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2021-02-10 06:18 28311840 Anonymous DAILY REMINDER - YOU ONLY HAVE ONE TASK, BUY AND HOLD BTC (1612529982082.jpg 1024x1104 102kB)
>don't try to time the market, just keep buying, every week, every month, at any price, btc has no top >don't sell your btc to apple and amazon for less than 1M per piece >don't short (or you will lose it all) >don't long with leverage (or you will lose it all) >don't swing (or you will lose sats) >JUST BUY BTC, HOLD FOR A DECADE, AND KEEP YOUR PRIVATE KEYS SAFE, OFFLINE >don't keep your btc in an exchange, buy them and transfer/store them offline immediately, safely, do 100 backups of the wallet.dat or the seed key, again offline >50% crashes are normal, get used to them >DO NOT SELL WHEN THE MARKET IS TRYING TO SHAKE YOUR POCKETS >CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are a scam, a digital equivalent of fake FIATs money >BTC is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a don't-get-poor-slowly scheme >every project shilling FIAT CBDC or bad traditional finance derivatives is a scam, DERIVATIVES ARE PURE GAMBLING, STAY AWAY >sats is all that matters, all shitcoins bleed to zero in the long term, if you don't trust me, check 2017-era shitcoin mothly charts >don't get scammed by easy money advertisements >don't trust services like paypal, or other "you cannot withdraw your btc offline" services >don't wrap your btc (wbtc/sbtc/tbtc/renbtc and similar are scams, and they will run away with your private keys, while you will be bagholding a worthless erc20 shit-token) >don't buy btc with funds like grayscale or with indirect exposure via us equities / stocks, because your are only buying a fractional reserve, so JUST BUY BTC DIRECTLY >don't think it's too late, it's never late, FIATs will always keep bleeding purchasing power >i was buying below 1000$ and i still keep buying above 40000$ >YOU NEED 56 MILLION SATOSHIS (0.56 BTC) TO BE IN THE TOP 20% YOU ONLY HAVE ONE TASK, BUY AND HOLD BTC DON'T FUCK IT UP ANON

5 min later 28312308 Anonymous
>>28311840 unironically the only trustworthy and low-risk advice on /biz/ there's tons of gains to be made in the crypto world, but btc is the only one that is almost risk free in the long run just remember that once you put some money into btc, don't expect to cash out within the next 3-5 years

7 min later 28312476 Anonymous
>>28311840 I'm not buying at 45k.

8 min later 28312540 Anonymous
>>28312476 You will regret that when it's back tapping on 50k at the end of this week

10 min later 28312676 Anonymous (download (2).jpg 290x174 6kB)
Change btc with bnb then you got some solid advice

10 min later 28312683 Anonymous
>>28312476 >don't think it's too late, it's never late, FIATs will always keep bleeding purchasing power

11 min later 28312763 Anonymous (37A0A904-1603-4715-856A-D0686F2A0354.jpg 787x612 98kB)
Based maxichad. AVAX and BTC is all I need.

11 min later 28312791 Anonymous
>>28312308 >once you put some money into btc, don't expect to cash out within the next 3-5 years this invest only the savings you don't plan to spend for the next few years if you try to buy bitcoin (or in general for any kind of investment) for a quick flip, you might be forced to sell at a loss if you need these money to pay the rent i understand some people rush into cheap shitcoins for quick 10X because they start with 100$ (80% will probably lose it all), but if you are in the lucky 20%, as soon as your start consolidating gains, you should definitely convert all shitcoin gains into sats, or you will inevitably watch them bleed to zero against bitcoin in the long term if you don't believe me, pick any 2017 shitcoin, select the monthly chart, and watch the painful multi-year non-stop sats bleeding

11 min later 28312810 Anonymous (1592821559077.jpg 299x479 56kB)
>>28312476 Anon in Dec >I'm not buying at $18k

12 min later 28312826 Anonymous (62ba09746ed3275948a453948f052c71.png 959x640 116kB)

12 min later 28312881 Anonymous
>>28312540 >>28312683 We can't reason with boomers. They live in their own fantasy world and yell at anything they don't understand.

13 min later 28312906 Anonymous
>>28311840 pretty based advice yes. but i want to make it in less than a decade so i'm holding link bnt and inj too.

14 min later 28313040 Anonymous
>>28311840 >buying near ATH ever bro..

16 min later 28313145 Anonymous
>>28312791 Y u samefag tho?

16 min later 28313157 Anonymous
Thank you based pasta poster

17 min later 28313250 Anonymous (image (1).jpg 2503x1877 225kB)
>>28311840 I heard this shit already with GME Nice try Elon

17 min later 28313278 Anonymous
>>28312476 then set buy limits on the way down an pray someone will bite them and keep some money for some flash crash to buy a sudden dip but don't expect btc will crash back to 5k or some other unrealistic price, keep in mind microstrategy bought from 11 to 24k, tesla bought in january above 30 and oracle is next apple and amazon financial chiefs are probably watching as well

17 min later 28313288 Anonymous
>>28313040 the current ATH will be the price it crashes to in a couple of years

20 min later 28313476 Anonymous
100k by EoY easy

20 min later 28313492 Anonymous (safu.png 138x42 1kB)
am crypto noob opinions about binance ? what happens when I register my personal information ? is it really a chinese company ?

21 min later 28313537 Anonymous
>>28311840 how do i keep my bitcoin offline

21 min later 28313560 Anonymous
is nobody else concerned about what's going to happened when all BTC is mined out? Who's gonna pay for all the mining farms that support your "decentralized" currency?

21 min later 28313587 Anonymous
>>28312476 lol everyone says this when it pumps, and then everyone deeply regrets it 3-4 years later. Deeply. Regrets.

23 min later 28313701 Anonymous
>>28312476 Better 45k than 450k

23 min later 28313705 Anonymous
>>28313560 why would anyone need to pay for mining farms when there is nothing left to mine

24 min later 28313758 Anonymous
>>28313560 this aint how bitcoin works

24 min later 28313810 Anonymous
>>28313705 because they're also the network that allows transactions???

