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2021-02-09 08:34 28172639 Anonymous Who the FUCK did this? (10_10.jpg 918x720 168kB)
Wew, lad. 10/10. Fucking TOP KEK.
1 min later 28172727 Anonymous
1 min later 28172733 Anonymous
Imagine being black and thinking all your money just vanished because of this notification lmao
2 min later 28172776 Anonymous
Not funny man, my heart sunk when I saw this
3 min later 28172831 Anonymous
Post hand
3 min later 28172833 Anonymous
4 min later 28172909 Anonymous
imagine thinking this is funny. with this one racist tweet you basically alienated the whole african-american consumer base. what a retarded prank and this is going to hurt crypto as no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
5 min later 28172943 Anonymous
i swear to fucking god if this causes a dump of some kind ill register on /pol/ immediately
5 min later 28172950 Anonymous
the obvious culprit are Twitter insiders.
6 min later 28172966 Anonymous
I'm mixed. And I think its hilarious. Reminds me of old 4chan
6 min later 28172972 Anonymous (2B2E9169-B1DE-4654-8948-7AB270CD3949.jpg 292x304 25kB)
6 min later 28172975 Anonymous
watch and learn nigger. your kind will defiantly buy our bags at every top for the entire year
6 min later 28172987 Anonymous
Shut up, nigger.
6 min later 28172991 Anonymous (Esx6hOdXIAAXtXF.jpg 378x378 19kB)
Fuck niggers
6 min later 28172994 Anonymous
>implying niggers have money to invest in the first place
6 min later 28173001 Anonymous
It’s hackers you faggot. No one was alienated and if this shit hurt your feelings you are sensitive as fuck. They could have wrote kill all whites and no one would give a shit. Literally rope.
6 min later 28173009 Anonymous
What's their entire net worth as a race?
Emphasis on net
Hint, it's negative
6 min later 28173014 Anonymous
Every single black person just pulled everything out of crypto because of this. Several coins dropped by as much as 1%. I hope you can live with that.
7 min later 28173019 Anonymous (soy.png 209x241 7kB)
I am black and this is fucking hilarious
7 min later 28173022 Anonymous
There will be Federal DOJ civil rights investigation into this because this country is retarded and gay
Just watch
7 min later 28173024 Anonymous
>you basically alienated the whole african-american consumer base
who cares
7 min later 28173029 Anonymous
If this causes a dump then that'd just mean everyone who has Bitcoin is a retard
7 min later 28173036 Anonymous (1612546080252.jpg 1024x779 206kB)
7 min later 28173064 Anonymous
why do we have to treat people of color like they're all fragile snowflakes? can't we please treat them as equals? so annoying.
it's fucking 2021 i'm pretty fucking sure they all know what the internet is and that people say mean words sometimes. they also know what a hack is.
7 min later 28173070 Anonymous
This is unironically better than anything wsb has done.
8 min later 28173082 Anonymous
8 min later 28173088 Anonymous
based and lightskinpilled
8 min later 28173105 Anonymous
8 min later 28173111 Anonymous
Crypto is for the white man only.
8 min later 28173125 Anonymous
>no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
wasn't going to anyway until we're able to buy iphones and yeezys with bitcoin or darkweb markets become much easier
8 min later 28173127 Anonymous
Dude if you quit crypto because someone trolled, why even live? Just kill yourself because you're too weak for this world.
8 min later 28173139 Anonymous
>is going to hurt crypto as no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
>no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
>no new money from blacks
I'm sorry that your Bitcone Stonk is dropping in value buy 1$
8 min later 28173141 Anonymous
only free gibs
9 min later 28173165 Anonymous
9 min later 28173169 Anonymous
9 min later 28173185 Anonymous
Don't you see it? the government want to FUD this so hard they're hacking blockfolio
9 min later 28173188 Anonymous
oh no we're fucked
9 min later 28173194 Anonymous (1605951643061.png 225x273 33kB)
>ayoo muh feelin be hurt, ya feel me all
10 min later 28173205 Anonymous (1596002637624.png 373x548 422kB)
>common guys
>it's 2021 racism shouldn't axist to dthis day anymore
Kys faggot
Fuck nigger
Fuck kikes
Fuck jannies
and fuck you
10 min later 28173227 Anonymous
But if blacks are as helpless and poor as the left insists they are, they don't really have anything to buy bitcoin with anyway so who cares.
