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2021-02-11 01:46 28393560 Anonymous /ltcg/- Litecoin General (1612914621256.jpg 350x600 258kB)
"The coin for boomers"- edition >What is Litecoin? From Wikipedia: Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open-source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. Litecoin was an early bitcoin spinoff or altcoin, starting in October 2011. In technical details, Litecoin is nearly identical to Bitcoin. >Why invest? >Reliable and tested coin that's almost as old as BTC >Cheaper fees compared to BTC >Widely accepted on reputable sites like Paypal >Grayscale investment firm has bought 200 million dollars worth in the recent months and are still accumulating >MWB privacy update coming soon >Has not reached its ATH yet like BTC or ETH have >Top ten crypto for close to a decade >Where to buy? Any crypto exchange really. LTC has tenure and can be reliably bought just about anywhere. If you're new, here's some suggestions. >Coinbase >Blockfolio >Kraken >Binance >Paypal News >https://cointelegraph.com/news/rec ord-584m-litecoin-futures-open-inte rest-signals-institutional-inflow >https://cryptobriefing.com/litecoi n-poised-retrace-before-entering-ne w-uptrend/ >https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocur rencies/news/litecoin-price-forecas t-ltc-aims-for-a-15-upswing-as-bull s-hold-the-upper-hand-202102091608 https://cryptoslate.com/litecoins-m imblewimble-privacy-upgrade-is-read y-to-roll-on-march-15/ >https://www.dailyfx.com/forex/tech nical/article/special_report/2021/0 2/11/Bitcoin-Litecoin-Ripple-Outloo k-Mastercard-to-Embrace-Certain-Cry ptocurrencies.html Price >https://www.coindesk.com/price/lit ecoin >https://www.coinbase.com/price/lit ecoin Last thread: >>28328928

15 min later 28394439 Anonymous
I'm addicted to accumulating this coin.

16 min later 28394461 Anonymous (1613005228074.jpg 1170x1156 770kB)
People not posting in the general, why?

21 min later 28394818 Anonymous
finally a general for LTC any speculation to as the high premiums grayscale is paying for LTC ? looks like LTC could moon hard this year

21 min later 28394821 Anonymous (jacked.jpg 1920x1080 968kB)
>>28394461 I'm balls deep. >Longer than your dads dick in grandpas son /biz/...sleeping again for max i-told-you-so-keks

25 min later 28395026 Anonymous (gosling-660x374.jpg 600x340 26kB)
>>28394818 So Mastercard released a big statement today https://www.engadget.com/mastercard -cryptocurrency-support-113518862.h tml I assume LTC will be among those listed.

28 min later 28395221 Anonymous (1611580115354.jpg 789x765 83kB)
>>28395026 LTC has to be, wherever bitcoin is LTC is too this will be big for it, I've been spending $200 a paycheck on LTC for 6 months now feeling real good about it.

32 min later 28395499 Anonymous (ryan_gosling.jpg 850x1224 262kB)
$190 Bring me that fucking pump. Lets see those $200's ooooooOOOOOO

33 min later 28395570 Anonymous
We’re gonna make it bros

34 min later 28395665 Anonymous
Its time we break through 200 today bros get ready

35 min later 28395691 Anonymous
In for the technology.

37 min later 28395901 Anonymous
Still one of the more reasonable plays. I will buy another litecoin at $190, but I won't buy another bitcoin at $48k. I own both.

46 min later 28396526 Anonymous
We've got great USD & ETH support but fucking bitcoin keeps fucking us, people need to stop selling their LTC

1 hours later 28397498 Anonymous
>>28395691 Same

1 hours later 28397682 Anonymous
>>28395221 I respect your long-term thinking. Seems pretty uncommon on /biz/.

1 hours later 28397936 Anonymous
Just have patience lads. As long as BTC is stable or rises, LTC is primed to spike. Happened Tuesday night and it'll happen again.

1 hours later 28397938 Anonymous
Litecoin is in extreme accumulation mode. Just look at volume of this coin. Consistently 4th in volume after BTC, ETH and USDT. That in itself tells you what happens next. $500 in a few weeks.

1 hours later 28398322 Anonymous (Aerosol+general+familiar+dinosaur_f4059b_8202077.jpg 720x720 96kB)
>>28397938 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 500x2 LTC is picking up steam

1 hours later 28398548 Anonymous
should i convert ~10 eth to pick up another 90-100 LTC?

