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2021-02-11 04:13 28362149 Anonymous Wasted Life General—/WLG/ (AB874A16-7156-4223-8684-29AE35FFE885.jpg 1013x1072 76kB)
The thread for worthless losers that wasted their lives. Feeling extra depressed lately gentlemen, knowing that I have missed out on every single crypto pump for four years straight and am going to die a friendless virgin. How are the rest of you doing?

1 min later 28362228 Anonymous
>>28362149 just put money into something

1 min later 28362251 Anonymous
I'm 24 and only have 300k net worth - it's over for me In all seriousness, I don't really have friends and I'm only not a virgin cause I fucked a whore once or twice.

1 min later 28362276 Anonymous (fren.jpg 680x383 32kB)
>Missed out on every sinngle crypto pump for four years Not yet fren. Buy GRT. We will show you how to win.

5 min later 28362508 Anonymous
>tfw 29 >make okay money a year (60k) but have literally zero benefits >only recently started investing into crypto >making awesone gains, but dont feel like i have put enough in to truly make it, but due to how fast my coins are climbing its limiting how much more i can invest into it God I wish i had started sooner

9 min later 28362786 Anonymous
I have ADHD and HF Autism and have been addicted to the internet for as long as I can remember, and alcohol too. Switching my attention to crypto and /biz/ has at least put that autism to making money.

13 min later 28363101 Anonymous
>fine moneywise >fucked personality >fucked body >fucked teeth Half the reason I need to make it is to spend like $100k reassembling my body into something like a human.

16 min later 28363289 Anonymous (B5422130-C13E-4790-89EC-9893CE46677A.jpg 1318x920 127kB)
>>28362149 I wish I knew where to go to make money This place spent TWO WEEKS complaining about what a scam GameStop stock squeeze was and now there is a literal McDonald’s coin being marketed

16 min later 28363302 Anonymous
40 years old Made a ton of mistakes for a long time Finally got my shit together after my dad died Things actually ok now, but trying to make up for lost time Still don't make much money plz halp /biz/

20 min later 28363536 Anonymous
>>28363101 same, my body is absolutely fucked I've already gotten some major operations, but some issues have no fix, which makes me feel almost suicidal

37 min later 28364589 Anonymous
>23 >got let go from shitty job last summer because of covid >have a stem degree but I was a slacker and mediocre student so I can't find a job for the life of me >ugly, never had a gf, virgin, haven't even talked to a woman that isn't a family member in a year >no friends anymore, uni and hs friends are busy with their real lives My life is fucking awful guys, the loneliness and self-loathing are becoming unbearable. The only things I've got going for me are my GRT and LINK stacks, lifting, and shitposting on this board with you fellas.

39 min later 28364735 Anonymous
>>28363302 >40 years old its over bro

45 min later 28365106 Anonymous
>>28362251 Does fucking a whore really count tho? Have you ever made love? Looked deeply into their eyes and know in that moment they care so deeply for you they love seeing you feel good?

46 min later 28365177 Anonymous
OP, it could always be worse. I got diagnosed with HIV three days ago. I'm not gay either

47 min later 28365272 Anonymous
Finally, a thread for me. I'm going to summarize why I'm a retard. >Going to set myself up for a career in the military. Back out of enlistment 3 times. On the third time, I back out for good. (For better or worse). >Work retail for 1.5 years. Soul sucking. I quit >Fast forward to neet. Making stacks from crypto. Sell during one of the big dips. >Fall into the AMC trap. Invest $4k. I've lost $3k and counting. At least I invested $800 into GRT and that's almost turned into $2,000. It sucks losing money, but I guess I can turn this around. I still have $7k I can invest. I don't want to work, but I might have to go back before long. Been thinking about suicide. Only 21 btw.

49 min later 28365453 Anonymous
>>28364735 Nah. I'm going to keep going so my wife can live a nice life and any kids we have can afford to GTFO from lost cause America.

50 min later 28365482 Anonymous
>>28365106 it's just sex. Love is fleeting.

51 min later 28365532 Anonymous
>>28364589 >26 >never went to college, went to a 8 month course to teach me personal support worker shit. Basic stuff. >found a comfy job with a union that pays decently for this profession >work awake overnifhr shift where all i do is clean for an hour and help some lads get ready in the morning. Feels good to help. >spend rest of the 6 hours shit posting and learning about crypto >poured all my money into radix, good pumpamentals. >currently making coffee and getting paid for this. Man you really don't need schooling to do well.

