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2021-02-10 02:02 28292163 Anonymous (590C08A5-F103-42E1-BCA1-56629E9D0137.jpg 640x323 120kB)
Someday this bull run is gonna end
12 min later 28292866 Anonymous
Is it, though? This is a technology that is going to redefine the world and it is still in its infancy. People who say "this bull run is gonna end" or "crypto is a speculative bubble" are basically boomers who don't understand what they're dealing with and think it's a stock market.
15 min later 28293021 Anonymous
It is a speculative bubble how the fuck can you possibly deny that. For every coin that actually works and has solid fundamentals there are a thousand retarded scams which much higher market caps
17 min later 28293128 Anonymous
crypto bull run still has a few months
18 min later 28293197 Anonymous
OK boomer.
There are scam coins, sure. The crypto market or the bull run isn't a speculative bubble, though. You sound like one of those retards in 1995 running around saying "dude the internet is just a passing fad" and there were TONS of those people when I was growing up.
Stay mad and stay broke, the future won't stop itself just because you're ignorant.
20 min later 28293316 Anonymous (file.png 1358x934 204kB)
cant believe these are the top coins
20 min later 28293327 Anonymous
Just hearing you talk you don't know shit about tech. Blockchain has some uses but they are more limited than you think. This is a bubble.
21 min later 28293371 Anonymous (tenor (11).gif 498x280 350kB)
Smell that?... You smell that?
Swings, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of swings in the morning. You know, one time we had a market bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I checked up. We didn't find one of em, not one stinkin' whale body. The swings, you know that swing smell? The whole market. Smelled like.... Victory.
23 min later 28293474 Anonymous
LOL I literally code this shit. Shut up, faggot.
23 min later 28293493 Anonymous
DOGE is the only coin that enrages me that it is anywhere near the top 10.
29 min later 28293863 Anonymous
Must be a shitidity developer, no wonder you're delusional, I would be insane too if I had to code in that trash language.
31 min later 28293988 Anonymous
I don’t think it’s going to crash as bad as it did last time but I think there will be a very severe price correction. Even though it’s starting to come into its own you can’t deny that most of it is significantly over valued.
33 min later 28294070 Anonymous
XLM bumped off that list for the likes of DOGE, yikes
34 min later 28294127 Anonymous
LOL salty salty satly broke man. Stay broke. LMAO. The future isn't gonna stop because of retards like you. You couldn't stop fuckings cars (people like you were saying "but horses are better!") you couldn't stop semiconductors ("but what would anyone ACtUALLY need to use a computer for!") you couldn't stop televisions ("but the radio is better because you don't have to look at it!") you couldn't stop the internet ("It's a passing fad! It'll be gone in 2 years!") and you won't stop crypto.
34 min later 28294143 Anonymous
Already delusional
36 min later 28294268 Anonymous
LOL every news publication in the world and esp financial publications routinely still publish articles warning off their readers about "how dangerous and speculative the crypto market it". These people writing these stories, of course, have ZERO concept of what crypto and blockchain actually is. But that doesn't matter. They are FUDing people onto their own investments in their beloved stock market.
No, it's not a bubble. It's not overvalued. Sorry. It's grossly, grossly undervalued for a burgeoning technology that is certain to radically change the world and redefine human financial transactions.
37 min later 28294320 Anonymous
Seriously... memecoin DOGE and testnet vaporware ADA...
38 min later 28294356 Anonymous
XRP and DOGE are the only ones that look questionable there. All the others are solid.
39 min later 28294426 Anonymous
i sold everything after the tesla pump and so far i was right market crashing down as we speak. i've tried warning you retards over and over bitcoin went form 3k to 48k in a year. is that sustainable? no. normies don't know about usd inflation or financial collapse. they don't believe in your tin foil hat ideas. they like cold hard facts. the fact is they made a 10x, or a 5x, or 2x in usd profit, and now they're cashing out. now I'M cashing out. so yeah hold my bags delusional retards hurr durr new paradigm muh tesla muh elon absolute state of this board. you'll eat my entire eth stack sold at $1800 and you'll like it. i'll buy your eth bags at $80 and btc bags at $3000 again in 3 years. >inb4 muh usd inflation
you do realise if usd ever collapses they'll replace usd with a digital usd variant and bitcoin will be rendered obsolete overnight, right? don't say i didn't warn you to sell.
