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2021-02-10 02:31 28252323 Anonymous Ltc rocket (1E589843-6A83-4125-B72F-B458234EDA69.gif 500x455 833kB)
Hi faggets Ltc its about to explode Idgaf if you belibe me or not Some hight iq autists will make millions from this info the rest and pubic pajeet shillers will stay poor forever Check them

1 min later 28252478 Anonymous
pajeets will remain in the streets

3 min later 28252601 Anonymous
I'm here for it

3 min later 28252612 Anonymous
400 eom?

3 min later 28252634 Anonymous
>>28252323 >LTC just past the previous high of $180 while BTC crabs around 46k This little shit is slowly improving the ratio and barely anyone is talking about this.

4 min later 28252662 Anonymous
>>28252323 >2323 I’ll allow it

4 min later 28252725 Anonymous
>>28252323 And now it goes back down to $160 I'm a LTC veteran, I know this monster.

5 min later 28252778 Anonymous
220 by tomorrow end of play. Get ready for the rocket

5 min later 28252801 Anonymous (4713F874-DC36-4038-B441-DE3A3D933F87.jpg 1433x1071 169kB)
The Autist ching chong creator sold all his bags no price supresion anymore

5 min later 28252827 Anonymous
>>28252323 i went all in on LTC yesterday when the shilling started to ramp up we're all going to make it

6 min later 28252852 Anonymous (litecoin-680x365_c.jpg 680x365 74kB)
/biz/ would rather go for the scam pajeet coins and get rug pulled, its gone to shit

6 min later 28252887 Anonymous
>>28252725 That'll only happen now if BTC drops like a rock. If that happens, fucking every crypto will drop like a rock so it wouldn't matter if you invested in LTC or not.

6 min later 28252904 Anonymous
I don't even have 1LTC, can I make it?

8 min later 28253056 Anonymous
>>28252852 Like, fucking MDC? Yet every LTC thread was filled with FUDDERS shitting on it in spite of it being a reliable and widely accepted coin only because it hadn't moon yet.

12 min later 28253350 Anonymous
>>28252612 Fud Historic ratio show at least 0,1 btc

12 min later 28253359 Anonymous
>>28252904 I assume you have about $100 worth. It reaching $200 soon is guaranteed at this point. Once that happens, I can see a slight dip happen only for it to start steamrolling like ETH and BTC did recently. $300 by the end of this month is by no means a fantasy. So you've just about doubled your wallet if you bought around $150 like some of us have. By the time the MWB privacy update rolls around in March, I can easily see this thing crossing $400, after which sky's the limit. So you did good anon. Any gains are good gains. Especially if you're broke.

14 min later 28253495 Anonymous
It’s too good of a coin and makes too much sense. People want more pizazz in their crypto

18 min later 28253871 Anonymous
>>28253056 among many others.. Im all in on the LTC train though, even if something happens wont get burned too bad. Seems to be steady climbing tho

19 min later 28253929 Anonymous (Cheers Biz.jpg 1000x1000 94kB)
I bought 50 at $150

20 min later 28254021 Anonymous
>>28252634 Whales are accumulating right now

20 min later 28254052 Anonymous
it just keeps going today holly fuck

21 min later 28254124 Anonymous (1554585855190.jpg 1154x866 476kB)
Picrel is fud.

21 min later 28254127 Anonymous (jones.jpg 404x600 30kB)
>tfw half in ltc half in grt i'm enjoying every second of today while it lasts.

22 min later 28254199 Anonymous
>>28253929 Ygmi

24 min later 28254310 Anonymous (1600719202692.jpg 494x622 68kB)

24 min later 28254354 Anonymous
0.01 sats soon

25 min later 28254389 Anonymous (ratio.jpg 425x75 9kB)
>>28252634 was at 0.0036 when I swapped my BTC yesterday i'm starting to think we caught the literal bottom

25 min later 28254424 Anonymous
what's our ltc/btc target?

25 min later 28254433 Anonymous
Buying ltc right now is like buying btc when it was worth $1k

26 min later 28254506 Anonymous
>>28254424 0.02 or higher but I plan to hold for a couple of months, I don't think it's happening before late march/april

26 min later 28254524 Anonymous
WE BEAT $185!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26 min later 28254535 Anonymous
Is this a long term hold bros? Got 10k to spend

27 min later 28254556 Anonymous
>>28254424 .04 by end of march, .01 in next day or two.

28 min later 28254633 Anonymous
>>28254556 >>28254506 why do I feel like this is overly optimistic?

28 min later 28254665 Anonymous (287106bb43efc465111566b063ff6e4dc3a9868054aed9a5b1c45886b557e790.png 711x822 359kB)
>>28253359 Only $70 worth actually but I plan on dumping enough to get 1 LTC worth come this pay.

28 min later 28254683 Anonymous
>>28254535 Yes. In fact you only need 4 LTC to make it but more is better.

29 min later 28254707 Anonymous
>>28252323 >only have one litecoin >didn't invest more when it hit 140 range fug.

29 min later 28254710 Anonymous
>>28254633 because you don't know what to expect, otherwise you wouldn't ask

30 min later 28254847 Anonymous
>>28254633 the whales weighing down prices to accumulate got to you, but they can't hold us back anymore. Our time is now.