51 min later 28365556 Anonymous (funnycatsgarfield.jpg 765x703 142kB)
>>28363302 buy GRT and any other popular coins that have been around for a while. sometimes you may find a coin thats new but undiscovered. you got this bro i was picking cans a year ago now im living pretty comfortably. be smart dont panic buy and do your research and dont forget to relax and have a good time while youre doing it. im 59 years old. i made it and i have no regrets.

51 min later 28365559 Anonymous
>>28362149 buy tezos nigger

52 min later 28365612 Anonymous
>27 >code monkey >will be 4 more years before i start making a decent paycheck >1/5 of funds in to alimony + things for my kiddo, love the kid, hate the ex >missed all pumps because my third world shithole's currency is about 1/4 of a USD and gas fees are abnormal The only good I see in this is that I'm too insecure to fall for pajeet scams as it would cost me too much.

54 min later 28365732 Anonymous
>>28365177 I'll storytime it because no one seems to care and I'm gonna rope soon anyways >meet up with girl from OKcupid who was a bit younger than me >she sucks my dick in my car >get a rash on my groin a couple days later >find outa year later I have HIV thats it. thats the story. thats all it took to get HIV

55 min later 28365802 Anonymous
>>28365732 You can get hiv from a blowjob?

55 min later 28365844 Anonymous
>>28365482 >Love is fleeting For you maybe LOL

55 min later 28365853 Anonymous
>>28365802 its extremely rare but yes

56 min later 28365901 Anonymous
>>28365802 The IQ of the average /biz/raeli people

58 min later 28366064 Anonymous
>>28365901 he isn't wrong. its like a 0.001% chance. God really had it out for me

1 hours later 28366169 Anonymous (A81EC002-87E6-43FB-B4AF-74FED3987436.png 828x1792 2454kB)
>>28362149 When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you, and when it does, you must learn to TRUST in your Inner Guidance, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY SAY. That is the ultimate test. To Trust what you know deep inside as your Truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are "wrong". It is hard work, to Trust yourself when all those around you doubt you and call you crazy, but it is the job you came here to do. The only real and lasting Truth, is a 'self-realized' one. Messengers can come and go, and show you Truth until they're blue in the face, but it will not be Your Truth, until you have realized for yourself, deep within the Core of your Being, that it 'feels' True for you. You should never accept something as true, just because someone tells you it is so. But when your inner voice guides you that a Truth is True, and you feel that old warm feeling of excitement welling up from somewhere deep within, that says "Yes! I knew it!" Hold on to that feeling, (feelings are the language of your Soul) and Guard it carefully, as you can be sure that your newfound beliefs will be challenged in many ways. It is designed this way, to test you.

1 hours later 28366188 Anonymous
>>28362149 take risks stop being a pussy

1 hours later 28366237 Anonymous (EGfM0dDXoAM_p5Y.png 645x773 386kB)
>>28362149 finally a real thread >never bothered with stocks because boomers made it sound impossible unless you read charts all day and live on wall street and go to college for 8 years >found out if i just put my money in apple instead of sitting in a bank id be rich >been working my ass off for 3 years saving everything and barely have anything id have like 6 figures if i did that >came back here because i heard of link >made a nice chunk of change >market is already at the top bitcoin as at the top >theres nothing left to buy alts moon at least i made a couple thousand since i came here but jesus christ i need money like NOW

1 hours later 28366454 Anonymous
>>28366237 Market isn't at the top, don't worry. Alt season is going to end soon when BTC starts making moves again. Position and move into alts when this happens.

1 hours later 28366476 Anonymous
>>28365901 HIV is mostly transmitted from anal, including your precious booty eating, thats why its god's curse for fags.

1 hours later 28366485 Anonymous
>>28365732 i feel like this is bs..

1 hours later 28366611 Anonymous
>>28362149 This tine last year I was pretty much homeless, suicidal and had a negative $2000 bank balance and knew nothing about finance and crypto and I was jobless. today my net worth is $35000. Yes it's nothing compared to others on here but the point in making is that you can do it from rock bottom as well. You haven't missed the train on coins like dot and Ada and when this bullmarket is over you have the chance to accumulate on the cheap in prep for the next phase. Women will come as your confidence increases. I'm in moderately decent shape as I'm into powerlifting but I am by no means a good looking guy and before this covid shit kicked off I was sleeping with about 2 different girls a month. No hookerinos. You can do it friend. Don't give up hope.

