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2021-02-10 10:55 28282672 Anonymous Be straight with me biz (cryingpepe2.png 860x602 156kB)
Will the pain ever go away? Will I ever be able to stop thinking about her? Its been 3 years >not even crypto gains have helped

1 min later 28282729 Anonymous (1610758130362.png 400x400 4kB)
no >it's been 12 years

1 min later 28282746 Anonymous (1612847289195.jpg 830x548 48kB)
> no matter how much you make > no matter how pretty your new gf is > you will never get to sniff her farts again

1 min later 28282766 Anonymous
>>28282672 No. >It's been 10 years and I'm married.

2 min later 28282802 Anonymous
>>28282746 >>28282729 >>28282672 How old are you guys?

2 min later 28282807 Anonymous (26AED051-2022-4907-9DED-78908F79E1CB.png 1024x958 535kB)
Took about 4.5 years.

2 min later 28282815 Anonymous
find new pain to replace her, that's what happened to me, idk ive been with like 15 girls in some capacity and i certainly don't pine for the first 2 girls i loved but at times i miss falling in love. Don't remember what love feels like.

4 min later 28282854 Anonymous
>>28282802 about tree fiddy

4 min later 28282860 Anonymous
>>28282672 Visit a pro dominatrix

4 min later 28282903 Anonymous
>>28282672 depends how rich you get and how ugly she gets

5 min later 28282906 Anonymous
>>28282854 29

5 min later 28282944 Anonymous
>>28282815 The feeling is what I miss too. Every fucking day felt amazing for months on end before it all went to shit.

6 min later 28282963 Anonymous
Heed Ovid's advice, anon. You're not broken, just a man. >https://paulskallas.substack.com/p /the-asymmetry-of-breakups

7 min later 28283008 Anonymous (cryingpepe.png 252x200 8kB)
>>28282729 >>28282766 if no larp then this is probably the most depressing thing ive read all year

7 min later 28283022 Anonymous
>>28282672 Yes the pain will go away but it will slowly turn into despair gl anon

9 min later 28283103 Anonymous
I Lost her 7 years ago after High school And met her random last year after no contact in a warehouse job in May during the First wave of Corona. We Are together From october And trying for a Child. I Guess god exist And Corona wasnt that bad for me too

9 min later 28283112 Anonymous
>>28282963 also highly recommend

10 min later 28283137 Anonymous (1444493686027s.jpg 228x221 7kB)
>>28282746 God, I want to die

13 min later 28283267 Anonymous
>>28282672 Experiencing nostalgia becomes more and more powerful the more you think about it. If you keep thinking about her, then it will just get worse and you're fucked. I had one girlfriend in my life who was amazing, and I kept played games we used to play all the time like RuneScape. I deleted her and stopped doing anything we used to do for like a year and now I'm free. Move on.

13 min later 28283306 Anonymous (0893FFD5-9C4D-4CCA-8E8B-19F9C268D624.png 1065x902 2066kB)
there was an anon here the other day that spends 1k a month on onlyfans and strippers because he coullnt get over his bitch this could be you

14 min later 28283329 Anonymous
ALL women are whores.

14 min later 28283334 Anonymous
i don't know if it's a case of oneitis but she was really fun to be with. she's had multiple bfs over the past 6 years and I'm here probably never getting a gf again. we got to move on frens.

16 min later 28283415 Anonymous
>>28283267 This kinda works but there Will Always ne that little memory deep Indie...

18 min later 28283488 Anonymous
>>28282672 Spent 7 years moping for a woman that didn't give a shit about me. Now she's a hag and I pull more pussy than I did in my 20's and I got 2k to my name, YGMI fren.

18 min later 28283507 Anonymous

18 min later 28283516 Anonymous
>>28282672 Was she a virgin? Or did you deflorate her? Has she been with other men since? If she’s still a virgin or has only been with you ever since, contact her immediately and beg on her knees for her to take you back, and have children. Otherwise, forget the harlot. I know, I’m a virgin incel and a chud and whatever the fuck, but believe me, you’ll be better off using this line of reasoning.

20 min later 28283575 Anonymous
>>28283488 And this cunt pulled me away from buying $500 of BTC in 2010. I'm more sad about that.

20 min later 28283577 Anonymous
>>28283306 nah, no chance. I'm far from a simp. I've even had a few one nighters with women since, but love is a strong emotion - one that I'm convinced I'm never going to experience again

20 min later 28283607 Anonymous
What was she like?

22 min later 28283679 Anonymous
>>28283577 I thought the same thing anon, fell in "love" at 21 to that broad I talked about, broke my heart didn't open myself up for affection until last year, meet 4 women in a row who want to submit to my every whim and absolutely adore me. I felt nothing in return. Your kinda right that doesn't really come back because it's an illusion.

