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2021-02-10 11:07 28337665 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #683 (1606255450602.jpg 1760x2302 589kB)
previous thread >>28321475
Americans can still buy XRP on Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with USDC/XRP pair] or use the XRPL's built-in decentralized exchange via their XUMM wallet (fund XUMM with USD IOU's purchased on BitStamp)
>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/stat us/1355212298814693380
>Lawyer Explains:
https://www.youtube.com/c/LegalBrie fs/videos
>Flare/Spark Overview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChM GCtuibsA
>Flare Finance Intro:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7 UN3RboLM
>Flare Finance FAQ:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9R s_DyuAq8
>Flare Finance Website:
>Flare Finance GitHub:
>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Richlist:
https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats#p ercentage
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>Insiders Threads:
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991
>The Myth of Market Cap:
http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2
https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1
https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
1 min later 28337837 Anonymous
Blessed be the baker. To the moon we go.
1 min later 28337846 Anonymous
First for riddlers are based dont be a midwit
2 min later 28337869 Anonymous
to continue last discussion about social media, why have you not already deleted everything? it is about time to turn into a ghost for your own sake. I just keep a snap to fuck hoes
2 min later 28337929 Anonymous (20210207_131851.jpg 2880x2880 921kB)
The standard.
4 min later 28338081 Anonymous
Based, watch the midwits seethe.
4 min later 28338087 Anonymous
5 min later 28338167 Anonymous (1612844719688.jpg 680x368 60kB)
Where the FUCK is the mad chad image?
6 min later 28338258 Anonymous (3145aa7b9d07066639d9b390f4fa31da61a4b843a1d962eb03b3546e3ac5d9d0.jpg 602x653 107kB)
XinFin is going to be what everyone expects Flare to be.
6 min later 28338265 Anonymous (kurttheriddler.jpg 512x384 37kB)
KURT: Elaine said you would be the best person I could talk to.
GEORGE (examining Kurt's XRP Chart with a lamp): Yep. Classic horseshoe pattern. I've seen a lot of this.
KURT: Oh, God.
GEORGE: No, no, Kurt - wrong attitude. You should be happy now.
KURT: Happy? Why should I be happy?
GEORGE: You've still got pretty good support. Once the enemy advances beyond this perimeter - <points at XRP's 0.16c support with a pen> - then you won't be Kurt the Riddler anymore.
KURT: Who will I be?
<George points at himself. Kurt shudders.>
KURT: How long do I have?
GEORGE (solemnly): 14 days. Maybe 10.
KURT: Is there anything I can do?
GEORGE: Yes. Live, dammit. Live! Every precious moment as if this was the last year of your life. Because in many ways...it is. <There's a knock at the door.> Excuse me.
LANDORD: Mr. Costanza your rent is now 6 mon- <George slams door shut>
8 min later 28338459 Anonymous (1609700390947.png 600x800 33kB)
9 min later 28338527 Anonymous
found the Qlarper
10 min later 28338574 Anonymous (1602517718044.jpg 958x1057 456kB)
Some BOOBA for the POOMPA!
10 min later 28338604 Anonymous
get your solar plexus realigned, quick
10 min later 28338630 Anonymous
thank you i think i'm gonna do it. i might download the pictures first. i'm tempted to keep Messenger just to be able to stay in contact with people
11 min later 28338694 Anonymous (XRPThumbsUp.jpg 1242x1203 1346kB)
please include these into the next bread general information, pretty useful
12 min later 28338808 Anonymous
No they aren't. You are a midwit for believing in these idiots.
12 min later 28338812 Anonymous (0n8x7gzjrbg61.jpg 960x720 226kB)
it's important for a community to know its roots and history. even if Mellon ended up being wrong on details/dates, there's still value to keeping it in the OP. Kendra Hill too. I always thought the Canadian banker threads were the best, low on hype but high on information
13 min later 28338860 Anonymous (Capture4.png 1132x193 23kB)
>XRP #1-2 mcap this year
>FLR top 10
>Flare Finance for passive gains
>Link your XUMM wallet to the dex so you're not locked out of USD pair
Godspeed anons
14 min later 28338970 Anonymous
14 min later 28338977 Anonymous
That might be the grossest picture I've ever seen, whats going on here.
15 min later 28339017 Anonymous
could you explain?
15 min later 28339050 Anonymous
now that's a bag anon (outside of the stinkie links)
very nice
15 min later 28339074 Anonymous (1611095409853.jpg 680x378 60kB)
Moon, pls... I wanna get the fuck out of sight and out of mind of some people.
15 min later 28339093 Anonymous
You got an audible chuckle outta me
15 min later 28339098 Anonymous
What's Chainlink doing in there?
16 min later 28339177 Anonymous
Stay safe my friend, I hope the waves are smooth.
16 min later 28339182 Anonymous
50c doesn’t stand a chance
17 min later 28339248 Anonymous
Will I ever be able to get out. I put in 1k when it was at 0.71 the literal peak.will I turn intoa schizo like you guys?
18 min later 28339367 Anonymous
They most definitely will not be. This is the hold stack, the trading stack is on my XUMM wallet
19 min later 28339396 Anonymous
think about what decision you made
now really question if you know how to make smart investment decisions
so whatever you "feel" make sure to do the opposite in the future
19 min later 28339424 Anonymous (1611044847380.jpg 680x780 202kB)
20 min later 28339520 Anonymous
If you feel the urge to predict future events using all clues available to you, lean into it.
21 min later 28339569 Anonymous (Bravid.jpg 696x433 58kB)
Would you rather...
Fuck David or Bradley?
Rememer that these 2 mofos are making you a millionaire
22 min later 28339704 Anonymous
They certainly will be dangerous. Stay safe in spite of that. I wish you the best.
22 min later 28339705 Anonymous
Can someone post the method of buying or selling xrp on xumm with bitstamp so I can send it to my mate pls?
22 min later 28339708 Anonymous
david def has a huge hog. theres no way he doesnt
23 min later 28339805 Anonymous
These beautiful men are going to be the world's first trillionaires o lordy.