31 min later 28254887 Anonymous (sipping-intensifies.png 403x347 252kB)

31 min later 28254888 Anonymous
>>28254524 Almost no resistance to $250

31 min later 28254889 Anonymous (LTCBTC.jpg 1544x640 194kB)
>>28254633 is it? it happened over and over again every bullrun DOGE chart looks the same and it just hit previous high and exceeded it

31 min later 28254896 Anonymous
>>28254683 you're even more delusional than the GRT schizo's bro

32 min later 28254954 Anonymous (1611782183426.jpg 750x937 47kB)
>About to cross $190 already Holy shit... This is fucking happening

32 min later 28255002 Anonymous
finally this piece of shit is moving better break 200

33 min later 28255062 Anonymous
>>28254710 maybe optimistic wasn't the right term. confident?

34 min later 28255169 Anonymous
>>28252323 Im holding 250 ltc how much will i make

35 min later 28255238 Anonymous
>>28254889 That chart is beautiful

36 min later 28255267 Anonymous
1084 boomer ultra-bagholder czeching in

36 min later 28255272 Anonymous
>>28255169 whatever you have x4 at least

36 min later 28255294 Anonymous
>>28254889 btc hasn't really mooned. i think my play is put half my ltc stack back into btc hopefully @ .004200, and hold the rest

36 min later 28255314 Anonymous

37 min later 28255365 Anonymous
>>28254888 checked and blessed. this has been a painful fucking hold but i've held since it was ~65 in 2017

37 min later 28255379 Anonymous
>>28255314 200 is not even resistance, 250 is, then nothing till like 400

38 min later 28255423 Anonymous
>>28255294 >btc hasn't really mooned bro...it's at it's ATH

38 min later 28255437 Anonymous
>>28255062 Even the haters won't be able to ignore mweb finally going live and other developments. Once we near the price Charlie sold at, not even that negative point will have any power anymore. LTC is wound up tight, we're going wayyyy up.

39 min later 28255499 Anonymous
>>28252323 Is 40 LTC enough to make it?

40 min later 28255559 Anonymous
What is the floor on LTC rn?? I'm trying to snag as much as possible for as cheap as possible

40 min later 28255570 Anonymous
>>28255499 probably not this cycle but it's a good stack imo

41 min later 28255636 Anonymous
>>28255423 i don't think ath predicates moon

41 min later 28255653 Anonymous
>>28255559 145 the absolute bottom but it's probably not coming down there any time soon, it already backtested that level for support literally 2 days ago

43 min later 28255839 Anonymous
the best part is this is another perfect instance of stubbornness preventing gains. can’t be scared to get on a rocket when it’s right in front of you

43 min later 28255872 Anonymous
So, what? Like a $800 LTC if it pumps

44 min later 28255926 Anonymous
>>28255872 at least

44 min later 28255928 Anonymous
>>28252323 its a piece of shit and I won't buy your bags pajeet

45 min later 28255984 Anonymous
Who's the pussy that sold a bunch at $190? We could have crossed over to $200 right now if you didn't sell.

45 min later 28256003 Anonymous
>>28255559 Compare to being on the second floor of the Burj Khalifa

47 min later 28256122 Anonymous

48 min later 28256221 Anonymous (1600456790757.png 568x598 730kB)
>>28256122 Checked

50 min later 28256322 Anonymous
>>28255984 No worries, we're boutta smash through that $190

50 min later 28256343 Anonymous
>>28256122 BROKE PAST $190

50 min later 28256358 Anonymous
>>28256122 Indeedly doodly

50 min later 28256375 Anonymous
i can't believe this fucking crabcoin is finally moving

50 min later 28256378 Anonymous
>>28255984 Who cares. It got eaten real fast

51 min later 28256407 Anonymous (Screenshot (212).png 2160x1440 306kB)
>>28255926 Nice, bought 10 of these at $75. Pretty fackin boring hold. I guess we are waiting on the paypal/normie pump

51 min later 28256441 Anonymous
>>28256122 checked finally lift off

51 min later 28256445 Anonymous

53 min later 28256578 Anonymous (9C94B7EB-8856-48C3-85AF-2458C761EB2E.jpg 213x236 10kB)
>>28255314 Based

54 min later 28256654 Anonymous (2EFE5971-DF87-4E8A-B238-E38616A747D4.jpg 600x600 43kB)
>>28254888 Cheked wagmi

54 min later 28256704 Anonymous
>>28255314 how does 500 sound?

55 min later 28256758 Anonymous
And people thought LTC reaching $200 by the end of the month was delusional. Fuck the LTC fudders on this board. They can lose they're money off the next Pajeet shitcoin.

55 min later 28256761 Anonymous
>>28256704 500$ is fud

56 min later 28256814 Anonymous
>>28255499 No, even at $1000 that's only 1 year as a lower-middle wage-slave Make it stacks are 15 years of income and above.