39 min later 28294467 Anonymous
Once smart contracts are integrated ADA will be a solid choice, but for now overperforming slightly I'd say.
41 min later 28294545 Anonymous
Early and wrong are the same thing. You missed out on some gains.
41 min later 28294551 Anonymous
Man that’s some of the weakest FUD I’ve ever read
41 min later 28294590 Anonymous
based and anti-Ted pilled
42 min later 28294609 Anonymous
Does this gif come with more than 3 frames?
43 min later 28294672 Anonymous
43 min later 28294693 Anonymous
yeah desu i wrote it just to get reactions
43 min later 28294706 Anonymous
IDK what you're talking about, I've made a ton of money in the last few days since the Telsa pump.
It's not a stock, that's what you morons don't understand. It's not the fucking dow jones. You're not investing in companies. There is an explosion of new technology that will radically redefine the world and especially human financial transactions. That is what you're buying into. The market is exploding because the technology is exploding and achieving ever wider adoption. And it's only going to go parabolic from here.
43 min later 28294732 Anonymous
Literally, take the meds and go find help, Godspeed anon, hope you find better emotional and mental stability.
44 min later 28294783 Anonymous
Yeah OK loser have a good day.
45 min later 28294813 Anonymous
Objective truths don't matter here, just herd mentality.
46 min later 28294877 Anonymous
herd follows tesla and elon. buy and hold now or get rekt
46 min later 28294890 Anonymous
I sold :)
46 min later 28294927 Anonymous
Shut up nibba is that your 1st 10% income ?
don’t be a tard who says shit here
share what bot u use for it
I am smart enough to realize how it’s working
Bot Ocean - that what u need
47 min later 28294943 Anonymous
Eth is congested as shit, what will happen if a few billion more people use it? The value of btc and eth is way lower than the prices we are at now, this is a bubble. The question is do we have a x2 or x10 before it pops
49 min later 28295054 Anonymous
It will the problem you fags cant figure is that it aint stopping any time soon. Bear market lasted for 3 years, whats your idea, how long will bull market last? Thats right, you are either in for a ride or lube your anus, anon
49 min later 28295057 Anonymous
>a digital fiat currency that is no different than regular fiat in that they can print as much as they want forever except it's only on computers it the same thing as bitcoin
50 min later 28295135 Anonymous
Sell signal.
51 min later 28295184 Anonymous
>tries to hand-wave away the economic factors driving crypto
Fudders never acknowledge the context of this bull-run, they think it will just end because everyone will suddenly see things their way.
Guess what? As long as central banks keep pumping trillions of funny money into the system, a lot of it is going to end up in speculative assets like stonks and crypto. We are in an EVERYTHING bubble. This shit will just keep going until the (((bankers))) pull the plug, and you’re retarded if you don’t take the free money while it’s here.
52 min later 28295247 Anonymous
No I agree completely. ETH is garbage. I actually own Cardano, so that tells you how much I hate ETH.
Cardano, by the way, which is pumping through the roof because ETH sucks so bad and Cardano is implementing smart contracts, finally.
But anyway, yeah ETH sucks. ETH is an old ass technology. So is Bitcoin. So many better technologies are gonna take over and supplant those two coins as the dominant crypto.
BTC and ETH will go down in history as the AOL and Prodigy of the crypto space. Just like AOL and Prodigy dominated the ISP space in the early days of the internet, but then faded and made room for better options. That's what's gonna happen, I'm fairly sure of it.
Unless ETH2.0 is great, but it's gonna take too long to roll out anyway. I'd say ETH is done.
So yeah you're right about that, but you're totally wrong about crypto being a bubble. And BTC still has tons of room to grow before people catch on to how much better other options are. BTC will still 10X over the next few years from where it is now.
Gotta keep in mind that normie adoption is slow.
53 min later 28295338 Anonymous
Thanks just sold my stack
53 min later 28295346 Anonymous
And I didn't make it clear in the last post, so I'll try again - people moving from one crypto to an objectively superior crypto isn't "a bubble". That is just called competition and progress.
So yeah BTC and ETH are not the ideal currencies and shouldn't be the top of the ladder. They won't be forever.
