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2021-02-09 04:44 28159138 Anonymous Litecoin (download (1).jpg 225x225 8kB)
>Little shit is finally about to cross $170 Hope you bought some recently, otherwise FOMO will bite you in the ass.

5 min later 28159512 Anonymous
What solution is this even supposed to be the problem to?

6 min later 28159569 Anonymous
>>28159138 my portfolio is literally 100% LTC after this weekend, I loaded up on the dip

7 min later 28159614 AAAAAA (EtsHY-lVgAAdKq8.png 2048x1056 295kB)
>>28159138 bump

7 min later 28159667 Anonymous
>>28159512 Look a retard from reddit... Its a bullrun faggot. Stimulus checks are coming in less then two weeks ltc shadows btc with cheaper transactions. Its the only top coin that didnt break old ATH. Expect boomers and people who want safe haven stack on BLockFi or something to get their 6.5% I dont keep this shitter on a LTC wallet only exchanges.

8 min later 28159687 Anonymous
>>28159569 how much in total anon?

8 min later 28159720 Anonymous (LTC adam eve.jpg 1104x426 81kB)
>>28159614 nobrainer after it broke and backtested resistance at 145

9 min later 28159773 Anonymous
>>28159667 >Expect boomers and people who want safe haven stack on BLockFi or something to get their 6.5% I heard some boomers talking about DOGE this weekend.

10 min later 28159842 Anonymous
>>28159687 only got like 20k in crypto so not even 150 LTC, rest is tied up in stocks

11 min later 28159926 Anonymous
How long til this thing pops off? I am so poor but if i have the change I might buy 1 or 2 coins. Honestly surprised it has gotten higher yet. any guesses for peak?

13 min later 28160024 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-195715_Delta.jpg 1080x2280 455kB)
LTC to $1k when?

13 min later 28160056 Anonymous
>>28159138 This is one of the most boomer tier coins out there. I really hope we finally kick it out of the top 10 this cycle.

14 min later 28160105 Anonymous (9A328366-A3D9-48F1-B930-F77BF9638179.jpg 361x443 61kB)
>>28159512 >What solution is this even supposed to be the problem to?

14 min later 28160128 Anonymous
scooped up a stack of 43 earlier today, my bags are packed

14 min later 28160145 Anonymous
Picked up three awhile ago. >>28159512 The same problem gold and silver solves.

15 min later 28160164 Anonymous
what's the difference between this and XLM?

15 min later 28160219 Anonymous
I have 250 How much money will i make

15 min later 28160226 Anonymous
>>28159138 I bought it when it was at $170 last month. It better go above $200 this time.

16 min later 28160255 Anonymous
Litecoin is the VBFMX of crypto

17 min later 28160351 Anonymous
>>28160164 >XLM, 22.3B circulation >LTC, 66.4M circulation I don't know nigger, what's the difference

18 min later 28160413 Anonymous

18 min later 28160420 Anonymous
>>28159138 > paying more than $20 for ltc None of you silver bitcoin reddit larpers are ever going to make it

19 min later 28160488 Anonymous
>>28160413 You had 5 years Train is leaving

20 min later 28160553 Anonymous
>>28160488 like everyone else, we all thought it was just a shit stable coin.

20 min later 28160554 Anonymous
>>28159138 yeah i have been strapped in knowing dam well i would fomo unironically holding nano as well

21 min later 28160611 Anonymous (1610661814359.jpg 444x444 14kB)
>>28160488 when is it leaving

21 min later 28160617 Anonymous
Yay! I can finally cash out at $300? Fingers crossed. Fuck the developer who sold back in 2017 btw, hope you rot in hell faggot.

22 min later 28160676 Anonymous (george.jpg 250x250 18kB)
>>28160617 >cash out at $300

23 min later 28160699 Anonymous
>>28160617 Damn you've been holding bags that heavy since 2018?

