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2021-02-09 02:54 28191156 Anonymous (1612737277488.jpg 1015x1024 86kB)
>Mom gifts me $500
>Wanna make her proud and buy crypto
>Already lost $100
>Feeling awful with a sinking feel in my stomach
>Don't even wanna tell her
>Wanna kms
I just need a hug right now
6 min later 28191512 Anonymous
sorry anon
remember your mother loves you and wouldn't want you to feel bad over her gift
just try to learn from your mistakes and keep improving
9 min later 28191640 Anonymous
Lol chill out dude, you're gonna double your money in a week, if you bought the right things
Crypto is fucked, just ride the waves.
10 min later 28191721 Anonymous
This. What did you buy?
11 min later 28191778 Anonymous
As long as you didn't buy doge you are fine
12 min later 28191835 Anonymous
13 min later 28191850 Anonymous
13 min later 28191886 Anonymous (1591171299549.png 746x512 101kB)
You'll be alright, fren. Just don't give up.
14 min later 28191903 Anonymous
Why would u buy that bruh
14 min later 28191925 Anonymous
I'm going hard on ADA, like 80%
Then 10% BTC and 10% ETH
Lots of little coins worth checking out though
Nobody really knows though, just have fun
14 min later 28191947 Anonymous (cryingfren.png 654x527 47kB)
Ethereum at the top then sold because someone said it was gonna crash because of CME, and now I feel scared buying more ethereum, I know I'm retarded
14 min later 28191950 Anonymous
The opposite happened with me. The two coins immediately both doubled in value. I would say hold. But you might have to end up dumping your own money into it and pretending that you made her money.
21 min later 28192368 Anonymous
It's harsh, but pretty much every single person on this board has been through the same. Just take this important lesson from it: You don't lose money until you sell. With a large, well-established coin like ETH, you want to just buy it and then forget about it. Don't install blockfolio, don't look at exchanges, just forget you have it. Come back in a year, congrats on your gains.
27 min later 28192831 Anonymous
This! Just buy and walk away, otherwise you'll go crazy
31 min later 28193110 Anonymous
How the fuck did you manage to lose $100 with just $500?!?!
34 min later 28193307 Anonymous
I'm that dumb
34 min later 28193333 Anonymous
35 min later 28193362 Anonymous
This, atleast you didn't buy a shitcoin which ensures you lost your money. This is actually some of the best advice. Just act like it doesn't exist but make sure you can access it when you need it and don't obsess over graphs. You're gonna be fine OP. Just pretend you bought a PC with it, because then it would really be gone.
46 min later 28194134 Anonymous (fat.png 3084x1920 610kB)
hold ur good coins fren
poor anons will still make it
50 min later 28194483 Anonymous
You are going to make it
58 min later 28195061 Anonymous
Do you think its too dumb to buy ethereum again, feels like its too late for me now
58 min later 28195084 Anonymous
Let me guess, it's been 2 hours since you bought?
1 hours later 28195520 Anonymous
Based XMR holder, what is the timeline of these screenshots?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ see what happens with your $500
1 hours later 28195868 Anonymous
How can you loose nearly 20% with coins that are all pumping ?
1 hours later 28196163 Anonymous
Any good coins right now? All I want now is to make my $100 back and have peace of mind
1 hours later 28196450 Anonymous
buying obvious pump and dump coins, after they already pumped
1 hours later 28196479 Anonymous
Because anons told me to do it last night and I didn't think people on /biz/ would lie to me. You are all very nice and smart people.
1 hours later 28196574 Anonymous
You are getting extremely attached to that money anon, the more emotionally attached you are the more prone you are to FOMO and panic selling which will only end up in losing more and more.
DYOR get into a project you think might be legit and pump in the future and forget about it.
1 hours later 28196588 Anonymous
Algorand is ready for a 5th wave, and can do an easy 5% maybe 10% if you're lucky
hbar is pretty much in the same setting, easy 10%
1 hours later 28196626 Anonymous
Just buy litecoin and hodl with discipline.
1 hours later 28196685 Anonymous
You just bought the wrong coin at the wrong time.
Just go all in into HOGE. just imagine when you can tell your mom, that you made it 1000x or something. She would be very proud, fren.
Ofc no financial advice. This is just what I would do.