1 hours later 28366640 Anonymous
>>28366237 I feel this anon Lately every day that goes by I regret not putting money into the market. Or, if I did, I got in too late or out too early. I am the worst trader. Sure, I have made profits, but nothing life changing.

1 hours later 28366796 Anonymous
>>28365732 How the fuck you get HIV From a BJ. I was under the impression the chances were slim to none

1 hours later 28366826 Anonymous
>>28366454 im talking about stocks. im holding a few alts but got money in stocks for comfy gains

1 hours later 28366829 Anonymous
>>28366485 Why?

1 hours later 28366908 Anonymous
>>28366796 Yeah, they are slim. God hates me. I don't know if she had a cut in her mouth or I had a burn on my penis or something. But I'm pozzed.

1 hours later 28367082 Anonymous
>>28366908 Did you ever contact the girl about it? Should’ve killed the bitch

1 hours later 28367116 Anonymous
>>28366908 Liar. You fucked a dude in the bum didn't you? It's ok anon, we are all faggots here.

1 hours later 28367185 Anonymous
>>28367082 I thought about it but I recently became lucid after my psychotic freakout. I don't think it's worth it honestly. My lifespan will probably be similar but it's just going to be one of those skeletons in my closet. I've taken it as a sign to get more right with God, as cliche as it sounds. Maybe I'll rope though. Not sure yet.

1 hours later 28367243 Anonymous
>>28366611 Buy unibright fren

1 hours later 28367260 Anonymous
>>28367116 No, sorry. I don't really have anything against fags either.

1 hours later 28367287 Anonymous
>>28363289 Buy the coins on coinbase Buy index funds like QQQ or SPY Buy some stocks to speculate and to earn on Formula to make money

1 hours later 28367528 Anonymous
28 years old, 15k net worth, fat manlet with shit tier job, crippling mental illness and have to care for disabled parent

1 hours later 28368402 Anonymous
24, skinnyfat alcoholic with gyno, no friends and not close with my family at all. basically completely alone with no job prospects or skills, just have a faint hope that I make six figures so I can buy cheap property and neet it out flipping shitcoins. haven't had a real conversation with someone in 2021 currently have $4k in buidl and that's only because i got incredibly lucky by some pnd Jew investment group shilling it and giving me a 3x in the past 24 hours. it's all i have

1 hours later 28368567 Anonymous
>30 >total degenerate but also got into btc early >spent 300-500 btc gambling online when US banned virtual poker >have another 250 btc on Alphabay while it's seized by the FBI. >After two lovely fed visits I'm too spooked to trade for years Finally getting back into it now that I have solid income and I'm clean. I lose sleep and want to eat a bullet every night but I learned from it and tell myself if I blew up then I'd be dead now.

1 hours later 28370093 Anonymous
>>28362149 >20 Drop out 30k net worth

2 hours later 28371821 Anonymous
i was supposed to be rich already brahs

2 hours later 28372654 Anonymous (1613014429650.gif 468x408 409kB)
31 did all the mistakes in the book. My depression didn't let me chose anyway.. Don't know what's next.. I'm ready to accept anything.. I guess.

2 hours later 28372963 Anonymous
>31 years old >40k in debt >body falling apart from manual labor Still got it better than you assholes. My woman loves me an we're having as many kids as possible no matter how broke i am Dont forget to file for capital gains tax!

2 hours later 28373036 Anonymous
>>28365482 NGMI

2 hours later 28373292 Anonymous
>>28365732 This is extremely unlikely. Are you sure you did not get assfucked a few times?

2 hours later 28373469 Anonymous
>>28372963 $40k from an audit?

3 hours later 28373578 Anonymous (IMG_20210211_081305_244.jpg 658x901 63kB)
>18 >poorfag, dwelling in eastern europe >cant really invest anything >made 100 bucks with my artsy skills, used it to help family >think about making my own project >out of desperation enrolled on free coursera compsci course >begin to research how crypto works, how DeFi works >feel overwhelmed I just want to make, please

3 hours later 28373934 Anonymous
>>28372963 >he thinks women are loyal to someone who's not on top of their game Anon i am so sorry for what's coming for you once your body throws in the towel due to manual labor.

3 hours later 28374172 Anonymous
>>28362149 This is my thread.

3 hours later 28374415 Anonymous
>>28365532 where do you reside? the states? europe?

3 hours later 28374497 Anonymous
>>28365732 You can still live with HIV anon.

3 hours later 28374622 Anonymous
>>28363302 Anon you’re fine just workout, eat better, and go hard on your investments. You’re here and clearly not a normie just lurk and make gains.

