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2021-02-10 08:01 28320801 Anonymous The Great Reset coins (gratresat.jpg 2560x1440 498kB)
itt. we post the coins we'll need to thrive and not eat bugs

1 min later 28320953 Anonymous (9834jkd.png 234x237 61kB)
>>28320801 remove XMR from that meme immediately XMR is a threat to the status quo and legitimate governance and should NOT be used by any law-abiding citizen

2 min later 28321062 Anonymous
>>28320801 > No HOGE INTO THE TRASH

4 min later 28321177 Anonymous
>>28321062 HOGE is going to be the new gambling coin that eats DOGE simply because of it's farming aspect. However, it will not be a great reset coin because it is not in the hands of you know who. Although the growth is crazy, some happy merchants may be involved.

6 min later 28321402 Anonymous
Monero will be worth 100x it’s current price in 3 years. The other coins will be tracked and traced and taxed out of existence

7 min later 28321447 Anonymous
>>28320801 Is there any WEF backing around GRT like LINK I am missing?

7 min later 28321448 Anonymous
>>28320801 No AVAX >ngmi >>28321062 >>28321177 HOGE is like buying shit in the streets. The logo is cringe AF

8 min later 28321532 Anonymous
GRT is literally the Great Reset Token

11 min later 28321835 Anonymous
>>28321447 GRT - idk LINK - its literally the schwab coin

18 min later 28322447 Anonymous (alexjones.png 437x276 158kB)
>>28321532 You didn't need to post this, please delete it.

19 min later 28322497 Anonymous
>>28321835 >>28321532 >>28321447 GRT is Web 3.0 Web 3.0 is all part of the Reset

21 min later 28322697 Anonymous
>>28320953 Fag. Also get rid of XRP. That shitcoin is the Qanon of cryptocurrencies.

24 min later 28322912 Anonymous
>>28322697 I think you legitimately have autism if you couldn't detect the sarcasm from that XMR post.

25 min later 28323092 Anonymous
>>28320801 You need either ETH or ADA on there too. Information is still power in the new world. ETH and ADA are a measure of computation resources you have access to.

29 min later 28323391 Anonymous
>>28323092 I just realized ETH is the real "store of value" as compared to bitcoin. With bitcoin you pay electricity to get BTC, that's it. With ethereum you pay electricity to get ETH, which can be used to perform useful work involving computation later down the line. It seems so trivial and obvious but it is kinda blowing my mind right now.

31 min later 28323605 Anonymous
>>28320953 >works for the IRS You bootlickers are the worst.

32 min later 28323716 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.33.27 AM.png 1114x254 87kB)
>>28323391 LMFAO. thats the worst take ive ever seen on this website and thats saying something.

36 min later 28324113 Anonymous
>>28323716 but he's right

37 min later 28324188 Anonymous
>>28323391 currently there's no limit to ETH's total supply before ETH 2.0 or EIP 1559 come into effect BTC > ETH

38 min later 28324258 Anonymous (20210205_103028.jpg 720x887 265kB)
>>28320801 https://youtu.be/PWESI8--Lcc

49 min later 28325304 Anonymous
>>28320801 PRQ, will be used to monitor any 'illegal' activity by the NSA on the government's CBDC chain

51 min later 28325453 Anonymous
>>28325304 agreed anon. anything that helps to comprehend massive amounts of data will be necessary

52 min later 28325603 Anonymous
>>28324113 kek. no hes not.

1 hours later 28326712 Anonymous
>>28320801 >trash that is link ngmi

1 hours later 28326741 Anonymous
>>28323391 ETH has the ability surpass bitcoin, it's got that illuminati money backing it. Chainlink, GRT and all good tokens are ETH based.

1 hours later 28326837 Anonymous (1ee0f137b3e5b458c4bba7f9f219c1c16aae7830223c9aaae7151f3f1475001a.png 797x293 246kB)
>>28322697 >That shitcoin is the Qanon of cryptocurrencies That explains why Queers like it.

1 hours later 28327512 Anonymous
Y'all better strap in once that Nasdaq Crypto Index launches

1 hours later 28328321 Anonymous
DEXG will be the Dex of choice for aping in to shitcoins, renting bots and arbitrage trading.

1 hours later 28328639 Anonymous
But what do you all actually think of XLM being there?

