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2021-02-10 06:58 28315194 Anonymous (960x0.jpg 960x640 65kB)
this faggot single handedly killed crypto. He artificially pumped the double top and now we will go below 10k again. Also now that BTC is tied to TSLA it will inevitably sink with them. this piece of shot killed our dreams and keeps dumping after tweets even though he's the richest man alive. It takes a special scumbag to be this evil

0 min later 28315252 Anonymous
>>28315194 bruh you had years to buy it sub $10k

2 min later 28315389 Anonymous
>>28315194 You sound like a faggot.

2 min later 28315395 Anonymous
>>28315194 Is there a shill campaign against musk? I hate that redditor too, but the amount of similar posts make me think this is paid shills

2 min later 28315397 Anonymous
>>28315194 Then short it if you’re so sure the market is dead

2 min later 28315403 Anonymous
>>28315252 and he'll have decades more

2 min later 28315404 Anonymous
>Also now that BTC is tied to TSLA true >it will inevitably sink with them. Okay call me when tesla actually crashes

2 min later 28315437 Anonymous
you eat the entire tub worth of tooth paste you fucking retard. spoon fed dumbass

2 min later 28315438 Anonymous
>>28315194 you had 10 years fuck off

3 min later 28315475 Anonymous
>>28315194 The worst part of institutions buying crypto is being tainted with old money, BTC will not get away this easy from the stock market crash.

4 min later 28315537 Anonymous (images_2.jpg 268x188 6kB)
>>28315194 45k is the new bottom, FUD your shitcoins nigger

4 min later 28315569 Anonymous
>>28315194 >Also now that BTC is tied to TSLA it will inevitably sink with them This is my biggest worry. TSLA was already a huge bubble and now they invested in another one. By proxy, whole crypto is now tied to TSLA. We are double fucked if TSLA crashes.

4 min later 28315589 Anonymous
So what you're saying is I should wait until btc is under 10k to buy?

5 min later 28315663 Anonymous
>>28315252 and we're about to have 2 extra years thanks to the poorfags' autistic jesus I'll never get why you kikes suck his duck

5 min later 28315721 Anonymous
>>28315194 Imagine being as dumb as op.

6 min later 28315821 Anonymous
>>28315397 Seriously, don't be a fucking pussy Anon.

6 min later 28315827 Anonymous
It’s impressive watching retards in here that obviously only started trading BTC last year believe that 45k is a new bottom or that Tesla even bought all that at ATH. Tesla started buying this shit under 10k and they’re going to dump on you manks pretty soon.

8 min later 28315952 Anonymous
>>28315827 So you're going to short the market then, leveraged 50x preferably?

8 min later 28316000 Anonymous (1468781877756.png 658x901 65kB)
>>28315663 >saying you had years to buy into bitcoin is the same as being an elon fanboy

9 min later 28316037 Anonymous
The entire pump this year is probably predicated on Tesla’s buy you pathetic fucking idiots lmao

9 min later 28316085 Anonymous
>>28315194 Bro if it drips to 10k I’m just buying more and so will everyone here, are you retarded? We may dip but there’s a very real new floor that isn’t going to simply vanish

9 min later 28316107 Anonymous (1612804000018.jpg 563x821 184kB)

10 min later 28316148 Anonymous
>>28315952 Nah, I’m going to buy more weed stocks and buy BTC again at ~15k

10 min later 28316168 Anonymous
>>28316037 So you're going to short BTC then? Sounds based, fren, pls update at eoy.

11 min later 28316217 Anonymous
>>28315194 Fuck Tesla Fuck Elon crypto was better off him

11 min later 28316234 Anonymous
Just wait till Apple joins

12 min later 28316328 Anonymous
>>28315194 Ugly fuck

12 min later 28316362 Anonymous
>>28316168 No, you’re right a 500% pump in a handful of months represents the new floor lmao

13 min later 28316373 Anonymous
>>28315252 >>28315389 >>28315397 >>28315437 >>28315438 >>28315537 >>28315721 >>28315821 If there’s one thing I’ve learned about spotting the top, its normie cope and emotional attachment to their “investment”. You fags will go to the ends of the earth to justify not selling right now. And yes, I’m referring to you guys.

