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2021-02-09 03:03 28152386 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-210133_Coinbase.jpg 1440x2560 515kB)
Am I gonna make it bros? Trying to turn this into a little more to payfor my mother's funeral, I have no idea what im doing
0 min later 28152460 Anonymous
Lose the BAT
1 min later 28152508 Anonymous
Why did you buy decentraland?
3 min later 28152606 Anonymous
I dont know.
3 min later 28152643 Anonymous
When is your mom’s funeral?
4 min later 28152695 Anonymous
I would swap the BAT for a defi coin like AAVE or POStake like ALGO. Just wait for a dip.
4 min later 28152722 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-210742_Exodus.jpg 1440x2560 877kB)
I'm just buying stuff people are talking about
5 min later 28152732 Anonymous
5 min later 28152773 Anonymous
It was yesterday.
7 min later 28152880 Anonymous (C4A295F8-828A-484F-AC09-4237AD3F8B33.png 750x1334 214kB)
Where best to exchange some btc for long term gains?
8 min later 28152988 Anonymous
Your numbers look very nice
9 min later 28153003 Anonymous (73CF08B6-D070-44A4-A0B8-DE2F43AA881F.png 828x1792 485kB)
I’m a poorfag, I’ll show you my shit and what I plan on doing, I came to this board 6 months ago and made about 500% ROI it’s gonna be 3 pics
12 min later 28153217 Anonymous (DD2B53F1-3AB3-420A-8012-4C3B9180628D.jpg 828x1467 295kB)
Plan to use this and 1.6k$(what’s in my bank and buy more Fantom FTM, if you look at it it’s a solid project. If you see a coin with a blue and white logo(that makes you money)
13 min later 28153356 Anonymous
I don't see that one, I'm stuck using "coin base" because kraken.com hasn't allowed me to join yet
15 min later 28153468 Anonymous (8EB070D3-31E3-40DC-A9BC-A8A915311DAE.png 828x1792 179kB)
There are 3 rules I follow not to get ragged pulled(broke it with rubic because of the nazi memes were to funny and paid the price(1k$)) First if it’s only on uniswap or their own private exchange, it’s probably a scam, if it has .finance it’s probably a scam, and last but not least “if it’s a food token” it’s definitely a scam do not buy
17 min later 28153594 Anonymous
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to look up what some of this means
18 min later 28153637 Anonymous
You can make accounts on various exchange, I personally recommend KuCoin and CoinMetro, I had quite a lot of trouble with Binance, but that’s because I live in the USA. Otherwise you should be using Binance. Not if your from US though
19 min later 28153691 Anonymous
If you have a question you can ask, I’m here for about 5 more mins
20 min later 28153754 Anonymous
Post the memes
20 min later 28153762 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-201657_Coinbase.jpg 1080x2400 449kB)
A year advice for me bros?
21 min later 28153839 Anonymous
I’m sorry anon. Were you close?
21 min later 28153855 Anonymous
22 min later 28153875 Anonymous
It's low cap, I want to get it.
22 min later 28153881 Anonymous (916ADE18-1BD5-4A1E-A0B3-8FE6C10D2AAF.jpg 480x445 26kB)
I didn’t save them on my phone(currently on before bed) here’s an antisemetic one though
23 min later 28153935 Anonymous
I have ALGO, do rewards run out and do they stack when you buy more?
23 min later 28153950 Anonymous (C428EE3C-CE53-4B5C-A302-FEF26EA82A0E.png 709x631 744kB)
23 min later 28153968 Anonymous
what are you in? im 10k in GRT.
anything else I should move my savings into?
23 min later 28153980 Anonymous
I have no idea, I didnt know there were rewards
23 min later 28153982 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-212525.png 1080x1920 132kB)
sorry for your loss Anon I was you 2 weeks ago have like $350 invested plus freebies not bad not great but I'm holding and stacking as I go.
24 min later 28154010 Anonymous
What to use if from us?
25 min later 28154061 Anonymous
Low IQ.
