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2021-02-11 02:47 28356147 Anonymous (16898577.jpg 1362x1194 127kB)
You can only post ITT if you have less than $6000 in cryptocurrency.

1 min later 28356214 Anonymous
I have well more than $6000.

1 min later 28356270 Anonymous
jk i lost it all

2 min later 28356294 DISCORD: DjurEMPe
>>28356147 WallStreetBets backup discord: DjurEMPe

2 min later 28356330 Anonymous
i got 60$

3 min later 28356361 Anonymous
>>28356147 I have less than 6k and fuck all the previous posters

3 min later 28356397 Anonymous
>>28356147 I USED to have over $6000 until LINK knifed into a dump. Had to switch to GRT and AVAX.

3 min later 28356399 Anonymous
>>28356147 I have less than six thousand period.

4 min later 28356482 Anonymous (1606408701533.jpg 1431x899 462kB)
>>28356147 $500, reporting in.

4 min later 28356493 Anonymous (1612364085503.jpg 793x786 55kB)
>>28356399 This

9 min later 28356839 Anonymous
I have about $3000 worth of ardor and $2000 of vet. Prob be worth 1000000000x that by 2022

10 min later 28356864 Anonymous
1500 lol

11 min later 28356949 Anonymous
>>28356864 in doge btw

13 min later 28357148 Anonymous
hi guys I just started trading crypto recently and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing

17 min later 28357389 Anonymous
>>28357148 >and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing You're practically a billionaire already.

21 min later 28357667 Anonymous
Us stacklets should co-ordinate to get the most returns fast. Make a stacklet general to post best performing coins and strategies for stacklets

23 min later 28357791 Anonymous
Everyday I gain 5 dollars and every day I lose 5 dollars

24 min later 28357866 Anonymous
>>28356147 $4500 here. Started in december with 2000.

25 min later 28357903 Anonymous
I have $300 in various coins Hope one of them goes x1000

25 min later 28357922 Anonymous
>>28357667 >Us stacklets should co-ordinate to get the most returns fast. The jews would just shut us down.

25 min later 28357929 Anonymous
>>28356147 I started a couple weeks ago and have put in a little over $200 and I'm over $300 already :) this is so fun :)))

27 min later 28358017 Anonymous (D4FF8D46-6D99-4D32-ADC9-557DA132D516.png 750x1334 364kB)
>>28356147 FUCK YOU

27 min later 28358021 Anonymous
>>28356147 I had $26k this morning now I have less :^(

27 min later 28358044 Anonymous
>>28356399 same

28 min later 28358085 Anonymous
>>28356147 finally broke 10k profits off 1500 last month and got too greedy and went down to 6k profits i know i should be happy but im not

28 min later 28358107 Anonymous
>>28358017 Sir the door is to your left

28 min later 28358136 Anonymous
>>28357922 I highly doubt that. There are literal hourly shill threads. I think we could make it.

30 min later 28358266 Anonymous (141-1419261_happy-smug-pepe-victoria-secret-pepe-meme-clipart.jpg 880x795 177kB)
>>28356147 I have more than $6000 in cryptocurrency faggot. What are you gonna do about it huh? Can't wait to laugh at you fucking dolts as I climb into my helipad to spend the weekend at the Hamptons with handpicked victoria secret models.

31 min later 28358299 Anonymous
320 here, had like 140 last week and hoping for a x5/x10 to take me to 4 digits purgatory.

31 min later 28358314 Anonymous

32 min later 28358378 Anonymous (gigacomp.jpg 1080x607 53kB)
$0 of crypto here. Been here for months, don't even know why I browse /biz/

34 min later 28358486 Anonymous (6 - Copy.jpg 222x227 14kB)
>>28358314 SECURITY!

36 min later 28358694 Anonymous
>>28358017 Everyone has to start somewhere. You can stop being angry now

40 min later 28359030 Anonymous (1613010504256.jpg 680x854 148kB)
sub 200 graphlet reporting in

42 min later 28359124 Anonymous
Working on it... $250 3 weeks ago $4k today Going pretty good.

44 min later 28359294 Anonymous (IMG_20201020_173441.jpg 749x731 97kB)
>>28356147 I turned 700$ into 4500$. I knew it was a good deal I just didn't have much money to invest at the time.

51 min later 28359742 Anonymous
Chin up boys. I had 5k just a few months ago, and now I’m up above 30k. Every single one of you are going to make it. Best of luck

52 min later 28359842 Anonymous

52 min later 28359860 Anonymous
>>28359742 just tell me what to buy

54 min later 28360011 Anonymous
>>28359124 How?

56 min later 28360108 Anonymous
>>28359742 I actually know fuck all. I just have 2 good mates who browse here and let me know what they’re investing in. I’m like 95% rbc with a suicide stack of rlc, but I didn’t really come here to shill. Just wanted to offer encouragement

57 min later 28360195 Anonymous
>>28359860 My last comment was for you sorry

57 min later 28360224 Anonymous
>>28359860 this is your next chance, check out $ZEFU, they got an upcoming AMA, and will release their mvp. Shit is going to implode! with gains

58 min later 28360229 Anonymous
>>28360011 Shib, Tosa, Hoge, Bunny

58 min later 28360232 Anonymous
>>28360108 >>28360195 well what are your 2 good mates buying?