24 min later 28160774 Anonymous
>>28159138 >>28160554 i fucking hate both of you so much

24 min later 28160808 Anonymous
>>28160617 >The developer Great english here, literally just one Dev

27 min later 28160969 Anonymous
>>28160164 Charlie Lee sold all his LTC but Jed McCaleb is still at least pretending to hold the XLM and XRP he used to launder the Mt. Gox bitcoins.

32 min later 28161316 Anonymous
>>28159926 Should at least pass its ATH which is about $400. Sky's the limit after that, especially if BTC keeps going.

34 min later 28161406 Anonymous
>>28160969 Charlie lee selling is a good thing it is less centralized

35 min later 28161462 Anonymous
>>28160969 VItalik sold his ETH too and nobody uses thi to FUD the project the fact that Charlie sold is good for LTC long-term, it further decentralizes the network and supply and ensures that we'll never get the "Satoshi could move his coins any minute" FUD

36 min later 28161522 Anonymous
>>28159926 What country are you from?

38 min later 28161655 Anonymous
>>28160056 >most boomer tier coins out there. You really are clueless to how much of a faggot you sound like aren't you?

39 min later 28161688 Anonymous
>>28160699 2017. I legit haven’t logged in to coinbase since late December 2017. Pretty sure there’s 200 LTC in there @ $225. Now I look back on it, I was trading on coinbase pro in the $300 range when the bottom fell out at the peak, I then sold while it was freefalling, then bought back in (smaller amount) when it would start to go up. Then rinse and repeat as I lost thousands and thousands. But I do recall giving up and deciding just to hold the coins until they came back and stop trying to catch a falling dagger. I also recall painstakingly claiming all the losses on my taxes because I didn’t know what a wash sale was at the time LMAO. Feds if you’re reading this, it was an honest mistake!

40 min later 28161766 Anonymous
>>28159926 i can see this going to $750 easily but this assumes bitcoin doesn't crash before it can happen in which case all crypto is fucked (I dont think we're nearing the top yet though)

43 min later 28161918 Anonymous
>>28160617 Uhh. you know Charlie is still on the board of directors of the Litecoin Foundation right? You do know he donated a shit ton of the money from his sale to the foundation for further dev backing..right? All you butthurt fuckwits who seem to only state the fact he sold, nothing more or further that alters the narrative.

44 min later 28162008 Anonymous
>>28161918 Sorry but I could give less than a fifteen thousand fucks about some god damn foundation. I’m trying to feed my kids dickhead

46 min later 28162090 Anonymous
>>28162008 You make that clear

47 min later 28162161 Anonymous
>>28161406 >>28161462 lmao the cope. You don't think if he had any confidence in it he would have held onto a few? Vitalik still has a gorillion ETH even after he sold most of it. Charlie Lee has zero (0) LTC.

52 min later 28162499 Anonymous (1612841957500.jpg 1298x668 185kB)
>>28159926 Lift off is somewhere between now and 4 weeks. I'm getting in now just to make sure that I don't get left behind since I've been waiting for this moment for 3 fucking years.

56 min later 28162726 Anonymous
>>28159773 Doge is too difficult for them to acquire. Think coinbase. Coinbase BTC ETH LTC will moon once on the stimulus and again on tax returns. Sprinkle in a couple tweets from CEOS and you got a 2x. Only black swan is a Yellen talking about crypto used for drugs and illegal activity and some liberal bitches sayin btc is use by nazis

57 min later 28162756 Anonymous
>>28162090 Oh stop it, we’re all adults here. Boomify yourself. >be the dev >sell at the peak >install yourself as chairman of the foundation >”donate” your earnings to the foundation >pay yourself Hurrrr durrr! I’m a genius! Meanwhile some pumper on /biz/: >real litecoin has never been tried yet! >trust the plan!

58 min later 28162811 Anonymous
>>28160164 XLM helps africa. LTC helps you.

58 min later 28162852 Anonymous
>>28159138 Pretty sure the creator dumped all his bags at $400 last year which is why it's trash now. DESU I had some ltc bags which I dumped at $160 fuck this shitcoin.

