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2021-02-10 04:23 28260995 Anonymous (images.jpg 246x205 14kB)
>put 50k on MCDC at .10
>it's already back to .01
1 min later 28261088 Anonymous
you are so fucking stupid for buying into the most obvious scam in the coin market, i hope you got so btfo'd that you perma exited crypto for the rest of yourself, nigger
2 min later 28261160 Anonymous
Whenever the entire """roadmap""" consists of listings on blockfolio and coingecko, and a tiktok challenge, you need to rethink your investment.
3 min later 28261237 Anonymous
>put 50k on MCDC at .10
This has to be a larp. I refuse to believe anyone is this retarded.
3 min later 28261287 Anonymous
You basically bought the equivalent of $50k in lotto tickets. And lost. Congrats retard.
4 min later 28261324 Anonymous (1472612379846.gif 290x290 2055kB)
If only you had bought a real coin like Rubic...
4 min later 28261332 Anonymous
Gentleman, we got him
5 min later 28261359 Anonymous (1612424077301.jpg 1280x960 162kB)
Thank you for playing
5 min later 28261416 Anonymous (smugarako.jpg 451x569 54kB)
One more down
6 min later 28261432 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSf KCd7uPV0
7 min later 28261505 Anonymous
get mcdicked, retard
i love seeing financial natural selection at work
8 min later 28261597 Anonymous
You're actually an idiot
8 min later 28261641 Rubic (1611559106290.jpg 820x847 339kB)
Join us
9 min later 28261644 Anonymous
kek. Roadmap for a fucking memecoin. That's what you get honestly retard
10 min later 28261765 Anonymous (1610483351548.png 219x230 7kB)
Pajeet scam you retard
I just started trading crypto and saw it a mile away. The fomo, the memes, the pumpers...all of it was astroturf
A fool and his money part ways
10 min later 28261768 Anonymous
https://etherscan.io/address/0x9d24 ffae911f1f84f3fc9243e908ad7108b6ce5 9#tokentxns
holy shit people like this exist and have rights
11 min later 28261784 Anonymous
Lol, fucking Shiba wannabe scam meme coins... Feg, hoge, etc etc etc.
12 min later 28261895 Anonymous
The same scammers moved on to HOGE, with the same roadmap. Either gamble on that or get in early on the next PnD.
13 min later 28261930 Anonymous (1611862741141.jpg 512x512 58kB)
such subhumanity, it turns my stomach
14 min later 28262009 Anonymous
MCDC is the worstest shitcoin conceived by white man. Why did you buy?
15 min later 28262107 Anonymous
Does anyone have that girls ass pic with the McDonald coin logo on it? Apparently she looks like the Rubic girl and I want to compare
16 min later 28262183 Anonymous
How fucking retarded can you be? Its a fucking fake McDonald's scam coin wtf did you expect?
17 min later 28262249 Anonymous (1452294798115.jpg 409x409 42kB)
anyone who got McDonaldsCoin tattooed on their ass is regretting it right about now
19 min later 28262347 Anonymous
Trust Comma
20 min later 28262443 Anonymous
>McDonalds coin
Just get off /biz/ and put your money into an ETF if you seriously spent 50k on that you absolute spastic.
20 min later 28262461 Anonymous
Fuck u boomer
21 min later 28262539 Anonymous (4214625F-E9B5-411E-9CB8-ADF43D50828B.jpg 1242x1840 349kB)
They’re done buying 4channel adspace apparently
21 min later 28262550 Anonymous
Lotto tickets have a non zero chance of making money...
22 min later 28262652 Anonymous
That’s literally the plan. Get people to buy in at 10x. Then sell their bags for profit. Your role in the plan is to give them your money.
23 min later 28262666 Anonymous
This shitcoin made me 500 bucks, can't complain. I can eat at McDonald's for years with that
23 min later 28262695 Anonymous
Hey, lotto tickets get thrown in the trash if theyre duds, at least OP will be able to buy a Big Mac with the value of his coins.