1 hours later 28328892 Anonymous
BTC, ETH, XRP, XLM, LINK, GRT and whatever digital currency China ends up rolling out that's what I think desu

1 hours later 28328941 Anonymous
>>28320953 this sell your monero so we can accu- uh, fight against criminals

1 hours later 28329136 Anonymous
>>28320801 For the great reset meme I think the o ly choice is monero. Nobody likes it here cause shitty returns. But this is the only shitcoin that's a known threat to the establishment.

1 hours later 28329206 Anonymous
>>28321402 >Monero >mooning any day now guys >mooning any month now guys >mooning any year now guys >mooning any decade now guys Shut the fuck up. I am so sick of monero fags

1 hours later 28329310 Anonymous (HA.jpg 209x241 5kB)
>>28329206 >F(a)Ggy ID

1 hours later 28329396 Anonymous
>>28329206 its an actual currency. will the US dollar moon? Do you still own US dollars? XMR is the best crypto in the fucking world.

1 hours later 28329398 Anonymous
>>28329310 Enjoy dat BTC/XMR ratio lol Any day now Monero. Any day, your time will come!

1 hours later 28329548 Anonymous (x12.jpg 316x339 45kB)
>>28329398 >F(a)Ggy ID

1 hours later 28329600 Anonymous
>>28329398 Imagine being a noob and a statist

1 hours later 28329641 Anonymous (quadfecta.jpg 1224x212 46kB)

1 hours later 28329666 Anonymous
>>28329206 listen fat, i mean fag. Monero is literal financial freedom

1 hours later 28329671 Anonymous
>>28329398 It actually will.

1 hours later 28329752 Anonymous
>>28320801 ALGO

1 hours later 28329856 Anonymous
>>28329666 Financial freedom is having a lot of fucking money. Tell me why Monero will start outperforming coins you can buy on coinbase. Go right the fuck ahead, give me a good reason, not "it just will hurr durr statist"

1 hours later 28330138 Anonymous
>>28329398 This but unironically

1 hours later 28330546 Anonymous
>>28320801 Csncel them.all. if the great reset happens all coins will be bunk and you will not be able to swap for their centeralized currency

1 hours later 28330763 Anonymous (external-content.duckduckgo-1.png 600x413 252kB)

1 hours later 28330975 Anonymous

1 hours later 28331111 Anonymous
>>28320801 This list sucks. You need BTC ETH LINK ZEC and unironically BAT

1 hours later 28331172 Anonymous
>>28320953 >XMR is a threat to the status quo and legitimate governance and should NOT be used by any law-abiding citizen This but with a positive note

2 hours later 28332000 Anonymous
>>28323605 I applied to work for the IRS. I was listed as a "superior qualified" applicant, but not chosen. I have no idea who is being hired.

2 hours later 28332434 Anonymous

2 hours later 28332492 Anonymous
>>28320801 MWBTC

2 hours later 28332501 Anonymous

2 hours later 28333248 Anonymous
>>28332000 Checked. Women of color, non-binary BIPOC and differently-abled trans persons.

2 hours later 28333382 Anonymous (bitcoin-cash-logo-gt.png 1920x1523 39kB)
>>28320801 you forgot about one

2 hours later 28333406 Anonymous
If you don't own Everest you'll be forced into re-education camps

2 hours later 28333671 Anonymous
>>28320801 I'm holding only GRT and ADA at the moment in my portfolio. Should I ditch the ADA?

2 hours later 28333730 Anonymous (1610057461839.jpg 2048x1346 780kB)
>>28320801 You will be labeled an economic terrorist, hunted down and fed to the bugs that will then be fed to the masses. At least you will ... live on in some way, I guess.

2 hours later 28333745 Anonymous
>>28333248 That makes sense. Tranny-sama, I kneel.

2 hours later 28335423 Anonymous
Two of those do not belong. XMR is just meh these days. I'm not sure how necessary it'll be after LN and don't see why they don't hop on the gravy train. Why someone would purchase XLM or XRP though is beyond me.

2 hours later 28336043 LebAnon
>>28320953 based

2 hours later 28336883 Anonymous (1588919895844.jpg 360x360 55kB)
>>28332434 desu libertarian darknet ideals are the whole reason this shit was created and flourished in the first place. seriously wtf is the point of buying crypto if you aren't a maximalist? If everyone thought the way you do then the first bitcoin transaction would have never even happened in the first place and everyone would be none the wiser.

