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2021-02-11 07:11 28373453 Anonymous STRAP THE FUCK IN BOYS (Screenshot_20210210-230943_Google News.jpg 1080x1824 216kB)
https://www.reuters.com/article/us- crypto-currency-mastercard-idUSKBN2 AA2WF
1 min later 28373516 Anonymous
So what does this mean for us?
2 min later 28373559 Anonymous
i paid to have porn created for me with litecoin today
2 min later 28373560 Anonymous
$ID will make this happen.
2 min later 28373585 Anonymous
It means you'd better be in on the correct coins when they announce which
2 min later 28373588 Anonymous
Utilization and normie adoption never before seen.
3 min later 28373605 Anonymous
Diarrhea medicine for your hole village.
3 min later 28373623 Anonymous
>two sentence article that basically says “mastercard already supports crypto currencies but now it’s more offiicial”
Who cares
3 min later 28373630 Anonymous
bitcoin explodes
3 min later 28373638 Anonymous
$ID is literally designed for countries with masses of impoverished.
3 min later 28373639 Anonymous
please pump my LTC
4 min later 28373647 Anonymous
it means blue chips
eth btc link ltc are going to pump
4 min later 28373667 Anonymous
It's going to literally be Bitcoin, Eth, and (other).
Nissan is taking fucking Dogecoin and that didn't do shit for the price.
5 min later 28373711 Anonymous
5 min later 28373727 Anonymous (1592515809982.jpg 1079x1080 192kB)
>Nissan is taking fucking Dogecoin and that didn't do shit for the price.
are you fucking serious lmao
5 min later 28373731 Anonymous
We need to pump avax into top ten so it can be in the running. This shit will go vertical
6 min later 28373771 Anonymous
What's the point? You can't use crypto as an actual currency. You'll trigger taxable events on every fucking purchase. Who the fuck wants to keep track of that?
7 min later 28373814 Anonymous
Hell, with their transmissions, you'd figure it would have hurt Doge
7 min later 28373818 Anonymous (Dogecoin-1024x772.jpg 1024x772 104kB)
7 min later 28373842 Anonymous (2927847C-C13E-499C-B823-10C585E6725D.jpg 443x455 15kB)
Let’s do it fren
7 min later 28373846 Anonymous
>Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online
payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a
financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main
benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending.
We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of
hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing
the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of
events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As
long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to
attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The
network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort
basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest
proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
wtf I love trusted third party financial institutions now
8 min later 28373871 Anonymous
Link bros what if... what if this the reason for the dumps. Minimize volatility so it looks like a good selection to shill to normies....
9 min later 28373912 Anonymous
10 min later 28373983 Anonymous
At least they can't print bitcoin.
13 min later 28374151 Anonymous
14 min later 28374233 Anonymous
Sergey is the real creator of BTC. The timeline adds up perfectly. He left BTC for LINK. It’s obviously got the largest room of all the blue chips to make a power move. These people studying the day to day operations are pussies who’ve obviously never tasted a bit of wealth and got their whole identity riding on it.
15 min later 28374259 Anonymous
Guess which one?
15 min later 28374274 Anonymous
>he thinks off chain intermediaries won't fractionally reserve their custodial bitcoin
15 min later 28374276 Anonymous
Light coin, xlm, usdc would be my bets for other. Would say xrp but then SEC happened
15 min later 28374288 Anonymous
16 min later 28374308 Anonymous
You forgot the
>Without going through it's network
part faggot. Mastercard will now offer crypto payment channels through their network.
Right??? Maybe a certain court case could help bring clarity to the difference between a digital currency and a digital asset. Maybe that could clear up stable coin definitions and the underlying chain or ledger that powers the transfer of stablecoins would explode in value (=°×°=)
16 min later 28374322 Anonymous
Wez about to make a shitton of money, pump it
16 min later 28374330 Anonymous
This is gonna be a great tool for gubmint to keep track of who potentially has big gains if they didnt know already. Im not trying to go tinfoil hat, but if you frequently make tx with crypto then the tax man will probably want to look into you for the day you decide to cash out. Obviously after a few years after everyone is doing this it won matter.
16 min later 28374331 Anonymous (1607948930854.jpg 912x513 26kB)
... no... they can't do that... it wouldn't even make any sense
... fuck i hope they dont get away with that
16 min later 28374333 Anonymous
That's a fucking dealership nigger
17 min later 28374359 Anonymous
18 min later 28374421 Anonymous
Also hmmm I wonder who will provide price feeds for mastercards crypto service?
Whos already doing that for most of the players in DeFi?
18 min later 28374448 Anonymous (Hillary.jpg 855x513 76kB)
https://medium.com/paradigm-fund/st ellar-mastercard-teams-up-with-stel lar-stellarx-acquired-by-coinsquare -satoshipay-grant-249d57d0c9c
Anybody remember this from 2 years ago? Huge news for Stellar Lumens/ XLM
19 min later 28374502 Anonymous (2022.jpg 768x835 137kB)
I'm strapped alright
20 min later 28374544 Anonymous
holy shit it's a fucking commercial.