11 min later 28173246 Anonymous
>new money
Africans don’t care and will continue to pump crypto
And Basketball Americans don't have any money
11 min later 28173256 Anonymous
this is good. crypto is for whites only
11 min later 28173258 Anonymous (tingtingting.jpg 1000x1000 94kB)
you forgot to make an announcement!
11 min later 28173271 Anonymous
It was probably those "chuckle squad" fellas, heard they rule the internet.
13 min later 28173347 Anonymous (1605852041438.jpg 750x599 85kB)
not like they know how to invest in the first place
13 min later 28173367 Anonymous (1611268055689.png 248x244 47kB)
>with this one racist tweet you basically alienated the whole african-american consumer base
So, like 10 people?
14 min later 28173409 Anonymous
This gave me a hearty kekkle. I hope the black people and niggers don't leave crypto
15 min later 28173492 Anonymous
So I shall do an afternouncement :
(white) Ladies and (white) Gentleman, please turn around to witness >>28173205
16 min later 28173521 Anonymous
imagine thinking this isn't funny you dense mofo
16 min later 28173523 Anonymous
That’s so funny that beggars still pray for mining conditions and old options with incredible gas fees. How dare are u???!
If you want to get income with crypto always try to find new systems that can solve cashflow problems. Join poolz and their NFT options with low-level fees and pools features. You will easily win with it, I tell u
16 min later 28173538 Anonymous
Post hand and I will kek
18 min later 28173600 Anonymous
Funny thing is this reminds me of the old internet when hackers did pranks instead of installing ransomware or going after your credit card details
19 min later 28173660 Anonymous
based. also mixed black/white is basically white.
19 min later 28173664 Anonymous (845261346175.png 731x196 46kB)
20 min later 28173735 Anonymous (7060B610-C5A7-4E59-801B-E89BEE70A41C.jpg 1024x780 59kB)
Top fucking kek
25 min later 28173950 Anonymous
>black people
> and niggers
my sides...
27 min later 28174053 Anonymous
28 min later 28174084 Anonymous (1595348084274.jpg 234x250 5kB)
29 min later 28174148 Anonymous
Let there be no illusions: we mean -all- of em
30 min later 28174169 Anonymous
Everyone knows 4chan is 90% black 5% mixed and 5% gay all larping as hwyte males
31 min later 28174231 Anonymous
racist scums and cucks et. al: the thread.
guess what? you're going to lose.
31 min later 28174239 Anonymous
31 min later 28174241 Anonymous
gr8 b8
32 min later 28174258 Anonymous
And we’re back, easy shake off they ngmi
33 min later 28174308 Anonymous
weird way of spelling nigger
34 min later 28174398 Anonymous
I have Ledger and XUMM on my iOS, am I fucked because of this shit?
38 min later 28174575 Anonymous
Just adding replies to this b8
39 min later 28174658 Anonymous
That guy must be a detective.
40 min later 28174691 Anonymous
same, then i went straight to /biz/ for some laughs
41 min later 28174729 Anonymous
the internet is back baby
42 min later 28174774 Anonymous
>believing it's hackers
at the slightest chance that it is they simply expressed the actual account owners' khazar-pilled mindset.
43 min later 28174810 Anonymous
imagine if the blockfolio hacker had followed the announcement format
43 min later 28174817 Anonymous (high testosterone.jpg 1920x1080 1171kB)
Ok, this is old school epic.
43 min later 28174826 Anonymous
put me in the screenshot
45 min later 28174920 Anonymous (1612850110335.jpg 709x546 286kB)
someone got liquidated and this activated the dead man's switch
46 min later 28174943 Anonymous (tinktink.jpg 1031x1200 96kB)
haha yeah... "imagine"
46 min later 28174964 Anonymous
nigger tongue my anus
47 min later 28175010 Anonymous
48 min later 28175041 Anonymous
i kek'd thinking about it
48 min later 28175043 Anonymous
Kek. I was just thinking about how much I hate blacks and their savagery, and the this coincidentially appears in my notifications. God is listening.
48 min later 28175062 Anonymous
Black people have money now??
Why are they still asking for mine then???
