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2021-02-11 05:17 28366471 Anonymous Crypto regrets (88452435.png 1652x1342 561kB)
post em
0 min later 28366502 Anonymous (977889452.jpg 587x306 33kB)
14 min later 28367517 Anonymous
this is why i dollar cost average and never dump more than half
15 min later 28367621 Anonymous
Ethereum is truly a mental disease
16 min later 28367683 Anonymous
this is why you never go all in or all out
you take a starter position, add on if it's looking healthy, when you start thinking "should I cash out now" you cash out a little bit just to cover your cost basis, reassess, develop an exit strategy and play it slowly always leaving yourself with some skin in the game so that even when the dump happens you've still got a little bit in which you sell as the dump confirms.
going all in and all out trying to time the bottom and top is an absolute retard play and the only people who manage to do it correctly are luckboxes. for every luckbox there are ten more retards who sell everything watch it pump fomo back in sell everything on a dip for a loss then fomo back in at a higher price and repeat this pattern til they have nothing because they're retarded as fuck.
17 min later 28367787 Anonymous
Sold 5k GRT to buy GME right before it crashed.
19 min later 28367893 GRT 5.00 (Screenshot_20210210-203147_Instagram.jpg 1080x1055 618kB)
Quit being a bitch and buy GRT
21 min later 28367994 Anonymous
people will be posting these about rubic in 6 months
23 min later 28368172 Anonymous
I got 4500 grt at .13, sold 3000 grt for a great profit but still regretting not keeping it all in
25 min later 28368328 Anonymous
I love seeing day traders get burned. Can't get enough of it. The game is so simple: accumulate and hold. But some people are just too greedy. I hope this guy killed himself after ETH broke 1k.
26 min later 28368427 Anonymous
my only regret is losing faith in crypto after 2018 crash and coming back after it was already too late instead of accumulating through the bear market
when we get another bear market i won't make the same mistake again
28 min later 28368565 Anonymous
>Paper hands
Many such cases
29 min later 28368605 Anonymous
Hodlers would have very little gains if it wasn't for active traders
30 min later 28368644 Anonymous
76 million dollars worth of Bitcoin in today's money
31 min later 28368731 Anonymous
Bought Chainlink at 0.30 instead of 0.20
32 min later 28368830 Anonymous
and then he came when he saw it hit $80 and reaccumulated. its so strange thinking he might have missed it twice, life rarely gives you second chances and ETH quite literally did. if he didn't buy the dump he most certainly killed himself by now.
37 min later 28369129 Anonymous
we will have many such threads on this board dated 2021 2-3 years from now
39 min later 28369251 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210210-193444.png 1080x2160 259kB)
40 min later 28369353 Anonymous
First bought ETH at $8. Bought any shares for pennies. Bought BTC for $300. I’m only about 4x up now. Let me tell you anons, holding is the way to go. Don’t sell and FOMO back in multiple times like I did, in the end it will haunt you
46 min later 28369710 Anonymous
> long bnb on futures @$43each x 10leverage
> sell bnb for $45 for like $20k profit. Would have made over $500k if i held
>was about to long ada @$0.35 x 5 leverage, but decided to wait for a dip around $0.28
> would have made over $500k
> longed qtum at $5.70, sold on the dip 12hrs ago @6.50, now its over $8. missed out on over $100k.
Im just sitting in tether waiting for a big play while all the hodlers are making bank. Why do i have such paper hands :(
48 min later 28369837 Anonymous
Don't sit in Tether during bull runs, sit in BTC or ETH until you see a different play.
48 min later 28369848 Anonymous
nobody here is as retarded as you don't worry, we're all minimum 100x.
49 min later 28369904 Anonymous
MoldAnon here, was given 5k GRT and I fucking sold at .87
I'm an idiot, although I did need the money.