54 min later 28295390 Anonymous
thanks just sold my stack because you sold your stack
54 min later 28295427 Anonymous (snapshot.png 1315x999 202kB)
It's actually alright, with DOGE as exception.
Remember we has EOS, a fucking centralized token as top coin 3 years ago.
At least XRP has real case usage (already working with Japan bank) and decentralized, it might be still staying on it's #2 or #3 spot if it's not for SEC case, ADA is fine, they're working hard even it takes too long and now everyone are FOMOing because it's near completition.
At least XLM should be above LTC IMO.... it's basically ETH/ADA lite with working product similar to them
55 min later 28295474 Anonymous
>For every coin that actually works and has solid fundamentals
>there are a thousand retarded scams which much higher market caps
56 min later 28295515 Anonymous
ahhhh finally
the voice of reason
58 min later 28295666 Anonymous
Just sold my stack because you and him sold their stack.
1 hours later 28295885 Anonymous
I tried to find one, I specifically wanted the part of him not flinching from the incoming shell but I couldn't be fucked to make it
1 hours later 28295965 Anonymous
Just sold my stack because 666
1 hours later 28296190 Anonymous (F276BEF3-CA77-4E8B-AF32-A0A93B99D543.jpg 1200x835 279kB)
Apocalypse Now is such a masterpiece I love this film
1 hours later 28296281 Anonymous
Just because the bull run will eventually end doesn't mean we'll digress back to pre-Dec'20 values. It'll stabilize at some value between pre-Dec'20 and near-future ATH.
Then Alt season is gonna be lit af
1 hours later 28296431 Anonymous
1 hours later 28296516 Anonymous
Literally soon friend. This time all the new fags are going to be unable to withdraw their $100 investment because gas will be $400-600
1 hours later 28296787 Anonymous
it might actually be undervalued hmm?
1 hours later 28296903 Anonymous
>if you don’t take the free money
define money
1 hours later 28297241 Anonymous
doing a few solidity tutorials doesn't make you a developer anon. the other guy is right, blockchain as a data structure is incredibly inefficient. it has a few valid usecases, but certainly not to the degree people are trying to shoehorn it.
1 hours later 28297512 Anonymous
this is not to say that you can't make money....that's kinda the only thing it's really useful for right now. making money (in a bubble) skirting traditional finance regulations.
1 hours later 28297713 Anonymous
Project harder you annoying little shits. You don't know that anon or what he's working on and making assumptions about him is fucking braindead retarded and a waste of time.
1 hours later 28298834 Anonymous
no I'm not projecting. you won't find an engineer anywhere that doesn't immediately recognize blockchains limitations from a technical perspective. his response to criticism saying "i code this shit" gave him away.
yes, I "code this shit" too. been "coding this shit" for longer than most of you would believe. the nice thing about an anon message board though is it doesn't matter.
1 hours later 28298964 Anonymous
and just like the internet, people ask and demand to know what the hell the uses will be to justify its existence, and we don't know all that yet, but it will be amazing.
1 hours later 28299223 Anonymous
/biz/ was filled with comments like this in 2017
1 hours later 28299456 Anonymous
blockchan is inefficient by the way
1 hours later 28299779 Anonymous
Do not count
>Bitcoin Cash
Absolute fucking trash solely where it is due to historical reasons and memes, and shows how fucking young this industry still is
Speculation without proper use cases or implenentations so far, or generally overvalued for what it is
Those are fine
Crypto still is shit and you need to realize that if you want to make it
1 hours later 28300014 Anonymous
Hahaha stinkies are doge-tier shitcoins.
1 hours later 28300053 Anonymous
likely december
1 hours later 28300333 Anonymous
I've tried to explain to people that ADA's slow and methodical approach is akin to going with a pure macro build in a strategy game. You start slow, but then you win with overwhelming technological superiority.
1 hours later 28300450 Anonymous
lmao at ur face grandpa. 100 scientific papers on their project lmao, imagine not having fat stack of ADA permaholding
2 hours later 28300469 Anonymous
>Speculation without proper use cases
2 hours later 28300567 Anonymous
Seriously, I love that people think an ERC20 token has a bright future.
2 hours later 28300605 Anonymous
AVAX does all of that and is usable. An idea is a great start, what matters most is execution though. Nobody will give a shit about ADA in a few months unless they get their shit together, and even then it won't moon because it's already overvalued.
1.011 0.096