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2021-02-09 07:55 28170322 Anonymous (lol.jpg 1080x611 121kB)
Uhh binancebros?

1 min later 28170371 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-015450.png 1080x2160 255kB)
>>28170322 Bruh wtf lmao

1 min later 28170374 Anonymous (1612823612319.png 657x527 103kB)
>>28170322 > black people > AND > niggers > AND niggers > black people AND niggers

1 min later 28170421 Anonymous
Just saw it as well wtf lol (based?)

1 min later 28170429 Anonymous
Ok which one of you was it

2 min later 28170449 Anonymous
BASED chinks lmfao

2 min later 28170462 Anonymous
>>28170322 >>28170371 Is this real

2 min later 28170470 Anonymous
>>28170322 >>28170371 I'm laughing my ass off

2 min later 28170484 Anonymous
>>28170322 Ok.... which one of you was this

2 min later 28170503 Anonymous
please god no

3 min later 28170519 Anonymous
based and redpilled

3 min later 28170529 Anonymous
Just got it too lol. Media shitstorm in 3...2...1...

3 min later 28170540 Anonymous
Are the funds safu or not?

3 min later 28170560 Anonymous (F7F29171-34EC-40BD-854C-6B58EA12B8D2.jpg 465x312 36kB)

4 min later 28170567 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-015532_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x3040 692kB)

4 min later 28170579 Anonymous
Fucking kek holy shit. What does this mean for Arthur Hayes?

4 min later 28170595 Anonymous

4 min later 28170596 Anonymous
Blockfolio got hacked lmao

4 min later 28170601 Anonymous
Based and niggerpilled

4 min later 28170609 Anonymous (1498472374285.png 808x805 433kB)
>>28170322 this shit is gonna cause a huge dump isnt it

4 min later 28170618 Anonymous (45E2B398-247D-4C43-BD2D-3CAB95F06CC1.jpg 1125x948 283kB)

4 min later 28170624 Anonymous
>>28170529 Kek Is it actually real anon

4 min later 28170637 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-005837_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 427kB)
Dash too

5 min later 28170656 Anonymous

5 min later 28170661 Anonymous (popcorn.gif 498x498 1183kB)
Wait. What.

5 min later 28170668 Anonymous
>>28170540 They are if you aren’t a nigger or a black person.

5 min later 28170675 Anonymous (1612221385216.gif 500x500 719kB)

5 min later 28170695 Anonymous (4534524325345.png 150x83 21kB)

6 min later 28170711 Anonymous
>>28170609 Yeah all the niggers in crypto will sell and the market value will drop by one or two dollars.

6 min later 28170715 Anonymous (ce4.png 1000x1000 121kB)
My lil binance stock doin some

6 min later 28170729 Anonymous
Fuck niggers

6 min later 28170730 Anonymous
Posting to be a part of this amazing history

6 min later 28170731 Anonymous` (file.png 1284x2778 506kB)

6 min later 28170744 Anonymous

6 min later 28170766 Anonymous (IMG_20210209_090207.jpg 1080x1334 209kB)

6 min later 28170767 Anonymous (INVESTMENT RAGE.png 1000x1033 332kB)

7 min later 28170779 Anonymous (1604158986140.jpg 720x720 105kB)

7 min later 28170784 Anonymous
>>28170322 this bullrun keeps getting better every day

7 min later 28170785 Anonymous
>>28170322 again twitter hacker dont know shit and are literal retards could have removed the nigger and it would came off as actual authentic, making it an even larger shitstorm, no its clear its just a hack

7 min later 28170816 Anonymous (1612372667886.jpg 1024x660 74kB)
>>28170322 Absolutely fucking based.

7 min later 28170820 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-020220_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x2960 643kB)
: Ooooo

7 min later 28170833 Anonymous (7647645754.jpg 144x276 14kB)
Holy shit

8 min later 28170843 Anonymous
Lmfao I thought I was having a schizo episode or something when I saw it

8 min later 28170845 Anonymous
>>28170711 kek

8 min later 28170851 Anonymous
>>28170322 What the actual fuck is this LMAO I just got this notification

8 min later 28170857 Anonymous
>>28170711 kek

8 min later 28170858 Anonymous
>>28170785 it wouldnt have come off as authentic you retard

8 min later 28170883 Anonymous
Just thought I’d let you guys know, but I would actually clear your blockfolio app. These hackers definitely have your device information as well as what you’re holding and how much you have. You’re now a target.

