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2021-02-09 02:38 28190236 Anonymous (624B9895-3F75-4EAA-9788-8A9A22D29B86.jpg 750x567 246kB)
>7 years ago You should have listened

0 min later 28190264 Anonymous
His bitcoin did sumn

1 min later 28190304 Anonymous
>>28190236 he sold all his bitcoins 1 week after posting dat video to africa

4 min later 28190483 Anonymous
I was just thinking of Davinci, this dude may sound crazy when he talks about predictions and shit but he has been able to see what's going to happen in the future since 2009, and this makes you think a bit because he might be right still now about what he's predicting for the future. He already predicted all this was going to happen, and now he's a rich as fuck millionaire because he bought in early and knew what was going to happen. What a chad

7 min later 28190668 Anonymous
>>28190236 He is based and redpilled. >>28190483 He is very high iq

7 min later 28190700 Anonymous

8 min later 28190710 Anonymous
shoouldve listened im braindead, NGMI

11 min later 28190900 Anonymous (1610375595931.jpg 1280x720 81kB)
why nobody told me about btc before, i am on the internet since 2008 and no one ever told me about until 2017, fuck myself

12 min later 28190945 Anonymous
Ya but hes a nigger

12 min later 28190973 Anonymous
>>28190900 wtf were you doing, it was shilled all the time by libertarians

13 min later 28191040 Anonymous
>>28190900 I'm only 22 and have seen so much and missed so much. I ended up getting fomoed into gme because I told myself I wouldn't miss this ride. I want to die

16 min later 28191203 Anonymous
>>28191040 there is an infinite amount of good trades left to be made. Stop being a fomo retard

18 min later 28191283 Anonymous
>>28191040 You will always be poor. I can tell by the way you type.

20 min later 28191411 Anonymous (1612532536514.png 715x706 1124kB)
I could have easily bought 1000 BTC in 2012, haha haha

22 min later 28191473 Anonymous
>>28190900 there were tons of threads in /b/ back in 2009-2012

31 min later 28191975 Anonymous
>>28190900 You weren't on 4chan then. I heard about Bitcoin, Eth, and Monero but I was 14 and had about $600 to my name, so I wasn't really able to throw down any money. Stopped browsing the chins for a while to at least try to be a normal person (which failed), so I kept crypto out of my mind until I heard about it again in 2017.

31 min later 28192029 Anonymous
>>28190236 He was only shilling his bags back then.

33 min later 28192115 Anonymous (1611094912771.png 870x616 72kB)
>>28191975 To clarify, I'm of age right now so don't get me b&

37 min later 28192402 Anonymous
>>28190236 I had a teacher back in 2010 who told the whole class that we should save 10% of the money we make from summer jobs etc in bitcoin, and not to sell it for 10 years, no matter how much it would be valued. My cousin goes to that same school now, and oddly enough he doesn't teach computer science there anymore.

42 min later 28192736 Anonymous (1604604453843.jpg 263x268 24kB)
>>28192402 >and oddly enough he doesn't teach computer science there anymore.

48 min later 28193211 Anonymous
>>28191411 I remember my online friends and I sending dozens of btc to each other as jokes

53 min later 28193521 Anonymous
>>28191040 You're just starting life, you whiny little bitch.

54 min later 28193596 Anonymous
>>28191975 fucking lol this is exactly what happened with me

56 min later 28193709 Anonymous
>>28192402 good for him

57 min later 28193791 Anonymous
>>28191203 Exactly, dont get this mentality. I sold hundreds of btc because at the time, I legitimately believed they weren't going places. Doesn't stop me from x10 or x20 my money today.

57 min later 28193795 Anonymous
>>28192736 I wonder how many kids in his class got filthy rich because they listened to him and bought BTC

59 min later 28193939 Anonymous
my roommate built a miner in 2012 and i thought he was crazy. also i was too poor working my minimum wage labtech job kek

1 hours later 28194067 Anonymous
I knew Bitcoin from all the Deep Web Stories from 2014. I thought only Pedophiles and contract Killers use Bitcoin.