25 min later 28154103 Anonymous
not with that amount of money to invest with no desu
26 min later 28154153 Anonymous
Precciate it bud. What do you mean by freebies?
26 min later 28154154 Anonymous
Personally, Id beef up the GRT a little. I also like 0x this year.
26 min later 28154163 Anonymous
Search FTM I was was keeping q
Unite about it till tax return let me buy more but it has a very high potential for 10x-20x it all depends on what happens in the next 4months(you’ll know if you check white paper)
29 min later 28154325 Anonymous
you should consolidate down to 2 or 3 cheap coins that way if something moon you have more volume more gains I would dump ltc into something else as well as the with unless your transferring to shitcoins on exchanges.
30 min later 28154442 Anonymous (6AF43A90-4FCC-492E-A60E-076DA84D2ABC.jpg 886x950 239kB)
31 min later 28154459 Anonymous
31 min later 28154510 Anonymous
I use KuCoin now, and CoinMetro. What I do though is I ha
Ve coins listed in blockfolio which are shilled on biz and I tried to look for breakouts(may take months) and through blockfolio I can check which exchange it’s sold on. Usually I make a quick account(not verified) send eth, do trade and send traded coin back to coinbase wallet. Other anons may have better overall strategies. I’m just telling you what works for me.
32 min later 28154572 Anonymous
What the fuck are you going to do with that?
33 min later 28154594 Anonymous
Fucking >>28154163
hate phone posting, gnight
33 min later 28154621 Anonymous
My condolences anon. God bless
33 min later 28154622 Anonymous
I dont even know it was called MANA and was cheap
33 min later 28154641 Anonymous
The rubic memes are kinda nice, ngl
34 min later 28154654 Anonymous
you get like $50 on coinbase plus $5 BTC for signing up. Go to home earn rewards, upload you ID pics watch the little vids and you get like $2-10 for each lesson takes like 15 mins.
34 min later 28154678 Anonymous
Thanks Fren.
34 min later 28154702 Anonymous
Take all of that BAT, BNT and MANA, then jam it into ALGO or XTZ. GRT for a good chance at a moon, and XTZ or ALGO for steady long-term gains. This is the chad move.
35 min later 28154732 Anonymous
Keked ok gnight for real
37 min later 28154822 Anonymous
What's your guys impressions with any coins that have APY subtitle next to them?
I use coinbase and binance to buy
37 min later 28154864 Anonymous
also algo is a really killer deal they give you 7.5% apr/daily (6 on coinbase) so you make like .0001 or whatever math lol. you can also convert it over to Dollar coin get a little less and wait for the dips you're buying the tippy-top of everything on CB right now I expect a few dips during the week.
39 min later 28154972 Anonymous
Turn it all into ASKO and gamble
39 min later 28154977 Anonymous
>they give you 7.5% apr/daily
On what you mother fucker.
39 min later 28155005 Anonymous
Ima tell you something and you just need to listen to me:
1/2 BTC 1/2 ETH. Hold through bull run. I promise you, this is the quickest, most secure way for max gains. When BTC hits around $120-$150K, go to stable coin.
40 min later 28155046 Anonymous
sell eos
41 min later 28155090 Anonymous
algo wallet the CB kikes take the other 1.5
41 min later 28155091 Anonymous (1612729307436m.jpg 1024x1024 154kB)
So you get 6% free every day for how much ever you have?
42 min later 28155180 Anonymous (IMG_20210209_024339.jpg 1080x1224 171kB)
haven't been shilled a better short-term play than 1inch. dex aggregator, will fly once gas is no longer a meme. normies will never dex direct again.
>keeps one ear open for alternate plays
42 min later 28155199 Anonymous
I just earned all of the free money from Coinbase. Do you think I should just keep these coins they gave me or convert them to something else?
43 min later 28155236 Anonymous (54d7651a6e268952.png 3609x1738 1102kB)
You see the part of this chart they left out through here,
43 min later 28155238 Anonymous
it's 6% apy compounded daily. so if you have $100 algo it would be $6/365 per day.