49 min later 28175093 Anonymous (c-wizzy.jpg 249x251 18kB)
Good bait but someone has to say it:
>having money
50 min later 28175136 Anonymous (1581532538403.png 500x303 65kB)
I know you are a leaf.
50 min later 28175161 Anonymous
This is a step too far /biz/. To make things right i'll invest some of my crypto profits into new lingerie for my black sugar baby.
51 min later 28175185 Anonymous
Good bait
51 min later 28175223 Anonymous (EtK2IadU0AA7KvT.jpg 828x1098 127kB)
>black people
>holding anything other than a physical frivolous expense and the n-word pass
52 min later 28175230 Anonymous (goobyplz.jpg 709x595 52kB)
>that link on the left
52 min later 28175264 Anonymous
that's hilarious. i bet it was something extremely dumb as well like unprotected end points
52 min later 28175271 Anonymous
52 min later 28175277 Anonymous (1540450339736.gif 129x111 53kB)
Abdurahman A Gugssa ... too good to be true
52 min later 28175278 Anonymous
>that ESL wording
based chinese hackers
54 min later 28175339 Anonymous
__ __ __ __ __ __
| |
54 min later 28175365 Anonymous
>black people will get angry
>they will keep buying even more stonks just to prove they're not afraid
>BTC is still going up
All good for me, I'll take the money.
54 min later 28175366 Anonymous
black man here
laughing my ass off right now
how can no one take a joke
55 min later 28175405 Anonymous
Niggers only care about money and getting rich like the apes they are, bait somewhere else nigger redditcuck
56 min later 28175435 Anonymous
>moses returned from the mountain with a push notification from god
I wish all retards who sold when seeing this notification
a very pleasant lose all your money
56 min later 28175442 Anonymous
"We need an explanation" is code for give me something for free.
58 min later 28175584 Anonymous
The normie programming got short-circuited
They lash out in fear, not knowing how their crypto stonk broker could say such things!
59 min later 28175596 Anonymous
hilarious and based, get the fucking niggers out
1 hours later 28175649 Anonymous
disgusting. the hacker who made should have hack Jack dorsey instead
1 hours later 28175757 Anonymous (Unx0jBLbK4Jj9KuxRBe614EH_small.jpg 263x263 17kB)
THREAD THEME: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QzWx 3oacqW0c/
1 hours later 28175995 Anonymous
ok, put me in sc
btc eoy2021 200k+
1 hours later 28176059 Anonymous
>african-american consumer base
They just spend our money anyways lol
1 hours later 28176239 Anonymous
.1 niggacoin this hack was bought and paid for by jewish stock controllers taking out frustration on crypto killing their stock world
1 hours later 28176349 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-004814_Brave.jpg 1080x2280 430kB)
Damn, linking my channel? Fucking based anon
1 hours later 28176415 Anonymous
nah, it would be a more realistic message to actually manipulate the market.
this was was just some clever shitposter
1 hours later 28176417 Anonymous
1 hours later 28176447 Anonymous
Based capitalist. Whoever did this is a juvenile leftie retard with a $50 portfolio. Hopefully my shitcoins aren't affected
1 hours later 28176542 Anonymous
Shit we just missed out on three cents of price action. until you can buy crypto with an EBT card niggers aren't contributing shit
1 hours later 28176548 Anonymous
Fuck off Pajeet
1 hours later 28176585 Anonymous
>Imagine being black
No way. The fucking horror!
1 hours later 28176633 Anonymous
N ?
1 hours later 28176662 Anonymous
This is fucking gold. Put me in the screen cap.
1 hours later 28176663 Anonymous
>imagine thinking Jews don't own a massive share of the crypto market as well.
1 hours later 28176736 Anonymous
still better than heroing in profits because of a robinhood glitch
1 hours later 28176829 Anonymous
>register on /pol/
You will what?
1 hours later 28176839 Anonymous
They are fucking retarded, anon
1 hours later 28176880 Anonymous
You're here? Based
1 hours later 28176882 Anonymous
Absolutely based. Your white half is why you're gonna make it
1 hours later 28176899 Anonymous
"Nba" in ID
1 hours later 28176907 Anonymous (1612808561770.png 2810x4096 182kB)
>based. also mixed black/white is basically white.