1 hours later 28194159 Anonymous
>>28191411 this pic looks like the most miserable and most comfy time at once

1 hours later 28194216 Anonymous
BTC wasnt all that great before 2020 of March

1 hours later 28194308 Anonymous
>>28193596 It's a little painful to think about how if I was born about five years earlier, I could be set for life right now, but I don't focus and stew on it too much. Honestly, I probably would have been one of those guys who sold their crypto for a car when it could have been worth a house. However, I know that because I tend to be ahead of the curve other opportunities to enrich myself will present themselves. I certainly pay more attention to what 4chan has to say now.

1 hours later 28194384 Anonymous
>>28190900 >>28191040 Well don't make the same mistake twice. Buy that sweet BTC or whatever and hold instead of panicking over every /biz/ thread

1 hours later 28194409 Anonymous (1606155349143.webm 496x480 1026kB)
>>28193939 i need to contact ur roommate mate

1 hours later 28194436 Anonymous
>>28190236 Or maybe you should've worked really hard for 7 years or started a company.

1 hours later 28194560 Anonymous (1553485029355.png 420x420 9kB)
>>28190973 Libertarians will have the last laugh

1 hours later 28194587 Anonymous
>>28190900 I was a dumb Highschooler in 2014 when I came on this site and everyone was shilling it. I wanted to buy, and I read all the threads I just didn’t know how

1 hours later 28194633 Anonymous
>>28190900 Bitcoin threads were being spammed on /b/ and /pol/ in 2011-2012 by people using it to buy drugs and Ron Paul lolbertarians saying it would replace the USD. If you were here there is no fucking way you could have missed it. So you only have yourself to blame for not buying.

1 hours later 28194657 Anonymous
>>28194436 man this advice is like a holy grail you should keep it to urself yknow, dont tell anyone about it ur being too altruistic

1 hours later 28194670 Anonymous
>>28190900 Don't worry bud, I've been on 4chan since 2008 and I somehow missed any of the threads of information regarding crypto until 2018. While you missed the get rich quick part of the market you're not too late to get in on the get rich slowly part, we're very close to crypto becoming useful and the market stabilizing for good.

1 hours later 28194674 Anonymous
>>28194159 It looks like an ear infection

1 hours later 28194873 Anonymous
I thought bitcoin was a bubble and also loathed it and wished it crashed for the gpu prices to return to normal.

1 hours later 28195118 Anonymous
>>28194873 When did you realize you were wrong and finally enter? I hope it was before the 2017 bullrun.

1 hours later 28195255 Anonymous
>>28190900 Its been talked about on 4chan since the very beginning, newfaggot.

1 hours later 28195342 Anonymous
>>28190236 He posted a video telling normies to buy atleast 200$ now to get rich next. And normies still doesn't buy why are they retarded

1 hours later 28195414 Anonymous
>>28190900 Be happy. Imagine being one of the people who knew about it and did nothing, like me. I got on the SIlk Road back in 2010 or so (I was into the "dark corners of the internet" stuff, like 4Chan and gore sites), and wanted to try out LSD (I was just interested in the effects and did my research, kids). There were sellers and they wanted some weird "Bitcoin" as payment. I looked it up, I got on the exchanges. I read about the wallets required, but in the end, I decided to not pursue all this. Paying 50 bucks for some hundred fancy made-up "internet coins" ? Nah, that seemed too fishy and stupid. I abandoned this endeavor. No regrets, though, regrets are pointless. Had i bought some, I would also have bought the LSD, and maybe it would've made me a schizo and I would've ended up jumping off a roff or shooting up a mall or whatever. Still kinda funny how such a little thing had at least the potential to make you a multimillionaire.

