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2021-02-11 10:05 28382149 Anonymous (1551071445534.jpg 327x239 10kB)
did anyone here get fucked by their parents? >parents had a golden opprotunity of buying stocks >they could have just put a couple hundred bucks in apple or some shit and waited >they could have just bought me like 2000 dollars worth of berkshire hathaway or some shitty stock like that and i could cash it out at 20 and get a car or a down payment on a house or some shit all my dad did was buy cigarettes and CONSOOOOOOM and take on tons of debt. my dad is still paying debt to this dude with fucking insane amounts of interest. literally could have just put that money in any stock and be rich by now or just put his money in something besides cigarettes and been a millionaire by now this is so fucked. were poor as fuck living in a broken down house im trying to get ahead with the money i have after working my ass off and saving for 3 years and im constantly afraid of crashes and shit i dont have 4 years or 20 years to wait or any of that shit i need it now

2 min later 28382264 Anonymous
>>28382149 My parents found out I held ETH and fud'd me into selling, then they demanded I give them profits from the ETH for a new car - during a fucking never ending lockdown when neither of them drive much. I ended up only making a 2x from ETH due to them, rather than a 6x

4 min later 28382314 Anonymous
>>28382264 You lost the parent lottery

4 min later 28382337 Anonymous
>>28382264 shitty parents, sorry anon, move out now, best decision. trust me anon.

4 min later 28382343 Anonymous
>>28382264 That's on you for selling and telling people about what you hold in the first place

5 min later 28382395 Anonymous
>>28382264 kill

5 min later 28382403 Anonymous
Maybe move out your parents house, learn some skills, get a job and stop being such a pathetic parasitic virginal waste of cum

5 min later 28382411 Anonymous
I have been forced to pull out of numerous investments early to support my parents because they are fucking retards carrying 30 year old debts. I really don’t even like to think about how much money I’ve lost

6 min later 28382436 Anonymous (1599081041578.png 591x595 434kB)
>>28382264 >older than 14 >telling your parents about your money

8 min later 28382536 Anonymous
>>28382149 Anon just invest in crypto and stay away from shitcoins. Even just buying BTC will secure you wealth beyond your imagination if you can simply hold it. You’ll be fine, you’re way ahead of the game if you just hold. Most of the normie retards buying right now will sell their $1000 worth the second it’s $1500 and then come back and buy in later for 4x what they originally spent. They’ll keep repeating that cycle because they don’t understand the fundamental value being created here which is that we are witnessing a once in 10 lifetimes opportunity to invest in core infrastructure. Like owning the railroads or electricity.

9 min later 28382614 Anonymous
>>28382149 >be me in 2015 >absolute poorfag >dad i think you should buy this bitcoin thing, its only 250 but sounds like its gonna explode >no, its a scam! >me in 2016 >told you it was going up can you buy some? >no! i have no money for this crap i have bills to pay >makes a luxury cruise trip end of that year >2017 >...

11 min later 28382715 Anonymous
>>28382343 >>28382436 Never told them, they saw my portfolio when they came round to visit and generally emotionally blackmailed me into selling.

11 min later 28382721 Anonymous (1535120366971.gif 295x278 4098kB)
>>28382149 nah my parents are working class and they not very good with money but i love them if i ever make it i will make sure they have good retirement

12 min later 28382734 Anonymous
>>28382536 im gambling for now and doing fine i need money fucking now. ill hold the bitcoin and shit when i already have what i want but for now i cant simply wait 20 years i need shit now ill dca into btc when i see it get lower

13 min later 28382775 Anonymous
>>28382721 yeah ill help my parents out but i had no fucking help or a start to work with.

14 min later 28382847 Anonymous
>>28382715 fuck your parents dude wtf are you doing

15 min later 28382873 Anonymous (1553087210756.jpg 1280x960 601kB)
>>28382775 i did neither but success is more rewarding this way anyway

16 min later 28382953 Anonymous
Victim mentality, keep thinking the world owes you something OP

17 min later 28382958 Anonymous
>>28382715 just keep grinding bro. at least my parents arent that jewish my dad reminded me to pull out of gamestop when it was up to 300 and i was almost thinking of bag holding with reddit. as soon as he said that i instantly stressed all weekend about selling that shit and got on fidelity the fucking SECOND it hit 7 am and sold every last gme share and then boom shit opened and it crashed like 50% in an hour

17 min later 28383010 Anonymous (1496451679657s.jpg 250x241 6kB)
>>28382149 My parents had 15k in the Stock market pre 2008, crash happened and they fucking sold everything at the lowest possible point.