25 min later 28262794 Anonymous
You can wipe your ass with lotto tickets, after the gas fees OP won't get more than $0.50 out of his $50k
25 min later 28262808 Anonymous
I can’t eat at McDonald’s for 2-3 weeks for that
26 min later 28262862 Anonymous
Hello satanic Jeet scammer, hope making 500 bucks was worth ruining dozens of lives
26 min later 28262904 Anonymous
Get McRekt retard
27 min later 28262963 Anonymous (lovinit.png 1334x650 75kB)
27 min later 28262999 Anonymous
you won't get it back this scam is done friend you just got McRaped
27 min later 28263008 Anonymous
The only thing I like at McDonald's is the mcchicken, but I couldn't eat there more than a few times a week
28 min later 28263033 Anonymous (2B94CCDF-6F0A-4872-8438-94A09E0A5FE3.jpg 739x415 63kB)
28 min later 28263065 Anonymous (shutterstock_1318940468-d60b405.jpg 620x413 75kB)
Did anyone short this shit? That would be an easy 10x right there
28 min later 28263085 Anonymous
Welcome to biz
29 min later 28263127 Anonymous
30 min later 28263209 Anonymous (28A7D668-F704-46E9-994C-0A6D8B86DAD6.jpg 1228x1226 112kB)
Thank you OP
30 min later 28263222 Anonymous
Nah I just threw in 500 bucks cause it was funny
32 min later 28263331 Anonymous
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant
32 min later 28263375 Anonymous
Then in and out for a 10x retard. That’s literally how you make it.
>Spot the scam early
>get in
>don’t get greedy and exit at 10x
>80% profit into hodl btc
>20% into alts
>recycle profits into next scam
This is literally how you make it. Your welcome.
t. Made it
34 min later 28263483 Anonymous
I hope this is not a LARP, faggots like you should exit crypto forever
35 min later 28263588 Anonymous
MCDC was openly a McScam here on /biz/. Described as a shitty coin to pump and have fun with.
Why someone would put in 50k AFTER the main pump is beyond me
36 min later 28263650 Anonymous
Normie money isn't even in yet. Cope harder. See you next week
37 min later 28263687 Anonymous (1604770465648.jpg 493x497 33kB)
37 min later 28263702 Anonymous
YGMI. Just wait a week or so. The marketing outside /biz/ is just getting started
38 min later 28263786 Anonymous
spotted the McShill
he probably dips his french fries in CURRY if you know what I mean
38 min later 28263813 Anonymous
Wow, I'm gonna keep an eye on this guy
39 min later 28263886 Anonymous
>MCDC was openly a McScam here on /biz/. Described as a shitty coin to pump and have fun with.
And many of us killed it and got out.
>why drop 50k
OP is larping but there is always dumb money pumping in. Get in early, get a 5x or 10x and get you. You’ve got three options in this shit:
>be in on the scam
>watch the scam
>get scammed
40 min later 28263903 Anonymous
did the mcscam telegram get shoahed?
40 min later 28263946 Anonymous (1452385991277.gif 258x375 31kB)
I chose the second of the three and I'm having a good laugh now
41 min later 28263967 Anonymous
Classic /biz/, BTC mooning and you're getting suckered by scams with the explicit purpose of draining your sats
You got fuckin played by a counterfeit mcdonalds token. Imagine having to explain to your kids where their college funds went lmao
41 min later 28264009 Anonymous (lovinit2.png 570x112 19kB)
They're still trying
41 min later 28264016 Anonymous
42 min later 28264074 Anonymous
42 min later 28264088 Anonymous (1558413400449.png 436x536 424kB)
43 min later 28264169 Anonymous (1611098946461.png 371x353 151kB)
Serious question, why do people even put any substantial money into junk coins with no use case?
Is it just a bunch of people trying to time a pump and dump or are people actually so mentally deficient they think these coins have any long term staying power?
43 min later 28264177 Anonymous (EVI7KHVUYAo9SXa.jpg 684x384 39kB)
W....what happened? I put 7.2k into this shit? I didn't expect to lose this much money this fast after just starting. I feel sick...
44 min later 28264200 Anonymous
We know it's you, Dejan. Kys faggot
46 min later 28264318 Anonymous
Buy Bizbase, the actual /biz/ coin, not this french fries piece of shit
46 min later 28264358 Anonymous
Just hodl retard
49 min later 28264572 Anonymous (sfsrgwrg.jpg 720x960 77kB)
stupid larp
also mcdc gonna moon so much starting tomorrow.