23 min later 28283708 Anonymous
>>28283575 pussy whipped anon, lol! what's your networth though?

23 min later 28283712 Anonymous
Mental Health > Wealth Get your mind right.

24 min later 28283752 Anonymous
>>28283708 2 grand lol

24 min later 28283765 Anonymous
>>28283577 You have to keep meeting different women and make the main goal of your life. Probably when you got into crypto you were obsessed with the space. That's the kind of dedication you need. When you make it this bull run. Travel to Poland Ukraine Russia anywhere. Experience non Western women and find love again. It's a numbers game. I remember meeting so many girls that I had one round and another turned up and I forgot I invited her. Just keep looking and when you find someone you start caring about start a family. Care isn't just enough. Find beauty and dedication. In all things anon best of luck and I hope I could go out and find women with you and help you get over her.

25 min later 28283795 Anonymous
>>28283103 you're a lucky man anon, don't ever forget it

25 min later 28283813 Anonymous (18cfd2c225f3ba81b15f471b3d8df940fd67e95518a2c46461a7c4e381867f31.jpg 299x168 10kB)
What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Or is it me who's defective? If a woman leaves me, she made her choice and I throw her out of my heart. Am I made of ice?

25 min later 28283815 Anonymous
>>28283752 I could teach you richies how to make women fall for you. I haven't spent a single dime on a woman since well.... never infact my ex had all the money. And I'm a total autist but women are not hard to figure out.

26 min later 28283847 Anonymous
>>28283488 >and I got 2k to my name ok?

26 min later 28283855 Anonymous
>>28283815 stfu leech

27 min later 28283877 Anonymous
>>28282672 Having something similar. I keep reminding myself she’s probably been a slut and I’m a genetic dead end so meh

27 min later 28283893 Anonymous
>>28282672 How long was your relationship? I got over my first break up and betrayal in 2 years.

27 min later 28283905 Anonymous
>>28283329 At the end of the day, this always ends up being the truth

27 min later 28283910 Anonymous
started crypto in 2017 cuz gf dumped me so no all these gain wont help you anon

28 min later 28283937 Anonymous (COWbeMx.png 659x609 188kB)
>>28283847 >>28283855 You two need to go back to your MCDC threads where you belong

28 min later 28283964 Anonymous
>>28283103 This is stupid get together reaction from corkna and will break soon it will never be the same or better. Make your exit strategy now

30 min later 28284022 Anonymous
You pajeets are easy to spot, you respond to the most butchered post on here.

31 min later 28284059 Anonymous
>>28282672 It stopped after 9 fucking years for me. I will never forget her completely biz I stopped thinking about her and feeling bad about it. It takes more time than you‘d imagine but it’s worth the wait big time.

31 min later 28284065 Anonymous
>>28282672 i got over after 11 years. in the process i had to 'reunite' with her only to loathe every last bit of her. guess it helped.

33 min later 28284143 Anonymous
>>28283329 Preach.

33 min later 28284144 Anonymous
Try to think how your future would have ended, would you have been financially better or worse? Would your happiness maintained through the relationship when it was probably going south? In 10 years will you have regretted your decision? The answer is you most likely dodged a bullet, if a woman isn't gonna stick around for you it's gonna be rocky later down the line at some point.

33 min later 28284158 Anonymous (8zh56.jpg 750x750 64kB)
>>28283813 You got some good defences, big walls built around your heart. Take good care of those defences, don't let anyone too closer. Because once those walls fall, and the world gets its colour back and you feel Happy like a child again. It is almost impossible to build those walls back up.

35 min later 28284231 Anonymous
>>28284158 Defenses, Pajeet stop please go back to scamming americans and calling us leeches.

35 min later 28284242 Anonymous
>>28283488 You have 2 weeks bottom-tier wagie pay to your name??

35 min later 28284245 Anonymous
>>28283813 I feel like I've been on a 3 year long MDMA comedown. that surge of seratonin is the best, most inexplicable feeling on the planet, but when its gone you feel like an empty shell of a human being. The only silver lining is that its motivated me to become a really hard worker in life to accomplish my goals. I tell myself its to show her she made the biggest of her life, but realistically thats a cope and at the back of my head I'm thinking of winning her back. sometimes I wonder what the fuck the point of anything is anymore

36 min later 28284297 Anonymous
>>28284242 Yes sir big bucks and a Bidet infusion on the way.