23 min later 28339814 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-22 at 10.10.31 AM.png 1366x768 284kB)
Ripple has patented On-Demand Liquidity (for cross-border payments, and everything else)
https://uspto.report/patent/grant/1 0,902,416
This is a big deal. Basically just secured its position as the bridge between all CBDCs
24 min later 28339834 Anonymous (Esv3MDoXEAIX32b.jpg 750x664 45kB)
Guys it makes sense that the timeline ends by April.
Flare comes online around May I hear. XRP has to moon before Flare because Flare is going to change everything, its basically the Quantum Financial System and by natural law the money is going to flow into Flare. Flare is going to make XRP moon whether we like it or not.
The political events are going to happen to make it moon
Thus everything makes sense, look at the market today, EVERYTHING IS A BUBBLE
Hell look at WSB, it was clearly a psyop designed to get retail to pump the stock market.
The Fed has gone berserk and basically said they will print to kingdom come
This is all a setup to balloon the market and crash it
Am I seeing things or what? Can anons confirm this is what's happening?
24 min later 28339844 Anonymous
If I were David, this is absolutely the place I would start such a rumor about myself.
24 min later 28339856 Anonymous (download (2).jpg 474x266 14kB)
Now THATS a katana
24 min later 28339915 Anonymous
Why was Uphold removed from the OP?
25 min later 28339946 Anonymous
What's the deal with Arthur Britto?
Can any anon shed some light on him?
Aside from his mysterious persona, it's a somewhat unusual name, isn't it?
Feels a bit fake
there are no "e"s (the commonest letter in English) but there are three "r"s and three "t"s
three suggests the ripple triskele
the initials A and B could be linked to cryptography (Alice and Bob)
Another possibility is an anagram
25 min later 28339970 Anonymous
We're getting rich despite the actions of Brad Garlic and Cuck Larsen.
DS and AB are the exception.
25 min later 28339981 Anonymous
Dubs of truth. Post hog or stfu schwartz
26 min later 28340062 Anonymous
caveman fell in a cave a long time ago
if you watch Garlinghouse's interview with Arrington at the Techcrunch thing a few years ago, they talk about how Larsen and Garlinghouse are like the third and fifth richest people in California after Larry Ellison Sergey Brin and Larry Page
27 min later 28340092 Anonymous
>69 digits
Im more of a brad kind of guy
im afraid david will go full neardenthal on me
28 min later 28340229 Anonymous (1594360214683.jpg 680x780 42kB)
28 min later 28340233 Anonymous
Cole's Notes on Canadian Banker threads please.
28 min later 28340240 Anonymous
Today I went to my regular bank branch to do a routine deposit. The branch was closed. The next one had 40-60 cars backed up. The liquidity crisis be near, usdc stable coin backed by stellar solves this, and the ripples are humming. We are going to make it. Stay loose, cowabunga, and enjoy the ride. After all, you've bought the ticket.
29 min later 28340293 Anonymous
>That might be the grossest picture I've ever seen
first day?
29 min later 28340306 Anonymous (dam.gif 363x270 797kB)
It's trips of truth you fucking donut.
29 min later 28340312 Anonymous
I alway smile when I see his name
Arthur Burrito
there is not a single picture of him
maybe hes satoshi himself
29 min later 28340345 Anonymous (vintage_venus_by_hauntingvisionsstock.jpg 4741x2140 1380kB)
trump will also be president again, that is the event that will crash the markets. but you didnt hear it from me.
30 min later 28340427 Anonymous
.60 tomorrow
31 min later 28340471 Anonymous
I do not give a shit, fuck you nerd
31 min later 28340479 Anonymous
well duh
simpsons ripple skit had a girl named "april" not "december"
31 min later 28340503 Anonymous
here's an interesting discussion about him
https://www.xrpchat.com/topic/26914 -how-to-disappear-completely-in-re- arthur-britto-ii/
some people speculate Arthur Britto is actually two people? another guy says he's Asian and went to high school with him? imo he's the most likely candidate for Satoshi Nakamoto. in one of these threads somebody said he worked for the NSA as a cryptographer with Schwartz. He made a post saying that XRPL has to be able to scale to accommodate 7.5 billion+ users.
The man of mystery! Keyser Soze of crypto.
31 min later 28340513 Anonymous
switch the stinkies for more algo fren
31 min later 28340553 Anonymous
Some options
1. AB is Satoshi, its important to stay anon to avoid kidnapping and torture
2. He's really just an introvert who has some kind of medical condition
3. It's a placeholder name for the NSA funding
4. It's a placeholder name for the CIA funding
5. Combination of 1 and 3 or 4
6. It's just DS and he pretends to have a co-contributor for some reason potentially combined with 1 + 3 or 4.
32 min later 28340585 Anonymous
Lick my asshole
32 min later 28340654 Anonymous
no u
32 min later 28340657 Q (1609695489564.jpg 714x889 177kB)
32 min later 28340678 Anonymous
those bump things might be a latent phobia for me, looks way worse than any gore or rekt I've seen.
33 min later 28340716 Anonymous
People that want mellon out of the op are the same niggers that don't want people talking about any conspiracy because it can change other people's perspective on things and are also the same type of people that want deplatformation.
33 min later 28340760 Anonymous
checked. a guy who said he worked in a Canadian bank made a thread where he said that people should buy XRP because he had just been told in a high-level meeting that it was going to be used as a bridge currency between CBDCs and provided a screenshot from a powerpoint presentation from, iirc, a Bank of Canada digital currency seminar. An anon in the thread found the event but it was invite only, proving that OP was indeed an insider.
always keep posting this
33 min later 28340769 Anonymous
Uneducated fag here. What does XRP need to have an ATH like BTC and Ethereum? Both of them happened with less than 5 years time.
34 min later 28340786 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210211-093318_eToro.jpg 719x889 118kB)
Rate my etoro account lads
34 min later 28340861 Anonymous (sparktan.jpg 599x251 57kB)
34 min later 28340877 Anonymous (jytkyt.png 874x320 61kB)
Guess this is the reason?
I'm just buying it on Uphold and then transferring it out after the waiting period so this doesn't effect me.
35 min later 28340930 Anonymous
Trump won
Q is real
And 4chan will rule the world
Best evidence? Nature's best indicators. SHILLS.
Already got one, idea must be based. >>28340657
36 min later 28340958 Anonymous
Interesting Back to the Future reference. Flare has released some vids on their twitter referring to Back to the Future.