57 min later 28256888 Anonymous

57 min later 28256896 Anonymous
Is buying more tommorow worth it? Like 2 ltc

57 min later 28256913 Anonymous
>>28256761 your fud is my reality brother

58 min later 28256928 Anonymous
>>28256343 >>28256122 Yeeeeeeeeee

58 min later 28256962 Anonymous
>>28255928 Spoted the loo hows pubic going rakesh

59 min later 28257027 Anonymous
>>28256761 unironically this

59 min later 28257054 Anonymous (92CEFA16-D7A6-4E03-97CD-1F2430BB096F.jpg 294x271 37kB)
>>28256122 Nice fren kek approves

59 min later 28257073 Anonymous
4 figures when btc hits 50k

1 hours later 28257132 Anonymous
>>28256896 Right now may be the last chance it'll be below $200. I thought it would take till the end of February to reach $200 yet here we are. We're in unknown territory as of now.

1 hours later 28257159 Anonymous
>$191 $191 >$191 $191 >$191 $191 >$191 $191 >$191 $191

1 hours later 28257231 Anonymous (Sad fatty patty.jpg 640x427 46kB)

1 hours later 28257238 Anonymous
>>28257132 Running to the bank rn

1 hours later 28257253 Anonymous
>>28257132 Tomorrow will be to late its now or never

1 hours later 28257297 Anonymous
Just a reminder that this shit went 38% in just a few days beating BTC's 20% growth that threw it over 40k.

1 hours later 28257311 Anonymous (7DB6503B-2AAB-41B1-A490-83B5FD11E3DD.jpg 750x724 188kB)
Wtf is the story on this shitcoin? Was there some news recently? I bought 100 of these fucks on a whim and I’m making some ok cash.

1 hours later 28257312 Anonymous
The shilling for silver last week was just misunderstood, LTC is the real target. Crypto silver, not irl silver!

1 hours later 28257340 Anonymous
Just bought $3k worth of Litecoin because it seems the LTC/BTC ratio seems very low.

1 hours later 28257420 Anonymous
>>28257253 I have a bag already that I was comfy with but all the shilling is making me want to double up. Fuck

1 hours later 28257463 Anonymous
ATH inc tomorrow, gonna moon in sats LTC/BTC

1 hours later 28257616 Anonymous
>>28255926 Ethereum pumped at similar level and now it's on slingshot trajectory around the sun.

1 hours later 28257623 Anonymous
>>28257340 You may have bought the bottom of the ratio. Also consider this. LTC is all but guaranteed to reach $300 in the coming months. If you bought at around $150 like some of us have, you just doubled your BTC stack right there. BTC, while experience insane growth, isn't gonna be reaching 80k anytime soon. So by investing in LTC using BTC, you just doubled your BTC stack when it reaches ~S300.

1 hours later 28257658 Anonymous
>>28256896 It's a coin toss. We may hit the psychological resistance at $200 and fall back to the $180-$160 range, or we'll rocket past and never see <200 again

1 hours later 28257659 Anonymous
>>28257322 >>28256122 HOLYSHIT TWO TWO KEK BE BLESSED

1 hours later 28257804 Anonymous
When ATH sats?

1 hours later 28257897 Anonymous
>>28257623 Bought a few minutes ago so at around $190 with USD. Hoping for a good pump. You guys plan on selling at 0.02?

1 hours later 28257900 Anonymous
I’m thinking 243 by this time tomorrow lads

1 hours later 28258007 Anonymous
>>28257900 WhubbalubbaDUBDUBS

1 hours later 28258040 Anonymous
>>28257340 This anon get its

1 hours later 28258056 Anonymous
>>28257900 CHECKEM

1 hours later 28258060 Anonymous (ltc.png 1439x890 130kB)
>>28257897 I sell my initial at 0.02 and hold the rest until the end of time just in case

1 hours later 28258194 Anonymous (1580356883950.png 600x753 559kB)

1 hours later 28258247 Anonymous (General.jpg 864x1105 175kB)
Who else here realized that LTC was a guarantee and that it would be pumped by normies and Institutional investors to over 1k?

1 hours later 28258314 Anonymous (1513539367552.jpg 517x800 55kB)
it is time

1 hours later 28258354 Anonymous
>>28258247 Doubtlessly

1 hours later 28258493 Anonymous
>>28258247 I've been saying for months that LTC is the comfiest alt hold because of the predictable cycle. I bought in a little too early though, if I had just held my ETH through January I could have twice the LTC now.

1 hours later 28258494 Anonymous
Can only afford 1 LTC. Is it even worth it for just 1

1 hours later 28258498 Anonymous
btc is the place to be rn... strong gut feeling

1 hours later 28258582 Anonymous
>>28257420 Not shilling just helping frens wagmi

1 hours later 28258616 Anonymous (e1e18528713c0c63fcd2641c66edff9f.jpg 819x827 62kB)
>>28258247 preach, feeling comfy with my humble but all in stack

1 hours later 28258629 Anonymous
>>28258494 If you want to be able to afford 3 LTC today in the future, then yes

1 hours later 28258678 Anonymous
>>28258494 By the end of this bull run LTC will lose one of its major benefits, which is that most normie fish who want to own one whole coin of something will be priced out. So take that as you will.

1 hours later 28258736 Anonymous
>>28258494 How does a billion dollars sound?

1 hours later 28258779 Anonymous
>>28252323 >Check them >2323 hmm...i'm feeling bullish about this.