44 min later 28155303 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-214645_Exodus.jpg 1440x2560 1159kB)
So the apy means everyday I get that percentage of however many of the coins I have?
44 min later 28155331 Anonymous
convert them to Dollar coins and watch the dips get and algo in the mid 80's you'll make a lil interest while you wait.
46 min later 28155484 Anonymous
Hahahaha, I love this guy. Man I felt that
48 min later 28155559 Anonymous
if algo stays at $1 and you have $27 in you make .006 daily. it's based of dollar amount so ~1.60 per year divided by 365 days
48 min later 28155587 Anonymous (1612541295346.jpg 552x501 15kB)
I signed up and sent my Id and verified got 50 dollars or BC and when I try to do the reward video things it asks me for I'd again? They sent me an email and said I was verified, i dunno
48 min later 28155594 Anonymous
Is it too late for ALGO?
49 min later 28155681 Anonymous
it's fucky I had to reupload my id a few times and kept refreshing took me a few days to get them all
50 min later 28155709 Anonymous
What the fuck? Is this true? I could throw $100 at algo and get 2,000 a year?
52 min later 28155809 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210207-175949.png 1080x2220 95kB)
what should I diversify into?
52 min later 28155822 Anonymous (1611620196496.gif 480x300 510kB)
How did you go about getting the 50 dollars? Thanks for your help
53 min later 28155860 Anonymous
>holds decentraland
>not 0x
53 min later 28155868 Anonymous
nice bait. 6 American Dollars . 016 daily
55 min later 28155996 Anonymous
>start earning/get rewards
>upload id
>do little tutorials
>get free crypto
on coinbase
56 min later 28156098 Anonymous (1611317571015.jpg 680x561 135kB)
At least someone loves my lonely poor ass.
57 min later 28156129 Anonymous
Youre going to end up broke just to make memes on 4chan. dont do it
57 min later 28156194 Anonymous (1612445893282.jpg 700x804 72kB)
Oh so its 50 dollars total from all the videos?
58 min later 28156223 Anonymous
What app is this?
58 min later 28156237 Anonymous
Read that wrong sorry m8. Still not bad, considering all I’m doing is HODLing.
59 min later 28156286 Anonymous
If you are on coinbase you might want to buy some NU.
>market cap $201,319,262
Fairly low for a coinbase coin
>circulating supply 392,750,000
Also low for coinbase. There is a max supply eventually though of 3,885,390,082, so it might be a shorter term investment. It's also a cool project with an interesting white paper. It's also increased in value lately, so there might be a correction. Also, buy on coinbase pro, not regular coinbase, whatever you buy.
1 hours later 28156338 Anonymous
Six dollars a day or a year?
1 hours later 28156350 Anonymous
Hey you're not allowed to give real advice here.
1 hours later 28156376 Anonymous
Smartest thing anyone has ever said on /biz/
1 hours later 28156406 Anonymous
No result on NU.
1 hours later 28156458 Anonymous (1611617535034.jpg 960x807 81kB)
Will my log in info for coinbase work for coinbase pro?
1 hours later 28156467 Anonymous
yeah it's worth it literally free money you can just skip the vids and keep clicking the answers til you get it right lol. they're all shit except the grt.. I think it coumpouns and cells gold and one other one I forget just cash em in for USDC
1 hours later 28156482 Anonymous
Is HBAR a jew google meme coin? I like how the university I went to has something to do with it.
1 hours later 28156518 Anonymous
How do you make the argument for better ETH prices when the coin has no cap and its gas costs are rising?
1 hours later 28156631 Anonymous
Consolidate everything into GRT and then DCA into more GRT. Or you can go 50/50 on BTC/ETH. Those are your safest plays.
1 hours later 28156696 Anonymous (1612835851260s.jpg 250x139 4kB)
What does DCA mean?
1 hours later 28156841 Anonymous
>Will my log in info for coinbase work for coinbase pro?
Yes. Not saying to buy this by the way. Only that it is a coin which is on coinbase which still has room to grow. It was just .2 usd a couple of weeks ago, so it might dip back down a bit. I have made a lot of money on it though. But be cautious.
