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2021-02-09 11:56 28182132 Anonymous >4 figures hell (wojak_disheveled2.jpg 218x247 15kB)
No one has it worse than us

1 min later 28182202 Anonymous (1484458635367.jpg 346x450 22kB)
>3 figure hell

2 min later 28182230 Anonymous
2 digit hell here life is pain

2 min later 28182265 Anonymous
>5 figure hell So close to real money, yet too much to gamble on

3 min later 28182292 Anonymous
>5 digit hell Feels the same as 4 figure hell. Long road til 6 figure hell.

3 min later 28182301 Anonymous
>>28182202 Same

3 min later 28182305 Anonymous
>>28182202 Yup

4 min later 28182319 Anonymous (1612711659255.jpg 399x400 15kB)
I think 5 figures hell is worse. I went from 3k to 20k very smoothly but now I'm scared to lose all my gains

4 min later 28182333 Anonymous
>>28182202 >>28182301 >get a job >receive 4 figures every week Wow that was hard

4 min later 28182340 Anonymous
>>28182132 losing all hope is freedom

4 min later 28182350 Anonymous
I'm went from 4 to 3 kek

5 min later 28182367 Anonymous
>>28182132 I'm at the limbo between 4 and 5 figures, every fucking dump I go back to 4

5 min later 28182381 Anonymous
>>28182319 Only put half of it in investments

5 min later 28182384 Anonymous
come to 5 figure hell. look at what suterusu can do

6 min later 28182416 Anonymous
>>28182202 How does this happen

6 min later 28182420 Anonymous
1 digit hell is seeing 100%+ of your capital go to fees. Pray for our retarded brothers

6 min later 28182426 Anonymous
>6 figure hell >too much to gamble or all in with >cant over diversify or death by 30298293 cuts >aids when i buy in or sell off even a portion of holdings because it causes too much price movement if i do it all at once >well at least i can buy stupid shit while i wait

6 min later 28182429 Anonymous
>>28182333 You think ima finna finish college. That’s some broke ass nigga shiet

6 min later 28182436 Anonymous
>>28182333 ahahahhahHAHHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahH AHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHhahahahahahahah

7 min later 28182451 Anonymous (1612709918033.jpg 710x674 58kB)
>>28182381 But then I would reduce my upside potential

7 min later 28182463 Anonymous
>>28182350 based

7 min later 28182481 Anonymous
Just broke 5 digits a week ago. Feels good

8 min later 28182494 Anonymous (1599557657634.jpg 676x370 14kB)
>>28182132 >4 figures >just enough money to 'really' invest on something >But always haunted by the lost opportunity cost FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCK! If i had More money to invest all my gains would have been actually meaningful amounts! FUUUUCK!

8 min later 28182495 Anonymous
>>28182333 haha yeah bro just go to the job place and grab one of them there 52k yearly jorbs right off the ole job shelf haha ez pz

8 min later 28182522 Anonymous (1607586996708.jpg 640x415 166kB)
>start with 10 $ >manage to climb up to 1200 in a year by gambling on Uniswap PnD scamcoins >lose 900 $ on a PnD >back to 400 $ >now can't trust any project and can't trust myself to do the right thing and not fuck it up >so haven't bought anything in the past month >missed BAO >missed RBC >missed DOGE >missed XRP pump >could be in the 100k territory by doing the right movements at the right time Why live?

10 min later 28182587 Anonymous
>>28182495 52k is actually ezzz u retard. That’s help desk

10 min later 28182599 Anonymous
>>28182265 Just broke into low 5 figure hell. Just trying to keep it there for now and tread water until something pops up.

11 min later 28182642 Anonymous
>>28182495 >>28182436 >>28182429 Seething poor fags making excuses. A tale as old as time

13 min later 28182713 Anonymous
>>28182132 one in every five households in America has a zero or negative net worth - imagine their hell.

13 min later 28182721 Anonymous
>>28182642 >just go in and give the employer a firm handshake

14 min later 28182749 Anonymous
>>28182132 Link Marines are pretty close up there

15 min later 28182783 Anonymous
>>28182202 > 2 figure hell anon

15 min later 28182805 Anonymous
>>28182132 6 figure hell is much worse. You lose $5K its no big deal. You lose $500K you’re fucked. But if you cash out $500K you’re still nowhere near making it. So you have to fucking hold knowing that you could seriously damage your life by being so greedy

15 min later 28182812 Anonymous
>>28182451 But at least you don't risk getting wiped out that way

15 min later 28182813 Anonymous
>>28182333 What sort of reality are you loving in where the average person can just waltz into a job paying 4 figures a week? I work full time and barely pull in 4 figures per month. I know I'm probably at the bottom of the ladder here, but the point is that 4 figure per week jobs are not just there for the taking.