25 min later 28313902 Anonymous
>>28313810 the network existing does not rely on chinese mining farms

26 min later 28313941 Anonymous
>>28313537 ledger cold wallet (dont own one, though)

26 min later 28313986 Anonymous
>>28313560 tx fees are already between 10% and 20% of the block reward and we are only in 2021

26 min later 28314004 Anonymous
>>28313560 May 7th, 2140 Can you even fathom what technology will look like in the year 2100? You cannot.

27 min later 28314049 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-223346.png 1337x655 186kB)
Imagine being the kind of person that looks at linear graphs of btc. See you all in 2030 when we hit 1M

28 min later 28314144 Anonymous
>>28313941 well whats the cheaper alternative hoow do you yourself do it? if not with a ledger wallet

29 min later 28314214 Anonymous
>>28312826 gtfo out of here with this shit. BCH WILL NEVER BE A THING, JUST STOP.

29 min later 28314216 Anonymous
>>28314144 paper wallet

29 min later 28314241 Anonymous
>>28313902 yes it unironically does >>28313701 maxis are delusional

29 min later 28314256 Anonymous
>>28314216 what you mean by this

30 min later 28314305 Anonymous
>>28312826 You lost, Jihan. Fucking get over it.

33 min later 28314618 Anonymous
>>28314256 write your private key on a piece of paper white 10 years shoot yourself when BTC is at 1.000.000 and you've mispelled the key on your piece of paper.

34 min later 28314669 Anonymous
>>28314256 https://github.com/pointbiz/bitaddr ess.org/archive/master.zip download and extract the zip switch off the internet connection and preferably use a linux live distro so you don't have malwares all around open bitaddress.org.html move around the mouse you will have a private key and a public key as a result do a backup, print the key pair, store it offline (don't leave these files in your pc nor in your email) >private key keep it secret, don't give it to anyone, offline, print the private key and the qr codes and put it in your vault at home with the private key you can spend your btc >public key is the key where you can receive money, so when you choose the withdrawal address, you have to use your public key

34 min later 28314712 Anonymous
>>28314618 i have a nas i can keep that shit on and write it down a billion times how

34 min later 28314713 Anonymous (1298406442553.jpg 200x272 7kB)
>>28311840 Low IQ advice. Great minds accumulate money and buy BTC as it dips. You can buy x2-5 amount of BTC for same amount of money.

36 min later 28314840 Anonymous (693.jpg 1242x1136 107kB)
>>28311840 I don't have anything to buy BTC with. I don't want to work a shitty job for crumbs. I am literally dying inside whenever I am employed somewhere. I absolutely hate 99% people and can't hold a job for longer than 3 months. It disgusts me when my time isn't truly mine. Are you all getting NEETbux or do you force yourself to wageslavery?

36 min later 28314846 Anonymous
>>28311840 good advice, but I have no desire to wageslave for a decade, I need my fuck you money now and can keep a BTC for the end of times

37 min later 28314989 Anonymous
>>28314712 don't keep them in your pc at all, do all the operations offline, and in case do a backup using optical discs (e.g. a dvd is way more durable then an sd card, flash memories gets corrupted after 1/2 years without being used) store the private keys or the 24 word seed offline, don't leave them in your pc, don't upload them somewhere on the internet

38 min later 28315027 Anonymous
>>28314214 >>28314305 found the retards

39 min later 28315183 Anonymous
>>28314713 >Great minds great minds are like 1% of the population and even in that case you might need more luck than skills my advice is obviously more conservative and it works for everyone

40 min later 28315216 Anonymous
>>28314713 Low IQ advice tHere's no way to know if BTC is going to dip from its current point or keep bullrunning.

40 min later 28315234 Anonymous
>>28314989 alright, well, can i do this with all my other shitcoins too like chainlink and etherum or should i just focus on bit coin

41 min later 28315292 Anonymous
reminder to also keep a copy of your seed words somewhere at another safe place you fully trust, like your parent's house or whatever. you never know if your house might burn down and you lose your only copy of your seed words

42 min later 28315444 Anonymous (Dl5C8gGUUAANERE.jpg 640x480 22kB)
>>28312476 loool have fun staying poor retard

43 min later 28315478 Anonymous
>>28315234 the key managements advice applies for every coin

44 min later 28315554 Anonymous
>>28312476 fool

44 min later 28315599 Anonymous
>>28315478 ok...thx...i have a lot of cds from 2004 that dont have anything on them but i think it would be wise to buy some more and burn the stuff to each and every disc in there....store them across areas i trust my grandmas house grandpas house and a rent a storage vac....mas house pas house...also what methods are you currently using

44 min later 28315601 Anonymous
>>28314713 If you want to dedicate your life to trading AND you are high IQ this is possible. For all us normans, high iq people specializing in other things, and derpers, DCA is the way

45 min later 28315738 Anonymous
>>28313492 buy > wallet dont store i think....let me think this over and ill see what i can do

46 min later 28315755 Anonymous
>>28314713 Nah, you're just a gambling, low iq fuckwit. You can't know 100% if it's a dip.

47 min later 28315913 Anonymous (458E9DF7-97D3-4D12-8A13-69B0CB275182.jpg 1170x2150 630kB)
>>28311840 I’m fucking ready baby

47 min later 28315938 Anonymous
>>28315755 and betting on a coin to go up infinitely is not gambling

48 min later 28315980 Anonymous
>>28311840 >buying the top You are buying Lindsey Lohan's bags

49 min later 28316057 Anonymous
>>28312791 >bleeding so, buy the dip?

49 min later 28316089 Anonymous
>>28312540 >>28312683 >>28312810 >>28313587 >>28313701 >>28315444 >>28315554 I just recently got into crypto and my current plan for btc is to wait for the next big dip. I'm not in a hurry. Are you saying this will never come? >>28313278 Will take this into consideration ty

49 min later 28316097 Anonymous
>>28313902 It does though

49 min later 28316103 Anonymous
>>28315938 Exactly. I am not doing that either.