3 hours later 28337789 Anonymous
>>28330975 That's exactly what it means. The reason we're all held back is because the monetary system rests on a private ledger and the faggots and trannies on wallstreet and the banksters just hide all of their wealth, pay no taxes and launder everything while sicking the IRS on anyone that figures it out. We want a public decentralized ledger. This cures the "muh money laundering" angle so we can't get targeted anymore. This ensures the banksters and the faggots and trannies actually pay what they owe. OR We make a system that's free and fair and actually benefits people, where they can pay in to the welfare "philanthropic" meme if they desire it or ignore it like we all should have done in the first place. Things don't have to be this way. Secrecy isn't the same as Privacy. Decentralzied and public ledgers can give us privacy while we smoosh out the secrecy the overseers have been cultivating for the past century+. Lurk moar, nigger

3 hours later 28337877 Anonymous
>>28333671 No dumbass. You have two moon projects there. Hold it until the EOY.

3 hours later 28338254 Anonymous
>>28333671 If you need to do anything at all, I would exit ADA for smaller MCs, but you'll make good money at this point no matter what you do so long as you just DYOR and don't trust anyone here or anywhere else.

3 hours later 28338610 Anonymous
No one's mentioned LTO? Disappointing anons

3 hours later 28338835 Anonymous
literally everest (id), already got high ups involved. confirmed to bring in the nwo

3 hours later 28339118 Anonymous
>XRP killyourself

3 hours later 28339297 Anonymous
>>28323391 Terrible take. ETH is an inflationary nightmare, as it was never meant to act as a store of value. Projects developing on ETH are the real store of value.

3 hours later 28339430 Anonymous
>>28338254 Thanks mate. My research has been successful to a point but I'm getting impatient and greedy.

3 hours later 28339803 Anonymous

3 hours later 28340012 Anonymous
>>28329752 This.

3 hours later 28340453 Anonymous
>>28320953 Please continue shilling this position so I can make more XMR before it BTCs

3 hours later 28340500 Anonymous
>>28320953 well i'm buying more now for sure

3 hours later 28340680 Anonymous (bakamaxi.png 1000x1000 280kB)
>>28323391 You're entirely right.

3 hours later 28340985 Anonymous
>>28339297 Infinite inflation doesn't change anything to shares if it's evenly distributed through Poof-of-Stake.

3 hours later 28340993 Anonymous
>>28321532 GRT is the protocol they will use to find your btc donations to nazi podcasts

3 hours later 28341032 Anonymous (1612398383022.webm 1920x1080 738kB)
>>28340680 >He still hasn't figured out what Bitcoin actually is. It's called Lightning, brainlet. Have fun getting left behind.

3 hours later 28341667 Anonymous (33930c0e0911bf9b147d386cb1442909.jpg 1080x907 95kB)
>>28341032 >numbers will go up forever

3 hours later 28341910 Anonymous
>>28341667 Do you think this is what americans thought a century ago? Yeah, I don't think there's much road left to keep kicking the can down either, but what alternative is there? Why won't BTC travel up and up way past Au for another couple of cycles? When do you expect it to really stabilize and how are you coming to that conclusion?

3 hours later 28342006 Anonymous
>>28320953 This. It's banned off of exchanges here in Australia

3 hours later 28342454 Anonymous
>>28320953 no, XMR has its use

3 hours later 28342480 Anonymous
>>28341910 Yes, it will still go up for a long time. My point is if the only argument to buy btc is to maximize greed then by definition it's a bubble, and it will collapse at some point like any unsustainable ponzi scheme. The fallacy is to fall for the "digital gold" marketing. Keep in mind that bitcoin is not gold, Bitcoin is not-censorship resistant, it need to run on a continuously protected network, and for large holders it is not easily interoperable with utility chains.

4 hours later 28342571 Anonymous (1612442438754.png 497x369 32kB)

4 hours later 28342741 Anonymous
>>28323391 I'm very new to all this, but so far I'm not understanding the ETH thing. Example; I'm using Coinbase and Binance so far. Buy some BTC, try to send $25 from Coinbase to Binance, costs me a few cents. Then I tried to send some ETH. Go to send $10 of ETH and it tells me the total cost will be $21.48. How is that supposed to work? How do you do anything with ETH if it's always a 10$ premium? Is it only for hodling or swapping within Coinbase or broker/wallet of choice? Is it only for large $ amounts? Is there a way to work with ETH with gas and fees under say 3% of total transaction?

4 hours later 28342999 Anonymous
>>28342741 You don't do anything with ETH. The fee/gas cost are absurd and it will be like this for a long time (>2022). Alternatives are likely to overthrow it: ada, avax, eos, xtz, dot, algo, atom, near

4 hours later 28343041 Anonymous
>>28320801 >ripple What a joke.

