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2021-02-10 05:15 28264782 Anonymous Post your crypto fuck ups. (4D9FC095-30F1-4FC6-9920-E2C4EA555FE1.jpg 828x1580 783kB)
Traded 105k dollars worth of DUCK for 600 dollars worth of RSR. I want to die.

1 min later 28264861 Anonymous
>>28264782 Lost 2500 dollars on SHIB, DONUT, and the FEG trading from one to the next, because I was up for too long because of medication side effects. It was 60% of my portfolio :/

1 min later 28264867 Anonymous (0F627641-EE4C-4F28-BFD7-640E4CD114DE.gif 225x234 671kB)
>>28264782 This makes me want to die

1 min later 28264869 Anonymous
>>28264782 I sold 3k link in 2018 to diversify into a split of link, rlc, and zil

1 min later 28264876 Anonymous
Spent $94 in gas fees. I’ll have nightmares about that later

5 min later 28265131 Anonymous

6 min later 28265186 Anonymous (1539923309050.jpg 1920x1080 155kB)
>>28264782 Got scammed out of 80k doge to some literal kid because I was retarded. This was like 5 years ago mind you, when doge was almost worthless. Also spending doge on anything back then. I would have literally 500k+ doge right now, all mined, but I am retarded.

7 min later 28265237 Anonymous (regrats.png 965x250 17kB)

9 min later 28265394 Anonymous
>>28264876 Crypto has seriously fucked up my price tolerances. Not to be a money bags dick swinger but $94 feels like nothing. I got a free $8k from uni airdrop and spent 30 bucks on fast gas

11 min later 28265520 Anonymous
>>28265394 i feel this

11 min later 28265557 Anonymous
>>28264782 fucking bots, You were front runned

11 min later 28265579 Anonymous
>>28264782 I paid $50k worth of btc this summer for YAM literally hours before the supply was set to multiply an insane amount due to an error in a governance upgrade. I didn't know, but I easily could have. I could have read through the website and checked twitter one more time and seen that this was literally a mid rug-pull bullshit stablecoin. That was the one time I've ever tried to go with the crypto twitter hive mind and not even do minimum research, and I thought it would be a good lesson in not getting bogged down in research. Nope.

12 min later 28265601 Anonymous
>>28264782 I wish I'd never seen this post. I had 2,000,000 COL at one point. I had no idea that it had done so well since I sold. My entire portfolio now is only $60K.

13 min later 28265645 Anonymous
>>28264782 I bought ALGO sitting watching the trade history and realizing I bought a fucking scamcoin

13 min later 28265679 Anonymous
>>28264782 How did you manage this?

15 min later 28265786 Anonymous
>>28264782 major wallet/network fuckups with Binance good lesson learnt

16 min later 28265865 Anonymous
>>28264782 How do I ensure this never happens to me?

17 min later 28265908 Anonymous
>>28264782 Got rugged on GRO and lost $30k. went all in thinking it was safe....

17 min later 28265924 Anonymous
>>28265865 Never sell anything ever.

17 min later 28265928 Anonymous (1612926360178.png 1904x9632 1308kB)
>>28264782 A classic.

17 min later 28265940 Anonymous
>>28264861 I was in every single one of those threads screaming for newfags not to go into ponzicoins because you were too late and would end up becoming a bagholder. You deserved to lose your money for ignoring the warnings.

18 min later 28265983 Anonymous (algo_4.jpg 343x915 63kB)
>>28265645 Lessons learned and everything, but can someone explain pic rel? Been watching this for a few hours now pretty closely and the vast bulk of trades are for a dollar or two either way, what is functionally being done here? Enlighten me anons

18 min later 28265996 Anonymous
>>28264861 its ok bro i lost 4k the past few days to shitcoins you arent alone

18 min later 28266005 Anonymous
>>28265394 Same. I have to get out of an ERC20 token... $10 feels like nothing.

18 min later 28266028 Anonymous
>>28264861 And now you've learned your lesson.

19 min later 28266049 Anonymous
>>28264876 >>28265394 Why do you think AVAX is rising like 40% every single day?