Like a giant king Kong balloon or a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
22 min later 28374638 Anonymous
if it's not on chain it's not any different to the existing monetary systems. 144mb/day was full in 2017 forcing adoption to off chain
23 min later 28374687 Anonymous
Why are stellarfags rejoicing
25 min later 28374775 Anonymous
Guys, btc 55k in 24 hours. Big news coming.
25 min later 28374813 Anonymous (1612154144431.jpg 778x675 53kB)
let the games begin
26 min later 28374831 Anonymous
Massive influx of normiebux. Imagine, it's not longer "that stupid made-up internet money" for them, now they can go shopping! They can play Wall Street with their bitcoin stocks, and make mad returns, and then actually go and buy shit with their profits. How tempting is that? Compared to a few years ago, when every once in a while the question came up:
>uh, guys, how do you cash out?
Now the exchanges offer their own debit card (partnered with VISA, IIRC) already, so MC had to step up as well.
Prepare for total mayhem.
26 min later 28374833 Anonymous
Delete this.
27 min later 28374907 Anonymous
>part faggot. Mastercard will now offer crypto payment channels through their network.
So what? You bought bitcoin at some point and then you got rid of it. That's a taxable event.
30 min later 28375023 Anonymous
>cash out
>avoid the tax man
Pick one. If you give a fuck about ducking the IRS you never turn it back to USD
31 min later 28375075 Anonymous
dont worry, most anons will ignore it
35 min later 28375283 Anonymous
Mastercard worked with Stellar and more recently filed a patent for a similar tech to iota's tangle. If you arent stuffing cash into DLTs right now you're ngmi.
You're assuming they'll even use bitcoin. They'll likely use stablecoins starting with usdc. Again, if stablecoins become considered currency then that is not taxed. Or, they could even call bitcoin a currency under law. Ripples court case may unironically spark a bull run like never before if the SEC issues actual guidance on the differentiating factor between asset and currency.
38 min later 28375422 Anonymous
>tfw I own a nissan CVT
If my transmission shits the bed right now I am so fucked, I need every cent I can scrounge together for this bull run. Thankfully I only drive like 30 miles a week.
39 min later 28375495 Anonymous
Looks like capital gains will be abolished. The IRS is fucked and they know it.
42 min later 28375617 Anonymous (74CCE713-2BE1-42EB-A0A4-C60D73FA9F36.png 2000x1125 1735kB)
They will only be accepting btc, eth and hbar btw
42 min later 28375649 Anonymous
Incredibly bullish
48 min later 28375964 Anonymous
I'm so sorry, Anon.
51 min later 28376081 Anonymous (1610528258219m.jpg 662x1024 73kB)
Huh, federal reserve monopoly money or mathematically secure code thats unhackables
55 min later 28376312 Anonymous (1604197782312.jpg 1080x615 76kB)
I purposefully make as many small no cost retarded transactions as possible.
I downloaded my coinbase transactions and I have 5 pages in DAI interest from 5 dollars of DAI. My plan is to overwhem them with data. They only audit whales anyway, if they find out u owe them a few thousand a few years later they just send u a bill and a small interest charge this happened to me last year for non crypto stuff.
57 min later 28376376 Anonymous
unironically litecoin
1 hours later 28376858 Anonymous
1 hours later 28376976 Anonymous
Do you guys unironically think Bitcoin will be mainstream?
1 hours later 28377062 Anonymous (1612844076012.png 600x476 35kB)
i don't own a master card
1 hours later 28377208 Anonymous
UHh WTF is mastercard, sounds like some kind of master/slave "card". Why is this white supremecist "card" still in use?
1 hours later 28377332 Anonymous
bitcoin cash? Bitcoin is too slow for these consoomer payments.
1 hours later 28377678 Anonymous
They will. And it’ll be hilarious.
1 hours later 28377737 Anonymous
>Paypal late last year
>Visa two weeks ago
>now Mastercard
What the heckin HECK, guys.
1 hours later 28377834 Anonymous
Fednow exists idiot. It’s fedcoin by 2023.
1 hours later 28377859 Anonymous
>tfw chink exchanges will probably have more integrity when it comes to keeping custody of your coins than multinational megacorporations
1 hours later 28377930 Anonymous
Bitcoin will be initially accepted but phased out of the system for CBDCs
1 hours later 28377996 Anonymous
ALGO. Fastest transactions, lowest fee. Stay hard
1 hours later 28378169 Anonymous (Chainlink-Proof-of-Reserve-Blog-Banner.png 2000x1125 275kB)
1 hours later 28378225 Anonymous (1594376267451.jpg 600x600 38kB)
1 hours later 28378269 Anonymous (photo_2021-02-11_00-30-23.jpg 736x1030 81kB)
Muh 4 second transactions
1 hours later 28378407 Anonymous
>thinks Nissan a fucking car company accepting payments in doge is comparable to Mastercard embracing crypto
1.434 0.166