4 hours later 28343114 Anonymous (unknown.png 853x508 280kB)
>>28342480 But it only bubbles because of USD printing, which devalues the dollar itself, making BTC much more valuable COMPARED TO DOLLARS. >for large holders it is not easily interoperable with utility chains. kek see >>28341032 one more time there big brain. >Bitcoin is not-censorship resistant we just agreed the dollar is fucked how does this still make sense to you? >it need to run on a continuously protected network Like Lightning Network?

4 hours later 28343165 Anonymous
>>28320953 major buy signal

4 hours later 28343282 Anonymous
>>28342741 effirium is shit. only oldfags who've accumulated a lot of eth can use the network

4 hours later 28344472 Anonymous
>>28342999 >>28343282 Thanks for responses. I guess that means it is only good within the exchange. How does that affect all the other coins based off it, the same I'm guessing? It looks like then that people are only using it for it's performance or a store of value. Does that mean I should always just exchange it for BTC and then use that to move around? Is there a better way or tool/software to use for actually making payments with BTC or for moving it between networks? I started learning Metamask and messing around with it also, but so far it doesn't seem to do much, or is it just a swapper? Thanks again for any info to any responders. p.s.since this is a grt thread, I did actually get some as part of my first entry into the market. Proud holder of $10 of grt so far, hehe

4 hours later 28344754 Anonymous
>>28343114 >But it only bubbles because of USD printing This is right, but it doesn't have the implication you think it has imo. If you compare the price of gold and usd inflation https://www.macrotrends.net/1333/hi storical-gold-prices-100-year-chart https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ M1 Well... It doesn't go up as we would expect. It just fluctuates depending on hype waves or how much people are busy with real world stuff. >we just agreed the dollar is fucked The dollar isn't fucked. It provides utility to the people with a federation-based legal contract system. This is what people need in order to produce wealth. This is why only useful platforms will be an alternative to that. >Like Lightning Network? Look up how Lightning works. It creates a lot of centralization and doesn't really solve the fee problem.

4 hours later 28345543 Anonymous
>>28344754 LN is centralized like BTC is centralized....... No, the dollar is 100% fucked. It's just based on Credit/Debt and not backed by anything. Maybe you're jumping too far ahead to where I say, "yeah, so we're going to need to switch some shit up, right" and you say, "yeah, we'll have to make a new USD* currency". Just because the Dollar needs a proper transition to a legitimately valued currency doesn't mean we're not going to inflate for another decade, anon. Regardless of how you cut it, maxis aren't going anywhere and they won't be wrong for at least a decade, especially when you add in layers like LN and invoke interoperability limitlessly and for virtually no fees while making the transition between chains just about instant and with zero trust involved.

4 hours later 28345847 Anonymous (oooooooooooo.png 216x234 56kB)
LTO so I can get taxes on afghan children buying their homes

4 hours later 28345930 Anonymous
>>28344472 >How does that affect all the other coins based off it Yes, fees are pretty huge for all eth-based project. But most serious tokens are now pushing their implementations multi-chains (minting/proof-of-burn or wrapped custodians, such that you can trade eth tokens on avax png DEX for example). >It looks like then that people are only using it for it's performance Performance are as bad as it gets (15tps, where ada has 1000tps, avax 4500, near 100000, dot 1000000, ...) >or a store of value Most people are too scared to lead changes. They won't sell their bag as long as they believe it will pump infinite money. >Is there a better way or tool/software to use for actually making payments with BTC or for moving it between networks There is lightning but you need one initial transaction to move your money into a channel, or wbtc on ethereum. >Metamask and messing around with it also, but so far it doesn't seem to do much, or is it just a swapper It's just a wallet. Find a website that connects to it and the magic will happen. >Proud holder of $10 of grt so far, hehe Nice anon. You're unironically going to make it!

4 hours later 28346097 Anonymous
KCS god I hope it pumps beyond ATH.

4 hours later 28346540 Anonymous
>>28345930 Thanks, seriously, that was very useful to me.

4 hours later 28346814 Anonymous (d22b785b9d7d45e1063829efd43517a4.gif 600x350 2021kB)
>>28346540 Rember that everyone has their own perspective, so keep researching stuff. I'm just some random anon with his own bias and belief.

4 hours later 28347036 Anonymous
>>28320801 Close but >BTC >XRP >XLM >ALGO >IOTA >GRT >LINK ADA might make it in there.