36 min later 28284303 Anonymous
Holy fuck OP is a faggot

38 min later 28284364 Anonymous
>>28283813 You might get those feelings back one day. I was heavily into a girl from my class a few years ago, thinking about her every day for months and so on, you know this stuff. Landed in the "friendzone" because I had no idea how to talk to females back then, eventually realized I was a loser, cut contact with her to a minimum, found a new girl I'm in a happy relationship with for years now. Anyway last summer i've met the old crush again at a party after I didn't see her for ages. And holy shit, the old feelings had me hit again that night. Sure they only lasted for a short time and I was able to control myself that evening, but I've seen friends of me getting absolutely fucked by the same phenomenon. Stay as far away as possible from girls you ever had strong feelings for.

38 min later 28284388 Anonymous (1.jpg 1915x819 127kB)
>>28282672 1 year here. Don't pretend to forget her. Time will make it easier, but she is now part of who you are. Embrace it, learn from it, and grow as a person. Objectively, she was a toxic person. Egoistic, mentally unstable, dangerous... But I thought I could change her, make her a better person and be happy together. Now, I respect myself as well.

38 min later 28284394 Anonymous
>>28284245 I'll tell you from hard lessons learned mid 30's here, don't bother winning her back. When a woman is done she is done it's gonna cause turmoil and possible legal issues. You need a clean slate and to remember your past is your past and enjoy the time you had, make new memories for yourself and you'll find someone even better. (And after you breakup with her you'll feel the same way now) This is what money cannot fix, the human condition.

40 min later 28284507 Anonymous
>>28284245 We didn't speak for 10 years, I made contact was sorta nice, 30 minutes later it's like the fight carried on from 10 years ago, let the past be your past. Your a new man going forward, spring is around the corner time to make new memories.

43 min later 28284627 Anonymous
One last piece of advice, Women don't let shit go. Men can forgive a murderer but a woman will hold onto the smallest slight until it festers until a massive boil.

44 min later 28284677 Anonymous
>>28283813 same here anon I never understood these threads I just don't really see the difference between women other than physical attractiveness

44 min later 28284681 Anonymous
>>28284394 >>28284507 thanks anon. realistically I know there's no future for us, its all just coping. despite how I've been coming across, I do live a pretty good life. its just this one thing that haunts me every night when I go to bed and im alone with my thoughts. I suppose I'll just keep on keeping on and hope it disappears one day

45 min later 28284724 Anonymous
>>28282672 My god. This is /biz/. Go to /r9k/.

47 min later 28284800 Anonymous
>>28284681 Fates a funny thing I could be dead wrong but I know that feeling, many nights I'd have dreams of her and would stir the shit back up. Once I made contact and realized she was still a cunt I got over it, oh and her kid reached out to me as an adult apologizing for the way she acted and we became friends so that was kinda payback lol.

47 min later 28284810 Anonymous
Jesus fuck, so you're losers, why the fuck do you have to worship pussy though? Do you not know the thing about the thing and the stuff about feminism and stuff? You're contributing to gynocentrism, and you don't deserve to breed, you know it and that's why you're so upset that the only woman that you were even remotely close to making babies with dumped your lazy asses.

47 min later 28284819 Anonymous
Love isn't real, you goddamn losers. It's brain chemicals.

47 min later 28284842 Anonymous
>>28284724 >t. erc20 pajeet shiller

48 min later 28284852 Anonymous
>>28284681 Just don't waste too much time, it's something that can't be fixed immediately but do realize your feeling is only as strong as you make it.

48 min later 28284869 Anonymous
>>28284842 Go write a poem, faggot.

49 min later 28284888 Anonymous
>>28284869 poo in loo

50 min later 28284951 Anonymous
>>28282672 if you miss someone who passed away then the pain will never go away. If you miss someone who broke up with you, then time will heal you. How long it takes depends on how big of a bitch you are but in general it shouldn’t take years. t. boomer

50 min later 28284953 Anonymous (faggitorsbtfo.png 848x556 183kB)
>>28284810 ask me how I know you spend 4 hours a day browsing r/TheRedPill. you need to go back

51 min later 28284958 Anonymous
>>28284888 You can tell they fume when we take away from their shilling, one found out a generous anon gave me enough to buy a car and about flipped fucking shit, had 250 replies from him and his alt accounts. They probably have a few thousand lurkers here.

52 min later 28285005 Anonymous
>>28284958 WOAH! are you MOLD anon bro? hows it going did you end up getting the car?

53 min later 28285051 Anonymous
>>28285005 I am lol uh not yet reached out to about 15 prospects but I got snowed in so gotta wait till probably closer to friday or monday but I got most the cash out.

54 min later 28285090 Anonymous
>>28285005 Good guess though ;P

55 min later 28285143 Anonymous
>>28285005 Almost got a perfect 1988 Lesabre with 88k miles been sitting in a garage forever, perfect condition. Bastard sold it before I had a chance to get to the atm.

56 min later 28285186 Anonymous
Truth is that men love more than women. So probably not, it may never be the same.