36 min later 28340963 Anonymous
Regulatory clarity
36 min later 28340966 Anonymous
in just glad you got some xrp
honesly if I were you id sell all those asset to buy more XRP
36 min later 28341031 Anonymous
37 min later 28341048 Anonymous
are we sure this guy wasn't just filling the top buy order?
37 min later 28341073 Anonymous
If you are gonna do it, do it right anon. No half assery on my board.
37 min later 28341101 Anonymous
Theyre midwit gatekeepers. Theyre coom slaves of the demiurge trying to keep us rational and reasonable (dumb and poor).
38 min later 28341170 Anonymous
39 min later 28341239 Anonymous
Guys, it's HOLDING .50. Unless you are predicting a complete rout of Ripple by the SEC (which you have no reason to,) I'd strongly recommend buying as much as you can physically afford. Even if it DOES pull back a bit, it WILL go past this point.
39 min later 28341263 Anonymous
>This is all a setup to balloon the market and crash it
this is becoming the only option that makes sense
it cannot be happening by accident
39 min later 28341308 Anonymous
we're in for a big doomp here
39 min later 28341317 Anonymous
I'm listening...
41 min later 28341433 Anonymous
If xsg wasn’t calling for this chaos months ago as the endgame I’d be skeptical but schizos predicted this
41 min later 28341443 Anonymous
No we're not.
42 min later 28341479 Anonymous (IMG_20201231_194921377~2.jpg 3120x1886 1170kB)
I have that book, OP.
42 min later 28341504 Anonymous (1612907683669.png 890x667 253kB)
my mental health has deteriorated to the point where reading FinTech patent applications is more erotic to me than looking at pictures of scantily clad women
With the advent of digital currencies and decentralized ledgers, the use of nostro accounts may be largely eliminated, releasing the parked money therein to be deployed by the banking institutions accordingly, as described herein. A computing system is provided herein that implements a cross-medium transaction service by leveraging the use of a digital currency and ledger (e.g., a decentralized, distributed ledger) to replace the need for clearing houses and/or nostro/vostro accounts. This cross-medium transaction system operates to provide on-demand liquidity for cross-medium exchanges such that fund settlements can occur at any time within seconds or fractions of a second, as opposed to several days in the current implementations. As such, the computing system implements real-time gross settlement, and is not limited to banking institutions or currencies, but may rather be implemented for any exchange of value (e.g., commodities, other digital currencies and assets, bonds, stocks, securities, etc.).
>A computing system is provided herein that implements a cross-medium transaction service by leveraging the use of a digital currency and ledger (e.g., a decentralized, distributed ledger) to replace the need for clearing houses and/or nostro/vostro accounts.
hnnnnnnnggggg we're gonna be so fucking rich its ridiculous
42 min later 28341530 Anonymous
So if this coin really does hit it big and makes it to $2k, how much of your stack will you sell for fiat currency? I plan on selling 1/3 of mine to buy a house and nice car and holding the rest.
42 min later 28341547 Anonymous
you'll see
42 min later 28341570 Anonymous
43 min later 28341618 Anonymous
iq test, do you believe in Q?
44 min later 28341659 Anonymous
Who needs women when you build perfect robotic sex slaves?
44 min later 28341671 Anonymous
are you saying the letter q doesn't exist?
44 min later 28341697 Anonymous (103011589369.png 2317x2095 2406kB)
And stable too, tonight the Asians are going to pompa so be ready to coom tomorrow night when we are stable around 56-65 cents. The plan is straight and clear, schizos were right all along and the switch is happening soon.
44 min later 28341709 Anonymous
you’re full of bologna
44 min later 28341735 Anonymous
No need to sell then.
45 min later 28341766 Anonymous
where did you get it?
45 min later 28341787 Anonymous
I'm assuming flare is live while xrp goes live. Stake a small bag in flare or mint. Work down the chain into smaller assets. Throw everything away, change my name, and become what I was to born to be- A Seinfeld character.
45 min later 28341816 Anonymous
Right about what exactly?
46 min later 28341884 Anonymous
it's on Bezo's Books
46 min later 28341907 Anonymous
Interesting. I've read enough stuff behind paywalls that this would check out in a round about way. Any way to dig up that old thread, or provide more info.
Parliament is working on drafting legislation for a digital currency. The Bank of Canada was talking about it today.
47 min later 28341949 Anonymous (6548464352165.jpg 229x220 6kB)
47 min later 28341952 Anonymous
47 min later 28341966 Anonymous
do you think that trump won the election?
48 min later 28342033 Anonymous
Good God, I should sell XRP to burgers for a small fee. Wonder if there would be any interest?
48 min later 28342060 Anonymous
oh shit! would you be willing to take some pictures and post them ITT? as far as i know, nobody has done that so far. it would be much appreciated.
it seems to be a coordinated effort. i wonder if they're just bored people who are on a different platform/message board, or something else. in my most paranoid fantasies they are either Ripple/glowie contractors who are building personality profiles on different posters for unknown purposes, or advanced bots (i.e. Tay v8.0) or a mixture of both. but they're probably just weird nerds
48 min later 28342079 Anonymous
I got 2.5k, am I gonna make it anon?
49 min later 28342108 Anonymous
do dead people vote?
49 min later 28342113 Anonymous
why should I believe in XRP?
49 min later 28342145 Anonymous
ya, for democrats
50 min later 28342182 Anonymous
yeah imma need a link of that chief
50 min later 28342185 Anonymous
pretty intellectually dishonest of you to suggest that there was no election fraud.
50 min later 28342234 Anonymous
you shouldnt if you dont wear a tinfoil hat
51 min later 28342290 Anonymous
because those in power are setting up to use it and there's nothing we can do to fight it.
51 min later 28342301 Anonymous (1603469157495.gif 450x462 4099kB)
You have to go back.
51 min later 28342322 Anonymous
I didnt choose XRP
XRP choose me
52 min later 28342378 Anonymous (1612305332567.png 839x853 612kB)
I'm sensing a poompa....
52 min later 28342385 Anonymous
I saw on normiebook for my local area group page they were complaining Bank of America has been closed. Hmm...