51 min later 28316218 Anonymous
>>28315599 i do like this >encrypt the keys in a rar archive with a strong pass and 100% error correction redundancy (it will have double of the size, but protect against archive corruption) >put the encrypted rar archive inside a truecrypt partition with a second strong pass >compress again the truecrypt partition with 100% error correction redundancy (just to protect again against archive corruption) >burn them in several dvd, cd, sdcards, etc. so even the files gets corrupted over time, they are most likely recoverable, anyway optical discs are pretty solid for 10/20 years at least (probably much much more)

51 min later 28316254 Anonymous
>>28316089 It will dip but it's not going to be like 2017 where it's parabolic. You'll get like 5k-(maybe) 10k dips from here on out because Bitcoin is getting institutional buy in. Don't wait for the normie FOMO to get some.

53 min later 28316387 Anonymous
>>28316218 sounds kino...hopefully we are still alive in 10-20 yrs to reap our rewards brother

57 min later 28316732 Anonymous (Capture.jpg 1468x857 143kB)
>>28315755 >>28315216 >>28315601 Stfu low IQ peasants. Just look at this chart. If you can't understand the cycling you might be literally retarded.

57 min later 28316788 Anonymous
>>28312791 I started with 200€ about 4 months ago and I'm at ~1000€ right now. Been just flipping BTC daily like it was gear in runescape.

59 min later 28316965 Anonymous
>>28314840 Most people hate working but it allows you to invest more.

1 hours later 28317014 Anonymous
>>28316732 you're literally retarded

1 hours later 28317032 Anonymous
>>28316732 if bezos wakes up and put 100B in BTC, all charts and models are useless

1 hours later 28317049 Anonymous
>>28311840 >don't keep your btc in an exchange Why?

1 hours later 28317127 Anonymous (Annotation 2021-02-10 094841.png 695x403 54kB)

1 hours later 28317204 Anonymous
>>28313902 The network does relay on the block reward. It may be more profitable for china to perform 51% attacks in that case. Likely won't happen. Also there will just be 50$ fees.

1 hours later 28317274 Anonymous
>>28317127 lol

1 hours later 28317281 Anonymous (1581106865833.png 499x338 39kB)
>>28312476 >I'm not buying at $9K!

1 hours later 28317296 Anonymous
>>28316089 >>28316254 Bruh right now is the dip. It hit 48k and has just gone down to 43.7k It might do this again when it hits 50k, it might go back down to 45k but this is about as low as it's going for a while. It might just power through 50k to 51-52k and then we wont see it below 49k for a while

1 hours later 28317310 Anonymous
>>28315292 Good guy anon strikes again.

1 hours later 28317396 Anonymous (1607124032113.png 800x600 81kB)
>>28311840 >JUST HODL

1 hours later 28317503 Anonymous (031CB130-6370-4B7D-BB6D-BBB667CED5A3.jpg 680x680 91kB)
I’ve only been on biz since like September. I’ve invested about $4k, which has become about $23k. Entirely from LINK/ETH/shitcoins. Can someone please redpill me on if I should sell for BTC? Maybe half of it? Or maybe have a Bitcoin DCA portfolio? I have a side job and could basically put every check into Bitcoin as a sort of risky(?) savings account. I’m bullish on BTC in the long term but I also don’t want to miss out on the alts bull run that could escalate in the near future.

1 hours later 28317619 Anonymous
>>28317049 because they can get hacked in mt gox style because cuckbase might freeze your account for some stupid reasons because your shitty government request exchanges to do so because they can be lost by the exchange because they can be confiscated by authorities upon request because withdrawing your BTC offline it literally costs nothing (maybe a couple of dollars) and you can keep full custody and obtain full financial sovereignty, it means nobody can stop spending the BTC, nobody can seize it trust me, i've been there, it's not funny when you lose access to what your consider "your" BTC it's not "your" unless you have the private keys

1 hours later 28317637 Anonymous
>>28317503 don't sell if you don't need to, diversification in my opinion is always good, however you should listen to OP on the security advice so that you don't ever get fucked over

1 hours later 28317938 Anonymous
>>28317619 Does Exodus keep private keys? I know it's a pretty newb wallet.

1 hours later 28317960 Anonymous (bakamaxi.png 1000x1000 280kB)
Daily reminder that maxis are greedy simpletons and you mustn't buy their bags. :3

1 hours later 28318014 Anonymous

1 hours later 28318024 Anonymous
>>28317619 Fair enough. Doesnt sound very feasible for me since I'm buying/selling daily.

1 hours later 28318097 Anonymous
>>28311840 Based.

1 hours later 28318123 Anonymous (1609440797764.png 1280x848 1430kB)
>>28311840 >$45k stablecoin

1 hours later 28318209 Anonymous
>>28317938 i think so however i'm paranoid and i use Bitcoin Core only i believe in BTC so i keep running a couple of full nodes

1 hours later 28318350 Anonymous
>>28318024 do you trade with the entire stack? consider sending some of them to a cold wallet so you don't get tempted by every shitcoin and you keep accumulating some sats i don't trade at all, every time i press a button i basically just give free money to the exchange

1 hours later 28318933 Anonymous
>>28315234 I dont think you can do offline transaction like you can with bitcoin on shitcoins like chainlink.. bitcoin is robust and allow many different ways of doing things cause it's a real cryptocurrency.

1 hours later 28318970 Anonymous (inflation.jpg 823x572 61kB)
>>28317960 >what maxis really want to happen a few icbm targeting all major central banks and fiat collapsing my focus is not on btc vs eth vs other crypto (they can be useful for everyone) my focus is shitting on fiats >stablecoins not at all, they are backed by fake fiat money printed out of thin air, scamming entire generations with inflation if you want to understand the battle i'm fighting look at the pic

1 hours later 28319055 Anonymous
>>28311840 i shorted your scam shitcoin 20x at 46600 and i will ride it back down to 4 digits and theres nothing you can do about it.

1 hours later 28319110 Anonymous
>>28311840 Fuck no. During alt season I'm in alts and frequently take profit in both fiat and by converting back to BTC.

