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2021-02-10 10:19 28333608 Anonymous (Robinhood.jpg 1440x800 66kB)
80% of my ETH ($5,000) total is held in robinhood.

2 min later 28333796 Anonymous
>>28333608 so you only have $1,250 of ETH

4 min later 28333929 Anonymous
>>28333796 This

4 min later 28333970 Anonymous
>>28333796 no i mean 4000 is in robinhood and 1000 is in my wallet

5 min later 28333994 Anonymous
>>28333608 You have no ETH on RH.

7 min later 28334162 Anonymous (Bobo1.jpg 640x640 29kB)
>>28333796 >>28333929 >>28333994 its still price exposure dumbfucks

7 min later 28334217 Anonymous
>>28333970 Now try to transfer your ETH from robinhood to an external wallet Pro tip... > you can't

8 min later 28334288 Anonymous
>>28334217 they are planning to add it in the future.

8 min later 28334297 Anonymous (thumb_o00oo-abacus-wojack-67315210.png 300x237 21kB)
>>28333796 >so you only have $1,250 of ETH >20% of 5000 is 1250

9 min later 28334380 Anonymous
>>28334288 they won't exist in the future

13 min later 28334712 Anonymous
>>28334380 No way there’s gotta be millions of people including me who have some crypto on Robinhood they better not fuck us over if they get fucked

13 min later 28334746 Anonymous
Why would you hold ETH on Robinhood when you could stake it on AAVE do you really hate free money this much

13 min later 28334765 Anonymous
>>28334288 That would be great but until then you have less than 1 ETH. Shit, my dog owns more ETH than you. And I'm not even kidding. Imagine paying more but owning less ETH than a dog

22 min later 28335446 Anonymous
I have crypto on Robinhood am I fucked

23 min later 28335557 Anonymous
>>28335446 Yes sell it and rebuy on Coinbase you fucking moron

25 min later 28335681 Anonymous
>>28334297 dummy

25 min later 28335685 Anonymous
>>28335557 Or I can wait till they let me transfer it right?

26 min later 28335800 Anonymous
>>28335557 Doesn’t coin base have fees?

26 min later 28335811 Anonymous
>>28333608 Not your keys, not your coins faggot

27 min later 28335927 Anonymous
>>28334712 Did you not see what they did during the GME fiasco? You're fucked dude, take your money out of RH and buy the coins yourself

28 min later 28336061 Anonymous
>>28334297 he misinterpreted what I meant. he thought I had $6250 ETH total, and $5000 of that was on robinhood and $1,250 was in my wallet. I have $5000 ETH total, $4000 is in robinhood, and $1000 is in my wallet.

30 min later 28336184 Anonymous
What’s the best iPhone app to buy crypto on

31 min later 28336251 Anonymous
>>28336184 robinhood. only crypto exchange in the world offering 0 commission

33 min later 28336499 Anonymous
>>28336251 Kys, this whole thread is about why you shouldn't buy on robinhood

34 min later 28336537 Anonymous
>>28335685 It's a financial OTB, not an exchange.

37 min later 28336768 Anonymous
>>28336499 this is my thread faggot. and its about why you should.

37 min later 28336771 Anonymous
>>28336251 Because you can't actually buy real crypto with them, just play money. Wa la! Zero commission!

38 min later 28336886 Anonymous
>>28336768 >Why you should: "Zero* Commission!!!" >Why you shouldn't: zero actual crypto. you will own nothing and be happy.

40 min later 28336969 Anonymous
>>28336768 This is my thread now faggot. Robinhood is for niggers and trannies. Get a real broker and learn how to hold your coins off exchange while you're at it

43 min later 28337237 Anonymous
>>28335685 not happening, imo RH is done after their IPO fails

48 min later 28337656 Anonymous
>>28336771 and I bet you hold SNX. hypocrite. >>28336969 ETH in my wallet is for paying gas. xDAI is where I hold the majority of my USD, and whatever of my crypto portfolio that I can (STAKE). Coinbase pro is my onboarding exchange, and I use TD ameritrade for stocks and options. ETH in robinhood is purely for price exposure, and its the best way to do that. get fucked.

