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2021-02-10 01:24 28289975 Anonymous $OGN CONSOLIDATING - BUY BUY BUY (buyogn1.jpg 1200x1193 282kB)
> Amazon AWS Partnership Announced yesterday - mooned from 610 sats to 1220 sats (100%, 2x)
> late last night C.R.E.A.M. announced $OGN listed on CREAM Finance so you can now borrow and lend $OGN on CREAM. 60k votes for yes, 0 votes for no
>https://twitter.com/OriginProtocol /status/1359365288165261312?s=19
>https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/awsma rketplace/launch-a-blockchain-power ed-ecommerce-store-with-dshop-in-aw s-marketplace/
>https://medium.com/originprotocol/ ogn-listed-on-c-r-e-a-m-16b2efe9014 0
>https://twitter.com/CreamdotFinanc e/status/1359348996032974852?s=19
>https://medium.com/originprotocol/ origin-partners-with-amazon-to-brin g-dshop-to-aws-9bcedc13d717
>https://finance.yahoo.com/news/aws -marketplace-selling-origin-decentr alized-212126530.html
>https://www.coindesk.com/origin-pr otocol-dshop-aws-marketplace
1 min later 28290043 Anonymous
First for $1 eow
2 min later 28290096 Anonymous
i lost 20% and i didnt even buy at the fucking top it's plummeting to 0.35 fuck
2 min later 28290114 Anonymous
0.2 EOW.
I'm already down 20%
2 min later 28290116 Anonymous
consolidating is a strange way to spell dumping
2 min later 28290123 Anonymous
3 min later 28290171 Anonymous
same here boys.. can't wait to get out and into literally any other coin
3 min later 28290176 Anonymous (1578944564307.jpg 500x506 49kB)
3 min later 28290196 Anonymous
Lets go
4 min later 28290230 Anonymous
go to the bottom?
6 min later 28290321 Anonymous
Chasing avax green candles?
9 min later 28290449 Anonymous
Can't spell bullshit without bullish
10 min later 28290546 Anonymous
I cancelled an avax buy order at 31$ to buy this fucking shit at 45c, fml.
11 min later 28290575 Anonymous
everything is crashing right now
this is the top
mark my words
12 min later 28290654 Anonymous
Anyone else who bought at the top and is gonna ride this to the bottom with me? It feels hopeless at this point
13 min later 28290726 Anonymous
its over... should have held onto my link and btc instead of trying to make a quick buck.. 38c and falling
14 min later 28290772 Anonymous
15 min later 28290810 Anonymous
I'm still holding out hope for a bounce back desu senpai
15 min later 28290816 Anonymous
15 min later 28290830 Anonymous
17 min later 28290979 Anonymous
there's no recovering from this. we all got duped
18 min later 28291046 Anonymous
why is it dumping, should I sell? I'm still profitting
18 min later 28291061 Anonymous
fucking shitcoin p&d fuck scam
19 min later 28291087 Anonymous
getting fuckin dumped on AGAIN FUCKING BIZ
20 min later 28291176 Anonymous
get out while you still can....
21 min later 28291220 Anonymous
It'll break $5 eom
(m for millennium)
21 min later 28291239 Anonymous
no, it will go up later today
21 min later 28291268 Anonymous (green.jpg 229x220 7kB)
aaand we are going back
22 min later 28291308 Anonymous
I really feel like it should, I can't imagine that pump being over so quickly
24 min later 28291430 Anonymous
What a lackluster pump this was
24 min later 28291435 Anonymous
I can't even get excited about this tiny pump considering where were at
25 min later 28291450 Anonymous
beused and greenpilled
26 min later 28291554 Anonymous
surely there's more right?
28 min later 28291639 Anonymous
seems like whales would rather get out rather than let their bags get more valuable, I genuinely don't understand
29 min later 28291705 Anonymous
anons i dont get it this is litteraly a gold nugget why it is dumping fuck
30 min later 28291731 Anonymous
Whole market is dumping, OGN isn't special.
30 min later 28291767 Anonymous
exactly, its everything, this is the time to buy
30 min later 28291775 Anonymous
I've been asking myself this for the past 6 months, it seems like such a great project but often dumps
30 min later 28291778 Anonymous
OGN has been dumping for the past 10 hours. the rest of the market only 15minutes ago.