19 min later 28266062 Anonymous
Sold the dip in 2017

19 min later 28266065 Anonymous
>>28265983 it's bots manipulating the price what else do you think it is? people trading a dollar?

20 min later 28266123 Anonymous
>>28265394 Lucky faggot, i consider it nice if i can afford a delivery above 20 dollars

21 min later 28266175 Anonymous
>>28265983 algo is always been a botfest for big investors because any possible amount you gain is more you can compound into more algo for infinity. its all just people with a lot of power trying to gain more, same shit different day.

21 min later 28266193 Anonymous
>>28265983 Some of those fucking jewish faggot bots put in tiny transactions (~$1) to dump prices. Its so fucking annoying.

22 min later 28266213 Anonymous
>>28266028 >>28265940 Lesson to be learned here, is that non-stimulant ADHD medications don't work for me and conflict with my other medications.

22 min later 28266218 Anonymous

22 min later 28266222 Anonymous (211A5BFD-7F89-4413-AD3E-B2F74D7114E3.jpg 423x566 30kB)

22 min later 28266233 Anonymous
>>28265394 I agree, I generally buy enough of something I want that I don’t really care if gas is over $100, it’s nothing if you hit on your buy

23 min later 28266321 Anonymous
>>28266213 Formally mentally ill borderline actual schizo here: medication is no substitute for God.

23 min later 28266328 Anonymous
>>28266213 Strattera? That shit didnt work for me either. I am on an addy rn

24 min later 28266351 Anonymous
>>28264782 why trade? people are starting to see the Andre connections

24 min later 28266365 Anonymous
>>28265865 HODL, seriously that’s it. >>28265928 Wow I’d actually kill myself.

24 min later 28266385 Anonymous
2 years ago I sold 3m rsr for 10k, would be worth $160,000 now.

24 min later 28266386 Anonymous
>bought 2k LINK last February at ~$4.25 >whole market crashes in March >panic sell all my LINK at $3.10 >buy back 1,800 after it recovers from almost hitting $1 I lost a few thousand dollars

25 min later 28266424 Anonymous
>>28266328 You nailed it. Vyvanse is working much better than Strattera or Adderall, which is weird since it shouldn't be so much better than Adderall. I feel so fucking stupid for losing that money.

26 min later 28266483 Anonymous
>>28266233 Yeah, I spend about $2000 on gas fees every single day. But I'll feel like I'm wasting money when I order $50 worth of food. Shit's bizarre.

26 min later 28266535 Anonymous
>>28266233 Exactly. In my head I right it off as ‘cost of doing business’ and later that day get pissed off I overpaid for a sandwich.

27 min later 28266554 Anonymous
>>28265928 kek, that's a good one.

28 min later 28266629 Anonymous
>>28266483 Kek like minds anon

28 min later 28266635 Anonymous
>>28266175 >>28266193 thanks fellas. are there any other coins that are this egregious and should be avoided for similar reasons? I haven't seen this degree of unsubtle on any of the others I bought and sold.

29 min later 28266698 Anonymous
>>28264861 babbys first adderall

29 min later 28266734 Anonymous
>>28266222 Do you want an internet knuckle sandwich faggot

30 min later 28266755 Anonymous
>>28266698 Baby's first non-stimulant medication, switching me off 40mg Adderall because my doctor is a god damn quack.

31 min later 28266821 Anonymous
>>28264782 Lost $200 in a matter of minutes with DOGE. Thankfully I got up early Tuesday to sell or I could have lost way more... Made back over half though before the end of the day with eth and ltc, btc..

31 min later 28266852 Anonymous (wagmi.png 1000x1000 750kB)
>>28264782 Not buying more GRT I guess

31 min later 28266859 Anonymous
>>28266734 Idk are u sure you can afford the delivery fees on that sandwich

31 min later 28266866 Anonymous
>>28266365 Do you HODL in the chance that a good project will survive the bear market? Joined crypto late and I'm worried that, even though the projects I'm in are decent, everything will be destroyed when the bear comes.