17 min later 28383011 Anonymous
>>28382264 my parents didnt believe in me either.. until the money started coming in. now they leave me alone

18 min later 28383037 Anonymous
>>28382873 the worst part is i wasnt even taught stocks or anything. if i knew about this shit in 2017 i would already be rich just storing my money in apple or square stocks or something and now i need to make all that lost time and make it as soon as fucking possible. i really dont have any time left i should have made it years ago. its so fucked no one knew about stocks back then it was mostly only rich people and shit my dad picked up books and watched cramer but no one knew shit

18 min later 28383061 Anonymous
my mom was a drug abusing whore that let all her drug suppliers hit and fuck me up

20 min later 28383139 Anonymous (8awRC57.png 864x864 170kB)
>>28382264 That sucks Anon. I told my mom I was wiring money to buy btc and she doubled down and kept nagging me to buy her a stack and watch it for her. We both got a milly portfolio now

24 min later 28383343 Anonymous
>>28382149 stop thinking everything is about you crybaby. you have a golden opportunity to buy stocks too. every day new golden opportunities appear in the stock market. look at how many fucking absolute meme stocks had 100-500% returns over a few days in the past couple of weeks. start building wealth now so you can eventually provide your kids with the opportunities you wanted.

25 min later 28383372 Anonymous
>>28383061 I am sorry fren, I hope you learned not to let this turn you bitter and let it out on other people that you perceive as weaker as yourself. I hope you rise above, good luck on this life-journey fren.

27 min later 28383440 Anonymous
>>28383343 yeah but if i jwas just taught like a normal person id already be rich. i didnt know jack shit about it until last year and ive just been saving money in the bank like a pleb and i put it in calculators and if i held it in just apple and square and shit id have like 50k-100k already while i was just sitting at home depressed as fuck working my dick off. i keep seeing 17 year olds that already know stocks and shit

27 min later 28383445 Anonymous
>>28383372 Theres no one weaker than myself I'm a fucked up loser LMAO There is no way I will ever recover from my childhood, but at least I can try getting lucky in crypto

30 min later 28383562 Anonymous (CHApbND.jpg 1375x645 85kB)
>>28383445 You can do it fren.

30 min later 28383564 Anonymous
>>28382149 Yes. My parents made 6 figures in the 90s and never saved or invested a dime. They lost their jobs after the 08 crash and I sacrificed 5 years of my life to help them out. Now I'm in my 30s, will never get married, never have kids, never own a home. All because my boomer parents didn't spend one day raising me to think about the future they were leaving for their children.

31 min later 28383623 Anonymous
>>28383445 The fact alone, that you think no one is weaker and that you do not let aggressions get a hold on you shows that you are not a loser. I am sure you will get lucky with crypto but getting rich wont make you happy.. (kek at the thought that in 5-10 years we will say "crypto doesnt buy happiness") Do you enjoy the nature, maybe fishing and hunting is for you. Can give you zen-powers

32 min later 28383677 Anonymous
>>28383564 I relate all too well fren, I'm sorry.

33 min later 28383683 Anonymous
>>28382715 Holy shit I don't feel fucking bad for you. I thought you were like some 17 / 18 year old living with your parents that would cut you off if you didn't give them money. How did they magically see your portfolio and how did they emotionally blackmail you? Its your fault anon

33 min later 28383694 Anonymous (729cb81b8f850992.jpg 825x469 98kB)
>parents got fucked by 2008 financial crisis 2010 >I read about BTC here on 4chan >the idea of a deacentralized currency that didn't require banks resonated with my edgy ass >tried to convince parents to buy, they didn't believe in the it Can't blame them for this one though, I was only 12. >work on uncle's store during summer that year >get 400 $ >want to buy some BTC >father takes all the money because he needed it to fix his car >never pays me back 2014 >mostly forgot about BTC >still a broke student >uncle accepts BTC as payment (he read in the news that its price was going up. Also I had told him about it in 2010) >he gets a lot of BTC (at some point a single client bought with 14 BTC) >tell him to save them because the price had just done a x700 in 4 years >he didn't listen. Sold immediately because he didn't want it to crash and he was happy with just avoiding taxes 2017 >now they all believe >dad FOMOs in and uses a big part of his life savings >...to buy XRP at ~2 $ >uncle is angry for selling in 2014 2020 >lost job, couldn't buy BTC at 4000 $ 2021 >living paycheck to paycheck >the only project in the market right now that seemed promising was AVAX and it crashed and burned >now I don't know what to do next. Terrified of losing the 1000 $ I have to invest

34 min later 28383712 Anonymous
>>28382149 >did anyone here get fucked by their parents? No my parents never had sex with me you sick fuck, why would you ask that?