57 min later 28285236 Anonymous
>>28285186 Sadly based, I found this out the hard way. Told my last girl about my condition and her response was "I don't have the energy for this" Like bitch I don't have 10 years if I'm lucky. then I remember women don't feel the same way men do.

59 min later 28285326 Anonymous
>>28282672 I know your feels, fren Just start some hobby and you will get better. I know that's hard, but creating something truly helps. Take a walk in the woods or fields, take some out of your crypto gains and travel somewhere you've always wanted to go, treat yourself to raise your self-confidence. Consider getting into some creative hobby: drawing, gardening (I took mushroom cultivation as a hobby), music, wood carving, just anything creative, and you will eventually start noticing positive changes Bless you fren, you will get better

59 min later 28285332 Anonymous
>>28285236 Men are superior, though. But yes.

1 hours later 28285372 Anonymous
>>28285051 damn thats crazy. small little world we got going here in biz. its funny cuz I was the one in that thread that told you "if tonight should have taught you anything its to stop feeling sorry for yourself and manifest positive energy into the universe so things start happening for you" (and that if you didn't your mother would die in her sleep that night). and here I am tonight acting like a little bitch. kek

1 hours later 28285388 Anonymous
>>28282672 >>28282729 >>28282766 no >6 years and counting

1 hours later 28285433 Anonymous
>>28285236 >"I don't have the energy for this" they don't have the energy for anything aside from milking your finances dry and then leaving you at the first sight of issue, no matter the size of the issue

1 hours later 28285448 Anonymous
>>28284888 Get fucked by tyrone. Make sure to wash your ass. I heard anal infection is rampant among your kind due to poor hygiene.

1 hours later 28285522 Anonymous
>>28285326 Yes! Honestly to most people that 5k isn't a lot, to me it's given me something I haven't had for almost a decade, (Yes I let a woman fuck up 10 years of my life and health issues to) I'm gonna be able to drive this year and be free, I've been stuck inside my place for so long now It sounds silly but I've felt like a prisoner for so long, I don't go into the deep details because honestly it's fucking depressing to even read. But I get to be free for the first time this year in ages, I plan on going to Colorado to see the mountains. Just incase my health gets worse I want to be able to do something no amount of money can really do (Although it took some) Enjoy your life man, it's fucking short as shit and most of us don't get out unscathed.

1 hours later 28285530 Anonymous

1 hours later 28285612 Anonymous
>>28285372 Haha that's hillarious because that stuck with me, I'm usually not a depressed person but was feeling very hopeless, and honesty I just need to get away from my family for a bit, my brothers fiance committed suicide and his behavior honestly makes me want to. but he's my brother and I love him and ugh yeah I just need some space and air, and to get to my doctor he's been driving me but I can barely get him out of his bedroom.

1 hours later 28285682 Anonymous
>>28285326 >t. EDM producer that just signed his first record label with a midsize label for an EP read >>28284245 I probably wouldn't be where I am today, literally on the verge of my dream that I've wanted for as long as I can remember, if it weren't for the breakup. But she was the one that gave me the confidence to produce again after losing motivation for 2 years. And despite everything I have going for me right now, this is what haunts at night when I go to bed. It sounds insane but I'm just being honest

1 hours later 28285769 Anonymous
>>28285682 Not at all man, I'd have dreams of my ex just talking and soon as I'd wakeup that longing feeling would come over me. I kinda burned it out with sex as well which probably wasn't healthy but life can be so much better. Like Mannie Fresh said "Marry yourself, Love yourself because nobody can cheat on themselves"

1 hours later 28285788 Anonymous
7 years and still dreaming about her even i dont want to. Immediatly cut out didnt help. Even becoming a milionaire and finding a girl who loves me did not help te get over HER :(

1 hours later 28285850 Anonymous
>>28285788 2010 I broke up with my ex, 2017 is when I finally made contact I said 10 years probably closer to 7-8. Once I finally made contact and reopened that wound, the dreams ended.

1 hours later 28285884 Anonymous (1612770721838.jpg 466x420 92kB)
I got in way too deep, I was too accepting, She was a perfect match (of course), we got along so well, I thought we were soulmates. She's very smart and seemed like she'd been so unlucky in her life so I let her call the shots and run my business... In the process she nearly destroyed everything I'd worked towards for years, used up basically all of my savings, landed me in deep legal shit, systematically isolated me from my friends and nearly destroyed my relationships with everyone I knew, made me feel crazy, like my life was over. She accused me of betraying her when I couldn't choose her over my own family. Then when that guilt trip didn't work she accused me of kidnapping and rape towards everyone I knew IRL and on social media (important in my line of work) before leaving the country. Honestly all things considered I got off lucky. She's probably going to kill someone some day. Fuck Thankfully my friends saw through her lies and were willing to accept me again after everything and I am insanely grateful for that. Legal issues were overblown. Business recovered. Despite everything I still miss her and think about her constantly. Something in my brain is surely broken from all this. I was manipulated, the person I fell in love with might not have even existed. But we can learn and grow and put ourselves back together and forge new relationships. It just takes time. Time heals all wounds. OP, if you are hurting, spend time with the people who care about you. It really helps. IRL friends, online friends, just not an internet forum of anonymous strangers. I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for my friends. the money doesn't matter. it's not going to give you meaning. You have to do this for freedom, freedom to choose how to live