5 hours later 28347891 Anonymous
Realistically, how easy would it be to spend BTC or XMR or whatnot for standard serivces without glowies finding out who you are?

5 hours later 28348258 Anonymous
>>28345543 >based on Credit/Debt and not backed by anything Technically it's backed by boomer governmental structures and military. I can't say if this is a good or bad thing, but the survival mechanisms of this system are powerful enough to create the ecosystem we have right now. >"yeah, we'll have to make a new USD* currency" That's what I think though. But I believe we're more likely to use cross-chain stablecoins in the future than BTC. It won't go up forever. People will notice sooner or later. >Just because the Dollar needs a proper transition to a legitimately valued currency doesn't mean we're not going to inflate for another decade, Yes, I mean, you can still legitimately gain a large amount of wealth by pumping btc, but it's risky and temporary. imo you can get the same benefits (if not more) by moving to actually sustainable systems now. >maxis aren't going anywhere and they won't be wrong for at least a decade Big numbers doesn't mean right or wrong in my worldview. What matters is what people will adopt. >when you add in layers like LN and invoke interoperability limitlessly and for virtually no fees As I said, (decentralized) stablecoins make a better job at fitting the payment role, since their value can be sustained virtually forever. Btc will keep being used like a stablecoin, but might lose its dominant position. Wrapping large amount of btc on utility chains is not practical.

5 hours later 28348502 Anonymous
>>28333248 Is this true? I am a non-white but I am not disabled and this shit does not give me any advantage.

5 hours later 28348562 Anonymous
>>28346814 yep, gotta start somewhere though. trying to keep it as simple as possible at first. other parts i'm still learning about are where to buy DOT for example, doesn't seem to be on the 2 exchanges I'm using so far. Or where to get "gamble coins," sub 1 cent per coin, where you throw $20 in and get 2,000+ coins, hoping to hodl, go long bull, and get lucky. It also seems like it's much better to exchange than to outright sell and re-buy, whenever possible.

5 hours later 28348692 Anonymous
>>28348258 Here is how it is going to work: >CBDCs put on a countries blockchain of choice (XLM/ALGO/IOTA/AVAX/etc) >XRP as universal medium of exchange pegged to either gold or BTC >All countries use XRP for ODL and for FOREX >LINK to solve the oracle problem BTC will never be used as a currency because you will never spend a deflationary asset. Gold mining has produced a steady 2% increase in gold for hundreds of years, which is why it works as money. However, if your money is completely deflationary then nobody will spend it today because it is worth more tomorrow. This is BTCs biggest flaw as a currency but also its greatest strength as a store of value, surpassing even physical gold.

5 hours later 28348800 Anonymous
>>28348258 Yeah, I don't really see anything wrong with this. Maybe we just disagree at this point about how long the transition takes or how exactly the REAL new USD will be valued.

5 hours later 28348902 Anonymous
>>28348692 My god you still haven't gotten over it, have you? It must suck to be this dense.

5 hours later 28349547 Anonymous
>>28320801 LMAO why is xrp there?

5 hours later 28349619 Anonymous
>>28348692 >>XRP pegged to either gold or BTC hahahahaha i needed that anon thank you

5 hours later 28349641 Anonymous
Everest? (ID)? Apparently its going to be the "ID2020" coin

5 hours later 28349823 Anonymous
>>28348692 >its greatest strength as a store of value, surpassing even physical gold. But the catch is, most cryptos are already deflationary. Why do you expect btc to valued with the highest scarcity when it doesn't provide the same uniqueness as other crypto with scarcity+utility combined? You will be forced to buy dapps gas with it, but nobody will be forced to buy btc.

5 hours later 28349981 Anonymous
>>28349641 Find me how ID and ID2020 are connected

5 hours later 28350029 Anonymous
>>28349823 I don't know who the CEO of BTC is but I can tell you who the CEO of most of those projects in the top ten are. >muh utility We're trying to get around the banks that treat us like slaves here, anon. That isn't the present concern. Yes, buying utility is a sure way to make money, but good luck spending that money if it falls off a cliff every fucking year.

5 hours later 28350091 Anonymous
>>28337789 Low IQ reddit-tier take. As if tbtb will ever relinquish their personal wealth-hiding techniques. >Privacy for me, not for thee No thanks, I'll keep my XMR, you can keep your cope.

5 hours later 28350254 Anonymous
>>28349823 The big difference is that by 2040 there won't be enough BTC left for global commerce but every other project is designed with long timescales in mind.