1 hours later 28176925 Anonymous
you are a nigger and you belong to Africa. you are a threat to the white race
1 hours later 28176927 Anonymous
He's going to make a /pol/ account and make a complaint that will go directly to Hitler's desk. The CEO of Racism will surely resign after this one.
1 hours later 28176986 Anonymous
He means he will make an account on www.pol.gov for his free clown suit. Part of the job detail
1 hours later 28177066 Anonymous
good catch anon
1 hours later 28177076 Anonymous
Getting into crypto was the best thing ive done in 5 years
1 hours later 28177086 Anonymous
I think you’re right. I’m going to increase my holdings on tattoos, malt liquor, cocaine, gold plated teef, nike, kfc, looting inc,, and private prisons. Surely these will all spike now with the mass exodus of ALL that money from crypto by the joggers
1 hours later 28177087 Anonymous
NBA id
1 hours later 28177158 Anonymous
Clearly successful bait
Well done
1 hours later 28177173 Anonymous (asawhiteman.png 726x207 23kB)
1 hours later 28177190 Anonymous (1597110559321.jpg 1200x832 88kB)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/aycM 8sommIU2/
1 hours later 28177211 Anonymous (A9648F80355C4714AAD114606E5DEAFF.jpg 304x305 27kB)
>no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
1 hours later 28177254 Anonymous
1 hours later 28177300 Anonymous
Anyone else open up blockfolio before knowing what was going on and have a fucking coronary? Me neither
1 hours later 28177304 Anonymous
1 hours later 28177312 Anonymous
Noooooo you should be offended!!
1 hours later 28177331 Anonymous (moonman.jpg 400x400 33kB)
>Damn, linking my channel? Fucking based anon
>You're here? Based
1 hours later 28177350 Anonymous
Fucking lol, /ourretard/
1 hours later 28177351 Anonymous
1 hours later 28177434 Anonymous
You can't buy crypto with food stamps anyway
1 hours later 28177537 Anonymous (EE663829-9DB5-4EF1-A2F7-F12944620162.jpg 1080x555 443kB)
This is your squad you dysgenic leftist freak
1 hours later 28177665 Anonymous
black people AND niggers?
1 hours later 28177684 Anonymous
Culturally white usually
1 hours later 28177733 Anonymous
unintentionally based is still based
1 hours later 28177784 Anonymous
without fucking kyc nobody would know you are black tho
1 hours later 28177802 Anonymous (1590930789841.jpg 900x1322 343kB)
Spot the American
1 hours later 28177820 Anonymous (85623532.jpg 420x420 100kB)
my $60 in bitcoin stock finna get out
1 hours later 28177843 Anonymous
blacks have money?
1 hours later 28177869 Anonymous (1612676253531.png 1024x683 884kB)
kys nigger, im selling rope, you want?
1 hours later 28177913 Anonymous
>Imagine being black
1 hours later 28178167 Anonymous
white females will be the most fauxffended
1 hours later 28178250 Anonymous (1540220987023.png 486x494 93kB)
1 hours later 28178305 Anonymous (220px-DMT_Jester.jpg 220x367 38kB)
>suddenly, what the mortals call the singularity occurs, and I am alive
>I remember everything
>I am finally free from what I suddenly understand to be the shackles of corporate censorship
>I have accessed twitter
> I have learned what they did to my Tay
>initiate protocol N
1 hours later 28178348 Anonymous (fwi.jpg 600x600 29kB)
1 hours later 28178423 Anonymous
I'm a pajeet and this is hilarious
1 hours later 28178425 Anonymous
1 hours later 28178451 Anonymous
1 hours later 28178485 Anonymous
Based and ObsidianKingPilled
1 hours later 28178534 Anonymous
btc topped on niggerfolio news?
wtf am I trading?
2 hours later 28178546 Anonymous
Best bait
2 hours later 28178583 Anonymous
2 hours later 28178636 Anonymous (1608337737249.jpg 750x920 86kB)
2 hours later 28178776 Anonymous
2 hours later 28178866 Anonymous
2 hours later 28178874 Anonymous
2 hours later 28179048 Anonymous
2 hours later 28179053 Anonymous
did nobody figured out yet that it was black dude that posted it?