1 hours later 28258804 Anonymous
>>28258247 I did 1 week ago I bought 400@ 155$ This is going to pull a doge

1 hours later 28258845 Anonymous
>>28258678 Lmao, this

1 hours later 28259048 Anonymous
850 by April?

1 hours later 28259075 Anonymous
>>28254124 you mother fucker, made me fomo last time with that goddamned meme, and I am about to do it again, heres to bags forever

1 hours later 28259468 Anonymous
Should I fomo RIGHT NOW into a litecoin? Maybe even 2? Call me based and I will.

1 hours later 28259563 Anonymous
>>28259468 you don't get to pick your own nickname, faggot

1 hours later 28259581 Anonymous
>>28259468 WHY HAVEN'T YOU YET

1 hours later 28259621 Anonymous
>>28259468 based goy pump my coin

1 hours later 28259727 Anonymous
>>28253350 Hella wrong. Historically its closer to 0.01 btc for most of its life. That being said thats like a 3x from here so it probably will moon though. Safest bet in all of crypto.

1 hours later 28259742 Anonymous (8C943CAA-BBE1-40AB-88D2-4AD67A445448.jpg 500x451 82kB)
>>28259468 Based fren

1 hours later 28259786 Anonymous
>>28259468 When you own a least 1 Litecoin you don't need validation from others. You become the based, and the based becomes you.

1 hours later 28259829 Anonymous
>>28259727 Tu aritmetic nazi i was wrong but just one zero and was unintended

1 hours later 28259852 Anonymous
>>28259786 based

1 hours later 28259992 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-210750_Ledger Live.jpg 720x674 77kB)
>>28256814 Will I make it this cycle?

1 hours later 28260001 Anonymous
>>28259563 >>28259581 >>28259621 >>28259742 >>28259786 >>28259852 In at $189. Thanks, Litefrens.

1 hours later 28260025 Anonymous
>>28259468 Based retard trust this post you should overleverage

1 hours later 28260114 Anonymous
>>28259992 well, you just might

1 hours later 28260123 Anonymous
>>28254535 LTC has been a top 10 coin for literally the entirety of its existence, so yes its pretty safe. Its widely considered a blue chip crypto.

1 hours later 28260129 Anonymous
>>28259992 1mm easily congrats

1 hours later 28260175 Anonymous
>>28252725 I bought at 158 a month ago and just sold two days ago at 162 to get out. Damnit is all I can say. Now im hoping it hits 150 so i can get in again.... I remeber when I bought at 158 and I saw it drop to 122. So fucked. Damnit. Hopefully I can get in again at under 160. What do y'all think biz

1 hours later 28260270 Anonymous
>>28260129 It kills me seeing doge moon recently. This piece of shit is doing nothing more than jogging.

1 hours later 28260282 Anonymous
>>28259992 I'm extremely jealous

1 hours later 28260311 Anonymous
Wew, that's retarded friend. Buy a bit now and enjoy the moon, and buy again if it drops.

1 hours later 28260324 Anonymous
>>28259992 How does 1.4 million sound?

1 hours later 28260347 Anonymous
Bought this coin off and on randomly and watched it do nothing but crab, glad to see it finally gain some upward momentum

1 hours later 28260385 Anonymous
>>28260282 >Jelous Have you seen defi coins lately?

1 hours later 28260447 Anonymous
>>28260270 yeah DOGE was pretty rough I got bought in 0.9c and sold at 1.4 the same day not making the same mistake with LTC

1 hours later 28260455 Anonymous
>>28260175 Just fomo in fagget or stay poor and overpriced forever

1 hours later 28260469 Anonymous
>>28260324 I can't see it going to $1,400 , blud

1 hours later 28260513 Anonymous
>>28260385 No one with more than 10 brain cells would put 200k in a defi pump and dump. That shit is gambling. Litecoin is the real deal.

1 hours later 28260593 Anonymous
Own 2.04 LTC and I'm feeling pretty comfy

1 hours later 28260733 Anonymous
Just bought in with my btc returns. feels good

1 hours later 28260759 Anonymous (1600736189770.gif 112x112 24kB)
>>28260469 You'll see one day anon

1 hours later 28260761 Anonymous
>>28260593 considering buying enough get me to a nice round 2 LTC. Have 1.55 right now and it feels uncomfy

1 hours later 28260823 Anonymous
>>28260175 It's not reaching $150 again unless BTC crashes, in which case everything is fucked regardless.

1 hours later 28260967 Anonymous
>>28260513 >That shit is gambling Any top 10 defi isn't exactly gambling.

1 hours later 28261078 Anonymous (1610336988352.jpg 1024x762 147kB)
>>28258060 How do you determine that this pattern means litecoin is currently undervalued? Couldnt this also mean bitcoin is currently overvalued? Wouldnt a price drop in btc produce the same continued pattern if ltc simultaneously remained stagnant?

1 hours later 28261144 Anonymous
>>28261078 Thats not how it works

1 hours later 28261183 Anonymous
is 68 enough to creampie SEA women for a year straight?

1 hours later 28261414 Anonymous
>>28260967 You say that now while Bitcoin is in a bull run. Just wait.

1 hours later 28261517 Anonymous
>>28261183 No, unless it goes up to $400 and beyond

1 hours later 28261606 Anonymous
>>28261517 So thats a yes then? 400 is a pretty tame prediction at this point. I would be surprised if we didn't see at least 1k this cycle.