1 hours later 28398674 Anonymous
>>28398548 Is that a rhetorical question?

1 hours later 28398820 Anonymous
>>28393560 >Litecoin >Coin of choice for boomers LOL. Litecoin is crap just like any shitcoin, it's make believe money.

1 hours later 28399047 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-210750_Ledger Live.jpg 720x674 77kB)
>>28397938 It has been like that for years, the price says otherwise though but good job anon, this is my worst performing coin and I would like dump it for more butcorn.

1 hours later 28400120 Anonymous
>>28398674 genuine question >>28399047 jelly AF, can only imagine what your other holdings are like

1 hours later 28401126 Anonymous
Keep this thread alive by any and all means. That's a direct order you fucking boomers.

1 hours later 28401235 Anonymous (363463011_0_640x640.jpg 640x640 39kB)
>>28401126 Boomer here

1 hours later 28401813 Anonymous
>>28401126 Bagholding 1084 turbo-boomer checking in. See you faggy zoomies on the moon

1 hours later 28402014 Anonymous
>>28399047 ye thats a jelly from me bro

1 hours later 28402032 Anonymous
>>28393560 Holding since '17 pre Charlie's dump, 420 by April

2 hours later 28402153 Anonymous
>>28398548 imo, no, not sure though

2 hours later 28403122 Anonymous (ret.jpg 750x673 33kB)
>>28398548 >>28402153 if you guys don't see where this coin is going you don't deserve to make it. >sipp

2 hours later 28403635 Anonymous
im ready fellow boomers

2 hours later 28403960 Anonymous (1612277027158.png 789x750 52kB)
Are we all just meming here or is it actually going to move in the coming days. I'm a newfag who bought in because it sounded good.

2 hours later 28404331 Anonymous
>>28403960 Its gonna moon hard, just have patience

2 hours later 28404338 Anonymous (1612886532079.png 710x805 401kB)
>>28403122 If LTC breaks out soon we can at least make some 3-4x over the next months, though we will only see that in a few days/ a week. >>28398548 Though trading ETH for LTC is bullshit

2 hours later 28405622 Anonymous (litcorns.png 1387x913 76kB)
mighty fine wedge about to conclude

2 hours later 28405875 Anonymous
do you know when paypal will start selling crypto? at least in europa you cant buy at the moment

2 hours later 28406102 Anonymous
I bought 44 ltc at 40USD. Will I make it?

2 hours later 28406144 Anonymous (800129864870133760.png 112x112 17kB)
>>28405875 https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp /article/cryptocurrency-on-paypal-f aq-faq4398

2 hours later 28406214 Anonymous
>>28406102 you done well, son

2 hours later 28406296 Anonymous
>>28406102 Sorry, meant to say 40 USD ea

2 hours later 28406429 Anonymous
>>28393560 Bumping for based LTChads and continuing to aCOOMulate

2 hours later 28406455 Anonymous (1612783361188.png 1000x750 13kB)
>>28406144 >What Cryptocurrencies does PayPal support? >Customers in the US (except HI) can buy, sell and hold four different Cryptocurrencies on PayPal: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. very nice holy

2 hours later 28407113 Anonymous (20180802_233100.jpg 1653x1239 1076kB)
>>28404338 >If LTC breaks out soon LTC has been badly beaten by his bastard son, Doge.

3 hours later 28407196 Anonymous (E1AC77EA-129B-4445-AF6A-7983CB633410.jpg 1828x902 80kB)
>Imagine not going all in on the most obvious 2x in history Donate some (you) if you agree

3 hours later 28407515 Anonymous
>>28407196 Based

3 hours later 28407532 Anonymous
>>28407196 It's going to go vertical very soon

3 hours later 28408516 Anonymous
>>28407196 >most obvious 2x in history There is nothing obvious about this coin, mybro.

3 hours later 28408705 Anonymous
>>28408516 You donated a (you), so you agree on the statement. You just outplayed yourself, mybro

3 hours later 28408783 Anonymous (1611883471846.png 800x800 510kB)
>>28407196 I FEEEEEEEL ITTT!!!!!