1 hours later 28195453 Anonymous
>>28191473 >>28191975 lol same but I was like 16 or 17 when I started seeing threads on /b/ about it..unfortunately I decided to spend my time & money on getting fucked up with friends instead of buying BTC or learning how to mine. I also remember asking my dad (who's a pretty succesful financial advisor) if he'd heard about BTC around 2016 or so and he literally laughed at me. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20.

1 hours later 28195527 Anonymous (1597155831279.png 414x410 322kB)
>>28195118 Last month

1 hours later 28195542 Anonymous
>>28191040 el em ayy oh retard

1 hours later 28195618 Anonymous
>>28195414 >No regrets, though, regrets are pointless This is the right mindset. Would have, could have, should have is only going to send you down the path of misery. Nobody can foresee the future. We can just learn from our previous mistakes and attempt to use that knowledge today in order to better our lives.

1 hours later 28196007 Anonymous
>>28195527 Please don't tell me you've been on 4chan for years, watching as everybody around you got rich. I always felt extremely fucking sorry for those anons.

1 hours later 28196996 Anonymous
>>28196007 Yes, but then again I didn't have income of my own until about 3 years ago so I'd have probably pussied out of the earlier cycles.

1 hours later 28197201 Anonymous
>>28190236 I was only two years old

1 hours later 28197889 Anonymous (729cb81b8f850992.jpg 825x469 98kB)
>>28190900 >knew about BTC in 2010 >was 12 >poor af >parents didn't want to give me money for it >start working in uncle's store over summer >get 400 $ >want to use some of it to buy BTC >my father took the money to pay for some repair on his car >never paid it back >fast-forward to 2014 >still a poorfag, mostly forgot about BTC >uncle starts accepting BTC as a payment method (I had told him in 2010, he read something about it the news) >BTC was about 700 $ >he got a bunch of it >sold it immediate because "it's a bubble" and "avoiding taxes is enough" >2017 >they all blame me for not telling them sooner >2020 >lost my job, couldn't buy at 4000 $ >2021 living paycheck to paycheck, only have 500 $ in my portfolio

1 hours later 28198479 Anonymous
>>28197889 Yep it's a shame how many opportunities we lost because we just weren't old enough. We probably won't get an opportunity quite like Bitcoin for another decade or so

1 hours later 28198611 Anonymous (F6FDFED9-A2EA-4747-AF61-F01C3AC67DB7.gif 228x243 828kB)
>>28197889 Fuck bro tell me about it. I knew about this shit for way too long to only have a couple thousand dollars to show for it. I was mining doge in 2014. What stinks the most is a quit my job and 2015 to start my own company. Before I quit I was spending a couple hundred dollars a month on crypto. After I quit I had no money to invest., what stings the most is if I just kept my job and kept investing like I was planning I could probably retire right now.

1 hours later 28198670 Anonymous
>>28190900 This. But I heard about bitcoin but I had no idea how to buy it, my friend got 100$ worth on like a usb stick and used it to buy drugs off silkroad. thankfully he killed himself before it took off so he didn't have to see this

1 hours later 28198906 Anonymous
>>28198479 when i was 12 i thought i missed the opportunity of a lifetime for being too young (web bubble) then again when i was 20 (2007 crash and cheap houses) but i had no capital widespread once-in-a-lifetime opportunities come roughly every 7 years, often tied to crisis times. there's something happening right now that will seem obvious in retrospect

2 hours later 28199046 Anonymous
>>28191040 You'll never be up on all trades you make unless this is your only one. Fuck GME, you learned, you lost. Buy some shitcoin now, get thrilled to see your money triple. Buy another shitcoin, get bogged. Repeat the cycle.

2 hours later 28199690 Anonymous
>>28198906 Imo it is precious metals. Inflation is coming. You can probably also make good money buying as much ammo as possible then reselling it at peak hysteria. The bullet scheme would work better if you started at the beginning of the pandemic, though.