16 min later 28182853 Anonymous
>>28182721 Just do literally any job and don’t be a faggot and you’ll get promoted quickly Or stay on 4chan and cry

16 min later 28182861 Anonymous
>>28182132 6 figures hell is the worst, it's a good bit of cash but won't really change your life massivley, also the rift between 7 figures and 6 is huge

17 min later 28182895 Anonymous
Poo poo pee pee

17 min later 28182897 Anonymous
>>28182333 >receive 4 figures every week Thats not how it works at all retard

17 min later 28182909 Anonymous
>>28182813 >4 figures a month I literally hire high schoolers that make more than you

18 min later 28182929 Anonymous
gambled away half of my 4 figure hell on stinky MILK coins. can start from the bottom again.

18 min later 28182956 Anonymous
>>28182897 >makes 3 figures a week (maybe) >calling anyone a retard Ok

21 min later 28183074 Anonymous
>>28182812 I'd rather be wiped out than miss out on gains, but I'm also risk adverse

22 min later 28183140 Anonymous
>>28182909 What job? I need to get better job.

23 min later 28183155 Anonymous
Just escaped 4 figure hell yesterday. Feels really fucking good

23 min later 28183161 Anonymous
>>28182813 I make $12/hr, which I know is shit, but still much more than some make. What kind of job are you hiring high schoolers that pay more than that? You are either: A) Lying - most probable since this is 4chan B) Telling the truth, but making them do work that is probably illegal for high school students Or C) Telling the truth, but live in one of those super cucked areas where you have to make like $15/hr to even live at the poverty line because even a bottle of water is like $3. Literally no employer is just handing out jobs that pay more than that to high school kids without there being more to the picture than meets the eye.

25 min later 28183247 Anonymous
You filthy poorfags the only real hell is the 6 figure hell

26 min later 28183296 Anonymous
>caring about digits instead of percentages Never going to make it.

27 min later 28183332 Anonymous
>>28182956 It is retarded

28 min later 28183388 Anonymous
>>28182333 >>get a job are you aware what board you using right now? also wasted digits on shit post fuck you faggot

29 min later 28183427 Anonymous
>>28182956 kek based

29 min later 28183452 Anonymous
>>28182132 >>28182202 >>28182230 >>28182301 >>28182350 >>28182783 Get a job unironically. I’ve done everything from roof gutter cleaning to park hotdog selling to make money to dca into crypto. Yes I know I’m gonna make it.

30 min later 28183504 Anonymous
>>28183161 I pay hostesses $15/hr. Minimum wage is over $12/hr in my state

32 min later 28183565 Anonymous
>>28182132 Went from 3 to 4, pretty comfy so far

33 min later 28183646 Anonymous (1612624931101.jpg 1439x1806 1075kB)
>>28182202 Likewise

35 min later 28183721 Anonymous
>>28183504 Oh okay, so it was option C. You live in a super cucked state where in order to be able to even breathe clean air you have to make like $25/hr. People where I live make less per hour but the cost of living is a fraction of yours too. $12/hr is still shit though. Working on improving myself and market value though. Hopefully wont be in three figure hell too much longer kek.

36 min later 28183752 Anonymous (1607895129645.jpg 1024x822 52kB)
I got into 5 figures yesterday frens!

42 min later 28184012 Anonymous
>>28183721 Yeah it sucks but you can also game it if you’re able to have low COL and negotiate pay raises / OT or work remotely. My point is more that having 3 figure net worth and complaining about it is pathetic when you can reasonably get one or two paychecks to break from it. The take away should be that it’s more important to increase income than it is worry about shitcoins

44 min later 28184117 Anonymous
That Binance P&D group has actually got my out of the 4 figure hell

1 hours later 28184929 Anonymous
>>28184117 OK, I'll bite. Which Binance P&D group?

1 hours later 28184932 Anonymous
>>28182132 I started in 4 figures a month ago, now I'm in 5 figures. You're just retarded.

1 hours later 28185006 Anonymous
>>28182522 learn some TA my dude

1 hours later 28185138 Anonymous
>>28183074 Also if there's a large market correction you would have money to put in, INCREASING your potential for gains.

1 hours later 28185216 Anonymous
>>28183296 Yep, I got 10,000% on my .001 cents Thank God I don't have to worry about bills anymore /s

1 hours later 28185357 Anonymous
>>28182132 Well if you play your cards right, at the EOY you might be in 5 figures. I’ve never understood why people in 4-5 figs moan so much it’s literally THAT fucking easy.

1 hours later 28185393 Anonymous

1 hours later 28185403 Anonymous
>>28184932 gg/MAGxt6ycmW

1 hours later 28185504 Anonymous (cringelord.gif 500x189 508kB)
>>28182132 >8 figure hell I don't know what car to buy and what mansion

1 hours later 28185530 Anonymous
Im close to entering 6 figure limbo. Im very thankful for the opportunity

1 hours later 28185842 Anonymous
>>28182202 How did you afford that gun?

