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2021-02-11 06:35 28417854 Anonymous (1516132354716s.jpg 250x235 6kB)
confes your crypto blunders my child.

2 min later 28418060 Anonymous
>>28417854 I just sent $4k wire to Kraken without including my account ID code. I put in a support ticket but with the way things are going right now I bet it's a week before I can talk to a human. Will I get my money allocated to my account bros?

5 min later 28418351 Anonymous
>>28418060 Stop using kraken

5 min later 28418409 Anonymous
>>28417854 not selling hoge after a 10x

6 min later 28418450 Anonymous
>>28418060 Not all hope is lost my child, if you've deposited from that bank account before it might be assigned to your account when they see the ticket.

6 min later 28418473 Anonymous
My total portfolio is still only $200k after being in crypto since mid 2017

6 min later 28418477 Anonymous
I could have been a millionaire.. I have nothing now

8 min later 28418698 Anonymous
I fell for some shitty memes in 2018 like PRL, ELEC, OCN and lost everything

8 min later 28418739 Anonymous
>>28417854 Holding LINK after it basically became KingBoomerCoin. >muh steady 1.5% weekly gains XD

8 min later 28418746 Anonymous
>>28418409 memecoin P&D are temptations from the devil. Not dunking on the normie is an even greater sin. 100 hail satoshis for you my child.

11 min later 28419011 Anonymous
Sold 1.1m grt at 33c after buying at 11c Still have almost 4m in crypto but it fucking hurts

11 min later 28419023 Anonymous
>>28418473 Do not forsake yourself on slow gains my son, your time will come.

13 min later 28419224 Anonymous
>>28419011 you had the foresight. Seeing value before most. Your sin is having weak hands, reflect on your losses, the next time you will be wiser.

14 min later 28419323 Anonymous
>>28418473 I've been in crypto since around 2015 and have 2k in my portfolio. Started with $200. SLOW AND STEADY Sold hundreds of thousands of XRP to cash out and buy a fridge

16 min later 28419498 Anonymous
>>28419323 There is no greater sin than cashing out. There is no salvation for you. You will stay poor forever.

16 min later 28419513 Anonymous
I staked and can't sell when I am +50% for other crypto that looks more promising, small folio problem.

20 min later 28419914 Anonymous
>>28417854 Just panic sold all my 20k grt at this 2 dollar dip.

21 min later 28420045 Anonymous
>>28417854 I just abandoned all my GRT and went all in on VET. I am pretty scared

23 min later 28420189 Anonymous
>>28417854 i coomed to rubic mommy last night and i don't own any rubic

24 min later 28420288 Anonymous (1598329131179.jpg 473x473 31kB)
Sold 29500 RBC 3 days before the pump to 80c. It was the absolute worst decision I've ever made.

25 min later 28420399 Anonymous
When everything dumped a day ago I liquidated. 65% of my portfolio was Graph. Sold at a dollar. What the fuck is happening I wanna fucking kms

27 min later 28420584 Anonymous (1516123806581.jpg 398x500 43kB)
>>28420189 this is not a sin.

27 min later 28420613 Anonymous
>>28417854 GHOST from 15 eth to 0.1 eth in 40 days blew all my savings, could have had 100K usd if i sold the top on Tellor

28 min later 28420711 Anonymous
>>28417854 I come here to shitpost I never owned crypto or stocks nor do i plan

30 min later 28420911 Anonymous (1516210538334.jpg 427x427 21kB)
>>28420711 dubs + FEET id checked + keked

31 min later 28421033 Anonymous (UhsEpFpX.jpg 512x512 31kB)
>>28417854 I don't know if it's a blunder, but it was my most reckless move so far. I started in early january and every move I made already earned me something. This changed when yesterday I bought some of that EncryptGen DNA token in coinmetro, got raped by gas fees and now it's seriously dumping, I am hoping the gene marketplace launching in the future pumps the price a bit so at least I can dump my bags.

35 min later 28421369 Anonymous
>>28417854 getting sodomized right now in bfly

40 min later 28421835 Anonymous
>>28417854 I turned 1k into 10k but I am still SEETHING over gains I could have had. I could have been at 100k by now but I'm just holding Link, the King Shit Coin. Fuck fuck fuck. I should have bought some GRT fuck fuck fuck.

41 min later 28421926 Anonymous
>>28421835 There will always be another good trade anon don't worry you will make it.

43 min later 28422175 Anonymous
i didn't buy enough iota

45 min later 28422342 Anonymous
>>28417854 I held hoge through 15x and only got 4x out of it. I used my GRT money to do it. And I put my gains in ASKO and RBC hoping to get back in ALGO and GRT

46 min later 28422448 Anonymous
I bought into RBC with an insane gas fee near the top and now that I want to get more I’ve got a grand trapped in usdc and no eth to pay the gas to convert it to buy deeper.

