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2021-02-11 07:59 28375926 Anonymous (DCF3FD10-88FD-4500-ACAC-84CA02AF524F.jpg 2858x3816 2299kB)
How many actual millionaires post on this site?

1 min later 28376009 Anonymous
>>28375926 imagine wearing an expensive watch while sitting in his mother basement browsing a hentai board

2 min later 28376032 Anonymous
Hublot? Jesus fuck, do you like Richard Mille as well?

3 min later 28376075 Anonymous
>>28375926 really bad fake shoulda spent a bit more for a decent chinese knock off

3 min later 28376095 Anonymous

4 min later 28376126 Anonymous
>>28376075 No, I think Hublots are just that shitty

4 min later 28376176 Anonymous
Watch flexing is so fucking lame. Using even a quarter of that money to donate to worthy causes would bring you more accolades and respect than bragging about some expensive name brand watch that only you care about

5 min later 28376191 Anonymous
>>28376126 non of the screws are aligned

6 min later 28376230 Anonymous
I got 11 Million shitcoins some pajeet deposited in my account if that counts.

7 min later 28376288 Anonymous (4C97B01A-161E-490A-8268-90B41BEC6414.png 828x1792 1992kB)
>>28376075 Not fake. >>28376176 I made a shit ton buying ETH, link, and swinging shitcoins last cycle. AVAX, SFI, and GRT are going to be huge this bull run once alts explode again. You’d be smart to have a position in all three.

8 min later 28376339 Anonymous (1606327036963.jpg 3120x4160 906kB)
>>28375926 just picked this lil piece up for a cool 10g's

10 min later 28376422 Anonymous
As a poorfag lemme give you one piece of advice, don't spend money on fucking watches, go take that and find classic cars and restore them, some 10-20k can turn into 500k if your looking right.

10 min later 28376467 Anonymous (big-bang-gold-44-mm-301.PX.1180.RX-soldier-shot.png 900x1350 400kB)
>>28376191 That's unironically how they make them.

12 min later 28376544 Anonymous
>>28376176 >only you care about I don't care much about watches too (I only have two, a Seiko x Monster hunter and a Seiko x Fate Grand Order) but that's just untrue. The few times I managed to tag along with my boss' boss in a social event, quite a lot of conversation openers between the higher ups were about watches

12 min later 28376567 Anonymous
Retains zero value, made of material that doesn't gain in value. Loses value once purchased, and goes down every day it's on your wrist. Makes you an easy target and cmon what rich person in history has gotten laid or stopped an intersection to get a glance with a watch. Nobody.

12 min later 28376591 Anonymous
>>28376009 sounds comfy

12 min later 28376592 Anonymous
>buying a big ass watch while being a literal limp wristed faggot lol, might as well strap a fucking buckler to your forearm, loser

13 min later 28376642 Anonymous
>>28376288 my hublot i bought from a pakki in a fake handbag store in dubai looks better than this. Your arm hair is gross and repels women.

14 min later 28376675 Anonymous
>>28376642 Women don't care about arm hair... wtf? Pajeet that you?

15 min later 28376708 Anonymous
>>28376567 it’s fake

15 min later 28376711 Anonymous
>>28376176 This. Watches scream of reddit tier cringe pretending to be an 80s businessman or some shit. We all have fucking smartphones now, so watches are akin to the very feminine act of buying jewelry.

16 min later 28376763 Anonymous (image_2021-02-11_011610.png 671x903 751kB)
>>28375926 After many years, I am indeed a millionaire

17 min later 28376792 Anonymous (67920C64-C3FF-49FD-9F1B-4F643CCE7761.jpg 416x620 62kB)
>>28375926 Wrong kind of glass. I had one of these and the glass ALWAYS had a slight greenish rainbow tint to it. Even in super low lighting. Yours is a fake you inbred dipshit

17 min later 28376797 Anonymous
>>28375926 Poor taste. Many better designs from Hublot

18 min later 28376840 Anonymous
I'm a millionaire bc I don't buy stupid bullshit to try and impress Chads

19 min later 28376902 Anonymous

21 min later 28377007 Anonymous
>>28376191 Theyre really just that shitty. Countless amounts of info on how bad they are out there. If OP really bought one he should be ashamed.

23 min later 28377119 Anonymous
>>28376675 arm hair...? >>28376797 I know, I explicitly like it because its the stereotypical new money overpriced shit. I fucking hate old money and I love triggering the fuck out of them

24 min later 28377176 Anonymous
>>28376840 and you will grow old and senile while holding some bags and never have truly lived . congratz retard

25 min later 28377244 Anonymous
Does it count if it's inheritance ?