3 hours later 28408882 Anonymous (1612296104682.png 1200x1200 283kB)

3 hours later 28408883 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-100515_Coinbase.jpg 1080x2400 418kB)
Guys, am I gonna make it?

3 hours later 28409089 Anonymous
>>28408883 as soon as LTC pumps to 600$-1000$, get out of this shitcoin

3 hours later 28409108 Anonymous
>>28393560 Howdy partners, actually tried mining this in 2009 or so, but gave up. But hodling a few bought ones since 2016, so am I boomer yet? But they're all on an exchange. What's a good light wallet for GNU+Linux?

3 hours later 28410062 Anonymous
>>28407196 dont show me that usd shit give me a nice btc chart anon

3 hours later 28410072 Anonymous (comfyboomer.jpg 1024x584 43kB)

3 hours later 28410514 Anonymous (20180609_225053.jpg 1558x1036 495kB)
>>28408705 I'm trying to (you) you to take you out of small gain misery

3 hours later 28410632 Anonymous
>>28408516 Firstly, I am not your motherfucking bro. Secondly, thanks for keeping this thread alive with your snarky little comment.

3 hours later 28411170 Anonymous (YouMad.jpg 319x243 15kB)
>>28410632 bruh

3 hours later 28411279 Anonymous
LTC unironically will be the coin to have going forward

3 hours later 28412016 Anonymous (1612307581435.png 1000x707 675kB)
>>28393560 Here some analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuB Ex_YFiak

3 hours later 28412495 Anonymous
>>28410632 I understand you are not my bro, mybro. The coin is earthing right now though.

3 hours later 28412659 Anonymous
>>28412016 fuck off with this add and bot infested piece of shit, holy fuck

3 hours later 28412844 Anonymous
>>28412659 >1 post by this ID Come at me bro

4 hours later 28413035 Anonymous
>>28409089 this, but wait for the pump

4 hours later 28413136 Anonymous
>>28413035 WHEN THO

4 hours later 28413186 Anonymous (litcoin revised.png 1387x913 99kB)
>>28405622 modest revision, wedgie remains intact

4 hours later 28413551 Anonymous
>>28413136 dunno https://cryptonews.com/news/litecoi n-mimblewimble-code-might-be-ready- early-2021-9103.htm

4 hours later 28413678 Anonymous
>>28413136 Patience. Tuesday may have been a false flag but we're way ahead of schedule. Ig was at 150s-160s. We'll be above $200 before March guaranteed.

4 hours later 28413765 Anonymous
>>28413551 March 15th. It was announced already.

4 hours later 28414225 Anonymous
>>28405622 Redraw this into a falling wedge now.

4 hours later 28414973 Anonymous
>>28395221 Same here my friend, i just thoughtlessly throw whatever spare cash I have into this for months now and I know that we'll both make it.

4 hours later 28415851 Anonymous
>>28409089 Where should we go then? Into BTC?

4 hours later 28416107 Anonymous
>>28415851 ETH and BTC

4 hours later 28416260 Anonymous
>>28415851 >>28416107 at least long term you can also go for shitcoins shilled here. but diversify

4 hours later 28416307 Anonymous
>>28398820 ngmi boomer

4 hours later 28416721 Anonymous (1612991379933.jpg 1154x866 476kB)

4 hours later 28416789 Anonymous (1503134389735.jpg 752x1133 152kB)
>>28394461 Im just waiting silently, hoping someone is gonna buy my bags. Dont wanna jinx it, my dude

4 hours later 28416894 Anonymous
>>28416721 it will pump hard and die off in a matter of months

4 hours later 28416896 Anonymous (IMG_20180619_114722.jpg 1378x1710 324kB)
>>28413765 Normies don't give a shit about niggerwimble. It isn't as catchy as "Papa elon buy Doge" or "Tesla buy Bitcoin" meme

4 hours later 28416956 Anonymous
>>28416260 But if the bubble pops won't all the altcoins crash altogether harder than BTC like it was 2018?

4 hours later 28416999 Anonymous
>>28416896 but its at least some news on this coin

4 hours later 28417190 Anonymous
absolutely can not wait for the poomp, I will pay a nasty fat bitch to shit blood in my mouth with my gainz

4 hours later 28417301 Anonymous (wedgie.png 1387x913 108kB)
>>28413186 still positively biased after jumping the bear trap at green triangle >>28414225 more likely an upside trend continuation

4 hours later 28417302 Anonymous
>>28416260 >>28416956 Yeah, I've been thinking about it myself. Wouldn't it be best to cash out in fiat, wait for BTC to dip more and just buy more BTC?