50 min later 28264637 Anonymous
I made 0.25 btc which I flipped into avax.
51 min later 28264738 Anonymous
Cringe overload
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sql 8EEJBnvM&feature=youtu.be
52 min later 28264810 Anonymous (6743733.png 1070x601 519kB)
MCDC Bag Holders, we tried to warn you
Blame that faggot Comma
He is a Rubic Swinger and Kike
He is subversive and a schemer
58 min later 28265178 Anonymous (1588346283646.png 300x250 108kB)
59 min later 28265217 Anonymous (1599432893064.jpg 890x905 94kB)
zoom out
1 hours later 28265280 Anonymous (1612824621343.jpg 385x375 35kB)
>imagine being so pathetic that you sit in the tg of a coin that you hate
i would kill myself if i was you desu
1 hours later 28265365 Anonymous
shit larp McFaggot
1 hours later 28265396 Anonymous (1612418510480.jpg 964x664 81kB)
I'm lovin it just like you anon
1 hours later 28265402 Anonymous
I threw in a few hundo from other gains purely for the keks, no regrets
1 hours later 28265439 Anonymous
first post best post
OP you are a stupid filthy nigger
1 hours later 28265458 Anonymous
>giving money to smelly Pajeets for lulz
Anon, I...
1 hours later 28265622 Anonymous (1588787706234.jpg 960x1280 76kB)
1 hours later 28265799 Anonymous (MCDTA.jpg 640x794 150kB)
This will cheer you up, we're loving it!
1 hours later 28265867 Anonymous
Where the FUCK do you seriously think you are?
Go back.
1 hours later 28265882 Anonymous
how did someone this dumb end up with 50k??
1 hours later 28266135 Anonymous (1604212566918.jpg 853x1200 112kB)
Swingies the rope
1 hours later 28266190 Anonymous
Don't feel bad, you probably funded 2 whole villages with a new herd of livestock
1 hours later 28266229 Anonymous
>1 post by this ID
1 hours later 28266473 Anonymous
Based rubichad
1 hours later 28266562 Anonymous
This is some seriously good fake marketing
1 hours later 28266995 Anonymous (1586929500906.jpg 960x1280 129kB)
did u rike it?
1 hours later 28267076 Anonymous (4AA21ACD-1856-4CF8-ABCD-FD3C60B82E0E.jpg 956x600 168kB)
1 hours later 28267196 Anonymous (1585421790864.jpg 970x5896 980kB)
nice edits shitskin
1 hours later 28268006 Anonymous (_91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg 976x850 63kB)
>put $2k on elonx at 1c
just end my fucking life
1 hours later 28268082 Anonymous (E58965E7-0E88-46E2-9838-E5115031BD4E.jpg 956x600 357kB)
Nice try kek
1 hours later 28268121 Anonymous
Next time don’t ever fucking sell you newfag
1 hours later 28268134 Anonymous
>he didn't get the TA joke
1 hours later 28268141 Anonymous (8936C3EE-37D9-41B8-B505-212868CD3DE2.jpg 3024x4032 2112kB)
1 hours later 28268176 Anonymous (DC3E8DBC-0BCC-4E01-9393-1FEE600B4491.jpg 1125x2001 263kB)
Sorry Sanjeet.
All in or bust.
300k here.
1 hours later 28268448 Anonymous
1 hours later 28268512 Anonymous (99590FB1-26CD-45C4-92C4-693BB5483132.jpg 270x265 51kB)
1 hours later 28268546 Anonymous
did anons really unironically buy this? Any coin that lists their own "crypto ranks" on their homepage, probably should be avoided.
1 hours later 28268666 Anonymous (C693B497-D5D7-4A3B-88BC-6AD6775EE43D.jpg 1242x2076 488kB)
1 hours later 28268783 Anonymous
First memecoin newfag?
1 hours later 28268794 Anonymous
>are anons faggots like you?
1 hours later 28268854 Anonymous
22.839 0.114