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2021-02-11 07:23 28374104 Anonymous GRAPHONAUTS! (300_graph.png 314x244 116kB)
What is your profession?
0 min later 28374141 Anonymous (1612705153874.jpg 657x527 34kB)
0 min later 28374149 Anonymous
I have 1k. What rank am I?
2 min later 28374225 Anonymous (smugbiz.png 594x594 128kB)
>unemployed, almost-NEET except I have hobbies and learn on my own
>put all my savings except 2 months expenses into crypto end of december
>made more money in 2 months than I have in 2 years of waging
fuck that shit, I'm not going back
3 min later 28374267 Anonymous
Military. Gonna jerk off to my gains tomorrow at work.
>tfw no more fiat to dump until Monday
I'm fucked aren't I bros? I'm only a 275 stacklet but I want to dump 1.5k in on monday when I get paid
>your tax payer dollars hard at work so some degen army dick can spend it on strippers and magic internet money
3 min later 28374282 Anonymous
Official GRT Army Ranking System
>0-1k Cannon Fodder
>1-5k Private
>5-10k Private First Class
>10k-15k Corporal
>15k-20k Sergeant
>20k-25k First Sergeant
>25k-30k Master Sergeant
>30k-40k 2nd Lieutenant
>40k-50k 1st Lieutenant
>50k-60k Captain
>60k-70k Major
>70k-85k One Star General
>85k-100k Two Star General
>100k-115k Three Star General
>115k-130k Four Star General
>130k-150k Commandant
>150k-170k Chief of Staff
>170k-199k Supreme Commander
>200k and above Commander in Chief of the GRT Armed Forces
9 min later 28374576 Anonymous
GRT cannon fodder but irl airplane mechanic. I've made more money with my measly 5k investment of crypto in 2 days than 2 weeks of making sure people don't fall out of the fucking sky
9 min later 28374600 Anonymous
12 min later 28374729 Anonymous
Poorfag with 86Grt
Long haul truck driver
13 min later 28374794 Anonymous
Full stack web developer
13 min later 28374811 Anonymous
I know, it makes me angry
I actually quit my job because I've made 3x what they could pay me in a year in the span of 2 months
it's like you want to feel useful but ultimately end up feeling like "why am I wasting my time doing this for peanuts"
13 min later 28374838 Anonymous
I'm a freelancer in the stock trading field
15 min later 28374894 Anonymous (stinky.jpg 1024x576 80kB)
16 min later 28374943 Anonymous
Is 20k enough to make it?
FOK i didn't check and this shit just mooned
18 min later 28375038 Anonymous
web dev
19 min later 28375095 Anonymous
I have 20k too
we might, MIGHT make it
at the very least we'll have a nice chunk o change on the other side of this hill
21 min later 28375190 Anonymous
IT projects engineer
400 stacklet but will probably pump more in
22 min later 28375222 Anonymous
23 min later 28375258 Anonymous
50k suicide stack
200k make it stack
24 min later 28375314 Anonymous (9F6AF489-7D1C-4E00-AAC9-8594A7DE9ECE.jpg 1125x750 52kB)
Trucker fren is that you?
24 min later 28375338 Anonymous
undergrad engineer and comp scientist
27 min later 28375486 Anonymous
8k graphies
I'm a professional juror on Kleros.
27 min later 28375518 Anonymous
I don't even like to say my job anonymously on 4chan. It's kind of got a bad reputation. Feel free to guess.
28 min later 28375534 Anonymous
Don't know who you mean
I'm mostly quiet around here
Who do you mean fren?
28 min later 28375548 Anonymous
I drive an explosives mixing plant truck on open cut mine sites and am also a chem graduate that couldnt find a stem job paying more than 55k/y
28 min later 28375555 Anonymous
this will make u reddit bastards weep
29 min later 28375590 Anonymous
Make airplane blockchain you dumb lazy nigger. Or maybe there is one?
29 min later 28375596 Anonymous
Financial advisor?
29 min later 28375604 Anonymous
Mechanical Engineer
29 min later 28375622 Anonymous
Butt sniffer for the DEA
31 min later 28375684 Anonymous
Yes, buy high sell low. This is financial advice.
31 min later 28375685 Anonymous
Dishwasher. 500 GRT and rising. Got in a little under $1 and feeling good about the future of the graph
31 min later 28375698 Anonymous
Fud, as is tradition...10k suicide 100k make it
33 min later 28375818 Anonymous
FWIW stinky chinky dump starts in an hour. Forecast is 4-5 hours of dumping.
Perhaps a decent dip to buy into, but only swingies sell now.
34 min later 28375871 Anonymous
Private on the verge of PFC when my next buy order goes through.
I drive a forklift at a job with almost no upward mobility. I'm throwing almost all of my money into crypto. It's make or break for me.
35 min later 28375923 Anonymous
At $1.29 we are going to see another pump to $1.60... so long as Coinbase doesn't shit itself
36 min later 28375987 Anonymous
technical lead at an FP shop
> comfy
37 min later 28376031 Anonymous
Fitness model
38 min later 28376040 Anonymous
Prove it
38 min later 28376050 Anonymous
1.8k stacklet reporting in. I work at a pizza place at nights and a warehouse in the mornings.