27 min later 28377314 Anonymous (x9zsC.jpg 400x300 24kB)
No but I enjoy larping as one

28 min later 28377340 Anonymous
>>28376339 Came here to post this, well done anon

31 min later 28377523 Anonymous (1550895551478.png 800x1199 1395kB)
>>28375926 dude not trying to be edgy or anything, that looks like I could buy it on Amazon for $80 I have no idea what that's worth, but its definitely not impressing anyone but watch autists, I'm 100% sincere

33 min later 28377630 Anonymous
>>28375926 why does your little arm look like a fucking faggot?

34 min later 28377662 Anonymous
>>28375926 I got one of those in Bangkok for 400 baht.

35 min later 28377714 Anonymous
>>28376763 >these are the people giving you advice here

37 min later 28377796 Anonymous
>>28377176 I am stacking more time to live my life free from doing shit I hate. Buying dumb shit = less time. Enjoy your ugly Yeezys

39 min later 28377867 Anonymous
>>28376339 KEK

40 min later 28377911 Anonymous
>>28377523 Hublot are also hated by watch fags, this guy's watch is impressing literally no one

41 min later 28377971 Anonymous
>>28377911 That's the whole point.

43 min later 28378042 Anonymous
>>28376009 Kek

43 min later 28378057 Anonymous (Scrooge_McDuck.png 247x402 191kB)
My net worth is about $2 million. At least $200k of that I can directly attribute to financial advice I got right here from you racist rednecks.

43 min later 28378071 Anonymous
>>28375926 does it count if you are a millionaire in BOND tokens?

43 min later 28378078 Anonymous
>>28376567 That's not true with a lot of models. Stainless steel Rolex is iconic and only appreciates.

51 min later 28378450 Anonymous
>>28375926 >hublot fucking kek. why are you flexing with a kids toy that came out of a cereal box?

53 min later 28378571 Anonymous
>>28377523 Name of this semen demon?

53 min later 28378574 Anonymous
>>28375926 im technically a millionaire if you count my trust. Have 500k in crypto, $500 in my bank account.

55 min later 28378642 Anonymous
I have a million satoshis does that count

56 min later 28378700 Anonymous
I'm not a millionaire but I got 1000BTC

56 min later 28378702 Anonymous
>>28376009 >imagine thinking that’s an expensive watch I’m a multimillionaire, approaching 4 , checking in I guess.

58 min later 28378782 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210205-192857_Gallery.jpg 1078x1743 1072kB)
>>28375926 Do you like mine op, millionaires boys clubs!

1 hours later 28378903 Anonymous
>>28375926 i'll report back after ARPA and Bella Protocol go thru a full market cycle.

1 hours later 28379263 Anonymous
Not a millionaire but I make 6 figures working about 10 hours a week. I made 100k in December and I took nov dec and Jan off completely. Because I know you’re going to ask, I flip houses. That’s why the watch is covered in paint. I have 3 houses coming up that should make me 60-100k.

1 hours later 28379311 Anonymous (9475070E-F06E-4D42-A48E-CADDDDC64B78.jpg 4032x3024 3020kB)
>>28379263 Forgot my watch.

1 hours later 28379409 Anonymous (1594478427681.png 782x1043 728kB)
>>28375926 Honestly even though I'm a millionaire you can't beat a Sieko. I take it everywhere with me, currently on vacation in vietnam, no problems at all with water or humidity

1 hours later 28379471 Anonymous
>>28375926 >brown >furry NGMI. And I’m not talking about $

1 hours later 28379527 Anonymous
>>28376095 I

1 hours later 28379531 Anonymous
>>28379409 whats going on here

1 hours later 28379539 Anonymous
>>28376763 my guy how long can you wear that before your hands turn blue

1 hours later 28379579 Anonymous
>>28379409 what the fuck

1 hours later 28379649 Anonymous
>>28375926 My net worth is 2 million $ but nobody could probably tell when I walk down the street lol.

1 hours later 28379710 Anonymous
>>28379649 same but 20 m lmao. i still shop at thrift stores i think im guilty for being so lucky

1 hours later 28379725 Anonymous (1608482624086.png 480x640 192kB)
I prefer luxury cigars. Having done puffs as I write this right now.

1 hours later 28379740 Anonymous
>>28378571 You can see her fucking handle on the photo itself you dumbfuck

1 hours later 28379758 Anonymous
>>28376176 >Using even a quarter of that money to donate to worthy causes How do /we/ know you’ll never know the sweet stink of pulling your girl’s pants down after she’s been out all day, spitting on your hand (quietly), and grabbing your near-bursting dick in your hand and easing it into her, and smiling with satisfaction knowing her sweet stinky asshole and hot wet pussy are yours, now and forever. It smells like home and victory; and this is your achievement..? I know because I KNOW

1 hours later 28379822 Anonymous
>>28375926 give it back jamal

1 hours later 28379838 Anonymous
>>28375926 Sick watch Patel, pity you can't wear it outside or some beggar will cleave your arm off with machete.