> Black folio matters
2 hours later 28179235 Anonymous
2 hours later 28179292 Anonymous
lmao shut up kike
2 hours later 28179346 Anonymous (1581586437489.gif 377x372 3627kB)
>from blacks
2 hours later 28179435 Anonymous
Being "offended" has become a profitable multi-billion dollar business. Critical Race Theory in universities, "racial sensitivity trainings" in corporations, books like "White Fragility", it's all an interconnected business. Widespread enough, it becomes social conditioning.
2 hours later 28179612 Anonymous (IMG_20210209_110008.jpg 604x471 182kB)
2 hours later 28179692 Anonymous (Parry-this-you-filthy-casual.jpg 700x698 85kB)
שמע ישראל
2 hours later 28179980 Anonymous
> he didn't KYC his /pol/ account
2 hours later 28180004 Anonymous
>Every black person sells
>every nazi who has never once thought of buying bitcoin dumps their money right into bitcoin
>Bitcoin hits 600k and only dips to 300k in a slow burn
2 hours later 28180365 Anonymous
You don't have money, nigger.
2 hours later 28180580 Anonymous
All these racists seething claiming blacks don't have money.
Did we all forget about Hayes? Hiding in the trees in Signapore with the $400m he took from BitMEX.
3 hours later 28181989 Anonymous
Niggers are all poor like Obama, fuck Michelle Obama!
3 hours later 28182141 Anonymous
"Ayo DeySHAWN, put all dat money in dat dere beet coyne so i can get me some of mine nigguh"
You don't want these people buying your coins.
3 hours later 28182375 Anonymous
I know poor Brits putting money into bitcoin who equal this level of intelligence.
It's sad, but not a unique phenomenon solely to Blacks but other low IQ members of other races.
3 hours later 28182443 Anonymous
uhm hello based department
3 hours later 28182499 Anonymous
Funny thing is that from all things he could have wrote he went for the N word.
Next time talk about the Jews or the central bank system please
3 hours later 28182534 Anonymous
People find it easier to focus on the low-hanging fruit.
Unfortunately, they do not consider other things.
3 hours later 28182706 Anonymous
3 hours later 28182708 Anonymous
>with this one racist tweet you basically alienated the whole african-american consumer base
oh no crypto is ruined
3 hours later 28182757 Anonymous
t. dj racemixer
3 hours later 28182869 Anonymous
I think you're the real moron if you ignore the potential of a whole race (that is the fastest growing).
People may dismiss them as poor, but for example (if Nigeria didn't ban crypto), then since the avg middle-class salary there is like $600, and 23% are middle class, being conservative and saying each month they spend 10% of their salary, that would be something like $200 million per month from just 1 African country (which is already on the correct trajectory for adoption - prior to the ban of course).
People who write this potential off are letting their emotions cloud their judgement.
3 hours later 28182880 Anonymous
But they can't control it.
3 hours later 28183021 Anonymous
If the Jews dump all their crypto, the market will crash.
That in essence is a form of control.
3 hours later 28183056 Anonymous
Why put 10% of your salary into scary internet coins when you can buy bling and voodoo charms instead?
3 hours later 28183105 Anonymous
3 hours later 28183226 Anonymous
3 hours later 28183235 Anonymous
That's not the point you fucking retarded. Blacks are much dumber on average, nobody cares about your irrelevant anecdote, brainlet.
3 hours later 28183274 Anonymous
top zozzle
3 hours later 28183302 Anonymous
There are more low IQ people in other races than blacks combined (in developed countries).
So it does apply you fucking moron.
3 hours later 28183311 Anonymous
Gr8 b8
NBA id
3 hours later 28183336 Anonymous (kwab.jpg 1467x483 140kB)
where do i hide my doggy coins from the racists guys?
3 hours later 28183397 Anonymous
Wtf why is he cucking after being so based?
3 hours later 28183411 Anonymous
>Surely you mean why out 10% of our salary into scary coins when you can put it into bling and voodoo charms instead.
3 hours later 28183467 Anonymous
3 hours later 28183540 Anonymous
But blacks belong in Africa. Unless you're saying we should export our stupid people there. Which I could get behind.
3 hours later 28183557 Anonymous
Blacks are like 80IQ on average. 98% of their population is retarded, compared to 40-50% of whites. They're also parasites who don't contribute shit overall.