5 hours later 28350324 Anonymous (1612745263653.jpg 1088x1066 405kB)
>>28320801 >XRP

5 hours later 28350421 Anonymous
>>28350091 A public ledger helps us understand how they move their money around in order to scheme us. You're a brainlet that doesn't understand what they're talking about. >muh privacy coin Learn about Lightning Network, newnigger. XMR will falter because of pedos and drug dealers normies will get moved in to LN because it has very wide ranging uses and offers interoperability. What I'm suggesting still allows for privacy coins, by the way. You just can't read.

5 hours later 28350511 Anonymous
>>28333671 good gains to be made still in ADA, i would hold and consider swapping to a reset coin later

5 hours later 28350587 Anonymous
>>28332434 what is Bitcoin

5 hours later 28350779 Anonymous
>>28350421 >XMR will falter because of pedos and drug dealers you can't even see what's being sent lol

5 hours later 28350823 Anonymous
>>28350029 If you want an alternative to central bank, think about the fact they do actually provide utility. They protect wealth based on individual and brand identities. This is something cryptos don't actually do right now, and is needed for large scale projects to take off without losing everything after the dumbest mistake. This is why btc is useless and holding crypto backward, since it won't ever do anything required like this. Comparing btc with gold a fallacy, since gold used to be needed by central banks to exchange value between each others, but all cryptos can do this now.

5 hours later 28350943 Anonymous
>>28332434 faggy, have you heard about the grayscale monero trust? https://www.coindesk.com/digital-as set-manager-grayscale-eyes-defi-spa ce-with-new-trust-filings

5 hours later 28351027 Anonymous
>>28321532 PLS DELET

5 hours later 28351366 Anonymous
>>28350779 dude, your reading comprehension is atrocious...

5 hours later 28351420 Anonymous
>>28347891 >btc very easy >xmr difficult or impossible depending on how good your ospec is

5 hours later 28351443 Anonymous
>>28350779 Anon, I'm not saying it doesn't work or that it's worthless. Not only will you likely make decent money with it, it probably works for all I know. I'm just saying that pedos and drug dealers WILL NOT let up and the IRS and SEC will chase their tale endlessly while they FUD it for years. I'm simply saying XMR isn't needed now due to LN. >>28350823 God what a meager attempt and having a brain. The utility of banks is loans. You take out debt to get more money. Look at the fuckers buying casinos and hotels. They never EVER pay cash up front, anon... BTC isn't holding us back. A lack of innovation, which I've plainly displayed here >>28343114 depicts clearly how we innovate Blockchain in order to make better use of the one and only true decentralized asset. Hey, who's Satoshi, anyway? You know how you don't know the answer? Yeah, that's what makes it truly decentralized, you brainlet.

5 hours later 28351537 Anonymous
Monero is for nonces. Fuck off.

5 hours later 28351561 Anonymous
>>28347891 kek Anon, it's not about how capable they are, it's about how many resources they have. You will not escape people that can rent small militias to hunt you in your sleep and make it look like your deranged neighbor did it. It doesn't matter how good you think your OPSEC is. This game is about not standing out. Unfortunately, you're not doing a very good job of it at the moment.

5 hours later 28351766 DISCORD: DjurEMPe
>>28320801 WallStreetBets backup discord: DjurEMPe

5 hours later 28351802 Anonymous
>>28348692 Iota is not blockchain

5 hours later 28351959 Anonymous
>>28336883 bitcoin maxis dont even know what the fuck theyre talking about anymore. overtaken by the pure numbers and greed >>28335423 XMR will always have a place as the only privacy coin worth a damn >>28337789 you sound like a nigger who agrees with the sentiment "you will have no privacy and be happy" >>28338835 this is the most NWO coin ive ever heard of >>28342571 maxis refuse to acknowledge that chinks who make the world's GPUs effectively have control over both BTC and ETH >>28343041 a joke to you brainlet, grab a bag while you still can

5 hours later 28352202 Anonymous
>>28350779 these maxi-brain retards refuse to acknowledge the difference between dirty bitcoin and clean bitcoin.

5 hours later 28352221 Anonymous
>>28351959 You're confusing privacy for secrecy and you don't understand what makes BTC "private" instead of secret. What all of the faggots and trannies do is secret shit you're not allowed to see. None of the numbers make sense and the ledger would reflect that clearly if you were allowed to see that. When we make a decentralzied ledger public we eliminate those scams. Think about Bill Gates moving $100mil around. We're all going to know exactly when it happens and how. You and me? We'll blend right in. This is the difference between secrecy and privacy. Should we have a public decentralized ledger, we'll have the ability to completely circumvent all of the escrow and remittance services, the banks will have no ability to lock our accounts, data farmers will have a hell of a time pinning us down and advertisers will have no clue what to advertise to based on what you buy. YOU. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND. PRIVACY.

