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2021-02-10 11:57 28285435 Anonymous Found an underrated project on NFT market with a valuation of $86,400. It’s real? (image1.jpg 577x433 72kB)
Why CyberTime will take off: > NFT Fantasy League platform > No presale or ICO, but farming > High APY via farming on 18 pools > Audited by white hacker with trust by Google, Apple, Microsoft > Real team, you can find there interview with crypto bloggers I will definitely farm and add project tokens to my portfolio >cybertime.finance >twitter.com/cybertime_eth

4 min later 28285673 Anonymous
No money, no honey. Let's farming!

6 min later 28285738 Anonymous (eXjGS3v.jpg 225x224 4kB)
I don't believe the project will take off

7 min later 28285793 Anonymous
>>28285435 Awesome! When will farming start?

12 min later 28286039 Anonymous
13. Everywhere it is written that from 19 to 26 February. It's funny that they did just 7 days to farm. Anyone who doubts will definitely not have time to grab a piece of the pie. I'll have to buy on the stock exchange, and I think the price will jump a lot at first.

14 min later 28286104 Anonymous
I smell money

34 min later 28287132 Anonymous
Yeah. The project is promising. NFT Marketplace + Yield Farming + Audit + Team + Community + DAO. I will farm!

36 min later 28287215 Anonymous
CyberTime to the moon!

37 min later 28287280 Anonymous (LmYfCZQ.jpg 275x183 8kB)

47 min later 28287738 Anonymous
Yield farming one love!

51 min later 28287954 Anonymous (scam-spam.jpg 1000x700 124kB)
Farming is like gambling. You can't make money on this. Bitcoin in our hearts

52 min later 28288004 Anonymous
>>28285435 It will be interesting during Cyber Farming Week

53 min later 28288075 Anonymous
Thanks! It's just a godsend. We need more people to know about this project

54 min later 28288138 Anonymous
>>28285435 What is the minimum amount for farming?

56 min later 28288213 Anonymous (JnBRfwg.jpg 250x156 5kB)
>>28285435 Litepaper is very cool. Everything is detailed and understandable. The project leaves only the best impressions. I will definitely become the holder of their tokens!

56 min later 28288261 Anonymous
Where to buy anon

57 min later 28288297 Anonymous
Why CyberTime? And why such a low value of the project?

1 hours later 28288436 Anonymous
All projects are taking off now. Market like wild west

1 hours later 28288698 Anonymous (1612460893651s.jpg 187x250 4kB)
Why doesn't Elon Musk write about CyberTime? :)

1 hours later 28288764 Anonymous (1612953059732.png 888x894 731kB)
Will tokens be on Uniswap only?

1 hours later 28288837 Anonymous (6.jpg 225x225 13kB)
To the moon!

1 hours later 28288935 Anonymous
Followed them on Twitter

1 hours later 28289011 Anonymous
Coinbase recently invested $ 1 million in a similar project called Rarible. I think the guys are doing the right project at the right time. Good luck!

1 hours later 28289176 Anonymous
> Ruski lead > anon devs > no mention to audit on web what could go wrong

1 hours later 28289295 Anonymous
Whoa! Thanks for the info. I read their documentation, a really cool project

1 hours later 28289370 Anonymous
Fantasy Teams + NFT are you serious? This is brilliant! I can't wait to try and put together my first team with crypto artists and their NFTs. I am fond of sports and

1 hours later 28289618 Anonymous
>>28285435 Where I can farm?

1 hours later 28289702 Anonymous
Is this the new Crypto Gamestop? Show must go on!

1 hours later 28289717 Anonymous (pzYa5G1.jpg 249x148 5kB)
Look’s like SCAM, but I read docs deeply

1 hours later 28289776 Anonymous
>>28289618 after 19 feb

1 hours later 28290446 Anonymous (52778bfdaf88d9364f9577a5e9483421.png 360x235 148kB)

1 hours later 28290760 Anonymous
Of course, the project is cool. But are you sure about the auditor? Although he has extensive experience in cyber security, the risk remains that he will not cope with the audit on the blockchain.