1 hours later 28319132 Anonymous
>>28312810 december of 2017 right? yeah that dude sounded smart for not buying at 18k

1 hours later 28319324 Anonymous (1610478492607.jpg 934x640 123kB)

1 hours later 28319389 Anonymous
>>28319055 >i shorted your scam shitcoin 20x at 46600 anon I... corporations are entering in this moment, please be aware

1 hours later 28319450 Anonymous
>>28315738 I'm more worried about giving my personal data to china perfect way imo is cold wallet (like ledger/trezor) after buying them somewhere like binance

1 hours later 28319496 Anonymous (1612651761944.gif 220x220 320kB)
>>28317960 wrong, pic related is what will actually happen

1 hours later 28319520 Anonymous (1611354635812.png 219x230 7kB)
Just got started a week ago. About 500 in btc, doge, link, Ada. I would like to just throw in 1k at a shitcoin here pretty soon and just hope it moons. What should that be, uni, grt, aave,?

1 hours later 28319624 Anonymous
>>28319450 call me a schizo but i think ledger and trezor are backdoors...i will be doing it the hard way with discs usb and sd cards

1 hours later 28319641 Anonymous
>>28319520 Something that is in a trading range and hasn't mooned significantly yet.

1 hours later 28319824 Anonymous
Good luck ever cashing out faggots >50+ percent tax or running from uncle Sam for fucking forever There really is no way out of this slavery

1 hours later 28319904 Anonymous
>>28319624 never, heard of this way before, but how do you get these keys ? am a total crypto noob and want to learn what this fuzz is all about

1 hours later 28319905 Anonymous
>>28319824 Have you tried not being a burger?

1 hours later 28320063 Anonymous
>>28319824 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint _Kitts_and_Nevis_passport you can buy it with btc btw

1 hours later 28320207 Anonymous
>>28313902 it does you fucking retard. bitcoin needs to mine like 2000 something blocks before difficulty is adjusted. china has such a big slice of the hash power that if they all stopped it would unironically get stuck hard frozen. not to mention that with lower hash rate people would lose trust in the network

1 hours later 28320414 Anonymous (BDEC5316-EF91-45AD-9BA7-099ACDA1E912.jpg 1280x640 170kB)
All you need is Bitcoin and Monero. Bitcoin is your savings account, Monero is your checking. Buy and hold and forget about the price. You won’t ever have to sell them.

1 hours later 28320417 Anonymous
>>28319904 https://www.bitaddress.org/bitaddre ss.org-v3.3.0-SHA256-dec17c07685e18 70960903d8f58090475b25af946fe95a734 f88408cef4aa194.html

1 hours later 28320510 Anonymous
>>28319905 <Spoiler>I'm a leaf

1 hours later 28320528 Anonymous
I'm not buying at these prices. Train has left the station.

1 hours later 28320556 Anonymous
>>28320207 Aren't most farms in China not even owned by chinese?

1 hours later 28320663 Anonymous
>>28318970 >they are backed by fake fiat money printed out of thin air Not at all. Some of the most popular are, but they can be backed by smart-contract reserve or algorithmic techs.

1 hours later 28320762 Anonymous
>>28311840 Also I love how retards always start making this stupid reminder at the top of the cycle rather than back when we were sub 6k

1 hours later 28320777 Anonymous
Literally what happens when China does a 51% attack after the dollar hyperinflates and even hardcore normies are putting their life savings into this shit? Do we just accept our new life living in I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream?

1 hours later 28320813 Anonymous
>>28319132 dec of 2020 nigger

1 hours later 28320875 Anonymous
>>28319389 the only garbage entering your scam market is counterfeit USD from tether LTD and money from the man child cult leader elon musk because hes going through a mid life crisis. no one else is pumping your worthless bags

1 hours later 28320961 Anonymous
>>28320556 >in china >not owned by the CCP point at this retard and laugh at him

1 hours later 28321077 Anonymous
I bought £50 of BTC on Binance. To transfer this to my external wallet it will cost £16. Wtf is this scam

1 hours later 28321115 Anonymous (pop.jpg 640x480 100kB)
>>28320556 foreigners own most farms in a communist country? This will end well

1 hours later 28321138 Anonymous
>>28320875 >counterfeit USD from tether LTD all USD are fake money anyway

1 hours later 28321195 Anonymous
>>28312881 This is literally you though. Btc will top.

1 hours later 28321243 Anonymous
>>28321077 something you'd know before you bought if you weren't a retard FOMOing in

1 hours later 28321298 Anonymous
>>28320556 Oh sweetie...

1 hours later 28321299 Anonymous
22 million satlet here. should I swing to usdc at 100k-120k and buy back in the impending crash?

1 hours later 28321337 Anonymous (1611905459036.jpg 750x818 356kB)
I would buy some Bitcoin but Gemini won't hurry up and verify me after 13 (business) days waiting. What is taking so long?

1 hours later 28321405 Anonymous (1611759048056.jpg 250x187 15kB)
>>28321077 mfw so how I can get crypto to external wallet without butt-hurting fees ? is it a fixed fee or in % ?

1 hours later 28321420 Anonymous
>>28321195 >"Btc will top" >t. angry boomer yelling at things he doesn't understand Thanks captain faggot obvious. That doesn't mean I don't understand Bitcoin, fucking kill yourself.

1 hours later 28321449 Anonymous
>>28321077 i got chinked too by binance, small spot trades profits are automatically negated by the 1% fee. and if you have some religious ban on taking interest you can kiss meaningfulll profits goodbye

1 hours later 28321549 Anonymous
>>28321138 but one has one of the strongest militaries in the world backing it up. big difference retard

1 hours later 28321694 Anonymous
>>28321405 Kraken is only like 5.5 eur to move right now. I got 200 euro there but I'm not moving it before putting some more.

1 hours later 28321800 Anonymous (1612769997890.png 800x1000 960kB)
>>28311840 My man, I maxed out literally everything I had. My average is 32k with 0,21BTC. I plan on adding $100 per week (slavpoor). Should I rob someone for more BTC? Why will 0,56 BTC put me in top 20%? Kindly elaborate good sir, do the needful

1 hours later 28321844 Anonymous
>>28320762 >Also I love how retards always start making this stupid reminder at the top of the cycle shut up moron https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2343 4596 https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2298 9631 >>28320663 elastic supply tokens are pure bullshit

1 hours later 28321893 Anonymous
>>28313560 with how much chaos halvenings cause you think more people would see the writing on the wall

1 hours later 28321905 Anonymous
>>28321800 yes

1 hours later 28321971 Anonymous
>>28321844 >elastic supply tokens are pure bullshit Yes they are, but it's not the only possible tech in algorithmic stablecoin.