8 min later 28170890 Anonymous (1599184729909.jpg 1015x1024 66kB)

8 min later 28170891 Anonymous (1463967252004.jpg 800x733 82kB)
>When "I'M GUNNA SAY IT" posting goes too far

8 min later 28170892 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-180349.png 2048x634 168kB)

9 min later 28170916 Anonymous
holy shit it's REAL WHAT THE FUCK

9 min later 28170918 Anonymous
Bitcoin is now NIGGA COIN

9 min later 28170936 Anonymous (IMG_20210209_070407.jpg 1073x339 51kB)

10 min later 28170977 Anonymous
>blockfolio hacked No bros I added all my coins in there

10 min later 28170978 Anonymous
>>28170820 bro your notifications

10 min later 28170980 Anonymous
BTC and ETH changed to NIGGA COIN too

10 min later 28171002 Anonymous (12BBCE33-615B-40F5-9ECD-6C397C918436.png 750x1334 129kB)
>>28170322 This got deleted right after i snapped the pic they changed bitcoin to nigger coin and put up a pic of a dudes dick lol

10 min later 28171012 Anonymous
>>28170977 your coins are MINE

10 min later 28171022 Anonymous

11 min later 28171035 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210209-020628_Blockfolio.jpg 1081x1535 182kB)

11 min later 28171052 Anonymous` (file.png 1248x1490 471kB)
Fucking lmao -- We nigga coin https://blockfolio.com/coin/BTC

11 min later 28171065 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-020440_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2400 483kB)
>its getting worse in real time

11 min later 28171079 Anonymous
am i gunna lose all my shit now, bros?

11 min later 28171080 Anonymous
>>28170462 Yea

12 min later 28171124 Anonymous
Where are you guys getting this notification from?

12 min later 28171150 Anonymous (pol - hatefacts on black crime rates_1.jpg 1141x2759 625kB)
>>28170918 >>28170936 DESPITE BEING 13% OF A PORTFOLIO-

12 min later 28171155 Anonymous
Lol they made efferium worthless

13 min later 28171169 Anonymous
this looks like a hack done by an intelligence agency of some government looking to regulate crypto most likely the zog government (aka United States of America)

13 min later 28171184 Anonymous (1506514347747-biz.png 967x954 567kB)
>Not buying NIGGA on UNI right now.

13 min later 28171204 Anonymous
Looks like they fixed it

13 min later 28171207 Anonymous
Oh Blockfolio gettin control back still big exploit tho

14 min later 28171249 Anonymous
>>28171150 >56% of losses

14 min later 28171250 Anonymous
Someone's making niggacoins after this, right? I wanna pooomp

14 min later 28171263 Anonymous (0D2C5EC7-D5B2-428A-B44D-F8ECD3030ABC.gif 188x167 2814kB)

14 min later 28171283 Anonymous
>>28170374 There's black people... and niggers. And niggers have got to go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBE wQHjdw14

14 min later 28171285 Anonymous (B3E0899C-C9E2-4628-A277-F2649A01C727.jpg 1125x1339 292kB)
I know what my next coin gonna be

15 min later 28171297 Anonymous
funniest shit, but this is gonna be used to fuck us like another anon said (regulate crypto more and they are gonna leak people's info)

15 min later 28171333 Anonymous
Oh man they're in for some shit. Holy fuck people are going to dump everything

15 min later 28171334 Anonymous (906E45BE-FD91-460E-8854-94072F7A81CD.jpg 1668x2388 558kB)
Mfw only xrp outside of btc and eth was changed

15 min later 28171345 Anonymous

15 min later 28171352 Anonymous
>>28170624 Yes lol my buddy sent it to me too

15 min later 28171353 Anonymous`
And it's over

16 min later 28171364 Anonymous (1564610970413.jpg 600x481 56kB)
My /biz/ indicator seems to top out. Mood is way too good on here, time to sell.