2 hours later 28199765 Anonymous
tfw when only 1 btc, should have listened

2 hours later 28199984 Anonymous
>>28199690 Wtf no just buy crypto you retard have you even been reading anything ITT?

2 hours later 28200181 Anonymous
>>28190236 This guy streams on twitch btw.

2 hours later 28200262 Anonymous (EtgaKYEWYAYNzuK.png 202x107 2kB)
>>28191040 There are an infinite number of ways to make money you can miss. There will be another one. Don't FOMO.

2 hours later 28200413 Anonymous
>>28190236 >lets feel sad thread shutup anon i dont need this

2 hours later 28200482 Anonymous
>>28190236 I didn't even have internet then

2 hours later 28200672 Anonymous
>>28190236 I bought Safex instead and i am financially ruined. Should i listen that guy instead of buying a scam

2 hours later 28200911 Anonymous
>>28199765 For /biz/raelis who are late to the party, the key is finding the next ETH. People in 2017 were already late, so LINK became their vessel to make up for being late. This time it seems to stand between AVAX and GRT.

2 hours later 28200950 Anonymous
>>28194409 lol she lifts off from Europe and plants an Indian flag

2 hours later 28201114 Anonymous
>>28191040 im 22 and only bought gme for the memes im making a fat profit on doge, parsiq, and rubic lol

2 hours later 28201210 Anonymous
>>28194560 Only if laughing gas is used when they get removed from the gene pool. Total cuck shit to be libertarian.

2 hours later 28201350 Anonymous
>>28190236 how do I turn back time

2 hours later 28201383 Anonymous (maki ancap.png 840x671 404kB)
>>28201210 >statist bootlicker calling other people cucks Enjoy working 80 hour weeks until you're 90 years old working for federal reserve notes you wannabe slave

2 hours later 28202050 Anonymous (1587650975647.jpg 774x850 95kB)
>>28201383 Based

2 hours later 28202231 Anonymous (ygOFWK8TDhE.jpg 1200x800 252kB)
>>28202050 and snekpilled

2 hours later 28202516 Anonymous (iamwhatsneeded.png 1476x1804 441kB)
>>28202231 I like you

2 hours later 28202659 Anonymous
>>28197889 Boomers ruining the economy, as usual.

2 hours later 28202780 Anonymous
>>28192402 >Teaches comp science >invested in btc 10 years ago Say no more senpai, he totally made it

2 hours later 28203084 Anonymous
>>28198906 >>28198479 >>28197889 this. When it was at 300 bucks I bought weed for my sister but I really did not have any disposable money because I grew up in a poorfag household. What is the next OIAL opportunity gonna be?

2 hours later 28203184 Anonymous (gilded.jpg 1200x659 137kB)
>>28202516 psst... come hang out in our discord discord DOT gg M69AZ9NY

2 hours later 28203191 Anonymous
I used to buy drugs with 0.2-5 BTC. Like 1-5g of weed. Police seized the site I used, I still remember I had like 0.2BTC just chilling there because the withdraw limit was fucked.

3 hours later 28204803 Anonymous
>>28198906 precious metals

3 hours later 28204925 Anonymous
>>28203184 you know the gilded age wasn't called that because they had gold right?

3 hours later 28205297 Anonymous
>>28204925 I am aware.

3 hours later 28205322 Anonymous
>>28199046 This. I've pulled x's in just a few months and I'm holding bags on lots of stuff, sold for plenty of losses. I'm clearly not awesome at this but in this market a few good trades will more than offset the shitty trades

3 hours later 28205331 Anonymous (1611951744598.jpg 720x405 32kB)
>>28192402 Holy fucking based

3 hours later 28205395 Anonymous
Who else got there first bitcoin from gaiaonline surveys?

3 hours later 28205542 Anonymous
>>28200911 Are you retarded? GRT is not the same thing at all.