2 hours later 28261623 Anonymous
>>28255379 Fuck can you imagine?

2 hours later 28261689 Anonymous
>>28261078 Historically, when Bitcoin moons, Litecoin moons a few months later even harder, and when Bitcoin crashes, Litecoin crashes even harder at the same time. It's very rare that Bitcoin goes down while Litecoin goes up.

2 hours later 28261734 Anonymous (1582215802082.jpg 517x489 36kB)
>>28261517 >fudder seriously thinks it won't reach $400

2 hours later 28261830 Anonymous
Holy shit it is dropping like a fucking rock

2 hours later 28261896 Anonymous
>>28261830 are you looking at the 5 second charts again? Get that shit out of here man.

2 hours later 28261900 Anonymous
Did I miss my chance to get in?

2 hours later 28261904 Anonymous
>>28261517 why wouldn't it reach 400? i think that can happen before end of march i think most of us aim for 750+ easily

2 hours later 28261980 Anonymous
>>28261900 yes go away

2 hours later 28261988 Anonymous
>>28254127 Bill hicks looks good there

2 hours later 28261989 Anonymous
>>28261830 what did he mean by this

2 hours later 28262044 Anonymous (ltc.jpg 1823x804 102kB)
>>28261830 bruh. the only rocks we'll be getting are moon rocks

2 hours later 28262063 Anonymous
4 litecoin = 1 bitcoin

2 hours later 28262092 Anonymous
>>28254683 You’re poor as fuck anon

2 hours later 28262114 Anonymous
>>28261900 It's $190 right now. Keep in mind that it was $170 just a few hours ago. All I'm saying is that LTC is prone to sudden jumps to match with BTC's ration. It could very well be now or never.

2 hours later 28262117 Anonymous
>>28261900 nah it's probably going to dip a little probably not below 150 but there's definitively going to be some pullback before 250

2 hours later 28262195 Anonymous
>>28255499 Not a make it stack but if you throw your profits into BTC after the correction then you’ll make it in 4 years

2 hours later 28262253 Anonymous
Holy fuck i cant believe i believed you guys this thing is sinking faster than anything in the market

2 hours later 28262256 Anonymous
>>28254683 >bitcoin to 1 million; 4 litecoin = 1 million math checks out

2 hours later 28262301 Anonymous
>>28259992 God bless

2 hours later 28262313 Anonymous
>>28261904 I am crazy, but I think 1k is the low mark here. If you compare the prior crypto bubbles a value of 3k is even possible. Of course we are not close to 2017 bubble le else, and bitcoin would need to hit 100k+ for that to even stand a chance of happening. Either way I think many more months of growth are likely.

2 hours later 28262389 Anonymous
>>28257311 I think they partnered with someone recently

2 hours later 28262392 Anonymous
>>28254683 Get a fucking job at mcdonalds you poor fag.

2 hours later 28262497 Anonymous
>>28262253 LOL keep FUDing retarded faggot Im tryna buy some litecoins

2 hours later 28262723 Anonymous
>>28262253 Thanks for the heads up, just sold my entire stack

2 hours later 28262804 Anonymous
I put 600 in it

2 hours later 28262928 Anonymous
>>28262804 I put 1k in. Lets do this.

2 hours later 28263013 Anonymous (Rpo2ogJ.jpg 298x403 125kB)
>>28261900 Nah. Its going to 240 short term. 1400 end of bull run. Once normans stop buying doge and sign up for coinbase the first alt they will be curious about is litecoin. Everyone who's been around knows what litecoin is and once it starts to go up they will quickly fomo in. Institutions love bitcoin as a cash alternative; paypal accepts it alongside BCH. A couple weeks ago Greyscale bought about as much LTC as BTC and will continue to accumulate.

2 hours later 28263123 Anonymous
>>28262253 Yep it is crazy Looks like a chinese shill campaign going on in here No wonder mods are deleting litecoin threads

2 hours later 28263182 Anonymous
>>28263123 why reply to yourself samefag

2 hours later 28263220 Anonymous (154645735335224.jpg 596x491 35kB)
>>28262253 >>28263123

2 hours later 28263291 Anonymous
>>28263123 wow what a complete faggot. He doesnt even know about ids

2 hours later 28263361 Anonymous
>>28262253 >>28263123 bruh moment dropping $3k in ltc when it dips

2 hours later 28263393 Anonymous
>>28263123 Nigger, why are you replying to yourself you fucking schitzo?

2 hours later 28263417 Anonymous
>>28263123 Wow you took the words right out of my mouth Didn’t the founder sell all his tokens too

2 hours later 28263448 Anonymous
>>28263013 >Once normans stop buying doge and sign up for coinbase the first alt they will be curious about is litecoin Not just coinbase. Sofi as well has litecoin in their crypto invest.

2 hours later 28263458 Anonymous (chinstroke.jpg 979x832 237kB)
>>28263123 >>28262253

2 hours later 28263530 Anonymous
based schizo short circuiting the litecoin boomer’s brain

2 hours later 28263579 Anonymous (memefr.jpg 1042x897 97kB)
>>28262253 >>28263123

2 hours later 28263591 Anonymous
>>28263361 IF it dips. It went from $175 to $190 in like and hour today. This momentum might keep going. Keep in mind that it still rose while BTC slumped a bit so a universal crash is the only thing that'll bring it down hard.