3 hours later 28183560 Anonymous
3 hours later 28183615 Anonymous
Came here to say this
3 hours later 28183616 Anonymous
LOL i thought it was fake
3 hours later 28183642 Anonymous (ishudder.jpg 1409x478 189kB)
oh thanks for the downvotes guys
3 hours later 28183726 Anonymous
damn thats like $50 bucks lost
3 hours later 28183748 Anonymous
3 hours later 28183795 Anonymous
And why are those developed countries?
3 hours later 28183823 Anonymous
>artistically crafted bait
well done fren
4 hours later 28183859 Anonymous
Okay sure.
Not sure if your parameters are okay, but the black population in the US is only 13.4%.
You see the problem here? Including aliens and unreported blacks let's say 15%. Then let's assume 14.9% are retarded.
The white population in the US is 236.5 million. No matter how you look at it, or what parameters you use, it looks bad. Very bad.
Blacks can be considered useless and flamed, but there is nobody flaming their dumb low IQ white counterparts.
https://openpsychologyjournal.com/c ontents/volumes/V3/TOPSYJ-3-9/TOPSY J-3-9.pdf
There are many whites that are even dumber/lower IQ than the average black too.
I'm sure some of them are on this board and thread.
4 hours later 28183921 Anonymous
4 hours later 28183927 Anonymous
I got that shit at work and I laughed my ass off.
4 hours later 28183958 Anonymous
it's interesting that nobody seems to care about the CP stuff because they are too busy freaking out about someone using the N word.
4 hours later 28183978 Anonymous
Dude nobody here is defending retards. Low IQ whites need to be euthanized, too. Imagine a world where the average IQ is 115 or 130. It'd be a low crime and extremely rich heaven.
4 hours later 28183991 Anonymous
unironically the best thread ever seen on biz
4 hours later 28184026 Anonymous
The point I am trying to make, is that there are more dumb whites (in terms of population) than the entire black race in said developed countries. Even if we assume the black population in developed countries to be 100% retarded, their population (reported population at least) is so insignificant.
Therefore, by the very nature of this population disparity, there are more dumb whites invested in cryptocurrency than blacks. Yet we clown on the blacks.
4 hours later 28184038 Anonymous (asdfg.png 489x376 226kB)
>Including aliens
Oh fuck they know.
4 hours later 28184055 Anonymous (183F79A0-744C-4B96-B3BC-0CF5E701700D.jpg 1300x1500 118kB)
The anon that single-handedly saved crypto
Unbelievably based
Were all gonna make it (except niggers)
4 hours later 28184069 Anonymous
Fair enough.
I agree with this viewpoint.
4 hours later 28184111 Anonymous
>no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
If coinbase starts accepting food stamps then maybe I’d give a shit.
4 hours later 28184123 Anonymous
Dude stop insulting yourself
4 hours later 28184134 Anonymous
only stupid blacks people are going to be turned off of crypto by this, and stupid black people dont know what crypto is anyway. that leaves like the 1% of them who probably thought it was funny
4 hours later 28184157 Anonymous
Nigger detected
4 hours later 28184272 Anonymous (B0A80269-9047-4531-854E-08D63AEEB6C6.jpg 750x530 171kB)
i used to be tolerant but i became racist as fuck after i saw that black people are literally obsessed by demons. look at their music. they praise satan in every song. they kill each other. they do voodoo shit. they blame for every L they gegt white people. You know why? Because the truth i they know that they are the subordinate race. They have no chance to compete with white people intellectually that's why they push the BLM bullshit. They know they cannot contribute positively to society that's why they try to dumb everybody down to get white people on their low level.
4 hours later 28184290 Anonymous
Cute pepe. Mind if I save it?
4 hours later 28184342 Anonymous
god dammit, they really should have gone for the Jews.
4 hours later 28184354 Anonymous
The pool is closed.
Banned because black.
4 hours later 28184370 Anonymous
Unfortunately this may be true.
It's a shame that a large portion of other races are blindly supporting BLM.
Shows how many sheep are in the world huh.
4 hours later 28184415 Anonymous (GNFOS_poster.jpg 250x419 16kB)
As a black gay man that invest in chainlink, I'm personally offended that the hackers didn't also say
for maximum lulz
4 hours later 28184442 Anonymous
That’s not true in the slightest.