1 hours later 28162976 Anonymous
talk when u even get close to cracking ath lol

1 hours later 28163040 Anonymous
>>28162499 please be real

1 hours later 28163261 Anonymous (CHApbND.jpg 1375x645 85kB)
>>28162499 Anon, me and you will be lifting off together. Here's to a glorious moon.

1 hours later 28163388 Anonymous
>>28162161 >You don't think if he had any confidence in it he would have held onto a few? What makes you think he didn't? You really think all of his wallets are public knowledge?

1 hours later 28163483 Anonymous
>>28163388 The fact that he said he sold 100%. >thousands of sealed wallets

1 hours later 28163583 Anonymous (LTC coin.png 496x499 264kB)

1 hours later 28163661 Anonymous
>>28163483 And there's no possible way he was lying?

1 hours later 28163715 Anonymous
>>28163483 There's no possible way he bought back in?

1 hours later 28163810 Anonymous
>>28162852 Can you show me on the doll where LTC touched you? It's okay, you are in a safe space.

1 hours later 28163845 Anonymous
>>28163661 >>28163715 Present the evidence, plan truster.

1 hours later 28163957 Anonymous
>>28163845 I don't really care either way. The fact that he allegedly dumped all his coins just means the token supply is better distributed now. It can only possibly have a positive impact on future price, as every single one of those coins was bought at a much higher price than what he paid for them.

1 hours later 28163960 Anonymous
>>28163845 And you of course will be showing your evidence to the contrary correct? To of course, prove your own 'facts'.

1 hours later 28164014 Anonymous
>>28159138 It hasn’t had a new ATH yet, there is no way this coin doesn’t at least a guaranteed 2x from where it is now this year/bullrun.

1 hours later 28164357 Anonymous
>>28159138 Dogecoin fuckers need to thank Charlie Lee. He suggested Doge become merge mined with Litecoin or else Doge would've died.

1 hours later 28164389 Anonymous
>>28163957 He didn't even have massive bags like Satoshi or this fucking meme would have died right there. He saw the top and he sold it. >allegedly >>28163960 Imagine being this uninformed about something you invested in lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/c omments/7kzw6q/litecoin_price_tweet s_and_conflict_of_interest/

1 hours later 28164958 Anonymous
>>28164389 >https://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/ comments/7kzw6q/litecoin_price_twee ts_and_conflict_of_interest/ >3 years ago >reddit the absolute state of /biz/

1 hours later 28165088 Anonymous
>>28164389 Please go back

1 hours later 28165263 Anonymous
>>28164958 >>28165088 >investing in a scamcoin made by someone who posts important announcments on reddit I'm afraid the redditors are you.

1 hours later 28165308 Anonymous
>>28159138 Bought 15 yesterday ...... undecided whether I should buy more of this or NU

1 hours later 28165351 Anonymous (1403623508185.jpg 311x308 33kB)
>>28164958 Also yes, three fucking years ago. That's how long this shit has been dead.

2 hours later 28166707 Anonymous
Holy fuck can mods just ban litecoin discussions here? There's nothing to talk about. It's a dead shitcoin that nevertheless will increase in price in any bull run. That's all there is to it. Now fuck off

2 hours later 28166918 Anonymous
danny lee can go eat a bowl of baby dicks fuck that guy.

2 hours later 28166982 Anonymous (thatfeeljewangry.jpg 785x1000 258kB)

2 hours later 28167677 Anonymous
>>28166982 Kek. Imagine implying there's anything legit about litecoin. It's a piece of shit and the most boring coin out there. There's literally nothing to say about it. Pajeet scams can fuck off too but it's less clear cut which ones fall into that category.

2 hours later 28167745 Anonymous
>>28159138 Buying LTC under $60 is a fools errand.

