419804 did the same. not bothered.

11 min later 28420750 Anonymous
So 2.14 is the new resistance ?

11 min later 28420754 Anonymous
>>28419588 Sold. Enjoy holding my bags.

12 min later 28420795 Anonymous
>>28420695 x10 fren

12 min later 28420803 Anonymous
>>28420695 how does... you will get a taste of the good life sound?

12 min later 28420809 Anonymous
>>28420310 What's wrong with CVC?

12 min later 28420821 Anonymous
>>28420643 Same bro. Feels real good

12 min later 28420839 Anonymous

12 min later 28420840 Anonymous
>>28420470 Yes they added GRT into their investment positions.

12 min later 28420841 Anonymous
>>28420502 Good luck fren

12 min later 28420844 Anonymous
>>28420695 How does 6 million sound?

12 min later 28420855 Anonymous
>>28420754 lmao, ngmi

13 min later 28420865 Anonymous (centered and based.png 694x984 829kB)
>>28419588 fuck it bros, i just bought 11k grt at 2$, if rothschild is in, I'm in

13 min later 28420872 Anonymous
>>28420695 delegate it and you'll make much more

13 min later 28420885 Anonymous
he goes down this is gonna make u reddit fags cry LMAO it grow then KEK it dumps why you cry like a lilboi?? ar u lose one more time with your trash bot for trading? > be genius use bot ocean for cex and dex trading, forget about scam strategies

13 min later 28420906 Anonymous (7.6 per hour.png 417x229 18kB)
>>28419588 After recent price movements i have lost all motivation to keep waging. Is it safe for me to quit? (pic is my hourly rewards from staking GRT)

13 min later 28420920 Anonymous (it keeps going up ahhhhhhhhh.gif 480x360 3283kB)
>>28419588 $3 EOD?????

13 min later 28420932 Anonymous
I used to have to search for GRT threads. Oftentimes, zero results. Now, we're on the first page. Loving it.

13 min later 28420933 Anonymous
I bought 50 at $1.50 Is this good? Someone please reply

13 min later 28420944 Anonymous
>>28420855 This will go to 2 USD and then instantly crash to 1.5

14 min later 28420980 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-125005.png 1920x1080 352kB)
>>28419804 Same, video related: it's us https://youtu.be/bah_B7YW2Lk

14 min later 28420986 Anonymous
>>28420803 >you will get a taste of the good life sound? Based, I'll see you guys at the yacht club parties

14 min later 28420990 Anonymous (mi.jpg 1280x720 73kB)
thread theem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mg foorgLlo&list=PLC814C057FCD35592&in dex=4

14 min later 28420996 Anonymous
Is a 5k stack worth delegating? How much does a month staking get you?

14 min later 28421009 Anonymous
>>28420695 Sad that my stack is only 3.1k because I sold some and had 3500 just last week.

14 min later 28421032 Anonymous
>>28420872 What's the deal with delegation ? Is it TAX free or you are fucked ? I tryed to hav eexplanation and they told me that they don't know for the moment, but they don't recommend it. Fuck me.

14 min later 28421051 Anonymous
Gonna dump my last $15 in to GRT

14 min later 28421052 Anonymous
fuck, i wish i bought in when this dipped to $1.95 30mins ago now its back up at $2.10

15 min later 28421077 Anonymous

15 min later 28421078 Anonymous (1602218994259.png 495x495 162kB)
>1k stack after selling 2k to get into AVAX at 30 I'm still up for now but FUCK, I could've had so much more.

15 min later 28421087 Anonymous (checkem.png 480x448 208kB)
>>28419588 shit, I need a naps too sleep has been scarce as my heat is pounding too much from this green dildo

15 min later 28421089 Anonymous
>>28420933 Just hold, and buy the dips as you get more money

15 min later 28421094 Anonymous
>>28420944 Bro it's been over $2 for over an hour. It went under $2 for less than a minute earlier.

15 min later 28421122 Anonymous
180 GRT poorfag here Am IGMI? Entered at 0.97

15 min later 28421143 Anonymous (1606665376869.jpg 600x900 56kB)
>>28419588 why didn't i trade my uni for this when it was under a dollar?