1 hours later 28285905 Anonymous
This is too real for many of us here. I want off this bus :(

1 hours later 28285916 Anonymous
>>28285788 I don't know how long it's been for you OP but for you E3m I'd suggest reaching out even just to have a friendly conversation and bullshit about how crazy 2020 was. You will close that open door in your mind, try to keep it short and don't respond once it's over.

1 hours later 28286054 Anonymous
>>28285884 Jesus yeah I was waiting for someone's story like this, I also got falsely accused of stalking my ex when I was trying to contact her because she kept my dead dad's belongings, who she had never even met. Got me in deep shit and she loved every minute of it. Sorry dude if any lesson to you richer folk here is don't get married. and find a hippy chick who likes making you bread and smokes weed. I had one of those and didn't keep her my mistake she was so easy going that was hard to find.

1 hours later 28286115 Anonymous
>>28285884 damn bro that sounds fucking insane. you hear the warnings about shit like that but you never think that sort of thing actually happens to that degree of fucked up. and you still think about her? I feel like were victims of stockholm syndrome or some shit >>28285916 its been 3 years. theres no way I can do that right now

1 hours later 28286162 Anonymous
>>28286054 >smokes weed. fuck no, those women are the fucking worst

1 hours later 28286169 Anonymous
>>28282672 Not if you stay idle in life, you must persevere and press forward. Don't look back. The alternative is to stay idle and rot away slowly, clinging onto the past.

1 hours later 28286233 Anonymous
>>28286162 Just get the ones who take like one puff and are done not the bongripping stoners. Yeah 3 years might be too early, although depending on the severity of the breakup you hold no losing cards but just reaching you, you psychologically will gain the upper hand though. It's stupid but men don't deal with being broken up with well, or breaking up with someone who was probably rare.

1 hours later 28286282 Anonymous
>>28286054 Sorry you went through that shit too man, I seriously wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Women can be so vindictive in a way I just can't comprehend, it's insane. They will do anything to get even, even if it means imploding their entire existence. I don't know what drives it

1 hours later 28286302 Anonymous
ADA has gained .5 cents since starting this convo, just saying.

1 hours later 28286360 Anonymous (m41.png 2774x1506 2101kB)
Hi, guys. I wonder whether binary exchanges are better than crypto trading? As I get, it is much easier to predict price growth or falling for such indices like Uber, Amazon, Microsoft. Came across Baex (#baex), a defi binary project, and I am interested in their referral program and mathematical algorithm for regulation. Does anyone know about this system? What options do you use?

1 hours later 28286367 Anonymous
>>28286282 I don't know either, mine was just a total bitch, I tried helping her fighting for her etc, then she slept with my friend and I knew immediately they didn't hide it well. and I spit in her face.... and she proceeded to do everything in her power to try to get me charged with a crime, then she left the state.

1 hours later 28286376 Anonymous
>>28282729 Fuck bro that’s sad... been 11 years for me. I still think about her every day but I’m mostly numb to the pain.

1 hours later 28286393 Anonymous
>>28282672 it just takes time

1 hours later 28286408 Anonymous
know thyself 'she' is a substitute

1 hours later 28286465 Anonymous
>>28282672 You’rea fag. Take the redpill

1 hours later 28286491 Anonymous
>>28282672 Taking 3 years to get over a woman is not healthy unless you were married, had children together, and were together for 10+ years. If you are depressed for 3 years over a girl that you simply dated, you should seek some therapy.

1 hours later 28286535 Anonymous
>>28286169 This is great advice. The quickest way to stumble is to turn your head and look behind. Keep focused on the forward direction so you don’t miss the dimes.

1 hours later 28286537 Anonymous
>>28286408 He's right, do this Anon please for me since we talked before. Nothing I said was a lie I am very sick but this man has helped me through more things than you could possibly realize, I've lived basically like a monk for years since my hardship and focused most that time learning myself and what I love and that's nature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcP WU59Luoc Listen to Alan Watts, religious or not the man will help take your mind off things and get some introspection going, I helped my brother from committing suicide after he lost his fiance using Alan Watts.