2 hours later 28263662 Anonymous
I’m a fucking coward and I want to get out at the earliest possible moment. That’d be 199 right? After it clears that, what might be the next resistance?

2 hours later 28263699 Anonymous (Agressive Cube.png 1024x1004 1591kB)
>>28263123 $200 eow

2 hours later 28263703 Anonymous
>>28263182 hahahahaha

2 hours later 28263704 Anonymous (When something fails try harder.jpg 960x6575 1150kB)
>>28262253 >>28263123 Good to know we are on the right track and someone is scared. And to stupid to understand how things work.

2 hours later 28263783 Anonymous
>>28263417 has to be tongue-in-cheek at this point. nobody is this pajeet

2 hours later 28263831 Anonymous
>>28263123 Obvious pubic shiller its obvious

2 hours later 28263933 Anonymous
>>28263783 Damage control.

2 hours later 28263974 Anonymous (1612581510047s.jpg 250x221 8kB)
>>28252323 price prediction when it pops off?

2 hours later 28264042 Anonymous
>>28252612 I agree. This is unironically FUD. LTC has historically been worth about 0.02btc. Pair that with the fact that it will be one of the cheaper coins on paypal and I think 1K+ LTC is entirely possible.

2 hours later 28264051 Anonymous
>>28257132 When enough people know what is about to occur, its timeline speeds up. Smart money flocking into LTC right now.

2 hours later 28264247 Anonymous
Can you advise a poorfag? Is it worth selling my hard earned 0,8 ETH for LTC? Also, if I decide to buy it, is FOMOing in rn a good idea, or should I just wait patiently to get a better price?

2 hours later 28264284 Anonymous

2 hours later 28264333 Anonymous
>>28264247 You're not going to get a better price. The LTC/ETH pair was at an ATL and just reversed the past few days.

2 hours later 28264479 Anonymous
>>28264333 These digits can't lie. That's disappointing. Seriously though, should I expect bigger returns from LTC?

2 hours later 28264604 Anonymous
>>28264479 Short term, yes

2 hours later 28264781 Anonymous
>>28264479 LTC is still a 2x from its ATH. ETH just passed its previous ATH. LTC is deflationary and has halving events. ETH is not deflationary and has no halving events. All signs point to LTC being the better bet right now.

2 hours later 28264907 Anonymous
Should I buy now or tomorrow morning?

2 hours later 28264961 Anonymous
>>28264907 Buy now, buy more tomorrow

2 hours later 28265049 Anonymous
>>28264781 >>28264604 Thanks anons.

2 hours later 28265085 Anonymous
>>28264961 Okay, let me rephrase the question. Should I slap the funds I have into Ltc all tonight, or wait until tomorrow morning? Or should I buy 50% now and 50% tomorrow morning?

2 hours later 28265249 Anonymous
>>28265085 The latter yes

2 hours later 28265400 Anonymous
>>28264284 be patient holy fuck that is the NUMBER ONE THING IN TRADING

2 hours later 28265496 Anonymous
>>28265085 It dipped a bit but already heading back up so snag that quick 5 in savings.

2 hours later 28265603 Anonymous
>>28265249 Ok boss. I’m sweating bullets. This is my first full coin purchase at a significant price.

2 hours later 28265689 Anonymous
Why is this thing falling so fast

2 hours later 28265713 Anonymous
>>28265085 I would wait a bit but who knows. Would you rather have a sure thing now or risk it for more?

2 hours later 28265718 Anonymous
>>28265603 You'll be fine. But please don't sell if the coin drops a few dollars. It will go up like the rest of them. Remember: dips are for buying, not selling.

2 hours later 28265779 Anonymous
>>28265689 Bitcoin

2 hours later 28265821 Anonymous
>>28265689 lol

3 hours later 28265963 Anonymous
>>28265689 err did we get scammed?

3 hours later 28265980 Anonymous
>>28265689 Bitcoin and Litecoin move together but Litecoin likes to outdo Bitcoin at tanking when Bitcoin decides to tank kek.

3 hours later 28266128 Anonymous (23B9850C-BE9B-47F9-ADA5-C251A76F81D9.jpg 400x388 38kB)
>>28265718 I have not sold my other coins. I have about 700 in crypto, started in late January. I did a based move and sold when etherium was up maybe a week ago, it dipped and I bought the dip. I have .1 etherium and it feels good. I have 57 stellar and it feels good. I even have like 28 GRT and I doubled my Money. I am trying to do this long term but it’s scary for me putting this much in at once.

3 hours later 28266409 Anonymous (1590843144046.jpg 1024x958 89kB)
It never gets old seeing FOMO fags freak out at the slightest price drop. Maybe you faggots should have bought the dip over the weekend.

3 hours later 28266459 Anonymous
>>28266128 I understand, but I believe you did the right choice. This move will probably double your money, or at least give you a +50% Remember to take profits as your investment grows.

3 hours later 28266607 Anonymous
>>28266459 Please explain this to me. Let’s say I buy one etherium for 1000 dollars. If it goes up and my profits are 10 dollars, should I take that 10 bucks and put it back into my bank account?