16 min later 28421166 Anonymous
>>28419819 >>28420906 What's your regular wage right now? You're looking at 100k a year with that reward but the benefit of GRT is that the interest compounds. Might be better to just let it build and collect an even bigger reward down the road. 4% rule.

16 min later 28421198 Anonymous
>>28419804 Lmao at this and all the replies saying the sold. Imagine how upset y’all are gonna be when the google of blockchain reaches triple digits Google of blockchain

16 min later 28421202 Anonymous
>>28420906 In guessing you’re in p2p? If so you’ll get rugpulled shortly, don’t quit your job

16 min later 28421210 Anonymous
>>28421051 how does 1million usd sound ?

16 min later 28421227 Anonymous
>>28421122 How does 180k end of spring sound?

17 min later 28421257 Anonymous
>>28420502 gang gang

17 min later 28421283 Anonymous
>>28421166 how long is down the road?

18 min later 28421345 Anonymous (holy.png 680x854 429kB)
>>28419588 >>28419655 >>28420844 >>28420855 >>28420933 >>28420944 >>28421077 >>28421122 >>28421166 kek wills it my children

18 min later 28421370 Anonymous
>>28421202 what are you basing the p2p rugpull on?

18 min later 28421381 Anonymous
Im scared. I want to just pull out now. I have 400 GRT, and sitting at about £600. This is enough to pay for my next two months rent, and would go a long way. But i don;t want to sit here seething if it goes higher... How do people know when to dip out?

18 min later 28421420 Anonymous
Got my grt staked, easiest way to stop yourself from selling this gem. Was in at 50 cents, having the time of my life.

19 min later 28421483 Anonymous
>>28421202 Bro I’m in p2p and this scared me. What’s wrong with p2p? But aren’t delegators still free from risk if something goes wrong?

19 min later 28421488 Anonymous
>>28421381 dont ever pull out guy. impregnate grt.

19 min later 28421499 Anonymous
>>28420658 Dont know how to delegate.

19 min later 28421507 Anonymous
>>28421381 Do it. Or you'll end up like those gme idiots.

19 min later 28421525 Anonymous
>>28421381 Dip out now

20 min later 28421558 Anonymous (grtfund2.png 1136x1019 163kB)

20 min later 28421567 Anonymous
>>28421381 Dude, if it's life changing for you, take out some profits. Pay a month of rent from it or something. Just don't cash out completely

20 min later 28421585 Anonymous
>>28421381 some of us are holding 10k+ as a means to generate passive income. if you really need money now then take it and don't look back

20 min later 28421588 Anonymous
thinking about bailing out of avax and turning into GRT could get around 9000 GRT would that be enough to make it ? also im interested in staking this coin

20 min later 28421594 Anonymous
>>28421210 pipe dream, I own about $10 worth of GRT

20 min later 28421598 Anonymous
>>28421381 Literally don’t. Might pay two months rent now, but it’s going to buy you a 4000 sqft house in a few years Google of blockchain

20 min later 28421605 Anonymous (771.jpg 600x600 28kB)
>Buy $5k worth last night >Set sell order for $2 >Ignore it all day >Come back, it actually fucking sold What the fuck is going on with GRT?

20 min later 28421607 Anonymous
yo I'm pretty new to this shit I just dumped some money into a bunch of cheap coins on coinbase and I saw GRT exploded today. Was there anything in particular that caused this?

20 min later 28421609 Anonymous
>>28421507 no >>28421567 yes

21 min later 28421623 Anonymous

21 min later 28421633 Anonymous
>>28421166 im making 100k a year right now from waging but im fucking over it.

21 min later 28421651 Anonymous
>>28421381 >This is enough to pay for my next two months rent, and would go a long way Take the money and pay your bills

21 min later 28421664 Anonymous
>>28419804 Time in the market > Timing the market. This isn't a shitcoin, so I don't give a fuck if there's a 10-20% price correction in the short term. I'm not losing part of my stack. Same reason I didn't swingtrade LINK for 3 fucking years.