57 min later 28370363 Anonymous
at one point i had 3,000 LTC and 100 BTC back in 2012-2013, i probably spent 800 dollars total and made a profit of ~17k. I did make the mistake of selling everything. At the time, china looked like it was banning everything, MtGox went down and later on BTC-E was raided by glows. At one point I was SO convinced crypto was the future but that slowly faded and I basically dulled out the world with drugs. I was pretty young and happy with the money i made. I bought a car modded it and blew up the engine. I didnt work for a year while I completed my college degree. I was young and thought i was rich lol. I don't think I would have ever made it to 2021 with all of the coins I had. At most i would have sold everything and came out in the low 6 figure range. I don't really regret anything I just believe there is a plan for my life and it is gods/universes way of saying I wasn't ready for success. Hell the reason i got into crypto in the first place was Silk Road so i could get high as shit on all sorts of exotic drugs. I use the experience as motivation to improve my core values. If your experience was anything like mine and you feel lots of regret... don't give up, channel your energy into small positive daily wins. You can stack up these wins and come out better; I believe that good things will happen to me in the future. And I believe that good things will happen to you too. Put in the work and expand your mind body and souls limits. It's the only thing you can really do to come out of the missed out situation better.
1 hours later 28370553 Anonymous
Could you tell me more about your experience with the Silk Road anon? I always watched on the outside as a spectator but never partook.
1 hours later 28371038 Anonymous
sure! it was an absolutely captivating place. Drugs of all kinds. My favorite was definately ordering pure ecstasy directly from the netherlands. It would always come in the package in funny ways. shoved in book bindings, inside a stuffed animal, sown in between the outer and inner layers of a children's purses. and it was absolutely amazing stuff. Never had a problem ever getting screwed everyone was friendly and legit as long as you did your research beforehand on the different forums. You could tell some of the shit on there was a straight setup though lol. Like one ad was for a RPG-7 launcher that was CLEARLY b8. I still can't believe the dude who ran it lived in the USA. With all that $$ he was making he should have gotten the fuk out of here. Now he sits in jail to this day i think.. too bad. Funny how I'd drop 6 bitcoins on a few grams of molly lol... again gods way of telling me "you were a bitch; look what you could have had" But i'm not too bitter about it. Not to say i dont think about blowing 250k in today's worth of bitcoins on a temporary high but again just use it as motivation for now. I have a great job great career in IT decent relationship with a female and most of what I want in this world.
1 hours later 28371097 Anonymous
>Bought Monero at like $1.50
>Traded it for Distrocoin
The pain
1 hours later 28371247 Anonymous
That's funny about the RPG.
I would've opened one of those packages and seeing a kids purse, got super pissed and message the sender about his scam lol. Sounds like a fun and interesting time in history that will soon be forgotten forever. Thanks for your insight anon.
1 hours later 28371323 Anonymous
>sold 2000 USD worth of BTT at 0.0006
>it pjumped 280% 14 hours later
1 hours later 28371516 Anonymous
If he bought at 100 back then ... Fuck me I'm dropping all my savings in to crypto
1 hours later 28371601 Anonymous
I’m gonna be sick
1 hours later 28371617 Anonymous
I have eth and some btc. i am mainly in tether I would rather make plays on leverage instead of sitting in btc at this point. btc already $45k. even if it goes to 100k thats barely even x2.
1 hours later 28371764 Anonymous
it really was a wonderous time back then. I am happy to share.
1 hours later 28371785 Anonymous
I bought a bunch of LINK back when it was $0.25, sold it at $0.50. I was and am a poor student, so I only had about 500 even then, but if I had held till today $10k would still change my life quite a bit.
1 hours later 28371978 Anonymous
I sold 10k XLM at start of last bullrun which would have gotten me a good start.
Apart from that not much.. could have had 25k LINK but ended up with 23k as I got some BAT instead of going all-in with my fiat buy. That's about it.
1 hours later 28372021 Anonymous
How long left in this run do you imagine
1 hours later 28372147 Anonymous
How much is your portfolio worth today?
1 hours later 28372283 Anonymous
market will crash after coinbase IPO
1 hours later 28372345 Anonymous
I regret anly buying 50k Rubic
1 hours later 28372523 Anonymous
my regret is the fact that i've known about bitcoin since the beginning and i never held any for more than a week. when it started i was getting whole bitcoins from faucets but that wallet is long lost. i kept regaining my interest in investing in bitcoin only to let everybody around me convince me that i was wasting my time and that it would never be worth anything.