47 min later 28422486 Anonymous
I keep all my coins on Binance because I don't want to pay transaction fees to my wallet.

47 min later 28422499 Anonymous
>>28421926 Oh thank you very much anon. I needed to hear this. I'm just holding Link and some fiat. I have been overly safe and sold my BTC and ETH at good profits but I could have made so much more. Now I'm priced out. Fug. I'm very happy I got 10k now though.

48 min later 28422581 Anonymous (groestlcoin-core-wallet-grs.jpg 1200x560 205kB)
What more needs to be said?

48 min later 28422633 Anonymous
Just swapped my LINK for GRT at the top dude to FOMO, I’m a retard

48 min later 28422636 Anonymous (1532216266094.jpg 800x638 104kB)
I got into crypto recently. I didn't factor in how slow boomer banks moved money, and I missed my opportunity to throw $10k into GRT at $0.61... since it took 2 week days to free up the money from my investment account, then it took another day for the money to be sent to the exchange... and there was a weekend splitting that up and these bankers don't want to work weekends...

49 min later 28422726 Anonymous
>>28418409 I sold HOGE for a 1 ETH gain. Woke up the next morning and I could have sold for 5 ETH gain.

50 min later 28422780 Anonymous
>>28417854 I had 14 BTC back in 2k13. Sold it all after a 20% pump.

51 min later 28422864 Anonymous
>>28417854 Why is padre wojak fat. Most priests aren't fat. Unfit maybe but usually not actually fat.

52 min later 28423000 Anonymous (asasa.jpg 1140x570 61kB)
lost $500 with xrp. fucking piece of shit! fuck AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

52 min later 28423004 Anonymous
>>28417854 sold LEND at .06

52 min later 28423044 Anonymous
Probably boring asf but known about dogecoin since its inception, and came very close to buying some at .008, then did buy some at .08 before it’s too late. Not worried about it dipping rn, just upset I missed that 10x multiplication.

53 min later 28423058 Anonymous
>>28417854 I didn't manage to accumulate BAT and it's already mooned to high heaven.

53 min later 28423102 Anonymous
believed the berry threads this bag is so depressing

54 min later 28423172 Anonymous
I cant invest more than 1k in this market im scared of losing it all

54 min later 28423199 Anonymous
>Didn't buy bitcoin sub $20 in the early 2010s I don't know how I can be forgiven

55 min later 28423283 Anonymous
Purchased YFV at the top and lost it all. Got scammed with YFBEAM

56 min later 28423369 Anonymous
>>28423199 Hindsight is 20/20, my friend. Do what you can now, the past is not accessible to any of us, unfortunately.

56 min later 28423429 Anonymous
>>28417854 I have no sins to confess, I just hodl and my portfolio only goes up. Oh actually I do have a sin- I bought Link when I was a newbie using uniswap instead of just buying it on an exchange. Created an unnecessary taxable event.

58 min later 28423627 Anonymous (1579650634188.png 804x802 140kB)
I bought GRT at .92 and sold at .84 because I thought the market cap was too high for much more growth

58 min later 28423656 Anonymous
YFMS rug that got shilled here made me loose a lot, had I just held the eth I bought I would've made big gains

59 min later 28423714 Anonymous
>>28417854 I sold my small stack of AMP at .012

1 hours later 28423802 Anonymous
>>28423199 This is literally anyone who isn't a zoomer.

1 hours later 28423827 Anonymous
>>28423172 Get a job

1 hours later 28424039 Anonymous
>>28417854 I sold some Bitcoin before the second poomp this morning. Hold me

1 hours later 28424051 Anonymous
Bought btc cycle top at end of 2013 like a dumb fuck and went for 3 years before breaking even. On the brighter side, never sold the bottom and eventually discovered eth at 12 usd.

1 hours later 28424058 Anonymous (1497909242257.jpg 200x208 11kB)
>>28417854 Just started and fucked up spending about $50 in gas fees buying 10 graph on uniswap not realizing I could buy them on coinbase the whole time

1 hours later 28424125 Anonymous
i bought doge

1 hours later 28424183 Anonymous
>>28417854 Bought a little stack of BNB at 140.

1 hours later 28424259 Anonymous
>>28417854 fell for the pajeet scam FLOW at ath sold UNI at $3.5

1 hours later 28424318 Anonymous
I've got a USB wallet somewhere with two BTC on it and I have no idea where it is

1 hours later 28425509 Anonymous
>>28417854 I read about BTC very early and tried to buy 100€ worth when it was 0.10€/BTC. My bank blocked the transfer because SEPA wasn't included in my account package.

1 hours later 28425676 Anonymous (1533012593348.jpg 1600x1154 453kB)
>>28417854 I bought 1500 GRT at $0.60, then sold them for $0.30, then converted the rest to LINK. I also lost 150 € on DOGE. Can you offer me absolution, father?