21 min later 28421667 Anonymous (1610156753334m.jpg 1024x640 86kB)
>>28421488 CHECKED

21 min later 28421688 Anonymous
>>28421588 yes do that asap. big avax dump incoming

21 min later 28421697 Anonymous
>>28421605 come back in anon.

21 min later 28421702 Anonymous
>>28421594 how does 10 million usd sound?

21 min later 28421706 Anonymous
>>28420552 It won't suprise me fren.

22 min later 28421719 Anonymous
>>28421381 I use a trailing stop loss. I set them manually. If a coin goes a leg up I move up my stop limit order just under the current pattern it is forming. If it dips sometimes I miss out, but if it dips hard I don't get rekt. If it moves another leg up I reset my stop limit orders. Simple as.

22 min later 28421723 Anonymous
>>28420996 >>28420996 >>28420996 >>28420996 >>28420996 >>28420990 Answer my fucking question!!!! Please I'm dying and my hands are weak

22 min later 28421727 Anonymous (epep.jpg 976x850 95kB)
>>28421499 checked lurk it's in almost every GRT thread

22 min later 28421730 Anonymous
>>28421588 Avax Is going down nigger get out of that shit whatever you buy

22 min later 28421742 Anonymous
>>28419804 good choice, anon. I think 1.8 is the proper price floor right now. It will correct back to it by eod. Buy back in then.

22 min later 28421752 Anonymous
>>28419804 I did the same. Put in a buy order for 1.80.

22 min later 28421754 Anonymous

22 min later 28421755 Anonymous
>>28421370 >>28421483 You know why p2p has 0% fees right now, right? Because he fucked up his indexer on the 0x0 poi bug and lost all the rewards for 3 weeks. The guy doesn’t know how to run an indexer. Soon indexers will only get rewards from queries and if they fuck up their delegates will get no rewards. You are stupid if you’re blindly throwing your Grt at whatever indexer currently gives the highest rewards.

22 min later 28421760 Anonymous
Think this will pump higher or dump when China wakes up?

22 min later 28421763 Anonymous
Official GRT Army Ranking System >0-1k Cannon Fodder >1k-5k Private >5k-10k Private First Class >10k-15k Corporal >15k-20k Sergeant >20k-25k First Sergeant >25k-30k Master Sergeant >30k-40k Second Lieutenant >40k-50k First Lieutenant >50k-60k Captain >60k-70k Major >70k-85k One Star General >85k-100k Two Star General >100k-115k Three Star General >115k-130k Four Star General >130k-150k Commandant >150k-170k Chief of Staff >170k-199k Supreme Commander >Above 200k Commander in Chief of the GRT Army Rank up and grab your spacesuit boys, we’re going to the moon.

22 min later 28421770 Anonymous
>>28420502 I'm 100 GRT as well, but got in at $.82, $1.12, and $1.65 in increments. Not in a position to buy more unfortunately. Just gonna enjoy this comfy ride all the way into the sunset.

22 min later 28421779 Anonymous (47E63136-5C36-47EA-8D49-AC43A9416838.jpg 256x256 23kB)
Can I get a quick rundown on what does GRT do?

22 min later 28421810 Anonymous
>>28421664 sell signal. Stop it !

22 min later 28421813 Anonymous
>>28421605 u buying back ?

22 min later 28421818 Anonymous
>>28421507 unlike Gamestop, this has an actual year from now purpose.

23 min later 28421826 Anonymous
>>28421588 9000 x 20 is? Not enought to buy an island but 180k would change my life.

23 min later 28421829 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-121443_Coinbase.jpg 1080x2400 436kB)
Here's my poorfolio, am I gonna make it?

23 min later 28421834 Anonymous
>>28421623 Never selling, but still scared.

23 min later 28421859 Anonymous
>>28419804 Why take profits when you can delegate and get your buy in back within 28 days at that amount.

23 min later 28421891 Anonymous
>>28421444 >>28421444 GET IN HERE

23 min later 28421892 Anonymous (1447371821883.png 288x296 164kB)
lets go!

23 min later 28421894 Anonymous
>>28421779 >he didnt read a single thread for months

23 min later 28421897 Anonymous
>>28421779 It go up

23 min later 28421909 Anonymous
it looks like a double top right now....