1 hours later 28322014 Anonymous
ok so you hold it till... 100k?

1 hours later 28322019 Anonymous
>>28321844 wow, October you must really be an oldfag LMAO

1 hours later 28322033 Anonymous
>>28315913 based

1 hours later 28322113 Anonymous
>>28315913 >no XLM ngmi

1 hours later 28322124 Anonymous
>mfw newfags complaining about tx fees yes when you actually move bitcoin from wallet to wallet (instead of ious on an exchange) you have to pay out the ass hope you don’t think you’re buying digital cash

1 hours later 28322152 Anonymous
>>28315913 what app is this?

2 hours later 28322708 Anonymous
>>28322019 shut up moron october is when i started the daily reminders but i'm on biz for several years already btw october 22 btc was 12k, it did a +400% from there, moron btc has no top, moron

2 hours later 28322907 Anonymous (OkayChamp.png 112x112 21kB)
>>28322708 Yeah, bubbles do not have tops and they do not have time limits who cares if BTC pops in 10-20 years from now, now is the time to make gains and just sell before something new comes along or I dunno, WW3

2 hours later 28322925 Anonymous
>>28321800 you will be living in the streets very soon

2 hours later 28323137 Anonymous
>>28319132 wow faggot so funny you absolute schmuck

2 hours later 28323303 Anonymous
>>28322907 btc has no top because fiat have no bottom it's very easy to understand there are some moments where btc price goes out of control, but in the long term it will always keep breaking ATH while USD keeps breaking ATL the debt-based system creates a growing debt spiral, and sooner or later ALL FIATS COLLAPSE OVER THE TIME

2 hours later 28323314 Anonymous
>>28323137 go kill yourself i want all you greedy animals to lose everything. i dont even want you to have a marginal loss i wish every day that the tether scam gets exposed and this entire market blows up with no survivors. exchanges shut down and everyone loses all their money. thats what you people deserve and you will get it. fucking disgusting greedy animals you all deserve to go live in the streets

2 hours later 28323377 Anonymous
>>28322708 >I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS >links thread from only a few months ago with different advice lol you weren't telling people to buy every week in October and now you are? Just admit you are totally clueless. I suppose buy the top and hold is the only strategy that might viably work in the longrun for a brainlet like you

2 hours later 28323460 Anonymous
>>28323314 go kill yourself i want all you greedy animals to lose everything. i dont even want you to have a marginal loss i wish every day that the central banking scam gets exposed and this entire spiraling-debt-based-fiat-system blows up with no survivors. kike banks shut down and everyone loses all their fiat money. thats what you people deserve and you will get it. fucking disgusting greedy animals you all deserve to go live in the streets

2 hours later 28323492 Anonymous
>>28323303 I hope you aren't one of those people who respond to post-scarcity by burning down the house to bring back scarcity

2 hours later 28323551 Anonymous (Bitcoin-paper-wallet.jpg 837x537 76kB)
how do i buy things with my paper wallet? i dont want to post my private key into any internet fields, that sounds like a surefire way to get it stolen

2 hours later 28323553 Anonymous
>>28323377 >I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS i have been doing this for years i started the daily reminders on 22 oct 2020 problems, moron?

2 hours later 28323731 Anonymous
>>28320762 >rather than back when we were sub 6k They did you just didn't listen or couldn't see the forest for the trees (shit coin threads). All of my BTC purchases were between 3400 - 13000 in 2019 with an average cost of a tick over 6600. I'M NEVER SELLING. OP speaks truth.

2 hours later 28323762 Anonymous
>>28323551 when you want to spend them, you can import the private key into bitcoin core or other wallets (i suggest bitcoin core anyway)

2 hours later 28323881 Anonymous
>>28323460 bitcoin cant be used as a currency you subhuman animal. the only disgusting rats here are you and the fucking disgusting shills and keep desperately trying to pump this shit market. it started as cash, then went for "muh store of value digital gold" then went to "its ok to get pumped by shady counterfeit USD created by some unregulated shit company in the bahamas because FED also does it". reality is you people have no principals. this isnt about overthrowing banks, this is about making profit like the blind greedy animals that all of you are. you talk about the kikes but you are exposing yourself as equally greedy and shameless as them. fucking go kill yourself and may god implode this market soon and force all of you to live in the streets

2 hours later 28323983 Anonymous
>>28323377 >lol you weren't telling people to buy every week in October and now you are? i was, moron https://warosu.org/biz/?ghost=yes&t ask=search&search_text=%22DON%27T%2 0FUCK%20IT%20UP%20ANON%22&offset=24

2 hours later 28324039 Anonymous (sacredeconomix.png 1290x1290 538kB)
https://soundcloud.com/yeethewarloc k/sacred-economics-ep-1-macro-101 https://soundcloud.com/yeethewarloc k/sacred-economics-ep-2-supply-issu ance https://soundcloud.com/yeethewarloc k/sacred-economics-ep-3-pertinent-s calability

2 hours later 28324078 Anonymous
>>28320556 No, the farms are definitely Chinese, but a lot of foreign miners join Chinese hash pools, making it look like the majority of hashing power comes from China

2 hours later 28324126 Anonymous
>>28323983 take your top-buying DCAing to >>reddit bro

2 hours later 28324290 Anonymous
>>28323881 >reality is you people have no principals i do, and i try to save people from gambling on shitcoins or going leveraged and getting rekt >this isnt about overthrowing banks yes it is >this is about making profit the point is that you cannot stop btc the ones passing the iq test earlier get the benefits btc will keep growing regardless of what you think

2 hours later 28324392 Anonymous
>>28324126 >12k >top-buying pick one, moron

2 hours later 28324657 Anonymous
>>28324290 >HURR DURR YOU CANT STAPH DA BITCONE!!1!!111! literally just send a governmental order to close all centralized exchanges and bitcoin nose dives to triple digits in 1 day. all "eheheh muh decentralized cone unstoppable!" are either willfully lying to the people or are unironically retarded. and btw you arent early at all. even if you got in on 2017, youre still not early, delusional moron.