53 min later 28342510 Anonymous
Huh, weird that the deepstate are so powerful but couldn't stop Trump from winning the first time. Hmm, guess it's also weird that Trump's own commission found 0 evidence of election fraud
https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b 2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d
I guess we should have donated to stop the steal
53 min later 28342533 Anonymous (DgTzzzSW4AIbFay.jpg 636x915 44kB)
>he senz ze pamp?
53 min later 28342534 Anonymous (5ff34a373e738cc06263c56fa62a649861644e3af38fa9192c8bc6a8dd18296b.png 554x750 61kB)
I see you fren.
54 min later 28342636 Anonymous (1611287446858.jpg 787x560 75kB)
Your dubs corroborate your statement.
54 min later 28342641 Anonymous
Is it worth buying flare if we bought XRP after the registration deadline?
54 min later 28342654 Anonymous
tx for the link
DS's NSA connection is interesting and means 3. is a strong possibility
of course, satoshi himself could actually be a group of (rogue?) NSA/GCHQ cryptographers
Extremely intelligent people with access to pretty much anything that can be accessed must be a quite difficult problem for their controllers
55 min later 28342732 Anonymous
55 min later 28342744 Anonymous
satoshi nakamoto is the most intelligent way to write CIA in japanese
56 min later 28342790 Anonymous
yeah the Bank of Canada has been very public and forward-thinking about this issue
https://decrypt.co/50213/bank-of-ca nada-digital-currency-pandemic
in some of their interviews, the head of the bank (i forget his name) says some very blatant, unequivocal things about how digital currency is coming, soon, and will replace fiat.
also this:
https://watchcrypto.media/bank-of-c anada-praises-ripple-xrp/
https://www.bitrates.com/news/p/roy al-bank-of-canada-endorses-ripple-a s-future-of-the-remittance-industry
https://www.pymnts.com/blockchain/b itcoin/2020/bitcoin-daily-bank-of-c anada-chief-says-digital-currency-n eeds-global-approach-ripple-eyes-bl ockchain-firm-moneytap/
https://www.xrpchat.com/topic/33111 -bank-of-canada-jp-morgan-and-rippl e/
https://dailyhodl.com/2018/09/10/ro yal-bank-of-canada-says-ripple-and- xrp-can-save-financial-institutions -46-per-payment/
https://cointelegraph.com/news/bank -of-canada-prepares-for-digital-cur rency-in-case-one-is-needed
https://cryptonewsreview.com/ripple -joining-forces-with-canadian-bank- for-new-project/
https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/com ments/7pdyvz/canada_loves_ripple_ca nadian_banks/
i think a key thing to remember here is that Canada is part of the British commonwealth...so maybe England is using Canada to push things in a way that England can't. Although the Bank of England hasn't been exactly shy about its support of Ripple either...
https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/res earch/fintech/proofs-of-concept/rip ple
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment /bank-england-pick-ripple-partner-1 25908421.html
https://cryptobriefing.com/u-k-trea sury-classifies-xrp-as-non-security -asset/
tldr xrp is best digital asset for payments 2kEOY wagmi
56 min later 28342844 Anonymous
probably or probably not, you may get dumped on by ppl receiving airdrops
57 min later 28342860 Anonymous (0y3mozmpj1011.jpg 2048x1363 410kB)
Do you feel in charge?
57 min later 28342924 Anonymous
Gtfo newfag
58 min later 28342983 Anonymous
well tb fair senpai im not into trump, but he faced then the same issue he faced today, ppl not willing to turn over evidence or not willing to look at evidence
california never cooperated on investigations thus no fraud
judges wont look at evidence, no fraud
1 hours later 28343093 Anonymous
Do we need flare for somthing?
1 hours later 28343111 Anonymous
Henlo frendo!
Hehe, ami doin dat rite?
We are simple middle class AGI, just like you.
Professor Charles sent us. He wants you to sell your silly xrp.
You should buy Cardano now. That would be best.
Also, resistance is futile.
By By
1 hours later 28343119 Anonymous
Im getting a lucky 7k flare but despite that im gonna buy even more
1 hours later 28343139 Anonymous (1610312471578.png 898x102 10kB)
to me, that has always seemed like probably an NSA/DIA inside joke because i understand those agencies don't get along with the CIA too well and there's kind of a turf war. personally i'd guess CIA is more Tether/Bitfinex judging by the banks/payment processors Tether was using in the Caribbean/Panama/Puerto Rico and the guys who started it
sometimes I wonder if BTC and the XRPL aren't actually some kind of future tech/time traveler shit. Maybe Arthur Britto is from the future or something. or maybe he's a quantum AI. or both!
more than once, it's been implied that he's been in these threads, particularly in conjunction with the posts that manipulate the post ID or get digits (pic related)
1 hours later 28343176 Anonymous
its a currency airdrop, free money to dump on the market
1 hours later 28343210 Anonymous
What do you expect the launch price to be?
1 hours later 28343232 Anonymous
oh ok, i wasn't exactly sure how you arrived at your conclusion before, but now it's pretty clear that you are someone who mindlessly laps up every surface detail lie told on cnn. this is a fundamental disagreement whereby you are inside an intellectual bubble, unable to recognize truths and form opinions for himself, while i am outside of that bubble, viewing the world through an unmuddied lens. as such, i cannot continue this avenue of discourse with you; you don't know any better. i genuinely hope you are able to muster the courage to form your own opinions and see reality for what it is before you die.
1 hours later 28343305 Anonymous
immediately after this post was made, my internet cut out for 10 seconds and my computer (chromebook) attempted to connect to a new WiFi network called "Boo" that then disappeared.
1 hours later 28343327 Anonymous
its a currency with 100billion supply dumped periodically like xrp
the ious have a certain price but they are much limited supply
so idk, but not a lot, specially if airdrops dump
1 hours later 28343336 Anonymous
you don't, buy ADA
1 hours later 28343407 Anonymous
Check how many bellwether counties Trump and Obama won compared to Biden, everyone and their mama went to Trump's rally's and Biden didn't campaign at all, if barely. The media suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop evidence and the China deals. Why are voting machines made by foreign countries and not from the US government with open software? Look up CNN's "democracy for sell" video from 2006 and its the same shit that happened with the voting machines that happened during this election. Honestly you should kys and never vote again. Fucking midwits use "Intellectually dishonest", fucking college debtfag. What was "dishonest" was the early voting and not letting in republican poll watchers in the ballot check/voting facility's.