4 hours later 28417362 Anonymous
>>28409089 >as soon as LTC pumps to 600$-1000$ When the fuck would that be?

4 hours later 28417633 Anonymous
>>28417362 Next 2 cycles

4 hours later 28417824 Anonymous
>>28417302 Maybe... but it may take some time until the real dip... if we rememer 2018 bitcoin was in a state of decline after the crash in which it moved further downwards until stabilizing itsself... during that timespan some dollar value gets is lost in inflation... but it may be irrelevant anyway

4 hours later 28417839 Anonymous
>>28416999 The last time it mooned to ath (in sats) it was because of LTC-Cash hard fork

4 hours later 28418122 Anonymous
>>28393560 31 here since before 2017 bull run. Am I gna make it?

5 hours later 28419094 Anonymous (ltc.png 1439x890 130kB)
>>28403960 Just look at the record volume with no real movement in the satoshi price. We know for a fact that institutions are buying massive bags, and no one is dumping at these prices. It's going to slingshot like crazy, probably within the next month or three.

5 hours later 28419207 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-11_12-44-40.png 961x756 51kB)
>>28419094 shit wrong image, that one isn't up to date

5 hours later 28419312 Anonymous
>>28419094 Yes, supply shock will come at a certain point, and it will be very aggressive uptrends when it does. Grayscale is holding nearly 2 percent of all ltc and acquiring more daily. If you sell now you might as well just send them your ltc. Get in the 84 LTC club for the love of god if you missed out on the 21 BTC club.

5 hours later 28419432 Anonymous
>>28419207 grayscale scooping up LTC like crazy and at ridiculous premiums compared to everything else....indicative of a high LTC price? we'll have to wait and see...

5 hours later 28419553 Anonymous (HOPIUM.jpg 800x388 39kB)

5 hours later 28419773 Anonymous
>>28417839 Point is the run on crypto is way larger this time with the money involved. If people think that LTC is undervalued, it will moon. One reason could be that you can already buy with LTC in many different places. The only reason Bitcoin is popular is because it was first. LTC was in here long term it could mean that people want to stick with it for some more time. the Litecoin / Bitcoin chart has been declining for years, but always pumped if there was a bullrun. LTC can die, but within the next few months it will probably pump. That doesnt necessarily imply that it will perform better than other cryptos, but profit is profit. It's been crabbing for too long.

5 hours later 28420710 Anonymous
>>28418122 No, 5000 LTC at the very least to make it. Otherwise, try your luck with defi coins.

5 hours later 28420976 Anonymous
Litebros - tell me why I should switch from Doge stock to Lite stock

5 hours later 28421050 Anonymous
>>28419312 >Get in the 84 LTC club for the love of god if you missed out on the 21 BTC club. It's very frustrating, because to fund that I'd need to risk 0.32 out of my 0.42 BTC stack.

5 hours later 28421265 Anonymous
>>28420976 doge already had its 10x. It might do another 2x from here, but it also might just crash back down as the hype dies. Litecoin hasn't had its turn yet so it's a much safer bet.

5 hours later 28421695 Anonymous
Tell me why I should spend £1000 on litecoin rather than bitcoin?

5 hours later 28421981 Anonymous
>>28420976 DOGE is based on Litecoin, same proof-of-work But there are only 84 million Litecoin vs 120 billion DOGE

5 hours later 28421986 Anonymous
>>28417824 I know inflation is out of control but I'm not sure if it'd outpace the crashing BTC.

5 hours later 28422307 Anonymous
>>28421695 Historically, it's undervalued compared to BTC. See LTC-BTC charts on coingecko. Obviously, BTC is a surer bet long-term but LTC has more upside potential for this cycle atm.

5 hours later 28422558 Anonymous (asd.png 937x642 72kB)
>>28421695 lower market cap means it takes less money to increase value = possible higher volatility (up or down) and as anon >>28422307 pointed out, LTC-BTC chart didnt show a rise in the ratio (yellow line) for this run yet.

2.587 0.098