33 min later 28266916 Anonymous
>>28265928 Kek I remember being in this thread

34 min later 28266988 Anonymous
>>28265579 Crypto twitter is absolute cancer anon

34 min later 28267019 Anonymous
>>28265394 I know you...

35 min later 28267062 Anonymous
>>28266852 I’ve got a 10k stack I bought around .20 so that makes me feel a little better.

36 min later 28267097 Anonymous (pZnMeYe[1].png 1005x282 17kB)
>>28266866 put 'er this way, anon. Even if bobo comes, you just wait a couple years

36 min later 28267109 Anonymous
>>28266866 hodl through it.

37 min later 28267164 Anonymous
>>28265186 I won 100m doge playing roulette and blackjack when doge first came out, then I lost the walllet.

37 min later 28267173 Anonymous
>>28267097 yup, if you pick the right projects they will recover.

37 min later 28267213 Anonymous
>>28265394 Ive made $15k in a week on 2 uniswap coins, didnt even consider selling them as it just felt like nothing even though its half a years salary and could pay off my credit card debts.

38 min later 28267217 Anonymous
>>28266866 I got into crypto this past summer around links first run to $20. I’ve also been coming to this board for the same amount of time; after a while you can weed out the stinky pajeet from the good projects. Buy. Hold for a couple months. Profit.

38 min later 28267219 Anonymous
>>28265865 Don't do swaps on your phone like a dirty nigger.

38 min later 28267223 Anonymous (1430628864910.gif 800x508 236kB)
>>28264782 I bought REQ and held it past January 2018...

38 min later 28267282 black star
>>28264782 >bought RLC and REQ at highs >bought GVT >didnt buy link >didnt mine bitcoin >didnt buy ethereum after it fell sub 100 again >didnt accumulate bitcoin pretty much did everythign wrong

39 min later 28267306 Anonymous
>>28265394 For real.

41 min later 28267393 Anonymous
>>28264782 Is this real or just a larp? For me I am quite cautious so my crypto fuck ups come from me sending a small amount first, then the large amount, so I've paid 100s in unnecessary gas fees. That's my fuck up. Also once accidentally sent 2 or 3 (can't remember) eth to a phishing MEW site back in 2017 when I set it up. So lost about 3.5k if I'd held today to fuck ups.

41 min later 28267413 Anonymous
what the cuck is DUCK?

42 min later 28267471 Anonymous
I could’ve sold my shitcoins for 1.5 BTC when it was 20k, now my stack is worth .48 BTC.

42 min later 28267479 Anonymous
>>28264861 Similar story I lost 2/3rds of my cash on a trade when I was hung over as fuck. I decided since then I will never trade if I'm not clear of mind.

42 min later 28267482 Anonymous
Wasted $50 transferring between coins on coinbase way back lol

43 min later 28267538 Anonymous
Sold 2.2k linkies during the SIBOS panic dump and spent the following year trying to flip sports cards instead of accumulating more. I should have 4K links now but instead only 916... I wonder where they ended up.

44 min later 28267569 Anonymous
>>28267471 Also had 3000 LINK as a broke college student in 2017, could’ve had way more after I got a job but didn’t even keep that. I’ve missed every major shitcoin pump since I’ve been on /biz/.

45 min later 28267612 Anonymous
>>28264782 > Sold 10,000 PRQ right before it rallied from 0.5 to 1.8 > Sold 2000 AVAX at $3 > Sold 2000 RARI at $2 I don't think this shit is for me man

46 min later 28267672 Anonymous
>>28264782 Saw autofarm at around $100. Price went to $200 pretty quick, made me hesitate, and now about 10 days later it’s at $4000.

48 min later 28267776 Anonymous (1612416190151.jpg 240x280 17kB)
>>28267164 >100m doge That's only $8,000,000. No big anon.

49 min later 28267821 Anonymous
>>28264861 I'm still up on all of those lmao

50 min later 28267893 Anonymous
>>28267821 You're welcome

51 min later 28267935 Anonymous
>>28264782 Is this bait, the swap ratio was 100 COL for 1 DUCK, so you swapped 1k worth DUCK for 600$.