1 hours later 28286701 Anonymous
>>28286115 Yeah like we even joked about it at the time like "haha, normally it's not a good idea to mix relationships and business, but we're so much better than that, we can do it". the relationship as a whole really fucked with my perceptions, I have a hard time fully trusting people now and not second guessing myself. I probably have some form of CPTSD. But seriously my friends have done more to fix me up than any kind of therapy or anything I could imagine ever could. If i've learned anything from all this it's that there's nothing more important in life than finding and caring for the people who genuinely care about you >>28286367 Cheating too... man, i didn't even get into that. Of course in my case the relationship was already imploding, but it's just another aspect of vindictiveness ultimately. It's getting revenge for something you haven't even done yet. It's fucked

1 hours later 28286937 Anonymous
>>28283847 point being he's not a richfag burrowing his sorrow with money, an option that wouldn't be available to many if anon can get over his ex, so can op

1 hours later 28286946 Anonymous
>>28286701 God yes it is, about halfway through mine it was clear it was a game of Tit for Tat. Luckily I was the youngest of 6 kids and my Dad was 51 when he had me, so I got a lot of wisdom dropped on me from him. And watched him make a ton of business mistakes including having his partners girlfriend do their taxes, cost him his business and ultimately our house after he died. (Second mortgage from the backtaxes he inherited from his partner who had cancer and didn't tell him) I'm naturally pretty careful on what I do with my money and my business with.

1 hours later 28286964 Anonymous
>>28282672 No >7 years. Married and still think about her daily.

1 hours later 28286984 Anonymous
>>28284810 unironically the highest estrogen post itt

1 hours later 28287033 Anonymous
>>28286937 Haha thanks for understanding my point, luckily OP here was grilling me on being a downer the other night so It's my turn to cheer him up. You got this dude, remember the feeling is an illusion you created in your head, you can also create the illusion of your future being fucking amazing. As sick as I am I still can't wait for Spring, it's one of the biggest things I look forward to so I can go grow vegetables.

1 hours later 28287083 Anonymous
>>28282672 No. It will always eat you from the inside out.

1 hours later 28287160 Anonymous
Also take Vitamin D3, I just got more today between COVID and the winter we are all probably lacking in it, it will amplify depression if you are low.

1 hours later 28287293 Anonymous
>>28283765 The only good post in this thread. Take it from a boomer, what you want to find is beauty and dedication. And I mean beauty and dedication in a very broad sense. What you want to find is a woman who does everything with beauty and dedication

1 hours later 28287506 Anonymous
>>28287293 Quite vague wouldn't you say? Have you considered the men in this thread aren't looking for a trophy wife but compansionship and romance? Beauty and Dedication to me screams an expensive woman who wants to travel and have a luxurious lifestyle. I would say that's pretty superficial.

1 hours later 28287552 Anonymous
lmao, no. A man is a miserable pile of secrets and regrets.

1 hours later 28287599 Anonymous
Also it's okay to hurt, it's brave to care. But you can't stay there forever, if things didn't work out you need to move on or try one more time. If she doesn't see what you see then you don't want it either. I mean how could you if she doesn't see beauty where you see it. At that point to need to move on alone. Maybe it'll hurt for a while, but life is beautiful anon. Do what's important to you with beauty and dedication. And exist in a way that's beautiful and meaningful to you and you will attract someone else who's similar. The world is a magical place and magical things happen. The law of attraction is real and it is very much metaphysical

1 hours later 28287702 Anonymous
>>28283765 >get a gold digger >experience love This fucking guy will never learn

1 hours later 28287765 Anonymous
>>28287599 I agree although I will say this point IF you actively seek "love" you will not find it. You must let go and fully embrace your own happiness, taken me years but soon as I did I attracted many women. Unfortunately with my illness I don't see a future with them so I don't open up. But I know when I was healthier the harder I tried the less luck I'd have meeting anyone at all.

1 hours later 28287772 Anonymous
>>28283795 I knowAnon, im crying happy tears from time to time, secretly... im working on myself constantly, never stop moving, being stuck in one place kill everything.

1 hours later 28287840 Anonymous
>>28282672 >>28282729 stop loss

1 hours later 28287857 Anonymous
>>28287506 That's why I said I'm talking about beauty in a very broad sense. I think Richard Feynman was talking about the same thing when he said: "You can always recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity". A deed can be beautiful, something can be communicated in a beautiful manner. But especially with women this also reflects to true beauty in appearance.

1 hours later 28287942 Anonymous (sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdsfd.png 447x41 2kB)
>>28287772 Are you guys on some kinda fucking timer or something? You always have one weird response to a late ass comment and immediately you respond. It's just odd behavior I mean I know your Indians because well one you said so and two the way you talk. I'm genuinely curious do you have a boss who see's a thread getting more organic actively than your shill echo chambers? I find your scamming of Americans repulsive and it's the only reason your all here.