1 hours later 28379839 Anonymous
>>28376339 >Submarinara fucking kek

1 hours later 28379858 Anonymous
>>28379710 I tend to become more frugal the richer I get, desu it’s a curse. You’re supposed to enjoy yourself

1 hours later 28379886 Anonymous
>>28379725 top kek

1 hours later 28379906 Anonymous
>>28377911 True story. I collect watches and I fucking hate Hublots. Fucking literal nigger tier shit.

1 hours later 28380009 Anonymous
What's the point of a watch these days? Everyone is checking their phones every 10 Minutes

1 hours later 28380013 Anonymous
>>28379725 >fingernail >poor nigger link sausage Yuk. Segregation when?

1 hours later 28380096 Anonymous
>>28379758 Based

1 hours later 28380173 Anonymous
>>28379858 Ask me how we know you’re new

1 hours later 28380192 Anonymous (1590291158733.png 462x450 193kB)

1 hours later 28380233 Anonymous
>>28376176 based as fuck

1 hours later 28380289 Anonymous (32da609810eda8acbddc157b526a4e5a.jpg 332x443 22kB)
Just picked up this baddy for the wife. We're pretty modest people

1 hours later 28380347 Anonymous (1516287886270.gif 340x340 140kB)
>>28376009 god i wish

1 hours later 28380473 Anonymous
>>28375926 About 500 real ones. And about 1500 larpers.

1 hours later 28380568 Anonymous
>>28376339 I unironically like this watch, it makes me kek. Where to cop?

1 hours later 28380651 Anonymous
>>28379527 G

1 hours later 28380740 Anonymous
Hahahaha. Try to sell it in under a month at 30% off list. Then tell me how cool your fag watch is. Millionaire? Not you. Hundred thousand Aires are mostly look at me fags and try to impress mankind with its possessions. Your timepiece will decrease every year, and only hold sentimental value. Maybe pass it down the family tree. In all honesty your Hublot is a poker fag watch. Do you play Hold-Em?

1 hours later 28380793 Anonymous
>>28380651 G

1 hours later 28380816 Anonymous
lol just 1M? theres sooo many oldfags with 10000+link, and 21+ btc and 1000+eth i mean 5+M then u can talk. 1 is baby.

1 hours later 28380830 Anonymous
>>28376467 I'm gonna throw up bros...why would OP buy such a piece of shit copy of AP

1 hours later 28380861 Anonymous (watch.jpg 640x640 44kB)
>>28375926 The watch I bought when I became a millionare from BCH :)

1 hours later 28380866 Anonymous
>>28375926 4/10 fake. Nice try op maybe next time you can spend a hefty $200 for an 8/10 one

1 hours later 28380868 Anonymous
If I was a millionaire I wouldn't waste my money on overpriced watches

1 hours later 28381060 Anonymous
>>28375926 pro tip OP no matter how much you try to blend in by emulating their behaviours, you will NEVER be accepted by the old money, never so don't try to burn money chasing something you can never achieve

1 hours later 28381320 Anonymous
>>28375926 a million is not that much in 2021's 1st world

1 hours later 28381717 Anonymous (41AAA1B6-C459-4F79-8844-45476CA243E9.jpg 540x401 53kB)
Why... why are everyone’s wrists here fucked up..

1 hours later 28381724 Anonymous
>>28380793 E

1 hours later 28381814 Anonymous
>>28380861 Love seeing it Literally no veins, knuckles, self respect

2 hours later 28382070 Anonymous
>>28381724 R

2 hours later 28382159 Anonymous
>>28376339 >superlaxative colonometer Fucking lost wtf

2 hours later 28382252 Anonymous
>>28375926 >>spending money on an expensive watch You could have taken that money and bought ALGO a month ago and 100x Foolish rich people who act like rich people are just poor people with a lot of money.

2 hours later 28382548 Anonymous (03A5E04F-8917-41E3-A97E-A77EF260C4D0.jpg 1242x1552 327kB)
More than you know.

2 hours later 28382854 Anonymous
>>28375926 Hublot is a brand for niggers who don't know shit about watches.

2 hours later 28382855 Anonymous
>>28382548 theres 2 page of google results for this pic go home third worlder

2 hours later 28383162 Anonymous (1606341463931.jpg 563x750 36kB)
>>28381717 Post your wrist, poorfag.