1 hours later 28196777 Anonymous
Just leave it in ETH and don't sell. Ignore the fuders and faggots and just hold. That's literally all you have to do. Put the money back in and do nothing. Even a retard you like you can do nothing. Check back in a few months and you'll have your money back and then some. Unironically if you put your money in to the top cryptos on coinbase and just keep adding to it over the years you'll eventually have a lot of money. Just ignore the market undulations and all the bear faggots screaming that the sky is falling and the market is going to crash.
checked and op is retarded.
1 hours later 28196883 Anonymous
ok im gonna be honest you seem retarded
if you wanna make momma proud with your limited mental capacity do something with decent staking rewards like Tezos or ATOM, that way you'll make money for sure :)
1 hours later 28196888 Anonymous
Wrong attitude, that makes you chase your losses. I think you're right about ADA, just sit on it until end Feb and see what's going on, you should be well up by then.
1 hours later 28196918 Anonymous
How do you buy HOGE it's not on Binance or ProBit. Please help I am not clever.
1 hours later 28196938 Anonymous (5 Laws of Gold.png 512x765 392kB)
1 hours later 28197276 Anonymous
How did you lose money when all of them are booming
1 hours later 28197327 Anonymous (cmere bro.jpg 474x239 18kB)
we've all felt this
1 hours later 28197435 Anonymous
>How did you lose money
If he's like me, you throw your money into crypto that are clearly mooning.
1 hours later 28197481 Anonymous
Unfortunately that's not the case with crypto, understand how the cycles work. It's not as simple as set and forget
1 hours later 28197591 Anonymous
You are right, but hard not to get emotionally attached when that money was given to me by someone who doesn't make much to begin with, I just feel dumb and want to give the money back, I don't deserve it
1 hours later 28197722 Anonymous
its $500 you pussy
my portfolio fluctuates thousands upon thousands every minute
stay in your holds. dont touch it. it will go up eventually. and stop being a faggot
1 hours later 28197741 Anonymous
Patience bud. Don't start trading based on emotions, and don't stare at the charts on small scales. Make a plan and stick to it. If you're taking more of a risk on a swing trade or something, then spread your risk. Pick some to just hold. You can make that back easily.
1 hours later 28197858 Anonymous
Do way more research
Don’t sell with the daily fluctuations
Also, XRP
1 hours later 28197886 Anonymous
Don't get into crypto if you can't handle the volatility. It will go up and down a lot all the time, just hold ETH or BTC
1 hours later 28197918 Anonymous
you deserve it
stop being emotional
literally throw your feelings out the door with that $500. yes your mom loves you alot and YOU DESERVE to do what you want with the money.
wont you be more proud when you tell her you made $10,000 from the $500 she gave you?
stop being emotional
and thats the bottom line because stone cold said so
1 hours later 28199655 Anonymous
1 hours later 28199726 Anonymous
Dude 500 is nothing its like 5 blowjobs lmao
1 hours later 28199811 Anonymous
BTC,ADA,ETH,DOT,LINK are doing good right now but just don't buy high wait for the bottom of the dip
1 hours later 28199946 Anonymous (1610489322674.jpg 1024x784 389kB)
It's ok anon. Keep learning. Maybe buy yourself something nice, show her, then invest remaining?
1 hours later 28200079 Anonymous
Are you fucking retarded?? I bought harmony at 0.0086
Its STILL fucking pumping and shit all over the dumpers
If you bought last night it was at 0.017
Its over 2 cents and stable you nigger faggot
1 hours later 28200087 Anonymous
>feels like its too late for me now
1 hours later 28200197 Anonymous
>Are you fucking retarded??
wbu? can you not read IDs??
2 hours later 28200394 Anonymous (88f.jpg 604x516 31kB)
It's okay anon, you live and you learn. Don't do that pnd stuff if you're not super early and do some more research next time. 100 bucks is nothing next to some of the plebbit fags who lost their life savings.
2 hours later 28201482 Anonymous
$100 is my shits and giggles investment money a month. Oddball stocks or random coin. Some go no where, others go up slightly so a collection together is a big push I can put elsewhere later. A few took off but not by much.
SNDL is my shits and giggles investment right now.
2 hours later 28202251 Anonymous (EtsHY-lVgAAdKq8.png 2048x1056 295kB)
Buy LTC , guarantee 3x by 30 days.
Or buy btc guaranteed 100k$ by the end of the year
3.249 0.102