1 hours later 28156883 Anonymous
probably should just get her cremated bro
1 hours later 28156897 Anonymous
Dollar Cost Average. Basically you just siphon funds in over time regardless of price. It keeps your losses low since they are averaged out over time. It only works if the asset has a long term future though, which I believe GRT does.
1 hours later 28156982 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210209-011556_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x1966 422kB)
I feel so empty
1 hours later 28156993 Anonymous (1612098343704.gif 130x212 468kB)
Does pro have more coins that regular coin base have?
1 hours later 28157080 Anonymous
DCA is when you keep buying in and to keep your prices low if you bought the top try to catch the next dip. Build your stack over time for as cheap as possible.
Dollar cost average
1 hours later 28157116 Anonymous (1612532882782.jpg 620x348 47kB)
We had her service on Sunday and the funeral home are already acting like vultures
1 hours later 28157245 Anonymous
no it just has better charts. you can transfer your holdings to cbpro once your funds have cleared. if you're into charts and TA (technical anylasis) it's better for predicting the coin prices.
1 hours later 28157349 Anonymous
I'm functionally retarded and can't do basic math, I'm gonna lose what I invested honestly
1 hours later 28157362 Anonymous
Also maybe REN
>$792,662,929 market cap
Fairly low for a coinbase coin
>995,363,051 circulating supply
High but fairly low for a coinbase coin, and the max supply is a billion, so not a lot to be dumped still. Compare that to some like GRT or ALGO or XLM which have billions left to be dumped still. Lots of room for growth. These are not get rich quick coins though, so this is not a suggestion to buy.
1 hours later 28157429 Anonymous
At least you're rich hombre
1 hours later 28157566 Anonymous
Thanks for your suggestions, I'm gonna save all of these for further reading
1 hours later 28157667 Anonymous
With that small amounts you’re best just consolidating imo. If one of your holding pumps and you only have $30 worth you will only make like 3-4 profit. Also those tokens are kind of shitty besides graph (and maybe Bancor idk too much about that one).
1 hours later 28157675 Anonymous
No, but the fees are cheaper on trading and banking withdraws and deposits are free.
1 hours later 28157736 Anonymous
just put it all in 1 or 2 coins I suggested 2 earlier and just let it ride don't panic when it dips just forget about it. don't try to swing convert back and forth with such a small stack. just toss in a little more as you go you will make it. I've been trading stocks for a while and it's rare I make a 2x I've already done that a few times and hot some crazy #'s on shit coins that have been shilled here but it requires a little more cash for gas (conversion fees) just get a couple cheap coins and hold it will make you $ eventually
1 hours later 28157810 Anonymous
Get more loopring
1 hours later 28158007 Anonymous
a year you moron
1 hours later 28158032 Anonymous
Graph, API3, straight eth and btc too
1 hours later 28158061 Anonymous
Yeah I was just buying the super cheap stuff, I dunno prolly should have just bought booze to drown my sorrows.
1 hours later 28158146 Anonymous
I kept wondering what the fuck gas meant
1 hours later 28158451 Anonymous
Yeah, good luck. LRC also has a low market cap for a coinbase coin
Most of it's total coins to ever be released are already in the market as well, so not a lot left to be dumped. All of these coinbase coins have recently pumped, so take that into consideration, they might dip. But there is tons of new sign ups flowing into coinbase, and they will go straight for these cheaper coins. So in the long run they will likely go up. Also OXT
>$154,631,934 market cap
This is very low for a coinbase coin
>367,584,352 circulating supply
This is very low for coinbase. Lots of room for growth. Also a very interesting project
>a decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplace for virtual private network (VPN) providers. Orchid users purchase bandwidth with OXT and node providers receive OXT as rewards for supplying bandwidth. Anyone can become a node or bandwidth provider by staking OXT. Nodes are then randomly selected based on the amount of OXT they have staked and by user-selected parameters such as price and location. Orchid gives users control of their privacy by restricting a website from seeing their IP address and physical location. The total supply of OXT tokens is fixed at 1 billion (minus any that may be burned). However, the circulating supply of OXT is difficult to estimate at any given time as tokens are released into the market at frequent intervals but in irregular amounts.