36 min later 28383793 Anonymous
>>28382264 Living at home, listening to looser boomer. Success you are

36 min later 28383803 Anonymous
>>28383623 Meh there is nothing really else I can do. I know it won't make me happy but at least I can stop working and spend more time on the escapism that I enjoy, reading books, playing games. 2/10 incel tier so will never have a gf and paying for sex seems worthless, who cares about hookups. I hope we all make it desu. Lots of people that end up here have more fucked up lives than me and deserve it

36 min later 28383821 Anonymous
>>28383440 wahhhhh wahhhhh i'm older than i was 3 years ago, i don't have as much money as i could have if i did things differently in the past grow the fuck up loser nobody gives a shit at all including your parents. literally everybody on earth has the same complaints as you. everybody is older. everybody could have made better decisions and made more money. 4 years ago i lost out on a deal that would have netted me $30-40 million if i'd made different decisions. do i sit around depressed blaming my parents for not teaching me better decision making skills? no i don't even think about it til I see people cry about "oh i could have made an entire FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS O NO MY LIFE IS OVER". just learn from your mistakes and move on with life to the next thing. you get millions of opportunities thrown at you every day if you're actually paying attention to them, you're not going to recognize any of them if you spend all your time dwelling on shit that happened in the past. $50k isn't going to make much of a difference to your life either once you get $50k you're just going to want $250k and then $5 mill once you get that.

36 min later 28383823 Anonymous
>>28382149 My parents divorced when I was 3 and I never saw my mother again, my dad was a sadistic man and used to beat me so bad I was eventually taken into a kids home by social services. I was living on my own at 16 and never had anything from either of them. Still, plenty had it worse than me. It's all relative. Sorry your dad didn't buy you berkshire op. That must be difficult for you.

38 min later 28383889 Anonymous
>>28382149 stop being an entitled bitch, they don’t owe you anything. Make it with your own money faggot.

38 min later 28383898 Anonymous
>>28382149 you can’t do anything about that. strive to do better for your children. you are in control of that.

38 min later 28383909 Anonymous
>>28383677 The only thing that keeps me going is hopefully making it with crypto or stocks, but even those I miss out on all the moons. Basically not a day goes by I don't think about suicide.

39 min later 28383917 Anonymous
>>28383823 Sick af over here thinking the exact same like, one how old is this anon talking about apple stocks and two really? How old are your parents OP?

39 min later 28383923 Anonymous
My parents make 100k a year and I didn't get shit, OP, nor did they even have any savings. I lived in the ghetto at one point no joke. Boomers are actually fucked.

40 min later 28383972 Anonymous
>>28383694 >>>he didn't listen. Sold immediately because he didn't want it to crash and he was happy with just avoiding taxes >>...to buy XRP at ~2 $ your story makes me angry ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BUY BITCOIN AND HOLD IT

40 min later 28383976 Anonymous
>>28383909 Don't be down, keep looking and keep your mind to the grind. You'll come out on top, those who have sacrificed with be taken care of I truly believe. I do the same but for health reasons, Don't give into the torment of past memories because they are simply the past. and we will find the next Chainlink I believe it.

41 min later 28383989 Anonymous
>>28383923 the ghetto is better then where i live though. i live on a fucking frozen farm in the mountains

42 min later 28384018 Anonymous
>>28383989 Straighten this up for me, how old are you, and your parents? If your older than 40 stop complaining seriously.

43 min later 28384053 Anonymous
>>28383989 I live in the ghetto I highly doubt living on a farm is worse, try getting shot at atleast 4x a year.