54 min later 28268096 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-184733.jpg 1064x411 55kB)
Sold these for a few 100€ gain It hurts

55 min later 28268173 Anonymous
>>28267479 Don’t ever tell anyone that again. I’m cringing reading this

57 min later 28268307 Anonymous
I lost $2k when I missed my alarm to sell Zclassic after the BTCP fork and zclassic went from $200 to like $2

58 min later 28268316 Anonymous
>>28264782 lost $1000 in 3 days from chasing pumps. pussy shit compared to others in this thread but shit still hurt especially the opportunity cost

1 hours later 28268493 Anonymous
>>28264782 Bought $80k of SAFEX in 2017 Sold for $385 in 2020 just before Livecoin hack. I was lucky to recover at least 385$ from that scam i bought

1 hours later 28268520 Anonymous
>>28267935 I feel way better after this post. Fuck.

1 hours later 28269017 Anonymous
Wasted my uni airdrop on statera.

1 hours later 28269091 Anonymous
>>28265928 hope the guy who got 39eth got cancer and had to use all 39eth to cure himself because this is not legendary at all. karmically he is fucked

1 hours later 28269183 Anonymous
>>28265924 Based coinhoarder

1 hours later 28269269 Anonymous
>>28264782 Had $50000 sitting in the bank in mid-2017. Bought 10 ETH.

1 hours later 28269377 Anonymous
>>28264861 Baby’s first crypto

1 hours later 28269380 Anonymous
>>28266193 Same bots can pump prices going the other way. I'm shocked /biz/ hasn't gotten its shit together enough to do some collusion... the closest it gets is somebody with bags shilling in attempts to parachute

1 hours later 28269416 Anonymous (killme.png 1380x143 29kB)
>>28264782 The first time I was ever early for something and I fucking wasted it

1 hours later 28269651 Anonymous (1611350161993.jpg 460x518 63kB)
>>28266386 Mid-2017 I used to sit my overnights in TRX because it was trading at 00003 or some shit and would only move up or down 00001 so it was relatively safe. Then one night it went nuts and found myself with profits... bought into the whole linkmarine meme and at one time had 20k. Pissed it away on various shitcoins after things started crashing. In Aug 2020 I had only 200 LINK left. I lose sleep over this often

1 hours later 28269811 Anonymous
Until February I didn't make a single mistake. I didn't sell XRP when it was at .75, I did sell it when it was .40, switched to bitcoin, and switched back again. Ultimately I still made a profit, but I would have made a lot more shekels if I just didn't touch my stack.

1 hours later 28269888 Anonymous
>>28264782 lost 40 eth in shitcoins during the summer that would have been 70k+ now

1 hours later 28270223 Anonymous
>>28264782 im confused, what happened? COL is some shitcoin thats less than a cent, is that the wrong thing?

1 hours later 28270274 Anonymous
>>28269416 oh fuck im gonna be sick

1 hours later 28270405 Anonymous
>>28265394 >>28266233 The absolute state of mETHeads. My main portfolio is mid 5 figures and I still lose sleep over by $100 day trading stack if I fuck up a trade

1 hours later 28270484 Anonymous
>>28269811 "You will make less money fucking around with your stack than you will just holding" is something I wish I could make my ADHD mind believe. Because it's true (unless you own shitcoins).

1 hours later 28270503 Anonymous
I got 6 UNI airdrops for free and sold 1600 of them at $2.50. I held the remaining 800 with the intention of holding long term, but panic sold another 700 when the proposal for a second airdrop almost passed.

1 hours later 28270628 Anonymous
elonx saw 2x gains when i went to bed woke up lost half my portfolio

1 hours later 28270924 Anonymous (cringe.png 798x644 148kB)

1 hours later 28271096 Anonymous (0_kauMniXo8f0oiyXg.jpg 750x935 189kB)
I spent more than $0 on BRAPPER

1 hours later 28271773 Anonymous
Bought MCDC at .02, pumped to .04 and panic sold at .025. A day or two later it goes all the way to .20. Bought back at .07, sold at .075 and put it all into ELONX. Got out with 1/8 of my money. Cried myself to sleep

2 hours later 28272166 Anonymous
>>28264782 thanks for the heads up, I bought some col months ago from a shill but it wasn't worth it for me to change them to duck, soon it will. also it's not 100k anon, col are exchanged to duck at a rate of like 100:1.