13 min later 28316407 Anonymous
>>28315404 Burry has a massive short position on TSLA. Not that that means anything, but he's not an idiot.

13 min later 28316427 Anonymous
>financially ruins normies yet they still love him how do I acquire such power

14 min later 28316474 Anonymous
i love me a rich white nigger oo lawd

15 min later 28316554 Anonymous
>>28316373 I'm selling in December. You'd all be smart to hold until then.

15 min later 28316568 Anonymous
>>28316373 >If there’s one thing I’ve learned about spotting the top, its normie cope and emotional attachment to their “investment”. You fags will go to the ends of the earth to justify not selling right now. Yup. Just look at GME kek

16 min later 28316707 Anonymous
Are people ITT (whole biz even) really blinded with the money? Damn the top is getting nearer and nearer.

17 min later 28316728 Anonymous
>>28315395 it can't not be dude the guys unironically universally likable

17 min later 28316734 Anonymous
>>28315194 >Implying it would be a bad thing if BTC went under 10k again Great now I can have a real chance of regaining my 3.5 Bitcoins that I lost in 2010, thanks Elon!

17 min later 28316777 Anonymous
>>28315194 >buys $1.5 billion worth of BTC at an average price of $33k >single handedly killed crypto how exactly did you arrive at that conclusion?

17 min later 28316798 Anonymous (Annotation 2021-02-10 094344.png 1008x967 104kB)

19 min later 28316933 Anonymous
You realize this is all part of the globalist elite's plan right? bitchute /video/NCF94LZZZEGr/

20 min later 28317069 Anonymous (85800562-BD20-40C0-97A1-DFEB223EFC11.jpg 960x678 110kB)
>>28315395 Just ask yourself, who could be behind that post?

21 min later 28317103 Anonymous
>>28316777 There was nothing in that filing that implied they purchased that amount all at once or at what price. More likely they’ve been acquiring since 10k and are almost single-handily responsible for this years pump. Lol

21 min later 28317117 Anonymous
Elon is a God, buy DOGE!

22 min later 28317250 Anonymous
Seriously, what’s wrong with everyone’s brain that you think Tesla bought a billion at all time high? Do you imagine giant institutions are as retarded as you buying GME and AMC because it’s pumped 7000%?

23 min later 28317300 Anonymous
Elon is a cuck simp

24 min later 28317368 Anonymous
>>28317250 I’m totally sure that Tesla FOMO’d Bitcoin, that definitely absolutely happened

24 min later 28317404 Anonymous
>>28315194 Fucking moron, go back where you came from sub iq monkey

25 min later 28317443 Anonymous
>>28317300 no u

26 min later 28317547 Anonymous
>>28315194 you are retarded and shouldn't be writing your illogical nigger iq level thoughts anywhere public

26 min later 28317563 Anonymous (8D2326F6-8B1C-4ED0-87BE-46F12076323F.jpg 640x385 129kB)

26 min later 28317564 Anonymous
>>28317300 this, he is a snake oil salesman with a cult of personality for basedsimps really wish he'd fuck off

26 min later 28317594 Anonymous
>>28316373 You are unironically a newfag

27 min later 28317650 Anonymous
>>28315194 honestly, I think the only reason I came back to this game was to make fun of nocoiners.

28 min later 28317762 Anonymous
>>28315194 BTC has been tied to TSLA 0.95:1 for one fuckin year, we are going down with TSLA whether or not this cunt bought any or not

28 min later 28317800 Anonymous
>>28317563 does that chart keep on going continuously?

29 min later 28317913 Anonymous
>>28317069 nah it's just mental gymnastics from retards from /biz/ that've been missing out BTC since 2010, and they keep missing out again and again >>28317563 >this retarded chart again Here's a better chart for you.

31 min later 28318016 Anonymous (btc.png 2176x1230 360kB)

31 min later 28318080 Anonymous
You retards have convinced me to go ahead and dump all my crypto positions. It’s incredible that at the top of a 700% pump you guys are unironically “new paradigm” posting lmao

33 min later 28318181 Anonymous
>>28318016 LMFAO what the fuck everyone here is about to lose everything hahahahahhah

35 min later 28318347 Anonymous
>>28318016 Exactly this. Even if it dips it'll be higher than its last bull run peak.