45 min later 28384140 Anonymous
>>28382149 learn from this

45 min later 28384143 Anonymous
Both parents were poor and had low education, so mom worked shitty jobs and later had to quit and rely on welfare due to serious health issues while my dad ground away at low paying jobs (e.g. mailman, waiter). My dad, who administered the money in the family, was good at getting by with what little they had, but he had no idea how to invest. Luckily, with money I had made on various online endeavors, I got into crypto early and was able to give him early retirement and more. Felt good to give back for all the years of sacrifice, and all the years of tolerating me living with them as a useless NEET well into my 20s.

46 min later 28384220 Anonymous
>>28383440 you're deluded by what you see online, the vast majority of people are financially in the same position as you, in fact by the tone of your post I'd say you're better off than most people. you need perspective, anon, and you need to realise that you need to work for your money. for the majority of people it's not just given to them

47 min later 28384253 Anonymous
>>28382149 What a loser, take responsibility for your life or you'll forget blame others for your circumstances and be miserable

47 min later 28384264 Anonymous
investing used to be a high class thing to do you tards, no one talked about the stock market before this spread of information and super easy access with an app

48 min later 28384327 Anonymous
>>28382149 >put you under a roof >raised you >fed you >bought you clothes >paid for your education what an ungrateful little bitch, grow up.

48 min later 28384333 Anonymous
>>28384143 See that's the story I want, my life has been awful but my poor mother has had to put up with me and all her other shitty kids, If I could do one thing at the end of her life is make it so she doesn't have to worry or work anymore. I really want to buy her a small farm away from the city, that's my goal if I can reach it, but I believe I can.

49 min later 28384367 Anonymous
>>28382264 I bet your fuck ugly too

49 min later 28384391 Anonymous
The real failure of OP's parents is that they raised such a disgusting little faggot

52 min later 28384532 Anonymous
>>28384333 Nice trips of good luck. You got this, anon.

53 min later 28384575 Anonymous
>>28382715 "emotionally blackmailed me into selling." >you are weak

54 min later 28384591 Anonymous
Every single day with these hindsight "NOOOO MY PARENTS DIDN'T PLAY THE CASINO AND GIVE ME ALL THE WINNINGS" threads. Stop whining and set your future kid up for success then, buy a coin or two and hold it for 50 years.

54 min later 28384602 Anonymous
>>28384532 Thank god my last trips were 333 more than that.

55 min later 28384653 Anonymous
>>28384591 >implying there will be internet or the blockchain in 50 years Your inner boomer is showing.

55 min later 28384654 Anonymous
My parents bought timeshares right when Google went public. I told my mom I wanted a single share of Google at 12 years old. If we put our timeshare downpayment of $3000 into Google and sat on it, we'd have over $50K right now.

55 min later 28384661 Anonymous (86919034_p0.jpg 2048x1949 309kB)
>tfw parents not omniscient enough to just buy winning lotto tickets those useless fucks ruined me

57 min later 28384761 Anonymous
>>28382149 My parents have squandered enough money on boomer shit and FOMOing on every bubble since the 80s to retire three times over, instead of having to penny pinch with a State pension. They're financially retarded. Loving and caring parents otherwise, but financially retarded.

58 min later 28384789 Anonymous
>>28384653 try to imagine the internet before it existed.. I honestly cannot do that. Neither television or radio for that matter Very exciting to see what will come next

1 hours later 28384905 Anonymous
>>28384789 Protein bars made of lab grown worm meat and recycled Chinese plastics

1 hours later 28385023 Anonymous
>>28382149 My dad was financially retarded for the wrong and right reasons. He invested thousands of dollars into a ponzi scheme and convinced others to as well and lost out on that money. He was told that there was land for cheap in a neighboring town but he decided it wasnt worth the money and now all of that area is a housing development because the population ad an uptick there. Bought a near brand new house in the desert for like $200K in early 00's which was actually not a bad price then put a reverse mortgage on it before he kicked the bucket. Didnt pay off the mortgage for my childhood home so that was gone too. Now the decisions my dad made that were completely retarded actually make sense for us in the long run. Bought a house in bumfuck nowhere midwest fly over state in a town of less then 1k people. Rented it out, and it turned at the renters were decent people and wanted to buy the house from us and none of us got gypped in the process of them buying. My mom used the money as a down payment for a new house for us after all of those years living in roach infested apartments. Dad bought roughly 3 acres of land in the middle of nowhere that takes more than hour to drive to from civilization and is on an unmaintained dirt road. After 15 a bunch of solar companies popped up in the area and are buying land like crazy, we pay less than $100 a YEAR on property taxes for the land. Probably gonna keep it. I loved my dad but dammit sometimes he was just a stubborn old man when he was set on something. As for my mom she was busting her ass off for years slaving 10 hours a day and had to deal with my autistic ass and my insane asshole of a brother so I cant find any blame on her. Hoping she can move out of this expensive ass state somewhere else and retire when she's 60 or sooner. If my mom doesnt have to lift a work another day in her life if she chooses to and still be financially stable then I can die with minimal regrets.