50 min later 28337842 Anonymous
>>28334297 That’s a nice portrait

56 min later 28338380 Anonymous
wait, robinhood says crypto isn't insured by the gov. does that mean in the case of insolvency, they could just leave everyone who holds crypto on RH bagholding?

57 min later 28338489 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210210-171634_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 349kB)
>>28333608 >$CLF BofA Securities is acting as underwriter for the Offering and may offer the Common Shares from time to time for sale in one or more transactions on the New York Stock Exchange, in the over-the-counter market, through negotiated transactions or otherwise at prevailing market prices, at prices related to prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. These large prints you see at end of day are multi party cross trades executed by BofA as part of the offering. Very good sign that there is strong demand at these levels and the overhang of the 60-69M new share supply is being absorbed quickly. All good. >tl;dr BofA is buying 69m shares of $CLF

58 min later 28338557 Anonymous
>>28336184 Robinhood honestly or ameritrade or webull Don’t use real brokers, only boomers do that.

59 min later 28338651 Anonymous
>>28333608 not your keys not your crypto

1 hours later 28338738 Anonymous
>>28333608 You don't own your ETHs on robinhood. Buy on coinbase instead, you could be staking your eth right now and earn yield.

1 hours later 28338838 Anonymous
>>28338380 Yes and that's absolutely their plan

1 hours later 28338875 Anonymous
>>28338380 If RH goes bankrupt/shuts down it would be next to near impossible to sue them your your crypto holdings.

1 hours later 28338959 Anonymous
>>28338875 er sue them for your crypto holdings.

1 hours later 28339006 Anonymous
>>28336251 nope, you can buy actual eth on coinmetro with 0 fees retard

1 hours later 28339105 Anonymous
>>28333608 retarded, very

1 hours later 28339109 Anonymous
>>28333608 You down own shit in robinjew btw you STUPID fucking normie.

1 hours later 28339136 Anonymous
>>28335800 Who cares about spending sub $20 on fees for selling the rebuying your crypto. At least on Coinbase you can send it out to your own wallet and actually own it.

1 hours later 28339329 Anonymous (Mark Baum.jpg 1080x608 98kB)
>>28338838 >>28338875 >>28338959 what is the total value of all holdings in robinhood, do we know? This could be our black swan. when the fuck is the IPO?

1 hours later 28339418 Anonymous
>>28334297 baiting the bait, I like it

1 hours later 28339421 Anonymous
>>28339136 t. richfag

1 hours later 28339438 Anonymous
>>28338489 >BofA Deez Nuts?

1 hours later 28339500 Anonymous
>>28339006 is that legal in the us?

1 hours later 28339677 Anonymous
>>28334765 kek. my sides; underrated post

1 hours later 28339813 Anonymous
>>28336061 thank you OP

1 hours later 28339929 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-10 Robinhood IPO Expected in Second Quarter.png 673x597 134kB)
>>28339329 >Q2 holy fuck we don't have long. RH going bankrupt and losing everyones crypto would catalyze a complete market breakdown. Normies have started to get into crypto, they're all doing it on fucking robinhood

1 hours later 28341806 Anonymous
>>28338738 >Buy on coinbase instead, you could be staking your eth right now and earn yield how do you stake? I had like 10 bucks in bitcoin and I exchanged it for eth on coinbase

1 hours later 28342738 Anonymous (file.png 471x262 121kB)

1 hours later 28343374 Anonymous
>>28338875 >>28338380 >>28339329 this is why i only use paypal to buy my crypto

1 hours later 28343395 Anonymous
Ok OP you know what, I'm in a good mood today. I'll give you $100 in ETH. Just send me your robinhood ETH address and I'll send it straight away.

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