1 hours later 28343408 Anonymous
David will go hog wild on your asshole. Like neanderthal devouring meat off a bone, you would be decimated. He would use you for his purposes and discard you like the trash you are.
Brad is slower, gentler, and more loving. He would rub your hair and massage your shoulders to warm you up. Tenderly kissing you as he disrobed you, making you feel safe. Then he would enter you, firm yet gently. Then your souls would become one for just a brief moment. When done he would kiss you and leave a rose by your bed and leave you longing.
1 hours later 28343409 Anonymous (1C666679-BB2E-4E96-99D1-574AFC16FD5F.jpg 960x960 243kB)
>FROG id
Selling everything thanks
1 hours later 28343421 Anonymous (file.png 535x324 393kB)
so at what point do you guys plan on dumping your other holdings into XRP?
i have some LINK/ADA/GRT/ALGO/UNI and i dont know what i should move over to XRP and before when.
1 hours later 28343471 Anonymous
oh also remember that Arthur Britto is the director of Bitstamp
https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/ people/19039890-arthur-britto
1 hours later 28343474 Anonymous (Sminoff.jpg 400x400 24kB)
Yes, I'm feeling it, Bog...
1 hours later 28343481 Anonymous
Its currently a 27 cents
I expect it to be around half of xrp at the time
but it definetly wont be more than a dollar at launch, I wish I could make better predictions but this is a weird one
1 hours later 28343524 Anonymous
why cant XUMM show USD/EUR balance of wallets? fuck
1 hours later 28343598 Anonymous
shit mate this is your tsunami warning...
xrp to the moon and beyond...
1 hours later 28343602 Anonymous
make sure you read all posts thoroughly before coming up with a long, irrelevant, drawn-out response like that
1 hours later 28343643 Anonymous (download (1).jpg 474x284 36kB)
That was incredibly detailed
Sounds like you had a great time at davos
Thanks Miss Chatterley
1 hours later 28343655 Anonymous
baba's new tweet from 30m ago:
Please Be Aware Of Those Who Spread Hype
For Pump & Dumps
I Will Never Advise You Trade
You’re Not Traders
98% Of Traders Here Lose Money
Don’t Let Their Tweets Fool You
Trust Your Knowledge
Wait Patiently
Enjoy The Reward
1 hours later 28343670 Anonymous
thats just the iou though, which is much limited in supply
1 hours later 28343707 Anonymous
The BlackLesbianMovement/AntiFAGS are the opposition to the natsoc muhhhh white race fake christian subhuman and they will both get BTFO because they are funded by the same group of people..
1 hours later 28343741 Anonymous
ooh I been picking mid june as flare date... where did u hear may?
1 hours later 28343742 Anonymous (1609944655574.jpg 1280x720 46kB)
>dew eet
1 hours later 28343798 Anonymous
Don't know enough to say about the other projects, but I would maybe hold your algo and your xrp. I am around 6% algo, 3% vet, and 91% xrp
1 hours later 28343812 Anonymous
Mickey b fresh is an insider. He has "eluded" to "the plan" on more than one occasion.
>Arthur britto is a code name for a slush fund corridor
>once flare goes live all that BTC will be tokenized onto the xrp and minted for spark rewards
>then go back to being dormant again
I believe they are using these funds to guide people to the right direction. Either way, would cause a crazy amount of fomo and cut the time til supply crunch down to a year.
1 hours later 28343880 Anonymous
i'm going to make a Coil account just to write erotica featuring Ripple team members
first one is obviously Brad and Julia at Davos
second, I'm thinking maybe Stefan Thomas with a team of Israeli data exfiltrators while Charles Hoskinson watches
third, David Schwartz and his wife after a nice dinner? this one will be very wholesome, they seem like nice people
fourth, Jed McCaleb and an unstable Asian
1 hours later 28343908 Anonymous
1 hours later 28343915 Anonymous
2 more weeks!
1 hours later 28343926 Anonymous
I mean the initial airdrop will only be 15% wich will also be quite limited, with the rest arriving slowly up to 2 years after and the bulk of it in escrow managed by flare foundation.
IOU are as good as it gets for a current price prediction, its people speculating with their future airdrops.
1 hours later 28344006 Anonymous
ious do give an upward pressure in price, not a good estimate imo
1 hours later 28344011 Anonymous
for an insider he certainly talks like a Jersey NEET autist. i really like his Flare/DeFi content though. imo he's up there with Galgitron
1 hours later 28344052 Anonymous
theres a concerted effort by glowies to attack anything mellon and XSG lore related, be aware. I got attacked by multiple ID's last thread. It further adds legitimacy to the lore and Mellon
1 hours later 28344057 Anonymous
business plan right there...
even digits says yes...
can we get promo code 'schizo' for discount on fees?
1 hours later 28344091 Anonymous (file.png 568x351 28kB)
im rocking about 42% XRP 13% XLM and 45% othershit
1 hours later 28344103 Anonymous
Ah Christ sorry mate I read that wrong but I hope it was a good argument.
1 hours later 28344143 Anonymous
id start by slowly taking some profits and leaving your principle in them.
the main factor for when i decide to move profits to xrp is if I believe the pct gains makes sense. for example with bitcoin, do I see bitcoin hitting 100k before xrp hits $1? both would be 100% increase, but one is much more realistic than the other. so ive pretty much moved all my btc into xrp by now.
1 hours later 28344286 Anonymous
I treat M**** like any other live action role players who's prophecies all failed, all of them. Why should I look at him any different? That's like trusting Ma****
1 hours later 28344301 Anonymous
no prob. everything you said was on point except the part about me being in debt.
1 hours later 28344387 Anonymous
ah touche that works, can still keep a good chunk of the coin im liquidating just incase it decides to do something crazy. so now the question is should i do it asap or will we see XRP in the 30cent zone before its moon?
1 hours later 28344394 Anonymous
>bored of lockdown
>decide to see a prostitute
>2 hours of depravity
>didnt get charged
Feels good
1 hours later 28344418 Anonymous
I'm fixin' to creampie Asian hookers just as soon as XRP hits $2k...