1 hours later 28372617 Anonymous
around 80k as far as computer money goes; with that i mainly started dumping into my aggressive 401k. But i'm also in PMs and firearms which have done decently (not as much as crypto lol but at least that stuff to me is "real"). I just bought like 3,000 dogecoin too for the lols. But you never know.............
1 hours later 28372652 Anonymous
Whenever I see hype about BTC I always feel like I'm missing out, even though I got alts. Ya feel Me?
1 hours later 28372802 Anonymous
longshot but was one of your greentexts featured in a youtube video about getting into drugs and getting out? Either Chass or Horror Doomer or someone like that.
1 hours later 28372867 Anonymous
Explain? First i heard of it. Have a look at the Bitcoin rainbow chart were looking at 100k in a year by the looks
1 hours later 28372884 Anonymous
I had 95k GRT sold it for eth thinking it was the better play.
1 hours later 28372935 Anonymous
nope this is the first time ive ever really told my story, but im sure its not unique; i imagine most of us silkroad kiddies had the same experience
1 hours later 28373037 Anonymous (1608469122696.jpg 738x415 27kB)
I sold everything at a loss 1 day before every single coin skyrocketed to where it is now. It fucking figures.
1 hours later 28373168 Anonymous
I bought link at 20c and sold early
1 hours later 28373172 Anonymous
Just researched a bit, surely there markets would only rise from the IPO?
1 hours later 28373205 Anonymous
regrats for not going full rebel and silk roading myself
Found the vid. entertaining story, good text2voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J6 qj1A7qeg&ab_channel=CloverLawn
1 hours later 28373254 Anonymous
Me too
2 hours later 28374527 Anonymous
Held roughly 500k coins between DNT and ZRX; got damn tired of watching them crab for the last several years, and for reasons I don't fully understand (I had a crazy fever due to COVID when I sold, and was delirious as fuck), I traded them all for other alts, literally days before they started taking off. Haven't done so bad as I consolidated into GRT and ALGO before they blew up, but it still hurts to know that if I hadn't fucked around, I'd be sitting at half a mil right now instead of a fifth of that.
2 hours later 28374548 Anonymous
First transaction in my Steam history is $100 I deposited with a VISA giftcard I had bought specifically to use to buy bitcoin, but I decided it was a meme and to put it into something useful.
>it was in 2012
What's worse is that I had been following bitcoin on /g/ since 2010.
2 hours later 28374975 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-014301_Chromium.jpg 1080x2280 526kB)
2 hours later 28375048 Anonymous
>didnt buy when i heard about btc at 320
>Sold one UNI drop @ 3.70 for ETH, PNK, AND BTC
2 hours later 28376274 Anonymous
Me too. I didn't really lose faith but didn't have much money left. Should have gotten a job but too busy with college. Next bear market I'm gonna load up and put every pay check in.
3 hours later 28376856 Lasagna
Lost a thousand euros due to the pump and dump xrp schema last time, i was too greedy
3 hours later 28376934 Anonymous
>Got talked out of mining or buying BTC by my dad in 2011.
At least the second time around I didn't listen to him and leveraged into my position as best I could.
3 hours later 28376946 Anonymous (1595426028680.jpg 1496x392 80kB)
3 hours later 28377068 Anonymous
This would have been me except I changed my homepage to /biz/ during the bullrun and was too lazy to change it back. So every time I opened my browser I would browse /biz/ a lil bit which led me to getting the jump on new projects.
3 hours later 28377082 Anonymous
3 hours later 28377290 Anonymous (cringe27.png 591x68 5kB)
We're gettin' real close to this one.
3 hours later 28377367 Anonymous (cringe38.png 1870x528 98kB)
3 hours later 28377429 Anonymous (cringe44.png 506x258 60kB)
3 hours later 28377617 Anonymous
I didnt take student loans against 0% because "investing wasnt for me". And when I finished my studies I bought some cryptos and wish I would have loaned the money. I couldve been rich.
3 hours later 28377650 Anonymous (1611675639196.png 1183x810 1248kB)
I didn't have ID when I got into crypto 2 months ago and exchanges refusing to sell me stuff cost me thousands. I tried to drop $800 on DOGE in December, tried to buy 20,000 TRX in January, tried to buy $400 ADA in January, missed out on GRT when it was low. Fuck KYC.