1 hours later 28287951 Anonymous
>>28287765 This is correct. It’s actually a part of Buddhism. Desire for something will actually prevent you from getting that which you desire. I’ve experienced it with women before myself. If you just want to be friends with them, they will throw themselves at you. Attachment and desire are the two things that prevent you from getting what you want.

1 hours later 28287999 Anonymous
>>28287857 I do like Richard Feynman, I get what your saying now your second post make it a little clearer. I was just thinking "Oh go get yourself a pretty young woman who can spend your money" Like that isn't gonna bring you much besides a story on Forensic files.

1 hours later 28288097 Anonymous
>>28287951 Your quite right, I was in desperate need for about 5k for a vehicle, I tried a few times here as I had no where to turn. I gave up trying went to bed, woke up and found a random thread where me and OP here met. In that thread the OP actually gave me about 5k to get a vehicle. Only after I had lost hope, it's stupid but like a trick the universe plays on us.

1 hours later 28288103 Anonymous
>>28287765 I agree although I would add a little nuance to this by saying if you desperately seek love you attract others who are desperate in a similar way. Of you're content and welcoming to love it will find you. For must of us it's probably in a form of a companion or family, for others it may be something else. True love will find you in the end

1 hours later 28288143 Anonymous
>>28288097 (Not this OP a different one) I didn't ask for that much he gave it

1 hours later 28288327 Anonymous
>>28287951 I agree, but this can also be a pitfall. The kind of women who throw themselves to you when you start to seem unattainable to them are looking for approval. Sometimes, but not always, after they get it and you catch feelings they've had their approval and there's nothing left for them to gain

1 hours later 28288332 Anonymous
>>28288143 Yeah I was in that thread. Good luck bro. I will also say that selfless good deeds are also repaid in kind by the universe. Remember to pay it forward.

2 hours later 28288341 Anonymous
>>28288103 I agree I think we maybe saying different things but we have the same meaning ;)

2 hours later 28288383 Anonymous
>>28287999 It's a very common attitude so I can see why that's what you thought

2 hours later 28288442 Anonymous
>>28288332 I actually reached out to him and told him WHEN i have the means to pay it forward if he wants it back I'd gladly do it, or if he chooses a person I'd also do that. Hopefully he got the message I think he did though. Regardless It will be paid forward in one way or another. I maybe poor but I don't like debt even when gifted things I always find a way to return it or help that person out.

2 hours later 28288538 Anonymous
>>28288383 All too common, although the richer people I've met with foreign wives are happier. But I think people want a deep romance which in itself seems rare/hard to find. Especially in our poor day and age of instant gratification.

2 hours later 28288573 Anonymous
>>28287951 thats a very true point, i feel like I can relate on multiple levels >>28287942 topkek its 4 am here and I have to hit the sack. given that I've been on biz on all night and I'm literally about to pass out, tonight's probably the first night in a long ass time that I'm going to sleep without lying in the dark and being haunted by memories. Maybe its the first day in a new beginning. Thank you frens, godspeed and WAGMI

2 hours later 28288662 Anonymous (1612946271023.jpg 980x653 41kB)
>>28288573 Haha good! well I'm addicted to 4chan because of 2020 so I ain't going anywhere. And I hear you I'm getting sleep deprived, I'm glad we could distract you, Goodnight fren!

2 hours later 28288678 Anonymous
>>28287951 Yes, by wanting something you confirm you do not have it, let alone deserve it.

2 hours later 28288773 Anonymous
>>28282672 It's been 2 months and makes me want to ROPE the crypto bullrun was a blessing because it distracted me from the pain just a little

2 hours later 28288790 Anonymous
>>28283103 good idea anon, 7 years of bouncing around random cocks and now after being dumped by chad she's settling for you because she realized how much of a retard you are for working in a warehouse job and throwing away your money in crypto every month. Divorce after child and you'll be paying sweet child support money every month. Have fun in life retard

2 hours later 28288823 Anonymous
>>28288538 This thread made me happy and you seem like a very good hearted anon. Instant/delayed gratification is another important topic I'd like to see discussed more on biz. I got to go now, but I'll talk to you again and pass on the good

2 hours later 28288886 Anonymous
>>28288442 I didn’t mean like that. Just help an old lady cross the street or adopt a cat from the shelter or something lol.

2 hours later 28288918 Anonymous
>>28287702 Not all women are gold diggers. Just like not all women in the West are toxic. Women are wired to want a man to support them and care for them. Don't be like MGTOW and put your fingers in your ears ignoring reality. A family makes a man. Trust your judgement, be objective and make it a goal to find a woman to be with. Try as hard as we all do at finding shit coins.

