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2021-02-09 03:58 28155984 Anonymous BSV (bitcoin-sv-price-230x230.png 230x230 4kB)
Where do I even buy this? Is it OK to just buy Robinhood coins even though they can't be taken out?
1 min later 28156065 Anonymous
why do u even want to buy this retard? kek
1 min later 28156086 Anonymous
Don't buy crypto on RH, anon
22 min later 28157526 Anonymous
Kucoin . BitMax
23 min later 28157625 Anonymous (4FFF2AEA-B5CF-48FF-AAAC-B955DAE5A68A.jpg 576x256 32kB)
Coin stat app tells u the markets for coins under one of those tabs for each coin
24 min later 28157654 Anonymous
25 min later 28157747 Anonymous
>RH coins can't be taken out
wow I didn't know that. That app really is for npcs
27 min later 28157844 Anonymous
This is the biggest shitcoin in exist. Don't anon
29 min later 28157995 Anonymous (1593794059870.jpg 1156x1553 1412kB)
ask the silver chads if SLV is a god buy even though you cannot take posession and the IOU´s can be settled in USD....
and to the question where? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencie s/bitcoin-sv/markets/
31 min later 28158157 Anonymous
It’s also not covered under their insurance so if robinhood goes out of business. Any money in crypto is gone forever.
32 min later 28158184 Anonymous
33 min later 28158229 Anonymous
https://coinmarketcap.com/currencie s/bitcoin-sv/markets/
47 min later 28159195 Anonymous
Will try this I suppose, I want to start averaging in to BSV asap
I dont own cryptos or follow it. A friend who has been into this stuff for like a decade told me about BSV
51 min later 28159479 Anonymous
BSV could be the play of the decade if the stars align.
1 hours later 28160110 Anonymous
What makes you say that?
1 hours later 28160144 Anonymous
-99% real BTC pair
completely illiquid actual marketcap is based on algo based on real BTC pair washtrading on exchanges, virtually no one ever deposits and actually buys BSV. pretty sure theres gavin andressen even said if he was satoshi not to listen to him + peak cringe autist if u read the deposition
1 hours later 28160184 Anonymous
Nice larp
1 hours later 28160279 Anonymous
if your friend has been into crpyto for a decade hes literally a retard and youre better off getting your info from bloomberg galaxy, teeka palm beack, messari, delphi digital etc in all serious
t. 2015er who made it from a doge coin fork
1 hours later 28160377 Anonymous
has been in crypto for a decade and isnt a millionaire* hes literally falling for an amway tier MLM scam
teeka palm beack*
1 hours later 28160793 Anonymous
I would never ask how much money he has but he used to mine 50btc blocks on his CPU and bought thousands of ethers when they first went on sale. He told me BSV will be the last real big 100x in crypto basically and that now is the best time to accumulate. I believe him
1 hours later 28160925 Anonymous (BSV TPS.jpg 1280x720 99kB)
Many reasons.
309MB block on BSV Main Net. That's a new world record. Containing 1,178,322 transactions. That;s 1,17 MILLION.
It's also about to get alot faster.
BTC has a 1mb Block size with a max cap of 7 transactions per second.
https://twitter.com/vires_numeris/s tatus/1260319123583664128
Craig Wright has ALOT of BTC that he has never sold and that will one day may find it's way into BSV.
BSV can already do thins that no other coin can do but the Big Blocks are the real big deal.
It allows you to do things like this
George Carlin Video on the BSV Chain - Look how fast it loads
https://media.bitcoinfiles.org/a89c d6b4eb4d9f510a9a7adf21bfd84ee63e4d9 a6e6f1da99e7d82718870a484
Craig Wright is the person who has the biggest number of blockchain patents in the world. FACT.
84% of BSV is shorted at the moment. If the shorts just remove their shorts to buy another crypto. BSV rises 450%.
That is if not one person buys 1 BSV,
1 hours later 28161054 Anonymous
Not true. You can see the transactions in real time here and see what people are actually using it for.
https://bitcoinblocks.live/historic al
1 hours later 28161431 Anonymous
Just went up 22% while I was posting that
1 hours later 28161815 Anonymous
your friend is right
1 hours later 28162139 Anonymous
Too low anon
1 hours later 28162677 Anonymous
Yeah I'm familiar with most of that, I'm not interested as much in the scaling aspect as much as the other stuff it can do like super tiny micro transactions and data ownership type stuff. I need to check out twetch soon
I should have just bought on RH
1 hours later 28162994 Anonymous
In true BSV fashion it will be back under $200 within a couple days
You still have time to accumulate, but not that long
1 hours later 28163067 Anonymous
I send BSV all the time. The instant transactions are sick. 0 confirmations needed.