1 hours later 28185950 Anonymous (093AF293-20CB-45A2-8335-F82413DCB691.jpg 460x306 36kB)
>floating in debt since my early 20s

1 hours later 28187065 Anonymous
>>28182522 Loses are a part of the game. You knew you were doing risky stuff. >>28183752 Congratulations friend

1 hours later 28187199 Anonymous
>>28185504 Nor do you know how to spell or larp well.

1 hours later 28187328 Anonymous (1612385434440.png 378x357 83kB)
>>28187199 Got a reaction out of a sperg, that's all I needed.

1 hours later 28187389 Anonymous
I want to be in 7figure hell

1 hours later 28187564 Anonymous
>>28184012 When you're physically very ugly, nobody hires you Just admit that not everyone was born with your obviously gifted social talents

1 hours later 28187600 Anonymous
>4 figures he’ll >put it all on HOGE >5 figures already

1 hours later 28187748 Anonymous (0537D3AF-7431-49B7-9E0C-88E6CABD5AA4.jpg 191x263 10kB)
>>28182132 3 figures hell here

2 hours later 28187994 Anonymous
I'll be in mid-five figure hell this year from my contributions alone. It's hard to put the money on moonshots to truly make it without a strong portfolio already. I know new investors need to be aggressive but the whole point is to build and retain wealth and chasing PnD moons can put you red very quickly. Since any losses are compounded by opportunity cost it seems more profitable to work on building a strong portfolio with reliable gains (for crypto) and then start to dabble with shitcoin moon missions. I feel like I need to be in a position where losing 3k on a shitcoin gamble isn't going to massively thwart my overall progress. Idk maybe I'm just a pussy who doesn't want to gamble outright just yet.

2 hours later 28188050 Anonymous
>>28183074 >I'd rather be wiped out than miss out on gains Based, me too

2 hours later 28188082 Anonymous
>low 5 digits hell seems like I'll spend quite some time here

2 hours later 28188687 Anonymous (fat.png 3084x1920 610kB)
>>28182132 dont worry anon keep grinding

2 hours later 28188772 Anonymous (1551930547496.gif 840x514 71kB)
>>28185006 Testicle Angling? Sorry I'm acronym illiterate.

2 hours later 28188930 Anonymous
>>28182132 >1 figure hell

2 hours later 28188965 Anonymous (+_b99ee996e1b36b19893badf28af56740.jpg 207x479 29kB)

2 hours later 28188967 Anonymous
>>28182813 >16/h at a call center with no requirements Just do call centers

2 hours later 28189032 Anonymous
>>28182132 >low 7 figure hell just one more trade to make it

2 hours later 28189236 Anonymous
>>28188967 >16/h at a call center Unless you're working over 60 hours a week you aren't making 4 figures, also would need close to 80 to break it with tax.

2 hours later 28189432 Anonymous (1610609371223.jpg 482x427 41kB)
>>28182132 3,000 USD worth in crypto

2 hours later 28189560 Anonymous
I wish I had someone that could teach me what to fucking do in the first place.

2 hours later 28190063 Anonymous
>32 this year >2000$ in crypto >rest in cash there is no tunnel. only light

2 hours later 28190588 Anonymous
>>28182909 >Be in highschool >Get a part time job >Pays 12 figures a week >Still can't afford bread Such is life on venezuela

2 hours later 28190792 Anonymous
>>28188687 >soul >soulless They really fucked up the interface.

2 hours later 28190951 Anonymous
Absolute faggots in here. Take your 2 and 3 figures and put it all in HOGE before it hits coingecko and blockfolio. 800k marketcap. A x10 is still under 10m. Honestly it's so fucking easy and you're all sitting here feeling sorry for yourselves

2 hours later 28191140 Anonymous
>>28184117 How do you profit off of those? By the time they reveal the coin and I buy in(around 20-30 seconds altogether) it’s already dumping

2 hours later 28191199 Anonymous
>>28182132 >imagine needing a x100 just to be in 6 figure hell

2 hours later 28191252 Anonymous
>>28182813 why hang out with weirdos if you think you're average? just go back to whatever normalfag place, you'll likely be happier amongst your kind

3 hours later 28191400 Anonymous
>>28182805 500k is enough for me to make it. I’m not an ugly retarded faggot I guess

3 hours later 28191561 Anonymous (5CCB56E8-9761-4D8C-98DF-9224701F5F94.jpg 480x480 67kB)
>>28182713 Exactly, boomer bible thumper in-laws bitched to my wife about me being in “fake money” ended up profiting 160k this year alone now they ask for money

3 hours later 28191633 Anonymous
>>28190951 How to buy?

6.662 0.131