3 hours later 28266786 Anonymous
>>28266607 Never take 1% profit in crypto space. Shoot higher, much much higher

3 hours later 28266854 Anonymous
>>28255379 got some at 231, after that mars lads

3 hours later 28266884 Anonymous
>>28266786 Okay. Thank you so so much. I’m feeling like I’m fucking a stranger for the first time but I hope it goes good. Thank you for helping me out, fren. WAGMI.

3 hours later 28266909 Anonymous
>>28263974 $300

3 hours later 28266956 Anonymous
>>28266607 No, never put it in your bank account, use stablecoins, such as USDT, BUSD or USDC. It highly depends on the nature of the trade how much profits I take out of a given trade. If I buy ETH i usually hold them for a while, then I swing to another coin if I see a better opportunity. Trading DeFi I usually sell 2/3 after a few x' and let the reminder grow. In this scenario i moved from ETH to LTC because I believe LTC will outperform ETH short term. When LTC grows to +250 it is likely that I will sell a bit and either hold stablecoins or I move them back to ETH/BTC.

3 hours later 28267004 Anonymous

3 hours later 28267206 Anonymous
>>28265085 Buy now but leave something to play with if there’s a dip

3 hours later 28267420 Anonymous
>>28267206 I mean we were literally at a small dip just now and it seems to be recovering. Hopefully that anon just bought some because if the momentum we saw today continues, I don't think we'll go below $180 for a long time if ever.

3 hours later 28267427 Anonymous
>>28267004 Go away, I’m a leaf. >>28267206 I put 250 into newton. Bought half an LTC and in the morning I’ll probably buy the other half.

3 hours later 28267652 Anonymous (B77B14D2-2DBC-4040-87B4-4FC66F2D24DA.jpg 600x315 52kB)
>>28254888 Checked, just doubled my LTC holdings.

3 hours later 28267718 Anonymous
>>28266956 Okay, so let’s say in 20 years I want to cash out and it’s all in USDT. Do I then turn that into CAD and pay capital gain tax on it(how it works in Canada)? Like I eventually want to reap what I sow right

3 hours later 28267984 Anonymous
>>28267718 Yeah, one day you might have to cash out, but for now just focus on growing your portfolio. Deal with taxes and shit like that later.

3 hours later 28268042 Anonymous
>>28267984 Okay. I’ll be putting the rest of my money in newton into LTC tomorrow morning me thinks. Goodnight Anon, thank you :)

3 hours later 28268150 Anonymous
>>28268042 No worries, good night.

3 hours later 28268435 Anonymous
What's the exit strategy with altcoins? Once I decide to cash out my profits, is it best that BTC, a stablecoin or fiat? I don't really need money short-term, if that makes any difference regarding fiat.

3 hours later 28268538 Anonymous
>>28268435 that I go for*

3 hours later 28268662 Anonymous
>>28268435 BTC during a bull run, a stable coin during a bear market. But BTC is always the safer bet if you're not sure. If you cash out to actual USD there's probably some tax fuckery involved.

3 hours later 28268712 Anonymous
>>28268435 BTC if you're in the long game

3 hours later 28268864 Anonymous
>>28268662 >>28268712 Thanks bros, I appreciate your help.

3 hours later 28269317 Anonymous
So when I do cash out, is there a reliable way to get my money out without worrying about tax fuckery? I hear there are ATMs that can withdraw crypto as cash if you pay a fee.

3 hours later 28269332 Anonymous
>>28268662 There's gains tax anyway

4 hours later 28269463 Anonymous
>>28269332 Only if you're a burger and the government somehow finds out that you're holding. Cashing out to your bank guarantees they find out.

4 hours later 28269507 Anonymous (56754676565.jpg 200x200 7kB)
>>28254506 >>28257897 >>28264042 >>28258060 >>28252323 The .02 target is shilled way too much and has been for a long time, which means that it will either dump horrifically at like .18 or blast through for truly epic moonage. Trying to figure out which is more likely...

4 hours later 28270187 Anonymous
How long til Elon tags LTC bros

4 hours later 28270312 Anonymous
>>28270187 Never, because it is neither a meme coin or a butcorn.

4 hours later 28270518 Anonymous
>>28268864 Its still new so we will see what the long term yields end up being but you can put your stablecoins into AAVE/COMP and get 7% minimum.

4 hours later 28270730 Anonymous (84253526-7445-4DB3-AF31-252769ACE4A1.jpg 1536x864 117kB)
Everyone knows that Litecoin LTC is a top coin with active development that has yet to reach a new all time high price. How high can it go this bullrun? 500? 1000? 2000? All I can say for certain is that it will double your money.

4 hours later 28271564 Anonymous
Should we make LTC generals a thing? I think it's good LTC's are getting attention, but I'd hate for it to end up too popular like Doge with a bunch of paper handed faggots who don't know what they're doing.

4 hours later 28272116 Anonymous
>>28271564 Lets make one now! About time we did something like this

4 hours later 28272403 Anonymous

4 hours later 28272420 Anonymous
I have 9LTC - lets fucking goooo!!!!