2 hours later 28167888 Anonymous

2 hours later 28167915 Anonymous
>>28167677 >opens thread about a coin he doesn't like >gets angry that people are talking about it >whines and cries for mods to stop them Liberal detected

2 hours later 28168003 Anonymous
>>28167888 >>28167915 imagine thinking the jews are trying to stop you from buying litecoin lmao. And i didn't open the thread this is a drive by shitpost.

2 hours later 28168094 Anonymous
>>28166707 Now it's your turn. Show me on the doll where litecoin touched you. Don't be scared. We only want to help you.

2 hours later 28168179 Anonymous (1612414811839.jpg 1125x1177 54kB)
>>28159720 Ah yes the famous mcdc token curve represents bullish futures. Buy MCDC.

2 hours later 28168250 Anonymous (1612843520200.png 1407x575 114kB)
>>28168003 >Jews don't care about LTC

2 hours later 28168377 Anonymous
>>28159138 the only use for LTC was moving crypto in and out of exchanges quickly for low fees. now there's ALGO, which is even faster, even lower fees, and you get 7.33% APY for staking. it's free money at higher rates than worldwide banks. why is LTC even still a thing?

2 hours later 28168547 Anonymous
>>28168377 The reason Litecoin is so good at its job is because it has very high liquidity, and is on every exchange in existence. I don't know what ALGO is and neither does anyone else.

2 hours later 28168718 Anonymous
>>28168377 Fees are near zero on litecoin already. Is there a version of electrum that works with litecoin? I see electrum-ltc at the top of Google and yet third result says "2,399 LTC stolen seconds after Electrum-ltc was installed ..." wtf??

2 hours later 28168856 Anonymous
>>28167677 >There's literally nothing to say about it It’s shipping with Mimblewimble on March 15th, which will for all intents and purposes turn it into a better supported, faster, cheaper Monero.

2 hours later 28168903 Anonymous
>>28159512 Testnet for Bitcoin, Charlee lee testing mimble Wimble fuck you idiots are dumbbbb I have to keep bringing this up in LTC threadssssss dumb assesssssss

2 hours later 28169133 Anonymous
>>28159720 >>28162161 You're so fucking stupid he bought back in he evensaidso recently in an interview and he will pump his fucking bags u see him tweeting his ass off he knows what he's doing then he'll sell

2 hours later 28169175 Anonymous
>>28168718 >I see electrum-ltc at the top of Google and yet third result says "2,399 LTC stolen seconds after Electrum-ltc was installed That was over 2 years ago on a outdated version. Have to download the version or something from the official site and MAKE SURE that it's the right site. I remember there was a problem with downloading the wrong wallet.

2 hours later 28169230 Anonymous
>>28168250 Imagine getting Jewed into buying ETC

2 hours later 28169305 Anonymous
>>28169230 kek

2 hours later 28169396 Anonymous
>>28169230 Can't really defend ETC desu. Maybe it'll jump a bit after ETH 2.0.

2 hours later 28169403 Anonymous (1595625945107.jpg 708x1024 42kB)
>>28159138 Bumping. LTC/BTC correction will be an easy 5x minimum.

2 hours later 28169483 Anonymous
>>28166707 >LTC stacklet Kek, don't kys yourself later this year

2 hours later 28169488 Anonymous
>>28168718 There was an exploit where electrum could connect to malicious nodes, which would then send you a link to a fake update. If you went to the website and downloaded the fake update, then tried to use it, you would lose all your coins.

2 hours later 28169556 Anonymous (Kingly.png 998x1297 485kB)
>>28167888 checked and kek'd

2 hours later 28169604 Anonymous
post your predictions EOW

2 hours later 28169774 Anonymous
>>28169604 $200 if the momentum continues. MWB implementation next month may push over the ATH.

2 hours later 28169781 Anonymous ($MCDC.jpg 1200x1200 63kB)
37million supply locked in uniswap no rugs Future Outcome : 1 MCDC = 1 BigMac Meal $MCDC

6.179 0.133