1 hours later 28385044 Anonymous
>>28384761 are they fomoing now

1 hours later 28385045 Anonymous
>>28384905 Use your crypto-gains and get your piece of land, learn basic farming, building, fishing and hunting and put up some electricity-generators (sun as source preferably). There, you are set for life, no Chinese worm food for you

1 hours later 28385176 Anonymous
Why did the 1900s cause such a massive increase of toxic and evil parents?

1 hours later 28385557 Anonymous
>>28385044 I never talk to them about money again. I warned them of the 2008 property crash with enough time for them to get out, and they did nothing. I warned them about the 2011 silver bubble and they kept buying the top. You know what's worse than being wrong? Being right and not being listened to, because the resentment is twice as big. Doubtful they're fomoing into anything these days when they don't have that much to spare, but who knows. Gambling does strange things to people (at this point I'm sure that's what it is).

1 hours later 28385673 Anonymous
>>28385557 is there a bad stock bubble now?

1 hours later 28385780 Anonymous
>>28383694 but avax literally went up 60x and its stable at $50 you dumb fucking nigger

1 hours later 28385887 Anonymous
>>28385176 They were always toxic and evil.

1 hours later 28386012 Anonymous
This thread is so gay >IM WAY MORE UNFORTUNATE THAN YOU!!!!!!! >NOOOO ITS MY SOB STORY THATS THE WORSE Lol it’s all subjective, a rich kids sob story is just as bad as a poor persons

1 hours later 28386281 Anonymous
I didn't geet shit either, my working class parents were clueless like the majority. This is why crypto is the new paradigm, where normal white young lads such as ourselves finally can compete with the (((elite))).

1 hours later 28386312 Anonymous
same experience with me >parents had opportunity to be good parents >chose to be selfish egomaniac shit parents instead

1 hours later 28387309 Anonymous
My dad always had pretty reasonable advice... pretty boomer-tier but simple stuff: >always save 10% of your pay >have a budget for rent, food, vehicle, fun About 10-15 years ago, he did involve himself in stock trading, but he gradually stopped and although he says he stopped with a profit, I'm not sure to believe him. He's recently picked it up again, but I don't know how it's going for him. Meanwhile, I went all in on link in early 2018 and am reaping the benefits now. A year before I got into crypto, I mentioned to him that I was reading books on investing and how the stock market works and he basically shat all over me, telling me I didn't know what I was doing and I'd probably lose money, which makes me think he was projecting his own failures towards me in retrospect. I tried to tell him about my crypto investments a couple of years later, but he got mad and disregarded me before I really said anything. >"What? You think you're going to get rich quick with that?!" Regardless, I do love him and want him to be happy. I feel bad that he's in a loveless marriage with my step mother and despite being close to 70, he's still working to retire and pay off their house. When I make it off crypto, I'll help him get away from his wife, buy him a flat near the beach, say "I told you so" once and take him out for fish and chips and a swim.

1 hours later 28387372 Anonymous
>>28387309 what do you think is like the link of now?

1 hours later 28387457 Anonymous
My parents were good desu for the most part, only problem was they weren´t very involved in our lives and we just did whatever the fuck we wanted. Lets just say being on the internet all the time led to some fucked up side effects down the line for me, still trying to cope and not lose myself :(

1 hours later 28387464 Anonymous
>>28382264 >then they demanded I give them profits from the ETH Here's a secret word you can say another time bullies try to take your lunch money: "no".

1 hours later 28387537 Anonymous
>>28387372 Mang, projects are popping up all the time. I don't have my ear to the ground as much as I used to, but any spare money you have now might as well go into eth/btc so it's doing something until you do find a good project.

1 hours later 28387696 Anonymous
>>28382536 How much BTC do you need to make it

1 hours later 28387928 Anonymous
Boomers (65+) are braindead. I think it was the lead in the pipes. They are lucky they grew up during jewish boom times, if they didn't theyd all be homeless. And they will all die just before getting a full view of the shit world they allowed to be constructed around them. The WORST generation, no doubt.