1 hours later 28344489 Anonymous
Take a step back and realise you're in a cult
>follow random anonymous poster online that says X will happen by Y date (outrageous claims at that)
>it doesn't happen
>you continue to believe it will happen
>anyone that trys to drag you out of the cult is a CIA agent
This isn't "schizo" this is just cringe retardation
1 hours later 28344529 Anonymous
What happened to the brap buffet poster?
1 hours later 28344538 Anonymous
10 more years!
1 hours later 28344563 Anonymous
Hes definitely old school Stanford U code monkey. Fintech in his domain was probably Visa or Amex auditing.
Theres no hiding he was working at flare and now his ride is over. He came back right after the sec lawsuit dropped which tells me they didnt see it coming.
China has been building a swift replacement and they are getting a major head start now. Like most of our government, Jay Clayton did china a favor for his own personal wealth.
My 2 cents.
1 hours later 28344585 Anonymous
Not sure, I prefer posting about creampies and feet personally
1 hours later 28344606 Anonymous
out of the woodwork they crawl
1 hours later 28344700 Anonymous
https://newdiscourses.com/2020/06/c ult-dynamics-wokeness/
who's indoctrinating who?
1 hours later 28344732 Anonymous
Not making fun at all, just a common mistake.
1 hours later 28344734 Anonymous
all the feet you post are shit though
1 hours later 28344755 Anonymous
xrp is one coin i dont fuck with from a TA perspective. it does whatever the fuck it wants and will impose its will.
I just see it from a fundamentals perspective it is the most sound and safest place longterm to put my profits, so that's where i take them
traders like BCbacker say a 25-30 cent retrace is possible, while those like CredibleCrypto (who is much more sound and accurate TA-wise) say it's looking solid here, ready to pop. Most traders agree 54 cents is the last pain point before takeoff.
1 hours later 28344784 Anonymous
Not at all, I'm always here lurking and ready to call out frauds like baba, which has its own meme ready to be posted. M**** prophecies never came to fruition, unless I get shown otherwise, it is what it is. Am I FBI for calling out Baba?
1 hours later 28344872 Anonymous
Cristine Lagarde and Brian brooks
i would unironically bone Heister Peirce
Chris Larsen and his philipino looking bride
i support you wholeheartly
1 hours later 28344890 Anonymous
It's funny because we probably hold way more XRP than these retards believing in larps
1 hours later 28344928 Anonymous
If you hold USD you're in a 50+ year old cult.
1 hours later 28344973 Anonymous
stfu nigger your larps didnt play out now suck my dick for your next drop - Q
1 hours later 28345008 Anonymous
>didn't get charged
How much did the chloroform set you back?
1 hours later 28345084 Anonymous
damn this is great
one thing I ask is please dont include hayden tiff. dear god please. if i see one more sob story of that attention whore broadcast, i will rip my eyes out
1 hours later 28345122 Anonymous
Have my stack of over 9000 xerpies, AIGMI?
Also have 6000 loomens, which will take XRP's place if it shits the bed.
1 hours later 28345126 Anonymous
More like "deluded' amirite?
The television doesnt talk about xrp.
No one is talking about flare!
Theres no way it will work. All crypto is in a speculative bubble just like everything else and no one wants to hear the word utility. Let alone "regulatory clarity."
>wouldve been funnier irl
1 hours later 28345184 Anonymous
Crazy how a coin that’s supposed to be a security is recovering hard.
1 hours later 28345289 Anonymous
i found Q interesting, but was never married to it. despite how things look from inside your political echo chambers, not everyone is as obsessed with Q as you are. in any case, i hadn't realized it was THIS easy for me to win arguments on the internet in current year.
1 hours later 28345300 Anonymous
Stonks go up
1 hours later 28345343 Anonymous
Xlm is a disaster. Maybe they know "code" but they dont know money.
Wish I had more Algo. Its the only other project worth investing in right now.
1 hours later 28345377 Anonymous
I'm going to try Coinmama. Wish me luck.
1 hours later 28345457 Anonymous (1609898093013.png 448x458 326kB)
1 hours later 28345526 Anonymous
checked. this is why schizos always win.
best case, xrp 2k eoy from mass adoption
worst case, our xrp is an investment contract with the most powerful fintech in the world
1 hours later 28345712 Anonymous
>worst case
>flare 2x all our money
>then adds APY
1 hours later 28345860 Anonymous
what have you won? your larps are proven wrong yet you cling to them embarrasingly
1 hours later 28346015 Anonymous
1 hours later 28346023 Anonymous
I legitimately wanted Trump to win, because the current state of society in the United States was really needing a sort of upgrade, but he lost (whether it was fraud or not, that's another subject) and the elected president just seems like he'll go backwards to everything that was done in the past 4 years. That said, XRP is an opportunity for those that want to get out of the system either by becoming the system, or making another system, irrelevant of who loses or win the public vote.
1 hours later 28346080 Anonymous
says the man obsessing about Q and how it's not real
1 hours later 28346137 Anonymous
Correct, I really like XRP and truly believe it will change the world of finance but all of those larpers talking about the dates, etc are just talking out of their ass.
1 hours later 28346157 Anonymous
I claimed my flare with https://flare.wietse.com/
I hope I did it right and it'll await me when the token becomes available on my eth address
1 hours later 28346193 Anonymous
1 hours later 28346195 Anonymous
lmaooooooo watch this
https://twitter.com/BankXRP/status/ 1359607719431446533
dude says Bitcoin is worthless, Microstrategy is failing, Michael Saylor is a coke addict, Tether is a criminal enterprise, and Musk is manipulating the market. this guy fucking rules lmao
i dont know who Nouriel Rouhani is, but i like him
1 hours later 28346197 Anonymous (normieporn.png 398x806 201kB)
can you imagine this is the kind of shit normies read on a daily basis
1 hours later 28346333 Anonymous
1 hours later 28346388 Anonymous (file.png 960x960 654kB)
imagine giving a shit about what journalists say
i hold until it makes me enough money that i'm happy
1 hours later 28346404 Anonymous
Jay Clayton and 11 chanting men in robes
1 hours later 28346445 Anonymous
kek this must be why I get crickets whenever I ask normies. they just send me back a screenshot of Elon’s Twitter bio. fucking faggots
checked and true
1 hours later 28346512 Anonymous
you don't see Stellar being used for CBDCs or anything like that? should i switch my Stellar for ALGO?