16 min later 28171380 Anonymous
>>28170858 Black people would have fell for it at least, but still this is funny

16 min later 28171396 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-071005_Blockfolio.jpg 1037x377 41kB)
hackers still changing stuff, bitcoin is now nigga coin

16 min later 28171400 Anonymous
elon musk bought 1,5 billion of this

16 min later 28171407 Anonymous
>>28170637 What app is this?

17 min later 28171431 Anonymous
>>28170711 >>28170470 >>28170374 >>28170715 Oh fuck my sides I can’t stop laughing

17 min later 28171459 Anonymous
>>28171407 Blockfolio

18 min later 28171474 Anonymous (nn.jpg 718x517 29kB)
thomas jefferson coin

18 min later 28171478 Anonymous
>>28171283 top kek

18 min later 28171480 Anonymous
>>28171353 This got me my first ban on pol I’m fucking dead I finally made it Nigga Coin To The fucking MOON

18 min later 28171485 Anonymous
I wish it said niggers and trannies

19 min later 28171522 Anonymous (13640404-43C8-440D-B73C-31FBABCF38EE.jpg 298x334 29kB)
>>28171169 Yep. This is a case of Textbook glownigging

19 min later 28171531 Anonymous
>>28170883 Who cares lol they aren't gonna come after every single retard with a blockfolio

19 min later 28171557 Anonymous
>>28171283 >There's black people... and niggers theyre all niggers, no matter how docile one of them seems to you now, they all carry within them the potential for latent nigger genes to be expressed in their offspring. theyre a race that evolved in an environment where being impulsive, being low iq and being needlessly aggressive was not selected against for an unlimited number of generations, a school cant fix that.

20 min later 28171586 Anonymous
>>28171531 Aren't they?

20 min later 28171590 Anonymous
>>28171557 shut the fuck up retard. Pass me my nigga coins

20 min later 28171593 Anonymous (1608206351484.png 888x835 1645kB)
Looks like its time to disable my blockfolio api keys

20 min later 28171607 Anonymous (1516104400169.jpg 798x770 182kB)
they just saged connection lmao

21 min later 28171621 Anonymous
>>28171169 How could this possibly lead to regulation? All they can do is name coins random shit and send notifications

21 min later 28171628 Anonymous (F8443EAF-615C-4CD8-B2DF-8124569009BA.gif 220x220 1001kB)

21 min later 28171658 Anonymous
>>28171333 >Holy fuck people are going to dump everything doubt

22 min later 28171726 Anonymous
Didn't realize you can buy and hold crypto on blockfolio now. Would have been epic if funds actually got wiped

23 min later 28171771 Anonymous
whatever, all my crypto is saved on their own wallets.

24 min later 28171789 Anonymous
>>28171593 Get your coins off the Internet this is your wake up call

24 min later 28171798 Anonymous
>>28170883 a target for what?

24 min later 28171803 Anonymous
>>28171586 I wish someone would come after me so I can shoot them

25 min later 28171851 Anonymous
>>28171333 lmao no, amerimutts are going to bed and europoors have to start slaving now. Nobody except the Neets saw this probably

25 min later 28171857 Anonymous
bullish for OPCT

25 min later 28171895 Anonymous
>>28171857 fellow OPCT bro

26 min later 28171917 Anonymous
>>28171557 get a load of this nigger

26 min later 28171966 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210209-012151_Samsung Internet.jpg 1080x2220 514kB)

27 min later 28171990 Anonymous (1510211588073.jpg 528x424 21kB)
>>28171789 no wtf, bliockfolio always had the most shit codebase. They don't test shit and can't even chart anything properly. Absolute shit-tier app.

27 min later 28172003 Anonymous
>>28171803 A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of- yeah that works too

28 min later 28172032 Anonymous

28 min later 28172062 Anonymous
>>28171966 Was probably some internal employee who was about to quit or get fired anyway

30 min later 28172152 Anonymous
>>28171966 Fpbp

30 min later 28172157 Anonymous
>>28170374 You didn't think that was ironic here, did you?