24 min later 28421911 Anonymous
>>28421607 google announced they are buying GRT checkem

24 min later 28421932 Anonymous
>>28420329 Hopefully you aren't in the USA otherwise you created a taxable event. Save 50$ of that for uncle Sam.

24 min later 28421934 Anonymous
I need a new fucking thread theme right now

24 min later 28421939 Anonymous
>>28421381 I'd hodl fren. I sold out of LINK at 4 in your shoes. I was scared. Shits 27 now.... I missed ahout 100k of profit from a 10k investment. With BTC at ATH and still gaining you arr safe in my opinion.

24 min later 28421969 Anonymous
>>28421723 definitely ngmi sell now anon

24 min later 28421970 Anonymous
Fully diluted market cap of Polkadot. lol. Sold.

24 min later 28421987 Anonymous
>>28421826 9000 x 1000 is what you should be waiting for. It's not going to stop climbing anytime soon. The little dips are fun though.

24 min later 28422008 Anonymous
1.93$. Is it unleashed ?

24 min later 28422013 Anonymous
>>28421829 Litecoin sucks, put it in grt, eth, or btc.

25 min later 28422048 Anonymous
The next week is gonna be scary assuming we dont get dumped during the weekend

25 min later 28422060 Anonymous
its not gonna drop to 1.5 anon. you're waiting for a dip that will never come.

25 min later 28422062 Anonymous
>>28421911 Damn, checked

25 min later 28422063 Anonymous (uhhowtodeleg.jpg 4088x5586 3725kB)
>>28421723 hi i also have 5k stack. i havent delegated yet but i am told 5k is minimum for delegation gains. at 14% apy i guess its not bad but idk what gas is like or whatever. watch picrel this for more info: (link unrelated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kA _TSZlJRs&list=PLC814C057FCD35592&in dex=9

25 min later 28422065 Anonymous
I only got to buy 2000 graph below $1 I'm not gonna get a mansion bros...why did this happen so fast

25 min later 28422070 Anonymous
>>28421651 >>28421633 >>28421567 I do think its the smart thing here but i don't want to see it in like a month, with it being $10+ and realizing i missed out on the chance to be debt free finally after like 10 years of stupid mistakes i made >>28421719 interesting, so if i set up something like say, sell 200 of my 400 grt at a stop loss limit of £1.5, when it dips to that, itll auto cash out for me, mitigating the blow a bit? then if it keeps climbing, i can set it to say, £2.5? THat sounds too convenient, whats the downside?

25 min later 28422071 Anonymous (1612325777428.jpg 564x564 54kB)
>>28421911 OooooooooPh

25 min later 28422084 Anonymous (1602746254537.jpg 929x918 500kB)
Its going down

25 min later 28422096 Anonymous
>>28421911 Google of blockchain. Not blockchain of Google.

25 min later 28422098 Anonymous (1613057533611.png 654x2370 291kB)
>>28421894 google of block chain. internet 3.0 will literally run off of it.

25 min later 28422104 Anonymous
>>28421702 fake news

26 min later 28422113 Anonymous
>>28421664 I hope there's a 10%-20% correction. I'm in no hurry to get to the moon as they say.

26 min later 28422114 Anonymous
>>28421283 >>28421633 Whatever the point is where you can get your dream amount by collecting only 4% of your total stack every year. So if $100k is your amount you'd want your total stack to be worth 2.5 million. This way you're certain to never run out of money. Of course that amount might be higher assuming GRT keeps going up in value and rewards stay constant and better. Then you can pull out like 10%. But 4% is safe.

26 min later 28422127 Anonymous
>>28421755 They lost the rewards for a single day wtf are you talking about three weeks

26 min later 28422132 Anonymous
>>28421813 It's a hard sell to buy back in now. Traditionally anything that jumps 80%+ falls backwards pretty hard. I'll probably buy back in around $1.5.