33 min later 28291976 Anonymous
i've been thinking of kms for the fucking past fucking 10 h
38 min later 28292249 Anonymous
Not even mad. I need to wait to buy more $OGN anyway, I don't think this will pump immediately but given some time for Amazon and Dshop to start rolling out cryptocurrency stores for people it'll get some nice growth.
39 min later 28292288 Anonymous
Calling this a shitcoin and a pump and dump is plain stupid. Origin is a solid name.
40 min later 28292381 Anonymous
42 min later 28292498 Anonymous
>great team
>amazon backing
>actual use case
>team using 10% of yields to buy back coins
>low market cap
>capped coins
>will be listed on coinbase, not rumor, its a fact
literally everything is RIGHT
45 min later 28292633 Anonymous
It pumped 100% in like 30 minutes yesterday. What happens after that is a retrace because of profit-taking and newfags selling at a loss because they bought the top. It's going back up, but you need to take your ritalin and wait.
45 min later 28292635 Anonymous
Well.... Coinbase is not confirmed right? Other then that FACTS.
47 min later 28292717 Anonymous
This is why I'm holding onto my 1000
47 min later 28292727 Anonymous
>Well.... Coinbase is not confirmed right?
it's one of the tokens on coinbase custody and a few weeks ago coinbase said they were "reviewing it" or looking at it more closely or something. Team won't disclose if it will be listed or not but they're hinting at it strongly
48 min later 28292819 Anonymous (5TcUUG0.png 400x416 42kB)
48 min later 28292841 Anonymous
i hope you're right. if this thing even breaks into top 20 coins, i would finally have the capital to start my business
49 min later 28292867 Anonymous (images.jpg 306x165 10kB)
51 min later 28292945 Anonymous
Amen fren
51 min later 28292984 Anonymous
>if this thing even breaks into top 20 coins
99% chance it won't. You have to be realistic here. It'll probably get up to a marketcap of $200-500M before it cools off and everybody moves on.
Remember to take profits along the way and reinvest.
54 min later 28293154 Anonymous
> It was one of the first assets Coinbase explored for its custody. This is probably due to having a Coinbase adviser and investor, Steve Jang (also an UBER adviser,) as an early OGN supporter.
it has everything bros
just buy and hold
55 min later 28293202 Anonymous
Console me OGN bros I felt so comfy about this one I didn't even set a stop loss. This is bitcoins fault isn't it?
57 min later 28293308 Anonymous
Retrace from yesterdays insane pump helped on by BTC causing all alts to fall. It's not a PnD shitcoin, so it'll go back up.
58 min later 28293412 Anonymous
So hosting your site on AWS is now an 'Amazon Partnership'? kek
58 min later 28293413 Anonymous
anon thanks for giving hopium
1 hours later 28293490 Anonymous (vol.png 325x115 2kB)
correct, if you look at the volume, sellers are running out of steam
1 hours later 28293491 Anonymous
1 hours later 28293512 Anonymous
1 hours later 28293537 Anonymous
need that hopium and copium
1 hours later 28293561 Anonymous
we will see a liftoff soon
1 hours later 28293815 Anonymous (1_09lCxOR3Q28tQNNu-AQHwg.png 2400x1702 970kB)
> https://medium.com/originprotocol/s amsung-keystore-sdk-react-native-wr apper-65b73294cf33
> We’re excited to announce that Origin’s flagship Marketplace app is now available in the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. We’re grateful to have this opportunity to introduce Origin to Samsung users around the world.
> Our enthusiasm for what Samsung is doing has led us to create and open-source a React Native wrapper for the Samsung Blockchain Keystore SDK. This package allows for easy integration of the Keystore SDK into React Native projects. Today, React Native is one of the most popular ways to create mobile apps and is used to power widely-used apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Soundcloud. The code we’re releasing is 100% open-source and freely available under the MIT License. Samsung’s Keystore is a huge step forward in giving individuals an easy and secure way to manage their own private keys and digital assets. We’re excited to release this code to make it easier for developers to implement Samsung Blockchain Keystore support into their React Native applications.
> Please note, availability of the Samsung Blockchain wallet app may vary by device, country, and carrier.