30 min later 28172169 Anonymous
>>28170668 kek

30 min later 28172182 Anonymous
>>28170322 Kek

30 min later 28172189 Anonymous
>>28171990 Never forget mt. gox

33 min later 28172313 Anonymous (1554649251075.gif 442x473 603kB)
Is bullrun canceld

34 min later 28172410 Anonymous
>>28172313 You mean bullrun ACCELERATED

37 min later 28172536 Anonymous (1607227172752.jpg 650x637 65kB)
>>28170429 >>28170484 It was janny

37 min later 28172567 Anonymous
>>28172189 that was 7 fucking years ago, move on. Also, if you gave this piece of shit app transaction permission for any API you deserve to get your funds stolen

41 min later 28172762 Anonymous (photo_2021-01-16_23-04-34-767x1024.jpg 767x1024 116kB)
THSI IS GOING TO DESTROY CYPTO Those APIs are linked to bots who trade automatically. HOLY FUCKING I CANT BREATH I am laughing too fucking hard.

42 min later 28172826 Anonymous
>>28172189 >move on >from 10 BTC I've already made it back, don't get me wrong, but they still owe me money.

43 min later 28172855 Anonymous
>>28172762 >Those APIs are linked to bots who trade automatically What are API's?

43 min later 28172862 Anonymous (1612483149439.jpg 319x340 32kB)
>>28170711 fucking lol

44 min later 28172906 Anonymous
>>28172826 oops wrong person meant for >>28172567

44 min later 28172916 Anonymous
This is bullish imo

44 min later 28172939 Anonymous
>>28170322 Laugh while you can, this is just one more "reason" why gov is going to try and stick it's nose into crypto and try to fuck the marketplace up. Gotta purge those evil white insurrectionists moving their terrorist funds and all.

47 min later 28173113 Anonymous
>>28171851 This is an easy Tuesday news story. Everyone will hear.

47 min later 28173114 Anonymous (011.jpg 604x453 90kB)
Do I sell my linkies to pick up some niggacoin?

47 min later 28173119 Anonymous (12425673289.jpg 1004x982 81kB)
Gentleman, a toast to Niggacoin.

48 min later 28173175 Anonymous (5716CC4F-C539-4885-B3E4-644A0D53B83F.jpg 518x482 36kB)
>>28170322 Put me in the screen cap!

49 min later 28173181 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-09 184359.jpg 806x757 108kB)

49 min later 28173209 Anonymous
That would explain why they wouldn't verify my id

49 min later 28173219 Anonymous
>>28170322 Guaranteed chinks did this hack. They hate nogs more than any other race.

51 min later 28173288 Anonymous (1611800906634.png 533x593 547kB)
>>28173219 Elon did it. He wants his new crypto playground to be pure.

52 min later 28173345 Anonymous
>>28173119 If you own 100 niggacoin you get nigger-word privileges.

53 min later 28173385 Anonymous
>>28173181 should one actually uninstall the app?

53 min later 28173391 Anonymous (...based.jpg 640x225 25kB)
>they havent said it was a hack

54 min later 28173426 Anonymous
>>28173385 It’s far too late for that. Better call your bank ASAP before they drain your accounts.


54 min later 28173447 Anonymous
>>28172567 This >Too lazy to type your shit in manually. ngmi

54 min later 28173455 Anonymous
>>28172826 oof.. 10btc thats a big rug my guy

55 min later 28173483 Anonymous (44119072-BF64-4522-B39F-9F6128D07A43.jpg 412x481 62kB)
Hello we are sad to announce we closure of our services to all black people and niggers, with immediate loss of all funds. We advise all Niggers to do a prompt withdraw to prevent loss of funds. Thank you

56 min later 28173539 Anonymous
Who knew the death of western civilization would be this great? https://youtu.be/bW-OLcZ4tGY

56 min later 28173555 Anonymous
>>28170374 all black people are niggers but not all niggers are black

56 min later 28173563 Anonymous
2021 is off to a good start

57 min later 28173590 Anonymous
>>28171334 bullish

58 min later 28173659 Anonymous
>>28170715 >this meme actually sent someone over the edge and caused them to hack binance my sides

59 min later 28173715 Anonymous
>>28170883 im not black

1 hours later 28173768 Anonymous
>>28170322 TOP FUCKING KEK

1 hours later 28173872 Anonymous (Sasquatch_2077.png 1250x1775 2384kB)
>>28170322 Based as fuck. Might actually submit to their kyc for this.