3 hours later 28377826 Anonymous
Holding onto 17k TRON for the last 4 fucking years.
Useless piece of shit chick
3 hours later 28377830 Anonymous
>when we get another bear market i won't make the same mistake again
you realize that literally everyone is thinking the same way as you now right, it's literally never gonna crash again to the same levels as before for this reason
money is where the risk is not the hype, and now crypto is in perma-hype/adoption mode
3 hours later 28377877 Anonymous
kek my neighbors son recently got arrested because he tried to buy a gun from a glowing ad on whatever site he was using. Fucking retard.
3 hours later 28377963 Anonymous
I was too lazy to make an account on bitgrail when raiblocks (nano for you new fags) was around a cent. Taught me a lesson tho, if you believe in a project, find a way to buy it even if it's inconvenient
3 hours later 28377997 Anonymous
if you trade with regrets youre fucked.
3 hours later 28378010 Anonymous
i would ACTUALLY kill myself.
imagine thinking you can CASHOUT at any time and then realizing you forgot the pass.
3 hours later 28378030 Anonymous
Selling 50k link at .22
3 hours later 28378053 Anonymous (1591326646465.jpg 2016x1512 1220kB)
3 hours later 28378095 Anonymous
i have 1k and i am so giddy!
how you holding up??
3 hours later 28378175 Anonymous
I sold 33k chainlinks at 28 cents. Made some nice 30% profit.
3 hours later 28378210 Anonymous
Apparently some MIT CompSci professor offered to help him crack the password for 50% of his coins
3 hours later 28378288 Anonymous (IMG_20210210_125945_518.jpg 646x800 51kB)
only buying 300 DEXG when it was $40 a couple of months ago. it's $350 now and going to $10,000 this year
3 hours later 28378353 Anonymous (IMG_20210211_074745.jpg 1080x1983 515kB)
3 hours later 28378417 Anonymous
why all these computer engineers are autistic and retarded??
3 hours later 28378431 Anonymous
I had 8k profit off of it.
It was during a period in life where I needed the cash.
I don't consider it much of a regret because I'm OK money-wise, but it's still one of the trades that would've been worth lots today.
Second biggest is not buying TSLA back when I first heard about it and Mr Musk's antics.
Third is that I was in china during Covid, so I was more occupied with getting home and staying alive than buying the dip.
3 hours later 28378551 Anonymous
Normies will get burned by BTC for the first time soon and go “fuck this nerdy internet money bullshit” and call Bitcoin a scam. Some kind of SEC/China/Russia FUD will hit BTC for 20% in a day and normies will drop out in masse.
3 hours later 28378584 Anonymous
Selling GRT I bought at .2 for .35 keeps me up at night
3 hours later 28378612 Anonymous
I remember when BTC could still be mined rather easily, and when my stupid university friend was telling me about DOGE and how easy it was to mine it. Now he either killed himself or is filthy rich.
Fuck, I missed the goldmine of my generation...
I never throw HDDs away, anyone could grab it and retrieve data from it, just put them in a box with some silica gel and you're good.
3 hours later 28378626 Anonymous (schwabpilled.jpg 1828x1435 826kB)
3 hours later 28378723 Anonymous (1592919282973.png 3509x1119 464kB)
3 hours later 28378732 Anonymous
well MONEY means nothing unless it MAKES me free.
so i am not making it yet, even though i have money.
only when i am free of WORK, that i would say i made it.
3 hours later 28378752 Anonymous
i got exit scammed on bitgrail lol
3 hours later 28378800 Anonymous
not finding out about dHEDGE in 2009
3 hours later 28378837 Anonymous
3 hours later 28378955 Anonymous
>google "buy crypto without kyc"
3 hours later 28378985 Anonymous
3 hours later 28379049 Anonymous (1613027659579.png 1368x3280 798kB)
Fresh off the presses
3 hours later 28379095 Anonymous
3 hours later 28379210 Anonymous
Holy fuck this thread makes me happy to be a HODLer... Everyone makes fun of me but I have never sold and am ON FUCKING TOP
3 hours later 28379211 Anonymous
I'll never understand why people will get in on blatant scams to get a quick 10x when legitimate coins can also give you a 10x or more in a bullrun.