5 hours later 28352277 Anonymous
>>28351537 You're glowing

5 hours later 28352320 Anonymous
>>28351561 Yes, but those resources are distributed; they go for easy kills. Assuming good opsec, how likely is it that glowies will find it worth their time to send that militia instead of giving up and shooting boomers with US flags?

5 hours later 28352411 Anonymous
>>28352221 >Should we have a public decentralized ledger, we'll have the ability to completely circumvent all of the escrow and remittance services, the banks will have no ability to lock our accounts Cool, then they’ll just fucking shoot you for “financial terrorism” or some made up bullshit.

5 hours later 28352512 Anonymous
>>28320801 XRP, AAVE, ALGO, GRT, LINK, XLM

5 hours later 28352549 Anonymous
>>28352411 kek talk about moving goal posts No they won't asshole. They'll just try to regulate us to death while we innovate in circles around them and laugh while they hang themselves with a cope rope. >>28352320 Jesus you're literally saying the same thing as me without realizing it.

6 hours later 28352647 Anonymous
>>28351802 Yes, I know the Tangle is different. I'm generalizing.

6 hours later 28352735 Anonymous
>>28320801 I have all of those, but Monero. Guess I know what I need to buy. Thanks.

6 hours later 28353454 Anonymous
>>28351443 >I'm just saying that pedos and drug dealers WILL NOT let up So what is your point? They haven't let up on BTC either lol, and what does LN have to do with privacy?

6 hours later 28353521 Anonymous
You forgot rubic

6 hours later 28353630 Anonymous
>>28352221 How does someone not understand that BTC is the most transparent currency in existence? Every satoshi has a permanent record of where it's been, the sender and receiver addresses. Now imagine another blockchain is used to parse through all the transactions to assess what every transaction is being made for. Now imagine a social credit score system is implemented in your. country. Since all transactions are recorded on the DECENTRALIZED PUBLIC LEDGER, your neighbor and the government both know you're buying too many bottles of whiskey which now negatively affects your credit score. Think this won't be possible in your country and only in China? Guess again. Sooner or later you'll be begging for some privacy with coins like Monero.

6 hours later 28353692 Anonymous
>>28320801 Remove BTC unironically

6 hours later 28354076 Anonymous
>>28353454 >what does LN have to do with privacy? Yeah, I'm not holding your hand through this, brainlet. They haven't let up on BTC because it hasn't fully adopted yet. Did Musk get nuked for talking about excepting BTC payments? No. There's your precedent. They aren't the same. >>28353630 Anon, it doesn't protect your privacy so that no one can figure out who you are. That's not what privacy is. That's secrecy and it's what we want to avoid because it's what got us all in this mess in the first place: normies got tricked by banks that convinced them they were being totally legit and not doing anything funny behind the scenes. That changed with BTC, anon. They can't do that shit with BTC now because we all always keep very close eyes on Whale movements. They'd never have secret transactions because the billion dollar movements stand out like sore thumbs. The more $ you have in BTC, the more honest you have to be, just for the reasons you've explained. You're right, we can't be entirely obscured with BTC, but that was never the aim. Go read the Cypherpunk Manifesto. The aim was to bring integrity back to the wealthy, give us a chance of upward mobility and ensure we have privacy again. No, not secrecy, but enough privacy that we don't have to involve the entire neighborhood to move our money around. You want to do honest business, anon, even all the way up the chain. No, not for the sake of the IRS and their "muh money laundering" rules, but for the sake of the market. Free and honest trade depends on integrity and right now we don't have that. It was bestowed upon us with whoever the fuck Satoshi was though. You guys still don't get it?

6 hours later 28354523 Anonymous
>>28320953 XMR is viable, gonna need a black market coin for those who refuse the mark.

6 hours later 28354691 Anonymous
>>28354523 That's called FUD and it's used against you so that you don't comprehend how effective Blockchain technology is and how it can be used in conjunction with a metals system that adequately values your central currency. You are a brainlet and you need to lurk moar.