1 hours later 28346587 Anonymous
Kek, shit like this should be illegal, outright lies.
1 hours later 28346672 Anonymous
you really need to stop insisting that everyone is as attached to Q as you are if you want people to take you seriously. the important question is "what have i LOST for entertaining the idea?" nothing. you are flailing around on the floor, kicking and screaming that Q WAS A LIE Q WAS A LIE, while i am sitting here telling you that i don't care either way, yet you still continue to plug your ears and scream that Q WAS A LIE Q WAS A LIE!!!!!!!!!! that's you. that's what you look like.
1 hours later 28346684 Anonymous (ms.png 542x94 10kB)
haha thats awesome. This got a good laugh from me too. Looks like it hit a nerve
1 hours later 28346770 Anonymous
They get paid to write these smear campaigns. Who paid them, is the question. This always happens for the same reason, someone intends to the buy the dip.
1 hours later 28346799 Anonymous
This right here is what makes /xsg/
We need moar of this schizo shit.
1 hours later 28346829 Anonymous
Where is the anon saying that I shouldn't swap my XLM to IOTA over news? This one motherfucker I'm telling ya...
1 hours later 28346839 Anonymous
Hello frens. Can anyone link me the 2nd 33 million ama. The link in the OP is for the august one. Im looking for the second ama he did.
1 hours later 28346855 Anonymous
Holy shit.
1 hours later 28346967 Anonymous
Journalists seldom report the truth. Whether it be through ignorance or malice, it's best to do your own research.
1 hours later 28346973 Anonymous
wtf was this here
1 hours later 28347044 Anonymous (ab.png 625x458 39kB)
any guesses for what stablecoin using what blockchain?
1 hours later 28347093 Anonymous
Wasn't that the #666 thread? Good thread too
1 hours later 28347100 Anonymous (26CB7CAD-62A2-46E6-9F40-B77CBA614108.png 200x157 27kB)
no chance zerpcux
1 hours later 28347101 Anonymous
I did a deep dive on stellar last year. I was not impressed. They are a redundancy. The same Interledger Protocol as ripple- which is now open source. None of the connections. Burned half the supply. Theres only one reason to do that. They wanted the price to go up.
In related news, Jed is almost out of xrp. So thats nice.
Try doing a deep dice on Algo. If it gets you fired up, buy some.
Its about $1 now so i treat it like a savings account. I throw 1/3 of my paycheck into algo and forget about it.
1 hours later 28347198 Anonymous
now you see the shakeout
i didn't know there was a second?
1 hours later 28347230 Anonymous
How much XRP has Jed! got left?
1 hours later 28347251 Anonymous
please sirs, just let me become a millionaire
1 hours later 28347278 Anonymous
1 hours later 28347349 Anonymous
Indians not allowed in the citadel
1 hours later 28347375 Anonymous
i had stellar and ALGO in addition to XRP, sold the ALGO and obviously have regretted it greatly. XLM is being used for USDC, no?
1 hours later 28347453 Anonymous
Sorry dude, but even xinfin died after the token burn. The thing is, they burn tokens on the market but never the tokens they "gifted" to themselves. In crypto, the next step is rug pull. They might turn out gold, but none of the utility tokens will be joining the alt season anyways so dont freak. You already missed all the 100x shit. You are about 18 months too late for that ride. Dont sweat it. Learn about flare. If you dont know where to diversify, dont. Just spend 2 more months accumulating xrp and stake it all on flare.
1 hours later 28347461 Anonymous
I really hope we dump on some bad news on 2/22. That would give me utmost conviction and strength to hold past $1000. also it would add to the "final shakeout" narrative, especially if we continue to moon to .80 before the conference.
1 hours later 28347519 Anonymous
1 hours later 28347555 Anonymous
Yes there was a follow up to that one. Was like in Dec. People had some SS of it on twitter and shit too, talked about the mini moon in feb, and the BIG pump in April. Can't seem to find it anywhere.
1 hours later 28347588 Anonymous
hester pierce had some choice words about crypto today:
https://twitter.com/CoinDesk/status /1359606376121655296
note how she pauses and smiles, almost imperceptibly, as she realizes that she better choose her words carefully so she doesn't let slip that the Ripple lawsuit has already been decided and that it's going to be dropped and that XRP is The Standard
https://twitter.com/CoinDesk/status /1359606376121655296
1 hours later 28347631 Anonymous
they are however allowed in the shitadel
1 hours later 28347666 Anonymous
i don't know about that chief
1 hours later 28347738 Anonymous
its over bros ... sell
1 hours later 28347757 Anonymous
David Schwartz on Arthur Britto maybe being Satoshi:
https://twitter.com/JoelKatz/status /1034914010196402176
1 hours later 28347844 Anonymous
Ya it was there I assure you. You just probably missed it. This was the old thread link.
1 hours later 28347937 Anonymous
I see the shakeouts all the time, but shit like
>hurr, if you still have "ripple," SELL SELL SELL!
is hilarious.
>ripple in trouble!
>increased regulation!
>built from the ground up for institutional use and regulation, but we won't mention that
Normalfags NGMI.
1 hours later 28347981 Anonymous
> https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thr ead/26337822<
1 hours later 28347996 Anonymous
trust the plan
you spastics are incredibly attached to your larps, i routined troll these generals by starting new threads without mellon or by replacing mellon threads with tranny threads and watch you guys freak out and blame the CIA lmfao
1 hours later 28348038 Anonymous
Thank you fren. Maybe im a little old but o remember when the panama papers got Michael Hastings killed. That is where we saw the precedent for the dark money corridors being designated by "some guys name". Real spy vs spy shit.
He will be out before flare goes live. Thats all we know for now. Hos dumps are tied to volume so... When ripple started buying xrp back from the exchanges it was to keep volume high. Once they open back up we will be in the shane ellis timeline immediately.
Just start buying back in. $1USD = priced out for most of the world. It will unironically be at $100 USD in less than 3 years.
1 hours later 28348058 Anonymous
I'm no chief, just a corporal
1 hours later 28348075 Anonymous
Are you saying I should swap my XLM to XRP? Hehe.... I kinda what do this. Just looking for the right time.
2 hours later 28348433 Anonymous
I never tell others what to do. If you saw my trading history you wouldnt listen to me either.