1 hours later 28425701 Anonymous
I bought shake from spaceswap at 2k and didnt sell it at 15k, instead I settled for 5k. Yesterday I didnt sell hoge even when I was up 550% and I could have gotten 6 eth for it, instead I sold for my initial investmente. So now Im sitting on just 5k instead pf potential 30k had I been less greedy. Im a stupid fuck

1 hours later 28425925 Anonymous
Converted 200 GRT I bought at .33 to LINK last week. Still have a 1k stack but could have held and made more

1 hours later 28425976 Anonymous (1609678671833.jpg 1300x975 160kB)
>>28424058 Thanks for the donation. t. eth miner

1 hours later 28426463 Anonymous
>>28424318 go through your entire house book of a day and do it

1 hours later 28427817 Anonymous
>>28425676 put more trust in good tech, my child.

1 hours later 28428105 Anonymous
>>28418477 How?

2 hours later 28429644 Anonymous (Everythingisok.jpg 500x433 82kB)
>>28417854 I'm still holding a $300 bag of SHIB. I advised a friend to get into HOGE at one point. I've got trace amounts of CORGI and 4CHAN500 from riding those pump and dumps. I'm a shitcoiner and ive barely made any money

2 hours later 28429747 Anonymous
>>28417854 I bought AVAX, father.

2 hours later 28430149 Anonymous (C1430A07-3440-46CE-9CC2-DDD5B6ADF8A9.jpg 750x928 403kB)
I exchanged all my GRT into COR and didn’t get out before the rugpull

2 hours later 28430401 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-11 214005.png 1825x725 58kB)
>>28418060 I did exaxtly the same thing 2 weeks ago and they email me ~3 days later that they found a deposit that may came from me (probably they matched the names from the sender and my account) My transaction was 200 EUR and after sending them some info and some selfies for verification I had my funds in my acc that night and bought ALGO which is at ~400 EUR now :) most painless costumer support I've ever seen

2 hours later 28430612 Anonymous
>>28417854 >swapped Graph at 0.48 for reef >swapped from reef into spaceswap instead of ASKO >swapped losses from that into polypux (fake app) instead of AVAX >swapped losses from that into EncrypGen instead of HOGE >still believe "its just low liquidity" and has potential in a good market im so fucked

2 hours later 28430652 Chronos
>>28417854 I only invest when I'm taking a shit

2 hours later 28430659 Anonymous
>>28417854 >get into MCDC for the memes >tell my brother about it >back out at a loss, swap it to RBC >next day he's in at a 200% gain >fuck it, put way more in >he secures his gains >am currently at 97% loss >the RBC is at 40% loss FOMO is a disease and I'm glad I'm building up an immunity with relatively small bags. >notice captchas are extra slow when MCDC is in the post based mods

2 hours later 28430894 Anonymous
I sold all my 20k LINK at $2.40 after holding for 3 years.

2 hours later 28431080 Anonymous
if I swapped my gains into ETH about 5 months ago I would be up 150 grand. Now I'm at about 10 grand, thanks to GRT.

2 hours later 28431696 Anonymous (1611168524095.png 1280x720 929kB)
I singlehandedly started the fud on everest and I watched as the threads and telegram turned into a shitshow because of my efforts

2 hours later 28431867 Anonymous
I bought 10,000 dollars of GRT at .30 and sold at .90 two days ago

2 hours later 28431977 Anonymous (sadJoose.jpg 640x640 38kB)
I sold about 1k worth to link buy GRT when it was 60 cents. Then it divebombed to 30 and I sold for a loss to convert the rest of my GRT to link.

2 hours later 28432332 Anonymous
>>28423827 I have a job and invest 1.5k monthly into gifs, i just want a house

2 hours later 28432571 Anonymous
a long long time ago, i made a terrible link swing and went from a make it stack to 6k linkies. crashes and dips dont scare me pumps do

2 hours later 28432579 Anonymous (1612992243798.jpg 216x234 12kB)
>>28417854 My first ever crypto was XRP

2 hours later 28432865 Anonymous (1516209641297.jpg 406x364 50kB)
>>28431696 that was you?

2 hours later 28432871 Anonymous
>>28421033 I had this happen to me mid last year except with swipe which just dumped and dumped (it still hasn't recovered btw). Don't be me. Sometimes you gotta sell at a loss and move on to a more promising project. Opportunity cost and all that.

2 hours later 28432942 Anonymous
Hodled through the top of MILK and HOGE. Lost it all

2 hours later 28433168 Anonymous
>>28432865 Yeah, I couldn't stand seeing people so optimistic for a pnd. It was like watching early hoge and mcdc threads. I'm really just trying to save newfags.

1.126 0.118