2 hours later 28388062 Anonymous
>>28382614 Also told my dad about bitcoin, chainlink years ago, nah rather stick to muh ETFs from a financial advisor, you dont see those 3% annual returns everywhere Also he is too much of a pussy to invest in real estate, and is a libtard, i have no idea how i came from my parents

2 hours later 28388112 Anonymous
>>28382715 Damn left the crypto portfolio out on the table for all to see again

2 hours later 28388246 Anonymous
>>28382149 Most boomerest thing ive ever heard of is a reverse mortgage.

2 hours later 28388349 Anonymous
>>28382264 >My parents found out I held ETH and fud'd me into selling Why did you listen to them anon? Just tell them they suck at finances and it's your decision

2 hours later 28388415 Anonymous
>>28382149 anon you have the chance to break that cycle and help your offspring in the future with crypto

2 hours later 28388428 Anonymous
>>28388062 mine is worse.. he never invested in the market 'out of principle'

2 hours later 28388671 Anonymous (Ulysses_S._Grant.jpg 1200x1600 681kB)
Yes. There's no point being a bitch about it though. Accept your timeline, it's better to start playing an RPG at level 1 than level 30 too. I'm honestly grateful I spawned as a poor intelligent tall white man, wouldn't have it any other way. That being said I did have a great uncle who died recently and nobody knew but he was a multimillionaire, he worked in the middle-east and south america throughout the 60s, nobodies quite sure what he did, he then retired before 40 and spend the rest of his life raising sheep in Cornwall. I stand to inherit about $5k apparently, desu it's just nice to know that's in my lineage.

2 hours later 28388738 Anonymous
>>28388428 Tell him now investing in the market is not about the money anymore, but about the message

2 hours later 28388797 Anonymous
>>28382149 Boomers and Gen X are retarded with no only their own money but they also bankrupted the country

2 hours later 28389283 Anonymous
The upside of having awful parents is that you don't have any responsibility of caring for them in their old age which can be very expensive

2 hours later 28389506 Anonymous
Dad founded a 118 type information lookup company with three others. Worked at it for 10 years and made it worth a lot. Worth roughly 36 million dollars. My godfather, one of the cofounders, and a person from Carnegie bank were handling a deal to sell it. They ask for 48 million and get told to go fuck themselves, no deal. A while later the market changes a lot and their valuation plummets. Dad and the cofounders sell cheaply to a norwegian company. Dad keeps working as a wagie for multiple years until his boss steals his identity to get drugs from hospitals across the country, then fires dad when he knows he’s found out. Dad becomes bitter alcoholic. Also dad has been into stocks all his life, but his philosophy has basically been to sell the winners and keep the losers. He’s basically lost money instead of gaining money. And the money he put aside for us since our birth has gone down instead of up despite the huge time in market, because he’s so dumb with stocks. Despite all this he’s had one of the best lives a man can have, during his twenties he worked for Ericsson and traveled internationally all the time living in 5 star hotels literally all the time. Plenty of experiences all across the world with money and powerful figures with nothing to show for it approaching his 60s. He said he couldn’t appreciate it at the time because it was ordinary for him, didn’t know it was special.

2 hours later 28389705 Anonymous
>>28384661 keked

2 hours later 28389995 Anonymous
>>28382953 Not the world. Just his parents you fucking retard

2 hours later 28390802 Anonymous
>>28389506 >Be me >Old >Spend 20-35 illiterate about money >Making great money >Spend it all and then some >Spend years and years mired in debt Older now, trying to salvage it. Determined for my kids to understand money.

2 hours later 28390930 Anonymous
>>28388112 kek

2 hours later 28391168 Anonymous (pigeonshame.jpg 193x260 5kB)
>>28384575 this. pathetic. just like the size of this JPEG.

3 hours later 28391491 Anonymous (1612788414282.jpg 340x296 16kB)
>>28382264 >they demanded I give them profits But why did you it gave them ? Are you a retard ?

3 hours later 28391601 Anonymous
>>28383010 the /biz/ way

3 hours later 28391865 kek
>>28382264 Get the fuck away from those leeches

3 hours later 28391962 Anonymous
>>28385887 >reading comprehension

3.499 0.217