3 hours later 28379233 Anonymous
just not holding in general. I have such good positions but threat of bitcoin dumping and losing those gains cause me to sell. 2017 PTSD. Need to remind yourself, DO NOT SELL. new buyers don't give a fuck what you experienced in 2017
3 hours later 28379308 Anonymous
How could someone fall for such a blatant scam?
I need to devise a way to scam these people and get their money, holy fuck.
I can't believe this shit.
3 hours later 28379317 Anonymous
Anyone new here I strongly fucking advise you to just buy BTC/ETH at LEAST 75% of your port and HODL. So much less stress and you will do better than most of the larpers on biz
3 hours later 28379379 Anonymous
start an MLM and target community college dropouts
3 hours later 28379513 Anonymous
I think I'll make a coin called SCAM and see how many people fall for it.
3 hours later 28379515 Anonymous
Do you not think I did this? I found one single site that would sell without KYC, and after I bought from them 3 or 4 times they changed the rules to require KYC for every transaction. They also didn't sell GRT or ADA. Binance will only allow like $300 worth of buys without ID then you have to verify. It's impossible to find anywhere except p2p and I'm not paying those fees.
3 hours later 28379665 Anonymous
>sold link at 1$
>sold XVS at 5$
>sold ERD before the swap (now EGLD is at fucking 200$)
my advice is, never sell for a x2, only x100
3 hours later 28379690 Anonymous
hodlhodl.com brah
3 hours later 28379706 Anonymous
There already is, just checked Blockfolio. Can't remove it from my watch list without it crashing the app either, a scam in every sense
3 hours later 28379724 Anonymous
relai.ch bro
4 hours later 28379820 Anonymous
>Staked AVAX
I have to wait like 20 more hours before finally redeeming my coins and I'll get the fuck out of here.
I just hope it doesnt go below 40-30 by the time I can redeem so I can at least do a x5, I unironnically hope the bugs stay on for longer so that I can avoid a massive sell wall from those who are stuck.
4 hours later 28379873 Anonymous
people are greedy, stupid and short-sighted.
4 hours later 28379929 Anonymous
Neat, but I'm on autismbux and if I buy bitcoin and trade it for other coins the difference in price counts as income and cuts my money off, I can buy and hold but not trade so no money to be made in buying and holding btc at this price.
4 hours later 28380121 Anonymous (dream_t3r3al0uvh8.jpg 600x885 165kB)
4 hours later 28380185 Anonymous
If you sell it immediately its not much income though, right? Or sell when the price is a little bit lower.
4 hours later 28380521 Anonymous
Selling 0.40€ grt for 0.80€ made me buy a rope
4 hours later 28380621 Anonymous
I tried this just now on uniswap and gas fees ate up 5k. thanks slot.
4 hours later 28380629 Anonymous (FAB4896D-0087-4F6C-A3FE-F62EBE5016B4.jpg 1242x877 207kB)
>my entire crypto stack
Literally the worst day of my life, if things don’t get better soon I’m probably gonna an hero Jan 13th 2023
4 hours later 28380649 Anonymous (ouEON43g.jpg 512x512 27kB)
Just sold my Algo at like 1.152 and now I'm regretting it since it's back to 1.176.
4 hours later 28380843 Anonymous
4 hours later 28380846 Anonymous
Used to be an all-in-all-out retard myself.
Not anymore, learned my lesson the hard way
4 hours later 28380936 Anonymous
I think that's correct but I don't want to risk rent and food money for a quick trade.
4 hours later 28381160 Anonymous
Though one of the safer options, this is sadly a non-viable strategy with ERC-20 alts due to gas fees now. You'll be down literally thousands of dollars over ~10 trades.
4 hours later 28381266 Anonymous (1611290878453.png 1242x1394 1394kB)
I'd rather hit zero than sell for a loss.