3 hours later 28205936 Anonymous
>>28205542 >I'm holding bags on lots of stuff, sold for plenty of losses. I'm clearly not awesome at this You can shove your inexperienced opinion up your fucking ass. I was here for the ETH threads in 2016 and the LINK threads in 2017, and I got in on both. GRT has massive potential.

3 hours later 28206366 Anonymous (bye.png 1000x1000 492kB)
>>28201210 Give me liberty or give me death Also dilate

3 hours later 28206414 Anonymous
>>28190236 I was 14 :(

3 hours later 28206420 Anonymous
>>28205297 BASED

3 hours later 28206458 Anonymous
>>28190236 I bought 8 years ago. To buy weed lmao.

3 hours later 28206497 Anonymous
>>28190900 I knew of BTC Since 2009 or 2010. I've missed so many opportunities.

3 hours later 28206607 Anonymous (1604505214737.png 719x875 875kB)

3 hours later 28206785 Anonymous (1605885089899.jpg 750x768 88kB)
>>28190900 I knew about BTC since 2010 and I remember falling for fud from an online friend whom I respected - he mocked dip as "oh no muh monopoly money" and so I believed for years that BTC is nothing.

3 hours later 28207167 Anonymous
>>28190668 >hes whiteknighting a nigger go back to /r/eddit u big cucked triple faggot

3 hours later 28207673 Anonymous
>>28190900 >WHY id kek

3 hours later 28207847 Anonymous
>>28190236 That is a white man, even whiter than your average white man.

3 hours later 28208255 Anonymous
>>28192402 Absolutely fucking based.

3 hours later 28208338 Anonymous
>>28201383 >Enjoy working 80 hour weeks until you're 90 years old working for federal reserve notes you wannabe slave sounds like lolbertarianism

3 hours later 28208342 Anonymous
>>28191411 Fuck I wish this was me

3 hours later 28208521 Anonymous
>>28206420 cringe

3 hours later 28208532 Anonymous (1609902038368.jpg 623x472 49kB)
>>28208338 >sounds like lolbertarianism lmao it's the exact opposite read a book you bootlicking retard keep sucking cock for fed reserve notes lal

3 hours later 28208616 Anonymous
>>28190236 >>28190236 everyone loves to hate on him but instead of hating they should have been listening to him when this shit was 10 dollars.

3 hours later 28208718 Anonymous
I never get these rants. You faggots, if you ever happened to buy 100btc back in the day you'd have sold the very fucking moment it hit 1k, why do you lie to yourself.

3 hours later 28208824 Anonymous
>>28191411 The hardest part is to hold it for the rest of your life.

3 hours later 28208870 Anonymous (0.jpg 236x177 4kB)
>looked up how to mine bitcoin in ~2011 >decided I couldnt be fucked with it >watched porn instead

3 hours later 28208893 Anonymous
>>28192402 sick probably at the very least mid 8 figures net worth now could easily be more

3 hours later 28209151 Anonymous
>>28208718 I had exactly 232 BTC. I used it to buy LSD on silk road. Honestly if I still had it I would have sold it when it reached a couple thousand USD anyway.

3 hours later 28209320 Anonymous
>>28190900 I remember starting uni in 2013 and talking with some guys about bitcoin when the price was rising and how i wish I bought some earlier, but I still didn't buy any at either until 2017. to be fair I was a poorfag student it's not like I was gonna be a millionaire from it and definitely would have sold after I made a few thousand off of it, which is exactly what I did in 2017

3 hours later 28209353 Anonymous
>>28190900 and now you're gonna miss out on AI Space Longevity

3 hours later 28209433 Anonymous
>>28190236 literally had 50% say buy 50% say dont buy >should have listened yeah guess ill take the crazy dude yelling on the street about the end of the world seriously then

3 hours later 28209606 Anonymous
>2013 >find out about BTC >tell me it's too late to jump on the wagon >same thing in 2015 >same in 2017 >same in 2019 Not letting the train pass this time, bought 3k$ of it, and holding, we'll see where the train goes.

29.285 0.154