6 hours later 28354792 Anonymous
>>28354076 >They haven't let up on BTC because it hasn't fully adopted yet. Did Musk get nuked for talking about excepting BTC payments? No. There's your precedent. >They aren't the same. Oh sorry dude, I'm the brainlet. brb gonna go except some XMR payments

6 hours later 28354835 Anonymous
>>28354076 The lightning network is useless old tech that publicly discloses all your transactions

6 hours later 28354867 Anonymous
>>28354792 Okay. I don't care.

6 hours later 28354957 Anonymous
>>28354835 Is that why the IRS wants to investigate it for money laundering concerns, brainlet? https://www.btctimes.com/news/the-i rs-is-paying-developers-to-crack-pr ivacy-of-lightning-network Are all of you this stupid on purpose?

6 hours later 28355028 Anonymous
>>28320801 >GRT lol, everyone knows that The Graph is a pump and dump coin.

6 hours later 28355076 Anonymous
>>28354957 NSA pays bounty to hunt monero, you cannot compete

6 hours later 28355161 Anonymous
>>28339118 you will when you miss out cause you're to dumb to understand. You fell for the FUD anon, i just cant.

6 hours later 28355330 Anonymous
>>28355076 >b-but the NSA is more important Yeah, okay maroon. I'm not arguing against XMR, I'm just saying its shelf life is much smaller than any of you seem to think. By the way, if the NSA is trying to target it, what does that mean?...

6 hours later 28355494 Anonymous
>>28355330 Why will Lightning make XMR obsolete? Aren’t they (slightly) different use cases?

6 hours later 28355669 Anonymous
>>28320801 Haven coin, It's as bad ass as monero but their optics aren't shot to shit

6 hours later 28355698 Anonymous
>>28355494 LN scales BTC, which is what we want. XMR just enables pedos and drug dealers to play keep away from the NSA and other agencies that are tasked with explicitly cracking the tech they're using. LN has wide-ranging market effects (in theory, at least) and they'll soon be put on full blast via Stakenet. Simply observe this: >>28343114 That is BTC being traded for USDT This image shows ETH and BTC both active on Layer 2 RIGHT NOW You can make these trades RIGHT NOW, anon. Interoperability has come. Scaling the big dawgs has already been complete. Utility has already been introduced to both first mover chains and then THEY WERE CONNECTED. Mass adoption is at hand. Enjoy that cup of coffee you'll buy within the next two years with LN channels.

6 hours later 28355959 Anonymous
>>28355698 >>28355698 >XMR just enables pedos and drug dealers to play keep away from the NSA they can also use ln u know most of them do use bitcoin in fact- fucking goofies

6 hours later 28356097 Anonymous (1570918170901.jpg 615x456 32kB)
>>28355959 Are you just not reading? Seriously. Are you not reading the words I wrote?

6 hours later 28356231 Anonymous
>>28355698 Oops I forgot to link to the image I mentioned: >>28343114

6 hours later 28356240 Anonymous
>>28356097 the tech is good, won't break. yours is an add on build in security > ad hoc

6 hours later 28356278 Anonymous (1609884753765.png 1278x840 1025kB)

6 hours later 28356398 Anonymous
>>28355698 LN actually makes transactions private enough to make tax compliance difficult, especially if you used it with TOR/VPN. But if you need extra protection from glow niggers XMR is still probably the best way to go.

6 hours later 28356449 Anonymous
>>28321532 why would you meme this into reality

6 hours later 28356630 Anonymous (111.jpg 473x227 33kB)
>>28320801 Lition

6 hours later 28356641 Anonymous (x9devlogo_1.png 139x89 7kB)
>>28356240 No, it's an entire chain based on DASH and peercoin (mixed with BTC, obviously). You're just stupid. Who do you think built the Lightning Network, you blabbering brainlet? >>28356398 I don't see how that makes sense. LN enables BTC to be the big brother of XRM, anon... This isn't about not paying taxes. You should pay your taxes lest exactly what we're describing happens to you regardless. Besides, tax avoidance is easy if you have the proper guidance from qualified individuals. Tax avoidance isn't tax evasion, anon. Stop drooling everywhere. Oh, did I mention Stakenet supports TOR?

6 hours later 28356738 Anonymous
>>28321062 >HOGE go back

6 hours later 28356843 Anonymous (1599019153398.jpg 1077x1080 169kB)
>XRM uh...

6 hours later 28356885 Anonymous
>>28356641 lol chill out I already own a 4 masternodes of XSN and at the moment 0 XMR. I'm just saying XMR is still a good project and has a place.

7 hours later 28357179 Anonymous
>>28356885 I literally agreed with that like the first post I made in this thread.

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