1 hours later 28158556 Anonymous
>100% biz shill coins
youre having fun now but will get btfo if you dont get some normal shit like btc and eth in there
1 hours later 28158591 Anonymous
I know those feels bro, lost a family member recently... but just keep lurking and stacking I learned all this over 2 weeks and feel pretty competent. you won't be a millionaire anytime soon but, just stick with it you can make a little on the side while you stack.
1 hours later 28158682 Anonymous (250.png 556x712 10kB)
so hold or sell?
1 hours later 28158695 Anonymous
Thanks fren.
1 hours later 28158736 Anonymous
all portfolios should be primarily btc, eth, and 1 coin you did DD on and truly believe in. everything else is just fucking around
1 hours later 28159162 Anonymous (redpills.png 534x565 244kB)
You get 7.3 or more back in the algo wallet.
It stacks
1 hours later 28159603 Anonymous
I use the exodus wallet and it says 6.5%
1 hours later 28160093 Anonymous
Fuck you and your sound advice. Buy Rubic
2 hours later 28160524 Anonymous
Why do you display tokens and coins you dont own...?
2 hours later 28160613 Anonymous
I dont know how to remove them
2 hours later 28160704 Anonymous
I should add with regards to this >>28157362
I am not saying these coins, ALGO, GRT, XLM are bad investments, in fact they are all doing well and might out perform the ones I listed. I was just stating the fact that they all have massive amounts of coins left to be dumped, where as the ones I listed have lower market caps, circulating supply, and max supply. And GRT is a jewish operation it should also be noted. algorand is a patrician project.
2 hours later 28160765 Anonymous
with any luck you'll be able to afford an xbox at this cycle's peak
2 hours later 28161025 Anonymous
Itll all be going to the vultures at the funeral home.
2 hours later 28161408 Anonymous
Where do you buy GRT? I can't find it on Binance.
2 hours later 28161449 Anonymous
Nope, too poor. Sorry fren
2 hours later 28161485 Anonymous
2 hours later 28161528 Anonymous
Dont listen to him anon. You'll make it someday
2 hours later 28161791 Anonymous
I hate people with more money than me
2 hours later 28162182 Anonymous
GRT is on coinbase/coinbase pro
2 hours later 28162225 Anonymous
Thats the issue. I look up to them, try to learn from then
2 hours later 28162258 AAAAAA (EtsHY-lVgAAdKq8.png 2048x1056 295kB)
Keep stacking your litecoins, literally just bottomed.
400$ by summer
Drop the loopring and other shitcoins
Get the original algorand wallet, it rewards ~7.3 % APY
2 hours later 28162356 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-220129_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 439kB)
Any tips for a newfag?
2 hours later 28162648 Anonymous
how else are you supposed to buy stinky shitties if not uniswap? Kraken?
2 hours later 28163229 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-234716_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x2960 395kB)
What should I invest in next?
2 hours later 28163330 Anonymous
anybody with BINANCE check out VTHOR
You're welcome
2 hours later 28163734 Anonymous
2 hours later 28163985 Anonymous (zen.jpg 720x900 45kB)
You have to consolidate. You own fucking DOGE but not Bitcoin. Tesla just bought 1.5B take $500 and put it in bitcoin now. Then gamble with shitcoins to increase BTC holdings. Never sell your LINK.
DCA into shitcoins ready to pump then take out your earning and put them into BTC. Consider also trying to get at least 1 ETH.
3 hours later 28164136 Anonymous
no idea what i'm doing, bought some because you said so
3 hours later 28164312 Anonymous
liquidate some into safe coins like btc and eth
3 hours later 28164578 Anonymous
I dont feel based, just poor.
3 hours later 28164761 Anonymous
its times like this that remind me that you assholes are human.
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you make it.
3 hours later 28164771 Anonymous
>oops all shitcoins
how about something normal like btc or eth
5.089 0.164