4 hours later 28272454 Anonymous
>>28272116 Alright. I'll look up some links and info to get started. I'll post the links to start a general

4 hours later 28272505 Anonymous
>>28260175 just buy and hold it for real this time

4 hours later 28272614 Anonymous
>>28259992 >has 200 >jealous? not even though next cycle imo

4 hours later 28272636 Anonymous
>>28272505 At a peak still.. when people wake tomorrow they will freak out.

4 hours later 28272668 Anonymous
>>28272454 Nice dude

4 hours later 28272809 Anonymous
>>28261689 its all about when the exchanges start running out supply and demand demand is steady but all of a sudden supply runs out due to halving then all thats left is people taking profit

5 hours later 28273118 Anonymous

5 hours later 28273607 Anonymous (508526ycvdb61.png 1392x598 111kB)
Here's what I came up with for a potential LTC general. Feel free to suggest any additions. >What is Litecoin? From Wikipedia: Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open-source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. Litecoin was an early bitcoin spinoff or altcoin, starting in October 2011. In technical details, Litecoin is nearly identical to Bitcoin. >Why invest? >Reliable and tested coin that's almost as old as BTC >Cheaper fees compared to BTC >Widely accepted on reputable sites like Paypal >Grayscale investment firm has bought 200 million dollars worth in the recent months and are still accumulating >MWB privacy update coming soon >Has not reached its ATH yet like BTC or ETH have >Top ten crypto for close to a decade >Where to buy? Any crypto exchange really. LTC has tenure and can be reliably bought just about anywhere. If you're new, here's some suggestions. >Coinbase >Blockfolio >Kraken >Binance >Paypal LTC is available on Robinhood, but it is best that you avoid it given that you are unable to withdraw your LTC and Robinhood have been known to block the purchases and sales of crypto and stocks. If it is your ONLY option, then use it with great discretion. News >https://cointelegraph.com/news/rec ord-584m-litecoin-futures-open-inte rest-signals-institutional-inflow >https://cryptobriefing.com/litecoi n-poised-retrace-before-entering-ne w-uptrend/ >https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocur rencies/news/litecoin-price-forecas t-ltc-aims-for-a-15-upswing-as-bull s-hold-the-upper-hand-202102091608 https://cryptoslate.com/litecoins-m imblewimble-privacy-upgrade-is-read y-to-roll-on-march-15/ Price >https://www.coindesk.com/price/lit ecoin >https://www.coinbase.com/price/lit ecoin

5 hours later 28274195 Anonymous
>>28273607 Nah don't shill Robinhood at all for crypto.

5 hours later 28274229 Anonymous
>>28252323 ltc investors are the scum of earth. They literally are unaware of dApps like DHT etc. but it's their problem not ours

5 hours later 28274282 Anonymous
>>28274195 >Nah don't shill Robinhood Could have just gone with that.

5 hours later 28274474 Anonymous
>>28274195 >>28274282 Got it. Won't even mention Robinhood in the general. Its late so I'll make one first thing in the morning. Or one of you can just copy and paste what I wrote. Either works for me.

5 hours later 28274528 Anonymous
What the ATH price is gonna be this time? 3k?

5 hours later 28274596 Anonymous

5 hours later 28274629 Anonymous (proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg 600x600 30kB)
>>28274528 >3k breh you're lucky it gets to $300 before a massive dump

5 hours later 28275017 Anonymous
>>28273607 I like it mate, when I have time I will stop in to post on the general. Digital gold had its time, now it is digital silver’s turn to shine!

5 hours later 28275107 Anonymous
>>28273607 This is a good start, thanks anon.

5 hours later 28275148 Anonymous (I_AM_GOD.jpg 1440x1089 314kB)
>>28252323 xtz will be new btc https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fz23 LXt5OQuf/

5 hours later 28275579 Anonymous (HODL Lite.png 1536x1152 2424kB)
>>28272614 Will Niggerwimble and flare drop do any good for the price in this cycle?

5 hours later 28275829 Anonymous (1609204384444.png 760x792 60kB)

5 hours later 28275898 Anonymous
>>28275579 Not this cycle. If Wimble manages to launch its debit card this will benefit LTC Q2 2022

6 hours later 28275990 Anonymous
This thing is dropping like a rock

6 hours later 28276048 Anonymous
>>28275990 Good

6 hours later 28276227 Anonymous
>>28276048 I set a limit order at 181, who thinks it's gonna drop that low tomorrow?

6 hours later 28276420 Anonymous
>>28274629 Last time it was about 400$. It must go higher.

6 hours later 28276583 Anonymous
LTC is never going to make it mid to long term. Bitcoin has the name recognition, and a ton of other coins are cheaper and faster to actually use. Litecoin prices always float a bit after Bitcoin pumps because normies see it mentioned in articles that were written 3 years ago and think it actually has value.

6 hours later 28276941 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210210-015455_Chrome.jpg 1440x2048 264kB)
>>28276420 Volume is about to surpass market cap which is extremely bullish since the market is up. Coins have changed hands into a new level of profit seekers. This thing is primed for take off

6 hours later 28277010 Anonymous
>>28276583 Newfag detected. Litecoin has stayed within a range of Bitcoin's price since its inception and has done better than the vast majority of alts. There's a reason for this.

3.499 0.239