1 hours later 28290803 Anonymous
Aaaa! It's awesome. I can't even imagine what will happen to the NFT market in the next 2-3 years. If in 2017 crypto punks were handed out for free, now 1 NFT from their series is bought for $ 700,000. What will happen in 2023-2024?

1 hours later 28290988 Anonymous
Dude, look at the big projects. Just recently, Yearn.Finance was hacked for $ 3 million. This is a project with a capitalization of $ 1 billion. There is always a risk of being hacked. I think a large audit agency is cool, but CyberTime also has a cool auditor. I specially studied his biography, he has been publishing articles since 2017. He does not hide himself, so he is not afraid to take responsibility. In addition, he is interested in making a name for himself. Therefore, I was imbued with confidence in him and the project. Guys know what they are doing

1 hours later 28291015 Anonymous
Where is the presale? I usually do XX on it

1 hours later 28291180 Anonymous (XlimQ3o.jpg 185x185 12kB)

1 hours later 28291343 Anonymous (DbLbIMr.jpg 225x225 14kB)
>>28285435 Watched their YouTube interviews. I didn't understand anything in Russian, but the CEO leaves a pleasant feeling

1 hours later 28291442 Anonymous (lHTbYnH.jpg 296x170 14kB)
More positive. Tokens to the moon. 100% information

1 hours later 28291552 Anonymous
If they implement the DAO Fund as planned it will be a cool project. I will definitely keep CTF tokens and will actively participate in voting for the development of the project

1 hours later 28291629 Anonymous
The NFT market is growing. Well done!

1 hours later 28291708 Anonymous
Thanks for the info. The project is interesting and promising. I liked the farming mechanics very much. This is not a hype ICO, when money is raised and you don't have to work. Here the team is interested in creating a good product

1 hours later 28291780 Anonymous (blockchain-5bdd80.jpg 600x428 27kB)

1 hours later 28291802 Anonymous (1612347836584s.jpg 227x222 6kB)
Where can I see smart contracts of pools and tokens?

2 hours later 28291958 Anonymous
>>28285435 In fact, they plan to implement snapshot voting from the first days of release. Awesome!

2 hours later 28292108 Anonymous
Pyccкиe peбятa дeлaют пpoeкт! Я c вaми

2 hours later 28292271 Anonymous (1612567009393s.jpg 243x250 7kB)
>>28285435 It's good that I found out about the project now. I will save up tokens before farming

2 hours later 28292462 Anonymous
Thanks! I will also participate in farming

2 hours later 28292584 Anonymous
They have cool NFTs. I will share info with friends

2 hours later 28292689 Anonymous
Too hard for a scam. The team has compiled cool documentation, a strong community has already gathered (in Telegram group you can talk directly to the CEO), have already made killer NFTs. I have no doubt that the project will shoot

2 hours later 28293171 Anonymous
>>28285435 Not bad, but we'll see what happens next

2 hours later 28293266 Anonymous
shit coin

2 hours later 28293269 Anonymous
>>28285435 >>28285673 >>28285793 >>28286039 >>28286104 >>28287132 >>28287215 >>28288004 >>28288075 >>28288138 >>28288213 >>28288261 >>28288698 >>28288764 >>28288837 >>28288935 >>28289295 >>28289370 >>28289702 >>28290446 >>28291442 >>28291343 >>28291552 >>28291629 >>28291708 >>28291958 >>28292108 >>28292271 >>28292462 >>28292584 >>28292689 Listen Vladimir, to feed off your whole 10 kid family out of this project, you need to stop typing like a bot, and then someone might be so dumb to put their money in it. Shadow devs, don't invest.

2 hours later 28293676 Anonymous
Poor Vladimirs

2 hours later 28294017 Anonymous
Good project

2.834 0.056