2 hours later 28325159 Anonymous
>>28324657 >literally just send a governmental order to close all centralized exchanges it would be funny to watch the government commit suicide, probably half of the senators have BTC at this point btw you cannot stop math, if you fight btc you only make it stronger btw corporations are buying, giga-funds (like blackrock) are in, billionaires are in, there is no way back i hope you realize this

2 hours later 28325349 Anonymous
>>28324657 >govt order to close all centralized exchanges don't need to. this will happen on it's own, just look at the bitcoin outflow charts from exchanges. why do you think they keep listing so many shit coins? >nose dives to triple digits nope too many people like me with a 7 figure net worth would go all in. if bitcoin ever dumps below 15k again i would sell my business and go all in. never going to happen. >2017 isn't early it is. look at any adoption curve chart. anyone buying up to bitcoin regaining the 10k level in 2019 - 2020 is the early minority. we are currently in the late minority stage, then comes the late majority, and finally people like you. it's ok anon. after the anger phase come acceptance. you'll understand when you're older, and hopefully it isn't too late.

2 hours later 28325382 Anonymous
>>28325159 so a couple of paragraphs above you were saying that bitcoin was fighting the central bank and now youre saying that all the elite is in on bitcoin? so which is it you greedy animal? get your narrative straight please

2 hours later 28325558 Anonymous
>>28325382 >and now youre saying that all the elite is in on bitcoin? i'm saying even central banks will have no choice but to buy btc

2 hours later 28325869 Anonymous
>>28325558 it's already starting. there were a few countries in 2019-2020 that went to the IMF and said they wanted to issue bonds backed by bitcoin to prop up their failing currencies. bitcoin won, we just have to watch it play out over the next 2 decades.

2 hours later 28325961 Anonymous (_116842238_nigeriancryptocurrency.jpg 602x680 75kB)
>>28325558 this is the most delusional thing ive ever seen written in my entire life. imagine believing that literal trillionaires that have ruled the world for centuries are scared of a coin that would get absolutely obliterated if major nations like usa and china wrote a simple order like pic related. if btc wins, its because they let it happen. you are fucking mentally ill if you think central banks cant stop it.

2 hours later 28326011 Anonymous
>>28324392 you're still buying right now and you never take profits

2 hours later 28326141 Anonymous
Or buy reef, next 100x

2 hours later 28326349 Anonymous
>>28325961 >you are fucking mentally ill if you think central banks cant stop it. yeah, guess which people are crying in nigeria right now, the ones with the bitcoins or the ones without? they literally cannot stop it why do you think they are rushing to roll out cbdc? cause they will bomb you with msm propaganda trying to brainwash you telling you that their cbdc is similar to btc or even better because they will also airdrop you some UBI while they keep stealing away your purchasing power you cannot ban math moron the cat is out of the bag embrace btc now or pay the consequences later I WILL NEVER SWITCH BACK TO FIAT NEVER

2 hours later 28326446 Anonymous
>>28321420 Lmao at your impotent rage

2 hours later 28326519 Anonymous
>>28326011 this is correct i'm waiting for a 100k payment split in 4 months so i'm gonna put 25k per month in BTC starting from march, regardless of the price, i never keep any FIATs for more than 1 day if i need to buy groceries and pay the rent i use my binance visa card with 0.05 BTC on it, while 99% of my networth is in BTC in a cold wallet

2 hours later 28326569 Anonymous
>>28326349 thanks for all these delusional ramblings. cant wait to post it once tether gets fucked by the feds and governments worldwide issue a cryptocurrency ban because of it. unfortunatelly you might not be able to see me laugh at you as you will be too poor to pay internet bill and will be living in the streets by then.

2 hours later 28326777 Anonymous
>>28314049 There won't be BTC in 2030 fool NWO will put its own mandatory crypto everywhere by then

2 hours later 28326849 Anonymous
>>28326569 thanks for all these delusional ramblings. cant wait to post it once FED and ECB start buying BTC (oh by the way, probably they already started, but we cannot audit central banks balance sheets (((for some reason))) ) unfortunatelly you might not be able to see me laugh at you as you will be too poor to pay internet bill with your UBIbux. But you can eat ze bugs...

2 hours later 28327181 Anonymous
>>28326849 the funniest part is that there wont even be a bear market. they will just pump this into a super mania frenzy and then pull the plug completely with major crackdowns so severe none of you will be able to cash out 1 single cent. and that will one of the many catalysts that will enable the great reset. all you morons will put at least 80% of your net worth into crypto and watch it evaporate right in front of your eyes.

2 hours later 28327385 Anonymous
>>28326569 your financial ineptitude is mind boggling. cocaine is illegal too anon. guess what? it is literally worth more than gold at the street level in most, if not all 1st world countries. banning something or making it illegal doesn't mean shit. just like with the importation of drugs, governments can't enforce a crypto ban, fuck they can't even manage stimulus checks distributed in a currency they 100% control.

2 hours later 28327422 Anonymous
>>28312476 I said this at 20k ,I even said it at 1k,luckily I bought some in between

2 hours later 28327500 Anonymous
>>28327385 cocaine is still around because cianiggers use the money to fund their black ops on the sandbox you stupid motherfucker. EVERYTHING is allowed by them. if you able to do something, its because they allowed you to do so. NEVER forget that

2 hours later 28327508 Anonymous
>>28314144 just download the electrum.org wallet >>28314669 the fuck is wrong with u

2 hours later 28327589 Anonymous
>>28327181 >none of you will be able to cash out 1 single cent we don't want to cash out moron keep your shitty fiat keep your shitty cbdc if they ban btc, a complete parallel economy will emerge if they continue with crackdowns we also have an <unknown amount> of monero on the side YOU CANNOT STOP US

2 hours later 28327709 Anonymous
>>28327589 as delusional as the GME cultists. god, i cant wait to see all of you get BTFO. it will be amazing

2 hours later 28327797 Anonymous
>>28327709 >GME cultists how is this even remotely related?