2 hours later 28288939 Anonymous
>>28288662 im sure ill catch you in again in another thread. ive similar autistic tendencies to you in the sense that I can detect the way people communicate online (referring to you calling out the pajeet). take care

2 hours later 28289024 Anonymous
>>28282672 Yeah, it goes away. You just sort of stop noticing it. You’ll still occasionally think about her and experience a negative sense of self over it, but as you accrue new experiences it stops bothering you as much.

2 hours later 28289051 Anonymous
>>28288823 >>28288886 Thank you fren, I'm a good person at heart, probably why I'm broke. and 886 lol I'm the idiot who will get 10 bucks and give 5 away. I had to leave the thread everyone asking for gibs from me almost got me to start giving it out even though I desperately need it lol. I want to go visit my friend in a town over he lost his grandma last year and has been alone, I want to go shock him and take him out, I know he's probably depressed but doesn't say. Amongst a bunch of other things I'd like to do lol.

2 hours later 28289076 Anonymous
>>28282807 Was around the same. Probably closer to 3.5 for me.

2 hours later 28289114 Anonymous
>>28288939 Lol you too brother, yeah my typing style is unique because I dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and taught myself English. So my writing style looks odd. and I'm probably autist for sure, women love me for about a week lol

2 hours later 28289145 Anonymous
>>28282963 Lindyman is a wagie manlet psychopath, refrain from associating with him.

2 hours later 28289335 Anonymous (dgdfgdgd.png 748x417 27kB)
ADA my senses were wondering why it wasn't being pulled up..... Seems to be getting pulled up might wanna throw in some now incase she ramps while we sleep.

2 hours later 28289968 Anonymous
>>28289145 >>28282963 Called it. His big solution to the problem is to cheat on your wife.

2 hours later 28290538 Anonymous
>>28289968 Well, my wife is a fat lazy bitch

2 hours later 28291710 Anonymous
>>28284953 fuck mate you're delusional, I'm a fucking loser, but at least I never cried over a bitch.

3 hours later 28292281 Anonymous
>>28288939 >see you in another thread sometimes, I wish I had made better decisions in life, but honestly, it could be a lot worse..

3 hours later 28292861 Anonymous
test post 1

3 hours later 28292886 Anonymous
>>28292861 Yes you are still a fag

3 hours later 28293291 Anonymous
>>28288790 Lol we dont have crazy divorce laws like u have in States. We both lost our jobs..thats why we met in odd job like we met in. Thanks for your positive vibes.

3 hours later 28294263 Anonymous (399059fb6d93cdfbf026193486f304e1.jpg 700x701 49kB)
>tfw dumped a genuinely good gf to fuck wild sluts I didn't know quality women were so rare /biz/

3 hours later 28294444 Anonymous
>>28292861 beep boop

4 hours later 28295604 Anonymous
>>28294444 btw my ex left me after I bought 13k link, but before it went up. I didn't tell her about it

4 hours later 28295707 Anonymous
>>28287160 Vitamin D, Zinc and fish oil. Zinc helps to absorb the D vitamins

4 hours later 28296721 Anonymous
>>28294263 worst mistake you can make why do we never learn before it is too late

4 hours later 28296950 Anonymous
>>28282672 I've had a few really meaningful relationships in my life where I was truly in love. The longer you stay in said relationship the harder it is to overcome the pain. The only cure in falling in love again. Fortunately, I've already met my soul mate before my 30's. I have a kid now. Sometimes you get random memories of your past life, it hurts less and less as time goes on.

4 hours later 28297801 Anonymous
>>28294263 Fucking retard. Finding someone who genuinely cares for you is so rare and it gives you immense stability and purpose. I hope you learned your lesson.

4 hours later 28298087 Anonymous
>>28282672 Yes. Didn’t even think twice. It’s all about supply and demand. When you have options why settle? Hit the gym and go out more OP

4 hours later 28298556 Anonymous
Get new one, forget about the old one

5 hours later 28300051 Anonymous
>>28298087 that is only because you never had anything valuable in the first place. >supply and demand what does it matter if you have an endless supply of common whores when you are looking for that 0.1% girl described here >>28294263 >>28297801 I have fucked more than 50 girls and will have no problem fucking 50 more. None of that matters because during my almost 30 years of living I have only met 1 single girl that was special, and I fucked it up with her.

5 hours later 28300755 Anonymous
>>28282672 How long have you been together?

5 hours later 28301212 Anonymous
>>28284158 >>28284245 >>28284364 I got back with my girl two times kek, both times she initiated because no way I would do it after being broken up with. I told her it's the last time and I'm gonna keep it that way. I love her and being broken up with did hurt but I was doing fine. Perhaps it's my defenses from having 2 closest family members die when I was 14. I never really mourned them properly

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