38 min later 28376062 Anonymous (dance wagie dance.jpg 1085x775 521kB)
I had a job like that last year
I quit when my crypto gains outstripped my paycheck
made 3 years worth of pay in the last 2 months
39 min later 28376102 Anonymous
boring office wage slave but I realized in 2017 I can make more in crypto by lowering my maxed out 401k to meet the company match and put the rest in crypto. Feelsgood.jpg
40 min later 28376148 Anonymous (GRT SPACE FORCE (2).png 1000x1592 285kB)
Official GRT Space Force Ranking System
>0-1k Spaceman Basic
>1-5k Spaceman
>5-10k Spaceman First Class
>10k-15k Senior Spaceman
>15k-20k Staff Sergeant
>20k-25k Technical Sergeant
>25k-30k Master Sergeant
>30k-40k 2nd Lieutenant
>40k-50k 1st Lieutenant
>50k-60k Captain
>60k-70k Major
>70k-85k Brigadier General
>85k-100k Major General
>100k-115k Lieutenant General
>115k-130k General
>130k-150k General of the Space Force
>150k-170k Chief of Staff
>170k-199k Supreme Commander
>200k and above Commander in Chief of the GRT Armed Forces
41 min later 28376216 Anonymous
senior software engineer, so GRT was a no-brainer to all-in on
41 min later 28376220 Anonymous
You're lucky you get matched. My overlords merely allow me to save money tax free for now, that's about the extent of it. Granted I only give to the office once a month and make my own schedule but still money talks
43 min later 28376300 Anonymous
really hope this isn't a joke or larp. this is fire hopium
44 min later 28376330 Anonymous
Is it too late?
45 min later 28376398 Anonymous
Pros and cons to everything. Job hours are flexible as long as I meet my deliverables on time but I can't wfh and the job can be absolutely mind numbing. Just need to make it in crypto enough to shave more years off retirement and spend more time doing the things I want. Time is most important asset
46 min later 28376430 Anonymous
GIS Anslyst
46 min later 28376477 Anonymous (1611847602822.jpg 639x607 47kB)
InfoSec management/governance guy.
250 only; can't invest more because need fiat to buy a house.
47 min later 28376505 Anonymous
You're right about that. Amen
48 min later 28376551 Anonymous
nah, it's just the same logic as those screenshotted posts that make their way around these threads.
I know a enough about crypto to know its value, and seeing a project like GRT with a great use-case, that's first to market, AND that utilizes a super hot thing like GraphQL made too much sense to pass up.
48 min later 28376572 Anonymous
Web developer. Happen to use API:s about every day. 2k stacklet.
48 min later 28376577 Anonymous (grt.png 654x2370 291kB)
you tell me
56 min later 28376979 Anonymous
Made 2 weeks pay today.
So far so good.
Hyper wageslaving right now doesn't really bother me because there's fuck all else to do.
My one regret is that I waited so long to do this. All the stupid shit I've wasted money on...
57 min later 28377052 Anonymous
this is only the beginning anon. remember, there's a motherfucking stimulus locked and loaded
59 min later 28377120 Anonymous
English teacher
59 min later 28377157 Anonymous (10kfud.png 1335x195 61kB)
1 hours later 28377472 Anonymous (1607101137713.jpg 742x688 59kB)
61k GRT
nursing student and CNA. net 6 figures. what a way to start the year
1 hours later 28377570 Anonymous
Same situation here except I only have 300, may reinvest some other coin into this.
1 hours later 28377629 Anonymous (1612629056097.jpg 457x464 37kB)
I index blockchains for a living
1 hours later 28377727 Anonymous
I collect unemployment for a living
1 hours later 28377872 Anonymous
grt is awesome and all, but if 2k is make it then it would have to be literally $1000 EOY.
1 hours later 28378060 Anonymous
what value does GFT create though? it seems pretty cool but what am i getting by purchasing tokens other than number go up.
1 hours later 28378473 Anonymous
DYOR tard
1 hours later 28378753 Anonymous
GRT tokens create no value. It's a utility currency. No currency creates value as all currencies are a medium for exchange.
The value behind buying GRT right now is pumping bags for the indexers.
If the indexers create something useful then developers will want to buy what's been indexed.
1 hours later 28378809 Anonymous
NEET with a suicide stack HODLING for dear life.
1 hours later 28378879 Anonymous
I tried to swing, now I only inherit 500grt, where's the rope
1 hours later 28378972 Anonymous
Private in the GRT army
Maintenance Supervisor in a coal mine
1 hours later 28379474 Anonymous
Gonna be a doctor in 5 mnths when I finish Med school. 102k GRT 10k LINK 4.5k yax and 65k BNT.
I plan to provide free help to care for all graphonauts that bought in 2020 + proof of delegation required. Will obtain personal info via DECO so as not to doxx. I am primarily worried about the cardiovascular health of our graphhies in the future due to the lavish and excessive lifestyle they will no doubt park take in following their new found riches as they transcend into the financial elite
1 hours later 28379575 Anonymous
Air traffic controller
Pvt First class, soon to be corporal once I settle up some other shitcoins.
1 hours later 28379578 Anonymous
reddit admin
11.227 0.102