2 hours later 28272555 Anonymous (1591950741952.jpg 1536x2048 349kB)
lost almost all my money on a chink shitcoin sold my UNI airdrop for $1500 have coinbase wallets that probably have multiple UNI airdrops but never wrote down seed phrases had 0.2 BTC, 6.5 ETH at some point which would have been worth close to 10k now I'm basically too much of a nigger to hodl and each time I make gains I waste them on perpetuals or uniswap garbage. oh well, it seems I'm early on BUIDL/dfohub and that gave me a 3x in the past 24 hours, so maybe my time investing hasn't been completely wasted. I think I'm close to breaking even lmao

2 hours later 28272638 Anonymous
I sold 11 bitcoins for 1k in like 2013. Also didn't bother with the uniswap airdrop because I didn't want to bother learning how to use it at the time lmao. Oh well at least I have 1.5k link and a bunch of other shitcoins. Can't dwell on the past, you can only look towards the future.

2 hours later 28272639 Anonymous
>>28267164 Someone take this retard out back he's ngmi.

2 hours later 28272739 Anonymous
>>28269888 fucking same, rip 44ETH stack

2 hours later 28273106 Anonymous
>>28266424 Nothing beats the effect of a good vyvanse 50 or adderall 10

2 hours later 28274082 Anonymous (1422355410871.jpg 124x196 9kB)
>>28264876 Got my first taste of the gas tax today lost 600 bucks trading ADA into Tether yesterday then into this afternoon bitcoin then selling it because i needed the cash out

3 hours later 28275277 Anonymous
Ah where do I start. Sold 9 YFI for $1k each after andre FUD saying he no longer will work on it. That was just before the Binance listing so I know the guy intentionally did it for the chinks to get in cheap. Sold 4500 Sora for $3 each Sold 6k Kusama for $4 each Sold Statera before the big Chico pump.

3 hours later 28275338 Anonymous
>>28264782 not finding out about ALEPH earlier

3 hours later 28275455 Anonymous
When I was new I was too timid with my savings in regards to crypto. I could easily be at 5x where I'm at now with the same coins I hold if I wasn't so "well I just wanna start with a little bit..."

3 hours later 28276711 Anonymous
Sold 6600 LTO stack for 1400 last weekend to buy MILK. Down 70+% a few days later

3 hours later 28277167 Anonymous
What the heck are gas fees?

3 hours later 28277605 Anonymous
>>28265928 Good or bad, this is no doubt smartly done

3 hours later 28277888 Anonymous
>>28264782 I've decided this isn't a very fun hobby. It's literally just gambling.

3 hours later 28277961 Anonymous
>>28277167 Hello nufren ;) Gas fee is what you pay the miners for trading tokens on the ethereum blockchain.

4 hours later 28278173 Anonymous
>>28265983 In some Algo wallets I think you have to make a transaction in order to claim your APY rewards - maybe that's what's happening?

4 hours later 28278229 Anonymous
bought 1600 UNI at $8 and rode it down to $2.50 and sold the bottom. thank you pink unicorn

4 hours later 28278535 Anonymous
Had 100k usd worth of rubic that i sold after the first pump around 10 cents. 10 days later it reached 80 cents, so potentially 700k i could have made.

4 hours later 28279399 Anonymous
>>28265928 Thx anon I was there the day that happened and was reading the thread in real time

4 hours later 28279515 Anonymous
>>28275338 I found out about it too early and bought the top. now i'm at breakeven.

4 hours later 28279574 Anonymous
>>28264782 Bought 200 BADGER at $10, second guessed myself and sold same night.