> We are excited to work together with Samsung and looking forward to cracking mass adoption.
> Try our Origin Marketplace app in Samsung Blockchain Wallet today.
> Learn more about Origin:
> Buy Origin Tokens (OGN): binance.com
> Buy and sell on mobile: originprotocol.com/mobile
> And on the web: shoporigin.com
> Learn more on our website: originprotocol.com
1 hours later 28293893 Anonymous
One of the most important things to have in crypto is patience. Go look at any chart and you'll see that it usually takes a lot of time for price action to actually drive the price up or down.
If you HAVE to be doing something, don't put all of your money into one project. Split it up, so even if you're left holding bags for a couple of days or weeks while waiting for the price to recover, you can still play around with your remaining funds.
1 hours later 28293955 Anonymous
Not buying this scam especially after their $OUSD debacle. Faggot chink scam
1 hours later 28293972 Anonymous
Found this on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/oskar_fakero/st atus/1359315660128542720?s=19
1 hours later 28294079 Anonymous
anon i sold everything then invested into this coin from .49 to .39 at every dip
now i have nothing it keeps dumping fuck what should i do
1 hours later 28294122 Anonymous
parabolic double .50 bizeps pump inc.
I saw that pattern
1 hours later 28294207 Anonymous
If I were you I would just hold, then take out some of the funds when it goes back up to 0.43 so I could put it somewhere else, and just leave the rest in there.
1 hours later 28294354 Anonymous
aand we are back
1 hours later 28294408 Anonymous
its literally going up right now, already at 913 sats, more as this gets posted
1 hours later 28294409 Anonymous
1 hours later 28294546 Anonymous
guys it's going in the w-wrong d-direction
1 hours later 28294595 Anonymous
1 hours later 28294832 Anonymous
What is a suicide stack on this please respond
1 hours later 28295082 Anonymous
here comes the dump
1 hours later 28295171 Anonymous
here comes the sun
1 hours later 28295192 Anonymous
Lost 5k so far.
1 hours later 28295245 Anonymous
almost the same
fucking shitcoin..
1 hours later 28295297 Anonymous
1000 coins mini stack
2000 coins decent stack
3000 coins new luxury car stack
4000 coins new luxury car stack with mods
5000 coins new house
1 hours later 28295857 Anonymous
How much did you fucking buy? If you lost 30% $5000 means like $17k? Holy. I feel for you. But don't worry, you'll thank yourself soon.
1 hours later 28295868 Anonymous
Every small pump is followed by a big dump
1 hours later 28296100 Anonymous
10000 coin ?
50000 ?
100 000 ?
1 hours later 28296378 Anonymous
if he's down $5k and thats 30% down from yesterdays price, that means 850 x 1.3 = 1105 so he bought around 1105 sats, which is $0.39 (right now 850 sats) x 1.3 = $0.50, so he bought $17,000 / $0.50 = 34,000 coins I think. Something around there is what he's holding right now.
1 hours later 28296392 Anonymous
Maybe it had a lot for breakfast
1 hours later 28296653 Anonymous
I was speaking about the chart you made with 1000, 2000 etc.. just continue with 10k / 50k / 100k haha
1 hours later 28296988 Anonymous
Even the hype is dying down on /biz/
1 hours later 28297025 Anonymous
10000 coins new condo downtown in the heart of a city
15000 coins new condo downtown with one parking space in the heart of a city
20000 coins new house in the suburbs and two BMW X5 M suvs in the driveway
30000 coins new condo in downtown of most major cities
40000 coins new condo in downtown of most major cities with one parking space
50000 coins new condo downtown in any major city
100000 coins new custom luxury house or condo anywhere plus Lamborghini or Ferrari
250000 coins ill beg you for 500 coins
1 hours later 28297123 Anonymous
seems more like people are trying to quietly accumulate heroic stacks, fudding before it even really started
1 hours later 28297385 Anonymous (1610104915401.jpg 632x1952 108kB)
Something like that, bought the literal top at the time at 0.53. Fucking end me.
2 hours later 28297469 Anonymous
you are here
>30000 coins new condo in downtown of most major cities
2 hours later 28297597 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210210-092715_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 300kB)
2.653 0.086