3 hours later 28327850 Anonymous (1612383651817.jpg 540x405 46kB)
>>28311840 Most based post I've seen all week in this shithole You are spot on, BTC is invaluable compared to fiat

3 hours later 28327885 Anonymous
>>28327797 >we dont want to cash out >we will never sell >hurr durr you will go bankrupt and no one will give a fuck about it. same thing happened to the GME cultits. kys

3 hours later 28327902 Anonymous
>>28323551 >write the key on a core wallet running on offline computer >use it to sign transactions or export to a more convenient hardware wallet (Ledger, Trezor, ...)

3 hours later 28328059 Anonymous
>>28314840 >cant get an income because retarded ur ngmi

3 hours later 28328209 Anonymous
>>28327885 >you will go bankrupt no i won't, i have no debts, rare skills, 2 companies bringing fresh cashflow, and even if i restart from 0 i will never be poor

3 hours later 28328230 Anonymous
>>28327589 Hidden rule of life: anyone who believe to be unstoppable will be stopped.

3 hours later 28328276 Anonymous
>>28313040 this

3 hours later 28328344 Anonymous
>>28327181 >wont be able to cash out 1 single cent i'm never cashing out. fiat always goes to zero. you ever heard of the british pound sterling? history lesson: when it was put into circulation 1 pound sterling note was redeemable for 12 oz of fine silver. In usd terms that would be $325.80 today. know what a british pound to usd actually is today? $1.38. I'll always keep the bitcoin, even if they try to ban it. fuck fiat. >>28327500 how many antennas do you have on your tin foil hat?

3 hours later 28328582 Anonymous
>>28328230 only death or some disease can stop me i built my fortune from zero, and i can do it again over and over

3 hours later 28328619 Anonymous
>>28328344 imagine unironically not knowing that the cia is behind most of the drug trafficking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alleg ations_of_CIA_drug_trafficking fucking normalfags really need to get the fuck back to whatever shithole they came out from

3 hours later 28328637 Anonymous
>>28328209 stop replying to this absolute boomernigger you can't rescue everyone when earth dies in 2050 elon musk will bring us to mars and save us 1 ticket will be worth 1 bitcoin

3 hours later 28329489 Anonymous
>>28316732 According to that chart we are either overdue for a downturn or could go on upwards for a year.

3 hours later 28329750 Anonymous
>>28328637 >DUDE SPACE LMAO yeah and im the dumbfuck here. you fucking cultists are in for a rude awakening. hope you are all in tesla and crypto, i fucking hope so.

3 hours later 28329838 Anonymous
>>28328619 imagine unironically not knowing the laws of supply and demand control all markets regardless of who the buyers and sellers are, or what the good is, i.e. drugs, fiat currency, bitcoin. Also >allegations_of_cia_drug_traffickin g not proof_of_cia_drug_trafficking I reintroduce my previous question about the quantity of antennas on your tin foil hat anon.

3 hours later 28329866 Anonymous
>>28323551 use mycelium on phone read the spend barcode to access funds transfer regularly.

3 hours later 28330037 Anonymous
>>28329489 Downturn ofcourse, first bullrun?

3 hours later 28330090 Anonymous
>>28312791 this sounds like solid advice but the samefagging is making me suspicious...

3 hours later 28330147 Anonymous
Remember everyone, if you've got your crypto keys saved on your windows computer, mobile phone through a text or photo in any way (((they))) have a digital copy of it too >icucks literally having shit like TikTok keylogging everything

3 hours later 28330289 Anonymous
Holy shit BTC really makes some boomers mad

3 hours later 28330765 Anonymous (okbro.jpg 199x254 10kB)
>>28329750 maybe you will also win a nobel prize someday we are here to make the future instead

3 hours later 28331113 Anonymous
>>28330090 >samefagging what? i have better things to do than write to myself which post?

3 hours later 28331371 Anonymous
>>28322925 Nah, I'm not overleveraged. Used all my spare cash though and sold off some AAPL

3 hours later 28331387 Anonymous
>>28312476 Will you buy at 90k in December then? Anyway yoy should already have plenty of BTC if you are not a newfag

3 hours later 28331467 Anonymous (1578602990752.gif 345x461 65kB)

3 hours later 28331492 Anonymous
Buy BTC now or wait?

3 hours later 28331581 Anonymous
>>28330765 >"hey dude look at this retard saying retarded stuff. ahah, now your argument is invalid!"

3 hours later 28331719 Anonymous
>>28331492 I wait (until I am able to buy BTC)

3 hours later 28331792 Anonymous
>>28331492 buy it. go all in man. max out as many credit cards as you can and put it all in btc. youre gonna make it

3 hours later 28331829 Anonymous
>>28316089 dont wait. i remember telling myself ill wait for 7k, it will get there last year. it crabbed around for 10-11k for a while so i was like fuck it and bought at 11k. look where we are now.

3 hours later 28331872 Anonymous
>>28331492 I bought in at 46.5k, seems like we're heading toward a 50k floor. The dip is now.

3 hours later 28331992 Anonymous
>>28331792 Looking at your other posts you seem like a schizo

3 hours later 28332281 Anonymous
>>28331992 yes i am the schizo, the other guys saying that btc will destroy all of central banking are NOT the schizos. and thats why im telling you to go and buy btc with everything that you have, because btc WILL WIN OVER THE BANKING CARTEL! DONT LISTEN TO THOSE SCHIZOS THAT TELL YOU OTHERWISE, BTC IS LITERALLY UNSTOPPABLE. 100K IS GUARANTEED. SELL ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS AND GO ALL IN BTC NOW, WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT

3 hours later 28332457 Anonymous
>>28322113 Will 20k XLM at least buy me a house?

3 hours later 28332463 Anonymous
>>28331581 listen moron tesla might be overvalued (i don't own any tesla stock), but it literally kick-started a world changing EV industry, it's unironically the fucking future never bet against the future never bet against tech never bet against world changing inventions the same will happen with btc, you don't realize it yet, but one day you will be slapping your face for being so thick-headed god i really want to see your face in complete disbelief once BTC breaks the 100k mark, 200K, 500K, 1M (at this point it will not be BTC going up but USD hyper-inflating)

3 hours later 28332727 Anonymous

3 hours later 28332809 Anonymous
>>28324039 just finished first ep good work

3 hours later 28332953 Anonymous
>>28330090 where's the samefagging you're referring to?