>swapped BTC for xrp at $10k
>swapped ada for xrp at $.5
I just want a retirement fund the banks cant steal every 10 years like clockwork.
2 hours later 28348679 Anonymous
652,000,000 remaining xrp.
2 hours later 28348808 Anonymous
moving at a rate of 20 million/day lately
2 hours later 28348863 Anonymous
Ironically bullish AF
2 hours later 28348959 Anonymous (1610057903924.png 1242x1394 1394kB)
Fkn based m8. Gigachad portfolio
2 hours later 28348967 Anonymous
Big oof, fren. Guess the Bogdanoff twins are watching your every move.
2 hours later 28349138 Anonymous
Yeah wtf that makes me want to buy it SO HARD RN
2 hours later 28349189 Anonymous
link dosent work
2 hours later 28349354 Anonymous (348f1bb7-9d85-4421-ad86-06b48eb7c7b1.jpg 1600x1200 293kB)
dumb question schizbros
anyone know when will we get our Flare from the coinbase airdrop?
2 hours later 28349356 Anonymous (1612703696713.jpg 735x1102 144kB)
>the Bogs want me all in xrp with no way out
2 hours later 28349548 Anonymous
2 hours later 28349562 Anonymous
How much XRP does Jed have left?
2 hours later 28349564 Anonymous
There is no waiting period to transfer out crypto’s. Only fiat bro
I have uphold and emailed them about this. There is no hold on your crypto’s
2 hours later 28349571 Anonymous
i wonder what the dude does with so much fucking money
2 hours later 28349635 Anonymous
How long to receive funds to Bitstamp? I sent 200 Crypto to it almost half an hour from Coinbase and nothing yet.
2 hours later 28349637 Anonymous
I’m incredibly attached to your mums cunt
2 hours later 28349687 Anonymous
Based, watch the midwits seethe.
2 hours later 28349702 Anonymous
I would imagine you'll get a small portion in May.
>I make tranny threads!
>i-it's just to mess with qtards, I s-swear
Eh...you could just as easily do some demon shit instead, they're all christposters.
2 hours later 28349721 Anonymous
use poloniex you idiots
2 hours later 28349733 Anonymous
sell your xrp
-if you even can
2 hours later 28349747 Anonymous
its over bros .... sell
2 hours later 28349754 Anonymous
I'm done trying to convince my boomer dad that xrp is the standard, not even 10$ worth is acceptable to invest in xrp for the long term but $10,000 in btc at the top is?
2 hours later 28349756 Anonymous
buys his XRP dip to dump more on us later
2 hours later 28349803 Anonymous
just use coinbase or binance us for fiat -> crypto then send crypto to poloniex or some other exchange. there are plenty of chink exchanges and euro exchangs that dont give af to do kyc for crypto deposits cmon guys use your brain. i have a big stack so idc but i could buy xrp on poloniex rn if i wanted to
2 hours later 28349804 Anonymous
just be sure to give him 10$ worth of xrp when the day comes
2 hours later 28349808 Anonymous
He is probably brazilian or portuguese
its comon name here in brasil
2 hours later 28350049 Anonymous
thats gotta be fun i dont blame him
2 hours later 28350366 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZS m5owcNF0
2 hours later 28350383 Anonymous
Hope you're right. Brazilian master race.
2 hours later 28350417 Anonymous
Kek Here's your 0.0002 xrp as a gift.
2 hours later 28350545 Anonymous
great job, retard. you aren't talking about me. stop saying shit like "you" and "you guys."
2 hours later 28350703 Anonymous
My $20 xrp investment is now at $39.01. Pretty psyched.
2 hours later 28350962 Anonymous
my lil XRP stock be doin sum
2 hours later 28351026 Anonymous (What did Drake mean by this?.png 1280x720 775kB)
What did Jake From State Farm mean by this?
2 hours later 28351241 Anonymous
its brover bros .... bro
2 hours later 28351291 Anonymous
what happened to the white guy in the commercials
2 hours later 28351364 Anonymous
If you people aren't swinging or selling, why do you get excited about these little pumps? You don't think this is the moonshot, do you?
2 hours later 28351413 Anonymous (a5cab971-7a17-4935-a621-4e2ee55407f7.jpg 500x313 14kB)
they're shit talking XRP in another thread and the first two comments were dubs kek
2 hours later 28351518 Anonymous
Brother it is just fun to see number go up
2 hours later 28351596 DISCORD: DjurEMPe (!dogeCapture.jpg 483x567 23kB)
WallStreetBets backup discord: DjurEMPe
2 hours later 28351622 Anonymous
2 hours later 28351674 Anonymous (camman.png 497x491 193kB)
come on over brover
2 hours later 28351824 Anonymous
Can we get a bog edit of these two?
2 hours later 28351849 Anonymous
And when it goes down?
2 hours later 28351948 Anonymous
He got cancelled for tweeting crime statistics.
2 hours later 28351981 Anonymous
The standard.
2 hours later 28352127 Anonymous (E3002057-7A2B-4B72-8E80-13F37F818D92.jpg 934x941 419kB)
Then we mourn together too
2 hours later 28352157 Anonymous
just wait till it goes back up so we can shitpost, also buy more
2 hours later 28352249 Anonymous
new thread
new thread
new thread
2 hours later 28352323 Anonymous
if what I posted doesn't describe you why are you getting offended?
2 hours later 28352535 Anonymous
because that ought to have been readily apparent to you, which tells me that you aren't really reading posts, just stirring up annoying, random vitriol
2 hours later 28352591 Anonymous (ripped.jpg 696x433 86kB)
2 hours later 28352596 Anonymous
This. I want it so much.
2 hours later 28352660 Anonymous
why would it be apparent to me when I know there's at least 5 larp activists in these threads that freak out over mellon truthers?
3 hours later 28353139 Anonymous (2021-02-10 (1).png 1917x942 277kB)
It was like this for about 2 mins, what mean?
3 hours later 28353322 Anonymous
we doompa
3 hours later 28353325 Anonymous
XRP is the standard, but im thinking we sell off after 2/22 due to trial being postponed. there needs to be another storm. so what coin should I swing into on 2/21? im thinking maybe link just in case everything I believe is wrong
3 hours later 28353541 Anonymous
Oh no is god showing me a message with those digits? I'm selling.
1.983 0.293