4 hours later 28279789 Anonymous
>>28269416 that's gotta hurt

4 hours later 28279896 Anonymous
Lost 7k on AMC Lost 5k on shitty memecoins Missed out on a 50x because I never bothered to redo my MCDC transaction after it failed (bought in at the literal bottom) It's all good though because I'm still up by like 80% over the past couple of weeks.

4 hours later 28279997 Anonymous
>>28269091 a greedy fucker saw someone in trouble and decided to exploit the veil of anonymity to steal his money turned out it was a trap by op op's karma is fine. op IS karma

4 hours later 28280013 Anonymous
Sold $1000 of BNB last week at $42 , now its 3x that and no sign of slowing down

4 hours later 28280380 Anonymous
Col was $0.002. That's $1500. Idk where you're getting your prices from but they're wrong. The contract migration reduced token quantity 100:1.

4 hours later 28280746 Anonymous
Not buying more Link when I originally bought in at 37 cents. Had another $15k I could've put into it. I'd be very close to being made right about now.

4 hours later 28280816 Anonymous
>>28265928 Something similar used to be done in Maplestory. Someone in the free market would announce they were either quitting and/or selling a sought-after item for quite a bit below market price, and they would amass a group of followers and then go to a room by themselves. They would then say that it is first-come first-serve when they open up the shop. Once they set up the shop, it is one or two digits more than what was originally offered, and in their greed-filled frenzy, the buyer doesn't actually spend time to double check the sale price and ends up way overpaying

5 hours later 28281588 Anonymous
>>28265928 Holy shit that's brutal.

5 hours later 28282203 Anonymous
Bought half a sheet of acid for 72 BTC in 2010/11, left the change (think it was like 3-4 BTC) on OG Silkroad. You're welcome FBI

5 hours later 28282602 Anonymous
>>28270628 You don't go to bed holding memecoins anon. You watch that chart and exit fast

5 hours later 28282829 Anonymous
The secret /biz/ server is: https://discord/ .com/invite/xrEbuqJfjC It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as (((discord))) knows it's the official server for BUNKERCHAN LEFTYPO

5 hours later 28283019 Anonymous
>>28264782 Bought 27k link at an average of $0.24. Sold that at 2.5 thinking the price couldn't possibly go up. Took out a leveraged short with the gains at $2.9 because "No way is it breaking $3" I have a $2000 portfolio now.

5 hours later 28283264 Anonymous
>>28282203 Amazing, kek, FBI has your bitcorns

6 hours later 28284169 Anonymous
>Sold all my Doge after the tiktok pump last year. >Buying ETH every month in 2020 and wasting it in shitcoins. Only have about 1ETH at the moment. >Buying Raiblocks/Nano, seeing it go to ATH and holding it until selling in mid-2020 when it was under $1.

6 hours later 28284539 Anonymous
>>28264876 haha I spent 140$ buying into the Dao Maker dip on launch yesterday, up from $1.1 to $3.12 right now so it was worth it. But gas fees have completely changed my mindset towards money, IRL I hesitate to spend more than $20 on petrol at a time.

6 hours later 28284607 Anonymous
>>28264861 Just remember that experience is worth much more than the $2500 lost fren. Don’t let it go to waste and you’ll be back in no time!

6 hours later 28284684 Anonymous
>>28284539 It's really strange. I'm a total autist with my stock positions and get angry over a $50 loss, and I'm also a total jew when it comes to real world consumer products, but I make $5k while sleeping in crypto. I'm starting to think that this may actually be the reason people like us actually get rich and not cash out on a 50% gain to buy a new car or some shit.

6 hours later 28285605 Anonymous
Traded 100 Link for LCX at the ATH and it immediately dipped 75% GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY BACK MONTY

6 hours later 28285889 Anonymous
AXN, that shits been one stressful ride. Finally got out of it for some real gains, seriously, who the fuck locks up vast amounts of money for 15 years??

6 hours later 28286123 Anonymous
>>28284684 damn. ivs never even had more than 2000$ in my bank account at any given moment in my 26 years of being not dead

7 hours later 28286316 Anonymous
sold 200 BNB for GHOST fuck you mcaffe

3.718 0.218