38 min later 28318676 Anonymous
>not exclusively investing in defi shitcoins and uniswap scams literally NEVER going to make it enjoy your 5% gains lol may aswell put your money in a fucking bank you bunch of pussyholes

44 min later 28319197 Anonymous
>>28317103 I read somewhere it was an average of $33k but whatever, the point is Elon if anything, helped pump the price and OP is a retard.

52 min later 28319806 Anonymous
>>28315194 He has brought a blessing upon us if he can bring the price down to nothing, so I can buy low.

54 min later 28320037 Anonymous
>>28315194 /biz/ just upset at a successful African American

55 min later 28320080 Anonymous
>>28315194 Honestly I don't want anyone pumping Chainlink. Don't let elon know about it because he's just going to ruin it. I expect a steady consistent growth if it doesn't get memed

55 min later 28320109 Anonymous
>>28315194 Good, I hope bitcoin is what kills tesla. I hope elon rere's and people see him for the fag he is.

58 min later 28320347 Anonymous

59 min later 28320461 Anonymous
>>28320080 >still holding link you gotta let it go man

59 min later 28320490 Anonymous
>>28315194 Is that (You), Elon?

1 hours later 28320702 Anonymous
>>28315194 You had more than a decade to get in, dilate and kys op.

1 hours later 28320863 Anonymous (XJALN7X.gif 300x225 1494kB)
>>28315395 Yeah who could it be. The kikes have been going after Musk for years. They've been shilling on this board for 2+ years. It's very easy to spot once you know it's going on.

1 hours later 28321372 Anonymous (1601819535091.jpg 900x900 85kB)
>>28317563 This retarded chart has been proven wrong so many times

1 hours later 28321721 Anonymous
yeah, unironically whole that shit about Musk and BTC two days ago was a bad thing for us, no matter what. I dont think it will sink down BTC, neither crypto itself, but anyway not a good thing indeed

1 hours later 28321982 Anonymous
>>28316373 Held for years. I dont even care about the price for another ten years or so. >>28316554 Hi elon.

1 hours later 28322154 Anonymous
>>28316373 Short. It. Then. You. Nigger.

1 hours later 28322236 Anonymous
>>28315395 Nah I think he's just pissing everyone off in the same way. I strongly believe that of he hadn't stuck his nose in crypto that we would be seeing 100xs in alts right now. Fuck this faggot and his ugly ass gf.

1 hours later 28322311 Anonymous
>>28315194 >bought in cheap and dumps his bags on diamond hodlers BASED!

1 hours later 28322554 Anonymous
>>28322236 you think this plays into the "gonna crash in March" narrative? Musk stumped the alt run and in a month or two BTC takes its overdue shit and everything swirls down the drain until the next run up in 2024?

1 hours later 28322815 Anonymous (1470292999064.jpg 738x780 139kB)
>>28315194 >1 post by this ID my fave herb goes into the options field

1 hours later 28323669 Anonymous
>>28322815 Funniest thing is that this rush to crypto was only enabled by the massive fiat printing of the past months. The USA are literally the sole responsible of the demise of the dolar.

1 hours later 28323814 Anonymous
>>28315397 90% of the so called "bobos" of this site don't have the balls to short.

1 hours later 28323871 Anonymous
>>28315194 i unironically hate him so much

1 hours later 28323969 Anonymous
>>28315194 im a brainlet why is btc supposed to go down if he is shilling it

1 hours later 28324022 Anonymous
>>28315395 there is a shill campaign FOR musk

1 hours later 28324106 Anonymous
It's still so stupid to think I'm gonna be a multi billionaire just from shit posted on 4chan WAGMI everyone, I have top news, Bot Ocean algorithms will be Q2 2021 don’t use this trashbots that every fucker try to shill here Don’t go for their ref links and etc, ths is FUCKING TRASH

1 hours later 28324235 Anonymous
>>28316728 believe it or not, you like him exactly because everybody liked obama it's good stories, and good media coverage, and herd mentality you are just a part of it

1 hours later 28324289 Anonymous (really.jpg 1024x560 57kB)
>>28315194 >fudding BTC

1 hours later 28324306 Anonymous
>>28315194 >now that BTC is tied to TSLA it will inevitably sink with them. will TSla sink? why? it's probably too much of a meme to sink

1 hours later 28324424 Anonymous
>>28323669 Yeah, but they must have known that people will fall back to crypto. They're not stupid. Now, I wonder what are they going to do about it. Ban crypto? Make it almost unusable? Can only guess at this point, but I'm sure as fuck that we don't have much time left to make it.