3 hours later 28332970 Anonymous
>>28313560 Anyone reading this right now will be dead when BTC is done being mined.

3 hours later 28333030 Anonymous
>All this *new paradigm* talk Yep, were hitting 10k within the month

3 hours later 28333093 Anonymous
>>28311840 Based post but also >wait for dips >buy at dips

3 hours later 28333117 Anonymous
>>28332463 the only retard here is you that thinks number go up validates his position. on every single bubble in history number went up until one day it stopped going up. bitcoin was a good idea that failed, but instead of the scammy pieces of garbage that control the industry accepting that it failed, they kept trying to come up with new narratives to justify the price. bitcoin was supposed to be about a p2p cash system that supported micro transaction. that was bitcoin was supposed to be. not only it isnt that at all, its not even a "gold like" store of value anymore because it has some fucking disgusting animals printing counterfeit digital USD on the bahamas. you let your own greed delude yourself and you will get burned at the end of all of this. remember that

3 hours later 28333258 Anonymous
>>28331792 >max out as many credit cards moron this is what i suggest instead >>28312791 >invest only the savings you don't plan to spend for the next few years >if you try to buy bitcoin (or in general for any kind of investment) for a quick flip, you might be forced to sell at a loss if you need these money to pay the rent >>28332281 >BTC IS LITERALLY UNSTOPPABLE correct >100K IS GUARANTEED it's not guaranteed, but it's just a matter of time >SELL ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS AND GO ALL IN BTC NOW no, but DCA, cancel your goyimflix propaganda subscriptions and sell your luxury car for a cheap corolla and try to reduce liabilities in general which is always a good advice >WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT

3 hours later 28333321 Anonymous
you /biz/ faggots are fucking stupud. (((BITCOIN))) IS OWNED AND CREATED BY (((THEM))), WTF ARE YOU DOING BUYING INTO IT!

3 hours later 28333418 Anonymous
>>28333321 this post smells kikery

3 hours later 28333500 Anonymous
>>28333258 >it's not guaranteed, but it's just a matter of time this is how i know im talking to a retarded person. its not guaranteed, just a matter of time? then youre saying its guaranteed? fucking retarded illogical animal and BTC is unstoppable as in no one can stop you from sending memecurrency from one address to another. they can however absolutely stop you from using your fiat to buy bitcoin through their banking system

4 hours later 28333560 Anonymous
>>28333418 no you fucking dumbass. ALL of crypto is owned and controlled by (((them))), they're going to drain you of your wealth. Fiat is the best currency because WE can control it and keep it from (((their))) hands!

4 hours later 28333726 Anonymous
>>28333321 >>28333560 you fucking nigger wtf are you talking about? bitcoin was created by a nip, how are (((they))) involved?

4 hours later 28333812 Anonymous
>>28333117 >the only retard here is you that thinks number go up validates his position some assets are inflating at 15% yearly because of USD (not the fake CPI index, i mean the real inflation for real assets) it's USD going down that validate my position, not the way around every single FIAT in history loses 99.X% of purchasing power over time, AND THIS IS A FACT

4 hours later 28333884 Anonymous
>>28317960 Kek He thinks people won’t gravitate towards one currency and store of value . You are a deluded midwit

4 hours later 28333889 Anonymous (ohyeah.jpg 667x670 30kB)
>>28333560 >Fiat is the best currency because WE can control it and keep it from (((their))) hands! 10/10 quality bait bro

4 hours later 28333924 Anonymous
>>28332281 Lmao take your pills schizo

4 hours later 28333968 Anonymous

4 hours later 28334002 Anonymous
>>28311840 >HOLD FOR A DECADE sounds so easy, extremely hard to do

4 hours later 28334007 Anonymous
>>28331492 >buy

4 hours later 28334151 Anonymous
>>28333889 FIAT is objectively the best form of currency. Why would you let some fucking gold or silver miners control the price when the government can do it. WE are in control of our govt, not the (((people))) who make crypto.

4 hours later 28334185 Anonymous
>>28311840 my favorite whale wallet has 40M in assets and basically buys large positions in dev-focused projects like SNX, WHITE, HEGIC, YFI, and holds them forever. Dude amassed 40m in a year. I'm going to do the same. Wallet in case anyone wants to know: 0xE787DEEc0BE77Db98A1294193E2c1600C 8a8687d His latest scalps are BUILD and KLON. dyor

4 hours later 28334666 Anonymous

4 hours later 28334695 Anonymous
I have .3 BTC. Am I done for? can I ever possibly make it?

4 hours later 28334822 Anonymous
>>28333884 The thing is that utility chain already serve as a store of value and have even more scarcity than btc. Bitcoin will keep rising as long as there will be people switching back and forth between crypto and fiat, but once the btc market stops being able to sustain the (not so) infinite profit machine, people will move to platforms that are actively used and required in daily uses.

4 hours later 28335027 Anonymous
>>28333500 >this is how i know im talking to a retarded person. its not guaranteed, just a matter of time? then youre saying its guaranteed? fucking retarded illogical animal it's not guaranteed because it's not yet there and i'm not some marketing guy promising guaranteed returns but the water is flowing down the river, it might find obstacles but sooner or later... fiat will not become magically great with cbdc either...all they will do is give you a sweet pill (UBI) and steal more than they give you in purchasing power >they can however absolutely stop you from using your fiat to buy bitcoin through their banking system there are 200 countries in this planet if they ever try to do that, it takes around 5 minutes for me to book a ticket and fuck off somewhere else

4 hours later 28335062 Anonymous
>>28316732 You used an RSI indicator and you think you know what the fuck you are talking about? Not even DMI, or MACD? Fucking retard.

4 hours later 28335107 Anonymous (1612651297759.jpg 821x869 68kB)
>>28311840 Thanks fren

4 hours later 28335166 Anonymous
>>28312308 >don't expect to cash out within the next 3-5 years That’s literally the main reason not to invest in BTC That kind of long term gains sucks ass when compared to other coin opportunities

1.915 0.256