1 hours later 28173915 Anonymous
>>28170322 It's almost like the tech industry and the global government had to get together today because of Elon and figure out a way to get involved in Crypto. Uh oh racism guess the government needs to take over all cryptocurrencies and implement a 25% tax on all transaction and force users to pay reparations.

1 hours later 28173969 Anonymous
>>28171283 thread theme

1 hours later 28174025 Anonymous
>>28173483 This has essentially been the welcome message of /pol/ and, if they don't adopt it that's a missed opportunity

1 hours later 28174078 Anonymous (1611921813432.jpg 1108x1030 167kB)

1 hours later 28174142 Anonymous

1 hours later 28174455 Anonymous (16127947812420.jpg 1920x1080 826kB)
>>28170529 >We need to talk about racism in crypto And to think this happens in Black Hysteria Month to boot, when (((they))) try to convince everybody that electricity, computers and cryptography were invented by strong independent black women.

1 hours later 28174496 Anonymous (index.jpg 159x250 6kB)

1 hours later 28174668 Anonymous

1 hours later 28174695 Anonymous
Twitter is meltdown. Love it.

1 hours later 28174779 Anonymous
>He doesn't use Delta

1 hours later 28174896 Anonymous

1 hours later 28174935 Anonymous (2CE343D83DE34A55B1EE2BEE4E7C6562.jpg 549x559 53kB)

1 hours later 28174981 Anonymous
dude I was comfy going to sleep at 5c and those tards dumped it as soon as I closed my eyes this burned my brains, seems like I will lose everytime only poolz finance brings me profit now with their liquidity operation system

1 hours later 28175078 Anonymous (chrome_eyluv0f6fd.png 596x423 235kB)
>>28170322 LMAO

1 hours later 28175082 Anonymous
Is it just me or has racism ramped up like crazy in the past few months? The white man wants his reparations after the BLM stunt, I won't be surprised by EOY black people will have been rounded and and sold off again as slaves for the white man.

1 hours later 28175127 Anonymous
>>28175082 Why not just uniswap them?

1 hours later 28175204 Anonymous
>>28175127 Ebonic Swaps when?

1 hours later 28175252 Anonymous
>>28175078 MMMMMhhhmmMM Das rite Sistah! We makin our OWN crypto stock!

1 hours later 28175262 Anonymous
>>28175204 THREAD THEME: https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=kkCK Hg6iuFF Basedja Boy just posted this 0.o

1 hours later 28175303 Anonymous
>>28175078 >>We need to make the crypto space more inclusive >>Non-Whites want gibs everywhere there is some

1 hours later 28175308 Anonymous (1599020564110.gif 225x320 2311kB)
>>28170322 dangerously based

1 hours later 28175356 Anonymous
>>28175082 The White Man wants to be left alone. Its the jews and non-Whites who refuse to allow him that.

1 hours later 28175388 Anonymous
>>28170322 >all black people >and niggers ngmi

1 hours later 28175415 Anonymous
>>28170567 >Effirium closing services to black people ETH $0 EOD

1 hours later 28175468 Anonymous
>>28170322 Ah, so that's why it's pumping. Ultra-based.

1 hours later 28175562 Anonymous
really makes you consider how unlinked crypto communities/ orgs are from the mainstream.

1 hours later 28175694 Anonymous
>>28175078 How is she gonna call it? Sistacoin?

1 hours later 28175775 Anonymous
>>28170322 The fucking hacker known as 4chan is at it again.

1 hours later 28175778 Anonymous
Go good guy hackers godspeed, fuck stupid smelly ape niggers.

1 hours later 28175819 Anonymous
>>28170730 This day has been filled with many heart keks

1 hours later 28175850 Anonymous (Go home brother.jpg 599x518 68kB)
>>28171593 I hope those keys weren't to your main wallets. That be pretty fucking niggerlike of you if they are. They are aren't they? You fucking nigger.