There is even an exchange that is 0 confirmations with BSV. buys and sells are instantly in and out of YOUR wallet.
BSV is going to change what we think is normal.
https://bin.disroot.org/?204d9b5e9c e3d52c#GTgfUdV4KjXUvYFDzLsLmXUDm5HM 9RCgXtgMZgPZ5yAK
1 hours later 28163089 Anonymous
https://coinmarketcap.com/currencie s/bitcoin-sv/markets/
Get exchange addresses from Coingecko or coinmarketcap
1 hours later 28163328 Anonymous
So here's the real question. How do you know CSW will sell BTC for BSV? Why does the BSV token need a high price for the network to work? It doesn't. What if CSW puts all his money into nchain, miners, side companies, etc. There is no real reason why he needs to pump BSV bagholders. The BSV miners make commissions off of transaction volume. It doesn't matter if each BSV is $5, the revenue miners make processing transactions will be the same.
1 hours later 28163342 Anonymous
You can also buy it direct from the biggest miner if you don't wanna do the whole exchange thing.
They charge around 3%
2 hours later 28163743 Anonymous
>How do you know CSW will sell BTC for BSV?
We don't but Craig Wright is 100% ALL about Bitcoin. I mean he lives and sleeps Bitcoin.
We do know he has never sold his BTC.
>Why does the BSV token need a high price for the network to work? It doesn't.
Correct but use translates to price at some point. It will be more lucrative to mine because of fees than block reward, sometime the middle of this years. Lot's of miners will jump on it. It's a finite resource so more need = higher price.
>What if CSW puts all his money into nchain, miners, side companies, etc
He could. I don't think he will. You need to watch his videos. He is all in 10000% BSV.
>There is no real reason why he needs to pump BSV bagholders.
and he never has. He is 100% against any spectulation in BSV. To the point that he banned his owned sister for speculation talk.
Most people aren't bagholder's I haven't really met many. Most people in BSV are very early Bitcoin adopters from per 2014.
Half their BSV was free. They also don't really care about price, they care about use. Price will follow.
2 hours later 28163798 Anonymous
Also as of today. Craig Wright is the Richest man on earth.
2 hours later 28163926 Anonymous
>Most people in BSV are very early Bitcoin adopters from per 2014.
Can comfirm. I'm 100% in BSV right now, buying more each week too.
2 hours later 28164048 Anonymous
What's your average buy in?
2 hours later 28164185 Anonymous
I spend $200 a week. When BSV first dropped I sold all my BTC, ETH, and BCH for BSV at around $60.
2 hours later 28164720 Anonymous
went all in at ~80 a couple of weeks after bch fork
been sitting on it since, i'm at my limit of investment
2 hours later 28164838 Anonymous
well find out if hes in 7 figures because he is literally a retard if not and what youre saying is true
2 hours later 28164844 Anonymous
I got into crypto in 2017. I bought most of my BSV (BCH back then) at 2k-4k. Sold all my BCH for BSV when BCH was considering a dev tax.
I've gotten rekt everytime and I'm still down while my friends who think CSW is a scammer and held BTC/ETH made 5x what I have.
Feels pretty fkn bad man. I feel like an idiot bagholder while all my friends are becoming millionaires.
2 hours later 28165313 Anonymous
lol, that's what you get for believing craig's lies.
2 hours later 28165794 Anonymous
rough buyin price but i was DCA on bch too for a bit in the latter half of the run
still up
2 hours later 28166066 Anonymous
Once the shorts get destroyed BSV will find its real price and we will get our day in the sun.
2 hours later 28166098 Anonymous (1579200530033.jpg 640x674 103kB)
buy shitcoins on coinbase, and swap shitcoins on sideshift.ai
2 hours later 28166361 Anonymous
good things come in time
2 hours later 28166787 Anonymous
do you have where I can see this? short squeezing is such a meme right now...
3 hours later 28167947 Anonymous (jhgkjhgkjhg.png 640x982 381kB)
This is all I could find, no idea where it came from.
3 hours later 28169092 Anonymous (1601293934860.jpg 849x1034 100kB)
it's the only crypto i own. i have some in cold storage, some ready to sell for the pump, and dry powder ready for more.
3 hours later 28169211 Anonymous
>Where do I even buy this?
You don't. It's a scam.
3 hours later 28169216 Anonymous
Robinhood is okay if you just want to follow the price, but it's much better to hold your own keys just like any other crypto. Bittrex is okay for burgers. Transfer to cold storage until you're ready to sell.
3 hours later 28169373 Anonymous (signal-2021-01-29-223236.jpg 592x781 80kB)
ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.
there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.
3 hours later 28169690 Anonymous
0.785 0.088