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2021-02-11 05:13 28409563 Anonymous GRT!!!! Go Go Go! (grt.png 96x96 6kB)
+73.95% 24hrs
+126.96% 1 week
Why are we talking about any of the other trash coins? there all dead
1 min later 28409645 Anonymous (hqdefault.jpg 480x360 27kB)
1 min later 28409706 Anonymous
IOTA outperformed GRT this week. And will outperform it for the rest of the year. Suck a dick faggot
5 min later 28410055 Anonymous (1613057874118.jpg 945x745 306kB)
>Iota ATH $5.25 (-76.2%)
8 min later 28410420 Anonymous
Commmmoooonnnnn $2.00
12 min later 28410850 Anonymous
Commmon $45.00
13 min later 28410883 Anonymous (3D41F6D5-5F28-43C6-A1A3-27E7A30DA0EC.jpg 600x433 251kB)
2$ eod is unironically FUD at this point
17 min later 28411330 Anonymous
sold all my avax and bought more grt feels good boys
19 min later 28411541 Anonymous
I'm such a dornob. I funnily figured out about sell stops.. Im been doing it wrong.
20 min later 28411571 Anonymous
What were you doing?
21 min later 28411684 Anonymous
Just buying selling watching it. doing it manually. I kept loosing money not reacting fast enough. Im new at this. only been a week.
23 min later 28411893 Anonymous
2 week noob here. How to sell stop. I am using Kraken(if you are there too)
23 min later 28411927 Anonymous (371-3710347_644kib-1500x805-pink-wojak-illustration.jpg 720x322 42kB)
when is the fucking dip ahhhhhhhh I only have 1240 graphies
24 min later 28412045 Anonymous (1612207471008.jpg 210x250 8kB)
Uhhh bros?? Is this thing ever going to stop off for refueling?
25 min later 28412062 Anonymous
obvious P&D, take the profit now
27 min later 28412292 Anonymous
well historically, grt is a pump and dump
29 min later 28412481 Anonymous (1612496347197.png 1144x888 337kB)
>What the fuck
What the fuck
>What the fuck
What the fuck
>What the fuck
What the fuck
30 min later 28412586 Anonymous
Sorry I only know Coinbase pro.
click sell>
stop / limit (where you want to sell)
amount. (all)
32 min later 28412768 Anonymous
GRT is into ATH price discovery mode yet agin !!! __ go big moonshot... Long hodl wit diamond hands
36 min later 28413168 Anonymous (grt.png 424x292 7kB)
To the fucking moooooooon, I put in 10k
36 min later 28413172 Anonymous
buahahah nubie risked all income.. just paid my rent with gains from 1 day... lol
37 min later 28413271 Anonymous
Sell at $2 and buy the inevitable dip?
37 min later 28413321 Anonymous
Just bought 40k grt . Dont make me regret it biz. Im all in
38 min later 28413353 Anonymous
I remember thinking I’d be satisfied if it hit 2 dollars EoY lol
I have a 12k stack delegated and am comfy as fug
39 min later 28413509 Anonymous (1612922026543.jpg 630x660 97kB)
40 min later 28413548 Anonymous
I don't know anon, we are close to euphoria.
Close does not mean we are.
This shit can really go to 3$ without problem and massive correction.
41 min later 28413621 Anonymous (EhWH-tZU4AAuD9H.jpg 1176x1051 171kB)
>Why are we talking about any of the other trash coins? there all dead
41 min later 28413708 Anonymous (1613056913597.png 4106x2048 1267kB)
Rothschild is buying GRT.
$100 end of year.
42 min later 28413734 Anonymous (hdfhszerg.jpg 94x125 1kB)
>Testing 2$ again
42 min later 28413768 Anonymous
WE'RE CROSSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42 min later 28413796 Anonymous (MUUUUUUUUN.gif 480x360 3283kB)
sitting on a comfy bag of 5600 GRT @ .55 DCA
Gaining 3 coins a day delegating
43 min later 28413829 Anonymous (diamondhands.png 777x366 14kB)
should i sell at 2.00 or hold tight? riding on 8k atm
43 min later 28413897 Anonymous
2.05 and correction to 1.85.
If not I cut my balls.
44 min later 28413913 Anonymous
44 min later 28413976 Anonymous
please god yes I want to buy the dip
44 min later 28413992 Anonymous
get the snip snip ready.
45 min later 28414008 Anonymous
45 min later 28414025 Anonymous
next dip, all in
45 min later 28414031 Anonymous
>$2 breached
45 min later 28414040 Anonymous
Got $2.00!!!!!!!!!!! wooo baby.
45 min later 28414044 Anonymous
$2 I REPEAT $2
45 min later 28414070 Anonymous
46 min later 28414101 Anonymous (1612447960703.jpg 1300x891 634kB)
46 min later 28414143 Anonymous
$2 here we fucking go. Can't believe I bought this shit at like 9c
46 min later 28414155 Anonymous
lmao at all those sell orders kicking in at 2
47 min later 28414201 Anonymous
wtf why did I only buy 550 GRT AHHHH these gains are fucking nutty
48 min later 28414328 Anonymous
>it doesn't stop
48 min later 28414341 Anonymous
2.05 breached anon.
Get the scissors ready, and post hanging ball skin.
48 min later 28414346 Anonymous
Say goodbye to your balls.
49 min later 28414445 Anonymous
2.10 the shark frenzy begins.
49 min later 28414453 Anonymous
On you mean the ones that got us to 2.09 in 10 seconds? Fuck off
49 min later 28414456 Anonymous (2ksat.png 1024x1014 1523kB)
>made this meme about GRT hitting 2k sats on 31/01, now it's at OVER 4k sats less than 2 weeks later
Altcoin season is here lads.
49 min later 28414463 Anonymous
2.1, im holding till 3 ya?
49 min later 28414480 Anonymous
its only going up boys god dammit why am i so poor i have 40 grt
50 min later 28414523 Anonymous (1612818446994.jpg 216x234 11kB)
What the fuck is happening
50 min later 28414601 Anonymous
51 min later 28414614 Anonymous
how does 40k end of spring sound?
51 min later 28414635 Anonymous
Hold until $25 at this point. $4 EOW
51 min later 28414647 Anonymous
Happy sitting on 750GRT the whales must be creaming themselves right now. Bought 1300 when it was 0.70$ thanks for the tip /biz/ a toast to you all.
51 min later 28414654 Anonymous (1923542365432.png 300x271 51kB)
51 min later 28414657 Anonymous
till 10
51 min later 28414678 Anonymous
i love the sound of that thanks anon
51 min later 28414682 Anonymous
51 min later 28414709 Anonymous
What the fug is going on
52 min later 28414726 Anonymous
pls no dont
52 min later 28414728 Anonymous
Only 20 here
Any amount is nice, but buy more asap if you want even bigger gains
*I am not a financial advisor*
52 min later 28414738 Anonymous
People are learning you'll make more money holding and building through delegation than selling. It's not going down anytime soon, and each moon is only going to grow daily to what extent I'm not yet sure.
52 min later 28414741 Anonymous (1605632970751.png 512x512 269kB)
I'm a poorfag with only have 210, but I'm content
52 min later 28414754 Anonymous
i bought
52 min later 28414784 Anonymous
I hope you didn't FOMO at the top like the retards you are
52 min later 28414801 Anonymous (09a.png 317x487 197kB)
2.713 0.054