3 hours later 28374857 Anonymous (PepeRope.png 657x527 49kB)
>>28365482 POZZED

3 hours later 28374897 Anonymous
>>28362149 Anon, I am 19 years old. $350,000 in link, 795 credit score, $250,000 line of credit, a house and a 2021 BMW. Yet I still am a fucking loser... What is this all for bros?

3 hours later 28375457 Anonymous
>>28374897 You're 19 bro stop being a faggot

3 hours later 28375641 Anonymous
Oldfag here. In 2008 I had a net worth of negative $150k from student loans, autistic social retard, on multiple antidepressants, unemployed, had to borrow money for rent, all during a massive recession. Was weeks away from being homeless. 12 years later, I’m married with 3 daughters, and net worth over 3 million. And I’m a nocoiner. Just about to dip my toe in for funsies. Don’t lose hope, frens. You can turn it around.

4 hours later 28377477 Anonymous
>thought my life was wasted when I was 22 >now it's several years later THINGS GOT EXTRA FUCKED

4 hours later 28377556 Anonymous
>>28374897 >>28375457 He's a 19 year old with roughly 600k he can throw around and a nice car, he should stop being a faggot. >>28363302 >>28365453 Stop taking advice from 19 year olds, stop being an American coward

4 hours later 28378986 Anonymous
>>28375641 how old are you?

4 hours later 28379001 Anonymous
>>28365732 Bro what the fuck say syke right now

4 hours later 28379108 Anonymous
>>28362508 Anon, everyone feels like this during their first bull run. Make sure you take profits, at least take out your initial capital, don’t bag hold into a multi year depression where BTC sinks back to 10k

4 hours later 28379191 Anonymous
>>28362149 >knowing that I have missed out on every single crypto pump for four years straight Hell isn't missing crypto pumps. It's getting in on them, having all the insight and capital to make life-changing money over and over again... but never having the balls to make more than a small pile. Put in less than 5% of my disposable cash back in 2017, less than 10% after the covid dump put everything on deep discount. Did I make some five-figure stacks? I did. But that's all. Not even enough to pay off my student loans.

4 hours later 28379213 Anonymous
>>28377477 I was in the same mentality but it's either end it all or just keep trying. Otherwise nothing will change.

4 hours later 28379307 Anonymous
>>28373578 >QQ id I'm sorry sadfren. You'll make it, and even if you don't it's all according to the way God would have it

4 hours later 28379459 Anonymous
>>28365732 I got a BJ from a "girl" one time and a few days later white and yellow foam leaked out of my dick. I took some antibiotics and I've been all good since but it taught me a quick lesson about being a degenerate. Life is just better when you're living right. Now I just need to stop drinking.

5 hours later 28379613 Anonymous
>>28379459 Was the head good at least?

5 hours later 28379663 Anonymous
>>28373578 man you're 18, you're gonna hate hearing this but you have so much time. You don't need to figure out how to be a code monkey in 3 months or even in a year. The fact that you're even starting on that path on your own means you're gonna make it. But in the meantime get some shit minimum wage job, even if it's just part-time. It sounds like you're living at home, so any money you make is play money. I spent a year and a half after college doing literally fuck-all except Hearthstone and liquidating my assets for rent money just because I believed people that told me "you gotta love your job" "find a career in your field" nah fuck that, get literally ANY job and figure out how to get a better job later. If I had done that immediately after graduating and YOLO'd my savings into crypto I could be years from retirement instead of decades. But hey, I'm only 25, and I get the same shit from people about how "you're still so young," so I'm keeping my chin up and putting money into BTC and ADA even though I already missed the ez money bubbles three times already. Not gonna keep telling myself "it's too late" over and over, that's no way to live.

5 hours later 28379736 Anonymous (1613008868129.png 397x393 156kB)
>>28362149 >be me >28 year old normal fella >beautiful wife who loves me >have a few very close friends and a relatively large secondary friend circle. >only make 50k a year but love my job >lots of love and laughter in my life >in a bit of debt but I'm not too worried about money, never have been >up 35k on rubic this month which feels nice >have a nice kitty who I love, the wife and I are planning to start our family once she finishes her masters degree Stop worrying so much about everything bad in your life and just start living ya dinguses

5 hours later 28379750 Anonymous
>>28379191 If you had gone in with everything, you would not have made the same decisions. You think you would; but you would not have.

5 hours later 28379780 Anonymous
>>28365732 Was she hot atleast

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