4 hours later 28381342 Anonymous
that's a bad beat bro, goddamn
4 hours later 28381366 Anonymous (MV5BYjA3M2Q0ZjUtMDM5My00OGQ5LWI0NGQtMTI3ZWU0M2NiM2NkL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR482,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg 630x1200 58kB)
Could've bought GRT at $1.50 but decided to wait for the dip .
4 hours later 28381543 Anonymous
Told everything was overpriced so sold the majority of my coins on the weekend and cashed out my initial investment than monday happened. On the upside I'm 100% profits at the moment so not all is bad
4 hours later 28381593 Anonymous
Maybe, but with Chink new year tomorrow I'm not risking it.
4 hours later 28381640 Anonymous (1609869316843.png 512x468 191kB)
I didn't buy during the december dump and could have been way up right now if I did. Sometimes I feel like that january dip was a hand reaching out to me to offer me a way in at the bottom. I had to buy midway through and hope for the giga pump to continue.
4 hours later 28382391 Anonymous
beginnerfag that started in jan here
bought/swung my way to 196k rbc, got shaken out by the first whale dump for a small profit (thought it was dead)
could've been my early ticket straight to 6 figure hell fml
4 hours later 28382604 Anonymous
this. idk why someone would throw away a hdd with all their data still on it, having private keys on there is bad enough but I bet he has passwords on it as well.
5 hours later 28382808 Anonymous (▄█ █▄█ ▄█▀ ▀█▀.png 500x737 534kB)
sold 20k LINK at $0.33
5 hours later 28382991 Anonymous
lost $1900 off of a $2000 investment back in 2018 and abandoned my accounts. by chance I saw crypto in the news and decided to see what my leftover $100 was doing. found that it was now $1100 and pulled it straight out. regret not seeing new news sooner so I could have put that money into one of the many moons.
5 hours later 28383082 Anonymous
I first heard about etherium when it was worth maybe a few dollars. And I thoroughly researched it. I could've gone to college for free without working. Instead, I bought steam games and a new graphics card.
I also regret not putting all my life savings in during covid-19, because I knew with certainty that it'd bounce right back.
5 hours later 28383307 Anonymous
These idiots deserve it
5 hours later 28384274 Anonymous
sad to be honest
5 hours later 28384566 Anonymous (5333CF75-6B49-4E08-9C24-68DE4153F62C.png 822x822 1312kB)
I sold my avax stack at $9
Hold me bros
5 hours later 28384713 Anonymous
>I'm ruggin' it
5 hours later 28385230 Anonymous
tried to short using short term options this bull run. lost my 2 BTC i was collecting for years. fucking ego. does not sound like much but it hurts, as with the monies i have in stonks and the current BTC price i would be able to quit my job and trade full time. so starting again dipping my toes in (with 5k LOL). It will probably take years to get back (i don't care about the BTC price, I just want to own as much BTC as I can), but I think I learned valuable lesson. Sorry for the blogpost. It still hurts.
5 hours later 28385314 Anonymous
bro you lost 90K dollars being a retard. Better start reacoomulating with shitcoina
6 hours later 28385536 Anonymous
Spent $50k on SKY, $50k on VTR, $50k on BLOCK, $25K on WYS. Sold 10k LINK at 70c Now I only have $10k worth of BSV.
6 hours later 28385667 Anonymous
I bought Mcafee scams: BTCP, SAFEX, Apollo, Verge.
6 hours later 28385677 Anonymous
nah, but thanks for the advice anon. I don't believe in shitcoins. Gonna probably just start wheeling on deribit and try to collect as much premium as I can + monthly DCA in.
6 hours later 28385869 Anonymous
Bought 2k GRT at 13c when it came out. Sold for a x3 profit. Bought back 500 GRT when it got to 35c and told myself I'd buy a bit more when it went below 30c. It went below 30c and I didn't buy. Now I only have 500 GRT.
Bought about 10 ETH in total over the last 12 months, kept trading it for shitcoins. Only have 1 ETH left and about 2 ETH worth in shitcoins.
Sold 300 UNI from the airdrop to buy shitcoins. Only have 100 left.
Sold all my Doge when tiktok pumped it to around 1c last year.
Bought Raiblocks (nano) and saw it go to ATH but kept holding on to it. Sold it last year when it went to around $1 because I thought it was dead.
3.142 0.146