26 min later 28422140 Anonymous
>the nintendo of blockchain >the duckduckgo of kentucky fried chicken >the opposable thumbs of fingers >the uber of mushrooms >the blockchain of google >the double-decker of party favors >the plug of butts >the barloid of the garloid >the askjeeves of bike locks >the yahoo of door handles >the backbone of defi >the google for web3 >the google of crypto >the bitcoin of cryptocurrency >the catholicism of finance >the sausage of hotdog >the garlic bread of money >the API for APY >the sanrio of blockchain >the mahatma ghandi of these cocaine calisthenics. >the zippo of crypto >the lamborghini of ferrari >the doordash of runscape >the uniswap and coingecko >the yoo-hoo of chocolate drinks >the sasha grey of anal porn >the thai ladyboy of trannies >the starbucks of coffee >the katrina of hurricanes >the never of womanhood >the strawberry milk of roofing tiles >the blacked of pornhub >the anal fissure of ass problems >the bag of hodling of bags >the tranny of blockchain >the bing of chainlink >the chai latte of iraq >the chicken of barnyard animals >the kerrygold of butter >the big up to your chest >the pnd of /biz/ >the xenophobe of xenogeny >the squat plug of web search engines >the sneed's of seed and feed >the dyson of vacuums >the fly of stink >the pappy van winkle of bourbon >the grey goose of vodka >the rinnegan of visual prowess >the torn condom of my love >the malena morgan of lesbians >the toyota of cyberspace >the yahoo of sickening losses >the amazon of worker exploitation >the amazon of blockchain >the orange man of the democrat party >the yandex of yolo >the 4chan of reddit >the red robin of APIs >the epstein of pedophiles >the Epstein of kids >the morton's of sea salt >the dd cup of bra sizes >the apocalypse now of war movies >the white person of people >the quadroon of niggers >the white of supremacy >the mcdonalds of blockchain >the webcrawler of rock&roll >the pajeet scam of crypto >the walmart of tokens >the corona of viruses >the chainlink of arby's

26 min later 28422179 Anonymous
>>28421381 Some of you people think so short term it’s disgusting

26 min later 28422191 Anonymous
>>28422048 This isn't going to go through a major dump until at least 300-1000. I wish I could narrow that down more, but shit's going to get real.

27 min later 28422219 Anonymous
>>28421381 gtfo if you need to pay rent, this will not magically continue climbing, look at the fucking market cap and the supply, a few months of coding are not worth billions.

27 min later 28422227 Anonymous
contemplating pulling my original $700 bucks out and letting the rest ride

27 min later 28422248 Anonymous

27 min later 28422250 Anonymous
>>28421934 https://youtu.be/tbMw6-9IKm4

27 min later 28422252 Anonymous
>>28421723 Yes

28 min later 28422303 Anonymous
Has anyone's mcdonalds clone just become a software dev?

28 min later 28422351 Anonymous
>>28422179 some people are trapped in the short term anon

28 min later 28422359 Anonymous
>>28422048 There isn't going to be a serious dump. All the real players delegate.

29 min later 28422396 Anonymous
>>28421829 Nope

29 min later 28422404 Anonymous
>>28422191 That 20bil fully diluted market cap though

29 min later 28422412 Anonymous
>>28422227 never a bad idea but don't get mad at yourself if it keeps pumping

29 min later 28422433 Anonymous
>>28420685 good find, anon. I'd imagine that it's never smart to bet against the Rothschilds...

29 min later 28422456 Anonymous
>>28422359 This is a big part of it.

29 min later 28422461 Anonymous
>>28422303 In my case, literal streetbum just found a job a t McDonald's, but it's a start.

29 min later 28422489 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-132029.png 1440x2880 290kB)
>>28421829 You call that a poorfolio??

30 min later 28422500 Anonymous
anyone delegating 10k GRT can tell me what the return is? 10k is all I can afford but people say you want at least 10k to delegate

30 min later 28422539 Anonymous (grtalmud.png 626x417 219kB)
>>28422433 blessed

30 min later 28422557 Anonymous
>>28421755 Was in p2p before the fuckup, and from what I understand, the updated code prevents similar fuckups. I do agree, it doesn't foster confidence knowing that they were slacking on the indexer maintenance. I'm glad I'm diversified across a couple indexers for this reason, I'm not a yield chaser.

9.375 0.174