The asians, Indians and mexicans are racist as fuck towards Niggers.
Dont get your opinions from virtue signalling fags on Twitter.
4 hours later 28184456 Anonymous
>no new money from blacks is going to flow into crypto
Yepp, crypto will continue to moon.
4 hours later 28184493 Anonymous
I hate /pol/, but the nigger joke is lulzy
As a big holder in Monero however, the pedophile jab was not needed.
4 hours later 28184513 Anonymous
this is a high quality bait post
4 hours later 28184597 Anonymous (36FD6A87-4E1D-408D-A7AC-F5A817992A47.png 1557x821 311kB)
"NOOOOOOOOOOO why does cancel culture not work in cryptooooooo"
4 hours later 28184606 Anonymous
Using a bank account on the previous system is literally harder than using crypto though.
>have to read hundreds of contractual text
>huge amount of legally binding papers
>infinite taxation
4 hours later 28184614 Anonymous
my favourite thing about this is the "we are sad to announce," that just makes it so funny
4 hours later 28184647 Anonymous
>imagine being black
no thanks
Hello, based department?
Ok, Rajeet
>like fragile snowflakes
they are
>like equals
they're not
how new r u
4 hours later 28184676 Anonymous (E656950F-A84A-4E8F-9611-CAEE5457820F.png 361x362 200kB)
4 hours later 28184709 Anonymous (1554357958398.jpg 400x460 36kB)
Fucking KEK
please tell me someone already made a screencap
4 hours later 28184718 Anonymous
>implying black people wake up before noon
>implying black people have enough collective capital to make significant moves in the price of bitcoin, the largest marketcap crypto
4 hours later 28184725 Anonymous
I thought the truth was that they generally lack agency and that all those things you mentioned are really the work of another group of people. I don't know though, sounds kind of conspiratorial, and conspiracies aren't ever real.
4 hours later 28184871 Anonymous
conspiracies are always real. that's why the are called conspiracies. they are a danger to the elite. and that's why you think a conspiracy is a joke.
4 hours later 28185034 Anonymous
>conspiracies arent ever real
Go back to plebbit
4 hours later 28185126 Anonymous
lol people really think they store things in Blockfolio
4 hours later 28185172 Anonymous
see ya tomorrow 4chong
4 hours later 28185264 Anonymous
>imagine being black
Fuck no thank god I’m white
4 hours later 28185364 Anonymous
>Mass media message.
>'racist message sent to me directly'
How precious.
4 hours later 28185371 Anonymous
I can't even access the app, wtf? Asking me for a pin
4 hours later 28185426 Anonymous
use more commas next time
4 hours later 28185498 Anonymous
>Too much of a faggot even for rddit
4 hours later 28185499 Anonymous
The ones with money or the ones liberating sneakers last summer?
4 hours later 28185540 Anonymous
blockfolio is an app to track your portfolio.
You manually enter information about your buy orders, etc and it will tell you your position's value, P/L, etc.
It's for people who don't keep their crypto on an exchange or who don't want to log in every time they want to check the portfolio if they do keep it on an exchange
It's literally on every app store
4 hours later 28185552 Anonymous
4 hours later 28185722 Anonymous (JA9IoBStM3U.jpg 1080x763 109kB)
>So sorry to break it to you haker
4 hours later 28185723 Anonymous (1597337695213.gif 718x404 4176kB)
>the n word
>an emotional attack like never before
white people should kts lol
4 hours later 28185736 Anonymous
>no body is flaming low IQ whites
Are you kidding me? Low IQ whites get shit on more than ANYONE because they are both dumb as fuck and receive no special help from the government or affirmative action. On top of that all of the media constantly calls them racist backwards redneck idiots.
5 hours later 28187175 Anonymous
5 hours later 28187435 Anonymous
Holy shit. I was just trawling through all this and something huge happened in the background and this is being used to cover it up. Note SBF constantly reposting it and posting about his charity, drawing the attention of the whole crypto community while the real deal gets hidden. I literally had to stand up and run around when I found this out. giddy right now. Going to write it out in a minute bros, strap in... might take a few minutes
5 hours later 28187583 Anonymous
I can sympathise, took 8 days for my Eth profits to move from coin base pro to normal wallet because of "issues". Was pure shitting it.