1 hours later 28324544 Anonymous
>>28315194 If he's so smart as both an engineer and business man, why does he seek attention so eagerly? Elon the white nigger. Fuck him.

1 hours later 28324591 Anonymous
Glad i'm not holding any bags , you fags are gonna get ruined even more in the next couple of weeks hahaha . THANKS ELON hahah

1 hours later 28324805 Anonymous
>>28316373 >spotting the top post your short then, do it faggot. Talk is easy

1 hours later 28325190 Anonymous
>>28316728 you're a fucking simpleton lol

1 hours later 28325610 Anonymous
>>28316728 Agreed, I like him too, which gives us even more reason to be suspicious that he may be the antichrist

1 hours later 28325713 Anonymous
>>28316234 Why would Apple buy BTC? Retard

1 hours later 28325873 Anonymous
>DURR HURR POST YOR SHORT HAHAH DURR HURR Anything more cringe than reading this? Going to be nice seeing all the daily red wojaks

2 hours later 28326154 Anonymous
>>28315194 OP is a faggot

2 hours later 28326566 Anonymous
>>28316373 2021 is nothing like 2017, there's no obvious scam on the same level as bitconnect ( you could argue a lot defi is scam but bitconnect was on another level). There is no remnants of the MTGOX bankrupty ready to dump on us every month. There's actual institutional money involve and they keep buying every dip. Adoption is happening on small scale still, leaving room for a possible last small bear market if people get discouraged by the slow pace. There might be another 50% drop in the future, but nothing like 2018. Any drop higher than 60% will be because bitcoin was straightup broken by quantum computers or something like that but at that point society will be gone too.

2 hours later 28326977 Anonymous
>>28325713 > Why would Apple buy BTC? Maybe they would like to be able to do business in the future? Something tells me you haven't even an inkling on what is going on in the world right now.

2 hours later 28327296 Anonymous (60DBD3C4-FBE0-47F1-A5AD-19ED02D990FC.jpg 559x373 36kB)
>>28326566 Lol #1 >>28326977 Lol #2 This threads a goldmine, how delusional are you people

2 hours later 28327468 Anonymous
>>28315194 bullish lmao

2 hours later 28327471 Anonymous
>>28315194 Nigger, you WANT bitcoin to dump below 10k. Accumulate all you can and then ride the rocket to 100k when it inevitably pumps in a year or two. Shit, you want crypto to stabilize and make no money?

2 hours later 28327604 Anonymous (1519593333608.jpg 1000x1000 110kB)

2 hours later 28328925 Anonymous
>>28320863 >stop being mean to kikes its ruining my programming >yikes have you even heard of the Hall of Cost >remember Emmanuel Gol- i mean Adolf Hitler

2 hours later 28329630 Anonymous
>>28316707 the good thing is that even if we crash down again 2017 style, we can accumulate for cheap and DCA out the losses. Atleast that's my copium reminder to not sell my fucking bags

2 hours later 28329817 Anonymous (1612776994250.png 820x836 405kB)
>>28329630 That's how you make it

2 hours later 28329928 Anonymous
>>28315194 You're retarded if you think price fluctuations will "kill crypto." Bitcoin will always have value as long as the internet exists and people have electricity.

2 hours later 28330143 Anonymous
>>28316234 Small fry, wait until governments start buying in. They hoard gold, they'll hoard BTC too, just wait

2 hours later 28330213 Anonymous (bakamaxi.png 1000x1000 280kB)
>>28315194 It's irrelevant long term since btc isn't sustainable and will be out eventually.

2 hours later 28330316 Anonymous
>>28330143 The city of Miami wants to build a stack

2 hours later 28330321 Anonymous
>>28316373 post nose

2 hours later 28330720 Anonymous
>>28326566 "Le institutional investors meme" You don't have any proof institutions are buying, just articles from jewed media.

3.285 0.156