58 min later 28360279 Anonymous
>>28360108 90% RBC and 10% GRT I'm sitting pretty comfy I just wish I had more money to put into both

59 min later 28360330 Anonymous
I have 40 dollars in crypto, originally put in 20...

59 min later 28360343 Anonymous
>>28356147 I have $6009 Am I allowed in?

1 hours later 28360367 Anonymous
>>28356399 are you me?

1 hours later 28360393 Anonymous (retarded-pepe-5820009b9ab78.jpg 699x485 70kB)
for now, i will have more soon

1 hours later 28360400 Anonymous
$0 here. I just come to the board for stock talk.

1 hours later 28360401 Anonymous
>>28360108 >hey brother I'm rich >not that anyone asked, but here's my pajeet coin Every fucking time

1 hours later 28360451 Anonymous
>>28356147 5.5k reporting

1 hours later 28361217 Anonymous (9B2E7C2A-2C14-47BB-B212-46AB397FBFB6.png 300x294 175kB)
>>28356147 I know I’m not welcome here, but I thought I’d offer words of hope to struggling anons. Just broke into 5-figure hell last week. >Joined /biz/ out of desperation ($30k+ in debt, barely making rent and interest payments on time, stressed out...) >put in a cool $20CAD into ETH, SUTER, and VRA >coins pump a bit so I trade around, eventually into ESH for the GHOST airdrop (don’t ever buy btw) >make $100 and trade for shitcoins on uniswap >get UNI airdrop and immediately sell half to buy some LINK, 1 ETH, and XRP >everything pumps like crazy and I’m up thousands >do a few more trades, but never sell/trade more than half of anything I’m still pretty poor, but $10k less poor, and it’s only been a year. Not really that impressive to most, but life threw me a bunch of awful curveballs after grad school and interest payments have been raping up the ass. Hope you all make it, frens

1 hours later 28361319 Anonymous (cash money.png 389x50 3kB)
>>28358017 Imagine thinking this is impressive.

1 hours later 28361644 Anonymous
>>28361217 You're very welcome, as a former under 6k stacklet. Good luck reaching 6 figure inferno

1 hours later 28361748 Anonymous (085fb9d7dabce24178bb846fbc89cd6e9d18d4a21ad39ec2ec519f7bca082f0d.png 112x112 14kB)
500 into xrp 300 into GRT and like 10 bucks into BTC and 17 bucks into shib at least one of these has to moon

1 hours later 28361889 Anonymous (1612766885282.jpg 640x356 26kB)
made like 20k off btc/ltc/doge back around 2013. currently only got like 100 bucks between doge and ltc. have 5k tied up in products selling on ebay, but i only average like $50/day in sales so it'll take a while.

1 hours later 28361896 Anonymous
I have 0 and I dont know where to start.

1 hours later 28362347 Anonymous (unknown.png 384x410 202kB)
>>28361896 some anon would probably be happy to give you a coinbase referral code, though I'm not sure if they give free money anymore... >get your hands on a little bit of capital >find a good CEX like Binance, Coinbase, or Kucoin >install the Metamask browser plugin >trade shitcoins on uniswap >lurk /biz/, make mistakes, learn from them >I'd be bullish on ETH, LINK, UNI, and XRP atm >higher risk: 1INCH, SUTER, VRA >watch me get utterly obliterated with the replies

1 hours later 28363672 Anonymous
Just reached 4k.

1 hours later 28363752 Anonymous
>>28361748 GRT is a very good choice in 2021. This thing won't stop. I wish I had more money to throw at it but I have to wait.

1 hours later 28364112 Anonymous (0F650D3C-EB17-47E9-84F9-DAC564C65F17.jpg 259x194 6kB)
I have $160 , I just want to know if I can get 500k from my small investment by EOY

1 hours later 28364171 Anonymous
>>28356147 Hey! I have very little in crypto. Woo! Poorfag investors unite. I can't even afford doge. Ngmi will rope.

2 hours later 28364749 Anonymous
>>28359030 I have 420. Not much better off than you, maybe I can buy a nice used car though or exotic fish for my aquarium

2 hours later 28364756 Anonymous (1612725590934.png 900x692 686kB)
Just put my first grand in. t. poorfag.

2 hours later 28364866 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210210-215403_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 427kB)
Poorfag reporting in. Started one month ago. Feeling comfy.

2 hours later 28364948 Anonymous
I have 2002 RVN and 2021 Doge. My chances of making it are 0%.

2 hours later 28365061 Anonymous (maxresdefault[1].jpg 1280x720 68kB)
>>28364112 You could 3-5x within two weeks on ebay flipping shit off the clearance racks at Ross or some other discount store.

3.180 0.136