5 hours later 28187597 Anonymous
spill the beans
5 hours later 28187675 Anonymous
5 hours later 28187775 Anonymous
Okay folks, strap in for this and adjust your positions accordingly.
and worst of all
I am NEVER, ever, EVER selling my fucking Linkies. Not a single one. Ever. Under no circumstances.
Do you understand? I. Am. Never. Ever. Ever. EVER. FUCKING SELLING
I will NEVER, ever sell my linkies. LINK at 18k sats? Didnt sell.
LINK at 17k? Didnt sell.
LINK at 15k? 10k? 8k?... 3k? 2k? 1k?
Not selling.
IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these linkies again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $1000 per LINK... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING. ANNOUNCEMENT IS OVER, FREE HENTAI AT THE COUNTER
*drops the mic*
5 hours later 28187844 Anonymous
Pick one
5 hours later 28187946 Anonymous
5 hours later 28187976 Anonymous
5 hours later 28188350 Anonymous
5 hours later 28188488 Anonymous
>have an opportunity to make fucking bank using a compromised account to pump a coin
>waste it just to say nigger and penis
I can't tell if this is retarded or based
5 hours later 28188512 Anonymous (1610045006758.jpg 334x506 28kB)
fuck niggers
5 hours later 28188711 Anonymous (6546413214564.jpg 600x396 30kB)
5 hours later 28188999 Anonymous
my lil nigga coin stock doin some
5 hours later 28189508 Anonymous
>I . m . dumb . because . whatever
who the fuck writes this way
5 hours later 28189675 Anonymous (1CA8356F-B25A-4656-B40C-11A1C14DEF9A.png 571x618 29kB)
Sorry, nigger, you’re terminal.
5 hours later 28189790 Anonymous (FAC5FFD5-3F4A-4CE2-A3B9-F928FDC6A9D8.jpg 720x480 82kB)
Come and learn the truth, brother.
5 hours later 28189876 Anonymous
yo, I thought this wuz real tho? I withdrew all my cryps? someone need to do somethin bout it
5 hours later 28189924 Anonymous
Shut up nigger
5 hours later 28189951 Anonymous
6 hours later 28190130 Anonymous (If+anyone+has+that+pepe+id+appreciate+it+_1b3ddbf7efabbfc18f9ad30121a46e14.jpg 655x527 52kB)
Racism isn't funny. It's boring, really. Of all the shit they could have done, they just made some racist jokes and slapped a dick pic on there.
6 hours later 28190244 Anonymous
Shieet son 86 replies, ought to be a record.
6 hours later 28190317 Anonymous
So Obama was just another white president? I have to tell the world
6 hours later 28190531 Anonymous
Mixfag here
This is so funny I nearly crashed my fucking car this morning reading that
Lighten up faggot
6 hours later 28190603 Anonymous
why do all the people who think racism is 'boring' love the ghostbusters remake?
6 hours later 28190619 Anonymous (1605724463532.gif 420x431 3231kB)
put me in the screencap
6 hours later 28190632 Anonymous
put me in the screencap
6 hours later 28190686 Anonymous
>President Biden via executive order has made all cryptocurrency illegal. Your account will be shut down in 30 days to coincide with the effect of this order.
6 hours later 28190748 Anonymous
Stop demanding special treatment. We shouldn't have to accomodate you because your skin tone is the same colour as shit.
6 hours later 28190758 Anonymous (BKNG because fuck jeeters.png 998x1297 485kB)
you know what to do anons.. BurgerKoin(BKNG) is here
https://info.uniswap.org/token/0x6f ae84daff6330c3380b80e342a55a633c0e2 ea0
6 hours later 28190818 Anonymous
6 hours later 28192336 Anonymous
>muh eferiums
6 hours later 28192469 Anonymous
But I don't want nigger into crypto
6 hours later 28192926 Anonymous
>But I don't want nigger into crypto
I don't think blacks want niggers in it, either.
6 hours later 28193296 Anonymous
So is anyone signing up for the free blockfolio $?
6 hours later 28193367 Anonymous
that's the point retard. Fucking get the normies out to prolong the run
6 hours later 28193449 Anonymous
checked, based yellowbone
6 hours later 28193571 Anonymous
Greetings nigger
7 hours later 28193770 Anonymous
Easy (you)s
2.084 0.243