1 hours later 28175902 Anonymous (air.jpg 609x800 268kB)
holy based

1 hours later 28175926 Anonymous
I've been going through the Twitter comments and reporting all the niggers who complain by reposting the message, they're writing niggers themselves so you can report them and they'll get banned lol

1 hours later 28175933 Anonymous

1 hours later 28176047 Anonymous (1576569554942.gif 476x355 2835kB)
Posting in an epic thread, put me in the screenshot

1 hours later 28176063 Anonymous
>>28175082 glowing >>28170322 crypto is now officially raycist, shut it down

1 hours later 28176074 Anonymous (EmzdUCcXcAAPaPt.jpg 4032x3024 1815kB)
>>28175850 Its read-only access to balances held on exchanges.

1 hours later 28176175 Anonymous
>>28176074 post hand.

1 hours later 28176498 Anonymous
>>28176175 clue: that's a twatter filename. not me, its tits mclipstick.

1 hours later 28176537 Anonymous
>>28176175 https://twitter.com/Millie__Weaver/ status/1327679346681794561

2 hours later 28177058 Anonymous (1612592390999s.jpg 125x124 3kB)
>>28175078 Niggers are already used to trading. Food stamps that is

2 hours later 28177089 Anonymous
>>28171364 we're unironically still in disbelief stage

2 hours later 28177385 Anonymous
>>28170820 >6 gorillion notifications >Atrocious theme color Yike

2 hours later 28178276 Anonymous
>>28171285 >ftt holy fuck that went parabolic. havent heard anyone talk about it for at least a year now

2 hours later 28178370 Anonymous
>>28171035 HAHAHAHAHHA

2 hours later 28179019 Anonymous (hun.jpg 715x715 68kB)
>>28170371 its official. niggers are priced out of crypto.

2 hours later 28179184 Anonymous
>>28175082 based, I want a pet nigger

2 hours later 28179347 Anonymous
>>28170883 found the nigger

2 hours later 28179383 Anonymous
>>28171557 This, only newfag plebitors fell for the not all black people are niggers meme

3 hours later 28180111 Anonymous (excite.gif 600x600 207kB)

3 hours later 28180733 Anonymous (1608489176711.jpg 250x217 6kB)
>>28175078 >we need to make crypto more inclusive >@cryptogurrll But...but she's already included...

3 hours later 28181059 Anonymous
Niggers btfo

3 hours later 28181085 Anonymous
>>28170322 Lol

3 hours later 28181174 Anonymous
>>28180733 She means getting free crypto for being black, dummy.

3 hours later 28181242 Anonymous (pepe.jpg 976x850 59kB)
>>28180733 we need to make it MORE inclusive tho, to niggers and such

3 hours later 28181432 Anonymous (1611536756269.png 300x300 66kB)
>Niggas get mad >Force blockfolio to give them $10 >Get free $10 with just registering and/or owning an account already >Laugh at the bantz and get free money out of it Whoever did this, he's my new hero.

3 hours later 28181488 Anonymous (087.jpg 1242x1388 266kB)
>>28171283 finally a real anon of culture

3 hours later 28181606 Anonymous
>>28171283 so has he done the usual sjw-pandering backpedal?

3 hours later 28181611 Anonymous (1596441719505.jpg 847x385 123kB)
>>28170322 >>28170371 >>28170567 >>28170618 >>28170637 >>28170715 >>28170731 >>28170766 >>28170820

3 hours later 28181770 Anonymous
>>28181432 Did you not do the 'earn with coinbase' tasks? There's a free 40 USD there lmao

3 hours later 28181784 Anonymous
>>28170711 Shit. That's almost 6 months of pump for LINK

3 hours later 28181931 Anonymous
>>28181770 Didn't know that, I'll check into that

4 hours later 28182090 Anonymous
Haha funny cause racist

4 hours later 28182129 Anonymous
>>28173539 "death of western civilization" because someone posted a funny post on some app, are u schizophrenic? spend less time on the chan, its for ur own good

4 hours later 28182152 Anonymous (gigachad.png 1068x601 313kB)
>>28182090 yes

4 hours later 28182228 Anonymous
>>28170371 Ethnocoin has been achieved?

9.135 0.191