2 hours later 28383271 Anonymous
>>28378782 cute meth pipe anon

2 hours later 28383294 Anonymous (1519617067766.jpg 233x216 6kB)
>>28380289 based

2 hours later 28383331 Anonymous
>>28376009 The modern American Dream

2 hours later 28383369 Anonymous (46234577.jpg 734x680 58kB)
>>28375926 literally just trying to flex ur man jewellery to a bunch of autists. FUck off faggot

2 hours later 28383703 Anonymous
>>28378571 That's a man

2 hours later 28383741 Anonymous
>>28379409 Wtf is that arm ?

2 hours later 28383846 Anonymous (1540580677995.png 640x1136 364kB)
what's the most based crypto buying platform? i've just begun on coinbase, but it seems to not support a lot of the ones mentioned around here

2 hours later 28383932 Anonymous
>>28379409 the fuck

2 hours later 28383969 Anonymous
>>28379539 That's on his neck... Anon

2 hours later 28384185 Anonymous
>>28379409 topkek

2 hours later 28384462 Anonymous
>>28379409 what in the flying fuck's name

2 hours later 28384494 Anonymous
>>28376467 not aligned nope

2 hours later 28384535 Anonymous
>>28376009 Wdym this isn't an anime site

2 hours later 28384569 Anonymous (asianmodel.jpg 1600x1200 352kB)
>>28375926 >7 billion net worth >No debt >Lives American dream >bangs women like pic related

3 hours later 28384642 Anonymous
>>28376339 I'm not even into watches, but I like the design. Good for you anon

3 hours later 28384747 Anonymous (1499744099671.jpg 300x250 80kB)
>>28375926 nice replica faggot

3 hours later 28384840 Anonymous
>>28376176 Seethe retard, he is just proving his wealth

3 hours later 28384925 Anonymous
>>28383162 I didnt know ayylmaos posted on /biz/, neato

3 hours later 28385412 Anonymous (file.png 800x1067 1979kB)
>>28375926 the only good answer

3 hours later 28386002 Anonymous (snk357.jpg 938x938 90kB)
this is now a /watch/ thread heres my seiko 5, absolutely chuffs my bits

3 hours later 28386396 Anonymous
>>28383846 Just get Binance you retard

3 hours later 28386544 Anonymous
>>28375926 >tfw I got my grandad's luxury watch collection. >Shit's fucking awkward to move so IDGAF and just leave it all in a safe and make money in crypto and stocks. It's been valued at like 1.2 million for the Insurance, but is really just meme jewelry in a safe.

3 hours later 28386605 Anonymous
>>28375926 A fucking Hublot? Fuck me anyone who knows a thing about watches knows thats just an overpriced G shock. Fucking clown

4 hours later 28387999 Anonymous (15323765.jpg 425x283 39kB)
>>28376339 >ok ciao

4 hours later 28389181 Anonymous
>>28375926 Lol that watch fucking sucks. >didn’t get an iced out audemaur. You’re such a fucking loser LMAO

4 hours later 28390487 Anonymous (1597264362714.gif 512x512 639kB)

5 hours later 28391373 Anonymous
>>28376176 The rich in this country used to walk among the regular people, went to church, ate at same restaurants, they made tons of donations around there communities, scholarships, programs, little leagues, etc etc... More than anything the rich wanted to be known as generous and they cared about the people around them. This is gone now. Utterly.

5 hours later 28391766 Anonymous (26A53686-2661-44F7-B86D-B5272DD5F566.jpg 580x580 100kB)
I recently just converted my stack of LINK into pure gains for this bad boy right here.

5 hours later 28391874 Anonymous
Comfy 300k stack in Reef- road to 1$

5 hours later 28392020 Anonymous
>>28376009 we can only dream, right?

5 hours later 28392021 Anonymous
>>28376339 actually based, would buy if it works and is under 50 bucks

5 hours later 28392029 Anonymous
>>28375926 >Hublot Ooofff Why the fuck would you not buy Audemars instead? Are you a boomer or something?

5 hours later 28392081 Anonymous
>>28375926 You should stop buying watches based on sportsball commercials OP. If you really like it, it's fine I guess.

5 hours later 28392084 Anonymous
>>28376176 incels first signalling

5 hours later 28392172 Anonymous
>>28375926 Didn't buy a reliable Seiko. Absolutely no taste.

5 hours later 28392180 Anonymous
>>28376339 I lost my shit the first time I saw this, pure fucking class. Please tell me you can actually buy this

5 hours later 28392229 Anonymous
>>28376763 Finally some good shitter

5 hours later 28392253 Anonymous
>>28376339 >comfy There's probably more money to be made in blatantly bad knock offs than actual knock offs ironically.

5 hours later 28392257 Anonymous
>>28376339 >pure class >steel sports stunner >over the moon

2.883 0.146